Mirko Viviani fa7a461600 * EOModeler/EOModelExtensions.m ([EOEntity -classAttributes]):
([EOEntity -classScalarAttributes]):
([EOEntity -classNonScalarAttributes]):
([EOEntity -classToManyRelationships]):
([EOEntity -classToOneRelationships]): fixed to use class properties.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2002-12-04 18:07:27 +00:00

882 lines
34 KiB

2002-12-04 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOModeler/EOModelExtensions.m ([EOEntity -classAttributes]):
([EOEntity -classScalarAttributes]):
([EOEntity -classNonScalarAttributes]):
([EOEntity -classToManyRelationships]):
([EOEntity -classToOneRelationships]): fixed to use class properties.
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m ([EOEntity -initWithPropertyList:owner:]): read
<entityName>.fspec only if exists.
* EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m ([NSArray -valueForKeyPath:]):
implemented the case of invoking an aggregate function using a simple
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m ([EOGenericRecord
-_infoForInstanceVariableNamed:retType:retSize:retOffset:]): renamed
GSObjCFindInstanceVariable in GSFindInstanceVariable
* config/postgres.m4: check in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib
* EOModeler/GNUmakefile: install headers in EOModeler/
2002-12-01 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EODatabase.m
o in -entityForObject: test for EONull or nil instead of just nil
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m:
o in -valuesForKeys:object: test for EONull or nil instead of just nil
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m:
o replaced GSObjCFindVariable by GSObjCFindInstanceVariable
o replaced GSObjCGetValue by GSGetValue
o replaced GSObjCSetValue by GSSetValue
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m:
o changed assertion message in -sqlStringForAttributeNamed:
* EOAccess/EOSQLQualifier.m:
o finished EOAndQualifier -schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity implementation
o done EOOrQualifier -schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity implementation
o modified EOKeyValueQualifier -schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity:
to use EONull for EONull value relationship attribute value
so it will make sql like is null instead of = NULL which
doesn't work on Postgresql.
2002-11-30 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m
o logs
o changes in _primaryKeyForObject: to handle
inserted "child" of already existing object case
* EOControl/EODetailDataSource.m:
o implemented -description
2002-11-28 Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m: Patch by David Ayers.
* EOAccess/EOExpressionArray.m: Update for latest GSObjCRuntime stuff.
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m: ditto
* Tools/Makefile.preamble: Fix library lookup for link
2002-11-27 Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
* simplify libraries ... let which_lib sort them out.
* Tools/GNUmakefile.preamble: ditto
2002-11-27 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EOModel.m:
o fixed typo in -entityNamed:
2002-11-27 Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
* EOAccess/EOModel.h:
* EOAccess/EOModel.m: Appplied David Ayers patch for programmatic
model manipulation. Fixed typo. Use NSFileManager rather than
mkdir(). Tidied some use of autorelease for memory efficiency etc.
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m: update to use GSFindInstanceVariable()
2002-11-26 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m:
o implemented flattened relationship handling in
-EOEntity _parseRelationshipPath:
* EOAccess/EOAccessFault.m:
o fixed logs in -EOAccesFaultHandler dealloc
o added [super dealloc] in -EOAccesFaultHandler dealloc
o added logs in -EOAccessArrayFaultHandler dealloc
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Channel.m:
o removed log
* EOAccess/EOAdaptorChannel.m
o Handle direct SQL query case in
* EOAccess/EOClassDescription.m
o implement some cases in -addObject:toBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey:
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m:
o avoid infinit loop in -description
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m
o implement some cases in -entitiesOnWhichThisEntityDepends:
o changed return type of -entitiesOnWhichThisEntityDepends:
2002-11-25 Richard Frith-macdonald <>
Tagged all files as 'with-extensions'
Committed new versions of very many files with dependency on the
obsolete extensions library removed. gdl2 should now only need
the base library (or perhaps MacOS-X foundation plus a port of the
Additions library from the base library package, when someone wants
to do the port).
2002-11-24 Richard Frith-macdonald <>
* EOAdaptors/Makefile.postamble: New file to clean configure
generated files.
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Makefile.postamble: New file to clean configure
generated files.
