diff --git a/SQLClient.h b/SQLClient.h
index 2a8bf6f..93b3698 100644
--- a/SQLClient.h
+++ b/SQLClient.h
@@ -1238,7 +1238,11 @@ SQLCLIENT_PRIVATE
* The default implementation calls NSLogv to log a debug message.
- * Override this in a category to provide more sophisticated logging.
+ * Override this in a category to provide more sophisticated logging.
+ * Do NOT override with code which can be slow or which calls (directly
+ * or indirectly) any SQLCLient methods, since this method will be used
+ * inside locked regions of the SQLClient code and you could cause
+ * deadlocks or long delays to other threads using the class.
- (void) debug: (NSString*)fmt, ...;
diff --git a/SQLClient.m b/SQLClient.m
index e0cd0e9..cc57e56 100644
--- a/SQLClient.m
+++ b/SQLClient.m
@@ -1403,7 +1403,7 @@ static unsigned int maxConnections = 8;
[clientsMapLock lock];
existing = (SQLClient*)NSMapGet(clientsMap, reference);
- if (existing == nil)
+ if (nil == existing)
lock = [NSRecursiveLock new]; // Ensure thread-safety.
[self setDebugging: [[self class] debugging]];
@@ -2194,142 +2194,154 @@ static unsigned int maxConnections = 8;
- (void) _configure: (NSNotification*)n
- NSDictionary *o = [n object];
+ NSDictionary *o;
NSDictionary *d;
NSString *s;
Class c;
- /*
- * get dictionary containing config info for this client by name.
- */
- d = [o objectForKey: @"SQLClientReferences"];
- if ([d isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
+ [lock lock];
- [self debug: @"Unable to find SQLClientReferences config dictionary"];
- d = nil;
- }
- d = [d objectForKey: _name];
- if ([d isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
- {
- [self debug: @"Unable to find config for client '%@'", _name];
- d = nil;
- }
+ o = [n object];
+ /*
+ * get dictionary containing config info for this client by name.
+ */
+ d = [o objectForKey: @"SQLClientReferences"];
+ if ([d isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
+ {
+ [self debug: @"Unable to find SQLClientReferences config dictionary"];
+ d = nil;
+ }
+ d = [d objectForKey: _name];
+ if ([d isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
+ {
+ [self debug: @"Unable to find config for client '%@'", _name];
+ d = nil;
+ }
- s = [d objectForKey: @"ServerType"];
- if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
- {
- s = @"Postgres";
- }
+ s = [d objectForKey: @"ServerType"];
+ if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
+ {
+ s = @"Postgres";
+ }
- c = NSClassFromString([@"SQLClient" stringByAppendingString: s]);
- if (c == nil)
- {
- NSString *path;
- NSBundle *bundle;
- NSArray *paths;
- NSMutableArray *tried;
- unsigned count;
- paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSLibraryDirectory,
- NSAllDomainsMask, YES);
- count = [paths count];
- tried = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: count];
- while (count-- > 0)
- {
- path = [paths objectAtIndex: count];
- path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Bundles"];
- path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"SQLClient"];
- path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent: s];
- path = [path stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"bundle"];
- bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath: path];
- if (bundle != nil)
- {
- [tried addObject: path];
- if ((c = [bundle principalClass]) != nil)
- {
- break; // Found it.
- }
- }
- /* Try alternative version with more libraries linked in.
- * In some systems and situations the dynamic linker needs
- * to haved the SQLClient, gnustep-base, and objc libraries
- * explicitly linked into the bundle, but in others it
- * requires them to not be linked. To handle that, we create
- * two versions of each bundle, the seond version has _libs
- * appended to the bundle name, and has the extra libraries linked.
- */
- path = [path stringByDeletingPathExtension];
- path = [path stringByAppendingString: @"_libs"];
- path = [path stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"bundle"];
- bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath: path];
- if (bundle != nil)
- {
- [tried addObject: path];
- if ((c = [bundle principalClass]) != nil)
- {
- break; // Found it.
