/** GSWRadioButton.m - GSWeb: Class GSWRadioButton Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Manuel Guesdon Date: Jan 1999 $Revision$ $Date$ $Id$ This file is part of the GNUstep Web Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **/ #include "GSWeb.h" /** Bindings value Value for "value" tag of the element. If none, GNUstepWeb generate one selection During appendTo... if it's evaluation equal value evalutaion, the button is checked. During takeValue..., it takes value evaluated value (or contextID if no value) checked During appendTo... if it's evaluated to YES, the button is checked. During takeValue..., it takes YES if button is checked, NO otherwise. name Name of the element in the form (should be unique). If not specified, GSWeb assign one. disabled If evaluated to yes, the button appear inactivated. enabled If evaluated to no, the button appear inactivated. **/ static GSWIMP_BOOL standardEvaluateConditionInContextIMP = NULL; static Class standardClass = Nil; //==================================================================== @implementation GSWRadioButton //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + (void) initialize { if (self == [GSWRadioButton class]) { standardClass=[GSWRadioButton class]; standardEvaluateConditionInContextIMP = (GSWIMP_BOOL)[self instanceMethodForSelector:evaluateConditionInContextSEL]; }; }; -(id)initWithName:(NSString*)aName associations:(NSDictionary*)associations template:(GSWElement*)template { self = [super initWithName:@"input" associations:associations template: template]; if (!self) { return nil; } if ((_value != nil) && (![_value isValueSettable])) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"%s: 'value' attribute is a constant", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; } ASSIGN(_selection, [_associations objectForKey: selection__Key]); if (_selection != nil) { [_associations removeObjectForKey: selection__Key]; } if (_selection && ![_selection isValueSettable]) { ExceptionRaise0(@"GSWRadioButton",@"'selection' parameter must be settable"); } ASSIGN(_checked, [_associations objectForKey: checked__Key]); if (_checked != nil) { [_associations removeObjectForKey: checked__Key]; } if (_checked && ![_checked isValueSettable]) { ExceptionRaise0(@"GSWRadioButton",@"'checked' parameter must be settable"); }; if ((!_checked) && ((!_value) && (!_selection))) { ExceptionRaise0(@"GSWRadioButton", @"if you don't specify 'checked' parameter, you have to specify 'value' and 'selection' parameter"); } return self; } // [tmpAssociations removeObjectForKey:selection__Key]; // [tmpAssociations removeObjectForKey:checked__Key]; -(void)dealloc { DESTROY(_checked); DESTROY(_selection); [super dealloc]; } -(id) description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%s %p checked:%@ selection:%@ disabled:%@ name:%@ value:%@>", object_getClassName(self), (void*)self, _checked, _selection, _disabled, _name, _value]; }; - (NSString*) type { return @"radio"; } -(void)takeValuesFromRequest:(GSWRequest*)request inContext:(GSWContext*)context { GSWComponent* component = GSWContext_component(context); BOOL isChecked = NO; id valueValue = nil; if ((![self disabledInComponent:component]) && ([context _wasFormSubmitted])) { NSString * nameCtx = [self nameInContext:context]; if (nameCtx != nil) { NSString* value = [request stringFormValueForKey: nameCtx]; if (_value != nil) { valueValue = [_value valueInComponent:component]; } else { valueValue = [context elementID]; } isChecked = [value isEqual:NSStringWithObject(valueValue)]; if (isChecked && _selection != nil && _value != nil) { [_selection setValue: valueValue inComponent: component]; } if (_checked != nil) { [_checked setValue: (isChecked ? GSWNumberYes : GSWNumberNo) inComponent: component]; } } } } -(void) _appendCloseTagToResponse:(GSWResponse *) response inContext:(GSWContext*) context { // nothing! } - (void) appendAttributesToResponse:(GSWResponse*)response inContext:(GSWContext*)context { GSWComponent * component = GSWContext_component(context); id valueValue = nil; id selectionValue = nil; [super appendAttributesToResponse:response inContext:context]; if (_value != nil) { valueValue = [_value valueInComponent:component]; if (valueValue != nil && _selection != nil) { selectionValue = [_selection valueInComponent:component]; if ((selectionValue != nil) && [selectionValue isEqual: valueValue]) { GSWResponse_appendContentCharacter(response,' '); GSWResponse_appendContentAsciiString(response,@"checked"); } } } else { // _value == nil GSWResponse_appendTagAttributeValueEscapingHTMLAttributeValue(response, value__Key, [context elementID], NO); } if ((_checked != nil) && [_checked boolValueInComponent:component]) { GSWResponse_appendContentCharacter(response,' '); GSWResponse_appendContentAsciiString(response,@"checked"); } } @end