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Makefile.preamble: remove .. generated
Fixes suggested by David Ayers
2002-11-18 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOKeyValueQualifier.m:
* EOControl/EOAndQualifier.m:
* EOControl/EOKeyComparisonQualifier.m:
* EOControl/EONotQualifier.m:
* EOControl/EOOrQualifier.m: remove references to EOAccess.
2002-11-16 Richard Frith-macdonald <>
* EOAccess/EOExpressionArray.m: Correct reference to obsolete
behavior function call (removed from public api a few years back
and recently removed from internal code too).
* EOControl/EOFault.m: Remove GNU property list method no longer
2002-11-14 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAcces/EODatabaseDataSource.m:
o corrected bug in -description
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95SQLExpression.m
o change in +formatValue:forAttribute: to handle string value for dates
2002-11-14 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAdaptors/*, EOAccess/*, EOControl/*: removed some warnings.
2002-11-13 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAcces/EODatabaseContext.m:
o corrected bug
o logs
* EOAccess/EODatabaseOperation.m:
o -setDatabaseOperator: change to not update deleted objetcs
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m:
o -_attributesToFetch added exception handling
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression:
o use sqlExpressionWithEntity instead of alloc/init
* EOControl/EOEditingContext.m:
o _processOwnedObjectsUsingChangeTable:deleteTable:
bug correction in new/existing value handling
o doc
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m:
o log changes
* EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m:
o added -takeStoredValue:forKeyPath:
o added -storedValuesForKeyPaths:
o corrected bug in NSArray -valueForKey:
o corrected bugs in NSArray -valueForKeyPath:
* EOAccess/EOUtilities.m
o handle nil value in rawRowsMatchingValue:forKey:entityNamed:
o handle nil value in objectsMatchingValue:forKey:entityNamed:
o handle nil value in objectWithPrimaryKeyValue:entityNamed:
* EOAccess/EOAttribute.m
o destroy docComment in -dealloc
* EOAdaptors/Postgres98/Postgres95Values.m:
o comment
o use stringWithCString.. instead of alloc/init/release
* EOControl/EOMultipleKnownKeyDictionary.h
o added -debugDescription
* EOControl/EONull.m:
o added -NSNull -valueForKey:
* EOAccess/EOQualifier.m:
o in getKey: autorelease key
o in -qualifierWithQualifierFormat:varargList:
user [NSMutableArray array] instead [NSMutableArray new]/DESTROY
to avoid memory leak if an exception is raised
2002-11-04 David Ayers <>
* EOControl/EOSortOrdering.m:
o changed -sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray:
* EOControl/EOQualifier.m:
o improved -qualifierWithQualifierFormat: parsing
2002-10-31 David Ayers <>
* EOControl/EOQualifier.m:
o improved -qualifierWithQualifierFormat: parsing
o added NSNumber -initWithString as EOQualiferExtra
* EOControl/EOKeyValueQualifier.m:
o changed -description
* EOControl/EOKeyComparisonQualifier.m:
o changed -description
2002-09-22 Mirko Viviani <>
* Makefile.postamble: install gdl2.make.
2002-09-22 Mirko Viviani <>
* added adaptors configuration.
* config/postgres.m4: check for postgres db.
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/ new file.
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/ new file.
2002-09-20 Mirko Viviani <>
* new file.
* new file.
* new file.
2002-09-20 Mirko Viviani <>
* Indented all the sources and removed many warnings.
* Moved EOCheapArray.m|h, EONSAddOns.m|h and EODebug.m|h to EOControl.
* Moved EOUtilities.m|h to EOAccess.
