/** EONSAddOns.m EONSAddOns Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Manuel Guesdon Date: October 2000 $Revision$ $Date$ This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. **/ #include "config.h" RCS_ID("$Id$") #ifdef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif #ifndef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include static NSRecursiveLock *local_lock = nil; static BOOL GSStrictWO451Flag = NO; BOOL GSUseStrictWO451Compatibility (NSString *key) { static BOOL read = NO; if (read == NO) { [GS_INITIALIZED_LOCK(local_lock, GSLazyRecursiveLock) lock]; NS_DURING if (read == NO) { NSUserDefaults *defaults; defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; GSStrictWO451Flag = [defaults boolForKey: @"GSUseStrictWO451Compatibility"]; read = YES; } NS_HANDLER [local_lock unlock]; [localException raise]; NS_ENDHANDLER [local_lock unlock]; } return GSStrictWO451Flag; } void GDL2_DumpMethodList(Class cls, SEL sel, BOOL isInstance) { void *iterator = 0; GSMethodList mList; fprintf(stderr,"List for :%s %s (inst:%d)\n", GSNameFromClass(cls), GSNameFromSelector(sel), isInstance); while ((mList = GSMethodListForSelector(cls, sel, &iterator, isInstance))) { GSMethod meth = GSMethodFromList(mList, sel, NO); IMP imp = meth->method_imp; fprintf(stderr,"List: %p Meth: %p Imp: %p\n", mList, meth, imp); } fprintf(stderr,"List finished\n"); fflush(stderr); } void GDL2_ActivateCategory(const char *className, SEL sel, BOOL isInstance) { Class cls; GSMethodList mList; cls = GSClassFromName(className); mList = GSMethodListForSelector(cls, sel, 0, isInstance); GSRemoveMethodList(cls, mList, isInstance); GSAddMethodList(cls, mList, isInstance); GSFlushMethodCacheForClass(cls); } void GDL2_ActivateAllGDL2Categories(void) { /* EOKeyValueCoding */ GDL2_ActivateCategory("NSObject", @selector(GDL2KVCNSObjectICategoryID), YES); GDL2_ActivateCategory("NSArray", @selector(GDL2KVCNSArrayICategoryID), YES); GDL2_ActivateCategory("NSDictionary", @selector(GDL2KVCNSDictionaryICategoryID), YES); GDL2_ActivateCategory("NSMutableDictionary", @selector(GDL2KVCNSMutableDictionaryICategoryID), YES); /* EOClassDescription */ GDL2_ActivateCategory("NSObject", @selector(GDL2CDNSObjectICategoryID), YES); } @implementation NSObject (NSObjectPerformingSelector) - (NSArray*)resultsOfPerformingSelector: (SEL)sel withEachObjectInArray: (NSArray*)array { return [self resultsOfPerformingSelector: sel withEachObjectInArray: array defaultResult: nil]; } - (NSArray*)resultsOfPerformingSelector: (SEL)sel withEachObjectInArray: (NSArray*)array defaultResult: (id)defaultResult { NSMutableArray *results = nil; if (array) { int i, count = [array count]; volatile id object = nil; results = [NSMutableArray array]; //OPTIMIZE NS_DURING { for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { id result; object = [array objectAtIndex: i]; result = [self performSelector: sel withObject: (id)object]; if (!result) result = defaultResult; NSAssert3(result, @"%@: No result for object %@ resultOfPerformingSelector:\"%s\" withEachObjectInArray:", self, object, sel_get_name(sel)); [results addObject: result]; } } NS_HANDLER { NSWarnLog(@"object %p %@ may not support %@", object, [object class], NSStringFromSelector(sel)); NSLog(@"%@ (%@)",localException,[localException reason]); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; } return results; } @end @implementation NSArray (NSArrayPerformingSelector) - (id)firstObject { NSAssert1([self count] > 0, @"no object in %@", self); return [self objectAtIndex: 0]; } - (NSArray*)resultsOfPerformingSelector: (SEL)sel { return [self resultsOfPerformingSelector: sel defaultResult: nil]; } - (NSArray*)resultsOfPerformingSelector: (SEL)sel defaultResult: (id)defaultResult { NSMutableArray *results=[NSMutableArray array]; int i, count = [self count]; volatile id object = nil; NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"self:%p (%@) results:%p (%@)", self, [self class], results, [results class]); //OPTIMIZE NS_DURING { for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { id result; object = [self objectAtIndex: i]; result = [object performSelector: sel]; if (!result) result = defaultResult; NSAssert3(result, @"%@: No result for object %@ resultOfPerformingSelector:\"%s\"", self, object, sel_get_name(sel)); [results addObject: result]; //TODO What to do if nil ?? } } NS_HANDLER { NSWarnLog(@"object %p %@ may doesn't support %@", object, [object class], NSStringFromSelector(sel)); NSLog(@"%@ (%@)", localException, [localException reason]); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"self:%p (%@) results:%p (%@)", self, [self class], results, [results class]); return results; } - (NSArray*)resultsOfPerformingSelector: (SEL)sel withObject: (id)obj1 { return [self resultsOfPerformingSelector: sel withObject: obj1 defaultResult: nil]; } - (NSArray*)resultsOfPerformingSelector:(SEL)sel withObject:(id)obj1 defaultResult:(id)defaultResult { NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array]; int i, count = [self count]; volatile id object = nil; //OPTIMIZE NS_DURING { for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { id result; object = [self objectAtIndex: i]; result = [object performSelector: sel withObject: obj1]; if (!result) result = defaultResult; NSAssert3(result, @"%@: No result for object %@ resultOfPerformingSelector:\"%s\"", self, object, sel_get_name(sel)); [results addObject: result]; //TODO What to do if nil ?? } } NS_HANDLER { NSWarnLog(@"object %p %@ may doesn't support %@", object, [object class], NSStringFromSelector(sel)); NSLog(@"%@ (%@)", localException, [localException reason]); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return results; } - (NSArray*)resultsOfPerformingSelector: (SEL)sel withObject: (id)obj1 withObject: (id)obj2 { return [self resultsOfPerformingSelector: sel withObject: obj1 withObject: obj2 defaultResult: nil]; } - (NSArray*)resultsOfPerformingSelector: (SEL)sel withObject: (id)obj1 withObject: (id)obj2 defaultResult: (id)defaultResult { NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array]; int i, count = [self count]; volatile id object = nil; //OPTIMIZE NS_DURING { for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { id result; object = [self objectAtIndex: i]; result = [object performSelector: sel withObject: obj1 withObject: obj2]; if (!result) result = defaultResult; NSAssert3(result, @"%@: No result for object %@ resultOfPerformingSelector:\"%s\"", self, object, sel_get_name(sel)); [results addObject: result]; //TODO What to do if nil ?? } } NS_HANDLER { NSWarnLog(@"object %p %@ may doesn't support %@", object, [object class], NSStringFromSelector(sel)); NSLog(@"%@ (%@)", localException, [localException reason]); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return results; } - (NSArray*)arrayExcludingObjectsInArray: (NSArray*)array { //Verify: mutable/non mutable,.. NSArray *result = nil; unsigned int selfCount = [self count]; if (selfCount > 0) //else return nil { unsigned int arrayCount = [array count]; if (arrayCount == 0) //Nothing to exclude ? result = self; else { int i; for (i = 0; i < selfCount; i++) { id object = [self objectAtIndex: i]; int index = [array indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: object]; if (index == NSNotFound) { if (result) [(NSMutableArray*)result addObject: object]; else result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: object]; } } } } return result; } - (NSArray *)arrayExcludingObject: (id)anObject { //Verify: mutable/non mutable,.. NSArray *result = nil; unsigned int selfCount = [self count]; if (selfCount > 0 && anObject) //else return nil { int i; for (i = 0; i < selfCount; i++) { id object = [self objectAtIndex: i]; if (object != anObject) { if (result) [(NSMutableArray *)result addObject: object]; else result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: object]; } } } return result; } - (NSArray*)arrayByReplacingObject: (id)object1 withObject: (id)object2 { NSArray *array = nil; int count; count = [self count]; if (count > 0) { int i; id o = nil; NSMutableArray *tmpArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { o = [self objectAtIndex: i]; if ([o isEqual: object1]) [tmpArray addObject: object2]; else [tmpArray addObject: o]; } array = [NSArray arrayWithArray: tmpArray]; } else array = self; return array; } /** return