GNUstepWeb is a library which was designed to be compatible with WebObjects 4.x (developed by NeXT (now Apple) Inc.).
Find a file
mguesdon 603f544854 2003-11-24 Manuel Guesdon <>
* GSWeb.framework/GSWResourceManager.m/.h:
		o added -cachedBundleForFrameworkNamed:
		o fix in -lockedCachedBundleForFrameworkNamed: to return AppBundle if none is found
		o changes in -lockedCachedURLForResourceNamed:inFramework:languages:
			to call DeployedBundle -urlForResourceNamed:forLanguages:
		o changes in -lockedPathForResourceNamed:inFramework:languages:
			to call DeployedBundle -absolutePathResourceNamed:forLanguages:
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWDeployedBundle.m/.h:
		o added -urlForResourceNamed:forLanguages:
		o added ivars: _wrapperName,_projectName, _urlsCache,_absolutePathesCache;
		o build _wrapperName in init (will avoid recreation each call of -wrapperName)
		o build _projectName in init (will avoid recreation each call of -projectName)
		o rename methis ...forLangue.. to ...language to be coherent
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWProjectBundle.m/.h:
		o removed projectName (now inherit from GSWDeployedBundle)
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWTemplateParserXML.m:
		o in -createElementsFromNode: don't remove name property for non gsweb tags
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWTextField.h/.m:
		o fix in -takeValuesFromRequest:inContext: to avoid ecxception where
			value is empty and formatter is date formatter
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWRequest.h/.m:
		o added -stringFormValueForKey
		o added -numberFormValueForKey:withFormatter:
		o added -dateFormValueForKey:withFormatter:
		o inherit from GSWMessage.
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWMessage.h/.m:
		o added
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWRadioButtonList.h/.m:
		o handle isDisplayStringBefore binding
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWCheckBoxList.h/.m:
		o handle isDisplayStringBefore binding
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWBundle.m:
		o replaced GDL2 #if by HAVE_GDL2 #if
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWComponent.m:
		o replaced GDL2 #if by HAVE_GDL2 #if
		o improved some traces
	* GSWeb.framework/NSObject+IVarAccess+PerformSel.m:
		o replaced GDL2 #if by HAVE_GDL2 #if
	* GSWeb.framework/NSString+Trimming.m:
		o replaced GDL2 #if by HAVE_GDL2 #if
	* GSWAdaptors/common/GSWApp.h
		o added fSwitchToKnownInstance in GSWApp
	* GSWAdaptors/common/GSWConfig.c:
		o handle switchToKnownInstance parameter
	* GSWAdaptors/common/GSWLoadBalancing.c:
		o switch to known app instance when requesting unknown instance
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWProcFS.m:
		o better format byte size data
		o ivar names changes to conform to coding standards
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWUtils.[hm]:
		o fixes in NSLog category
		o added NSMutableData -replaceOccurrencesOfData:withData:range:
		o added NSData -rangeOfData:range:
		o added NSData -base64Representation
		o added NSData -initWithBase64Representation:
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWSession.h:
		o added -validateStatisticsLogin:withPassword:
		o added -_allowedToViewEvents
		o added -_allowToViewEvents
		o added -_setAllowedToViewEvents:
		o added -validateEventsLogin:withPassword:
		o added -_setBirthDate:
		o added -addLanguage:
		o added -firstLanguage
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWSession.m:
		o replaced GDL2 #if by HAVE_GDL2 #if
		o modified -setTimeOut: to handle null timeOut (no time out)
		o added -_setAllowedToViewStatistics:
		o modified setDistributionEnabled: to call GSWContext
		o modified setStoresIDsInCookies: to call GSWContext
		o call -takeValuesFromRequest:inContext: on pageElement
			instead of pageComponent in -takeValuesFromRequest:inContext:
		o call -invokeActionForRequest:inContext: on pageElement
			instead of pageComponent in -invokeActionForRequest:inContext:
		o call -appendToResponse:inContext: on pageElement
			instead of pageComponent in -appendToResponse:inContext:
		o finalized -appendToResponse:inContext: implementation
		o implemented -statistics
		o implemented -_formattedStatistics
		o lock editing context in -awakeInContext:
		o unlock editing context in -sleepInContext:
		o in set undo limit and lock editingContext in  -defaultEditingContext
		o lock editing context and disallow setting context when one
			already exists in -setDefaultEditingContext:
		o added -validateStatisticsLogin:withPassword:
		o added -_allowedToViewEvents
		o added -_allowToViewEvents
		o added -_setAllowedToViewEvents:
		o added -validateEventsLogin:withPassword:
		o added -addLanguage:
		o added -firstLanguage
	* GSWeb/GSWApplication.h:
		o added +defaultRequestHandlerClassName
		o added +defaultRequestHandlerClass
		o added _lastAccessDate
	* GSWeb/GSWApplication.m:
		o replaced GDL2 #if by HAVE_GDL2 #if
		o implemented -number
		o implemented -_directConnectURL
		o implemented -_webserverConnectURL
		o improved -_initializeSessionInContext:
		o finalized -_discountTerminatedSession implementation
		o added new handlers in -registerRequestHandlers
		o added +workerThreadCountMin;
		o added +setWorkerThreadCountMin:
		o added +workerThreadCountMax
		o added +setWorkerThreadCountMax:
		o added +isLifebeatEnabled
		o added +setLifebeatEnabled:flag
		o added +lifebeatDestinationPort;
		o added +setLifebeatDestinationPort:
		o added +lifebeatInterval
		o added +setLifebeatInterval:
		o added +streamActionRequestHandlerKey;
		o added +setStreamActionRequestHandlerKey:
		o added +sessionStoreClassName
		o added +setSessionStoreClassName:
		o added +setDefaultUndoStackLimit:
		o added +defaultUndoStackLimit;
		o added +_lockDefaultEditingContext;
		o added +_setLockDefaultEditingContext:
		o added +outputPath
		o added +setOutputPath:
		o implemented -monitoringEnabled
		o implemented -isTerminating
		o implemented -terminate
		o modified -setTimeOut: to handle null timeOut (no time out)
			and call -_scheduleApplicationTimerForTimeInterval:
		o implemented -_scheduleApplicationTimerForTimeInterval:
		o finalized -appendToResponse:inContext: implementation
		o implemented -_terminateFromMonitor
		o implemented _newLocationForRequest:
		o removed -_handleException:inContext:
		o added -_handleErrorWithPageNamed:exception:inContext:
