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Implementation of the Document class for the DataBuilder
Copyright (C) 2005 Saso Kiselkov
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#import "Private.h"
#import "Document.h"
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
#import "DocumentWindowController.h"
#import "ConfigurationEditor.h"
#import "EntityEditor.h"
#import "AttributeEditor.h"
#import "FetchedPropertyEditor.h"
#import "RelationshipEditor.h"
* const ConfigurationsDidChangeNotification =
* const ConfigurationNameDidChangeNotification =
* const EntitiesDidChangeNotification = @"EntitiesDidChangeNotification",
* const PropertiesDidChangeNotification = @"PropertiesDidChangeNotification";
* const PropertyDidChangeNotification = @"PropertyDidChangeNotification",
* const EntityDidChangeNotification = @"EntityDidChangeNotification";
@interface Document (Private)
- (void) addNewPropertyOfClass: (Class) aClass
named: (NSString *) propertyName
toEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
inConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration;
@implementation Document (Private)
- (void) addNewPropertyOfClass: (Class) aClass
named: (NSString *) propertyName
toEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
inConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
NSPropertyDescription * property = [[aClass new] autorelease];
NSArray * propertyNames = [[entity propertiesByName] allKeys];
unsigned int i;
[property setName: propertyName];
for (i=1; [propertyNames containsObject: [property name]]; i++)
[property setName: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %d", propertyName,
[self addProperty: property toEntity: entity inConfiguration: configuration];
@implementation Document
- (void) dealloc
NSDebugLog(@"%@: dealloc", [self className]);
[super dealloc];
- init
if ([super init])
[self setHasUndoManager: YES];
model = [NSManagedObjectModel new];
return self;
return nil;
- (BOOL) readFromFile: (NSString *) fileName ofType: (NSString *) type
return [self readFromURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: fileName] ofType: type];
- (BOOL) readFromURL: (NSURL *) url ofType: (NSString *) type
NSManagedObjectModel * m;
m = [[[NSManagedObjectModel alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: url] autorelease];
if (m == nil)
return NO;
ASSIGN(model, m);
// this is false when the document is being opened and true
// when it is being reverted - in that case this reset the
// window controller's display to reflect the latest document state.
if (mainWindowController != nil)
[mainWindowController setModel: model];
return YES;
- (BOOL) writeToFile: (NSString *) fileName ofType: (NSString *) type
return [self writeToURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: fileName] ofType: type];
- (BOOL) writeToURL: (NSURL *) url ofType: (NSString *) type
return [[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject: model]
writeToURL: url atomically: YES];
- (void) makeWindowControllers
mainWindowController = [[DocumentWindowController alloc]
initWithWindowNibName: @"DocumentWindow"];
[mainWindowController setModel: model];
[self addWindowController: mainWindowController];
- (NSManagedObjectModel *) model
return model;
- (ConfigurationEditor *) configurationEditor
if (configurationEditor == nil)
configurationEditor = [[ConfigurationEditor alloc]
initWithModel: model document: self];
return configurationEditor;
- (EntityEditor *) entityEditor
if (entityEditor == nil)
entityEditor = [[EntityEditor alloc]
initWithModel: model document: self];
return entityEditor;
- (AttributeEditor *) attributeEditor
if (attributeEditor == nil)
attributeEditor = [[AttributeEditor alloc]
initWithModel: model document: self];
return attributeEditor;
- (FetchedPropertyEditor *) fetchedPropertyEditor
if (fetchedPropertyEditor == nil)
fetchedPropertyEditor = [[FetchedPropertyEditor alloc]
initWithModel: model document: self];
return fetchedPropertyEditor;
- (RelationshipEditor *) relationshipEditor
if (relationshipEditor == nil)
relationshipEditor = [[RelationshipEditor alloc]
initWithModel: model document: self];
return relationshipEditor;
- (void) addNewConfiguration
NSUndoManager * undoManager = [self undoManager];
NSArray * configurations = [model configurations];
NSString * name = _(@"New Configuration");
unsigned int i;
for (i=1; [configurations containsObject: name]; i++)
name = [NSString stringWithFormat: _(@"New Configuration %d"), i];
[undoManager setActionName: _(@"Add Configuration")];
[self setEntities: [NSArray array] forConfiguration: name];
- (void) setEntities: (NSArray *) entities
forConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
NSUndoManager * undoManager = [self undoManager];
NSArray * oldEntities;
NSDictionary * userInfo;
if (configuration == nil)