* Moved EOQualifierSQLGeneration in EOAccess/EOSQLQualifier
2002-06-03 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95SQLExpression.m:
o NSWarn -> NSWarnLog
* EOControl/EOKeyValueArchiver.m:
o added -isThereValueForKey: in EOKeyValueUnarchiver
* EOControl/EOKeyValueArchiver.h:
o added -isThereValueForKey: in EOKeyValueUnarchiver
* EOControl/EOSQLExpression.m:
o changes for usesDistincts
o logs
* EOAccess/EODatabaseChannel.m:
o fix for refetched objects
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m:
o fixes in recordChangesInEditingContext
* EOAccess/EODatabaseDataSource.m:
o logs
* EOAccess/EONSAddOns.h/.m
o added NSArray -arrayExcludingObject:
o added NSArray -containsIdenticalObjectsWithArray:
* EOAccess/EORelationship.h/.m:
o added isBidirectional: and associated methods (for use with smartTakeValue:forKey:)
* EOControl/EOClassDescription.h/.m:
o added -relationshipNamed:
o added -anyRelationshipNamed:
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m:
o added -smartTakeValue:forKey:
* EOControl/EOObjectStoreCoordinator.m:
o logs
2002-05-14 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOControl/EOEditingContext.m:
o changes in -saveChangesInEditingContext: to avoid return in the middle of the method
o logs
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m:
o add rollbackChanges on exception in -saveChangesInEditingContext:
o corrected bug in initializeObject:row:entity:editingContext:
o logs
* EOControl/EOKeyValueQualifier.m:
o implementation of flatten case in -schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity:
o logs
* EOControl/EODetailDataSource.m
o correct bugs by using -decodeObjectForKey: in -initWithKeyValueUnarchiver:
o changed _masterEntityName to _masterClassDescriptionName
o added -classDescriptionForObjects
o logs
* EOControl/EODetailDataSource.h:
o changed _masterEntityName to _masterClassDescriptionName
o added -classDescriptionForObjects
* EOControl/EODataSource.m:
o logs
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m:
o added -willChange call in _setValueForKey:object:selector:type:size:offset:
* EOControl/EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary.m:
o corrected bug in -containsObjectsNotIdenticalTo:
o logs
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m:
o logs
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95SQLExpression.m:
o logs
o corrected bugs for empty strings in +formatValue:forAttribute:
* EOAccess/EODatabaseDataSource.m
o logs
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m
o logs
* EOControl/EOQualifier.m:
o logs
* EOControl/EOOrQualifier.m:
o logs
* EOControl/EOAndQualifier.m:
o logs
* EOControl/EOObserver.m:
o logs
* EOAccess/EODatabase.m:
o logs
o avoid fault access in -entityForObject:
2002-04-15 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EOFetchSpecification.m:
o changed -fetchSpecification into +fetchSpecification
* EOAccess/EOKeyValueCoding.m:
o logs
o corrected bug: added special case "count" in NSArray -valueForKeyPath:
* EOAccess/EOGenericRecord.m:
o logs
* EOControl/EODetailDataSource.h:
o added -initWithKeyValueUnarchiver:
* EOControl/EODetailDataSource.m:
o added -initWithKeyValueUnarchiver:
* EOControl/EOKeyValueArcher.m:
o added EOKeyValueArchivingContainer +keyValueArchivingContainer
o corrected not autorelease bug in -_objectForPropertyList:
o logs
* EOControl/EODatabaseDataSource.m:
o logs
2002-04-01 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EOModel.h:
o added +version
* EOAccess/EOStoredProcedure.h:
o added +storedProcedureWithPropertyList:owner:
* EOAccess/EOEntity.h:
o added +entityWithPropertyList:owner:
o added -setDocComment:
o added +entityClassDescriptionWithEntity:
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m:
o corrected bug in _keyMapForIdenticalKeyRelationshipPath: (dictionary construction)
* EOAccess/EOEntityPriv.h:
o retyped -_parseDescription:isFormat:arguments:;
* EOAccess/EORelationship.h:
o added +relationshipWithPropertyList:owner:
* EOAccess/EOAttribute.h:
o added +attributeWithPropertyList:owner:
o added -setInternalInfo:
o added -_normalizeDefinition:path:
* EOAccess/EOAttribute.m:
o use an id instead of a string for userInfo,...
