Installation ************ This file documents the installation of GNUstepWeb, `gsweb'. Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. You may copy, distribute, and modify it freely as long as you preserve this copyright notice and permission notice. This is version 1.2.0 of GNUstepWeb. This package contains GNUstepWeb library. You need to install GNUstep core, extensions and db libraries, GSWAdaptor and Apache Please download last up to date cvs version of GNUstep (some bugs have been corrected). Remark: We suppose that the GNUstep folder is on /usr/GNUstep, please check all the paths below with your configuration Installing `gsweb' ==================== Libraries requiered : --------------------- core/ GNUstep core gdl2/ GNUstep Database Library 2 (or db/ alternative GNUstep Database Library) The GNUStepWeb package: ----------------------- * GNUstepWeb/ --> GNUstepWeb Root * GNUstepWeb/GSWeb.framework --> GNUstepWeb Main Part * GNUstepWeb/GSWExtensions.framework --> GNUstepWeb 'standard' Extensions * GNUstepWeb/GSWExtensionsGSW.framework --> GNUstepWeb Extensions Compilation Order: ------------------ 1) core 2) gdl2 3) GNUstepWeb Go in the gsweb folder. make and make install. 4) Apaches modules for GNUstepWeb Still in the gsweb folder there is a GSWAdaptors/Apache folder. Change to that directory. 'su' to root and make. There's no make install. Instead you must copy the module in you Apache libexec directory (something like /usr/apache/libexec). At this point everything is done, still remains the Apache configuration: If you do not want the extensions you can compile with ADDITIONAL_OBJCFLAGS += -DNOEXTENSIONS in config.mak If you want to use TCSimpleDB you have to add ADDITIONAL_OBJCFLAGS += -DTCSDB in config.mak Configurating Apache: ===================== In Apache httpd.conf file, add thoses lines: LoadModule GSWeb_Module libexec/ AddModule mod_gsweb.c And this one to specify the configuration file (for exemple /etc/httpd/conf/gsweb.conf) GSWeb_ConfigFilePath /etc/httpd/conf/gsweb.conf If you use virtual hosts (Apache in localhost does not requiered them), add the following lines: SetHandler GSWeb Then, create the file configuration file (for exemple /etc/httpd/conf/gsweb.conf) which contains parameters for GNUstepWeb Applications: The format is(there is an example for values below): { canDumpStatus = YES; //YES if server can display status (URL: /GSWeb/status) GSWExtensionsFrameworkWebServerResources = "/GSW/GSWExtensions/WebServerResources"; //URL of GSWExtensions Framework WebServerResources directory applications = { ApplicationName = { //URL of GSWExtensions Framework WebServerResources directory. //It overides Global parameter GSWExtensionsFrameworkWebServerResources = "/GSW/GSWExtensions/WebServerResources"; //YES to say that this application can be listed when the //adaptor don't find an application canDump = YES; instances = { InstanceNumber = { host = IPAdressOfTheComputerOnWhichRunTheApplication; port = ThePortListenByTheApplication; parameters = { transport= socket; }; } }; }; }; } Example values for a localhost use: { canDumpStatus = YES; GSWExtensionsFrameworkWebServerResources = "/GSW/GSWExtensions/WebServerResources"; applications = { MyApp = { canDump = YES; instances = { 1 = { host =; port = 9001; parameters = { transport= socket; }; }; }; }; }; } Now, develop an application and run it ! We'll try to put a sample application soon.