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Implementation of the EntityView class for the DataBuilder
Copyright (C) 2005 Saso Kiselkov
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#import "Private.h"
#import "EntityView.h"
#import <Foundation/NSNotification.h>
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
// #import <AppKit/PSOperators.h>
#import <AppKit/NSTextFieldCell.h>
#import <AppKit/NSFont.h>
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
#import "NSAttributeDescriptionUtilities.h"
#import "Document.h"
#import "ModelView.h"
#import "NSGeometryAdditions.h"
static NSRect MinimalFrame;
// entity view portion dimensions
static const float
TitleHeight = 17,
PropertyEntryHeight = 17,
BottomHeight = 12,
SideBorder = 7,
SeparatorHeight = 10;
// the images used to draw the entity's portions
static NSImage
* entityTop = nil,
* entityMiddle = nil,
* entityBottom = nil,
* entityRelationshipSeparator = nil,
* entityAttributeSeparator = nil,
* entityFetchedPropertySeparator = nil,
* entityTopSelected = nil,
* entityMiddleSelected = nil,
* entityBottomSelected = nil,
* entityAttributeSeparatorSelected = nil,
* entityFetchedPropertySeparatorSelected = nil,
* entityRelationshipSeparatorSelected = nil;
* Draws an array of cells in the provided view. The cells are tiled above
* each other, starting at startOffset. Before the cell is drawn, `background'
* is composited below it. The vertical skip between two cells is determined
* by the vertical size of `background'. Drawing is clipped to `clipRect'.
* @param cells An array of NSCell objects which to draw.
* @param view The view in which to draw the cells.
* @param background The background image which composite below each cell.
* @param startOffset The start offset at which to start drawing the cells.
* The array of cells should contain them in top-to-bottom order.
* This function will draw them in reversed order automatically.
* @param clipView The view to which to clip drawing. Cells which don't
* intersect with this rect won't be drawn.
static void
DrawCells(NSDictionary * cells, NSView * view, NSImage * background,
NSPoint startOffset, NSRect clipRect)
NSSize backgroundSize = [background size];
NSRect r;
NSString * cellName;
NSEnumerator * e = [[[cells allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:
@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)] reverseObjectEnumerator];
for (r = NSMakeRect(startOffset.x, startOffset.y,
backgroundSize.width, backgroundSize.height);
(cellName = [e nextObject]) != nil;
r.origin.y += r.size.height)
NSCell * cell = [cells objectForKey: cellName];
if (!NSIsEmptyRect(NSIntersectionRect(r, clipRect)))
NSRect cellFrame;
[background compositeToPoint: r.origin
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
cellFrame = r;
cellFrame.origin.x += SideBorder;
cellFrame.size.width -= 2*SideBorder;
[cell drawWithFrame: cellFrame inView: view];
* Composites `separator' to `point' iff it's drawing area intersects
* with `clipRect'.
static inline void
DrawSeparator (NSImage * separator, NSPoint point, NSRect clipRect)
NSSize size = [separator size];
if (!NSIsEmptyRect(NSIntersectionRect(NSMakeRect(point.x, point.y,
size.width, size.height), clipRect)))
[separator compositeToPoint: point operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
* Loads the images with which we draw the background of an entity view
* if they haven't been already loaded.
static inline void
if (entityTop == nil)
entityTop = [NSImage imageNamed: @"EntityUpper"];
entityMiddle = [NSImage imageNamed: @"EntityMiddle"];
entityBottom = [NSImage imageNamed: @"EntityLower"];
entityAttributeSeparator = [NSImage imageNamed: @"EntityAttrSeparator"];
entityFetchedPropertySeparator = [NSImage
imageNamed: @"EntityFetchedPropSeparator"];
entityRelationshipSeparator = [NSImage imageNamed: @"EntityRelSeparator"];
* Same as `LoadImagesIfNecessary', but loads the images to draw the
* selected state of an EntityView.
static inline void
if (entityTopSelected == nil)
entityTopSelected = [NSImage imageNamed: @"EntityUpper_sel"];
entityMiddleSelected = [NSImage imageNamed: @"EntityMiddle_sel"];
entityBottomSelected = [NSImage imageNamed: @"EntityLower_sel"];
entityAttributeSeparatorSelected = [NSImage
imageNamed: @"EntityAttrSeparator_sel"];
entityFetchedPropertySeparatorSelected = [NSImage
imageNamed: @"EntityFetchedPropSeparator_sel"];
entityRelationshipSeparatorSelected = [NSImage
imageNamed: @"EntityRelSeparator_sel"];
@interface NSEntityDescription (Private)
- (NSDictionary *) fetchedPropertiesByName;
@implementation NSEntityDescription (Private)
- (NSDictionary *) fetchedPropertiesByName
Class aClass = [NSFetchedPropertyDescription class];
NSMutableDictionary * dict;
NSEnumerator * e;
NSPropertyDescription * property;
NSArray * properties = [self properties];
dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: [properties count]];
e = [properties objectEnumerator];
while ((property = [e nextObject]) != nil)
if (aClass == Nil || [property isKindOfClass: aClass])
[dict setObject: property forKey: [property name]];
return [[dict copy] autorelease];
@interface EntityView (Private)
* Sets up the notifications for our properties to notify us of
* a change in them.