o added -setInternalInfo:
* EOAccess/EOExpressionArray.h:
o added -valueForSQLExpression:
2002-04-01 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOControl/EODetailDataSource.h/.m:
o added +detailDataSourceWithMasterDataSource:detailKey:
* EOAccess/EODatbaseDataSource.m:
o changed allocations
* EOAccess/EODatabase.m:
o changed allocations
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m:
o changed allocations
o corrected not autorelease bug in EOEntity -classDescriptionForInstances
* EOControl/EOGlobalID.h/.m:
o added EOTemporaryGlobalID +temporaryGlobalID
* EOControl/EIEditingContext.m:
o changed allocations
* EOControl/EOKeyValueQualifier.m:
o changed allocations
* EOControl/EOObjectStoreCoordinator.m:
o changed allocations
* EOKeyComparisonQualifier.m:
o added +qualifierWithLeftKey:operatorSelector:rightKey:
* EONotQualifier.m:
o added +qualifierWithQualifier:
* EOQualifier.m:
o changed allocations
* EOAccess/EOAdaptorContext.h/.m:
o added +adaptorContextWithAdaptor:
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres9Adaptor.m:
o changed allocations
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres9Channel.m:
o changed allocations
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres9Context.m:
o changed allocations
* EOAccess/EOModel.h/.m:
o added +model
* EOAccess/EOAdaptorChannel.h/.m
o added +adaptorChannelWithAdaptorContext:
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres9Values.m:
o changed allocations
2002-03-29 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseOperation.m
o logs
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.h/.m
o logs
o added +databaseContextWithDatabase:
o change allocations
* EOAccess/EORelationship.m
o logs
o corrected not autorelease bug in _foreignKeyForSourceRow:
o added +relationshipWithPropertyList:owner:
* EOAccess/EOJoin.h/.m:
o added +joinWithSourceAttribute:destinationAttribute:
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m:
o added +sqlExpressionWithEntity:
* EOAccess/EOAttribute.m:
o added +attributeWithPropertyList:owner:
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Channel.m
o logs
* EOAccess/EODatabaseChannel.m
o logs
o added +databaseChannelWithDatabaseContext:
* EOAccess/EOFault.m:
o logs
* EOAccess/EOFetchSpecification.m/.h
o added +fetchSpecification
* EOControl/EOUtilities.m:
o corrected not autorelease bug in -objectsMatchingValues:entityNamed:
o change qualifiers allocations
* EOAccess/EOAndQualifier.m:
o added EOAndQualifier +qualifierWithQualifierArray:
o added EOAndQualifier +qualifierWithQualifiers:
* EOAccess/EOOrQualifier.m:
o added EOOrQualifier +qualifierWithQualifierArray:
* EOAccess/EOQualifier.h
o added EOAndQualifier +qualifierWithQualifierArray:
o added EOOrQualifier +qualifierWithQualifierArray:
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m:
o changed EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary allocation in -_dictionaryForProperties
* EOAccess/EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary.h/.m:
o added +dictionaryFromDictionary:subsetMapping:
* EOAccess/EOModel.h/.m
o added +modelWithContentsOfFile:
o corrected not autorelease bug
o allocation changes
* EOAccess/EOModelGroup.m:
o Changed EOModel allocation
* EOAccess/EODatabase.h/.m:
o added +databaseWithModel:
* EOAccess/EOAccessFault.h/.m
o added EOAccessFaultHandler +accessFaultHandlerWithGlobalID:databaseContext:editingContext:
o added EOAccessArrayFaultHandler
* EOAccess/EODatabaseOperation.h/.m:
o added EODatabaseOperation +databaseOperationWithGlobalID:object:entity:
* EOAccess/EOAdaptorOperation.h/.m:
o added EOAdaptorOperation +adaptorOperationWithEntity:
* EOAccess/EODatabaseDataSource.m:
o allocation changes
* EOAccess/EOStoredProcedure.m:
o corrected not autorelease bug in -initWithPropertyList:owner:
2002-03-28 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseChannel.m
o removed logs
o changed logs
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Channel.m
o removed logs
* EOAccess/EORelationship.m:
o NSAssert
o added _docComment and associated methods
* EOAccess/EORelationship.h:
o added _docComment and associated methods
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m:
o NSAssert
o logs
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m:
o doc
o logs
o added _docComment and associated methods
* EOAccess/EOEntity.h:
o added _docComment and associated methods
* EOAccess/EOModel.h/.m:
o added -adaptorClassname
