)Version: 1.1
Date: 2004/04/26 15:13:27
Copyright: (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
The SQLClient library is designed to provide a simple interface to SQL databases for GNUstep applications. It does not attempt the sort of abstraction provided by the much more sophisticated GDL2 library, but rather allows applications to directly execute SQL queries and statements.
The major features of the SQLClient library are -
Current backend bundles are -
- Declared in:
- SQLClient.h
The SQLClient class encapsulates dynamic SQL access to relational database systems. A shared instance of the class is used for each database (as identified by the name of the database), and the number of simultanous database connections is managed too.
SQLClient is an abstract base class... when you create an instance of it, you are actually creating an instance of a concrete subclass whose implementation is loaded from a bundle.
Identifier within backend
A flag indicating whether this instance is currently connected to the backend database server. This variable must only be set by the -backendConnect or -backendDisconnect methods.
The configured database name/host
The current debugging level
For subclass specific data
A flag indicating whether this instance is currently
within a transaction. This variable must
only be set by the
, -commit
Are we inside a transaction?
Timestamp of last operation.
Maintained by
Maintain thread-safety
Unique identifier for instance
The configured password
The configured user
Returns an array containing all the SQLClient instances.
Return an existing SQLClient instance (using
+existingClient:) if possible, or creates
one, initialises it using
, and returns the new instance (autoreleased).
Returns nil
on failure.
Return an existing SQLClient instance for the
specified name if one exists, otherwise returns
Return the maximum number of simultaneous database connections permitted (set by +setMaxConnections: and defaults to 8)
Use this method to reduce the number of database connections currently active so that it is less than the limit set by the +setMaxConnections: method. This mechanism is used internally by the class to ensure that, when it is about to open a new connection, the limit is not exceeded.
If since is not nil
, then any
connection which has not been used more
recently than that date is disconnected anyway.
You can (and probably should) use this
periodically to purge idle connections, but
you can also pass a date in the future to close all
Set the maximum number of simultaneous database connections permitted (defaults to 8 and may not be set less than 1).
This value is used by the +purgeConnections: method to determine how many connections should be disconnected when it is called.
Start a transaction for this database client.
You must match this with either a
or a -rollback
Normally, if you execute an SQL statement without using this method first, the autocommit feature is employed, and the statement takes effect immediately. Use of this method permits you to execute several statements in sequence, and only have them take effect (as a single operation) when you call the -commit method.
NB. You must not execute an SQL statement which would start a transaction directly... use only this method.
Return the client name for this instance.
Normally this is useful only for
debugging/reporting purposes, but if
you are using multiple instances of this class in your
application, and you are using embedded SQL,
you will need to use this method to fetch the
client/connection name and store its
C-string representation in a variable
'connectionName' declared to the sql
preprocessor, so you can then have statements
of the form - 'exec sql at :connectionName...'.
Complete a transaction for this database client.
This must match an earlier
NB. You must not execute an SQL statement which would commit or rollback a transaction directly... use only this method or the -rollback method.
If the connected instance variable is
, this method calls
to ensure that there is a connection to the database
server established. Returns the result.
Performs any necessary locking for thread safety.
Return a flag to say whether a connection to the database server is currently live. This is mostly useful for debug/reporting, but is used internally to keep track of active connections.
Return the database name for this instance (or
If the connected instance variable is
, this method calls
to ensure that the connection to the database server is
Performs any necessary locking for
thread safety.
Perform arbitrary operation
which does not return any value.
arguments to this method are a nil
terminated list which are concatenated in the
manner of the *
Any string arguments are assumed to
have been quoted appropriately already, but non-string
arguments are automatically quoted using the
[db execute: @"UPDATE ", table, @" SET Name = ", myName, " WHERE ID = ", myId, nil];
Takes the statement and substitutes in
values from the dictionary where markup of
the format {key} is found.
Passes the result to
[db execute: @"UPDATE {Table} SET Name = {Name} WHERE ID = {ID}" with: values];Any non-string values in the dictionary will be replaced by the results of the -quote: method.
passing a nil
reference name.
Initialise using the supplied configuration, or
if that is nil
, try to use values from
NSUserDefaults (and automatically update
when the defaults change).
Uses the
reference name to determine configuration
information... and if a nil
is supplied, defaults to the value of the SQLClientName
as a user default string or 'Database' if no other name
is provided.
