mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 02:20:55 +00:00
* *.h/m, *.h/m): Used #include instead of depricated #import. Avoid including entire library headers. Use export macro where applicable. * EOControl/GNUmakefile: Removed EOKeyValueCodingBase.m/h and EOUndoMananger.h. Added EOArrayDataSource.m/h, EODefines.h and EODepricated.h. * EOControl/EODefines.h: Updated for GDL2 & gnustep-make. * EOControl/EODebug.h: Updated. * EOControl/EODepricated.h: Updated for current state of GDL2. ([NSObject +flushClassKeyBindings]): Added declaration. ([EOClassDescription +setDelegate:]): Added declaration. ([EOClassDescription +delegate]): Added declaration. (EOUndoManager): Moved declaration of interface here. * EOControl/EOKeyValueCoding.m ([EOClassDescription +flushClassKeyBindings]): Added empty implementation. ([NSObject takeStoredValuesFromDictionary:]): Cache EONull instance and use it instead of isKindOfClass:. * EOControl/EOEditingContext.m ([EOEditingContext +initialize]): Tidied. ([EOEditingContest -deleteObject]): Use NSUndoManager instead of EOUndoManager. * EOControl/EOQualifier.m ([NSArray -filteredArrayUsingQualifier:]): Added minor optimization tweak. * EOControl/EOClassDescription.m: Removed inactive commented code. Added private declerations of EOAccess methods to avoid compiler warnings. ([EOClassDescription +initialize]): Tidied. ([EOClassDescription -classDescriptionForClass:]): Use GSObjCName() instead of objc runtime routines. * EOControl/EOFault.m: Exchanged direct usages of ObjC runtime routines with NS/GSObjCRuntime abstraction API. ([EOFault +superclass]): Ditto. ([EOFault +targetClassForFault:]): Ditto. ([EOFault -respondsToSelector:]): Ditto. ([EOFault +initialize]): Cache static class variable. ([EOFault +isKindOfClass]): Use static class variable. ([EOFault +handlerForFault:]): Ditto. ([EOFault +targetClassForFault:]): Ditto. ([EOFault -dealloc]): Ditto. * EOControl/EOGenericRecord.m: ([EOGenericRecord +initialize]): Tidied. * EOControl/EOKeyComparisonQualifier.m: Tidied documentation. * EOControl/EOKeyValueQualifier.m: Ditto. * EOControl/EONSAddOns.h/m: Added declarations to surpress compiler warnings. ([NSObject -eoCompareOnName:]): Adjusted casts to surpress compiler warnings. (GSUseStrictWO451Compatibility): Added function. (GDL2GlobalLock, GDL2GlobalRecursive): Ditto. * EOControl/EONull: Remove implementations for foundation libraries without key value coding and fully rely on NSNull. Added assertions in all intance methods as instances should never be created. ([EONull +allocWithZone:]) Corrected method name so it will actually be used. * EOControl/EOSortOrdering.m ([NSArray sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray:]): Tidied. ([NSMutableArray sortUsingKeyOrderArray:]): Ditto. ([EONull compareAscending:]): Sync with referencs implementation. ([EONull compareDescending:]): Ditto. ([EONull compareCaseInsensitiveAscending:]): Ditto. ([EONull compareCaseInsensitiveDescending:]): Ditto. * EOAccess/EOAdaptor.h: Added comment about API compatibility. * EOAccess/EOAdaptor.m ([EOAdaptor -contexts]): Return array of adaptor contexts rather tham GC-wrapper objects containing adaptor contexts. ([EOAdaptor -databaseEncoding]): Use GSEncodingName() instead of GetEncodingName(). * EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m ([EODatabaseContext -_turnFault:gid:editingContext:isComplete:]): Use GSObjCClass() instead of trying to access isa by dereferencing from id with incorrect member. * EOAccess/EOModel.m ([EOModel -entityNames]): Sort returned array to insure comparable output. * EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.m ([EOSQLExpression sqlStringForArrayOfQualifiers:operation:]): Added cast to surpress compiler warning. * EOAccess/EOUtilities.m ([EOObjectStoreCoordinator setModelGroup:]): Ditto. * EOAccess/EORelationship.h ([EORelationship -docComment]): Added declaration. * EOAccess/GNUmakefile: Added EODefines.h and EODepricated.h. * Tools/*.m: Use RCS_ID macro. * Tools/EOAttribute+GSDoc.h: ([EOAttribute gsdocContentWithTagName:idPtr:]): Corrected Typo. * Tools/EOModel+GSDoc.h/m: ([EOModel gsdocContentSplittedByEntities:idPtr:]): Ditto. * Tools/EORelationship+GSDoc.m: ([EORelationship gsdocContentWithTagName:idPtr:]): Change variable type to supress compiler warnings. * Tools/eoutil.m (dump): Initialize variables to supress compiler warnings. * Tools/gsdoc-model.m: Include GSCategories.h to supress compiler warnings. (main): Added cast to supress compiler warning. Fixed typo in method invocation. 