- (void) resetupPropertyNotifications;
* If `highlightFlag' is YES, then the NSCell with which the receiver
* draws `aProperty' will be highlighted, otherwise unhighlighted.
- (void) changeCellDescribingProperty: (NSPropertyDescription *) aProperty
toHighlighted: (BOOL) highlightFlag;
* Does a test to see if any property cell is hit by point `p'.
* @return The property description of the hit cell, or `nil' if no
* property was hit.
- (NSPropertyDescription *) propertyHitByPoint: (NSPoint) p;
@implementation EntityView (Private)
- (void) resetupPropertyNotifications
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSArray * entityProperties = [entity properties];
NSEnumerator * e;
NSPropertyDescription * property;
unsigned int i, n;
// deregister any any properties from knownProperties which are not in
// entityProperties anymore
for (i=0, n = [knownProperties count]; i<n; i++)
property = [knownProperties objectAtIndex: i];
if (![entityProperties containsObject: property])
[nc removeObserver: self
name: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: property];
[knownProperties removeObjectAtIndex: i];
// now enumerate through the entityProperties and register
// notifications with newly added ones properties
e = [entityProperties objectEnumerator];
while ((property = [e nextObject]) != nil)
if (![knownProperties containsObject: property])
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(refresh:)
name: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: property];
[knownProperties addObject: property];
- (void) changeCellDescribingProperty: (NSPropertyDescription *) aProperty
toHighlighted: (BOOL) highlightFlag
NSTextFieldCell * cell;
if ([aProperty isKindOfClass: [NSAttributeDescription class]])
cell = [attributeCells objectForKey: [aProperty name]];
else if ([aProperty isKindOfClass: [NSFetchedPropertyDescription class]])
cell = [fetchedPropertyCells objectForKey: [aProperty name]];
else if ([aProperty isKindOfClass: [NSRelationshipDescription class]])
cell = [relationshipCells objectForKey: [aProperty name]];
return; // unknown property type
if (highlightFlag)
[cell setTextColor: [NSColor whiteColor]];
[cell setTextColor: [NSColor blackColor]];
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
- (NSPropertyDescription *) propertyHitByPoint: (NSPoint) p
NSRect r = NSMakeRect(SideBorder, 0, [self frame].size.width - 2*SideBorder,
unsigned int i, n;
NSDictionary * propertiesByName = nil;
NSString * propertyName = nil;
r.origin.y += BottomHeight;
// run through the relationships
for (i=0, n = [relationshipCells count];
i++, r.origin.y += PropertyEntryHeight)
if (NSPointInRect(p, r))
propertiesByName = [entity relationshipsByName];
propertyName = [[[propertiesByName allKeys]
sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]
objectAtIndex: n - i - 1];
if (n > 0)
r.origin.y += SeparatorHeight;
// run through the fetched properties
for (i=0, n = [fetchedPropertyCells count];
i++, r.origin.y += PropertyEntryHeight)
if (NSPointInRect(p, r))
NSDictionary * fetchedPropertiesByName = [entity fetchedPropertiesByName];
propertiesByName = [entity fetchedPropertiesByName];
propertyName = [[[propertiesByName allKeys]
sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]
objectAtIndex: n - i - 1];
if (n > 0)
r.origin.y += SeparatorHeight;
// run through the attributes
for (i=0, n = [attributeCells count];
i++, r.origin.y += PropertyEntryHeight)
if (NSPointInRect(p, r))
propertiesByName = [entity attributesByName];
propertyName = [[[propertiesByName allKeys]
sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]
objectAtIndex: n - i - 1];
// nothing hit
return [propertiesByName objectForKey: propertyName];
@implementation EntityView
+ (void) initialize
if (self == [EntityView class])
MinimalFrame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 150, TitleHeight + BottomHeight);
- (void) dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
[super dealloc];
- (void) drawRect: (NSRect) drawRect
NSImage * top,
* middle,
* bottom,
* attributeSeparator,
* fetchedPropertySeparator,
* relationshipSeparator;
NSEnumerator * e;
NSRect r;
NSTextFieldCell * cell;
if (isSelected)
top = entityTopSelected;
middle = entityMiddleSelected;
bottom = entityBottomSelected;
attributeSeparator = entityAttributeSeparatorSelected;
fetchedPropertySeparator = entityFetchedPropertySeparatorSelected;
relationshipSeparator = entityRelationshipSeparatorSelected;
top = entityTop;
middle = entityMiddle;
bottom = entityBottom;
attributeSeparator = entityAttributeSeparator;
fetchedPropertySeparator = entityFetchedPropertySeparator;
