/* -*-objc-*- */ /** Implementation of SQLClientOracle for GNUStep Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Richard Frith-Macdonald Written by: Nicola Pero Date: April 2004 This file is part of the SQLClient Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA. $Date$ $Revision$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SQLClient.h" /* * Example configuration for an Oracle database: * * oracle-test = { * ServerType = "Oracle" * SQLDatabase = "nicola"; * SQLPassword = "mbrand"; * SQLUser = "mbrand"; * }; * * Where SQLDatabase is the Unique database Identifier. * */ @interface SQLClientOracle : SQLClient @end @interface SQLClientOracle(Embedded) - (const char *) blobFromData: (NSData*)data; - (NSData *) dataFromBlob: (const char *)blob; - (BOOL) dbFromDate: (NSDate*)d toBuffer: (char*)b length: (int)l; - (BOOL) dbFromString: (NSString*)s toBuffer: (char*)b length: (int)l; - (NSDate*) dbToDateFromBuffer: (char*)b length: (int)l; - (NSString*) dbToStringFromBuffer: (char*)b length: (int)l; @end EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO SQLClientOracleErrorHandler(); /** * Return YES of the last SQL error indicated we are out of data, * NO otherwise. */ BOOL SQLClientOracleOutOfData() { if (sqlca.sqlcode == 100) { return YES; } else { return NO; } } /** * This error handler is called for most errors ... so we can get it to * raise an exception for us. */ void SQLClientOracleErrorHandler() { int code = sqlca.sqlcode; const char *ptr = sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc; const char *e0 = "'no connection to the server'"; const char *e1 = "Error in transaction processing"; sqlca.sqlcode = 0; // Reset error code NSLog (@"(Oracle) Raising an exception, %ld, %s", code, sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc); if (strncmp(ptr, e0, strlen(e0)) == 0 || strncmp(ptr, e1, strlen(e1)) == 0) { [NSException raise: SQLConnectionException format: @"(Oracle) SQL Error: SQLCODE=(%ld): %s", code, ptr]; } else { [NSException raise: SQLException format: @"(Oracle) SQL Error: SQLCODE=(%ld): %s", code, ptr]; } } @implementation SQLClientOracle - (BOOL) backendConnect { if (connected == NO) { if ([self database] != nil && [self user] != nil && [self password] != nil) { Class c = NSClassFromString(@"CmdClient"); [[self class] purgeConnections: nil]; NS_DURING { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; const char *database_c; const char *user_c; const char *password_c; const char *client_c; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; /* Database is the Oracle Net identifier for the database. */ database_c = [[self database] UTF8String]; /* User and password are used to connect to the database. */ user_c = [[self user] UTF8String]; password_c = [[self password] UTF8String]; /* Client is only used to give this connection a name * and distinguish it from other connections. */ client_c = [[self clientName] UTF8String]; if (c != 0) { [self debug: @"(Oracle) Connect to database %s user %s as %s", database_c, user_c, client_c]; } EXEC SQL CONNECT :user_c IDENTIFIED BY :password_c AT :client_c USING :database_c; if (c != 0) { [self debug: @"(Oracle) Connected (%s)", client_c]; } connected = YES; } NS_HANDLER { [self error: @"(Oracle) Error connecting to database: %@", localException]; } NS_ENDHANDLER } else { [self error: @"(Oracle) Connect with no user/password/database configured"]; } } return connected; } - (void) backendDisconnect { if (connected == YES) { NS_DURING { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; const char *client_c; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; if ([self isInTransaction] == YES) { [self rollback]; } client_c = [[self clientName] UTF8String]; [self debug: @"(Oracle) Disconnecting client %@", [self clientName]]; /* To disconnect from the database, we issuse a COMMIT * statement with the RELEASE option. The RELEASE option * causes it to disconnect after the COMMIT. */ EXEC SQL AT :client_c COMMIT WORK RELEASE; [self debug: @"(Oracle) Disconnected client %@", [self clientName]]; } NS_HANDLER { [self error: @"(Oracle) Error disconnecting from database (%@): %@", [self clientName], localException]; } NS_ENDHANDLER connected = NO; } } - (NSInteger) backendExecute: (NSArray*)info { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char *statement; char *handle; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; CREATE_AUTORELEASE_POOL(arp); NSString *stmt = [info objectAtIndex: 0]; unsigned int length; BOOL manuallyAutoCommit = NO; length = [stmt length]; if (length == 0) { [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"(Oracle) Statement produced null string"]; } statement = (char*)[stmt UTF8String]; handle = (char*)[[self clientName] UTF8String]; /* * Ensure we have a working connection. */ if ([self connect] == NO) { [NSException raise: SQLException format: @"(Oracle) Unable to connect to database"]; } NS_DURING { if ([self isInTransaction] == NO) { manuallyAutoCommit = YES; } EXEC SQL AT :handle PREPARE command FROM :statement; EXEC SQL AT :handle EXECUTE command; if (manuallyAutoCommit) { EXEC SQL AT :handle COMMIT; } } NS_HANDLER { NSString *n = [localException name]; NSString *msg = [localException reason]; if (manuallyAutoCommit) { EXEC SQL AT :handle ROLLBACK; } if ([n isEqual: SQLConnectionException] == YES) { [self disconnect]; } /* * remove line number information from database exception message * since it's meaningless to the developer as it's the line number * in this file rather than the code which is calling us. */ if ([n isEqual: SQLException] == YES || [n isEqual: SQLConnectionException] == YES) { NSRange r; r = [msg rangeOfString: @" in line " options: NSBackwardsSearch]; if (r.length > 0) { msg = [msg substringToIndex: r.location]; localException = [NSException exceptionWithName: n reason: msg userInfo: nil]; } } [self error: @"(Oracle) Error executing statement:\n%@\n%@", stmt, localException]; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER DESTROY(arp); return -1; } static unsigned int trim(char *str) { char *start = str; while (isspace(*str)) { str++; } if (str != start) { strcpy(start, str); } str = start; while (*str != '\0') { str++; } while (str > start && isspace(str[-1])) { *--str = '\0'; } return (str - start); } - (NSMutableArray*) backendQuery: (NSString*)stmt recordClass: (Class)rClass { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int count; int index; short int indicator; int type; int length; int octetLength; short int returnedOctetLength; char fieldName[120]; char *aString; /* This holds a string representation of numbers returned by Oracle. * 128 seems a safe bound - else they'll be truncated. */ char aNumber[128]; char *query; char *handle; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; CREATE_AUTORELEASE_POOL(arp); NSMutableArray *records; BOOL isOpen = NO; BOOL wasInTransaction = [self isInTransaction]; BOOL allocatedDescriptor = NO; length = [stmt length]; if (length == 0) { [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"(Oracle) Statement produced null string"]; } handle = (char*)[[self clientName] UTF8String]; query = (char*)[stmt UTF8String]; records = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 32]; /* * Ensure we have a working connection. */ if ([self connect] == NO) { [NSException raise: SQLException format: @"(Oracle) Unable to connect to database"]; } NS_DURING { /* This is really the output descriptor. We do not use input * descriptors; all the input is in the SQL statement. */ EXEC SQL ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc'; allocatedDescriptor = YES; EXEC SQL AT :handle PREPARE myQuery from :query; if ([self isInTransaction] == NO) { /* EXEC SQL AT :handle BEGIN; */ _inTransaction = YES; } EXEC SQL AT :handle DECLARE myCursor CURSOR FOR myQuery; EXEC SQL AT :handle OPEN myCursor; isOpen = YES; EXEC SQL AT :handle DESCRIBE OUTPUT myQuery USING DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc'; EXEC SQL GET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' :count = COUNT; if (count > 0) { /* Now we do what the Oracle examples do, which is we forcefully * require to the library to convert everything into types * chosen by us (mostly strings). The reason we do it is that * managing the 'internal' Oracle datatypes is a daunting task * (for example numbers are returned in a 22 byte representation * used internally by Oracle ...) and apparently it's now how * they expect you to use it - they provide no examples