/* GSWDict.c - GSWeb: Dictionary Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Manuel Guesdon Date: July 1999 This file is part of the GNUstep Web Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "GSWUtil.h" #include "GSWDict.h" void GSWDict_SetCapacity(GSWDict *p_pDict,unsigned int p_uCapacity) { if (!p_pDict) { GSWLog(GSW_CRITICAL,NULL,"NULL GSWDict"); } else { p_uCapacity=max(16,p_uCapacity); if (p_uCapacity>p_pDict->uCapacity) { if (p_pDict->pElems) p_pDict->pElems = realloc(p_pDict->pElems, p_uCapacity*sizeof(GSWDictElem)); else p_pDict->pElems = malloc(p_uCapacity*sizeof(GSWDictElem)); p_pDict->uCapacity = p_uCapacity; }; }; }; GSWDict * GSWDict_New(unsigned int p_uCapacity) { GSWDict *pDict = malloc(sizeof(GSWDict)); memset(pDict,0,sizeof(GSWDict)); GSWDict_SetCapacity(pDict,max(16,p_uCapacity)); return pDict; }; void GSWDict_FreeElem(GSWDictElem *p_pElem,void *p_pData) { if (!p_pElem) { GSWLog(GSW_CRITICAL,NULL,"NULL GSWDict pElem"); } else { if (p_pElem->pszKey) { free((char *)p_pElem->pszKey); p_pElem->pszKey=NULL; }; if (p_pElem->pValue && p_pElem->fValueOwner) { free((void *)p_pElem->pValue); }; p_pElem->pValue=NULL; }; }; void GSWDict_FreeElements(GSWDict *p_pDict) { GSWDict_PerformForAllElem(p_pDict,GSWDict_FreeElem,NULL); }; void GSWDict_Free(GSWDict *p_pDict) { if (!p_pDict) { GSWLog(GSW_ERROR,NULL,"NULL GSWDict"); } else { GSWDict_FreeElements(p_pDict); if (p_pDict->pElems) free(p_pDict->pElems); free(p_pDict); }; }; static GSWDictElem * GSWDict_FindFirstNullKey(GSWDict *p_pDict) { int i=0; GSWDictElem *pElem=NULL; for (pElem=p_pDict->pElems;iuCount;i++,pElem++) if (!pElem->pszKey) return pElem; return NULL; }; unsigned int GSWDict_Count(GSWDict *p_pDict) { unsigned int uCount=0; if (!p_pDict) { GSWLog(GSW_CRITICAL,NULL,"NULL GSWDict"); } else { int i=0; GSWDictElem *pElem=NULL; for (pElem=p_pDict->pElems;iuCount;i++,pElem++) if (pElem->pszKey) uCount++; }; return uCount; }; void GSWDict_Add(GSWDict *p_pDict, CONST char *p_pszKey, CONST void *p_pValue, BOOL p_fValueOwner) { GSWDictElem *pElem=NULL; if (!p_pDict) { GSWLog(GSW_CRITICAL,NULL,"NULL GSWDict"); } else { if (p_pDict->uCount>=p_pDict->uCapacity) { pElem=GSWDict_FindFirstNullKey(p_pDict); if (!pElem) { GSWDict_SetCapacity(p_pDict,p_pDict->uCapacity*2); pElem=p_pDict->pElems+p_pDict->uCount; p_pDict->uCount++; }; } else { pElem=p_pDict->pElems+p_pDict->uCount; p_pDict->uCount++; }; if (!pElem) { GSWLog(GSW_CRITICAL,NULL,"No pElem in GSWDict Add"); }; pElem->pszKey=strdup(p_pszKey); pElem->pValue=p_pValue; pElem->fValueOwner=p_fValueOwner; }; }; void GSWDict_AddString(GSWDict *p_pDict, CONST char *p_pszKey, CONST char *p_pszValue, BOOL p_fValueOwner) { GSWDict_Add(p_pDict,p_pszKey,(void *)p_pszValue,p_fValueOwner); }; void GSWDict_AddStringDup(GSWDict *p_pDict, CONST char *p_pszKey, CONST char *p_pValue) { GSWDict_Add(p_pDict,p_pszKey,strdup(p_pValue),TRUE); }; static GSWDictElem * GSWDict_FindKey(GSWDict *p_pDict, CONST char *p_pszKey) { int iIndex=0; GSWDictElem *pElem=NULL; if (!p_pDict) { GSWLog(GSW_CRITICAL,NULL,"NULL GSWDict"); } else { for (pElem=p_pDict->pElems;iIndexuCount;iIndex++,pElem++) if (pElem->pszKey && strcasecmp(pElem->pszKey,p_pszKey)==0) return pElem; }; return NULL; }; void GSWDict_RemoveKey(GSWDict *p_pDict, CONST char *p_pszKey) { GSWDictElem *pElem=GSWDict_FindKey(p_pDict,p_pszKey); if (pElem) GSWDict_FreeElem(pElem,NULL); } CONST void * GSWDict_ValueForKey(GSWDict *p_pDict, CONST char *p_pszKey) { GSWDictElem *pElem=GSWDict_FindKey(p_pDict,p_pszKey); return (pElem) ? pElem->pValue : NULL; }; void GSWDict_PerformForAllElem(GSWDict *p_pDict, void (*pFN)(GSWDictElem *p_pElem,void *p_pData), void *p_pData) { if (!p_pDict) { GSWLog(GSW_CRITICAL,NULL,"NULL GSWDict"); } else { int i=0; GSWDictElem *pElem=NULL; for (pElem=p_pDict->pElems;iuCount;i++,pElem++) { if (pElem->pszKey) pFN(pElem,p_pData); }; }; }; GSWList * GSWDict_AllKeys(GSWDict *p_pDict) { GSWList *pList=NULL; if (!p_pDict) { GSWLog(GSW_CRITICAL,NULL,"NULL GSWDict"); } else { int i=0; GSWDictElem *pElem=NULL; pList=GSWList_New(p_pDict->uCount); for (pElem=p_pDict->pElems;iuCount;i++,pElem++) { if (pElem->pszKey) GSWList_Add(pList,pElem->pszKey); }; }; return pList; }; static void GSWDict_LogStringElem(GSWDictElem *p_pElem, void *p_pLogServerData) { GSWLog(GSW_DEBUG,p_pLogServerData,"%s=%s",p_pElem->pszKey,p_pElem->pValue); }; void GSWDict_Log(GSWDict *p_pDict, void *p_pLogServerData) { GSWDict_PerformForAllElem(p_pDict, GSWDict_LogStringElem, p_pLogServerData); };