" Range example " |str substr range| str := 'I like apples and plums.'. Transcript showLine: ('String is : \'', str, '\''). substr := str substringWithRange: (7 <> 5). Transcript showLine: ('Substring at location 7 with length 5 is \'', substr, '\''). range := str rangeOfString: 'tomato'. ((range location) = NSNotFound) ifTrue: [ Transcript showLine: 'Tomato not found' .]. range := str rangeOfString: 'plum'. Transcript showLine: ('Location of \'plum\' is ', ((range location) stringValue), ' and length is ', ((range length) stringValue)). range := ( (range location) <> 5). Transcript showLine: ('Substring with modified range \'', (str substringWithRange:range), '\'').