or * explanations of how to do it btw! They expect you to choose * which 'external' Oracle representation you want, by using SET * DESCRIPTOR as we do here, and then FETCH comfortably data * which is returned in the representation you chose. So we do * that way. */ int originalType[count]; for (index = 1; index <= count; index++) { EXEC SQL GET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index :length = LENGTH, :octetLength = OCTET_LENGTH, :type = TYPE; /* Save the original type so that we know later what's * inside each returned value. */ originalType[index - 1] = type; switch (type) { /* Negative values of 'type' are used for Oracle * proprietary extensions; positive values for ANSI * types. */ /* We get character types as they are. */ case 1 /* CHARACTER */: case 12 /* CHARACTER_VARYING */: case -1 /* Oracle VARCHAR2 */: type = -1; /* Oracle VARCHAR2 */ EXEC SQL SET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index TYPE = :type; break; /* We get a string representation (128 bytes long) * of any number. */ case 2 /* NUMERIC */: case 3 /* DECIMAL */: case 4 /* INTEGER */: case 5 /* SMALLINT*/: case 6 /* FLOAT */: case 7 /* REAL */: case 8 /* DOUBLE_PRECISION */: type = 12; /* ANSI CHARACTER_VARYING */ octetLength = 128; EXEC SQL SET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index LENGTH = :octetLength, TYPE = :type; break; } } while (1) { SQLRecord *record; id keys[count]; id values[count]; EXEC SQL AT :handle FETCH myCursor INTO SQL DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc'; if (sqlca.sqlcode) { break; } for (index = 1; index <= count; ++index) { id v; EXEC SQL GET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index :indicator = INDICATOR, :length = LENGTH, :fieldName = NAME, :octetLength = OCTET_LENGTH, :returnedOctetLength = RETURNED_OCTET_LENGTH, :type = TYPE; if (indicator == -1) { v = [NSNull null]; } else { switch (originalType[index - 1]) { case 3 /* DECIMAL */: case 4 /* INTEGER */: case 5 /* SMALLINT*/: { int aInt; EXEC SQL GET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index :aNumber = DATA; aInt = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String: aNumber] intValue]; v = [NSNumber numberWithInt: aInt]; break; } case 2 /* NUMERIC */: case 6 /* FLOAT */: case 7 /* REAL */: case 8 /* DOUBLE_PRECISION */: { float aFloat; EXEC SQL GET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index :aNumber = DATA; aFloat = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String: aNumber] floatValue]; v = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: aFloat]; break; } case 1 /* CHARACTER */: case 12 /* CHARACTER_VARYING */: case -1 /* Oracle VARCHAR2 */: /* For unclear reasons, returnedOctetLength is always 0. */ /* This code (patchy and experimentally * determined) really works if the database * field contains something like UTF-8, * returned as UTF-8 (such as for CHAR(20) * fields). If UNICODE stuff is returned, * then it's not the right way. We might * need to make a different depending on the * originalField type. */ /* Add 1 byte to \0-pad the string. */ aString = malloc (octetLength + 1); if (aString == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"OutOfMemoryException" format: @"(Oracle) could not malloc %d bytes", octetLength]; } EXEC SQL GET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index :aString = DATA; /* \0-pad the string. */ aString[octetLength] = '\0'; if (YES == _shouldTrim) { trim (aString); } v = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: aString]; free(aString); break; /* TODO: DATES */ /* TODO TODO case BLOB: EXEC SQL GET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index :aString = DATA; v = [self dataFromBlob: aString]; free(aString); break; */ default: aString = malloc (octetLength + 1); if (aString == NULL) { [NSException raise: @"OutOfMemoryException" format: @"(Oracle) could not malloc %d bytes", octetLength]; } EXEC SQL GET DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc' VALUE :index :aString = DATA; aString[octetLength] = '\0'; if (YES == _shouldTrim) { trim (aString); } v = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: aString]; free (aString); NSLog(@"(Oracle) Unknown data type (%d) for '%s': '%@'", type, fieldName, v); break; } } values[index - 1] = v; keys[index - 1] = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: fieldName]; } record = [rClass newWithValues: values keys: keys count: count]; [records addObject: record]; RELEASE(record); } } isOpen = NO; EXEC SQL AT :handle CLOSE myCursor; if (wasInTransaction == NO && [self isInTransaction] == YES) { EXEC SQL AT :handle COMMIT; _inTransaction = NO; } EXEC SQL DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc'; allocatedDescriptor = NO; } NS_HANDLER { NSString *n = [localException name]; NSString *msg = [localException reason]; DESTROY(records); NS_DURING { if (isOpen == YES) { EXEC SQL AT :handle CLOSE myCursor; } if (wasInTransaction == NO && [self isInTransaction] == YES) { EXEC SQL AT :handle ROLLBACK; _inTransaction = NO; } } NS_HANDLER { NSString *e = [localException name]; if (wasInTransaction == NO && [self isInTransaction] == YES) { _inTransaction = NO; } if ([e isEqual: SQLConnectionException] == YES) { [self disconnect]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER NS_DURING { if (allocatedDescriptor) { EXEC SQL DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR 'myDesc'; allocatedDescriptor = NO; } } NS_HANDLER { NSLog (@"Can't deallocate descriptor ... serious problem."); } NS_ENDHANDLER if ([n isEqual: SQLConnectionException] == YES) { _inTransaction = NO; [self disconnect]; } /* * remove line number information from database exception message * since it's meaningless to the developer as it's the line number * in this file rather than the code which is calling us. */ if ([n isEqual: SQLException] == YES || [n isEqual: SQLConnectionException] == YES) { NSRange r; r = [msg rangeOfString: @" in line " options: NSBackwardsSearch]; if (r.length > 0) { msg = [msg substringToIndex: r.location]; localException = [NSException exceptionWithName: n reason: msg userInfo: nil]; } } RETAIN(localException); RELEASE(arp); AUTORELEASE(localException); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER DESTROY(arp); return AUTORELEASE(records); } /** * Convert NSData object with raw binary data into escaped sequence */ - (const char *) blobFromData: (NSData*)data { NSMutableData *md; unsigned sLen = [data length]; unsigned char *src = (unsigned char*)[data bytes]; unsigned dLen = 0; unsigned char *dst; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < sLen; i++) { unsigned char c = src[i]; if (c < 32 || c > 126) { dLen += 4; } else if (c == 92) { dLen += 2; } else { dLen += 1; } } md = [NSMutableData dataWithLength: dLen + 1]; dst = (unsigned char*)[md mutableBytes]; dLen = 0; for (i = 0; i < sLen; i++) { unsigned char c = src[i]; if (c < 32 || c > 126) { dst[dLen] = '\\'; dst[dLen + 3] = (c & 7) + '0'; c >>= 3; dst[dLen + 2] = (c & 7) + '0'; c >>= 3; dst[dLen + 1] = (c & 7) + '0'; dLen += 4; } else if (c == 92) { dst[dLen++] = '\\'; dst[dLen++] = '\\'; } else { dst[dLen++] = c; } } dst[dLen] = '\0'; return dst; // Owned by autoreleased NSMutableData } /** * Convert escaped sequence to raw binary data in NSData object */ - (NSData *) dataFromBlob: (const char *)blob { NSMutableData *md; unsigned sLen = strlen(blob == 0 ? "" : blob); unsigned dLen = 0; unsigned char *dst; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < sLen; i++) { unsigned c = blob[i]; dLen++; if (c == '\\') { c = blob[++i]; if (c != '\\') { i += 2; // Skip 2 digits octal } } } md = [NSMutableData dataWithLength: dLen]; dst = (unsigned char*)[md mutableBytes]; dLen = 0; for (i = 0; i < sLen; i++) { unsigned c = blob[i]; if (c == '\\') { c = blob[++i]; if (c != '\\') { c = c - '0'; c <<= 3; c += blob[++i] - '0'; c <<= 3; c += blob[++i] - '0'; } } dst[dLen++] = c; } return md; } /** * Convert an NSdate into a buffer for sending to the database. * Return YES if the conversion fitted, NO if it was truncated. * The value of l is expected to be one less than the size of the buffer. * A nul character is appended to the bytes in the buffer. */ - (BOOL) dbFromDate: (NSDate*)d toBuffer: (char*)b length: (int)l { NSString *s; s = [d descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" timeZone: nil locale: nil]; return [self dbFromString: s toBuffer: b length: l]; } /** * Convert an NSString into a buffer for sending to the database.