		o added +recordingClassName
		o added +setRecordingClassName:
		o +saveResponsesPath is obsolete; use +recordingPath
		o +setSaveResponsesPath is obsolete; use +setRecordingPath
		o added +defaultRequestHandlerClassName
		o added +defaultRequestHandlerClass
		o added _lastAccessDate
	* GSWStaticResourceRequestHandler.h/.m:
		o added
	* GSWeb/GSWResponse.h/.m:
		o added @interface GSWResponse (Stream)
		o added -setContentStreamFileHandle:bufferSize:length:
		o added _contentStreamFileHandle
		o added _contentStreamBufferSize;
		o added _contentStreamBufferLength;
	* GSWeb/GSWDefaultAdaptor.h/.m:
		o added -workerThreadCountMin;
		o added -setWorkerThreadCountMin:
		o added -workerThreadCountMax
		o added -setWorkerThreadCountMax:
	* GSWeb/GSWStatisticsStore.h/.m:
		o changed definition of +formatDescription:forResponse:inContext:
		o implemented +formatDescription:forResponse:inContext:
		o change types from double to NSTimeInterval
		o implemented missing methods
	* GSWeb/GSWConstants.h/.m:
		o added GSWHTTPHeader_RecordingSessionID,
		o added GSWOPT_WorkerThreadCountMin,
		o added GSWOPT_OutputPath
		o added GSWOPT_LifebeatEnabled
		o added GSWOPT_LifebeatDestinationPort
		o added GSWOPT_LifebeatInterval
		o added GSWOPT_DefaultUndoStackLimit
		o added GSWOPT_LockDefaultEditingContext
		o added isDisplayStringBefore__Key
	* GSWeb/GSWLifebeatThread.h/.m:
		o added
	* GSWeb/GSWActionRequestHandler.h/.m:
		o added
	* GSWeb/GSWDirectAction.h/.m
		o added GSWAction as superclass of GSWDirectAction
	* GSWeb/GSWAction.h/.m:
		o added
	* GSWeb/GSWDirectActionRequestHandler.h/.m
		o added +handlerWithDefaultActionClassName:defaultActionName:displayExceptionPages:
		o adedd _displayExceptionPages
		o added GSWActionRequestHandler as superclass of GSWDirectActionRequestHandler
		o moved some code in GSWActionRequestHandler
	* GSWeb/GSWDisplayGroup.m:
		o replaced GDL2 #if by HAVE_GDL2 #if
		o fix in -objectsAtIndexes:
		o added _auxiliaryQueryQualifier
			used when qualifying dataSource (added to query qualifiers)
		o added _queryNotMatch to enable not clause
	* GSWeb/GSWPageDefLexer.h:
		o regenerated
	* GSWeb/GSWPageDefParserTokenTypes.txt:
		o regenerated
	* GSWeb/GSWPageDefParserTokenTypes.h:
		o regenerated
	* GSWeb/GSWPageDefParser.m:
		o regenerated
	* GSWeb/GSWPageDefParser.h:
		o regenerated
	* GSWeb/GSWPageDefLexer.m:
		o regenerated
	* GSWeb/PageDef.g:
		o modified to handle quotes in binding names (for GSWGenericContainer)
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWRecording.m/.h:
		o added
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWDefaultAdaptorThread.h/.m:
		o remove response saving (now use recording)
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWHTMLStaticElement.m:
		o appendContentString: instead of appendContentData:
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWHTMLStaticGroup.m:
		o appendContentString: instead of appendContentData:
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWText.m:
		o fix in takeValuesFromRequest:inContext:
			when control was diasbled, previous value was lost.
	* GSWExtensions.framework/GSWCollapsibleComponentContent.gswc/GSWCollapsibleComponentContent.html:
		o added Anchor
	* GSWExtensions.framework/GSWCollapsibleComponentContent.gswc/GSWCollapsibleComponentContent.gswd:
		o added Anchor
	* GSWExtensions.framework/GSWCollapsibleComponentContent.m:
		o added Anchor
	* GSWeb.framework/GNUmakefile:
		o added GSWLifebeatThread.h/.m
		o added GSWStaticResourceRequestHandler.h/.m
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWForm.h/.m:
		o added _otherPathQueryAssociations
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWHyperlink.h/.m:
		o added _otherPathQueryAssociations
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWPopUpButton.m:
		o logs
	* GSWeb.framework/Resources/languages.plist:
		o added languages
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWeb.h:
		o added classes and includes
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWText.h:
		o removed -dealloc
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWSessionTimeOutManager.m:
		o logs
		o exception handlers
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWSessionTimeOutManager.h:
		o added -tryLockBeforeTimeIntervalSinceNow:
		o added -lockBeforeTimeIntervalSinceNow:
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWSessionStore.m
		o use NSTimeIntervalSleep instead of usleep
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWResourceRequestHandler.m
		o logs
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWHTMLURLValuedElement.m/.h:
		o added _otherPathQueryAssociations
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWHTMLDynamicElement.m/.h:
		o handle otherPathQueryAssociations
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWElement.m:
		o logs
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWDynamicURLString.m:
		o coder changes
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWDebug.h:
		o logs
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWContext.h/.m:
		o handle isRefusingThisRequest
		o handle pathQuery
		o fix languages stuff
		o fix _synchronizeForDistribution
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWConfig.h:
		o removed GSWOPTVALUE_SaveResponsesPath
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_LifebeatEnabled
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_LifebeatDestinationHost
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_LifebeatDestinationPort
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_LifebeatInterval
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_DefaultUndoStackLimit
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_LockDefaultEditingContext
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_WorkerThreadCountMin
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_WorkerThreadCountMax
		o added GSWOPTVALUE_AcceptedContentEncoding
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWComponentReference.m:
		o logs
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWBrowser.m:
		o logs
	* GSWeb.framework/GSWAssociation.m:
		o logs
	* GSWExtensions.framework/GSWExceptionPage.m:
		o logs
	* GSWExtensionsGSW.framework/GSWLogin.m:
		o removed date stuff
	* GSWExtensionsGSW.framework/GSWLogin.gswc/GSWLogin.html:
		o removed date stuff
	* GSWExtensionsGSW.framework/GSWLogin.gswc/GSWLogin.gswd:
		o removed date stuff
		o added GSWDEBUG=no