If a SQLClient instance already
exists with the name used for this instance, the
receiver is deallocated and the existing instance
is retained and returned... there may only ever be one
instance for a particular reference
The config argument
(or the SQLClientReferences user default) is a
dictionary with names as keys and dictionaries
as its values. Configuration entries from the dictionary
corresponding to the database client are used
if possible, general entries are used otherwise.
Database... is the name of the database to use, if
it is missing then 'Database' may be used instead.
User... is the name of the database user to
use, if it is missing then 'User' may be used instead.
Password... is the name of the database user
password, if it is missing then 'Password' may be
used instead.
ServerType... is the name of the
backend server to be used... by convention the name
of a bundle containing the interface to that backend. If
this is missing then 'Postgres' is used.
Return the state of the flag indicating whether the library thinks a transaction is in progress. This flag is normally maintained by -begin , -commit , and -rollback .
Returns the date/time stamp of the last database
operation performed by the receiver, or
if no operation has ever been done
by it.
Simply connecting to or disconnecting from
the databsse does not count as an operation.
Return the database reference name for this instance
(or nil
Return the database password for this instance (or
Perform arbitrary query which returns values.
This method has at least one argument, the string starting the statement to be executed (which must have the prefix 'select ').
Additional arguments are a nil
terminated list which also be strings, and
these are appended to the statement.
string arguments are assumed to have been quoted
appropriately already, but non-string
arguments are automatically quoted using the
result = [db query: @"SELECT Name FROM ", table, nil];
Upon error, an exception is raised.
The query returns an array of records (each of which is represented by an SQLRecord object).
Each SQLRecord object contains one or more fields, in the order in which they occurred in the query. Fields may also be retrieved by name.
NULL field items are returned as NSNull objects.
Most other field items are returned as NSString objects.
Date and timestamp field items are returned as NSDate objects.
Takes the query statement and substitutes in
values from the dictionary where markup of
the format {key} is found.
Passes the result to
method to execute.
result = [db query: @"SELECT Name FROM {Table} WHERE ID = {ID}" with: values];Any non-string values in the dictionary will be replaced by the results of the -quote: method.
Convert an object to a string suitable for use in
an SQL query.
Normally the
, and
methods will call this method automatically for
everything apart from string objects.
Strings have to be handled specially, because they
are used both for parts of the SQL command, and as
values (where they need to be quoted). So where you
need to pass a string value which needs quoting, you
must call this method explicitly.
may override this method to provide appropriate quoting
for types of object which need database backend
specific quoting conventions. However, the defalt
implementation should be OK for most cases.
The base class implementation formats NSDate
objects as
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm ?ZZZZ
NSData objects are not quoted... they must
not appear in queries, and where used for insert/update
operations, they need to be passed to the
method unchanged.
For a nil
NSNull object, we return NULL.
For a number,
we simply convert directly to a string.
For a
date, we convert to the text format used by the
database, and add leading and trailing quotes.
For a data object, we don't quote... the
other parts of the code need to know they have an
NSData object and pass it on unchanged to the
For any other type of data, we just
produce a quoted string representation.
Convert a 'C' string to a string suitable for use in an SQL query.
Convert a single character to a string suitable for use in an SQL query.
Convert a float to a string suitable for use in an SQL query.
Convert an integer to a string suitable for use in an SQL query.
Revert a transaction for this database client.
This must match an earlier
NB. You must not execute an SQL statement which would commit or rollback a transaction directly... use only this method or the -rollback method.
Set the database host/name for this object.
is called automatically to configure the connection...
you normally shouldn't need to call it yourself.
Set the database reference name for this object. This
is used to differentiate between multiple connections to
the database.
This is called automatically to
configure the connection... you normally
shouldn't need to call it yourself.
attempts to change the name of an instance to that
of an existing instance are ignored.
Set the database password for this object.
is called automatically to configure the connection...
you normally shouldn't need to call it yourself.
Set the database user for this object.
This is
called automatically to configure the connection...
you normally shouldn't need to call it yourself.
in a safe manner.
Handles locking.
in a safe manner.
Handles locking.
Return the database user for this instance (or
- Declared in:
- SQLClient.h
An enhanced array to represent a record returned from a query. You should NOT try to create instances of this class except via the +newWithValues:keys:count: method.
Description forthcoming.
Description forthcoming.
Returns an array containing the names of all the fields in the record, in the order in which they occur in the record.
Returns the first field in the record whose name matches the specified key. Uses an exact match in preference to a case-insensitive match.
- Declared in:
- SQLClient.h
This category contains convenience methods including those for frequently performed database operations... message logging etc.