* Return YES if the conversion fitted, NO if it was truncated.
* If s is nil, it is treated as an empty string.
* The value of l is expected to be one less than the size of the buffer * and must be at least 1.
* The pointer b must not be null.
* A nul character is appended to the bytes in the buffer.
* Raises an exception when passed invalid arguments. */ - (BOOL) dbFromString: (NSString*)s toBuffer: (char*)b length: (int)l { NSData *d; BOOL ok = YES; unsigned size = l; if (l <= 0) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"(Oracle) -%@: length too small (%d)", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), l]; } if (b == 0) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"(Oracle) -%@: buffer is null", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } if (s == nil) { s = @""; } d = [s dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; if (l < (int)[d length]) { /* * As the data is UTF8, we need to avoid truncating in the * middle of a multibyte character, so we shorten the * original string and reconvert to UTF8 until we find a * string that fits. */ if ((int)[s length] > l) { s = [s substringToIndex: l]; d = [s dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } while ((int)[d length] > l) { s = [s substringToIndex: [s length] - 1]; d = [s dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } ok = NO; } size = [d length]; memcpy(b, (const char*)[d bytes], size); /* * Pad with nuls and ensure there is a nul terminator. */ while ((int)size <= l) { b[size++] = '\0'; } return ok; } /** * Convert from a database character buffer to an NSDate. */ - (NSDate*) dbToDateFromBuffer: (char*)b length: (int)l { char buf[l+32]; /* Allow space to expend buffer. */ NSString *s; int i; memcpy(buf, b, l); b = buf; /* * Find end of string. */ for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (b[i] == '\0') { l = i; break; } } while (l > 0 && isspace(b[l-1])) { l--; } b[l] = '\0'; if (l == 10) { s = [self dbToStringFromBuffer: b length: l]; return [NSCalendarDate dateWithString: s calendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d" locale: nil]; } else { i = l; while (i-- > 0) { if (b[i] == '+' || b[i] == '-') { break; } if (b[i] == ':' || b[i] == ' ') { i = 0; break; /* No time zone found */ } } if (i > 0) { int e = i; if (isdigit(b[i-1])) { /* * Make space between seconds and timezone. */ memmove(&b[i+1], &b[i], l - i); b[i++] = ' '; b[++l] = '\0'; } if (isdigit(b[i+1]) && isdigit(b[i+2])) { if (b[i+3] == '\0') { // Two digit time zone b[l++] = '0'; b[l++] = '0'; b[l] = '\0'; } else if (b[i+3] == ':') { // Zone with colon before minutes b[i+3] = b[i+4]; b[i+5] = b[i+5]; b[--l] = '\0'; } } /* FIXME ... horrible kludge for postgres returning timestamps with fractional second information. */ while (i-- > 0) { if (b[i] == '.') { break; } } if (i > 0) { memmove(&b[i], &b[e], l - e); l -= (e - i); b[l] = '\0'; } } else if (l == 19) { /* A date and time without a timezone ... assume gmt */ strcat(b, " +0000"); l += 6; } /* If it's a simple date (YYYY-MM-DD) append time for start of day. */ if (l == 10) { strcat(b, " 00:00:00 +0000"); l += 15; } if (l == 0) { return nil; } s = [self dbToStringFromBuffer: b length: l]; return [NSCalendarDate dateWithString: s calendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" locale: nil]; } } /** * Convert from a database character buffer to an NSString. */ - (NSString*) dbToStringFromBuffer: (char*)b length: (int)l { NSData *d; NSString *s; /* * Database fields are padded to the full field size with spaces or nuls ... * we need to remove that padding before placing in a string. */ while (l > 0 && b[l-1] <= ' ') { l--; } d = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes: b length: l]; s = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: d encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; RELEASE(d); return AUTORELEASE(s); } @end