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2003-11-24 12:31:16 +00:00
config 2002-09-22 Mirko Viviani <> 2002-09-22 14:27:04 +00:00
Doc 2003-01-19 Manuel Guesdon <> 2003-01-19 15:33:07 +00:00
Examples/hello * INSTALL: Update prerequisits and installation guidelines. 2003-07-11 19:16:37 +00:00
GSWAdaptors o switch to known app instance when requesting unknown instance 2003-11-24 08:58:20 +00:00
GSWeb.framework logs 2003-11-24 12:22:56 +00:00
GSWExtensions.framework logs 2003-11-24 12:22:56 +00:00
GSWExtensionsGSW.framework o removed date stuff 2003-11-24 12:25:05 +00:00
Testing/DynamicElements * 2003-06-01 22:00:18 +00:00
ChangeLog 2003-11-24 Manuel Guesdon <> 2003-11-24 12:31:16 +00:00 2003-05-14 Manuel Guesdon <> 2003-05-14 08:30:22 +00:00 o added GSWDEBUG=no 2003-11-24 12:27:34 +00:00
configure 2003-02-01 Manuel Guesdon <> 2003-02-01 19:07:25 +00:00 2003-02-01 Manuel Guesdon <> 2003-02-01 19:07:25 +00:00
GNUmakefile Initial revision 2000-01-22 12:49:49 +00:00 * 2003-06-01 22:00:18 +00:00
gsweb_wo.make 2003-01-22 Manuel Guesdon <> 2003-01-22 12:24:26 +00:00
INSTALL * INSTALL: Update prerequisits and installation guidelines. 2003-07-11 19:16:37 +00:00
LICENSE Initial revision 2000-01-22 12:49:49 +00:00
Makefile.postamble 2003-01-22 Manuel Guesdon <> 2003-01-22 12:24:26 +00:00
README 2001-10-25 Manuel Guesdon <> 2001-10-26 08:50:52 +00:00
TODO 2002-12-06 Manuel Guesdon <> 2002-12-06 14:28:27 +00:00
Version 2003-01-22 Manuel Guesdon <> 2003-01-22 12:24:26 +00:00


