/** EOAttribute.m EOAttribute Class Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Mirko Viviani Date: February 2000 Author: Manuel Guesdon Date: October 2000 $Revision$ $Date$ This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. **/ #include "config.h" RCS_ID("$Id$") #include #include #ifdef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif #ifndef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "EOEntityPriv.h" #include "EOAttributePriv.h" @implementation EOAttribute + (void)initialize { static BOOL initialized=NO; if (!initialized) { initialized=YES; GDL2PrivInit(); } } + (id) attributeWithPropertyList: (NSDictionary *)propertyList owner: (id)owner { return [[[self alloc] initWithPropertyList: propertyList owner: owner] autorelease]; } - (id) initWithPropertyList: (NSDictionary *)propertyList owner: (id)owner { if ((self = [self init])) { NSString *tmpString = nil; id tmpObject = nil; [self setName: [propertyList objectForKey: @"name"]]; EOFLOGObjectLevelArgs(@"gsdb", @"Attribute parent=%p %@", owner, [(EOEntity *)owner name]); [self setParent: owner]; // EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb", @"Attribute Entity=%@", [self entity]); [self setExternalType: [propertyList objectForKey: @"externalType"]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"allowsNull"]; if (tmpString) [self setAllowsNull: [tmpString isEqual: @"Y"]]; [self setValueType: [propertyList objectForKey: @"valueType"]]; [self setValueClassName: [propertyList objectForKey: @"valueClassName"]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"writeFormat"]; if (tmpString) [self setWriteFormat: tmpString]; else { tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"updateFormat"]; if (tmpString) [self setWriteFormat: tmpString]; else { tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"insertFormat"]; if (tmpString) [self setWriteFormat: tmpString]; } } tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"readFormat"]; if (tmpString) [self setReadFormat: tmpString]; else { tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"selectFormat"]; [self setReadFormat: tmpString]; } /* tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"maximumLength"]; if (tmpString) [self setMaximumLength: [tmpString intValue]]; */ tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"width"]; if (tmpString) [self setWidth: [tmpString intValue]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"valueFactoryMethodName"]; if (tmpString) [self setValueFactoryMethodName: tmpString]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"adaptorValueConversionMethodName"]; if (tmpString) [self setAdaptorValueConversionMethodName: tmpString]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"factoryMethodArgumentType"]; if(tmpString) { EOFactoryMethodArgumentType argType = EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes; if ([tmpString isEqual: @"EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData"]) argType = EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData; else if ([tmpString isEqual: @"EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString"]) argType = EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString; [self setFactoryMethodArgumentType: argType]; } tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"precision"]; if (tmpString) [self setPrecision: [tmpString intValue]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"scale"]; if (tmpString) [self setScale: [tmpString intValue]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"serverTimeZone"]; if (tmpString) [self setServerTimeZone: [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: tmpString]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"parameterDirection"]; if (tmpString) { if ([tmpString isKindOfClass: GDL2NSNumberClass]) { [self setParameterDirection: [tmpString intValue]]; } else { EOParameterDirection eDirection = EOVoid; if ([tmpString isEqual: @"in"]) eDirection = EOInParameter; else if ([tmpString isEqual: @"out"]) eDirection = EOOutParameter; else if ([tmpString isEqual: @"inout"]) eDirection = EOInOutParameter; [self setParameterDirection: eDirection]; } } tmpObject = [propertyList objectForKey: @"userInfo"]; if (tmpObject) [self setUserInfo: tmpObject]; else { tmpObject = [propertyList objectForKey: @"userDictionary"]; if (tmpObject) [self setUserInfo: tmpObject]; } tmpObject = [propertyList objectForKey: @"internalInfo"]; if (tmpObject) [self setInternalInfo: tmpObject]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"docComment"]; if (tmpString) [self setDocComment: tmpString]; EOFLOGObjectLevelArgs(@"gsdb", @"Attribute name=%@", _name); tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"isReadOnly"]; EOFLOGObjectLevelArgs(@"gsdb", @"tmpString=%@", tmpString); [self setReadOnly: [tmpString isEqual: @"Y"]]; EOFLOGObjectLevelArgs(@"gsdb", @"tmpString=%@", tmpString); } return