o added _version and -version
o added _docComment and associated methods
* EOAccess/EOAttribute.h/.m:
o added _docComment and associated methods
* EOAccess/EOAdaptorChannel.m
o logs
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95SQLExpression.m:
o corrected bug in formatValue:forAttribute:
* added Tools/
2002-03-25 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/GNUmakefile:
o removed -SystemProjects System
o added -Declared EOAccess
* EOControl/GNUmakefile:
o removed -SystemProjects System
o added -Declared EOControl
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/GNUmakefile:
o removed -SystemProjects System
o added -Declared EOAdaptors/PostgreSQL
* EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m: logs
* EOAccess/EODebug.h: added EOFLOGClassFnStartCond EOFLOGClassFnStopCond
* EOAccess/EODatabaseChannel.m: logs
* EOAccess/EORelationship.m:
o setDefinition
o corrected bug in _makeFlattenedInverseRelationship
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m
o logs
* EOControl/EOQualifier.h
o added qualifierWithKey:operatorSelector:value:
* EOControl/EOKeyValueQualifier.m:
o added qualifierWithKey:operatorSelector:value:
* EOAccess/EOModel.m:
o removed assert for non EOGenericRecord class in -_classDescriptionNeeded:
2002-03-07 Manuel Guesdon <>
Too much changes
2001-04-10 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m ([EOSQLExpression
+foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForRelationship:]): implemented.
2001-04-07 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m: import EOControl.h
* EOControl/EONull.m: likewise.
* EOAccess/EOModel.m ([EOModel -writeToFile:]): implemented.
([EOModel -encodeTableOfContentsInfoPropertyList:]): implemented.
* EOAccess/EORelationship.m ([EORelationship -setEntity:]): remove self
from previous entity.
([EORelationship -setDefinition:]): remove joins.
2001-01-12 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOModeler: new library.
* EOModeler/EOModelExtensions.m/.h: EOModeler categories needed by
* EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m ([NSArray -valueForKey:]): fixed @x key.
2001-01-06 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOControl.h: defined FOUNDATION_HAS_KVC to use Foundation
key value coding.
* EOAccess/EOAttribute.m ([EOAttribute
-adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue:]): use EONull null object.
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m ([EOSQLExpression -sqlStringForSelector:
value:]): likewise.
* EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m ([NSObject -takeValuesFromDictionary:]):
([NSObject -takeStoredValuesFromDictionary:]): likewise.
defined FOUNDATION_HAS_KVC to use Foundation key value coding.
2001-01-03 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-faultForGlobalID:editingContext:]): use the correct class property
2000-12-23 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m ([EOEntity -isPrimaryKeyValidInObject:]): fixed.
Do not returns from inside an exception handler.
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-prepareForSaveWithCoordinator:editingContext:]): bug fix. Do not
release an autoreleased object.
* EOAccess/EODatabaseDataSource.m ([EODatabaseDataSource
-fetchSpecificationForFetch]): fixed fetch qualifier.
* EOControl/EOKeyValueQualifier.m ([EOKeyValueQualifier
-copyWithZone:]): do not copy _value.
* EOControl/EOAndQualifier.m ([EOAndQualifier -copyWithZone:]): use
correct zone.
* EOControl/EOOrQualifier.m ([EOOrQualifier -copyWithZone:]): likewise.
* EOControl/EOKeyComparisonQualifier.m ([EOKeyComparisonQualifier
-copyWithZone:]): likewise.
2000-12-20 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-_recordChangesForObjects:operator:]): create dbOperation with the
correct entity for to-many relationship objects.
2000-12-11 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EOModel.m ([EOModel -_registerClassDescForClass:]):
check for NULL _entitiesByClass
([EOModel -dealloc]): release _entitiesByClass
([EOModel -removeEntity:]): bug fix.
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Channel.m ([Postgres
-_evaluateCommandsUntilAFetch]): raise an exception on error.
2000-12-10 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m (newGetStoredBinding): fixed value of
class variable.
2000-12-09 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EOModel.m ([EOModel -_registerClassDescForClass:]): fixed
class description registration.
