Matt Rice 91868e3d12 * DBModeler/AdaptorsPanel.m (-init): Add parenthesis around
assignment.   Replace label with window title.
(-runAdaptorsPanel:): Remove unused variable.

* DBModeler/DefaultColumnProvider.m: Add missing braces, remove
unused ivars.
(-cellForColumnNamed:): Autorelease cells.

* DBModeler/EOAdditions.m: New EOAttribute KVC methods -allowNull and

* DBModeler/GNUmakefile: Add new to project.

* DBModeler/KVDataSource.m (-createObject:): Return nil after
throwing exception.

* DBModeler/MainModelEditor.m
(-dragImageForRows:event:dragImageOffset:):: Enable drag and
drop for relationships.
(-initWithDocument:): Add parenthesis around assignment. Don't
release the document window on close.
(-ecStuff:): temporarily reload everything in the outline view when
something changes.
(-viewSelectedObject:): Remove NSLog.  Rewrite editor activation.
Fix leaks.

* DBModeler/Modeler.m (-applicationWillFinishLaunching:): Add new menu
items. Don't order our menu in.
(-new:,-open:): Move document initializition to _newDocumentWithModel:.
(-_newDocumentWithModel:,-newFromDatabase:): New methods.
(-validateMenuItem:,-generateSQL:): Ditto.

* DBModeler/ModelerAttributeEditor.m (-initWithParentEditor:):
Remove unused variables.
(-displayGroupDidChangeSelection:): return early if there is no
longer a selection.

* DBModeler/ModelerEntityEditor.m:
(-canSupportCurrentSelection): Remove NSLog.
(-displayGroupDidChangeSelection:): Ditto.
(-dealloc:): New method.
(-initWithParentEditor:): Remove unused variables.  Add parens around
assignment.  Release local variables.

* DBModeler/ModelerTableEmbedibleEditor:
(-addDefaultTableColumnsForTableView:displayGroup:): Release table
(-addTableColumnForItem:tableView:): Ditto.

* DBModeler/Inspectors/RelationshipInspector.m:
(-selectedEntity, -selectedDestinationAttribute): New methods.
(-selectedSourceAttribute, -indexOfSourceAttribute:): Ditto.
(-indexOfDestinationAttribute:,joinWithSource:destination:): Ditto.
(-selectedJoin:,updateConnectButton,): Ditto.
(-refresh): Rewrite using new methods.
(-numberOfRowsInTableView:): Add fallback return value.
(-tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:): Ditto.
(-tableView:selectionDidChange:): If a source or destination
attribute is now selected, select its counterpart.
(-tableView:shouldSelectRow:): New method to disallow entity
selection if there is a destination entity.
(-tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row:): New method,
set the cell text color to disabled text color, if we would disallow
(-connectionChanged:): Implement disconnection.

* DBModeler/SQLGenerator.h/m: New files initial implementation.
* DBModeler/Resources/SQLGenerator.gorm: Ditto.
* DBModeler/ConsistencyChecker.h/m: Ditto.
* DBModeler/ConsistencyResults.h/m: Ditto.
* DBModeler/ConsistencyResults.gorm: Ditto.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2005-07-09 02:07:42 +00:00

150 lines
4.9 KiB

Author: Matt Rice <>
Date: Apr 2005
This file is part of DBModeler.
DBModeler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
DBModeler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with DBModeler; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "ModelerTableEmbedibleEditor.h"
#include <AppKit/NSMenuItem.h>
#include <AppKit/NSPopUpButton.h>
#include <AppKit/NSTableColumn.h>
#include <AppKit/NSTableView.h>
#include <AppKit/NSScrollView.h>
#include <AppKit/NSImage.h>
#include <EOInterface/EODisplayGroup.h>
#include <EOInterface/EOAssociation.h>
#include "EOModeler/EOModelerApp.h"
/* base class with some methods shared among default embedible editors */
@implementation ModelerTableEmbedibleEditor : EOModelerEmbedibleEditor
- (void) setupCornerView:(NSPopUpButton *)cornerView
tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
displayGroup:(EODisplayGroup *)dg
NSArray *columnNames = [EOMApp columnNamesForClass:aClass];
int i, c;
[cornerView setTarget:self];
[cornerView setAction:@selector(_cornerAction:)];
[[cornerView cell] setRepresentedObject: aClass];
for (i = 0, c = [columnNames count]; i < c; i++)
NSString *columnName = [columnNames objectAtIndex:i];
NSMenuItem <NSMenuItem> *item;
[cornerView addItemWithTitle:columnName];
item = (NSMenuItem *)[cornerView itemWithTitle:columnName];
[item setOnStateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"common_2DCheckMark"]];
[item setState:NSOffState];
/* attempts to find column names from the defaults.
* subclasses should call supers, and return their default columns.
* if it returns nil or an array of count 0 */
- (NSArray *)defaultColumnNamesForClass:(Class)aClass
return [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:NSStringFromClass(aClass)] objectForKey:@"Columns"];
- (void) addDefaultTableColumnsForTableView:(NSTableView *)tv
displayGroup:(EODisplayGroup *)dg
Class aClass = [[(NSPopUpButton*)[tv cornerView] cell] representedObject];
NSArray *columnNames = [self defaultColumnNamesForClass:aClass];
int i, c;
for (i = 0, c = [columnNames count]; i < c; i++)
NSString *columnName = [columnNames objectAtIndex:i];
NSPopUpButton *cv = [tv cornerView];
NSMenuItem <NSMenuItem>*item;
id <EOMColumnProvider>provider;
NSTableColumn *tc = [[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil];
provider = [EOMApp providerForName: columnName class:aClass];
/* THIS *MUST* be before initColumn:class:name:displayGroup:document calls */
[tv addTableColumn:tc];
[provider initColumn:tc class:aClass name:columnName
displayGroup:dg document:[self document]];
item = (NSMenuItem *)[cv itemWithTitle:columnName];
[item setRepresentedObject:tc];
[item setState:NSOnState];
[tv sizeToFit];
- (void) addTableColumnForItem:(NSMenuItem <NSMenuItem>*)item
tableView:(NSTableView *)tv
NSString *columnName = [item title];
Class aClass = [[(NSPopUpButton *)[tv cornerView] cell] representedObject];
id <EOMColumnProvider>provider = [EOMApp providerForName:columnName class:aClass];
NSTableColumn *tc = [[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:nil]; // can't rely on ident.
[item setState:NSOnState];
[item setRepresentedObject:tc];
/* THIS *MUST* be before initColumn:class:name:displayGroup:document calls */
[tv addTableColumn:tc];
/* this requires that the table at least have 1 table column in it...
* so we have to have another method to setup the default table columns */
[provider initColumn:tc
displayGroup:[[tv delegate] displayGroupForAspect:@"source"] // <-+-^
document:[self document]];
[tv sizeToFit];
- (void) removeTableColumnForItem:(NSMenuItem <NSMenuItem>*)item
tableView:(NSTableView *)tv
[tv removeTableColumn:[item representedObject]];
[item setRepresentedObject:nil];
[item setState:NSOffState];
- (void) _cornerAction:(id)sender
NSMenuItem <NSMenuItem>*item = (NSMenuItem*)[sender selectedItem];
NSTableView *tv = [[sender enclosingScrollView] documentView];
if ([item state] == NSOnState)
[self removeTableColumnForItem:item tableView:tv];
[self addTableColumnForItem:item tableView:tv];