This is version 1.1.0 of GNUstepWeb (`gsweb').

	GNUstepWeb is a library which was designed to be compatible with 
WebObjects 4.x (developed by NeXT (now Apple) Inc.).
	It's written in Objective-C with GNUstep libraries.

	To see latest news:

Initial reading

   * The file `INSTALL' gives instructions for installing the package.

How can you help?

	* Provide feedback on the already written code (some parts may be badly 
		coded or concepts may be misunderstood)

	* Check the TODO file and write GSWDynamicElements

	* Send bug reports (for already coded parts only :-)

Please tell me which on part which parts you want to work and
I'll tell you if someone already works on it.

GNUstepWeb maintainer: Manuel Guesdon <>

GNUstep discussion list: <>

Special Thanks
*	GNUstep team for their great work

*	Helge Hess <> (a WebObjects/OpenStep expert) from 
		"MDlink online service center" ( for the 
		explanation of some WO concepts and dark WO documentation.
		I hope we'll work together someday :-)

*	Mirko Viviani <> for testing and 
		documenting GNUstepWeb

*	Jocelyn Richard <> for testing and 
		documenting GNUstepWeb

*	Catherine Biscourp <> for the 
		GNUstepWeb logos and some other things...

*       David Wetzel <> from Turbocat and Kim Shrier <> 
                for patches

Note: All trademarks mentioned on this server belong to their respective owners.