([EOModel -_registerClassDescForEntityName:]): likewise.
([EOModel -addEntity:]), ([EOModel -removeEntity:]): save EOEntity in
2000-12-08 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-prepareForSaveWithCoordinator:editingContext:]): get the object value
if the key is a class property.
Added code to handle propagatesPrimaryKey for to many relationships.
Fixed code that merges pk values.
* EOControl/EOClassDescription.m ([EOClassDescription -awakeObject:
fromInsertionInEditingContext:]): use NSMutableArray for to many
2000-12-08 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext -faultForGlobalID:
editingContext:]): set only class property's object values.
([EODatabaseContext -faultForRawRow:entityNamed:editingContext:]):
([EODatabaseContext -_recordChangesForObjects:operator:]): likewise.
([EODatabaseContext -batchFetchRelationship:forSourceObjects:
editingContext:]): get key value from snapshot rather than in the
2000-12-06 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m ([NSObject
-handleQueryWithUnboundKey:]): raise an EOUnknownKeyException with
the correct userInfo.
([NSObject -handleTakeValue:forUnboundKey:]): likewise.
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m ([EOEntity -isPrimaryKeyValidInObject:]):
check valueForKey: exception.
* EOControl/EOClassDescription.m ([NSObject -changesFromSnapshot:]):
check for EONull values as toMany relationship array.
* EOControl/EOEditingContext.m ([EOEditingContext
-processRecentChanges]): check for EONull values in dictionary.
* EOAccess/EOModel.m ([EOModel -initWithPropertyList:owner:]): check
for an exception in the entity awakeWithPropertyList method.
* EOAccess/EOJoin.m ([EOJoin -initWithSourceAttribute:
destinationAttribute:]): raise exception if source or destination is
2000-12-05 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseChannel.m ([EODatabaseChannel -fetchObject]):
fixed refreshing objects.
* EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m ([NSArray -valueForKey:]): fixed array
and string selector.
* EOAccess/EOUtilities.m ([EOEditingContext -objectsForEntityNamed:]):
([EOEditingContext -primaryKeyForObject:]), ([EOEditingContext
-entityForObject:]): implemented.
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-prepareForSaveWithCoordinator:editingContext:]): lock the database
([EODatabaseContext -commitChanges]), ([EODatabaseContext
-rollbackChanges]): unlock the database context
([EODatabaseContext -registerLockedObjectWithGlobalID:]): fixed zone
2000-12-04 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-_recordChangesForObjects:operator:]): when updating relationship keys
look also in the object snapshot.
2000-12-03 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m ([EOSQLExpression
-sqlStringForKeyValueQualifier:]): bug fix.
* EOAccess/EOUtilities.m ([EOEditingContext -objectsMatchingValue:
forKey:entityNamed:]): implemented.
2000-12-01 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EOUtilities.m/.h: new files.
* EOAccess/EOAccess.h: addes EOUtilities.h
2000-11-23 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOEditingContext.m ([EOEditingContext
-initializeObject:withGlobalID:editingContext:]): ensure that the next
'willChange' notification will be processed for the initialized object.
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m ([EOEntity -globalIDForRow:]): fixed globalID
values order for compound PKs.
2000-11-22 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseOperationPriv.h: new file.
* EOAccess/EODatabaseOperation.m ([EODatabaseOperation
-_setGlobalID:]): new method.
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-prepareForSaveWithCoordinator:editingContext:]): fixed propagates
primary key code.
([EODatabaseContext -_recordChangesForObjects:operator:]): in toOne rel
discard PK to PK joins. Discard 'empty' toOne rels.
([EODatabaseContext -_setGlobalID:forDatabaseOperation:): new method.
It replaces the globalID for the gived operation.
* EOAccess/EORelationship.m ([EORelationship
-initWithPropertyList:owner:]): check for 'propagatesPrimaryKey'.
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m ([EOSQLExpression
-addOrderByAttributeOrdering:]): use compare selector defines. Call
-sqlStringForAttributeNamed: for the sortOrdering key.
2000-11-19 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOFault.m ([EOFault +makeObjectIntoFault:withHandler:]):
do not turn into fault the nil object.
