/** EODatabaseContext.m EODatabaseContext Class Copyright (C) 2000-2002,2003,2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Mirko Viviani Date: June 2000 Author: Manuel Guesdon Date: October 2000 $Revision$ $Date$ This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "config.h" RCS_ID("$Id$") #ifdef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif #ifndef GNUSTEP #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "EOPrivate.h" #include "EOEntityPriv.h" #include "EOAccessFaultPriv.h" #include "EODatabaseContextPriv.h" #include #define _LOCK_BUFFER 128 NSString *EODatabaseChannelNeededNotification = @"EODatabaseChannelNeededNotification"; NSString *EODatabaseContextKey = @"EODatabaseContextKey"; NSString *EODatabaseOperationsKey = @"EODatabaseOperationsKey"; NSString *EOFailedDatabaseOperationKey = @"EOFailedDatabaseOperationKey"; NSString *EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey = @"EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey"; NSString *EOStoredProcedureNameHintKey = @"EOStoredProcedureNameHintKey"; static BOOL _useToManyCaching = YES; @interface EODatabaseContext(EOObjectStoreSupportPrivate) - (id) entityForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID; @end @implementation EODatabaseContext // Initializing instances static Class _contextClass = Nil; + (void)initialize { static BOOL initialized=NO; if (!initialized) { initialized=YES; GDL2_EOAccessPrivateInit(); _contextClass = GDL2_EODatabaseContextClass; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(_registerDatabaseContext:) name: EOCooperatingObjectStoreNeeded object: nil]; } } + (EODatabaseContext*)databaseContextWithDatabase: (EODatabase *)database { return AUTORELEASE([[self alloc] initWithDatabase: database]); } + (void)_registerDatabaseContext:(NSNotification *)notification { EOObjectStoreCoordinator *coordinator = [notification object]; EODatabaseContext *dbContext = nil; EOModel *model = nil; NSString *entityName = nil; id keyValue = nil; keyValue = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey: @"globalID"]; if (keyValue == nil) keyValue = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey: @"fetchSpecification"]; if (keyValue == nil) keyValue = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey: @"object"]; if (keyValue) entityName = [keyValue entityName]; if (entityName) model = [[[EOModelGroup defaultGroup] entityNamed:entityName] model]; if (model == nil) NSLog(@"%@ -- %@ %@: No model for entity named %@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, entityName); dbContext = [EODatabaseContext databaseContextWithDatabase: [EODatabase databaseWithModel: model]]; [coordinator addCooperatingObjectStore:dbContext]; } /* * this exists, see EOF 2.2 Release Notes * http://support.apple.com/kb/TA26740?viewlocale=en_US */ + (void) _setUseToManyCaching:(BOOL) yn { _useToManyCaching = yn; } - (void) registerForAdaptorContextNotifications: (EOAdaptorContext*)adaptorContext { //OK [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(_beginTransaction) name: EOAdaptorContextBeginTransactionNotification object: adaptorContext]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(_commitTransaction) name: EOAdaptorContextCommitTransactionNotification object: adaptorContext]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(_rollbackTransaction) name: EOAdaptorContextRollbackTransactionNotification object: adaptorContext]; } - (id) initWithDatabase: (EODatabase *)database { if ((self = [self init])) { _adaptorContext = RETAIN([[database adaptor] createAdaptorContext]); if (_adaptorContext == nil) { NSLog(@"EODatabaseContext could not create adaptor context"); AUTORELEASE(self); return nil; } _database = RETAIN(database); // Register this object into database [_database registerContext: self]; [self setUpdateStrategy: EOUpdateWithOptimisticLocking]; _uniqueStack = [NSMutableArray new]; _deleteStack = [NSMutableArray new]; _uniqueArrayStack = [NSMutableArray new]; _registeredChannels = [NSMutableArray new]; _batchFaultBuffer = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _batchToManyFaultBuffer = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _missingObjectGIDs = [NSMutableSet new]; // We want to know when snapshots change in database [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(_snapshotsChangedInDatabase:) name: EOObjectsChangedInStoreNotification object: _database]; // We want to know when objects change [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(_objectsChanged:) name: EOObjectsChangedInStoreNotification object: self]; [self registerForAdaptorContextNotifications: _adaptorContext]; //??? /*NO _snapshots = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _toManySnapshots = [NSMutableDictionary new]; */ //NO _lock = [NSRecursiveLock new]; /* //TODO ? transactionStackTop = NULL; transactionNestingLevel = 0; isKeepingSnapshots = YES; isUniquingObjects = [database uniquesObjects]; [database contextDidInit:self];*/ } return self; } /** * Convenience method to check if our delegate handles database exceptions * or if we have to do it ourself. */ - (BOOL) _delegateHandledDatabaseException:(NSException *) exception { if (_delegateRespondsTo.shouldHandleDatabaseException) { return ([_delegate databaseContext:self shouldHandleDatabaseException:exception] == NO); } return NO; } - (void)_snapshotsChangedInDatabase: (NSNotification *)notification { //OK EOObjectsChangedInStoreNotification EODatabase if ([notification object] == _database)//?? [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: [notification name] object: self userInfo: [notification userInfo]];//==> _objectsChanged } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self]; [_database unregisterContext: self]; DESTROY(_adaptorContext); DESTROY(_database); if (_dbOperationsByGlobalID) { NSDebugMLog(@"MEMORY: dbOperationsByGlobalID count=%"PRIuPTR, NSCountMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID)); NSFreeMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); _dbOperationsByGlobalID = NULL; } /*NO DESTROY(_snapshots); DESTROY(_toManySnapshots); */ DESTROY(_uniqueStack); DESTROY(_deleteStack); DESTROY(_uniqueArrayStack); DESTROY(_registeredChannels); DESTROY(_batchFaultBuffer); DESTROY(_batchToManyFaultBuffer); DESTROY(_missingObjectGIDs); DESTROY(_lastEntity); if (_nonPrimaryKeyGenerators) { NSDebugMLog(@"MEMORY: nonPrimaryKeyGnerators count=%"PRIuPTR, NSCountHashTable(_nonPrimaryKeyGenerators)); NSFreeHashTable(_nonPrimaryKeyGenerators); _nonPrimaryKeyGenerators = NULL; } if (_lockedObjects) { NSResetHashTable(_lockedObjects); } DESTROY(_lock); [super dealloc]; } + (EODatabaseContext *)registeredDatabaseContextForModel: (EOModel *)model editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)editingContext { EOObjectStoreCoordinator *edObjectStore; NSArray *cooperatingObjectStores; NSEnumerator *storeEnum; EOCooperatingObjectStore *coObjectStore; EODatabase *anDatabase; NSArray *models; EODatabaseContext *dbContext = nil; if (model && editingContext) { IMP enumNO=NULL; // nextObject edObjectStore = (EOObjectStoreCoordinator *)[editingContext rootObjectStore]; cooperatingObjectStores = [edObjectStore cooperatingObjectStores]; // get all EODatabaseContexts storeEnum = [cooperatingObjectStores objectEnumerator]; while ((coObjectStore = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(storeEnum,&enumNO))) { if ([coObjectStore isKindOfClass: [EODatabaseContext class]]) { anDatabase = [(EODatabaseContext *)coObjectStore database]; if (anDatabase && (models = [anDatabase models])) { if ([models containsObject: model]) { dbContext = (EODatabaseContext *)coObjectStore; break; } } } } if (!dbContext) { // no EODatabaseContext found, create a new one dbContext = [EODatabaseContext databaseContextWithDatabase: [EODatabase databaseWithModel: model]]; if (dbContext) { [edObjectStore addCooperatingObjectStore: dbContext]; } } } return dbContext; } + (Class)contextClassToRegister { NSEmitTODO(); // TODO; return _contextClass; } + (void)setContextClassToRegister: (Class)contextClass { _contextClass = contextClass; } /** Returns YES if we have at least one busy channel **/ - (BOOL)hasBusyChannels { BOOL busy = NO; NSUInteger count = 0; count = [_registeredChannels count]; if (count>0) { NSUInteger i = 0; IMP oaiIMP=[_registeredChannels methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0 ; !busy && i < count; i++) { EODatabaseChannel *channel = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(_registeredChannels,oaiIMP,i); busy = [channel isFetchInProgress]; } }; return busy; } - (NSArray *)registeredChannels { return _registeredChannels; } /* Adds channel to the pool of available channels used to service database requests. Registered channels are retained by the receiver. */ - (void)registerChannel: (EODatabaseChannel *)channel { //call channel databaseContext //test if not exists _registeredChannels indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:channel NSDebugLog(@"** REGISTER channel ** debug:%d ** total registered:%"PRIuPTR, [[channel adaptorChannel] isDebugEnabled], [_registeredChannels count] + 1); [_registeredChannels addObject:channel]; //Channels have same delegate as context [channel setDelegate: _delegate]; } - (void)unregisterChannel: (EODatabaseChannel *)channel { [_registeredChannels removeObjectIdenticalTo:channel]; } /** returns a non busy channel if any, nil otherwise **/ -(EODatabaseChannel *)_availableChannelFromRegisteredChannels { NSEnumerator *channelsEnum; EODatabaseChannel *channel = nil; IMP enumNO=NULL; // nextObject channelsEnum = [_registeredChannels objectEnumerator]; while ((channel = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(channelsEnum,&enumNO))) { if ([channel isFetchInProgress] == NO) { return channel; } else { // NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext",@"CHANNEL %p is busy", // [channel nonretainedObjectValue]); } } return nil; } /** return a non busy channel **/ - (EODatabaseChannel *)availableChannel { EODatabaseChannel *channel = nil; NSUInteger num = 2; while (!channel && num) { channel = [self _availableChannelFromRegisteredChannels]; if (!channel) { //If not channel and last try: send a EODatabaseChannelNeededNotification notification before this last try if (--num) [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: EODatabaseChannelNeededNotification object: self]; } } if ((!channel) && ([_registeredChannels count] < 1)) { channel = [EODatabaseChannel databaseChannelWithDatabaseContext: self]; if (channel) { [self registerChannel:channel]; } } return channel; } /** returns the database **/ - (EODatabase *)database { return _database; } - (void) setCoordinator:(EOObjectStoreCoordinator *) newCoordinator { [super setCoordinator: newCoordinator]; // TODO: locking magic. } /** returns the adaptor context **/ - (EOAdaptorContext *)adaptorContext { return _adaptorContext; } /** Set the update strategy to 'strategy' May raise an exception if transaction has began or if you want pessimistic lock when there's already a snapshot recorded **/ - (void)setUpdateStrategy: (EOUpdateStrategy)strategy { if (_flags.beganTransaction) [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%@ -- %@ 0x%p: transaction in progress", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self]; //Can't set pessimistic locking where there's already snapshosts ! if (strategy == EOUpdateWithPessimisticLocking && [[_database snapshots] count]) [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%@ -- %@ 0x%p: can't set EOUpdateWithPessimisticLocking when receive's EODatabase already has snapshots", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self]; _updateStrategy = strategy; } /** Get the update strategy **/ - (EOUpdateStrategy)updateStrategy { return _updateStrategy; } /** Get the delegate **/ - (id)delegate { return _delegate; } /** Set the delegate **/ - (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate { NSEnumerator *channelsEnum = [_registeredChannels objectEnumerator]; EODatabaseChannel *channel = nil; IMP enumNO=NULL; // nextObject _delegate = delegate; _delegateRespondsTo.willRunLoginPanelToOpenDatabaseChannel = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:willRunLoginPanelToOpenDatabaseChannel:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.newPrimaryKey = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:newPrimaryKeyForObject:entity:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.willPerformAdaptorOperations = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:willPerformAdaptorOperations:adaptorChannel:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.shouldInvalidateObject = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:shouldInvalidateObjectWithGlobalID:snapshot:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.willOrderAdaptorOperations = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:willOrderAdaptorOperationsFromDatabaseOperations:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.shouldLockObject = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:shouldLockObjectWithGlobalID:snapshot:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.shouldRaiseForLockFailure = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:shouldRaiseExceptionForLockFailure:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.shouldFetchObjects = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:shouldFetchObjectsWithFetchSpecification:editingContext:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.didFetchObjects = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:didFetchObjects:fetchSpecification:editingContext:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.shouldFetchObjectFault = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:shouldFetchObjectsWithFetchSpecification:editingContext:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.shouldFetchArrayFault = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:shouldFetchArrayFault:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.shouldHandleDatabaseException = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:shouldHandleDatabaseException:)]; _delegateRespondsTo.databaseContextFailedToFetchObject = [delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(databaseContext:failedToFetchObject:globalID:)]; while ((channel = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(channelsEnum,&enumNO))) [channel setDelegate: delegate]; } - (void)handleDroppedConnection { DESTROY(_adaptorContext); DESTROY(_registeredChannels); _adaptorContext = RETAIN([[[self database] adaptor] createAdaptorContext]); _registeredChannels = [NSMutableArray new]; } - (NSArray *) missingObjectGlobalIDs { return [_missingObjectGIDs allObjects]; } @end @implementation EODatabaseContext (EOObjectStoreSupport) /** Return a fault for row 'row' **/ - (id)faultForRawRow: (NSDictionary *)row entityNamed: (NSString *)entityName editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { EOEntity *entity; EOGlobalID *gid; id object; entity = [_database entityNamed: entityName]; gid = [entity globalIDForRow: row]; object = [self faultForGlobalID: gid editingContext: context]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"object=%p of class (%@)", object, [object class]); return object; } /** return entity corresponding to 'globalID' **/ - (id) entityForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID { NSString *entityName; entityName = [(EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID entityName]; if ((_lastEntity) && (entityName == [_lastEntity name])) { return _lastEntity; } ASSIGN(_lastEntity, [_database entityNamed: entityName]); return _lastEntity; } /** Make object a fault **/ - (void) _turnToFault: (id)object gid: (EOGlobalID *)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context isComplete: (BOOL)isComplete { EOAccessFaultHandler *handler; NSAssert(globalID, @"No globalID"); NSAssert1([globalID isKindOfClass: [EOKeyGlobalID class]], @"globalID is not a EOKeyGlobalID but a %@", [globalID class]); if ([(EOKeyGlobalID*)globalID areKeysAllNulls]) NSWarnLog(@"All key of globalID %p (%@) are nulls", globalID, globalID); handler = [EOAccessFaultHandler accessFaultHandlerWithGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID*)globalID databaseContext: self editingContext: context]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"object->class_pointer=%p", GSObjCClass(object)); [EOFault makeObjectIntoFault: object withHandler: handler]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"object->class_pointer=%p", GSObjCClass(object)); [self _addBatchForGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID*)globalID fault: object]; //TODO: use isComplete } /** Get a fault for 'globalID' **/ - (id)faultForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { //Seems OK EOClassDescription *classDescription = nil; EOEntity *entity; id object = nil; BOOL isFinal; isFinal = [(EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID isFinal]; entity = [self entityForGlobalID: globalID]; NSAssert(entity, @"no entity"); classDescription = [entity classDescriptionForInstances]; object = [classDescription createInstanceWithEditingContext: context globalID: globalID zone: NULL]; NSAssert1(object, @"No Object. classDescription=%@", classDescription); /*mirko: NO NSDictionary *pk; NSEnumerator *pkEnum; NSString *pkKey; NSArray *classPropertyNames; classPropertyNames = [entity classPropertyNames]; pk = [entity primaryKeyForGlobalID:(EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID]; pkEnum = [pk keyEnumerator]; while ((pkKey = [pkEnum nextObject])) { if ([classPropertyNames containsObject:pkKey] == YES) [obj takeStoredValue:[pk objectForKey:pkKey] forKey:pkKey]; } */ if ([(EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID areKeysAllNulls]) NSWarnLog(@"All key of globalID %p (%@) are nulls", globalID, globalID); [self _turnToFault: object gid: globalID editingContext: context isComplete: isFinal];//?? EOEditingContext_recordObjectGlobalIDWithImpPtr(context,NULL,object,globalID); return object; } /** Get an array fault for globalID for relationshipName **/ - (NSArray *)arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID relationshipName: (NSString *)relationshipName editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { //Seems OK NSArray *obj = nil; if (![globalID isKindOfClass: [EOKeyGlobalID class]]) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%@ -- %@ The globalID %@ must be an EOKeyGlobalID to be able to construct a fault", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), globalID]; } else { EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *handler = nil; obj = [EOCheapCopyMutableArray array]; handler = [EOAccessArrayFaultHandler accessArrayFaultHandlerWithSourceGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID*)globalID relationshipName: relationshipName databaseContext: self editingContext: context]; [EOFault makeObjectIntoFault: obj withHandler: handler]; [self _addToManyBatchForSourceGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID relationshipName: relationshipName fault: (EOFault*)obj]; } return obj; } - (void)initializeObject: (id)object withGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { NSDictionary * snapDict = nil; EOEntity * entity = nil; /* TODO use this stuff -- dw if (globalID == _currentGlobalID) { snapDict = _currentSnapshot; entity = _lastEntity; } else ... */ if ([globalID isTemporary]) { return; } snapDict = [self snapshotForGlobalID:globalID]; if ([(EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID isFinal]) { entity = [self entityForGlobalID:globalID]; } else { object = [context objectForGlobalID:globalID]; if (!object) { [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"%s No object for gid %@ in %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, globalID, context]; } entity = [_database entityForObject:object]; } if (!snapDict) { [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"%s No snapshot for gid %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, globalID]; } else { [self initializeObject: object row: snapDict entity: entity editingContext: context]; [_database incrementSnapshotCountForGlobalID:globalID]; } } - (void) _objectsChanged: (NSNotification*)notification { /*object==self EOObjectsChangedInStoreNotification userInfo = { deleted = (List Of GlobalIDs); inserted = (List Of GlobalIDs); updated = (List Of GlobalIDs); */ if ([notification object] != self) { // not sure if that ever happens -- dw NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } else { NSMutableArray * workArray = [NSMutableArray array]; NSDictionary * userInfo = [notification userInfo]; NSArray * myObjects = nil; NSUInteger i, count; if ((myObjects = [userInfo objectForKey: EOUpdatedKey])) { [workArray addObjectsFromArray:myObjects]; } if ((myObjects = [userInfo objectForKey: EOInsertedKey])) { [workArray addObjectsFromArray:myObjects]; } if ((myObjects = [userInfo objectForKey: EODeletedKey])) { [workArray addObjectsFromArray:myObjects]; } if ((myObjects = [userInfo objectForKey: EOInvalidatedKey])) { [workArray addObjectsFromArray:myObjects]; } count = [workArray count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[workArray methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { EOKeyGlobalID *gid=GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(workArray,oaiIMP,i); NSString *entityName; if ([gid isKindOfClass:[EOKeyGlobalID class]]) { entityName = [gid entityName]; [_database invalidateResultCacheForEntityNamed: entityName]; } } } } } - (void) _snapshotsChangedInDatabase: (NSNotification*)notification { /* userInfo = { deleted = (List Of GlobalIDs); inserted = (List Of GlobalIDs); updated = (List Of GlobalIDs); }} */ if ([notification object] != self) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: EOObjectsChangedInStoreNotification object: self userInfo: [notification userInfo]]; //call _objectsChanged: and ObjectStoreCoordinator _objectsChangedInSubStore: } } - (NSArray *)objectsForSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID relationshipName: (NSString *)name editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { //Near OK NSArray *objects = nil; id sourceObjectFault = nil; id relationshipValue = nil; NSArray *sourceSnapshot = nil; NSUInteger sourceSnapshotCount = 0; //First get the id from which we search the source object sourceObjectFault = [context faultForGlobalID: globalID editingContext: context]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"sourceObjectFault %p=%@", sourceObjectFault, sourceObjectFault); // Get the fault value from source object relationshipValue = [sourceObjectFault storedValueForKey: name]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"relationshipValue %p=%@", relationshipValue, relationshipValue); //Try to see if there is a snapshot for the source object sourceSnapshot = [_database snapshotForSourceGlobalID: globalID relationshipName: name]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"sourceSnapshot %p (%@)=%@", sourceSnapshot, [sourceSnapshot class], sourceSnapshot); sourceSnapshotCount = [sourceSnapshot count]; if (sourceSnapshotCount > 0) { EOGlobalID *snapGID = nil; id snapFault = nil; NSUInteger i; IMP addObjectIMP=NULL; IMP oaiIMP=NULL; [EOFault clearFault: relationshipValue]; // Be carefull: Never call methodForSelector before clearing fault ! addObjectIMP=[relationshipValue methodForSelector:@selector(addObject:)]; oaiIMP=[sourceSnapshot methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < sourceSnapshotCount; i++) { snapGID = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(sourceSnapshot,oaiIMP,i); snapFault = [context faultForGlobalID: snapGID editingContext: context]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"snapFault=%@", snapFault); GDL2_AddObjectWithImp(relationshipValue,addObjectIMP,snapFault); } objects = relationshipValue; } else { EOEntity *entity; EORelationship *relationship; NSUInteger maxBatch = 0; EOEntity *destinationEntity = nil; EOModel *destinationEntityModel = nil; NSArray *models = nil; EOQualifier *auxiliaryQualifier = nil; NSDictionary *contextSourceSnapshot = nil; id sourceObject = nil; EORelationship *inverseRelationship = nil; EOEntity *invRelEntity = nil; NSArray *invRelEntityClassProperties = nil; NSString *invRelName = nil; EOQualifier *qualifier = nil; EOFetchSpecification *fetchSpec = nil; // Get the source object entity entity = [self entityForGlobalID: globalID]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"entity name=%@", [entity name]); //Get the relationship named 'name' relationship = [entity relationshipNamed: name]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"relationship=%@", relationship); //Get the max number of fault to fetch maxBatch = [relationship numberOfToManyFaultsToBatchFetch]; if(maxBatch == 0) { if ([relationship isToManyToOne]) { maxBatch = [[relationship firstRelationship]numberOfToManyFaultsToBatchFetch]; if(maxBatch == 0) maxBatch=1; } } //TODO: use maxBatch //Get the fault entity (aka relationsip destination entity) destinationEntity = [relationship destinationEntity]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"destinationEntity name=%@", [destinationEntity name]); //Get the destination entity model destinationEntityModel = [destinationEntity model]; //and _database model to verify if the destinationEntityModel is in database models models = [_database models]; if ([models indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: destinationEntityModel] == NSNotFound) { NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO error } //Get the relationship qualifier if any auxiliaryQualifier = [relationship auxiliaryQualifier];//nil if (auxiliaryQualifier) { NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO if auxqualif } //?? contextSourceSnapshot = EODatabaseContext_snapshotForGlobalIDWithImpPtr(self,NULL,globalID); //NSEmitTODO(); //TODO Why first asking for faultForGlobalID and now asking objectForGlobalID ?? sourceObject = [context objectForGlobalID: globalID]; inverseRelationship = [relationship inverseRelationship]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"inverseRelationship=%@", inverseRelationship); if (!inverseRelationship) { NSEmitTODO(); //[self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO if !inverseRelationship inverseRelationship = [relationship hiddenInverseRelationship]; //VERIFY (don't know if this is the good way) } invRelEntity = [inverseRelationship entity]; invRelEntityClassProperties = [invRelEntity classProperties]; invRelName = [inverseRelationship name]; qualifier = [EOKeyValueQualifier qualifierWithKey: invRelName operatorSelector: @selector(isEqualTo:) value: sourceObject]; fetchSpec = [EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification]; [fetchSpec setQualifier: qualifier]; [fetchSpec setEntityName: [destinationEntity name]]; objects = [context objectsWithFetchSpecification: fetchSpec editingContext: context]; [self _registerSnapshot: objects forSourceGlobalID: globalID relationshipName: name editingContext: context];//OK } return objects; } - (void)_registerSnapshot: (NSArray*)snapshot forSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)globalID relationshipName: (NSString*)name editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context { //OK NSArray *gids; gids = [context resultsOfPerformingSelector: @selector(globalIDForObject:) withEachObjectInArray: snapshot]; [_database recordSnapshot: gids forSourceGlobalID: globalID relationshipName: name]; } - (void)refaultObject: object withGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { [EOObserverCenter suppressObserverNotification]; NS_DURING { [object clearProperties];//OK } NS_HANDLER { [EOObserverCenter enableObserverNotification]; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; [EOObserverCenter enableObserverNotification]; if ([(EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID areKeysAllNulls]) NSWarnLog(@"All key of globalID %p (%@) are nulls", globalID, globalID); [self _turnToFault: object gid: globalID editingContext: context isComplete: YES]; //Why YES ? [self forgetSnapshotForGlobalID:globalID]; } - (void)saveChangesInEditingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { //TODO: locks ? NSException *exception = nil; [self prepareForSaveWithCoordinator: nil editingContext: context]; [self recordChangesInEditingContext]; NS_DURING { [self performChanges]; } NS_HANDLER { NSDebugMLog(@"EXCEPTION: %@", localException); exception = localException; } NS_ENDHANDLER; //I don't know if this is really the good place to catch exception and rollback... if (exception) { [self rollbackChanges]; [exception raise]; } else [self commitChanges]; } - (void)_fetchRelationship: (EORelationship *)relationship withObjects: (NSArray *)objsArray editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { NSMutableArray *qualArray = nil; NSEnumerator *objEnum = nil; NSEnumerator *relEnum = nil; NSDictionary *snapshot = nil; id obj = nil; id relObj = nil; if ([objsArray count] > 0) { IMP globalIDForObjectIMP=NULL; IMP enumNO=NULL; // nextObject qualArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 5]; if ([relationship isFlattened] == YES) { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"relationship %@ isFlattened", relationship); relEnum = [[relationship componentRelationships] objectEnumerator]; enumNO=NULL; while ((relationship = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(relEnum,&enumNO))) { // TODO rebuild object array for relationship path [self _fetchRelationship: relationship withObjects: objsArray editingContext: context]; } } objEnum = [objsArray objectEnumerator]; enumNO=NULL; while ((obj = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(objEnum,&enumNO))) { EOGlobalID* gid=nil; relObj = [obj storedValueForKey: [relationship name]]; gid = EOEditingContext_globalIDForObjectWithImpPtr(context,&globalIDForObjectIMP,relObj); snapshot = EODatabaseContext_snapshotForGlobalIDWithImpPtr(self,NULL,gid); [qualArray addObject: [relationship qualifierWithSourceRow: snapshot]]; } [self objectsWithFetchSpecification: [EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationWithEntityName: [[relationship destinationEntity] name] qualifier: [EOAndQualifier qualifierWithQualifierArray: qualArray] sortOrderings: nil] editingContext: context]; } } - (NSArray*) _fetchRawRowKeyPaths:(NSArray *) rawRowKeyPaths fetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification*) fetchSpecification entity: (EOEntity *) entity editingContext: (EOEditingContext *) context { EOAdaptorChannel * adaptorChannel = [[self availableChannel] adaptorChannel]; NSMutableArray * results = [NSMutableArray array]; NSUInteger fetchLimit = 0; NSUInteger rowsFetched = 0; NSUInteger keyCount = [rawRowKeyPaths count]; id messageHandler = nil; // used to prompt the user after the fetch limit is reached. NSString * hintKey = nil; BOOL continueFetch = NO; NSUInteger k; EOSQLExpression * expression = nil; NSMutableArray * attributesToFetch; if (keyCount == 0) { // this is an NSMutableArray attributesToFetch = (NSMutableArray *) [entity attributesToFetch]; } else { // Populate an array with the attributes we need attributesToFetch = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:keyCount]; BOOL hasNonFlattenedAttributes = NO; for (k = 0; k < keyCount; k++) { NSString * keyName = [rawRowKeyPaths objectAtIndex:k]; EOAttribute * attr = [entity attributeNamed:keyName]; if (!attr) { attr = [EOAttribute attributeWithParent:entity definition:keyName]; } else { if ((!hasNonFlattenedAttributes) && (![attr isFlattened])) { hasNonFlattenedAttributes = YES; } } [attributesToFetch addObject:attr]; } if (!hasNonFlattenedAttributes) { // check if lastObject is enouth. // the reference however does only checks the lastObject. EOAttribute * attr = [attributesToFetch lastObject]; EORelationship * relationship; if ([attr isFlattened]) { relationship = [[attr _definitionArray] objectAtIndex:0]; } else { NSString * lastPath = [rawRowKeyPaths lastObject]; NSString * relName = [[lastPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"."] objectAtIndex:0]; relationship = [entity relationshipNamed:relName]; if ([relationship isFlattened]) { relationship = [[relationship _definitionArray] objectAtIndex:0]; } } EOJoin * join = [[relationship joins] lastObject]; EOAttribute * attr2 = [join sourceAttribute]; [attributesToFetch addObject:attr2]; } // our channel does not support this. //[adaptorChannel _setRawDictionaryInitializerForAttributes:attributesToFetch]; } if ((hintKey = [[fetchSpecification hints] objectForKey:@"EOCustomQueryExpressionHintKey"])) { if ([hintKey isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { expression = [[[_adaptorContext adaptor] expressionClass] expressionForString:hintKey]; } else { NSLog(@"%s - %@ is not an NSString but a %@",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hintKey, NSStringFromClass([hintKey class])); } } else { EOQualifier * qualifier = [[fetchSpecification qualifier] schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity:entity]; if (qualifier != [fetchSpecification qualifier]) { [fetchSpecification setQualifier:qualifier]; } } if (![adaptorChannel isOpen]) { [adaptorChannel openChannel]; } if (expression) { [adaptorChannel evaluateExpression:expression]; [adaptorChannel setAttributesToFetch:attributesToFetch]; } else { [adaptorChannel selectAttributes:attributesToFetch fetchSpecification:fetchSpecification lock:NO entity:entity]; } // 0 is no fetch limit fetchLimit = [fetchSpecification fetchLimit]; // TODO: check if we need to check for protocol EOMessageHandlers if ((fetchLimit > 0) && (([fetchSpecification promptsAfterFetchLimit]) && ([context messageHandler]))) { messageHandler = [context messageHandler]; } do { do { NSMutableDictionary * dict = [adaptorChannel fetchRowWithZone:NULL]; if (!dict) { break; } [results addObject:dict]; rowsFetched++; } while ((fetchLimit == 0) || (rowsFetched < fetchLimit)); if (!messageHandler) { break; } continueFetch = [messageHandler editingContext:context shouldContinueFetchingWithCurrentObjectCount:rowsFetched originalLimit:fetchLimit objectStore:self]; } while (continueFetch); [adaptorChannel cancelFetch]; if (_delegate) { [_delegate databaseContext: self didFetchObjects: results fetchSpecification: fetchSpecification editingContext: context]; } return results; } - (void) _populateCacheForFetchSpecification:(EOFetchSpecification *) eofetchspecification editingContext:(EOEditingContext *)eoeditingcontext { NSEmitTODO(); } - (BOOL) _validateQualifierForEvaluationInMemory:(EOQualifier *) qualifier entity:(EOEntity *)entity { NSEmitTODO(); return NO; } // _objectsFromEntityCacheWithFetchSpecEditingContext - (NSArray*) _objectsFromEntityCacheWithFetchSpec:(EOFetchSpecification*) fetchSpecification editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { NSEmitTODO(); return nil; } - (void) _performPrefetchForFetchSpecification:(EOFetchSpecification*) fetchSpecification editingContext:(EOEditingContext *)context results:(NSArray*) results keyPaths:(NSArray*) prefetchingRelationshipKeyPaths { NSEmitTODO(); return; } - (NSArray *)objectsWithFetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification *)fetchSpecification editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { id messageHandler = nil; EODatabaseChannel *channel = nil; NSMutableArray *array = nil; NSString *entityName = nil; EOEntity *entity = nil; NSArray* rawRowKeyPaths = nil; NSUInteger fetchLimit=0; NSArray * prefetchingRelationshipKeyPaths = nil; NSUInteger rowsFetched = 0; BOOL continueFetch = NO; channel = [self _obtainOpenChannel]; if (_flags.beganTransaction == NO && _updateStrategy == EOUpdateWithPessimisticLocking) { [_adaptorContext beginTransaction]; _flags.beganTransaction = YES; } if (_delegateRespondsTo.shouldFetchObjects == YES) { array = (id)[_delegate databaseContext: self shouldFetchObjectsWithFetchSpecification: fetchSpecification editingContext: context]; if (array) { return array; } } entityName = [fetchSpecification entityName]; entity = [_database entityNamed: entityName]; if (!entity) { return [NSArray array]; } if ([entity isAbstractEntity] && (![fetchSpecification isDeep])) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"A FetchSpecification for an abstract entity must be 'deep'! Entity: %@", entityName]; } rawRowKeyPaths = [fetchSpecification rawRowKeyPaths]; if (rawRowKeyPaths) { NSArray * rawRows = [self _fetchRawRowKeyPaths:rawRowKeyPaths fetchSpecification:fetchSpecification entity:entity editingContext:context]; return rawRows; } if ((!