2002-06-06 17:14:05 +00:00
TODO list
2003-03-30 15:33:02 +00:00
1 handle 'connection did die' notification for distant objects in STEnvironment
2 fix class-info lookup for proxies in STEnvironment
3 implement NSRect object
4 write documentation for developers and users
5 Smalltalk: separate compiler and compilation context
7 make GDL2 bundle automatically if GDL2 is present
8 prevent multiple loading of bundles in STEnvironment
9 create a 'Shell' scripting environment
10 Make loading of frameworks easier in STEnvironment, something like
11 Create ApplicationScripting framework, instead of bundle. It should offer
passive application scripting (without linking) and active app. scripting
(linking with the framewotk). Give it some reasonable name, becauase that one
is already used by Apple