* EOControl/EOEditingContext.m ([EOEditingContext
-refaultObject:withGlobalID:editingContext:]): does nothing if objects
is nil.
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-refaultObject:withGlobalID:editingContext:]): likewise.
([EODatabaseContext -refaultObject:withGlobalID:editingContext:]): does
not remove the snapshot.
([EODatabaseChannel -fetchObject]): fix for refreshing object.
* EOControl/EOSortOrdering.m ([NSMutableArray
-_sortUsingKeyOrder:fromIndex:count:]): use defined value for compare
selectors. Fix when aValue or bValue are nil.
([EONull -compareAscending:]), ([EONull -compareDescending:]),
([EONull -compareCaseInsensitiveAscending:]): ([EONull
-compareCaseInsensitiveDescending:]): if value to be compared is be
treat it as EONull.
2000-11-18 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOEditingContext.m ([EOEditingContext
-processRecentChanges]): get toOne and toMany keys from object instead
of the editingContext.
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext
-_recordChangesForObjects:operator:]): new method. Fixed foreign key
update for inserted objects of toOne relationships. Fixed dictionary
and foreign key update for toMany relationships.
([EODatabaseContext -recordChangesInEditingContext]): moved code into
-_recordChangesForObjects:operator: and check changes also in inserted
([EODatabaseContext -_dbOperationWithObject:operator:]): new method.
Find db operation for the given object and operator.
([EODatabaseContext -commitChanges]), ([EODatabaseContext
-rollbackChanges]): reset ivars if no transaction in progress.
2000-11-16 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOEditingContext.m ([EOEditingContext
-_handleObjectsChangedInStoreNotification:]): refault updated objects.
* EOAccess/EODatabaseChannel.m ([EODatabaseChannel -fetchObject]):
fixed notification for refreshed objects.
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m ([EOSQLExpression
-sqlStringForAttribute:]): fix id attribute is derived.
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m ([EOEntity -setAttributesUsedForLocking:]): fix
release of the array when no valid attributes are found.
([EOEntity -setPrimaryKeyAttributes:]): likewise.
* EOAccess/EODatabase.m ([EODatabase -forgetSnapshotsForGlobalIDs:]):
([EODatabase -forgetSnapshotForGlobalID:]): use defined userInfo string
instead of an hardcoded one.
2000-11-05 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOSortOrdering.m ([NSArray
-sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray:]): implemented.
([NSMutableArray -sortUsingKeyOrderArray:]): not fully implemented.
([NSMutableArray -_sortUsingKeyOrder:fromIndex:count:]): modified
gnustep-base shell sort.
([EOSortOrdering -initWithCoder:]): fixed.
([EONull -compareAscending:]): implemented.
([EONull -compareDescending:]): implemented.
([EONull -compareCaseInsensitiveAscending:]): implemented.
([EONull -compareCaseInsensitiveDescending:]): implemented.
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Channel.m ([Postgres
-_describeResults]): does not coerce attribute className.
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Values.m: fixed pg calendar format.
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95SQLExpression.m ([Postgres -assembleSelectStatementWithAttributes:lock:qualifier:fetchOrder:selectString:columnList:tableList:whereClause:joinClause:orderByClause:lockClause:]): does not return
mutableCopy of the string.
([Postgres +formatValue:forAttribute:]): implemented. Added code from
Turbocat's development.
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m: does not return mutableCopy of a string.
([EOSQLExpression +formatValue:forAttribute:]): return value unchanged.
([EOSQLExpression -sqlStringForValue:attributeNamed:]): bug fix ?
moved code from +[formatValue:forAttribute:]
* EOControl/EOAndQualifier.m ([EOAndQualifier
-sqlStringForSQLExpression:]): doesn't return mutableCopy of a string.
* EOControl/EOOrQualifier.m ([EOOrQualifier
-sqlStringForSQLExpression:]): likewise.
