/* Based on the HTML 3.2 spec. by the W3 (http://www.w3.org) Alexander Hinds & Terence Parr Magelang Institute, Ltd. Send comments to: parrt@parr-research.com v1.0 Terence John Parr (version 2.5.0 of ANTLR required) Fixed how whitespace as handled, removing some ambiguities; some because of ANTLR lexical filtering in 2.5.0. Changed (TEXT)* loops to (TEXT)? general since TEXT matches everything between valid tags (how could there be more than one between tags?) Made the DOCTYPE optional. Reduced lookahead from k=5 to k=1 on the parser and number of parser ambiguities to 2. Reduced lexer lookahead from 6 to 4; had to left factor a bunch of stuff. List items couldn't contain nested lists...fixed it. Fixed def of WORD so it can't be an INT. Removed '-' from WORD. Fixed HEXNUM so it will allow letters A..F. KNOWN ISSUES: 1. Does not handle "staggered" tags, eg:

2. Adhere's somewhat strictly to the html spec, so many pages won't parse without errors. 3. Doesn't convert &(a signifier) to it's proper single char representation 4. Checks only the syntax of element attributes, not the semantics, e.g. won't very that a base element's attribute is actually called "href" 5. Tags split across lines, for example, won't be properly recognized. TJP: I think I fixed this. 7. Lines not counted properly due to the def'n of TEXT - see the alternate def'n for a possible fix. TJP: I think I fixed this. */ header { #include } options { language="Objc"; } class GSWHTMLParser extends Parser; options { exportVocab=GSWHTML; buildAST=true; k = 1; } { NSMutableArray* errors; NSMutableArray* warnings; } document { DESTROY(errors); DESTROY(warnings); } : ( WS | TEXT | ot:OPENTAG { [ot_AST setText:[[[ot_AST text] stringByDeletingPrefix:@"<"] stringByDeletingSuffix:@">"]]; } | ct:CLOSETAG { [ct_AST setText:[[[ct_AST text] stringByDeletingPrefix:@""]]; } | com:COMMENT { [com_AST setText:[[[com_AST text] stringByDeletingPrefix:@""]]; } /* | inc:INCLUDE { [inc_AST setText:[[[inc_AST text] stringByDeletingPrefix:@"<#include "] stringByDeletingSuffix:@"#>"]]; }*/ )+ ; /*4*/ class GSWHTMLLexer extends Lexer; options { k = 3; exportVocab=GSWHTML; charVocabulary = '\3'..'\377'; caseSensitive=true; filter=UNDEFINED_TOKEN; } /* STRUCTURAL tags */ OPENTAG /*LAST : '<' (WORD | LETTER) (WS (ATTR )*)? '>'*/ : '<' (WORD | LETTER) ((WS)* ((ATTR) (WS)*)*)? '>' ; CLOSETAG : "' ; protected ATTR /* LAST options { ignore=WS; }*/ /* : WORD ('=' (WORD ('%')? | ('-')? INT | STRING | HEXNUM))?*/ : WORD ( (WS)* '=' (WS)* (WORD | ('-')? INT ('%')? | STRING | HEXNUM))? ; /*MISC STUFF*/ TEXT /* : (WS | ~('<'|'\n'|'\r'|'"'|'>'))+ */ : (WS | ~('<'|'\n'|'\r'|'>'))+ ; /* : ( See comment in WS. Language for combining any flavor newline is ambiguous. Shutting off the warning. options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; } : '\r' '\n' {[self newline];} | '\r' {[self newline];} | '\n' {[self newline];} | ~('<'|'\n'|'\r'|'"'|'>') )+ ; */ COMMENT : "" ; /* INCLUDE : "<#include " (INCLUDE_DATA)* "#>" ; */ protected /* INCLUDE_DATA : (~("#>"))+ ; */ /* COMMENT_DATA : (~('<' | '!' | '>'))+ ; */ COMMENT_DATA : ( /* '\r' '\n' can be matched in one alternative or by matching '\r' in one iteration and '\n' in another. I am trying to handle any flavor of newline that comes in, but the language that allows both "\r\n" and "\r" and "\n" to all be valid newline is ambiguous. Consequently, the resulting grammar must be ambiguous. I'm shutting this warning off. */ options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; } : {[self LA:2]!='-' && [self LA:3]!='>'}? '-' // allow '-' if not "-->" | '\r' '\n' {[self newline];} | '\r' {[self newline];} | '\n' {[self newline];} | ~('-'|'\n'|'\r') )* ; /* PROTECTED LEXER RULES */ protected WS : ( /* '\r' '\n' can be matched in one alternative or by matching '\r' in one iteration and '\n' in another. I am trying to handle any flavor of newline that comes in, but the language that allows both "\r\n" and "\r" and "\n" to all be valid newline is ambiguous. Consequently, the resulting grammar must be ambiguous. I'm shutting this warning off. */ options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; } : ' ' | '\t' | '\n' { [self newline]; } | "\r\n" { [self newline]; } | '\r' { [self newline]; } )+ ; //the '.' is for words like "image.gif" protected WORD: ( LETTER | '.' | '_' ) ( /* In reality, a WORD must be followed by whitespace, '=', or what can follow an ATTR such as '>'. In writing this grammar, however, we just list all the possibilities as optional elements. This is loose, allowing the case where nothing is matched after a WORD and then the (ATTR)* loop means the grammar would allow "widthheight" as WORD WORD or WORD, hence, an ambiguity. Naturally, ANTLR will consume the input as soon as possible, combing "widthheight" into one WORD. I am shutting off the ambiguity here because ANTLR does the right thing. The exit path is ambiguous with ever alternative. The only solution would be to write an unnatural grammar (lots of extra productions) that laid out the possibilities explicitly, preventing the bogus WORD followed immediately by WORD without whitespace etc... */ options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; } : LETTER | DIGIT | '.' | '-' | '_' )+ ; protected STRING : '"' (~'"')* '"' | '\'' (~'\'')* '\'' ; protected WSCHARS : ' ' | '\t' | '\n' { [self newline]; } | '\r' { [self newline]; } ; protected SPECIAL : '<' | '~' ; protected HEXNUM : '#' HEXINT ; protected INT : (DIGIT)+ ; protected HEXINT : ( /* Technically, HEXINT cannot be followed by a..f, but due to our loose grammar, the whitespace that normally would follow this rule is optional. ANTLR reports that #4FACE could parse as HEXINT "#4" followed by WORD "FACE", which is clearly bogus. ANTLR does the right thing by consuming a much input as possible here. I shut the warning off. */ options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; } : HEXDIGIT )+ ; protected DIGIT : '0'..'9' ; protected HEXDIGIT : ('0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f') ; protected LCLETTER : 'a'..'z' ; protected UPLETTER : 'A'..'Z' ; protected LETTER : LCLETTER | UPLETTER ; protected UNDEFINED_TOKEN : '<' (~'>')* '>' ( ( /* the usual newline hassle: \r\n can be matched in alt 1 * or by matching alt 2 followed by alt 3 in another iteration. */ options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; } : "\r\n" | '\r' | '\n' ) { [self newline];} )* {NSLog(@"invalid tag: %@",[self text]);} | ( "\r\n" | '\r' | '\n' ) {[self newline];} | . ; /* : ('<' { NSLog(@"Warning: non-standard tag <%c",(char)[self LA:1]); } ) (~'>' { NSLog(@"%c",(char)[self LA:1]);} )* ('>' { NSLog(@" skipped."); } ) { _ttype = ANTLRToken_SKIP; } ; */