2003-03-25 Stephane Corthesy <stephane@sente.ch> * EOControl/EODefines.h: Added new file for export/win32 support. * EOControl/EODepricated.h: Added new file for depricated features. * EOControl/EOControl.h: Added EOArrayDataSource.h and EODefines.h. * EOControl/EOArrayDataSource.h/m: Added new files. Some methods (<NSCoding> and qualifier bindings) are empty stubs. * EOControl/EODebug.h: Use export macro instead of explicit extern for function and symbol declarations. * EOControl/EOGlobalID.h: Ditto. * EOControl/EONull.h: Ditto. * EOControl/EOObjectStore.h: Ditto. * EOControl/EOOrQualifier.m: Replaced autorelease by AUTORELEASE and fixed typo. * EOControl/EOQualifier.m ([NSArray -filteredArrayUsingQualifier:]): Implemented. * EOControl/EONSAddOns.m: Use volatile in some exception handlers (man longjmp for more info). * EOControl/EOSortOrdering.h/m ([EOSortOrdering -copyWithZone:]): Implemented <NSCopying>. ([EOSortOrdering -encodeWithKeyValueArchiver:]): Implemented. * EOAccess/EODefines.h: Added new file for export/win32 support. * EOAccess/EODepricated.h: Added new file for depricated features. * EOAccess/EOAccess.h: Added EODefines.h. * EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.h/m: Fixed typo for EOPrimaryKeyConstraintKey. * EOAccess/EOExpressionArray.h/m: Use volatile for variables usein in exception handlers. (man longjmp for more info) * EOAccess/EODatabase.h: Use export macro instead of explicit extern for function and symbol declarations. * EOAccess/EOEntity.h: Ditto. * EOAccess/EOModel.h: Ditto. * EOAccess/EOSchemaGeneration.h: Ditto. * EOAccess/EOSQLExpression.h: Ditto. * EOAccess/EOUtilities.h: Ditto. * Tools/eoutil.m (dump): Implemented use of -postinstall option. Corrected bug when getting adaptor's expression class. Renamed symbol EOPrimaryKeyContraintsKey into EOPrimaryKeyConstraintsKey. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/gdl2/trunk@16298 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
778 lines
18 KiB
778 lines
18 KiB
EOKeyValueArchiver.m <title>EOKeyValueArchiver Class</title>
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Author: Manuel Guesdon <mguesdon@orange-concept.com>
Date: September 2000
This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#ifndef NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY
#include <Foundation/NSString.h>
#include <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#include <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#include <Foundation/NSException.h>
#include <Foundation/NSDebug.h>
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <EOControl/EOKeyValueArchiver.h>
#include <EOControl/EODebug.h>
@interface EOKeyValueArchivingContainer : NSObject
id _object;
id _parent;
NSDictionary * _propertyList;
+ (EOKeyValueArchivingContainer*)keyValueArchivingContainer;
- (void) setPropertyList: (id)propList;
- (id) propertyList;
- (void) setParent: (id)parent;
- (id) parent;
- (void) setObject: (id)object;
- (id) object;
- (void) dealloc;
@implementation EOKeyValueArchivingContainer
+ (EOKeyValueArchivingContainer *)keyValueArchivingContainer
return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
- (void) setPropertyList: (id)propList
ASSIGN(_propertyList, propList);
- (id) propertyList
return _propertyList;
- (void) setParent: (id)parent
_parent = parent;
- (id) parent
return _parent;
- (void) setObject: (id)object
ASSIGN(_object, object);
- (id) object
return _object;
- (void) dealloc
_parent = nil;
[super dealloc];
@implementation EOKeyValueArchiver
- (id) init
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
return nil;
- (void) dealloc
[super dealloc];
- (id) dictionary
return _propertyList;
- (void) encodeInt: (int)intValue
forKey: (NSString*)key
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
- (void) encodeBool: (BOOL)yn
forKey: (NSString*)key
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
- (void) encodeReferenceToObject: (id)object
forKey: (NSString*)key
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
- (void) encodeObject: (id)object
forKey: (NSString*)key
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
- (void) _encodeDictionary: (id)dictionary
forKey: (NSString*)key
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
- (void) _encodeObjects: (id)objects
forKey: (NSString*)key
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
- (void) _encodeValue: (id)value
forKey: (NSString*)key
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
- (id) delegate
return _delegate;
- (void) setDelegate: (id)delegate
@implementation NSObject (EOKeyValueArchiverDelegation)
- (id)archiver: (EOKeyValueArchiver *)archiver
referenceToEncodeForObject: (id)object
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
return nil;
@implementation EOKeyValueUnarchiver
- (id) initWithDictionary: (NSDictionary*)dictionary
if ((self = [super init]))
ASSIGN(_propertyList, dictionary);
_allUnarchivedObjects = [NSMutableArray array];
return self;
- (void) finishInitializationOfObjects
int i;
int count = [_allUnarchivedObjects count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
