Installation ************ This file documents the installation of GNUstepWeb, `gsweb'. Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. You may copy, distribute, and modify it freely as long as you preserve this copyright notice and permission notice. This is version 1.0.0 of GNUstepWeb. This package contains GNUstepWeb library. You need to install GNUstep core and db libraries, GSWAdaptor and Apache Please download last up to date cvs version of GNUstep (some bugs have been corrected). Installing `gsweb' ==================== Libraries: gsantlr/ GSANTLR (Parser classes,...) gsgd/ Objective-C/GD Interface core/ GNUstep core db/ GNUstep database extensions/ Extensions GNUstepWeb/ GNUstepWeb Root GNUstepWeb/GSWeb.framework GNUstepWeb Main Part GNUstepWeb/GSWExtensions.framework GNUstepWeb 'standard' Extensions GNUstepWeb/GSWExtensionsGSW.framework GNUstepWeb Extensions You also need NGReflection Compilation Order: 1) core 2) extensions 3) db 4) gsantlr 5) gsgd 6) MNGReflection ( 7) GNUstepWeb You have to export the following env var: export GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING=NSISOLatin1StringEncoding GNUstepWeb Apache Adaptor: Goto GNUstepWeb/GSWAdaptors/Apache/ Do make Copy into libexec directory of Apache Add in Apache httpd.conf file LoadModule GSWeb_Module libexec/ AddModule mod_gsweb.c Add the following lines for a virtual host (or all hosts) SetHandler GSWeb order deny,allow #deny from all allow from all Next, create the file /etc/httpd/conf/gsweb.conf which will countain parameters for GNUstepWeb Applications The format is: { applications= { ApplicationName = { instances = ( { instanceNum= InstanceNumber; host= IPAdressOfTheComputerOnWhichRunTheApplication; port= ThePortListenByTheApplication; parameters= { transport= socket; }; } ); }; }; } exemple: { applications= { MyApp = { instances = ( { instanceNum= 1; host=; port= 9001; parameters= { transport= socket; }; } ); }; }; } Now, develop an application and runnit ! We'll try to put a sample application soon.