_flags.ignoreEntityCaching) && [entity cachesObjects]) { [self _populateCacheForFetchSpecification:fetchSpecification editingContext:context]; } if (((!_flags.ignoreEntityCaching) && [entity cachesObjects]) && ([fetchSpecification isDeep] && [self _validateQualifierForEvaluationInMemory:[fetchSpecification qualifier] entity:entity])) { return [self _objectsFromEntityCacheWithFetchSpec:fetchSpecification editingContext:context]; } array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 8]; [channel selectObjectsWithFetchSpecification: fetchSpecification editingContext: context]; // 0 is no fetch limit. if there is no limit, it makes no sense to ask fetchLimit = [fetchSpecification fetchLimit]; if ((fetchLimit > 0) && (([fetchSpecification promptsAfterFetchLimit]) && ([context messageHandler]))) { messageHandler = [context messageHandler]; } do { do { id freshObj = [channel fetchObject]; if (!freshObj) { break; } [array addObject:freshObj]; rowsFetched++; } while ((fetchLimit == 0) || (rowsFetched < fetchLimit)); if (!messageHandler) { break; } continueFetch = [messageHandler editingContext:context shouldContinueFetchingWithCurrentObjectCount:rowsFetched originalLimit:fetchLimit objectStore:self]; } while (continueFetch); [channel cancelFetch]; prefetchingRelationshipKeyPaths = [fetchSpecification prefetchingRelationshipKeyPaths]; if ((prefetchingRelationshipKeyPaths) && ([prefetchingRelationshipKeyPaths count] > 0)) { [self _performPrefetchForFetchSpecification:fetchSpecification editingContext:context results:array keyPaths:prefetchingRelationshipKeyPaths]; } if (_delegateRespondsTo.didFetchObjects == YES) [_delegate databaseContext: self didFetchObjects: array fetchSpecification: fetchSpecification editingContext: context]; [channel setCurrentEditingContext:nil]; return array; } - (BOOL)isObjectLockedWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { return [self isObjectLockedWithGlobalID: gid]; } - (void)lockObjectWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { EOKeyGlobalID *gid = (EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID; EOEntity *entity = nil; NSDictionary *snapshot; EOQualifier *qualifier = nil; EOFetchSpecification * fetchspec = nil; snapshot = [self snapshotForGlobalID:gid]; if (!snapshot) { return; } // test if we should continue if (((_delegateRespondsTo.shouldLockObject == YES)) && (([_delegate databaseContext:self shouldLockObjectWithGlobalID:gid snapshot:snapshot] == NO))) { return; } NS_DURING { NSArray * array = nil; entity = [_database entityNamed: [gid entityName]]; qualifier = [entity qualifierForPrimaryKey:snapshot]; fetchspec = [EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationWithEntityName:[entity name] qualifier:qualifier sortOrderings:nil]; [fetchspec setLocksObjects:YES]; array = [self objectsWithFetchSpecification:fetchspec editingContext:context]; if ([array count] != 1) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Failed to lock object with gid %@", gid]; } } NS_HANDLER { if ((!_delegateRespondsTo.shouldRaiseForLockFailure) || ([_delegate databaseContext:self shouldRaiseExceptionForLockFailure:localException])) { [localException raise]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; } - (void)invalidateAllObjects { NSDictionary *snapshots; NSArray *gids; [_database invalidateResultCache]; snapshots = [_database snapshots]; gids = [snapshots allKeys]; [self invalidateObjectsWithGlobalIDs: gids]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: EOInvalidatedAllObjectsInStoreNotification object: self]; } - (void)invalidateObjectsWithGlobalIDs: (NSArray *)globalIDs { NSMutableArray *array = nil; NSEnumerator *enumerator; EOKeyGlobalID *gid; if (_delegateRespondsTo.shouldInvalidateObject == YES) { IMP enumNO=NULL; // nextObject array = [NSMutableArray array]; enumerator = [globalIDs objectEnumerator]; while ((gid = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(enumerator,&enumNO))) { if ([_delegate databaseContext: self shouldInvalidateObjectWithGlobalID: gid snapshot: EODatabaseContext_snapshotForGlobalIDWithImpPtr(self,NULL,gid)] == YES) [array addObject: gid]; } } [self forgetSnapshotsForGlobalIDs: ((id)array ? (id)array : globalIDs)]; } @end @implementation EODatabaseContext(EOCooperatingObjectStoreSupport) - (BOOL)ownsGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID { if ([globalID isKindOfClass: [EOKeyGlobalID class]] && [_database entityNamed: [(EOKeyGlobalID*) globalID entityName]]) return YES; return NO; } - (BOOL)ownsObject: (id)object { if ([_database entityForObject: object]) return YES; return NO; } - (BOOL)ownsEntityNamed: (NSString *)entityName { if ([_database entityNamed: entityName]) return YES; return NO; } - (BOOL)handlesFetchSpecification: (EOFetchSpecification *)fetchSpecification { //OK if ([_database entityNamed: [fetchSpecification entityName]]) return YES; else return NO; } /* //Mirko: - (EODatabaseOperation *)_dbOperationWithObject:object operator:(EODatabaseOperator)operator { NSMapEnumerator gidEnum; EODatabaseOperation *op; EOGlobalID *gid; gidEnum = NSEnumerateMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&gidEnum, (void **)&gid, (void **)&op)) { if ([[op object] isEqual:object] == YES) { if ([op databaseOperator] == operator) return op; return nil; } } return nil; } - (void)_setGlobalID:(EOGlobalID *)globalID forDatabaseOperation:(EODatabaseOperation *)op { EOGlobalID *oldGlobalID = [op globalID]; [op _setGlobalID:globalID]; NSMapInsert(_dbOperationsByGlobalID, globalID, op); NSMapRemove(_dbOperationsByGlobalID, oldGlobalID); } - (EODatabaseOperation *)_dbOperationWithGlobalID:(EOGlobalID *)globalID object:object entity:(EOEntity *)entity operator:(EODatabaseOperator)operator { EODatabaseOperation *op; NSMutableDictionary *newRow; NSMapEnumerator gidEnum; EOAttribute *attribute; EOGlobalID *gid; NSString *key; NSArray *classProperties; BOOL found = NO; int i, count; id val; gidEnum = NSEnumerateMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&gidEnum, (void **)&gid, (void **)&op)) { if ([[op object] isEqual:object] == YES) { found = YES; break; } } if (found == YES) return op; if (globalID == nil) globalID = AUTORELEASE([[EOTemporaryGlobalID alloc] init]); op = AUTORELEASE([[EODatabaseOperation alloc] initWithGlobalID:globalID object:object entity:entity]); [op setDatabaseOperator:operator]; [op setDBSnapshot:EODatabaseContext_snapshotForGlobalIDWithImpPtr(self,NULL,globalID)]; newRow = [op newRow]; classProperties = [entity classProperties]; count = [classProperties count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[classProperties methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { attribute = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(classProperties,oaiIMP,i); if ([attribute isKindOfClass:GDL2_EOAttributeClass] == NO) continue; key = [attribute name]; if ([attribute isFlattened] == NO) { val = [object storedValueForKey:key]; if (val == nil) val = GDL2_EONull; [newRow setObject:val forKey:key]; } } }; NSMapInsert(_dbOperationsByGlobalID, globalID, op); return op; } */ // private - (NSArray*) _batchNewPrimaryKeysWithEntity:(EOEntity *) eoentity count:(NSUInteger) i { NSArray* primaryKeys = nil; NS_DURING { primaryKeys = [[[self _obtainOpenChannel] adaptorChannel] primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity:eoentity count:i]; } NS_HANDLER { if ([self _delegateHandledDatabaseException:localException]) { primaryKeys = [[[self _obtainOpenChannel] adaptorChannel] primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity:eoentity count:i]; } else if ([[_database adaptor] isDroppedConnectionException:localException]) { [_database handleDroppedConnection]; primaryKeys = [[[self _obtainOpenChannel] adaptorChannel] primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity:eoentity count:i]; } else { [localException raise]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; return primaryKeys; } // Prepares to save changes. Obtains primary keys for any inserted objects // in the EditingContext that are owned by this context. - (void)prepareForSaveWithCoordinator: (EOObjectStoreCoordinator *)coordinator editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)context { NSArray *insertedObjects = nil; NSUInteger count = 0, idx = 0; NSMutableDictionary * rootDict = nil; NSAssert(context, @"No editing context"); if (_flags.preparingForSave) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"%s %@ is currently saving for %@ so it cannot prepare to save for %@.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, _editingContext, context]; } if (coordinator) { EOObjectStoreCoordinator * oldCoordinator = [self coordinator]; if (!oldCoordinator) [self setCoordinator:coordinator]; else if (oldCoordinator != coordinator) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"%s %@ already has an EOObjectStoreCoordinator. " @"The database context needs to be removed from the cooperating object stores " @"before it can be assigned to a different coordinator.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self]; } } _flags.willPrepareForSave = NO; _flags.preparingForSave = YES; _editingContext=context;//RETAIN ? if ([_missingObjectGIDs count] > 0) { NSArray * updatedObjects = [_editingContext updatedObjects]; NSUInteger idx = [updatedObjects count]; for (; idx > 0; idx--) { EOGlobalID * globalid = [_editingContext globalIDForObject:[updatedObjects objectAtIndex:idx-1]]; if ([_missingObjectGIDs member:globalid] != nil) { [NSException raise:NSObjectNotAvailableException format:@"%s Cannot save the object with globalID %@. " @"The row referenced by this globalID was missing from the database at the time a fetch was attempted. " @"Either it was removed from the database after this application got a pointer to it, or there is a " @"referential integrity problem with your database. To be notified when fetches fail, implement a " @"delegate on EODatabaseContext that responds to" @"databaseContext:failedToFetchObject:globalID:.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, globalid]; } } } // First, create dbOperation map if there's none if (!