EOKeyValueArchivingContainer *container;
id object;
container = [_allUnarchivedObjects objectAtIndex: i];
object = [container object];
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"finishInitializationWithKeyValueUnarchiver index:%d", i);
[object finishInitializationWithKeyValueUnarchiver: self];
- (void) dealloc
if (_awakenedObjects)
[super dealloc];
- (void) awakeObjects
int i;
int count = [_allUnarchivedObjects count];
if (!_awakenedObjects)
_awakenedObjects = NSCreateHashTable(NSNonRetainedObjectHashCallBacks,
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
EOKeyValueArchivingContainer *container;
id object;
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"awakeObject index:%d", i);
container = [_allUnarchivedObjects objectAtIndex: i];
object = [container object];
[self ensureObjectAwake:object];
- (void) ensureObjectAwake: (id)object
if (object)
if (!NSHashInsertIfAbsent(_awakenedObjects, object))
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"ensureObjectAwake:%@", object);
[object awakeFromKeyValueUnarchiver: self];
- (int) decodeIntForKey: (NSString*)key
id object;
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"decodeIntForKey:%@", key);
object = [_propertyList objectForKey: key];
return [object intValue];
- (BOOL) decodeBoolForKey: (NSString*)key
id object;
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"decodeBoolForKey:%@", key);
object = [_propertyList objectForKey: key];
return [[_propertyList objectForKey: key] boolValue];
- (id) decodeObjectReferenceForKey: (NSString*)key
id objectReference = nil;
id object;
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"decodeObjectReferenceForKey:%@", key);
object = [self decodeObjectForKey: key];
if (object)
objectReference = [_delegate unarchiver: self
objectForReference: object];
return objectReference;
- (id) decodeObjectForKey: (NSString*)key
id propListObject;
id obj = nil;
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"decodeObjectForKey:%@", key);
propListObject = [_propertyList objectForKey: key];
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"key: %@ propListObject:%@", key, propListObject);
if (propListObject)
obj = [self _findTypeForPropertyListDecoding: propListObject];
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"key: %@ obj:%@", key, obj);
return obj;
- (BOOL) isThereValueForKey: (NSString *)key
return ([_propertyList objectForKey: key] != nil);
- (id) _findTypeForPropertyListDecoding: (id)obj
id retVal = nil;
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"obj:%@", obj);
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]])
NSString *className = [obj objectForKey: @"class"];
if (className)
retVal = [self _objectForPropertyList: obj];
retVal = [self _dictionaryForPropertyList: obj];
if (!retVal)
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"ERROR: No retVal for Obj:%@", obj);
else if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
retVal = [self _objectsForPropertyList: obj];
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"retVal:%@", retVal);
return retVal;
batchSize = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
checkOutLength = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
cost = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
currentItem = {TypeName = Object; };
dateAcquired = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
discInsert = {TypeName = Object; };
errorString = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
media = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
movieMedia = {TypeName = MovieMedia; };
movieMediaDataSource = {TypeName = Object; };
moviemedias = {
AutoInitialized = 1;
TypeName = MovieMedias;
initialValue = {
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
objectArray = {TypeName = Object; };
ordering = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
orderingsArray = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
rentalType = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
selectedOrderings = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
tapeInsert = {TypeName = Object; };
yes = {TypeName = Object; };
[self _dictionaryForPropertyList:param0];
{TypeName = Object; }
_dictionaryForPropertyList:{TypeName = Object; }
return Object
//5 [2]
return {TypeName = Object; }
// A1
Description: {
AutoInitialized = 1;
TypeName = MovieMedias;
initialValue = {
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
//A 4
Description: {
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
Description: {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
Description: {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
return _objectForPropertyList:obj; EOFetchSpecification
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