self; } - (void)awakeWithPropertyList: (NSDictionary *)propertyList { //Seems OK NSString *definition; NSString *columnName; NSString *tmpString; definition = [propertyList objectForKey: @"definition"]; if (definition) [self setDefinition: definition]; columnName = [propertyList objectForKey: @"columnName"]; if (columnName) [self setColumnName: columnName]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"prototypeName"]; if (tmpString) { EOAttribute *attr = [[_parent model] prototypeAttributeNamed: tmpString]; if (attr) [self setPrototype: attr]; } EOFLOGObjectLevelArgs(@"gsdb", @"Attribute %@ awakeWithPropertyList:%@", self, propertyList); } - (void)encodeIntoPropertyList: (NSMutableDictionary *)propertyList { if (_name) [propertyList setObject: _name forKey: @"name"]; if (_prototype) [propertyList setObject: [_prototype name] forKey: @"prototypeName"]; if (_serverTimeZone) [propertyList setObject: [_serverTimeZone name] forKey: @"serverTimeZone"]; if (_columnName) [propertyList setObject: _columnName forKey: @"columnName"]; if (_definitionArray) [propertyList setObject: [_definitionArray definition] forKey: @"definition"]; if (_externalType) [propertyList setObject: _externalType forKey: @"externalType"]; if (_valueClassName) [propertyList setObject: _valueClassName forKey: @"valueClassName"]; if (_valueType) [propertyList setObject: _valueType forKey: @"valueType"]; if (_valueFactoryMethodName) { NSString *methodArg; [propertyList setObject: _valueFactoryMethodName forKey: @"valueFactoryMethodName"]; switch (_argumentType) { case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData: methodArg = @"EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData"; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString: methodArg = @"EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString"; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes: methodArg = @"EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes"; break; default: methodArg = nil; [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"%@ -- %@ 0x%x: Invalid value for _argumentType:%d", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, _argumentType]; } [propertyList setObject: methodArg forKey: @"factoryMethodArgumentType"]; } if (_adaptorValueConversionMethodName) [propertyList setObject: _adaptorValueConversionMethodName forKey: @"adaptorValueConversionMethodName"]; if (_readFormat) [propertyList setObject: _readFormat forKey: @"readFormat"]; if (_writeFormat) [propertyList setObject: _writeFormat forKey: @"writeFormat"]; if (_width > 0) [propertyList setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u", _width] forKey: @"width"]; if (_precision > 0) [propertyList setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hu", _precision] forKey: @"precision"]; if (_scale != 0) [propertyList setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%hi", _scale] forKey: @"scale"]; if (_parameterDirection != 0) [propertyList setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", (int)_parameterDirection] forKey: @"parameterDirection"]; if (_userInfo) [propertyList setObject: _userInfo forKey: @"userInfo"]; if (_docComment) [propertyList setObject: _docComment forKey: @"docComment"]; if (_flags.isReadOnly) [propertyList setObject: @"Y" forKey: @"isReadOnly"]; if (_flags.allowsNull) [propertyList setObject: @"Y" forKey: @"allowsNull"]; } - (void)dealloc { DESTROY(_name); DESTROY(_prototype); DESTROY(_columnName); DESTROY(_externalType); DESTROY(_valueType); DESTROY(_valueClassName); DESTROY(_readFormat); DESTROY(_writeFormat); DESTROY(_serverTimeZone); DESTROY(_valueFactoryMethodName); DESTROY(_adaptorValueConversionMethodName); DESTROY(_sourceToDestinationKeyMap); DESTROY(_userInfo); DESTROY(_internalInfo); DESTROY(_docComment); [super dealloc]; } - (void)gcDecrementRefCountOfContainedObjects { EOFLOGObjectFnStart(); [_parent gcDecrementRefCount]; EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb", @"prototype gcDecrementRefCount"); [_prototype gcDecrementRefCount]; EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb", @"definitionArray gcDecrementRefCount"); [(id)_definitionArray gcDecrementRefCount]; EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb", @"realAttribute gcDecrementRefCount"); [_realAttribute gcDecrementRefCount]; EOFLOGObjectFnStop(); } - (BOOL)gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects { if (![super gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]) return NO; [_parent gcIncrementRefCount]; [_prototype gcIncrementRefCount]; [(id)_definitionArray gcIncrementRefCount]; [_realAttribute gcIncrementRefCount]; [_parent gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]; [_prototype gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]; [(id)_definitionArray gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]; [_realAttribute gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]; return YES; } - (unsigned)hash { return [_name hash]; } - (NSString *)description { NSString *dscr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%s %p - name=%@ entity=%@ columnName=%@ definition=%@ ", object_get_class_name(self), (void*)self, [self name], [[self entity] name], [self columnName], [self definition]]; dscr = [dscr stringByAppendingFormat: @"valueClassName=%@ valueType=%@ externalType=%@ isReadOnly=%s isDerived=%s isFlattened=%s>", [self valueClassName], [self valueType], [self externalType], ([self isReadOnly] ? "YES" : "NO"), ([self isDerived] ? "YES" : "NO"), ([self isFlattened] ? "YES" : "NO")]; return dscr; } /* We override GCObjects default implementation as attributes cannot be copied */ - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; return nil; } - (EOEntity *)entity { if (_flags.isParentAnEOEntity) return _parent; else return nil; } - (NSString *)name { return _name; } - (NSString *)columnName { if (_columnName) return _columnName; return [_prototype columnName]; } - (NSString *)definition { NSString *definition = nil; // EOFLOGObjectFnStart(); // EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb",@"_definitionArray:%@",_definitionArray); definition = [_definitionArray valueForSQLExpression: nil]; // EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb",@"definition:%@",definition); // EOFLOGObjectFnStop(); return definition; } - (NSString *)readFormat { if (_readFormat) return _readFormat; return [_prototype readFormat]; } - (NSString *)writeFormat { if (_writeFormat) return _writeFormat; return [_prototype writeFormat]; } - (NSDictionary *)userInfo { return _userInfo; } - (NSString *)docComment { return _docComment; } - (int)scale { if (_scale) return _scale; if (_prototype) return [_prototype scale]; return 0; } - (unsigned)precision { if (_precision) return _precision; if (_prototype) return [_prototype precision]; return 0; } - (unsigned)width { if (_width) return _width; if (_prototype) return [_prototype width]; return 0; } - (id)parent { return _parent; } - (EOAttribute *)prototype { return _prototype; } - (NSString *)prototypeName { return [_prototype name]; } - (EOParameterDirection)parameterDirection { return _parameterDirection; } - (BOOL)allowsNull { if (_flags.allowsNull) return _flags.allowsNull; if (_prototype) return [_prototype allowsNull]; return NO; } - (BOOL)isKeyDefinedByPrototype:(NSString *)key { return NO; // TODO } - (EOStoredProcedure *)storedProcedure { if ([_parent isKindOfClass: [EOStoredProcedure class]]) return _parent; return nil; } - (BOOL)isReadOnly { //call isDerived if (_flags.isReadOnly) return _flags.isReadOnly; if (_prototype) return [_prototype isReadOnly]; return NO; } /** * Return NO when the attribute corresponds to one SQL column in its entity * associated table return YES otherwise. * An attribute with a definition such as * "anotherAttributeName * 2" is derived. * A Flattened attribute is also a derived attributes. **/ - (BOOL)isDerived { //Seems OK if(_definitionArray) return YES; return NO; } /** * Returns YES if the attribute is flattened, NO otherwise. * A flattened attribute is an attribute with a definition * using a relationship to another entity. * A Flattened attribute is also a derived attribute. **/ - (BOOL)isFlattened { BOOL isFlattened = NO; // Seems OK if(_definitionArray) isFlattened = [_definitionArray isFlattened]; return isFlattened; } - (NSString *)valueClassName { if (_valueClassName) return _valueClassName; if ([self isFlattened]) return [[_definitionArray realAttribute] valueClassName]; return [_prototype valueClassName]; } - (NSString *)externalType { if (_externalType) return _externalType; if ([self isFlattened]) return [[_definitionArray realAttribute] externalType]; return [_prototype externalType]; } - (NSString *)valueType { if (_valueType) return _valueType; else if([self isFlattened]) return [[_definitionArray realAttribute] valueType]; else return [_prototype valueType]; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeSQLExpression) /** * Returns the value to use in an EOSQLExpression. **/ - (NSString *) valueForSQLExpression: (EOSQLExpression *)sqlExpression { NSString *value=nil; // EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb",@"EOAttribute %p",self); NSEmitTODO(); //TODO if (_definitionArray) value = [_definitionArray valueForSQLExpression: sqlExpression]; else value = [self name]; return value; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeEditing) - (NSException *)validateName:(NSString *)name { NSArray *storedProcedures; const char *p, *s = [name cString]; int exc = 0; if (!name || ![name length]) exc++; if (!exc) { p = s; while (*p) { if (!isalnum(*p) && *p != '@' && *p != '#' && *p != '_' && *p != '$') { exc++; break; } p++; } if (!exc && *s == '$') exc++; if (exc) return [NSException exceptionWithName: NSInvalidArgumentException reason: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ -- %@ 0x%x: argument \"%@\" contains invalid char '%c'", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, name, *p] userInfo: nil]; if ([[self entity] attributeNamed:name]) exc++; else if ((storedProcedures = [[[self entity] model] storedProcedures])) { NSEnumerator *stEnum = [storedProcedures objectEnumerator]; EOStoredProcedure *st; while ((st = [stEnum nextObject])) { NSEnumerator *attrEnum; EOAttribute *attr; attrEnum = [[st arguments] objectEnumerator]; while ((attr = [attrEnum nextObject])) { if ([name isEqualToString: [attr name]]) { exc++; break; } } if (exc) break; } } } if (exc) { return [NSException exceptionWithName: NSInvalidArgumentException reason: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ -- %@ 0x%x: \"%@\" already used in the model", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, name] userInfo: nil]; } return nil; } - (void)setName: (NSString *)name { [[self validateName: name] raise]; [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_name, name); if (_flags.isParentAnEOEntity) { [_parent _setIsEdited]; } } - (void)setPrototype: (EOAttribute *)prototype { [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_prototype, prototype); } - (void)setColumnName: (NSString *)columnName { //seems OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_columnName, columnName); DESTROY(_definitionArray); [_parent _setIsEdited]; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum:1]; } - (void)_setDefinitionWithoutFlushingCaches: (NSString *)definition { EOExpressionArray *expressionArray=nil; [self willChange]; expressionArray = [_parent _parseDescription: definition isFormat: NO arguments: NULL]; expressionArray = [self _normalizeDefinition: expressionArray path: nil]; /* //TODO finish l un est code entity primaryKeyAttributes (code) ?? [self _removeFromEntityArray:code selector:setPrimaryKeyAttributes: */ ASSIGN(_definitionArray, expressionArray); } -(id)_normalizeDefinition: (EOExpressionArray*)definition path: (id)path { //TODO /* definition _isPropertyPath //NO count object atindex self _normalizeDefinition:ret path:NSArray() adddobject if attribute if isderived //NO ?? ret attr return nexexp */ return definition; } - (void)setDefinition:(NSString *)definition { if(definition) { [self willChange]; [self _setDefinitionWithoutFlushingCaches: definition]; [_parent _setIsEdited]; DESTROY(_columnName);//?? } } - (void)setReadOnly: (BOOL)yn { if(!yn && ([self isDerived] && ![self isFlattened])) [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%@ -- %@ 0x%x: cannot set to NO while the attribute is derived but not flattened.", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self]; [self willChange]; _flags.isReadOnly = yn; } - (void)setExternalType: (NSString *)type { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_externalType, type); [_parent _setIsEdited]; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 0];//TODO } - (void)setValueType: (NSString *)type { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_valueType, type); if ([_valueType length]==1) _valueTypeChar=(char)[_valueType characterAtIndex:0]; else _valueTypeChar='\0'; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 4];//TODO } - (void)setValueClassName: (NSString *)name { [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_valueClassName, name); _valueClass = NSClassFromString(_valueClassName); _flags.isAttributeValueInitialized = NO; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 3];//TODO } - (void)setWidth: (unsigned)length { [self willChange]; _width = length; } - (void)setPrecision: (unsigned)precision { [self willChange]; _precision = precision; } - (void)setScale: (int)scale { [self willChange]; _scale = scale; } - (void)setAllowsNull: (BOOL)allowsNull { //OK [self willChange]; _flags.allowsNull = allowsNull; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 15];//TODO } - (void)setWriteFormat: (NSString *)string { [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_writeFormat, string); } - (void)setReadFormat: (NSString *)string { [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_readFormat, string); } - (void)setParameterDirection: (EOParameterDirection)parameterDirection { [self willChange]; _parameterDirection = parameterDirection; } - (void)setUserInfo: (NSDictionary *)dictionary { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_userInfo, dictionary); [_parent _setIsEdited]; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 10];//TODO } - (void)setInternalInfo: (NSDictionary *)dictionary { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_internalInfo, dictionary); [_parent _setIsEdited]; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 10]; //TODO } - (void)setDocComment: (NSString *)docComment { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_docComment, docComment); [_parent _setIsEdited]; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOBeautifier) /*+ Make the name conform to the Next naming style NAME -> name, FIRST_NAME -> firstName +*/ - (void)beautifyName { NSArray *listItems; NSString *newString=[NSMutableString string]; int anz,i; EOFLOGObjectFnStartOrCond2(@"ModelingClasses", @"EOAttribute"); // Makes the receiver's name conform to a standard convention. Names that conform to this style are all lower-case except for the initial letter of each embedded word other than the first, which is upper case. Thus, "NAME" becomes "name", and "FIRST_NAME" becomes "firstName". if ((_name) && ([_name length]>0)) { listItems = [_name componentsSeparatedByString: @"_"]; newString = [newString stringByAppendingString: [[listItems objectAtIndex: 0] lowercaseString]]; anz = [listItems count]; for(i = 1; i < anz; i++) { newString = [newString stringByAppendingString: [[listItems objectAtIndex: i] capitalizedString]]; } //#warning ergŁnzen um alle components (attributes, ...) // Exception abfangen NS_DURING { [self setName: newString]; } NS_HANDLER { NSLog(@"%@ in Class: EOAttribute , Method: beautifyName >> error : %@", [localException name], [localException reason]); } NS_ENDHANDLER; } EOFLOGObjectFnStopOrCond2(@"ModelingClasses", @"EOAttribute"); } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOCalendarDateSupport) - (NSTimeZone *)serverTimeZone { if (_serverTimeZone) return _serverTimeZone; return [_prototype serverTimeZone]; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOCalendarDateSupportEditing) - (void)setServerTimeZone: (NSTimeZone *)tz { [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_serverTimeZone, tz); } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeValueCreation) /** * Returns an NSString or a custom-class value object * from the supplied set of bytes. * The Adaptor calls this method during value creation * when fetching objects from the database. * For efficiency, the returned value is NOT autoreleased. **/ - (id)newValueForBytes: (const void *)bytes length: (int)length { NSMethodSignature *aSignature; NSInvocation *anInvocation; NSData *value = nil; Class valueClass = [self _valueClass]; if (valueClass != Nil && valueClass != GDL2NSDataClass) { switch (_argumentType) { case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData: value = [GDL2NSData_alloc() initWithBytes:bytes length: length]; //For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! if(_valueFactoryMethod != NULL) value = [(id)valueClass performSelector: _valueFactoryMethod withObject: [value autorelease]]; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes: value = [valueClass alloc];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! aSignature = [valueClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: _valueFactoryMethod]; anInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature: aSignature]; [anInvocation setSelector: _valueFactoryMethod]; [anInvocation setTarget: value]; [anInvocation setArgument: &bytes atIndex: 2]; [anInvocation setArgument: &length atIndex: 3]; [anInvocation invoke]; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString: break; } } if(!value) value = [GDL2NSData_alloc() initWithBytes: bytes length: length];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! return value; } /** * Returns a NSString or a custom-class value object * from the supplied set of bytes using encoding. * The Adaptor calls this method during value creation * when fetching objects from the database. * For efficiency, the returned value is NOT autoreleased. **/ - (id)newValueForBytes: (const void *)bytes length: (int)length encoding: (NSStringEncoding)encoding { NSMethodSignature *aSignature; NSInvocation *anInvocation; id value = nil; Class valueClass = [self _valueClass]; if (valueClass != Nil && valueClass != GDL2NSStringClass) { switch (_argumentType) { case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString: value = [GDL2NSString_alloc() initWithData: GDL2DataWithBytesAndLength(bytes,length) encoding: encoding];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! value = [(id)valueClass performSelector: _valueFactoryMethod withObject: [value autorelease]]; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes: value = [valueClass alloc];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! aSignature = [valueClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: _valueFactoryMethod]; anInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature: aSignature]; [anInvocation setSelector: _valueFactoryMethod]; [anInvocation setTarget: value]; [anInvocation setArgument: &bytes atIndex: 2]; [anInvocation setArgument: &length atIndex: 3]; [anInvocation setArgument: &encoding atIndex: 4]; [anInvocation