_dbOperationsByGlobalID) _dbOperationsByGlobalID = NSCreateMapTable(NSObjectMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 32); // Next, build list of Entity which need PK generator [self _buildPrimaryKeyGeneratorListForEditingContext: context]; // Now get newly inserted objects // For each object, we will recordInsertForObject: and relay PK if it is !nil insertedObjects = [context insertedObjects]; ASSIGN(_checkPropagatedPKs, [NSMutableArray array]); rootDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; count = [insertedObjects count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[insertedObjects methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (idx = 0; idx< count; idx++) { EOCustomObject * object = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(insertedObjects,oaiIMP,idx); EOEntity * entity = [_database entityForObject:object]; if (entity != nil) { [self recordInsertForObject: object]; if ([self _shouldGeneratePrimaryKeyForEntityName:[entity name]]) { NSDictionary * objectPK = nil; objectPK = [self _primaryKeyForObject: object raiseException: NO]; if (!objectPK) { NSString * rootName = [[entity rootParent] name]; NSMutableArray * rootPKArray = [rootDict objectForKey:rootName]; if (!rootPKArray) { rootPKArray = [NSMutableArray array]; [rootDict setObject:rootPKArray forKey:rootName]; } [rootPKArray addObject:object]; } else { [[[self databaseOperationForObject: object] newRow] addEntriesFromDictionary:objectPK]; [self relayPrimaryKey: objectPK object: object entity: entity]; } } else { [_checkPropagatedPKs addObject:object]; } } } } if ([rootDict count]) { NSEnumerator * keyEnumerator = [rootDict keyEnumerator]; NSString * key = nil; while ((key = [keyEnumerator nextObject])) { NSMutableArray * rootPKArray = [rootDict objectForKey:key]; NSUInteger keyCount = [rootPKArray count]; NSUInteger i = 0; NSArray * newPKs = [self _batchNewPrimaryKeysWithEntity:[_database entityNamed:key] count:keyCount]; if (newPKs==nil || [newPKs count] != keyCount) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Adaptor %@ " @"failed to provide new primary keys for entity '%@'.", [_database adaptor], key]; } for (i=0; i < keyCount; i++) { NSDictionary * newPKDict = [newPKs objectAtIndex:i]; EOCustomObject * eo = [rootPKArray objectAtIndex:i]; [[[self databaseOperationForObject: eo] newRow] addEntriesFromDictionary:newPKDict]; [self relayPrimaryKey: newPKDict object: eo entity: [_database entityForObject:eo]]; } } } } // PRIVATE - (void) _patchUpPK:(EODatabaseOperation *) op { if (!op) { return; } if (([op databaseOperator] == EODatabaseInsertOperator)) { NSMutableDictionary * newRowDict = [op newRow]; EOEntity * entity = [op entity]; EOCustomObject * eo = [op object]; NSArray * pkAttributes = [entity primaryKeyAttributeNames]; BOOL isEONull = NO; NSUInteger i = 0; NSUInteger pkCount = [pkAttributes count]; for (; i < pkCount; i++) { if (([newRowDict objectForKey:[pkAttributes objectAtIndex:i]] == GDL2_EONull)) { isEONull = YES; break; } } if (isEONull) { NSArray * relationships = [entity relationships]; NSUInteger relCount = [relationships count]; for (i = 0; i < relCount; i++) { EORelationship * relationship = [relationships objectAtIndex:i]; EORelationship * inverseRelationship = [relationship inverseRelationship]; EOCustomObject * relEO = nil; if ((!inverseRelationship) || (![inverseRelationship propagatesPrimaryKey])) { continue; } relEO = [eo valueForKey:[relationship name]]; if (relEO) { [self relayAttributesInRelationship:inverseRelationship sourceObject:relEO destinationObject:eo]; } } } } } - (void)recordChangesInEditingContext { //_EOAssertSafeMultiThreadedAccess [self _assertValidStateWithSelector: @selector(recordChangesInEditingContext)]; NSArray * insertedObjects = [_editingContext insertedObjects]; NSArray * deletedObjects = [_editingContext deletedObjects]; NSArray * insertedAndUpdatedObjects = nil; NSUInteger i = 0; for (i = [deletedObjects count]; i > 0; i--) { EOCustomObject * eo = [deletedObjects objectAtIndex:i - 1]; EOEntity * eoentity = [_database entityForObject:eo]; if (eoentity!=nil) { NSArray * relationships = [eoentity relationships]; NSUInteger idx = 0; for (idx = [relationships count]; idx > 0; idx--) { EORelationship * relationship = [relationships objectAtIndex:idx-1]; if ([relationship isToManyToOne]) { NSDictionary* currentCSnapDict = [self _currentCommittedSnapshotForObject:eo]; if (currentCSnapDict) { NSArray * destinationObjects = [currentCSnapDict objectForKey:[relationship name]]; if (((id)destinationObjects == GDL2_EONull)) destinationObjects = nil; [self nullifyAttributesInRelationship:relationship sourceObject:eo destinationObjects:destinationObjects]; } } } [self recordDeleteForObject:eo]; } } insertedAndUpdatedObjects = [[_editingContext updatedObjects] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:insertedObjects]; for (i = [insertedAndUpdatedObjects count]; i > 0; i--) { EOCustomObject * eo = [insertedAndUpdatedObjects objectAtIndex:i-1]; EOEntity * eoentity = [_database entityForObject:eo]; if (eoentity!=nil) { NSDictionary * updatedEOSnap = nil; NSDictionary * currentCSnapDict = nil; NSArray * relationships = nil; NSDictionary * dbSnapshotDict = nil; NSUInteger relCount = 0; NSUInteger idx = 0; [self recordUpdateForObject:eo changes:nil]; updatedEOSnap = [eo snapshot]; if (!updatedEOSnap) updatedEOSnap = [NSDictionary dictionary]; currentCSnapDict = [self _currentCommittedSnapshotForObject:eo]; if (!currentCSnapDict) currentCSnapDict = [NSDictionary dictionary]; if ([self _shouldGeneratePrimaryKeyForEntityName:[eoentity name]]) { NSDictionary * primaryKeyDict = [self _primaryKeyForObject:eo]; if (primaryKeyDict) [[[self databaseOperationForObject:eo] newRow] addEntriesFromDictionary:primaryKeyDict]; } relationships = [eoentity relationships]; relCount = [relationships count]; for (idx = 0; idx < relCount; idx++) { EORelationship * relationship = nil; EORelationship * substRelationship = nil; NSArray * classProperties = nil; id currentSnapValue = nil; if (!dbSnapshotDict) dbSnapshotDict = [[self databaseOperationForObject:eo] dbSnapshot]; relationship = [relationships objectAtIndex:idx]; substRelationship = [relationship _substitutionRelationshipForRow:dbSnapshotDict]; if (substRelationship) { classProperties = [eoentity classProperties]; if (([classProperties indexOfObject:substRelationship] != NSNotFound)) { NSString* substRelationshipName=[substRelationship name]; id updatedSnapValue = [updatedEOSnap objectForKey:substRelationshipName]; if (updatedSnapValue == GDL2_EONull) updatedSnapValue = nil; currentSnapValue = [currentCSnapDict objectForKey:substRelationshipName]; if (currentSnapValue == GDL2_EONull) currentSnapValue = nil; if ([substRelationship isToMany]) { NSArray* updatedSnapValues = (NSArray*) updatedSnapValue; NSArray* currentSnapValues = (NSArray*) currentSnapValue; if (updatedSnapValues != currentSnapValues && ![currentSnapValues isEqualToArray:updatedSnapValues]) // TODO: check if isEqual is ok too. { NSMutableArray * snapsToUse = nil; if (!updatedSnapValues) snapsToUse = (NSMutableArray*) currentSnapValues; else if (currentSnapValues) { snapsToUse = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:currentSnapValues]; [snapsToUse removeObjectsInArray:updatedSnapValues]; } if (_useToManyCaching && [snapsToUse count] > 0) { EODatabaseOperation * updatedEoDbOp = [self databaseOperationForObject:eo]; NSUInteger valCount = [updatedSnapValues count]; NSMutableArray * globalids = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:valCount]; NSUInteger x = 0; for (; x < valCount; x++) { EOCustomObject * updatedEo = [updatedSnapValues objectAtIndex:x]; EOGlobalID * globalid = [_editingContext globalIDForObject:updatedEo]; if (!globalid || [globalid isTemporary]) { globalids = nil; break; } [globalids addObject:globalid]; } [updatedEoDbOp recordToManySnapshot:globalids relationshipName:[relationship name]]; } [self nullifyAttributesInRelationship:substRelationship sourceObject:eo destinationObjects:snapsToUse]; } } else if (updatedSnapValue != currentSnapValue) { [self nullifyAttributesInRelationship:substRelationship sourceObject:eo destinationObject:currentSnapValue]; } } } } } } // for updated objs for (i = [insertedAndUpdatedObjects count]; i > 0; i--) { EOCustomObject * updatedEO = [insertedAndUpdatedObjects objectAtIndex:i-1]; EOEntity * updatedEntity = [_database entityForObject:updatedEO]; if (updatedEntity != nil) { NSDictionary * updateSnapDict = nil; NSDictionary * comSnapUpdatedEO = nil; NSArray * updatedEntityRelationships = nil; NSDictionary * updatedEntitySnapshot = nil; NSUInteger updatedEntityRelCount = 0; NSUInteger relIdx = 0; [self recordUpdateForObject:updatedEO changes:nil]; updateSnapDict = [updatedEO snapshot]; if (!updateSnapDict) updateSnapDict = [NSDictionary dictionary]; comSnapUpdatedEO = [self _currentCommittedSnapshotForObject:updatedEO]; if (!comSnapUpdatedEO) comSnapUpdatedEO = [NSDictionary dictionary]; updatedEntityRelationships = [updatedEntity relationships]; updatedEntityRelCount = [updatedEntityRelationships count]; for (relIdx = 0; relIdx < updatedEntityRelCount; relIdx++) { EORelationship * updatedEntityRel = nil; EORelationship * substitutionRel = nil; id updatedSnapValue = nil; id currentSnapValue = nil; if (!updatedEntitySnapshot) updatedEntitySnapshot = [[self databaseOperationForObject:updatedEO] dbSnapshot]; updatedEntityRel = [updatedEntityRelationships objectAtIndex:relIdx]; substitutionRel = [updatedEntityRel _substitutionRelationshipForRow:updatedEntitySnapshot]; if (substitutionRel!=nil) { if ([[updatedEntity classProperties] indexOfObject:substitutionRel] != NSNotFound) { updatedSnapValue = [updateSnapDict objectForKey:[substitutionRel name]]; if (updatedSnapValue == GDL2_EONull) updatedSnapValue = nil; currentSnapValue = [comSnapUpdatedEO objectForKey:[substitutionRel name]]; if (currentSnapValue == GDL2_EONull) currentSnapValue = nil; if ([substitutionRel isToMany]) { NSArray * updatedSnapValues = (NSArray*) updatedSnapValue; NSArray * currentSnapValues = (NSArray*) currentSnapValue; NSMutableArray * snaps = nil; if (updatedSnapValues != currentSnapValues && ![currentSnapValues isEqualToArray:updatedSnapValues]) { if (!currentSnapValues) snaps = (NSMutableArray*) updatedSnapValues; else { snaps = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:updatedSnapValues]; [snaps removeObjectsInArray:currentSnapValues]; } if (_useToManyCaching && [snaps count] > 0) { EODatabaseOperation * updatedEoDbOp = [self databaseOperationForObject:updatedEO]; NSUInteger valCount = [updatedSnapValues count]; NSUInteger y = 0; NSMutableArray * globalids = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:valCount]; for (; y < valCount; y++) { EOGlobalID * gid = [_editingContext globalIDForObject:[updatedSnapValues objectAtIndex:y]]; if (!gid || [gid isTemporary]) { globalids = nil; break; } [globalids addObject:gid]; } [updatedEoDbOp recordToManySnapshot:globalids relationshipName:[updatedEntityRel name]]; } [self relayAttributesInRelationship:substitutionRel sourceObject:updatedEO destinationObjects:snaps]; } } else if (updatedSnapValue != currentSnapValue) { [self relayAttributesInRelationship:substitutionRel sourceObject:updatedEO destinationObject:updatedSnapValue]; } } } } } } //????? if (_checkPropagatedPKs) { NSUInteger pkCount = [_checkPropagatedPKs count]; for (i = 0; i < pkCount; i++) { EOCustomObject * eo = [_checkPropagatedPKs objectAtIndex:i]; [self _patchUpPK:[self databaseOperationForObject:eo]]; } } DESTROY(_checkPropagatedPKs); } /** Contructs a list of EODatabaseOperations for all changes in the EOEditingContext that are owned by this context. Forward any relationship changes discovered but not owned by this context to the coordinator. **/ - (void)recordUpdateForObject: (id)object changes: (NSDictionary *)changes { EODatabaseOperation *dbOpe = nil; NSAssert(object, @"No object"); [self _assertValidStateWithSelector: @selector(recordUpdateForObject:changes:)]; dbOpe = [self databaseOperationForObject: object]; if (dbOpe!