relationshipSeparator = entityRelationshipSeparator;
r = NSMakeRect(0, 0, [self frame].size.width, 0);
// draw the bottom
r.size.height = BottomHeight;
if (!NSIsEmptyRect(NSIntersectionRect(drawRect, r)))
[bottom compositeToPoint: r.origin operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
r.origin.y += r.size.height;
// draw the properties of the entity
if ([relationshipCells count] > 0)
DrawCells(relationshipCells, self, middle, r.origin, drawRect);
r.origin.y += [relationshipCells count] * PropertyEntryHeight;
DrawSeparator(relationshipSeparator, r.origin, drawRect);
r.origin.y += SeparatorHeight;
if ([fetchedPropertyCells count] > 0)
DrawCells(fetchedPropertyCells, self, middle, r.origin, drawRect);
r.origin.y += [fetchedPropertyCells count] * PropertyEntryHeight;
DrawSeparator(fetchedPropertySeparator, r.origin, drawRect);
r.origin.y += SeparatorHeight;
if ([attributeCells count] > 0)
DrawCells(attributeCells, self, middle, r.origin, drawRect);
r.origin.y += [attributeCells count] * PropertyEntryHeight;
DrawSeparator(attributeSeparator, r.origin, drawRect);
r.origin.y += SeparatorHeight;
// draw the title area
r.size.height = TitleHeight;
if (!NSIsEmptyRect(NSIntersectionRect(drawRect, r)))
[top compositeToPoint: r.origin operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
[titleCell drawWithFrame: r inView: self];
- (id) initWithEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) anEntity
inModel: (NSManagedObjectModel *) model
if ((self = [super initWithFrame: MinimalFrame]))
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
ASSIGN(entity, anEntity);
knownProperties = [NSMutableArray new];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(noteEntityChanged:)
name: EntityDidChangeNotification
object: entity];
[nc addObserver: self
selector: @selector(noteEntityPropertiesChanged:)
name: PropertiesDidChangeNotification
object: model];
[self resetupPropertyNotifications];
titleCell = [NSTextFieldCell new];
[titleCell setBordered: NO];
[titleCell setDrawsBackground: NO];
[titleCell setAlignment: NSCenterTextAlignment];
[self refresh: nil];
allowsDragging = YES;
allowsPropertySelection = YES;
return self;
- (NSEntityDescription *) entity
return entity;
- (void) setSelectedProperty: (NSPropertyDescription *) aProperty
if (selectedProperty != nil)
[self changeCellDescribingProperty: selectedProperty toHighlighted: NO];
ASSIGN(selectedProperty, aProperty);
if (selectedProperty != nil)
[self changeCellDescribingProperty: selectedProperty toHighlighted: YES];
- (NSPropertyDescription *) selectedProperty
return selectedProperty;
- (void) setAllowsDragging: (BOOL) flag
allowsDragging = flag;
- (BOOL) allowsDragging
return allowsDragging;
- (void) setAllowsPropertySelection: (BOOL) flag
allowsPropertySelection = flag;
- (BOOL) allowsPropertySelection
return allowsPropertySelection;
- (void) refresh: sender
NSMutableDictionary * cells;
NSTextFieldCell * prototypeCell;
NSDictionary * attributesByName,
* fetchedPropertiesByName,
* relationshipsByName;
NSEnumerator * e;
NSPropertyDescription * property;
NSString * propertyName;
float newHeight;
NSRect frame;
[titleCell setStringValue: [entity name]];
attributesByName = [entity attributesByName];
fetchedPropertiesByName = [entity fetchedPropertiesByName];
relationshipsByName = [entity relationshipsByName];
// resize to fit all contents
frame = [self frame];
// this is required to make sure the superview redraws our area when
// we become smaller (otherwise inconsistent areas could result)
[[self superview] setNeedsDisplayInRect: frame];
newHeight = TitleHeight + BottomHeight;
if ([attributesByName count] > 0)
newHeight += ([attributesByName count] * PropertyEntryHeight);
newHeight += SeparatorHeight;
if ([fetchedPropertiesByName count] > 0)
newHeight += ([fetchedPropertiesByName count] * PropertyEntryHeight);
newHeight += SeparatorHeight;
if ([relationshipsByName count] > 0)
newHeight += ([relationshipsByName count] * PropertyEntryHeight);
newHeight += SeparatorHeight;
frame.origin.y -= newHeight - frame.size.height;
frame.size.height = newHeight;
[self setFrame: frame];
prototypeCell = [[NSTextFieldCell new] autorelease];
[prototypeCell setFont: [NSFont systemFontOfSize:
[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]];
[prototypeCell setBordered: NO];
[prototypeCell setDrawsBackground: NO];
// generate cells for attributes
cells = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: [attributesByName
e = [[[attributesByName allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:
