/** GSWHTMLTemplateParser.m - GSWeb: Class GSWHTMLTemplateParser Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Manuel Guesdon Date: Mar 2004 $Revision$ $Date$ $Id$ This file is part of the GNUstep Web Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **/ #include "config.h" #include "GSWeb.h" #include "GSWHTMLRawParser.h" //==================================================================== @implementation GSWHTMLTemplateParser //-------------------------------------------------------------------- -(id)init { if ((self=[super init])) { NSDebugMLog(@"_currentElement=%@",_currentElement); } return self; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- -(GSWElement*)parseHTML { GSWElement* template=nil; if ([_string length]) { GSWHTMLRawParser* htmlRawParser = [GSWHTMLRawParser parserWithDelegate:self htmlString:_string]; NS_DURING { [htmlRawParser parseHTML]; } NS_HANDLER { [[[localException class] exceptionWithName:[localException name] reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"In template named %@: %@", _templateName,[localException reason]] userInfo:[localException userInfo]]raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; if ([_currentElement parentElement]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"In template named %@: Missing dynamic tag end after reaching end of template. Tag name is '%@'. templateInfo: %@", _templateName,[_currentElement name],[_currentElement templateInfo]]; } else template=[_currentElement template]; }; return template; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- -(GSWElement*)parse { GSWElement* template=nil; [self parseDeclarations]; _currentElement = [GSWTemporaryElement temporaryElement]; template=[self parseHTML]; // If we've found error raise exception NSDebugMLog(@"_errorMessages=%@",_errorMessages); if ([[self errorMessages]count]>0) { NSDebugMLog(@"declarationsFilePath=%@",_declarationsFilePath); NSDebugMLog(@"errorMessages=%@",[self errorMessages]); ExceptionRaise(@"GSWHTMLTemplateParser",@"%@\nDefinitionFiles: %@", [self errorMessagesAsText], _processedDeclarationsFilePaths); }; return template; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //TEMP should be removed later -(GSWElement*)template { return [self parse]; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called by parser when it has parsed raw text Creates a GSWHTMLBareString element with the text **/ -(void)parser:(GSWBaseParser*)parser didParseText:(NSString*)text { GSWHTMLBareString* element=nil; element = [GSWHTMLBareString elementWithString:text]; [_currentElement addChildElement:element]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called by parser when it has opened a dynamic tag Creates a GSWTemporaryElement element, waiting for tag end **/ -(void) parser:(GSWBaseParser*)parser didParseOpeningDynamicTagOfType:(GSWHTMLRawParserTagType)tagType withProperties:(NSDictionary*)tagProperties templateInfo:(NSString*)templateInfo { _currentElement = [GSWTemporaryElement temporaryElementOfType:tagType withProperties:tagProperties templateInfo:templateInfo parent:_currentElement]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called by parser when it has closed a dynamic tag Creates a dynamic element from current temporary element element **/ // templateInfo: (line: 5 column: 31) -(void) parser:(GSWBaseParser*)parser didParseClosingDynamicTagOfType:(GSWHTMLRawParserTagType)tagType withTemplateInfo:(NSString*)templateInfo { GSWTemporaryElement* parent=nil; parent=[_currentElement parentElement]; if(!parent) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"Unmatched dynamic tag end. %@.", templateInfo]; } else { NS_DURING { GSWElement* element = nil; element = [_currentElement dynamicElementWithDeclarations:_declarations languages:_languages]; NSDebugMLog(@"element=%@",element); NSAssert2(element,@"No element for %@ with declarations %@",_currentElement,_declarations); [parent addChildElement:element]; } NS_HANDLER { NSDebugMLog(@"Exception: %@",localException); if ([localException isKindOfClass:[GSWDeclarationFormatException class]] && [(GSWDeclarationFormatException*)localException canDelay]) { [self addErrorMessageFormat:@"In template named %@: %@", _templateName,[localException description]]; } else { [[[localException class] exceptionWithName:[localException name] reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"In template named %@: %@", _templateName,[localException reason]] userInfo:[localException userInfo]]raise]; }; } NS_ENDHANDLER; _currentElement = parent; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called by parser when it has parsed a comment Creates a GSWHTMLComment with the comment text **/ -(void) parser:(GSWBaseParser*)parser didParseComment:(NSString*)text { GSWHTMLComment* element=nil; element = [GSWHTMLComment elementWithString:text]; [_currentElement addChildElement:element]; } // those are here because a protocol forces us to implement them -- dw - (id) retain { return [super retain]; } - (oneway void)release { return [super release]; } - (id)autorelease { return [super autorelease]; } @end