invoke]; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData: break; } } if(!value) value = [GDL2NSString_alloc() initWithData: GDL2DataWithBytesAndLength(bytes,length) encoding: encoding];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! return value; } /** * Returns an NSCalendarDate object * from the supplied time information. * The Adaptor calls this method during value creation * when fetching objects from the database. * For efficiency, the returned value is NOT autoreleased. **/ - (NSCalendarDate *)newDateForYear: (int)year month: (unsigned)month day: (unsigned)day hour: (unsigned)hour minute: (unsigned)minute second: (unsigned)second millisecond: (unsigned)millisecond timezone: (NSTimeZone *)timezone zone: (NSZone *)zone { NSCalendarDate *date; //For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! date = [[GDL2NSCalendarDateClass allocWithZone: zone] initWithYear: year month: month day: day hour: hour minute: minute second: second timeZone: timezone]; // TODO milliseconds ?? return date; } - (NSString *)valueFactoryMethodName { return _valueFactoryMethodName; } - (SEL)valueFactoryMethod { return _valueFactoryMethod; } /** * Depending on -adaptorValueType this method checks whether the value * is a NSNumber, NSString, NSData or NSDate instance respectively. * If not, it attempts to retrieve the -adaptorValueConversionMethod * which should be used to convert the value accordingly. If none * has been specified and the -adaptorValueType is EOAdaptorBytesType, * it tries to convert the value by invoking -archiveData. * The EONull instance is not converted. * Returns the converted value. * Note: This implementation currently raises if -adaptorValueType is of * an unknown type or if conversion is necessary but not possible. This * maybe contrary to the reference implementation but it seems like useful * behavior. If this is causing problems please submit a bug report. */ - (id)adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue: (id)value { BOOL convert = NO; EOAdaptorValueType adaptorValueType = [self adaptorValueType]; switch (adaptorValueType) { /* Temporary reverted so we can discuss about this case EOAdaptorNumberType: convert = [value isKindOfClass: GDL2NSNumberClass] ? NO : YES; break; case EOAdaptorCharactersType: convert = [value isKindOfClass: GDL2NSStringClass] ? NO : YES; break; case EOAdaptorBytesType: convert = [value isKindOfClass: GDL2NSDataClass] ? NO : YES; break; case EOAdaptorDateType: convert = [value isKindOfClass: GDL2NSDateClass] ? NO : YES; break; */ //TODO It's only a quick Fix case EOAdaptorNumberType: case EOAdaptorCharactersType: case EOAdaptorDateType: convert = ([value isKindOfClass: GDL2NSNumberClass] || [value isKindOfClass: GDL2NSStringClass] || [value isKindOfClass: GDL2NSDateClass]) ? NO : YES; break; case EOAdaptorBytesType: convert = [value isKindOfClass: GDL2NSDataClass] ? NO : YES; break; default: [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"Illegal adaptorValueType: %d", adaptorValueType]; } convert = (value == GDL2EONull) ? NO : convert; if (convert) { SEL sel; sel = [self adaptorValueConversionMethod]; if (sel == 0) { if (adaptorValueType == EOAdaptorBytesType) { value = [value archiveData]; } else { /* This exception might not be conformant, but seems helpful. */ [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"Value of class: %@ needs conversion " @"yet no conversion method specified. " @"Attribute is %@. adaptorValueType=%d", NSStringFromClass([value class]), self,adaptorValueType]; } } else { value = [value performSelector: sel]; } } return value; } - (NSString *)adaptorValueConversionMethodName { return _adaptorValueConversionMethodName; } - (SEL)adaptorValueConversionMethod { return _adaptorValueConversionMethod; } - (EOAdaptorValueType)adaptorValueType { if (!_flags.isAttributeValueInitialized) { Class adaptorClasses[] = { GDL2NSNumberClass, GDL2NSStringClass, GDL2NSDateClass }; EOAdaptorValueType values[] = { EOAdaptorNumberType, EOAdaptorCharactersType, EOAdaptorDateType }; Class valueClass = Nil; int i = 0; _adaptorValueType = EOAdaptorBytesType; for ( i = 0; i < 3 && !_flags.isAttributeValueInitialized; i++) { for ( valueClass = [self _valueClass]; valueClass != Nil; valueClass = GSObjCSuper(valueClass)) { if (valueClass == adaptorClasses[i]) { _adaptorValueType=values[i]; _flags.isAttributeValueInitialized = YES; break; } } } _flags.isAttributeValueInitialized = YES; }; return _adaptorValueType; } - (EOFactoryMethodArgumentType)factoryMethodArgumentType { return _argumentType; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeValueCreationEditing) - (void)setValueFactoryMethodName: (NSString *)factoryMethodName { [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_valueFactoryMethodName, factoryMethodName); _valueFactoryMethod = NSSelectorFromString(_valueFactoryMethodName); } - (void)setAdaptorValueConversionMethodName: (NSString *)conversionMethodName { [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_adaptorValueConversionMethodName, conversionMethodName); _adaptorValueConversionMethod = NSSelectorFromString(_adaptorValueConversionMethodName); } - (void)setFactoryMethodArgumentType: (EOFactoryMethodArgumentType)argumentType { [self willChange]; _argumentType = argumentType; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeValueMapping) - (NSException *)validateValue: (id*)valueP { NSException *exception=nil; NSAssert(valueP, @"No value pointer"); if (*valueP == nil && [self allowsNull] == NO) exception = [NSException validationExceptionWithFormat: @"attribute '%@' cannot be nil", [self name]]; else if (*valueP) { //call self valueClassName *valueP = [self adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue: *valueP]; //call attribute width //end ! //TODO: revoir { //EOEntity *entity = [self entity]; //NSArray *pkAttributes = [entity primaryKeyAttributes]; //TODO wowhat if (*valueP) { Class valueClass = [self _valueClass]; if ([*valueP isKindOfClass: valueClass] == NO) { if ([*valueP isKindOfClass: GDL2NSStringClass]) { if (valueClass == GDL2NSNumberClass) { char valueTypeChar=[self _valueTypeChar]; switch(valueTypeChar) { case 'i': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithInt: [*valueP intValue]]; break; case 'I': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt: [*valueP unsignedIntValue]]; break; case 'c': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithChar: [*valueP intValue]]; break; case 'C': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedChar: [*valueP unsignedIntValue]]; break; case 's': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithShort: [*valueP shortValue]]; break; case 'S': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort: [*valueP unsignedShortValue]]; break; case 'l': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithLong: [*valueP longValue]]; break; case 'L': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong: [*valueP unsignedLongValue]]; break; case 'u': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong: [*valueP longLongValue]]; break; case 'U': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: [*valueP unsignedLongLongValue]]; break; case 'f': *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: [*valueP floatValue]]; break; default: *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: [*valueP doubleValue]]; break; }; } else if (valueClass == GDL2NSDecimalNumberClass) *valueP = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString: *valueP]; else if (valueClass == GDL2NSDataClass) *valueP = [*valueP dataUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion: YES]; else if (valueClass == GDL2NSCalendarDateClass) *valueP = [[[GDL2NSCalendarDateClass alloc] initWithString: *valueP] autorelease]; } } else { if ([*valueP isKindOfClass: GDL2NSStringClass]) { unsigned width = [self width]; if (width && [*valueP length] > width) { const char *buf; buf = [*valueP cString]; *valueP = [NSString stringWithCString: buf length: width]; } } else if ([*valueP isKindOfClass: GDL2NSNumberClass]) { // TODO ?? } } } } } return exception; } @end @implementation NSObject (EOCustomClassArchiving) + objectWithArchiveData: (NSData *)data { return [NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:data]; } - (NSData *)archiveData { return [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:self]; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributePrivate) - (void)setParent: (id)parent { //OK [self willChange]; _parent = parent; _flags.isParentAnEOEntity = [_parent isKindOfClass: [EOEntity class]];//?? } - (EOAttribute *)realAttribute { return _realAttribute; } - (GCMutableArray *)_definitionArray { return _definitionArray; } - (Class)_valueClass { if (_valueClass) return _valueClass; else if ([self isFlattened]) return [[_definitionArray realAttribute] _valueClass]; else return [_prototype _valueClass]; } - (char)_valueTypeChar { char valueTypeChar=_valueTypeChar; if (valueTypeChar=='\0') { // Compute it NSString* valueType=[self valueType]; if ([valueType length]==1) valueTypeChar=(char)[valueType characterAtIndex:0]; } return valueTypeChar; }; @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributePrivate2) - (BOOL) _hasAnyOverrides { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO return NO; } - (void) _resetPrototype { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } - (void) _updateFromPrototype { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } - (void) _setOverrideForKeyEnum: (int)keyEnum { //[self notImplemented:_cmd]; //TODO } - (BOOL) _isKeyEnumOverriden: (int)param0 { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO return NO; } - (BOOL) _isKeyEnumDefinedByPrototype: (int)param0 { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO return NO; } @end