/* -*-objc-*- WOKeyValueUnarchiver.m Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: David Wetzel $Revision: 30607 $ $Date: 2010-06-07 11:49:24 -0700 (Mo, 07 Jun 2010) $ $Id: GSWComponent.m 30607 2010-06-07 18:49:24Z dwetzel $ This file is part of the GNUstep Web Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **/ #ifdef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif #ifndef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #endif #include "WOKeyValueUnarchiver.h" @interface WOKeyValueArchivingContainer : NSObject { id _object; id _parent; NSDictionary * _propertyList; } + (WOKeyValueArchivingContainer*)keyValueArchivingContainer; - (void) setPropertyList: (id)propList; - (id) propertyList; - (void) setParent: (id)parent; - (id) parent; - (void) setObject: (id)object; - (id) object; @end @implementation WOKeyValueArchivingContainer + (void)initialize { } + (WOKeyValueArchivingContainer *)keyValueArchivingContainer { return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease]; } - (void) setPropertyList: (id)propList { ASSIGN(_propertyList, propList); } - (id) propertyList { return _propertyList; } - (void) setParent: (id)parent { _parent = parent; } - (id) parent { return _parent; } - (void) setObject: (id)object { ASSIGN(_object, object); } - (id) object { return _object; } - (void) dealloc { DESTROY(_object); _parent = nil; DESTROY(_propertyList); [super dealloc]; } @end @implementation WOKeyValueUnarchiver /** Inits unarchiver with propertyList 'dictionary' **/ - (id) initWithDictionary: (NSDictionary*)dictionary { if ((self = [super init])) { ASSIGN(_propertyList, dictionary); _allUnarchivedObjects = [NSMutableArray array]; RETAIN(_allUnarchivedObjects); } return self; } /** Finalize unarchiving by calling finishInitializationWithKeyValueUnarchiver: on all unarchived objects **/ - (void) finishInitializationOfObjects { int i; int count = [_allUnarchivedObjects count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { WOKeyValueArchivingContainer *container; id object; container = [_allUnarchivedObjects objectAtIndex: i]; object = [container object]; [object finishInitializationWithKeyValueUnarchiver: self]; } } - (void) dealloc { DESTROY(_propertyList); DESTROY(_allUnarchivedObjects); if (_awakenedObjects) NSFreeHashTable(_awakenedObjects); [super dealloc]; } /** Finalize unarchiving by calling awakeFromKeyValueUnarchiver: on all unarchived objects **/ - (void) awakeObjects { int i; int count = [_allUnarchivedObjects count]; if (!_awakenedObjects) _awakenedObjects = NSCreateHashTable(NSNonRetainedObjectHashCallBacks, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { WOKeyValueArchivingContainer *container; id object; container = [_allUnarchivedObjects objectAtIndex: i]; object = [container object]; [self ensureObjectAwake:object]; } } /** ensure 'object' is awake (has received -awakeFromKeyValueUnarchiver: message) **/ - (void) ensureObjectAwake: (id)object { if (object) { if (!NSHashInsertIfAbsent(_awakenedObjects, object)) { [object awakeFromKeyValueUnarchiver: self]; } } } /** Returns unarchived integer which was archived as 'key'. 0 if no object is found **/ - (int) decodeIntForKey: (NSString*)key { id object = nil; object = [_propertyList objectForKey: key]; return (object ? [object intValue] : 0); } /** Returns unarchived boolean which was archived as 'key'. NO if no object is found **/ - (BOOL) decodeBoolForKey: (NSString*)key { id object=nil; object = [_propertyList objectForKey: key]; return (object ? [[_propertyList objectForKey: key] boolValue] : NO); } /** Returns unarchived object for the reference archived as 'key'. The receiver gets the object for reference by calling its delegate method -unarchiver:objectForReference: **/ - (id) decodeObjectReferenceForKey: (NSString*)key { id objectReference = nil; id object; object = [self decodeObjectForKey: key]; if (object) { objectReference = [_delegate unarchiver: self objectForReference: object]; } return