Method summaryExecutes a query (like the -query:,... method) and checks the result (raising an exception if the query did not contain a single record) and returns the resulting record.
Executes a query (like the
method) and checks the result.
Raises an
exception if the query did not contain a single
record, or if the record did not contain a single
Returns the resulting field as a
Convenience method to deal with the results of a query where each record contains a single field... it converts the array of records returned by the query to an array containing the fields.
- Declared in:
- SQLClient.h
This category porovides basic methods for logging debug information.
Method summaryReturn the class-wide debugging level, which is inherited by all newly created minstances.
Set the debugging level to be inherited by all new instances.
The default implementation calls NSLogv to log a debug
Override this in a category to
provide more sophisticated logging.
Return the current debugging level.
Set the debugging level of this instance... overrides the default level inherited from the class.
- Declared in:
- SQLClient.h
This category contains the methods which a subclass
must override to provide a working instance,
and helper methods for the backend implementations.
Application programmers should not
call the backend methods directly.
When subclassing to produce a backend driver bundle, please be aware that the subclass must NOT introduce additional instance variables. Instead the extra instance variable is provided for use as a pointer to subclass specific data.
Method summary
Attempts to establish a connection to the database
Returns a flag to indicate whether
the connection has been established.
If a
connection was already established, returns
and does nothing.
You should
not need to use this method normally, as it is called
for you automatically when necessary.
Subclasses must implement this method to establish a connection to the database server process (and initialise the extra instance variable if necessary), setting the connected instance variable to indicate the state of the object.
This method must call +purgeConnections: to ensure that there is a free slot for the new connection.
Application code must not call this
method directly, it is for internal use only. The
method calls this method if the connected
instance variable is NO
Disconnect from the database unless already
This method is called automatically when the receiver is deallocated or reconfigured, and may also be called automatically when there are too many database connections active.
If the receiver is an instance of a subclass which uses the extra instance variable, it must clear that variable in the -backendDisconnect method, because a reconfiguration may cause the class of the receiver to change.
This method must set the connected instance
variable to NO
Application code must not call this
method directly, it is for internal use only. The
method calls this method if the connected
instance variable is YES
Perform arbitrary operation
which does not return any value.
method has a single argument, an array containing
the string representing the statement to be executed as
its first object, and an optional sequence of data
objects following it.
[db backendExecute: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"UPDATE MyTable SET Name = 'The name' WHERE ID = 123"]];
The backend implementation is required to perform the
SQL statement using the supplied NSData objects at
the points in the statement marked by the
sequence. The marker saequences
are inserted into the statement at an earlier stage
by the
This method should lock the instance using the lock instance variable for the duration of the operation, and unlock it afterwards.
NB. callers (other than the -begin , -commit , and -rollback methods) should not pass any statement to this method which would cause a transaction to begin or end.
Application code must not call this method directly, it is for internal use only.
Perform arbitrary query which returns values.
result = [db backendQuery: @"SELECT Name FROM Table"];
Upon error, an exception is raised.
The query returns an array of records (each of which is represented by an SQLRecord object).
Each SQLRecord object contains one or more fields, in the order in which they occurred in the query. Fields may also be retrieved by name.
NULL field items are returned as NSNull objects.
This method should lock the instance using the lock instance variable for the duration of the operation, and unlock it afterwards.
Application code must not call this method directly, it is for internal use only.
This method is only for the use of the
Subclasses which need to insert binary data into a statement must implement this method to copy the escaped data into place and return the number of bytes actually copied.
This method is a convenience method provided for subclasses which need to insert escaped binary data into an SQL statement before sending the statement to a backend server process. This method makes use of the -copyEscapedBLOB:into: and -lengthOfEscapedBLOB: methods, which must be implemented by the subclass.
The blobs array is an array containing the original SQL statement string (unused by this method) followed by the data items to be inserted.
The statement and sLength arguments specify the datastream to be copied and into which the BLOBs are to be inserted.
The marker and mLength arguments specify the sequence of marker bytes in the statement which indicate a position for insertion of a n escaped BLOB.
The method returns either the original statement or a copy containing the escaped BLOBs. The length of the returned data is stored in result.
This method is only for the use of the
Subclasses which need to insert binary data into a statement must implement this method to return the length of the escaped bytestream which will be inserted.
Exception for when a connection to the server is lost.
Exception for when a query is supposed to return data and doesn't.
Exception raised when an error with the remote database server occurs.
Exception for when an insert/update would break the uniqueness of a field or index.