- (id) _dictionaryForPropertyList: (NSDictionary*)propList
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [propList keyEnumerator];
id key;
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]))
id object;
id retObject;
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"key:%@", key);
object = [propList objectForKey: key];
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"Object:%@", object);
retObject = [self _findTypeForPropertyListDecoding: object];
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"retObject:%@", retObject);
if (!retObject)
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"ERROR: No retObject for Object:%@", object);
[dict setObject: retObject
forKey: key];
return dict;
batchSize = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
checkOutLength = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
cost = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
currentItem = {TypeName = Object; };
dateAcquired = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
discInsert = {TypeName = Object; };
errorString = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
media = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
movieMedia = {TypeName = MovieMedia; };
movieMediaDataSource = {TypeName = Object; };
moviemedias = {
AutoInitialized = 1;
TypeName = MovieMedias;
initialValue = {
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
objectArray = {TypeName = Object; };
ordering = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
orderingsArray = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
rentalType = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
selectedOrderings = {AutoInitialized = 1; TypeName = Object; };
tapeInsert = {TypeName = Object; };
yes = {TypeName = Object; };
_findTypeForPropertyListDecoding:{TypeName = Object; }
{TypeName = Object; }
(return Object)
return {TypeName = Object; } <==
//6 [1]
{TypeName = Object; }
_findTypeForPropertyListDecoding:{TypeName = MovieMedia; }
Description: {
AutoInitialized = 1;
TypeName = MovieMedias;
initialValue = {
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
Description: 1
Description: MovieMedias
Description: {
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
- (id) _objectsForPropertyList: (NSArray*)propList
NSMutableArray *newObjects = [NSMutableArray array];
id object = nil;
NSEnumerator *propListEnum;
id propListObject;
if (propList && (propListEnum = [propList objectEnumerator]))
while ((propListObject = [propListEnum nextObject]))
object = [self _findTypeForPropertyListDecoding: propListObject];
if (object)
[newObjects addObject: object];
return newObjects;
- (id) _objectForPropertyList: (NSDictionary*)propList
EOKeyValueArchivingContainer *container = nil;
NSString *className = nil;
Class objectClass = Nil;
id object = nil;
NSDictionary *oldPropList = AUTORELEASE(_propertyList);
_propertyList = RETAIN(propList); //Because dealloc may try to release it
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"propList:%@", propList);
className = [propList objectForKey: @"class"];
objectClass = NSClassFromString(className);
NSAssert1(objectClass, @"ERROR: No class named '%@'", className);
object = [[[objectClass alloc] initWithKeyValueUnarchiver: self]
container = [EOKeyValueArchivingContainer keyValueArchivingContainer];
[container setObject: object];
[container setParent: nil]; //TODO VERIFY
[container setPropertyList: propList];
[_allUnarchivedObjects addObject: container];
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"EOKeyValueUnarchiver",@"EXCEPTION:%@ (%@) [%s %d]",
[localException reason],
//Restaure the original propertyList
_propertyList = RETAIN(oldPropList);
[localException raise];
_propertyList = RETAIN(oldPropList);
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"propList:%@", propList);
NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"object:%@", object);
return object;
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
Description: {
class = WODisplayGroup;
dataSource = {
class = EODatabaseDataSource;
editingContext = session.defaultEditingContext;
fetchSpecification = {class = EOFetchSpecification; entityName = MovieMedia; isDeep = YES; };
formatForLikeQualifier = "%@*";
numberOfObjectsPerBatch = 10;
selectsFirstObjectAfterFetch = YES;
- (id) parent
return _parent;
- (id) delegate
return _delegate;
- (void) setDelegate:(id)delegate
@implementation NSObject (EOKeyValueUnarchiverDelegation)
- (id)unarchiver: (EOKeyValueUnarchiver*)archiver
objectForReference: (id)keyPath
[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODOFN
return nil;
@implementation NSObject(EOKeyValueArchivingAwakeMethods)
- (void)finishInitializationWithKeyValueUnarchiver: (EOKeyValueUnarchiver *)unarchiver
//Does nothing ?
- (void)awakeFromKeyValueUnarchiver: (EOKeyValueUnarchiver *)unarchiver;
//Does nothing ?