/** GSWElementID.h - GSWeb: Class GSWElementID Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Manuel Guesdon Date: Dec 2004 $Revision$ $Date$ This file is part of the GNUstep Web Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **/ // $Id$ #ifndef _GSWElementID_h__ #define _GSWElementID_h__ typedef struct _GSWElementIDPart { int _number; NSString* _string; NSMutableString* _elementIDString; //ElementID of this part IMP _elementIDString_setStringIMP; } GSWElementIDPart; GSWEB_EXPORT SEL appendZeroElementIDComponentSEL; GSWEB_EXPORT SEL deleteLastElementIDComponentSEL; GSWEB_EXPORT SEL incrementLastElementIDComponentSEL; GSWEB_EXPORT SEL appendElementIDComponentSEL; GSWEB_EXPORT SEL deleteAllElementIDComponentsSEL; GSWEB_EXPORT SEL isParentSearchOverForSenderIDSEL; GSWEB_EXPORT SEL isSearchOverForSenderIDSEL; GSWEB_EXPORT SEL elementIDStringSEL; typedef struct _GSWElementIDIMPs { IMP _incrementLastElementIDComponentIMP; IMP _appendElementIDComponentIMP; IMP _appendZeroElementIDComponentIMP; IMP _deleteAllElementIDComponentsIMP; IMP _deleteLastElementIDComponentIMP; GSWIMP_BOOL _isParentSearchOverForSenderIDIMP; GSWIMP_BOOL _isSearchOverForSenderIDIMP; IMP _elementIDStringIMP; } GSWElementIDIMPs; /** Initialize GSWElementID selectors **/ GSWEB_EXPORT void InitializeGSWElementIDSELs(); /** Fill impsPtr structure with IMPs for elementID **/ GSWEB_EXPORT void GetGSWElementIDIMPs(GSWElementIDIMPs* impsPtr,GSWElementID* elementID); //==================================================================== #define GSWElementID_DefaultElementPartsCount 128 @interface GSWElementID : NSObject { GSWElementIDPart* _parts; /** dynamic array of GSWElementIDPart **/ int _allocatedPartsCount; /** number of currently allocated parts **/ int _partsCount; /** number of used parts (number of elemens in the current elementID **/ int _builtPartCount; /** number of parts which have a built _elementIDString **/ NSMutableString* _tmpString; /** a mutable string for manipulations **/ IMP _tmpString_appendStringIMP; /** _tmpString -appendString: IMP **/ IMP _tmpString_setStringIMP; /** _tmpString -setString: IMP **/ NSString* _elementIDString; /** cached current elementIDString **/ NSString* _isSearchOverLastSenderIDString; /** cached last isSearchOver sender ID string **/ GSWElementID* _isSearchOverLastSenderID; /** cache elementID built from _isSearchOverLastSenderIDString **/ IMP _deleteElementsFromIndexIMP; /** -_deleteElementsFromIndex IMP **/ IMP _buildElementPartsIMP; /** -_buildElementParts IMP **/ }; /** Set GSWElementID standard class (so we can use pre-build GSWElementIDIMPs) **/ +(void)setStandardClass:(Class)standardClass; /** Returns a elementID **/ +(GSWElementID*)elementID; /** Returns elementID initialized with 'string' **/ +(GSWElementID*)elementIDWithString:(NSString*)string; /** Base initializer partsCount is the number of parts to allocate **/ -(id)initWithPartsCountCapacity:(int)partsCount; /** Initialize from 'string' elementID **/ -(id)initWithString:(NSString*)string; -(BOOL)isSearchOverForSenderID:(NSString*)senderID; -(BOOL)isParentSearchOverForSenderID:(NSString*)senderID; /** empties elementID **/ -(void)deleteAllElementIDComponents; /** Deletes last elementID part **/ -(void)deleteLastElementIDComponent; /** Increments last elementID part **/ -(void)incrementLastElementIDComponent; /** Append zero element ID after last elementID part **/ -(void)appendZeroElementIDComponent; /** Append 'element' element ID after last elementID part You should avoid element ending with digits. **/ -(void)appendElementIDComponent:(id)_element; /** Returns parent element ID **/ -(NSString*)parentElementIDString; /** returns number of element ID parts **/ -(int)elementsCount; /** Returns elementID string representation or empty string if there's not elements **/ -(NSString*)elementIDString; @end #endif //_GSWElementID_h__