oldEntities = [model entities];
[[undoManager prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setEntities: oldEntities forConfiguration: nil];
[model setEntities: entities];
oldEntities = [model entitiesForConfiguration: configuration];
[[undoManager prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setEntities: oldEntities
forConfiguration: configuration];
[model setEntities: entities forConfiguration: configuration];
if (oldEntities == nil || entities == nil)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: ConfigurationsDidChangeNotification
object: model];
if (configuration != nil)
userInfo = [NSDictionary
dictionaryWithObject: configuration forKey: @"Configuration"];
userInfo = nil;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: EntitiesDidChangeNotification
object: model
userInfo: userInfo];
- (void) addNewEntityToConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
NSEntityDescription * entity = [[NSEntityDescription new] autorelease];
NSArray * entityNames;
unsigned int i;
if (configuration == nil)
entityNames = [[model entitiesByName] allKeys];
entityNames = [[model entitiesByNameForConfiguration: configuration]
[entity setName: _(@"New Entity")];
for (i=1; [entityNames containsObject: [entity name]]; i++)
[entity setName: [NSString stringWithFormat: _(@"New Entity %d"), i]];
[[self undoManager] setActionName: _(@"Add Entity")];
[self addEntity: entity toConfiguration: configuration];
- (void) addEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
toConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
NSMutableArray * entities;
NSDictionary * userInfo;
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
removeEntity: entity fromConfiguration: configuration];
if (configuration == nil)
entities = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [model entities]];
entities = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [model
entitiesForConfiguration: configuration]];
[entities addObject: entity];
if (configuration == nil)
[model setEntities: entities];
userInfo = nil;
[model setEntities: entities forConfiguration: configuration];
userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: configuration
forKey: @"Configuration"];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: EntitiesDidChangeNotification
object: model
userInfo: userInfo];
- (void) removeEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
fromConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
NSMutableArray * entities;
NSDictionary * userInfo;
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
addEntity: entity toConfiguration: configuration];
if (configuration == nil)
entities = [[[model entities] mutableCopy] autorelease];
entities = [[[model entitiesForConfiguration: configuration]
mutableCopy] autorelease];
[entities removeObject: entity];
if (configuration == nil)
[model setEntities: entities];
userInfo = nil;
[model setEntities: entities forConfiguration: configuration];
userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: configuration
forKey: @"Configuration"];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: EntitiesDidChangeNotification
object: model
userInfo: userInfo];
- (void) addNewAttributeToEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
inConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
[[self undoManager] setActionName: _(@"Add Attribute")];
[self addNewPropertyOfClass: [NSAttributeDescription class]
named: _(@"New Attribute")
toEntity: entity
inConfiguration: configuration];
- (void) addNewFetchedPropertyToEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
inConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
[[self undoManager] setActionName: _(@"Add Fetched Property")];
[self addNewPropertyOfClass: [NSFetchedPropertyDescription class]
named: _(@"New Fetched Property")
toEntity: entity
inConfiguration: configuration];
- (void) addNewRelationshipToEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
inConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
[[self undoManager] setActionName: _(@"Add Relationship")];
[self addNewPropertyOfClass: [NSRelationshipDescription class]
named: _(@"New Relationship")
toEntity: entity
inConfiguration: configuration];
- (void) addProperty: (NSPropertyDescription *) property
toEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
inConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
NSMutableArray * newProperties;
NSDictionary * userInfo;
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
removeProperty: property
fromEntity: entity
inConfiguration: configuration];
newProperties = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [entity properties]];
[newProperties addObject: property];
[entity setProperties: newProperties];
// `configuration' must be last, as it may be `nil'.
userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
entity, @"Entity",
configuration, @"Configuration",
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertiesDidChangeNotification
object: model
userInfo: userInfo];
- (void) removeProperty: (NSPropertyDescription *) property
fromEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
inConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
NSMutableArray * newProperties;
NSDictionary * userInfo;
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
addProperty: property
toEntity: entity
inConfiguration: configuration];
newProperties = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [entity properties]];
[newProperties removeObject: property];
[entity setProperties: newProperties];
// `configuration' must be last, as it may be `nil'.
userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
entity, @"Entity",
configuration, @"Configuration",
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertiesDidChangeNotification
object: model
userInfo: userInfo];
- (void) setName: (NSString *) newName
ofConfiguration: (NSString *) oldName
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSArray * entities;
NSDictionary * userInfo;
NSAssert(newName != nil && oldName != nil, _(@"Nil argument."));
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setName: oldName ofConfiguration: newName];
entities = [model entitiesForConfiguration: oldName];
NSAssert(entities != nil, _(@"Tried to rename non-existant configuration."));
[model setEntities: entities forConfiguration: newName];
[model setEntities: nil forConfiguration: oldName];
userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
oldName, @"OldName",
newName, @"NewName",
// send this first, so that objects watching for both notifications
// will first rename their configuration - otherwise they would not
// see their original configuration and display nothing
[nc postNotificationName: ConfigurationNameDidChangeNotification
object: model
userInfo: userInfo];
[nc postNotificationName: ConfigurationsDidChangeNotification
object: model];
- (void) setName: (NSString *) newName
ofProperty: (NSPropertyDescription *) property
inEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
configuration: (NSString *) configuration
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSDictionary * userInfo;
NSString * oldName = [property name];
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setName: oldName
ofProperty: property
inEntity: entity
configuration: configuration];
[property setName: newName];
[nc postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: property];
userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
entity, @"Entity",
configuration, @"Configuration",
[nc postNotificationName: PropertiesDidChangeNotification
object: model
userInfo: userInfo];
- (void) setOptional: (BOOL) flag
ofProperty: (NSPropertyDescription *) property
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setOptional: [property isOptional] ofProperty: property];
[property setOptional: flag];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: property];
- (void) setTransient: (BOOL) flag
ofProperty: (NSPropertyDescription *) property
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setTransient: [property isTransient] ofProperty: property];
[property setTransient: flag];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: property];
- (void) setName: (NSString *) newName
ofEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
inConfiguration: (NSString *) configuration
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSString * oldName = [entity name];
NSDictionary * userInfo;
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setName: oldName ofEntity: entity inConfiguration: configuration];
[entity setName: newName];
[nc postNotificationName: EntityDidChangeNotification
object: entity];
if (configuration != nil)
userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: configuration
forKey: @"Configuration"];
userInfo = nil;
[nc postNotificationName: EntitiesDidChangeNotification
object: model
userInfo: userInfo];
- (void) setAbstract: (BOOL) flag ofEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setAbstract: [entity isAbstract] ofEntity: entity];
[entity setAbstract: flag];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: EntityDidChangeNotification object: entity];
- (void) setSuperentity: (NSEntityDescription *) superentity
ofEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSEntityDescription * oldSuperentity;
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setSuperentity: [entity superentity] ofEntity: entity];
oldSuperentity = [entity superentity];
if (oldSuperentity != nil)
NSMutableArray * subentities;
subentities = [[[oldSuperentity subentities] mutableCopy] autorelease];
NSAssert(subentities != nil, _(@"Entity inheritance inconsistency."));
[subentities removeObject: entity];
[oldSuperentity setSubentities: subentities];
[nc postNotificationName: EntityDidChangeNotification
object: oldSuperentity];
///// [entity setSuperentity: superentity];
[nc postNotificationName: EntityDidChangeNotification
object: entity];
if (superentity != nil)
NSMutableArray * subentities;
subentities = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [superentity subentities]];
[subentities addObject: entity];
[superentity setSubentities: subentities];
[nc postNotificationName: EntityDidChangeNotification
object: superentity];
- (void) setManagedObjectClassName: (NSString *) className
ofEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setManagedObjectClassName: [entity managedObjectClassName]
ofEntity: entity];
[entity setManagedObjectClassName: className];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: EntityDidChangeNotification object: entity];
- (void) setAttributeValueClassName: (NSString *) className
ofAttribute: (NSAttributeDescription *) attribute
NSString * oldClassName = [attribute attributeValueClassName];
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setAttributeValueClassName: oldClassName ofAttribute: attribute];
// FIXME: translate classname to attribute type!
