Unix shell equivalents ---------------------- StepTalk is not meant to be used for tasks that can be done using ordinary Unix shells. But this does not mean, that it cannot be used for such tasks. In this file you may find list of unix commands and tasks and their Smalltalk equivalents. Contents: File Manipulation Output Paths and filenames Network Math Date and Time File manipulation ----------------- > fm := NSFileManager defaultManager ls > (fm directoryContentsAtPath: '.') sortedArrayUsingSelector:#compare: pwd > fm currentDirectoryPath cd path > fm changeCurrentDirectoryPath: 'path' ln -s path other > fm createSymbolicLinkAtPath:'path' pathContent:'other' cp src dest > fm copyPath:'src' toPath:'dest' handler: nil cp file_list dest > file_list do: [ :file | fm copyPath:file toPath:'dest' handler: nil ] mv - as cp, movePath:toPath:handler: ln - as cp, linkPath:toPath:handler: rm - removeFileAtPath:handler: mkdir dir > fm createDirectoryAtPath:'dir' attributes:nil df path > fm fileSystemAttributesAtPath:'path' Output ------ echo 'string' > Transcript show:'string' cat file > Transcript show: (NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:'file') "write a string to a file" > ('string' writeToFile:'file' atomically:YES) "create a string from a fle" > str := NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:'file' Paths and filenames -------------------------------- For more information, refer to the NSString documentation. NSString methods for path manipulation: - fileSystemRepresentation - isAbsolutePath - pathComponents - lastPathComponent - pathExtension - stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath - stringByAppendingPathComponent: - stringByAppendingPathExtension: - stringByDeletingLastPathComponent - stringByDeletingPathExtension - stringByExpandingTildeInPath - stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath - stringByStandardizingPath - stringsByAppendingPaths: Examples: > path := '/usr/GNUstep/System/Applications/Ink.app' > path pathComponents (?) GSArray 0 / 1 usr 2 GNUstep 3 System 4 Applications 5 Ink.app > path lastPathComponent (?) Ink.app > path pathExtension (?) app In Smalltalk there is a symbolic selector '/' for NSString that is equivalent to the 'stringByAppendingPathComponent:'. > path := 'somePath' > filename := 'someFilename' > fullPath := path / filename Network ------- localhost > NSHost currentHost name nslookup host_name > (NSHost hostWithName:'host_name') addresses nslookup host_address > (NSHost hostWithAddress:'host_address') names "download a file from the web" > data := NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:'url' > data writeToFile:'file' atomically:YES "read a file from the web" > string := NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:'url' Math ---- Just like in: > 1 + 1 or in: > a := b * c Date and Time ------------- date > NSDate date ...or... date > NSCalendarDate date For more information read the NSDate and NSCalendarDate documentation NSCalendarDate methods: Creating a date + calendarDate + dateWithString:calendarFormat: + dateWithString:calendarFormat:locale: + dateWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone: Retrieving date elements - dayOfCommonEra - dayOfMonth - dayOfWeek - dayOfYear - hourOfDay - minuteOfHour - monthOfYear - secondOfMinute - yearOfCommonEra Adjusting a date - dateByAddingYears:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds: