mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 19:01:04 +00:00
assignment. Replace label with window title. (-runAdaptorsPanel:): Remove unused variable. * DBModeler/DefaultColumnProvider.m: Add missing braces, remove unused ivars. (-cellForColumnNamed:): Autorelease cells. * DBModeler/EOAdditions.m: New EOAttribute KVC methods -allowNull and -setAllowNull:. * DBModeler/GNUmakefile: Add new to project. * DBModeler/KVDataSource.m (-createObject:): Return nil after throwing exception. * DBModeler/MainModelEditor.m (-dragImageForRows:event:dragImageOffset:):: Enable drag and drop for relationships. (-initWithDocument:): Add parenthesis around assignment. Don't release the document window on close. (-ecStuff:): temporarily reload everything in the outline view when something changes. (-viewSelectedObject:): Remove NSLog. Rewrite editor activation. Fix leaks. * DBModeler/Modeler.m (-applicationWillFinishLaunching:): Add new menu items. Don't order our menu in. (-new:,-open:): Move document initializition to _newDocumentWithModel:. (-_newDocumentWithModel:,-newFromDatabase:): New methods. (-validateMenuItem:,-generateSQL:): Ditto. * DBModeler/ModelerAttributeEditor.m (-initWithParentEditor:): Remove unused variables. (-displayGroupDidChangeSelection:): return early if there is no longer a selection. * DBModeler/ModelerEntityEditor.m: (-canSupportCurrentSelection): Remove NSLog. (-displayGroupDidChangeSelection:): Ditto. (-dealloc:): New method. (-initWithParentEditor:): Remove unused variables. Add parens around assignment. Release local variables. * DBModeler/ModelerTableEmbedibleEditor: (-addDefaultTableColumnsForTableView:displayGroup:): Release table columns. (-addTableColumnForItem:tableView:): Ditto. * DBModeler/Inspectors/RelationshipInspector.m: (-selectedEntity, -selectedDestinationAttribute): New methods. (-selectedSourceAttribute, -indexOfSourceAttribute:): Ditto. (-indexOfDestinationAttribute:,joinWithSource:destination:): Ditto. (-selectedJoin:,updateConnectButton,): Ditto. (-refresh): Rewrite using new methods. (-numberOfRowsInTableView:): Add fallback return value. (-tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:): Ditto. (-tableView:selectionDidChange:): If a source or destination attribute is now selected, select its counterpart. (-tableView:shouldSelectRow:): New method to disallow entity selection if there is a destination entity. (-tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row:): New method, set the cell text color to disabled text color, if we would disallow selection. (-connectionChanged:): Implement disconnection. * DBModeler/SQLGenerator.h/m: New files initial implementation. * DBModeler/Resources/SQLGenerator.gorm: Ditto. * DBModeler/ConsistencyChecker.h/m: Ditto. * DBModeler/ConsistencyResults.h/m: Ditto. * DBModeler/ConsistencyResults.gorm: Ditto. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/gdl2/trunk@21438 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
341 lines
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341 lines
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#include "RelationshipInspector.h"
#include <EOAccess/EOEntity.h>
#include <EOAccess/EORelationship.h>
#include <EOAccess/EOModel.h>
#include <EOAccess/EOAttribute.h>
#include <EOModeler/EOModelerApp.h>
#include <EOModeler/EOModelerDocument.h>
#include <Foundation/NSArray.h>
@implementation RelationshipInspector
- (EOEntity *)selectedEntity
int row = [destEntity_tableView selectedRow];
if (row == -1)
return nil;
return [[[[EOMApp activeDocument] model] entities] objectAtIndex:row];
- (EOAttribute *)selectedDestinationAttribute
int row = [destAttrib_tableView selectedRow];
if (row == -1)
return nil;
return [[[self selectedEntity] attributes]
objectAtIndex:[destAttrib_tableView selectedRow]];
- (EOAttribute *)selectedSourceAttribute
int row = [srcAttrib_tableView selectedRow];
if (row == -1)
return nil;
return [[[[self selectedObject] entity] attributes] objectAtIndex:[srcAttrib_tableView selectedRow]];
- (int) indexOfSourceAttribute:(EOAttribute *)srcAttrib
id tmp;
int row;
if (srcAttrib == nil) return NSNotFound;
tmp = [self selectedObject];
if (tmp == nil) return NSNotFound;
tmp = [tmp entity];
if (tmp == nil) return NSNotFound;
tmp = [(EOEntity *)tmp attributes];
if (tmp == nil) return NSNotFound;
row = [tmp indexOfObject:srcAttrib];
return row;
- (int) indexOfDestinationAttribute:(EOAttribute *)destAttrib
id tmp;
int row;
if (destAttrib == nil) return NSNotFound;
tmp = [self selectedObject];
if (tmp == nil) return NSNotFound;
tmp = [tmp destinationEntity];
if (tmp == nil) return NSNotFound;
tmp = [(EOEntity *)tmp attributes];
if (tmp == nil) return NSNotFound;
row = [tmp indexOfObject:destAttrib];
return row;
- (EOJoin *) joinWithSource:(EOAttribute *)srcAttrib destination:(EOAttribute *)destAttrib
NSArray *joins;
int i,c;
if (!srcAttrib && !destAttrib)
return nil;
joins = [[self selectedObject] joins];
c = [joins count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
BOOL flag;
id join = [joins objectAtIndex:i];
/* if both arguments are non-nil, both must be equal,
* if one argument is nil the non-nil argument must be equal */
flag = ((srcAttrib
&& destAttrib
&& [srcAttrib isEqual:[join sourceAttribute]]
&& [destAttrib isEqual:[join destinationAttribute]])
|| (srcAttrib
&& (destAttrib == nil)
&& [srcAttrib isEqual:[join sourceAttribute]])
|| (destAttrib
&& (srcAttrib == nil)
&& [destAttrib isEqual:[join destinationAttribute]]));
if (flag)
return join;
return nil;
- (EOJoin *) selectedJoin
return [self joinWithSource:[self selectedSourceAttribute]
destination:[self selectedDestinationAttribute]];
- (void) awakeFromNib
[destEntity_tableView setAllowsEmptySelection:NO];
[srcAttrib_tableView setAllowsEmptySelection:NO];
[destAttrib_tableView setAllowsEmptySelection:NO];
- (float) displayOrder
return 0;
- (BOOL) canInspectObject:(id)anObject
return [anObject isKindOfClass:[EORelationship class]];
- (void) updateConnectButton
[connect_button setState: ([self selectedJoin] != nil) ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
- (void) refresh
EOModel *activeModel = [[EOMApp activeDocument] model];
EOEntity *destEntity;
EOAttribute *srcAttrib, *destAttrib;
NSArray *joins;
unsigned int row;
[name_textField setStringValue:[(EORelationship *)[self selectedObject] name]];
/* it is important that the destEntity has a selected row before the destAttrib tableview
* reloads data */
[destEntity_tableView reloadData];
destEntity = [[self selectedObject] destinationEntity];
if (destEntity)
row = [[activeModel entities] indexOfObject:destEntity];
if (row == NSNotFound)
row = 0;
else if ([destEntity_tableView numberOfRows])
row = 0;
[destEntity_tableView selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO];
joins = [[self selectedObject] joins];
if ([joins count])
EOJoin *join = [joins objectAtIndex:0];
srcAttrib = [join sourceAttribute];
destAttrib = [join destinationAttribute];
row = [self indexOfSourceAttribute:srcAttrib];
[srcAttrib_tableView selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO];
row = [self indexOfDestinationAttribute:srcAttrib];
[destAttrib_tableView selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO];
[srcAttrib_tableView selectRow:0 byExtendingSelection:NO];
[destAttrib_tableView selectRow:0 byExtendingSelection:NO];
[self updateConnectButton];
[joinCardinality_matrix selectCellWithTag:[[self selectedObject] isToMany]];
[joinSemantic_popup selectItemAtIndex: [joinSemantic_popup indexOfItemWithTag: [[self selectedObject] joinSemantic]]];
- (int) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tv
EOModel *activeModel = [[EOMApp activeDocument] model];
if (tv == destEntity_tableView)
return [[activeModel entities] count];
else if (tv == srcAttrib_tableView)
return [[(EOEntity *)[[self selectedObject] entity] attributes] count];
else if (tv == destAttrib_tableView)
int selectedRow = [destEntity_tableView selectedRow];
if (selectedRow == -1 || selectedRow == NSNotFound)
return 0;
return [[(EOEntity *)[[activeModel entities] objectAtIndex:[destEntity_tableView selectedRow]] attributes] count];
return 0;
- (id) tableView:(NSTableView *)tv
objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tc
EOModel *activeModel = [[EOMApp activeDocument] model];
if (tv == destEntity_tableView)
return [(EOEntity *)[[activeModel entities] objectAtIndex:rowIndex] name];
else if (tv == srcAttrib_tableView)
return [(EOAttribute *)[[(EOEntity *)[[self selectedObject] entity] attributes] objectAtIndex:rowIndex] name];
else if (tv == destAttrib_tableView)
int selectedRow = [destEntity_tableView selectedRow];
if (selectedRow == NSNotFound)
[destEntity_tableView selectRow:0 byExtendingSelection:NO];
return [(EOAttribute *)[[(EOEntity *)[[activeModel entities] objectAtIndex:[destEntity_tableView selectedRow]]
attributes] objectAtIndex:rowIndex] name];
return nil;
- (void) tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notif
NSTableView *tv = [notif object];
if (tv == destEntity_tableView)
[destAttrib_tableView reloadData];
else if (tv == destAttrib_tableView)
EOJoin *join = [self joinWithSource:nil destination:[self selectedDestinationAttribute]];
int row = [self indexOfSourceAttribute:[join sourceAttribute]];
if (row != NSNotFound)
[srcAttrib_tableView selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO];
[self updateConnectButton];
else if (tv == srcAttrib_tableView)
EOJoin *join = [self joinWithSource:[self selectedSourceAttribute] destination:nil];
int row = [self indexOfDestinationAttribute:[join destinationAttribute]];
if (row != NSNotFound)
[destAttrib_tableView selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO];
[self updateConnectButton];
- (BOOL) tableView:(NSTableView *)tv shouldSelectRow:(int)rowIndex
if (tv == destEntity_tableView)
return [[self selectedObject] destinationEntity] == nil;
return YES;
- (void) tableView:(NSTableView *)tv willDisplayCell:(NSCell *)cell forTableColumn:(id)tc
if (tv == destEntity_tableView)
NSColor *enabledText = [NSColor controlTextColor];
NSColor *disabledText = [NSColor disabledControlTextColor];
BOOL flag = ([[self selectedObject] destinationEntity] == nil);
[(NSTextFieldCell *)cell setTextColor:(flag == YES) ? enabledText : disabledText];
- (void) connectionChanged:(id)sender
EOAttribute *srcAttrib;
EOAttribute *destAttrib;
EOJoin *join;
EOEntity *destEnt = [[self selectedObject] destinationEntity];
destAttrib = [self selectedDestinationAttribute];
srcAttrib = [self selectedSourceAttribute];
if ([sender state] == NSOnState)
join = [[EOJoin alloc] initWithSourceAttribute:srcAttrib destinationAttribute:destAttrib];
[[self selectedObject] addJoin:join];
[join release];
join = [self joinWithSource:srcAttrib destination:destAttrib];
[[self selectedObject] removeJoin:join];
if (destEnt != [[self selectedObject] destinationEntity])
[destEntity_tableView reloadData];
- (void) nameChanged:(id)sender
NSString *name = [name_textField stringValue];
[(EORelationship *)[self selectedObject] setName:name];
- (void) semanticChanged:(id)sender
/* the tag in the nib must match the values in the EOJoinSemantic enum */
[[self selectedObject] setJoinSemantic: [[sender selectedItem] tag]];
- (void) cardinalityChanged:(id)sender
/* the tag in the nib for to-one must be 0 to-many 1 */
[[self selectedObject] setToMany: [[sender selectedCell] tag]];