* EOControl/EODetailDataSource.m ([EODetailDataSource
-initWithMasterClassDescription:detailKey:]): set
* EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m
([EOSQLExpression -addCreateClauseForAttribute:]):
([EOSQLExpression -allowsNullClauseForConstraint:]):
([EOSQLExpression -columnTypeStringForAttribute:]):
([EOSQLExpression +dropTableStatementsForEntityGroup:]):
([EOSQLExpression +createTableStatementsForEntityGroup:]):
([EOSQLExpression +primaryKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroup:]):
([EOSQLExpression +primaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroup:]):
([EOSQLExpression +dropPrimaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroup:]):
([EOSQLExpression +createTableStatementsForEntityGroups:]):
([EOSQLExpression +dropTableStatementsForEntityGroups:]):
([EOSQLExpression +primaryKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroups:]):
([EOSQLExpression +primaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroups:]):
([EOSQLExpression +dropPrimaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroups:]):
([EOSQLExpression +appendExpression:toScript:]):
([EOSQLExpression +schemaCreationScriptForEntities:options:]):
([EOSQLExpression +schemaCreationStatementsForEntities:options:]):
([EOSQLExpression -prepareConstraintStatementForRelationship:
([EOSQLExpression +createDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary:
([EOSQLExpression +dropDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary:
([EOSQLExpression +selectStatementForContainerOptions]): implemented.
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m ([EOEntity -primaryKeyRootName]): bug fix: calls
-primaryKeyRootName on the _parent entity instead of -externalName.
* EOAccess/EOSchemaGeneration.h: new file.
* EOAccess/EOAccess.h: added EOSchemaGeneration.h
* EOAccess/EOModel.m ([EOModel -initWithContentsOfFile:]):,
([EOModel -initWithTableOfContentsPropertyList:path:]): fixed _name and
([EOModel -initWithPropertyList:owner:]): use _path instead of _name.
* EOAccess/EOModelGroup.m ([EOModelGroup +globalModelGroup]): search
models in bundles and frameworks.
* EOAccess/EOAdaptor.m ([EOAdaptor +adaptorWithName:]): changed adaptor
from bundle to framework. Looks for <name>EOAdaptor.framework
([EOAdaptor -createDatabaseWithAdministrativeConnectionDictionary:]):
([EOAdaptor -dropDatabaseWithAdministrativeConnectionDictionary:]):
new methods.
* EOAccess/EOAdaptor.h: added include file
* EOAccess/GNUmakefile: added LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON
* EOControl/GNUmakefile: Likewise.
2000-10-05 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseChannel.m: added NSDebugMLog and NSAssert
* EOAccess/EODatabaseDataSource.m: added NSDebugMLog and NSAssert
* EOAccess/EOEntity.m: added NSDebugMLog and NSAssert
* EOAccess/EOModel.m: modified -init
* EOControl/EOFetchSpecification.h/.m: added EOKeyValueUnarchiver support
* EOControl/EOKeyValueArchiver.h/.m: implemented EOKeyValueUnarchiver
* EOControl/GNUmakefile: added EOKeyValueArchiver
2000-09-28 Manuel Guesdon <>
* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m: added NSDebugMLog and NSAssert
* EOAccess/EODatabaseChannel.m: added NSDebugMLog and NSAssert
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/Postgres95Channel.m : added NSDebugMLog
and NSAssert
* EOAccess/EODatabase.m: added NSDebugMLog and NSAssert
2000-09-24 Manuel Guesdon <>
* config.mak: added include directories in POSTGRES95_CFLAGS
2000-09-23 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOControl/EOQualifier.m (getKey): fixed pointer in key-value parsing.
2000-09-17 Mirko Viviani <>
* EOAdaptors/Postgres95/GNUmakefile: remove Postgres95Exceptions.h
2000-09-17 Mirko Viviani <>
Patches by David Wetzel <>
* EOAccess/EOAdaptorContext.m ([EOAdaptorContext -initWithAdaptor:]):
set default debug.
* EOAccess/EOModel.m ([EOModel +findPathForModelNamed:]): look also
in the current dir.
* EOControl/EOObjectStoreCoordinator.m ([EOObjectStoreCoordinator
-objectStoreForGlobalID:]), ([EOObjectStoreCoordinator
-objectStoreForObject:]), ([EOObjectStoreCoordinator
-objectStoreForFetchSpecification:]): bug fix: changed notification