objectReference; } /** Returns unarchived object for key. The object should be a NSString, NSData, NSArray or NSDictionary or its class instances should implements -initWithKeyValueUnarchiver: **/ - (id) decodeObjectForKey: (NSString*)key { id propListObject; id obj = nil; propListObject = [_propertyList objectForKey: key]; if (propListObject) { obj = [self _findTypeForPropertyListDecoding: propListObject]; } return obj; } /** Returns YES if there's a value for key 'key' **/ - (BOOL) isThereValueForKey: (NSString *)key { return ([_propertyList objectForKey: key] != nil); } - (id) _findTypeForPropertyListDecoding: (id)obj { id retVal = nil; if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]]) { NSString *className = [obj objectForKey: @"class"]; if (className) retVal = [self _objectForPropertyList: obj]; else retVal = [self _dictionaryForPropertyList: obj]; if (!retVal) { //TODO } } else if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) retVal = [self _objectsForPropertyList: obj]; else retVal=obj; return retVal; } - (id) _dictionaryForPropertyList: (NSDictionary*)propList { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSEnumerator *enumerator = [propList keyEnumerator]; id key; while ((key = [enumerator nextObject])) { id object; id retObject; object = [propList objectForKey: key]; retObject = [self _findTypeForPropertyListDecoding: object]; if (!retObject) { //TODO } else [dict setObject: retObject forKey: key]; } return dict; } - (id) _objectsForPropertyList: (NSArray*)propList { NSMutableArray *newObjects = [NSMutableArray array]; id object = nil; NSEnumerator *propListEnum; id propListObject; if (propList && (propListEnum = [propList objectEnumerator])) { while ((propListObject = [propListEnum nextObject])) { object = [self _findTypeForPropertyListDecoding: propListObject]; if (object) { [newObjects addObject: object]; } } } return newObjects; } - (id) _objectForPropertyList: (NSDictionary*)propList { WOKeyValueArchivingContainer *container = nil; NSString *className = nil; Class objectClass = Nil; id object = nil; NSDictionary *oldPropList = AUTORELEASE(_propertyList); _propertyList = RETAIN(propList); //Because dealloc may try to release it NS_DURING { className = [propList objectForKey: @"class"]; objectClass = NSClassFromString(className); NSAssert1(objectClass, @"ERROR: No class named '%@'", className); object = [[[objectClass alloc] initWithKeyValueUnarchiver: self] autorelease]; container = [WOKeyValueArchivingContainer keyValueArchivingContainer]; [container setObject: object]; [container setParent: nil]; //TODO VERIFY [container setPropertyList: propList]; [_allUnarchivedObjects addObject: container]; } NS_HANDLER { NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"WOKeyValueUnarchiver",@"EXCEPTION:%@ (%@) [%s %d]", localException, [localException reason], __FILE__, __LINE__); //Restaure the original propertyList _propertyList = RETAIN(oldPropList); AUTORELEASE(propList); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; _propertyList = RETAIN(oldPropList); AUTORELEASE(propList); return object; } /** Returns the parent object for the currently unarchiving object. **/ - (id) parent { return _parent; } /** Returns receiver's delegate **/ - (id) delegate { return _delegate; } /** Set the receiver's delegate **/ - (void) setDelegate:(id)delegate { _delegate=delegate; } @end @implementation NSObject (WOKeyValueUnarchiverDelegation) /** * Returns an object for archived 'reference'. * Implemented by WOKeyValueUnarchiver's delegate. */ - (id)unarchiver: (WOKeyValueUnarchiver*)archiver objectForReference: (id)keyPath { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return nil; } @end @implementation NSObject(WOKeyValueArchivingAwakeMethods) - (void)finishInitializationWithKeyValueUnarchiver: (WOKeyValueUnarchiver *)unarchiver { //Does nothing ? return; } - (void)awakeFromKeyValueUnarchiver: (WOKeyValueUnarchiver *)unarchiver { //Does nothing ? return; } @end