2004 Jun 20 Stefan Urbanek * Added a fix to the compiler from Mateu Batle 2004 May 27 Stefan Urbanek * Fixed bug with signed/unsigned bytecode, which made StepTalk to crash if has more than 127 literals in the array. (patch by Mateu Batle) 2003 Sep 28 Stefan Urbanek * NSNumber: fixed -NSNumber to:step:do: - now accepts negative step. (Patch by Alexander Diemand) 2003 Sep 24 Stefan Urbanek * Guard compilation with an autorelease pool 2003 Sep 23 Stefan Urbanek * STBytecodeInterpreter: fixed memory leak (reported by Alexander Diemand) 2003 Aug 5 Stefan Urbanek * STScriptObject renamed to STSmalltalkScriptObject, because of steptalk core change. 2003 May 17 Stefan Urbanek * STSourceReader: treat decimal point followed by whitespace as '.' dot - end of statement. 2003 May 9 Stefan Urbanek * NSString+additions: added 2003 May 4 Stefan Urbanek * SmalltalkEngine: remove exception guard to allow debugging 2003 Apr 29 Stefan Urbanek * STSourceReader: fixed reading of identifiers at the end of source 2003 Apr 21 Stefan Urbanek * Version 0.7.1 2003 Apr 6 Stefan Urbanek * STCompiler: compileString: fixed exception reporting. 2003 Apr 04 David Ayers * GNUmakefile: Added flags to show all warnings except for import. * STBlock.m: Initialzed variables to supress compiler warnings. * STCompiledMethod.m: Added needed import. * STCompiler.m: Added missing declaration. Wrapped declarations only needed for DEBUG into #ifdefs to supress compiler warnings. Initialzed variables to supress compiler warnings. * STExecutionContext.m: Unified name for private categories. 2003 Mar 25 Stefan Urbanek * STSourceReader: added missing [super dealloc] * STCompiledCode: do not retain bytecode data * STCompiler: various memory leak fixes * SmalltalkEngine: guard compilation exception and release the compiler 2003 Mar 23 Stefan Urbanek * STSourceReader: added some end of string checks 2003 Feb 3 Stefan Urbanek * Version 0.7.0 2003 Feb 3 Stefan Urbanek * STSourceReader: fixed reading of a number terminated with '.', we treat it as an integer. Reader was complaining about i := 1.; fixed reading of var:=something. It was terating 'var:' as a selector keyword. 2003 Jan 30 Stefan Urbanek * ChangeLog, STBlock.m, STBytecodes.h, STBytecodes.m, STCompiledMethod.m, STCompiler.h, STCompiler.m, STCompilerUtils.h, STCompilerUtils.m, STExecutionContext.m, STGrammar.m, STGrammar.y, STLiterals.h, STLiterals.m, STMethodContext.h, STSourceReader.h, SmalltalkEngine.m: Cleanup of compiler warnings 2002 Dec 25 Stefan Urbanek * Version 0.6.2 2002 Dec 21 Stefan Urbanek * STSourceReader, STCompiler, STGrammar: Added real number parsing 2002 Sep 15 Stefan Urbanek * Version 0.6.1 2002 Aug 30 Stefan Urbanek * Code cleanup. 2002 Jun 14 Stefan Urbanek * STMethodContext: Raise exception on invalid reference, not on undefined object 2002 Jun 13 Stefan Urbanek * STCompiledMethod: Removed unused methods * STBytecodeInterpreter: rewritten context handling; removed unused methods * STBlockContext: rewritten context handling; cleaned exception handler * STGrammar.y: fixed empty arrays #() * STExecutionContext: removed parent context as it is longer used 2002 Jun 7 Stefan Urbanek * STBytecodeInterpreter: fixed debug-log bug 2002 Jun 6 Stefan Urbanek * STSourceReader: fixed bug in reading number token type and binary selectors beginning with the '-' character. * Moved NSObject-additions to the StepTalk sources 2002 May 29 Stefan Urbanek * STCompiledScript: assign return value on executing single-method script 2002 May 15 Stefan Urbanek * STCompiler, Externs, STGrammar: fixed undefined exceptions (reported by Björn Gohla ) 2002 Mar 17 Stefan Urbanek * STCompiler, STGrammar: changed grammar to be able to have "methods" or "just statements" in source 2002 Feb 14 Stefan Urbanek * STSourceReader: Retain character sets 2002 Feb 5 Stefan Urbanek * STSelector+additions.[hm]: new files * STCompiler: use STSelector class for symbol literals 2002 Feb 3 Stefan Urbanek * STScriptObject: handle special method 'exit' * STBytecodeInterpreter: added code to halt the interpreter and return from all contexts 2002 Jan 31 Stefan Urbanek * STBlock: small speed improvements * STBlockContext: removed evaluateWithArguments:count:, and moved code into STBLock 2002 Jan 23 Stefan Urbanek * NSNumber+additions: moved arithmetic code to the library 2002 Jan 22 Stefan Urbanek * STCompiler: create one more duplicate of stack top when assigning to a variable. 2002 Jan 9 Stefan Urbanek * SmalltalkEngine: implemented executeScript:inEnvironment: 2001 Dec 8 Stefan Urbanek * Fixed temporary variable compilation * Added special handling of nil, YES and NO constants; added corresponding bytecodes 2001 Dec 8 Stefan Urbanek * CahgeLog started