- }
- }
- }
+ c = NSClassFromString([@"SQLClient" stringByAppendingString: s]);
if (c == nil)
- {
- if ([tried count] == 0)
- {
- [self debug: @"unable to load bundle for '%@' server type"
- @" ... failed to locate bundle in %@", s, paths];
- }
- else
- {
- [self debug: @"unable to load backend class for '%@' server type"
- @" ... dynamic library load failed in %@", s, tried];
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- if (c != [self class])
- {
- [self disconnect];
+ {
+ NSString *path;
+ NSBundle *bundle;
+ NSArray *paths;
+ NSMutableArray *tried;
+ unsigned count;
+ paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSLibraryDirectory,
+ NSAllDomainsMask, YES);
+ count = [paths count];
+ tried = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: count];
+ while (count-- > 0)
+ {
+ path = [paths objectAtIndex: count];
+ path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Bundles"];
+ path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"SQLClient"];
+ path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent: s];
+ path = [path stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"bundle"];
+ bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath: path];
+ if (bundle != nil)
+ {
+ [tried addObject: path];
+ if ((c = [bundle principalClass]) != nil)
+ {
+ break; // Found it.
+ }
+ }
+ /* Try alternative version with more libraries linked in.
+ * In some systems and situations the dynamic linker needs
+ * to haved the SQLClient, gnustep-base, and objc libraries
+ * explicitly linked into the bundle, but in others it
+ * requires them to not be linked. To handle that, we create
+ * two versions of each bundle, the seond version has _libs
+ * appended to the bundle name, and has the extra libraries linked.
+ */
+ path = [path stringByDeletingPathExtension];
+ path = [path stringByAppendingString: @"_libs"];
+ path = [path stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"bundle"];
+ bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath: path];
+ if (bundle != nil)
+ {
+ [tried addObject: path];
+ if ((c = [bundle principalClass]) != nil)
+ {
+ break; // Found it.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == nil)
+ {
+ if ([tried count] == 0)
+ {
+ [self debug: @"unable to load bundle for '%@' server type"
+ @" ... failed to locate bundle in %@", s, paths];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self debug: @"unable to load backend class for '%@' server type"
+ @" ... dynamic library load failed in %@", s, tried];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c != [self class])
+ {
+ [self disconnect];
#ifdef GNUSTEP
- GSDebugAllocationRemove(object_getClass(self), self);
+ GSDebugAllocationRemove(object_getClass(self), self);
- object_setClass(self, c);
+ object_setClass(self, c);
#ifdef GNUSTEP
- GSDebugAllocationAdd(object_getClass(self), self);
+ GSDebugAllocationAdd(object_getClass(self), self);
- }
+ }
- s = [d objectForKey: @"Database"];
- if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
- {
- s = [o objectForKey: @"Database"];
+ s = [d objectForKey: @"Database"];
if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
- {
- s = nil;
- }
- }
- [self setDatabase: s];
+ {
+ s = [o objectForKey: @"Database"];
+ if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
+ {
+ s = nil;
+ }
+ }
+ [self setDatabase: s];
- s = [d objectForKey: @"User"];
- if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
- {
- s = [o objectForKey: @"User"];
+ s = [d objectForKey: @"User"];
if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
- {
- s = @"";
- }
- }
- [self setUser: s];
+ {
+ s = [o objectForKey: @"User"];
+ if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
+ {
+ s = @"";
+ }
+ }
+ [self setUser: s];
- s = [d objectForKey: @"Password"];
- if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
- {
- s = [o objectForKey: @"Password"];
+ s = [d objectForKey: @"Password"];
if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
- {
- s = @"";
- }
+ {
+ s = [o objectForKey: @"Password"];
+ if ([s isKindOfClass: NSStringClass] == NO)
+ {
+ s = @"";
+ }
+ }
+ [self setPassword: s];
- [self setPassword: s];
+ {
+ [lock unlock];
+ [localException raise];
+ }
+ [lock unlock];
/** Internal method to populate the cache with the result of a query.