=nil) { [dbOpe setDatabaseOperator:EODatabaseUpdateOperator]; if ([changes count]>0) { [[dbOpe newRow] addEntriesFromDictionary: changes]; } } else { [[self coordinator] forwardUpdateForObject:object changes:changes]; } } -(void)recordInsertForObject: (id)object { NSDictionary *snapshot = nil; EODatabaseOperation *dbOpe = nil; dbOpe = [self databaseOperationForObject: object]; [dbOpe setDatabaseOperator: EODatabaseInsertOperator]; snapshot = [dbOpe dbSnapshot]; if ([snapshot count] != 0) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"%s found a snapshot for EO with Global ID: %@ that has been inserted into %@." @"Cannot insert an object that is already in the database", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [dbOpe globalID], _editingContext]; } } - (void) recordDeleteForObject: (id)object { NSDictionary *snapshot = nil; EODatabaseOperation *dbOpe = nil; dbOpe = [self databaseOperationForObject: object]; [dbOpe setDatabaseOperator: EODatabaseDeleteOperator]; snapshot = [dbOpe dbSnapshot]; if (([snapshot count] == 0)) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"%s failed to find a snapshot for EO with Global ID: %@ that has been deleted from %@." @"Cannot delete an object that has not been fetched from the database", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [dbOpe globalID], _editingContext]; } } /** Constructs EOAdaptorOperations for all EODatabaseOperations constructed in during recordChangesInEditingContext and recordUpdateForObject:changes:. Performs the EOAdaptorOperations on an available adaptor channel. If the save is OK, updates the snapshots in the EODatabaseContext to reflect the new state of the server. Raises an exception is the adaptor is unable to perform the operations. **/ - (void)performChanges { NSMapEnumerator dbOpeEnum; EOGlobalID *gid = nil; EODatabaseOperation *dbOpe = nil; NSArray *orderedAdaptorOperations = nil; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p preparingForSave=%d beganTransaction=%d", self, (int)_flags.preparingForSave, (int)_flags.beganTransaction); [self _assertValidStateWithSelector: @selector(performChanges)]; dbOpeEnum = NSEnumerateMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&dbOpeEnum, (void **)&gid, (void **)&dbOpe)) { //REVOIR if ([dbOpe databaseOperator] == EODatabaseNothingOperator) { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"Db Ope %@ for Nothing !!!", dbOpe); } else { [self _verifyNoChangesToReadonlyEntity: dbOpe]; //MIRKO snapshot = [op dbSnapshot]; [self createAdaptorOperationsForDatabaseOperation: dbOpe]; } } // avoid leaks! -- dw NSEndMapTableEnumeration(&dbOpeEnum); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"orderedAdaptorOperations A=%@", orderedAdaptorOperations); orderedAdaptorOperations = [self orderAdaptorOperations]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"orderedAdaptorOperations B=%@", orderedAdaptorOperations); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p preparingForSave=%d beganTransaction=%d", self, (int)_flags.preparingForSave, (int)_flags.beganTransaction); if ([orderedAdaptorOperations count] > 0) { EOAdaptorChannel *adaptorChannel = nil; EODatabaseChannel *dbChannel = [self _obtainOpenChannel]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p preparingForSave=%d beganTransaction=%d", self, (int)_flags.preparingForSave, (int)_flags.beganTransaction); if (_flags.beganTransaction == NO)//MIRKO { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p [_adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel]=%d", self, (int)[_adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel]); if ([_adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel] == 0) //?? [_adaptorContext beginTransaction]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"BEGAN TRANSACTION FLAG==>YES"); _flags.beganTransaction = YES; } adaptorChannel = [dbChannel adaptorChannel]; if (_delegateRespondsTo.willPerformAdaptorOperations == YES) orderedAdaptorOperations = [_delegate databaseContext: self willPerformAdaptorOperations: orderedAdaptorOperations adaptorChannel: adaptorChannel]; NS_DURING { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"performAdaptorOperations:"); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p preparingForSave=%d beganTransaction=%d", self, (int)_flags.preparingForSave, (int)_flags.beganTransaction); [adaptorChannel performAdaptorOperations: orderedAdaptorOperations]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p preparingForSave=%d beganTransaction=%d", self, (int)_flags.preparingForSave, (int)_flags.beganTransaction); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"after performAdaptorOperations:"); } NS_HANDLER { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"Exception in performAdaptorOperations:%@", localException); [localException raise]; //MIRKO //TODO /* NSException *exp; NSMutableDictionary *userInfo; EOAdaptorOperation *adaptorOp; userInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:10]; [userInfo addEntriesFromDictionary:[localException userInfo]]; [userInfo setObject:self forKey:EODatabaseContextKey]; [userInfo setObject:dbOps forKey:EODatabaseOperationsKey]; adaptorOp = [userInfo objectForKey:EOFailedAdaptorOperationKey]; dbEnum = [dbOps objectEnumerator]; while ((op = [dbEnum nextObject])) if ([[op adaptorOperations] containsObject:adaptorOp] == YES) { [userInfo setObject:op forKey:EOFailedDatabaseOperationKey]; break; } exp = [NSException exceptionWithName:EOGeneralDatabaseException reason:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ -- %@ 0x%x: failed with exception name:%@ reason:\"%@\"", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, [localException name], [localException reason]] userInfo:userInfo]; [exp raise]; */ } NS_ENDHANDLER; //This is not done by mirko: NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p preparingForSave=%d beganTransaction=%d", self, (int)_flags.preparingForSave, (int)_flags.beganTransaction); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p _uniqueStack %p=%@", self, _uniqueStack, _uniqueStack); dbOpeEnum = NSEnumerateMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&dbOpeEnum, (void **)&gid, (void **)&dbOpe)) { EODatabaseOperator databaseOperator = EODatabaseNothingOperator; //call dbOpe adaptorOperations ? if ([dbOpe databaseOperator] == EODatabaseNothingOperator) { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"Db Ope %@ for Nothing !!!", dbOpe); } else { EOEntity *entity = nil; NSArray *dbSnapshotKeys = nil; NSMutableDictionary *newRow = nil; NSDictionary *values = nil; id object = nil; NSArray *adaptorOpe = nil; object = [dbOpe object]; adaptorOpe = [dbOpe adaptorOperations]; databaseOperator = [dbOpe databaseOperator]; entity = [dbOpe entity]; dbSnapshotKeys = [entity dbSnapshotKeys]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"dbSnapshotKeys=%@", dbSnapshotKeys); newRow = [dbOpe newRow]; values = [newRow dictionaryWithValuesForKeys: dbSnapshotKeys]; //if update: forgetSnapshotForGlobalID: [self recordSnapshot: values forGlobalID: gid]; if (databaseOperator == EODatabaseUpdateOperator) //OK for update //Do it forInsert too //TODO { NSDictionary *toManySnapshots = [dbOpe toManySnapshots]; if (toManySnapshots) { NSDebugMLog(@"toManySnapshots=%@", toManySnapshots); NSEmitTODO(); //TODONOW [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } } } } // avoid leaks! -- dw NSEndMapTableEnumeration(&dbOpeEnum); } } - (void) commitChanges { NSMapEnumerator dbOpeEnum; EOGlobalID *gid = nil; EODatabaseOperation *dbOpe = nil; NSMutableArray *deletedObjects = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableArray *insertedObjects = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableArray *updatedObjects = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableDictionary *gidChangedUserInfo = nil; NSMutableDictionary *gidChangedUserInfo2 = nil; [self _assertValidStateWithSelector: @selector(commitChanges)]; // before we send new changes to the database, // make sure we have commited everything NS_DURING { if ([_adaptorContext hasOpenTransaction]) { [_adaptorContext commitTransaction]; _flags.beganTransaction = NO; } } NS_HANDLER { [self rollbackChanges]; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; // useToManyCaching ? [EOObserverCenter suppressObserverNotification]; dbOpeEnum = NSEnumerateMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); NS_DURING { while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&dbOpeEnum, (void **)&gid, (void **)&dbOpe)) { EODatabaseOperator databaseOperator = EODatabaseNothingOperator; EOGlobalID *dbOpeGID = nil; EOGlobalID *newGID = nil; EOEntity *entity = nil; NSDictionary *newRowValues = nil; NSMutableDictionary *newRow = [dbOpe newRow]; databaseOperator = [dbOpe databaseOperator]; entity = [dbOpe entity]; if ([gid isTemporary] || ([[dbOpe primaryKeyDiffs] count] > 0)) { newGID = [entity globalIDForRow: newRow isFinal: YES]; if (!gidChangedUserInfo) { gidChangedUserInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; } [gidChangedUserInfo setObject: newGID forKey: gid]; } switch (databaseOperator) { case EODatabaseInsertOperator: newRowValues = [newRow dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:[entity classPropertyAttributeNames]]; break; case EODatabaseUpdateOperator: newRowValues = [dbOpe rowDiffsForAttributes: [entity _classPropertyAttributes]]; // NSLog(@"%s %d _classPropertyAttributes %@",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, [entity _classPropertyAttributes] ); // NSLog(@"%s %d newRowValues %@",__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, newRowValues ); break; default: break; } id object = [dbOpe object]; if (object) { if ((newRowValues) && ([newRowValues count] > 0)) { [object takeStoredValuesFromDictionary:newRowValues]; } if (databaseOperator == EODatabaseInsertOperator) { [_database incrementSnapshotCountForGlobalID:dbOpeGID]; } } } // while } NS_HANDLER { [EOObserverCenter enableObserverNotification]; NSEndMapTableEnumeration(&dbOpeEnum); [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; [EOObserverCenter enableObserverNotification]; NSEndMapTableEnumeration(&dbOpeEnum); if (gidChangedUserInfo) { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: EOGlobalIDChangedNotification object: self userInfo: gidChangedUserInfo]; } dbOpeEnum = NSEnumerateMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); gidChangedUserInfo2 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&dbOpeEnum, (void **)&gid, (void **)&dbOpe)) { EOGlobalID *dbOpeGID = nil; dbOpeGID = [dbOpe globalID]; switch ([dbOpe databaseOperator]) { case EODatabaseInsertOperator: { id newObj = nil; if (gidChangedUserInfo) { newObj = [gidChangedUserInfo objectForKey:dbOpeGID]; } [insertedObjects addObject: (newObj == nil ? dbOpeGID : newObj)]; } break; case EODatabaseDeleteOperator: [deletedObjects addObject: dbOpeGID]; break; case EODatabaseUpdateOperator: /* 2 */ [updatedObjects addObject: dbOpeGID]; break; case EODatabaseNothingOperator: break; } } NSEndMapTableEnumeration(&dbOpeEnum); [gidChangedUserInfo2 setObject:deletedObjects forKey:EODeletedKey]; [gidChangedUserInfo2 setObject:insertedObjects forKey:EOInsertedKey]; [gidChangedUserInfo2 setObject:updatedObjects forKey:EOUpdatedKey]; [self _cleanUpAfterSave]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @"EOObjectsChangedInStoreNotification" object: _database userInfo: gidChangedUserInfo2]; } - (void)rollbackChanges { // TODO //adaptorcontext transactionNestingLevel //if 0 ? _cleanUpAfterSave if (_flags.beganTransaction == YES) { [_adaptorContext rollbackTransaction]; _flags.beganTransaction = NO; _flags.preparingForSave = NO; if (_lockedObjects) { NSResetHashTable(_lockedObjects); } NSResetMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); /* //TODO [_snapshots removeAllObjects]; [_toManySnapshots removeAllObjects]; */ } } - (NSDictionary *)valuesForKeys: (NSArray *)keys object: (id)object { NSMutableDictionary* values=nil; EOEntity* entity = [_database entityForObject:object]; if (entity == nil) { values = AUTORELEASE([[_coordinator valuesForKeys:keys object: object] mutableCopy]); } else { int keysCount = [keys count]; //If object is a fault: first try to see if needed values are all in PK if (_isFault(object) && keysCount <= 16) { NSUInteger index = NSNotFound; NSArray* pkAttrNames = [entity primaryKeyAttributeNames]; if ([pkAttrNames count] >= keysCount) { EOKeyGlobalID* gid = (EOKeyGlobalID*)[self _globalIDForObject:object]; id* pkValues = [gid keyValues]; id resultKeys[keysCount]; id resultValues[keysCount]; int j=0; for(j=0; j < keysCount; j++) { NSString* key = [keys objectAtIndex:j]; index = [pkAttrNames indexOfObject:key]; if(index == NSNotFound) break; resultKeys[j] = key; resultValues[j] = pkValues[index]; } if (index != NSNotFound)//All keys found ! { values=[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:resultValues forKeys:resultKeys count:keysCount]; } } } if (values==nil) { EODatabaseOperation* dbOpe = [self databaseOperationForObject:object]; NSMutableDictionary* newRow = [dbOpe newRow]; values = AUTORELEASE([[newRow valuesForKeys:keys]mutableCopy]); } } return values; } // private -(NSMutableDictionary*)_mutableValuesForKeys: (NSArray *)keys object: (id)object { return (NSMutableDictionary*)[self valuesForKeys:keys object:object]; } -(NSDictionary*) _primaryKeyForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject:(EOCustomObject*) srcObject relationship:(EORelationship *) relationship destinationObject:(EOCustomObject *)destObject { NSMutableDictionary * pkDict = nil; NSMutableDictionary * pkDict1 = nil; NSDictionary * leftSideKeyDict = [relationship _leftSideKeyMap]; EODatabaseOperation * op = [self databaseOperationForObject:srcObject]; NSArray * nsarray = [leftSideKeyDict objectForKey:@"sourceKeys"]; pkDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[op newRow] keys:nsarray]; if ([pkDict containsAnyNullObject]) { NSDictionary * dict = [[self _entityForObject:srcObject] primaryKeyForGlobalID:(EOKeyGlobalID*)[op globalID]]; pkDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:dict keys:nsarray]; } [pkDict translateFromKeys:nsarray toKeys:(NSArray*) [leftSideKeyDict objectForKey:@"destinationKeys"]]; leftSideKeyDict = [relationship _rightSideKeyMap]; op = [self databaseOperationForObject:destObject]; nsarray = (NSArray*)[leftSideKeyDict objectForKey:@"destinationKeys"]; pkDict1 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[op newRow] keys:nsarray]; if ([pkDict1 containsAnyNullObject]) { NSDictionary * destKeyDict = [[self _entityForObject:destObject] primaryKeyForGlobalID:(EOKeyGlobalID*)[op globalID]]; pkDict1 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:destKeyDict keys:nsarray]; } [pkDict1 translateFromKeys:nsarray toKeys:(NSArray*)[leftSideKeyDict objectForKey:@"sourceKeys"]]; [pkDict addEntriesFromDictionary:pkDict1]; return pkDict; } - (EODatabaseOperation*) _databaseOperationForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject:(EOCustomObject*) srcObject relationship:(EORelationship *) relationship destinationObject:(EOCustomObject *)destObject { EOEntity * intermediateEntity = nil; NSDictionary * pkDict = nil; EOGlobalID * gid = nil; EODatabaseOperation * op = nil; pkDict = [self _primaryKeyForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject:srcObject relationship:relationship destinationObject:destObject]; intermediateEntity = [relationship intermediateEntity]; gid = [intermediateEntity globalIDForRow:pkDict]; if (!gid) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"A valid global ID could not be obtained for entity named '" @"%@' relationship named '%@' primary key dictionary %@.", [intermediateEntity name], [relationship name], pkDict]; } op = [self databaseOperationForGlobalID:gid]; if (!op) { op = [EODatabaseOperation databaseOperationWithGlobalID: gid object: nil entity: intermediateEntity]; [op setDBSnapshot:pkDict]; [op setNewRow:[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:pkDict]]; [self recordDatabaseOperation:op]; } return op; } - (void) _recordInsertForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject:(EOCustomObject*) sourceObject relationship:(EORelationship*) relationship destinationObject:(EOCustomObject*) destinationObject { EODatabaseOperation * op; op = [self _databaseOperationForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject:sourceObject relationship:relationship destinationObject:destinationObject]; [op setDatabaseOperator:EODatabaseInsertOperator]; } - (void) _recordDeleteForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject:(EOCustomObject*) sourceObject relationship:(EORelationship*) relationship destinationObject:(EOCustomObject*) destinationObject { EODatabaseOperation * op; op = [self _databaseOperationForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject:sourceObject relationship:relationship destinationObject:destinationObject]; [op setDatabaseOperator:EODatabaseDeleteOperator]; } -(void)nullifyAttributesInRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destinationObject: (id)destinationObject { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"destinationObject=%@", destinationObject); if (destinationObject) { //Get SourceObject database operation EODatabaseOperation *sourceDBOpe = [self databaseOperationForObject: sourceObject]; if ([relationship isToManyToOne]) { [self _recordDeleteForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject: sourceObject relationship: relationship destinationObject: destinationObject]; } else { // Key a dictionary of two array: destinationKeys and sourceKeys NSDictionary *sourceToDestinationKeyMap = [relationship _sourceToDestinationKeyMap]; //{destinationKeys = (customerCode); sourceKeys = (code); } BOOL foreignKeyInDestination = [relationship foreignKeyInDestination]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"sourceToDestinationKeyMap=%@", sourceToDestinationKeyMap); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"foreignKeyInDestination=%d", foreignKeyInDestination); if (foreignKeyInDestination) { NSArray *destinationKeys = [sourceToDestinationKeyMap objectForKey: @"destinationKeys"];//(customerCode) NSDictionary* changes= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithNullValuesForKeys:destinationKeys]; [self recordUpdateForObject: destinationObject changes: changes]; } else { NSArray* sourceKeys = [sourceToDestinationKeyMap objectForKey:@"sourceKeys"]; NSDictionary* changes= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithNullValuesForKeys:sourceKeys]; [[sourceDBOpe newRow]addEntriesFromDictionary:changes]; } } } } - (void)nullifyAttributesInRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destinationObjects: (NSArray*)destinationObjects { int destinationObjectsCount = [destinationObjects count]; if (destinationObjectsCount > 0) { int i; IMP oaiIMP=[destinationObjects methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < destinationObjectsCount; i++) { id object = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(destinationObjects,oaiIMP,i); [self nullifyAttributesInRelationship: relationship sourceObject: sourceObject destinationObject: object]; } } } - (void)relayAttributesInRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destinationObjects: (NSArray*)destinationObjects { int destinationObjectsCount = [destinationObjects count]; if (destinationObjectsCount > 0) { int i; IMP oaiIMP=[destinationObjects methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < destinationObjectsCount; i++) { id object = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(destinationObjects,oaiIMP,i); [self relayAttributesInRelationship: relationship sourceObject: sourceObject destinationObject: object]; } } } - (NSDictionary*)relayAttributesInRelationship: (EORelationship*)relationship sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destinationObject: (id)destinationObject { NSMutableDictionary *relayedValues = nil; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"sourceObject %p=%@ (class=%@)", sourceObject, sourceObject, [sourceObject class]); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"destinationObject %p=%@ (class=%@)", destinationObject, destinationObject, [destinationObject class]); if (destinationObject!=nil) { //Get SourceObject database operation EODatabaseOperation* sourceDBOpe = [self databaseOperationForObject: sourceObject]; if ([relationship isToManyToOne]) { [self _recordInsertForIntermediateRowFromSourceObject:sourceObject relationship:relationship destinationObject:destinationObject]; } else { NSDictionary* sourceToDestinationKeyMap = [relationship _sourceToDestinationKeyMap]; NSArray* sourceKeys = [sourceToDestinationKeyMap objectForKey:@"sourceKeys"]; NSArray* destinationKeys = [sourceToDestinationKeyMap objectForKey:@"destinationKeys"]; if ([relationship foreignKeyInDestination]) { relayedValues = AUTORELEASE([[[sourceDBOpe newRow] valuesForKeys:sourceKeys] mutableCopy]); [relayedValues translateFromKeys:sourceKeys toKeys:destinationKeys]; [self recordUpdateForObject:destinationObject changes:relayedValues]; } else { relayedValues = [self _mutableValuesForKeys:destinationKeys object:destinationObject]; [relayedValues translateFromKeys:destinationKeys toKeys:sourceKeys]; [[sourceDBOpe newRow] addEntriesFromDictionary:relayedValues]; } } } return relayedValues; }; - (void)recordDatabaseOperation: (EODatabaseOperation*)databaseOpe { //OK EOGlobalID *gid = nil; NSAssert(databaseOpe, @"No database operation"); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"_dbOperationsByGlobalID=%p", _dbOperationsByGlobalID); if (_dbOperationsByGlobalID) { // NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"_dbOperationsByGlobalID=%@", NSStringFromMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID)); /* // doesn't do this so some db operation are not recorded (when selecting objects) if (!