@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)] objectEnumerator];
while ((propertyName = [e nextObject]) != nil)
NSAttributeDescription * attribute = [attributesByName objectForKey:
NSTextFieldCell * cell = [[prototypeCell copy] autorelease];
[cell setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ (%@)", propertyName,
StringFromAttributeType([attribute attributeType])]];
[cells setObject: cell forKey: propertyName];
ASSIGNCOPY(attributeCells, cells);
// generate cells for the fetched properties
cells = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:
[fetchedPropertiesByName count]];
e = [[[fetchedPropertiesByName allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:
@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)] objectEnumerator];
while ((propertyName = [e nextObject]) != nil)
NSFetchedPropertyDescription * fetchedProperty =
[fetchedPropertiesByName objectForKey: propertyName];
NSTextFieldCell * cell = [[prototypeCell copy] autorelease];
[cell setStringValue: propertyName];
[cells setObject: cell forKey: propertyName];
ASSIGNCOPY(fetchedPropertyCells, cells);
// generate cells for relationships
cells = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:
[relationshipsByName count]];
e = [[[relationshipsByName allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:
@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)] objectEnumerator];
while ((propertyName = [e nextObject]) != nil)
NSRelationshipDescription * relationship = [relationshipsByName
objectForKey: propertyName];
NSTextFieldCell * cell = [[prototypeCell copy] autorelease];
NSEntityDescription * destinationEntity = [relationship
// indicate the destination entity if one is set up
if (destinationEntity != nil)
[cell setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ --> %@",
propertyName, [destinationEntity name]]];
[cell setStringValue: propertyName];
[cells setObject: cell forKey: propertyName];
ASSIGNCOPY(relationshipCells, cells);
// and finally redraw us
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
if (selectedProperty != nil)
[self changeCellDescribingProperty: selectedProperty
toHighlighted: YES];
- (void) noteEntityChanged: (NSNotification *) notif
[self refresh: nil];
- (void) noteEntityPropertiesChanged: (NSNotification *) notif
if ([[notif userInfo] objectForKey: @"Entity"] == entity)
if (selectedProperty != nil &&
![[entity properties] containsObject: selectedProperty])
[self setSelectedProperty: nil];
[self resetupPropertyNotifications];
[self refresh: nil];
- (void) mouseDown: (NSEvent *) ev
NSPoint diff = [self convertPoint: [ev locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
NSPropertyDescription * hitProperty;
if (allowsPropertySelection &&
(hitProperty = [self propertyHitByPoint: diff]) != nil)
[self setSelectedProperty: hitProperty];
if ([target respondsToSelector: action])
[target performSelector: action withObject: self];
NSWindow * window = [self window];
// see if the next event is a mouse-up. If yes, the user
// selected the entity itself, otherwise start dragging.
ev = [window nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask];
if ([ev type] == NSLeftMouseUp)
if (selectedProperty != nil)
[self setSelectedProperty: nil];
if ([target respondsToSelector: action])
[target performSelector: action withObject: self];
else if (allowsDragging)
NSRect frame = [self frame];
NSView * superview = [self superview];
while ([(ev = [window nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask]) type] !=
if ([ev type] == NSLeftMouseDragged)
NSPoint p = [superview convertPoint: [ev locationInWindow]
fromView: nil];
p.x -= diff.x;
p.y -= diff.y;
p.x = (float) ((int) ((p.x / ModelViewGridStep) + 0.5)) *
p.y = (float) ((int) ((p.y / ModelViewGridStep) + 0.5)) *
[superview setNeedsDisplayInRect: frame];
frame.origin = p;
[self setFrame: frame];
[superview setNeedsDisplayInRect: frame];
[(ModelView *) [self superview] sizeToFit];
- (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
- (BOOL) becomeFirstResponder
[self select: nil];
if ([target respondsToSelector: action])
[target performSelector: action withObject: self];
return YES;
- (void) setSelected: (BOOL) flag
if (isSelected != flag)
if (flag == NO)
[self setSelectedProperty: nil];
isSelected = flag;
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
- (BOOL) isSelected
return isSelected;
- (void) select: sender
[self setSelected: YES];
- (void) deselect: sender
[self setSelected: NO];
- (void) setTarget: aTarget
target = aTarget;
- target
return target;
- (void) setAction: (SEL) anAction
action = anAction;
- (SEL) action
return action;