/* NSUndefinedAttributeType = 0,
NSInteger16AttributeType = 100,
NSInteger32AttributeType = 200,
NSInteger64AttributeType = 300,
NSDecimalAttributeType = 400,
NSDoubleAttributeType = 500,
NSFloatAttributeType = 600,
NSStringAttributeType = 700,
NSBooleanAttributeType = 800,
NSDateAttributeType = 900,
NSBinaryDataAttributeType = 1000
// [attribute setAttributeValueClassName: className];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: attribute];
- (void) setAttributeType: (NSAttributeType) type
ofAttribute: (NSAttributeDescription *) attribute
NSAttributeType oldType = [attribute attributeType];
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setAttributeType: oldType ofAttribute: attribute];
[attribute setAttributeType: type];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: attribute];
- (void) setDestinationEntity: (NSEntityDescription *) entity
ofRelationship: (NSRelationshipDescription *) relationship
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setDestinationEntity: [relationship destinationEntity]
ofRelationship: relationship];
[relationship setDestinationEntity: entity];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification object: relationship];
- (void) setInverseRelationship: (NSRelationshipDescription *) invRelationship
ofRelationship: (NSRelationshipDescription *) relationship
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
NSRelationshipDescription * oldInvRelationship;
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setInverseRelationship: [relationship inverseRelationship]
ofRelationship: relationship];
// set up the proper inter-relationships
// break the old inverse relationship of `relationship'
oldInvRelationship = [relationship inverseRelationship];
if (oldInvRelationship != nil)
[oldInvRelationship setInverseRelationship: nil];
[nc postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: oldInvRelationship];
// and set it up point to `invRelationship'
[relationship setInverseRelationship: invRelationship];
[nc postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: relationship];
// break the invRelationship's old inverse relationship
oldInvRelationship = [invRelationship inverseRelationship];
if (oldInvRelationship != nil)
[oldInvRelationship setInverseRelationship: nil];
[nc postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: oldInvRelationship];
// and set it up to point to `relationship'
[invRelationship setDestinationEntity: [relationship entity]];
[invRelationship setInverseRelationship: relationship];
[nc postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: invRelationship];
- (void) setMaxCount: (int) newCount
ofRelationship: (NSRelationshipDescription *) relationship
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setMaxCount: [relationship maxCount] ofRelationship: relationship];
[relationship setMaxCount: newCount];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: relationship];
- (void) setMinCount: (int) newCount
ofRelationship: (NSRelationshipDescription *) relationship
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setMinCount: [relationship minCount] ofRelationship: relationship];
[relationship setMinCount: newCount];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: relationship];
- (void) setDeleteRule: (NSDeleteRule) aRule
ofRelationship: (NSRelationshipDescription *) relationship
[[[self undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget: self]
setDeleteRule: [relationship deleteRule] ofRelationship: relationship];
[relationship setDeleteRule: aRule];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName: PropertyDidChangeNotification
object: relationship];