/** EOPopUpAssociation.m Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: David Ayers This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library The GNUstep Database Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. The GNUstep Database Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNUstep Database Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #include #endif #include #include "EOControlAssociation.h" #include "EODisplayGroup.h" #include "EOPopUpAssociation.h" #include "SubclassFlags.h" @implementation EOPopUpAssociation + (NSArray *)aspects { static NSArray *_aspects = nil; if (_aspects == nil) { NSArray *arr = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"titles", @"selectedTitle", @"selectedTag", @"selectedObject", @"enabled", nil]; _aspects = RETAIN ([[super aspects] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray: arr]); } return _aspects; } + (NSArray *)aspectSignatures { static NSArray *_signatures = nil; if (_signatures == nil) { NSArray *arr = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"A", @"A", @"A", @"1", @"A", nil]; arr = [[super aspectSignatures] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray: arr]; _signatures = RETAIN(arr); } return _signatures; } + (NSArray *)objectKeysTaken { static NSArray *_keys = nil; if (_keys == nil) { _keys = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"target", nil]; } return _keys; } + (BOOL)isUsableWithObject: (id)object { return [object isKindOfClass: [NSPopUpButton class]]; } + (NSArray *)associationClassesSuperseded { static NSArray *_classes = nil; if (_classes == nil) { _classes = RETAIN ([[super associationClassesSuperseded] arrayByAddingObject: [EOControlAssociation class]]); } return _classes; } - (id) initWithObject:(id)obj { self = [super initWithObject:obj]; _tagValueForOther = -1; return self; } + (NSString *)displayName { return @"EOPopupAssoc"; } + (NSString *)primaryAspect { return @"selectedTitle"; } - (void)establishConnection { EODisplayGroup *dg; [super establishConnection]; if ((dg = [self displayGroupForAspect:@"titles"])) { int i,c; NSArray *dispObj; subclassFlags |= TitlesAspectMask; dispObj = [dg displayedObjects]; c = [dispObj count]; [_object removeAllItems]; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { [_object addItemWithTitle: [self valueForAspect:@"titles" atIndex:i]]; /* hmm used in _action.... :*/ [[_object lastItem] setRepresentedObject:[dg valueForObjectAtIndex:i key:@"self"]]; } } if ([self displayGroupForAspect:@"selectedTitle"]) { subclassFlags |= SelectedTitleAspectMask; } if ([self displayGroupForAspect:@"selectedTag"]) { subclassFlags |= SelectedTagAspectMask; } if ([self displayGroupForAspect:@"selectedObject"]) { subclassFlags |= SelectedObjectAspectMask; } if ([self displayGroupForAspect:@"enabled"]) { subclassFlags |= EnabledAspectMask; } if (((subclassFlags & SelectedTitleAspectMask) && (subclassFlags & (SelectedTagAspectMask | SelectedObjectAspectMask))) || ((subclassFlags & SelectedTagAspectMask) && (subclassFlags & (SelectedObjectAspectMask | SelectedTitleAspectMask)))) { [[NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"more than one selectedTag, %@ %@", @"selectedTitle, or selectedObject aspect bound to %@", self] userInfo:nil] raise]; } [_object setTarget:self]; [_object setAction:@selector(_action:)]; } - (void)breakConnection { subclassFlags = 0; [super breakConnection]; } - (void)subjectChanged { EODisplayGroup *dg; if (subclassFlags & TitlesAspectMask) { dg = [self displayGroupForAspect:@"titles"]; if ([dg contentsChanged]) { int i,c; NSArray *dispObj; dispObj = [dg displayedObjects]; c = [dispObj count]; [_object removeAllItems]; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { [_object addItemWithTitle: [self valueForAspect:@"titles" atIndex:i]]; /* hmm */ [[_object lastItem] setRepresentedObject:[dg valueForObjectAtIndex:i key:@"self"]]; } } } if (subclassFlags & SelectedTagAspectMask) { dg = [self displayGroupForAspect:@"selectedTag"]; if ([dg selectionChanged] || [dg contentsChanged]) { int tag = [[self valueForAspect:@"selectedTag"] intValue]; [_object selectItemAtIndex:[_object indexOfItemWithTag:tag]]; } } else if (subclassFlags & SelectedTitleAspectMask) { dg = [self displayGroupForAspect:@"selectedTitle"]; if ([dg selectionChanged] || [dg contentsChanged]) { [_object selectItemWithTitle:[self valueForAspect:@"selectedTitle"]]; } } else if (subclassFlags & SelectedObjectAspectMask) { dg = [self displayGroupForAspect:@"selectedObject"]; if ([dg selectionChanged] || [dg contentsChanged]) { NSString *titlesKey; NSString *newTitle; titlesKey = [self displayGroupKeyForAspect:@"titles"]; newTitle = [[self valueForAspect:@"selectedObject"] valueForKey:titlesKey]; [_object selectItemWithTitle:newTitle]; } } if (subclassFlags & EnabledAspectMask) { dg = [self displayGroupForAspect:@"enabled"]; if ([dg selectionChanged] || [dg contentsChanged]) [_object setEnabled: [[self valueForAspect:@"enabled"] boolValue]]; } } - (void)setTagValueForOther: (int)value { _tagValueForOther = value; } - (int)tagValueForOther { return _tagValueForOther; } - (void) _action:(id)sender { if (subclassFlags & SelectedTagAspectMask) { [self setValue: [NSNumber numberWithInt: [[_object itemAtIndex: [_object indexOfSelectedItem]] tag]] forAspect:@"selectedTag"]; } else if (subclassFlags & SelectedTitleAspectMask) { [self setValue: [_object titleOfSelectedItem] forAspect:@"selectedTitle"]; } else if (subclassFlags & SelectedObjectAspectMask) { id obj = [[_object itemAtIndex:[_object indexOfSelectedItem]] representedObject]; [self setValue: obj forAspect:@"selectedObject"]; } } @end