YES if the 2 arrays contains exactly identical objects (compared by address) (i.e. only the order may change), NO otherwise **/ - (BOOL)containsIdenticalObjectsWithArray: (NSArray *)array { BOOL ret = NO; int selfCount = [self count]; int arrayCount = [array count]; if (selfCount == arrayCount) { BOOL foundInArray[arrayCount]; int i, j; memset(foundInArray, 0, sizeof(BOOL) * arrayCount); ret = YES; for (i = 0; ret && i < selfCount; i++) { id selfObj = [self objectAtIndex: i]; ret = NO; for (j = 0; j < arrayCount; j++) { id arrayObj = [array objectAtIndex: j]; if (arrayObj == selfObj && !foundInArray[j]) { foundInArray[j] = YES; ret = YES; break; } } } } return ret; } @end @interface NSObject (EOCOmpareOnNameSupport) - (NSString *)name; @end @implementation NSObject (EOCompareOnName) - (NSComparisonResult)eoCompareOnName: (id)object { return [[self name] compare: [(NSObject *)object name]]; } @end @implementation NSString (YorYes) - (BOOL)isYorYES { return ([self isEqual: @"Y"] || [self isEqual: @"YES"]); } @end @implementation NSString (VersionParsing) - (int)parsedFirstVersionSubstring { NSString *shortVersion; NSScanner *scanner; NSCharacterSet *characterSet; NSArray *versionComponents; NSString *component; int count, i; int version = 0; int factor[] = { 10000, 100, 1 }; scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: self]; characterSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: @"0123456789."]; [scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped: [characterSet invertedSet]]; [scanner scanCharactersFromSet: characterSet intoString: &shortVersion]; versionComponents = [shortVersion componentsSeparatedByString:@"."]; count = [versionComponents count]; for (i = 0; (i < count) && (i < 3); i++) { component = [versionComponents objectAtIndex: i]; version += [component intValue] * factor[i]; } return version; } @end @implementation NSString (Extensions) - (NSString *)initialCapitalizedString { unichar *chars; unsigned int length = [self length]; chars = objc_malloc(length * sizeof(unichar)); [self getCharacters: chars]; chars[0]=uni_toupper(chars[0]); return AUTORELEASE([[NSString alloc] initWithCharactersNoCopy: chars length: length freeWhenDone: YES]); } @end @implementation NSString (StringToNumber) -(unsigned int)unsignedIntValue { long v=atol([self lossyCString]); if (v<0 || v >UINT_MAX) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%ld is not an unsigned int",v]; }; return (unsigned int)v; }; -(short)shortValue { int v=atoi([self lossyCString]); if (vSHRT_MAX) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%d is not a short",v]; }; return (short)v; }; -(unsigned short)unsignedShortValue; { int v=atoi([self lossyCString]); if (v<0 || v>USHRT_MAX) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%d is not an unsigned short",v]; }; return (unsigned short)v; }; -(long)longValue { return atol([self lossyCString]); }; -(unsigned long)unsignedLongValue; { long long v=atoll([self lossyCString]); if (v<0 || v>ULONG_MAX) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%lld is not an unsigned long",v]; }; return (unsigned long)v; }; -(long long)longLongValue { long long v=atoll([self lossyCString]); return v; }; -(unsigned long long)unsignedLongLongValue { return strtoull([self lossyCString],NULL,10); }; @end @implementation NSObject (PerformSelect3) //Ayers: Review (Do we really need this?) /** * Causes the receiver to execute the method implementation corresponding * to aSelector and returns the result.
* The method must be one which takes three arguments and returns an object. *
Raises NSInvalidArgumentException if given a null selector. */ - (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector withObject: (id) object1 withObject: (id) object2 withObject: (id) object3 { IMP msg; if (aSelector == 0) [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%@ null selector given", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; msg = get_imp(GSObjCClass(self), aSelector); if (!msg) { [NSException raise: NSGenericException format: @"invalid selector passed to %s", sel_get_name(_cmd)]; return nil; } return (*msg)(self, aSelector, object1, object2, object3); } @end