_dbOperationsByGlobalID) _dbOperationsByGlobalID = NSCreateMapTable(NSObjectMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 32); */ gid = [databaseOpe globalID]; NSMapInsert(_dbOperationsByGlobalID, gid, databaseOpe); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"_dbOperationsByGlobalID=%p", _dbOperationsByGlobalID); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"_dbOperationsByGlobalID=%@", NSStringFromMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID)); } else { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"No _dbOperationsByGlobalID"); } } - (EODatabaseOperation*)databaseOperationForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID*)gid { //OK EODatabaseOperation *dbOpe = nil; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"_dbOperationsByGlobalID=%p", _dbOperationsByGlobalID); if (_dbOperationsByGlobalID) { // NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"_dbOperationsByGlobalID=%@", NSStringFromMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID)); dbOpe = (EODatabaseOperation*)NSMapGet(_dbOperationsByGlobalID, (const void*)gid); } return dbOpe; } - (EODatabaseOperation*)databaseOperationForObject: (id)object { //OK EODatabaseOperation *databaseOpe = nil; NS_DURING // for trace purpose { EOGlobalID *gid = nil; if ([object isKindOfClass: [EOGenericRecord class]]) NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"dictionary=%@ ", [object debugDictionaryDescription]); gid = EODatabaseContext_globalIDForObjectWithImpPtr(self,NULL,object); databaseOpe = [self databaseOperationForGlobalID: gid]; //OK if (!databaseOpe)//OK { EOEntity *entity = [_database entityForObject: object]; //OK NSArray *primaryKeyAttributes = [entity primaryKeyAttributes]; //OK NSDictionary *snapshot = nil; NSArray *classPropertyNames = nil; NSArray *dbSnapshotKeys = nil; int i = 0; int propNamesCount = 0; int snapKeyCount = 0; NSMutableDictionary *row = nil; NSMutableDictionary *newRow = nil; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"entity name=%@", [entity name]); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"primaryKeyAttributes=%@", primaryKeyAttributes); databaseOpe = [EODatabaseOperation databaseOperationWithGlobalID: gid object: object entity: entity]; //OK NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"CREATED databaseOpe=%@\nfor object %p %@", databaseOpe, object, object); snapshot = EODatabaseContext_snapshotForGlobalIDWithImpPtr(self,NULL,gid);//OK NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"snapshot %p=%@", snapshot, snapshot); if (!snapshot) snapshot = [NSDictionary dictionary]; [databaseOpe setDBSnapshot: snapshot]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext",@"object=%p databaseOpe=%@", object,databaseOpe); classPropertyNames = [entity classPropertyNames]; //OK (code, a3code, numcode, toLabel) NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"classPropertyNames=%@", classPropertyNames); propNamesCount = [classPropertyNames count]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"propNamesCount=%d", (int)propNamesCount); //TODO: rewrite code: don't use temporary "row" row = (NSMutableDictionary*)[NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext",@"object %p (class %@)=%@ ", object,[object class],object); /*if ([object isKindOfClass: [EOGenericRecord class]]) NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"dictionary=%@ ", [object debugDictionaryDescription]);*/ if (propNamesCount>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[classPropertyNames methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < propNamesCount; i++) { id value = nil; NSString *key = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(classPropertyNames,oaiIMP,i); /*NO !! if ([attribute isKindOfClass:[EOAttribute class]] == NO) continue; // if ([attribute isFlattened] == NO) */ value = [object storedValueForKey: key]; //OK NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"key=%@ value=%@", key, value); if (!value) { value = GDL2_EONull; [[[entity attributeNamed: key] validateValue: &value] raise]; } NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"key=%@ value=%@", key, value); [row setObject: value forKey: key]; } }; newRow = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary: snapshot copyItems: NO]; dbSnapshotKeys = [entity dbSnapshotKeys]; //OK (numcode, code, a3code) NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"dbSnapshotKeys=%@", dbSnapshotKeys); snapKeyCount = [dbSnapshotKeys count]; if (snapKeyCount>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[dbSnapshotKeys methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < snapKeyCount; i++) { id key = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(dbSnapshotKeys,oaiIMP,i); id value = [row objectForKey: key]; //Really this key ? NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"key=%@ value=%@", key, value); // NSAssert1(value,@"No value for %@",key); if (value) [newRow setObject: value forKey: key]; } }; [databaseOpe setNewRow: newRow]; [self recordDatabaseOperation: databaseOpe]; RELEASE(newRow); } } NS_HANDLER { [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return databaseOpe; } - (void)relayPrimaryKey: (NSDictionary*)pk sourceObject: (id)sourceObject destObject: (id)destObject relationship: (EORelationship*)relationship { //OK NSDictionary *relayedAttributes = nil; EOEntity *destEntity = nil; NSArray *destAttributes = nil; NSArray *destAttributeNames = nil; NSDictionary *keyValues = nil; BOOL hasNullPKValue = NO; NSEnumerator *valuesEnum=nil; IMP valuesNextObjectIMP=NULL; id value=nil; NSAssert3(destObject, @"No destinationObject. pk=%@ relationship=%@ sourceObject=%@", pk,relationship,sourceObject); destAttributes = [relationship destinationAttributes]; destAttributeNames = [destAttributes resultsOfPerformingSelector: @selector(name)]; keyValues = [self valuesForKeys: destAttributeNames object: destObject]; valuesEnum = [keyValues objectEnumerator]; while ((value = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(valuesEnum,&valuesNextObjectIMP))) { if (_isNilOrEONull(value)) { hasNullPKValue=YES; break; } }; if (hasNullPKValue) { relayedAttributes = [self relayAttributesInRelationship: relationship sourceObject: sourceObject destinationObject: destObject]; destEntity = [relationship destinationEntity]; [self relayPrimaryKey: relayedAttributes object: destObject entity: destEntity]; } } - (void)relayPrimaryKey: (NSDictionary*)pk object: (id)object entity: (EOEntity*)entity { NSArray *relationships = [entity relationships]; NSArray *classPropertyNames = [entity classPropertyNames]; EODatabaseOperation *dbOpe = [self databaseOperationForObject: object]; NSDictionary *dbSnapshot = nil; int count=0; if (dbOpe) dbSnapshot = [dbOpe dbSnapshot]; else dbSnapshot = [NSDictionary dictionary]; if (relationships) count = [relationships count]; if (count>0) { int i=0; IMP oaiIMP=[relationships methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { EORelationship *relationship = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(relationships,oaiIMP,i); EORelationship *substRelationship = [relationship _substitutionRelationshipForRow: dbSnapshot]; if (substRelationship!=nil && [substRelationship propagatesPrimaryKey]) { NSString* relName=[substRelationship name]; if ([classPropertyNames containsObject:relName]) { id storedValue = [object storedValueForKey:relName]; if (storedValue!=nil) { id snapshot = [self _currentCommittedSnapshotForObject: object]; id comSnapshotValue = [snapshot objectForKey:relName]; // or use == ? if ([storedValue isEqual:comSnapshotValue]==NO) { if ([substRelationship isToMany]) { // or use == ? if ([comSnapshotValue isEqual: (NSArray*)storedValue] == NO) { NSArray * storedValueArray = (NSArray*)storedValue; NSUInteger x; for (x = [storedValueArray count]; x > 0; x--) { [self relayPrimaryKey: pk sourceObject: object destObject: [storedValueArray objectAtIndex:x-1] relationship: substRelationship]; } } } else { // 1:1 relationships may be optional so we may have no value here [self relayPrimaryKey: pk sourceObject: object destObject: storedValue relationship: substRelationship]; } } } } } } } } - (void) createAdaptorOperationsForDatabaseOperation: (EODatabaseOperation*)dbOpe attributes: (NSArray*)attributes { EOEntity * entity = nil; EODatabaseOperator dbOperator = EODatabaseNothingOperator; NSDictionary * changedValues = nil; NSAssert(dbOpe, @"No operation"); entity = [dbOpe entity]; //OK dbOperator = [dbOpe databaseOperator]; //OK EOAdaptorOperation * lockOperation = nil; NSDictionary * dbSnapshot = nil; EOQualifier *lockingQualifier = nil; switch (dbOperator) { case EODatabaseNothingOperator: break; case EODatabaseInsertOperator: { EOAdaptorOperation * insertOp = nil; EOStoredProcedure * insertProc = nil; NSDictionary * writeAttrValues = nil; changedValues = [dbOpe newRow]; writeAttrValues = [self valuesToWriteForAttributes:attributes entity:entity changedValues:changedValues]; if ([writeAttrValues count] < 1) { break; } insertOp = [EOAdaptorOperation adaptorOperationWithEntity:entity]; insertProc = [entity storedProcedureForOperation:EOInsertProcedureOperation]; if (insertProc) { [insertOp setAdaptorOperator:EOAdaptorStoredProcedureOperator]; [insertOp setStoredProcedure:insertProc]; } else { [insertOp setAdaptorOperator:EOAdaptorInsertOperator]; } [insertOp setChangedValues:writeAttrValues]; [dbOpe addAdaptorOperation:insertOp]; break; } case EODatabaseUpdateOperator: { NSArray * lockNonQualAttrs = nil; NSArray * pkAttributes = nil; NSArray * lockingAttributes = nil; NSUInteger changeCount, lockNonQualCount, lockAttrCount; changedValues = [dbOpe rowDiffsForAttributes:attributes]; lockNonQualAttrs = [self lockingNonQualifiableAttributes:attributes]; lockingAttributes = [self lockingAttributesForAttributes:attributes entity:entity]; changeCount = [changedValues count]; lockNonQualCount = [lockNonQualAttrs count]; lockAttrCount = [lockingAttributes count]; // test if we have anything to do if (((changeCount == 0)) && ((lockNonQualCount == 0)) && ((lockAttrCount == 0))) { return; } pkAttributes = [self primaryKeyAttributesForAttributes:attributes entity:entity]; dbSnapshot = [dbOpe dbSnapshot]; lockingQualifier = [self qualifierForLockingAttributes:lockingAttributes primaryKeyAttributes:pkAttributes entity:entity snapshot:dbSnapshot]; if (((changeCount == 0)) || (lockNonQualCount > 0)) { lockOperation = [EOAdaptorOperation adaptorOperationWithEntity:entity]; [lockOperation setAdaptorOperator:EOAdaptorLockOperator]; [lockOperation setQualifier:lockingQualifier]; [lockOperation setChangedValues:dbSnapshot]; if (lockNonQualCount > 0) { [lockOperation setAttributes:lockNonQualAttrs]; } else { [lockOperation setAttributes:pkAttributes]; } [dbOpe addAdaptorOperation:lockOperation]; } if (changeCount > 0) { NSDictionary * writeAttrValues = nil; writeAttrValues = [self valuesToWriteForAttributes:attributes entity:entity changedValues:changedValues]; if ([writeAttrValues count] > 0) { EOAdaptorOperation * updateOperation = nil; updateOperation = [EOAdaptorOperation adaptorOperationWithEntity:entity]; [updateOperation setAdaptorOperator:EOAdaptorUpdateOperator]; [updateOperation setChangedValues:writeAttrValues]; [updateOperation setQualifier:lockingQualifier]; [dbOpe addAdaptorOperation:updateOperation]; } } } break; case EODatabaseDeleteOperator: { NSArray * pkAttributes = nil; NSArray * lockingAttributes = nil; NSArray * lockNonQualAttrs = nil; EOAdaptorOperation * deleteOp = nil; EOStoredProcedure * deleteProc = nil; pkAttributes = [self primaryKeyAttributesForAttributes:attributes entity:entity]; lockingAttributes = [self lockingAttributesForAttributes:attributes entity:entity]; dbSnapshot = [dbOpe dbSnapshot]; lockingQualifier = [self qualifierForLockingAttributes:lockingAttributes primaryKeyAttributes:pkAttributes entity:entity snapshot:dbSnapshot]; lockNonQualAttrs = [self lockingNonQualifiableAttributes:attributes]; if ([lockNonQualAttrs count] > 0) { lockOperation = [EOAdaptorOperation adaptorOperationWithEntity:entity]; [lockOperation setAdaptorOperator:EOAdaptorLockOperator]; /* 0 in EOF */ [lockOperation setQualifier:lockingQualifier]; [lockOperation setAttributes:lockNonQualAttrs]; [lockOperation setChangedValues:dbSnapshot]; [dbOpe addAdaptorOperation:lockOperation]; } deleteOp = [EOAdaptorOperation adaptorOperationWithEntity:entity]; deleteProc = [entity storedProcedureForOperation:EODeleteProcedureOperation]; if (deleteProc) { [deleteOp setAdaptorOperator:EOAdaptorStoredProcedureOperator]; /* 4 */ [deleteOp setStoredProcedure:deleteProc]; [deleteOp setChangedValues:dbSnapshot]; } else { [deleteOp setAdaptorOperator:EOAdaptorDeleteOperator]; /* 3 */ [deleteOp setQualifier:lockingQualifier]; } [dbOpe addAdaptorOperation:deleteOp]; } break; } } - (void) createAdaptorOperationsForDatabaseOperation: (EODatabaseOperation*)dbOpe { //OK for Update - Test for others NSArray *attributesToSave = nil; NSUInteger count=0; EODatabaseOperator dbOperator = EODatabaseNothingOperator; EOEntity *entity = [dbOpe entity]; NSMutableDictionary* attributesByPath=nil; [self processSnapshotForDatabaseOperation: dbOpe]; dbOperator = [dbOpe databaseOperator]; if (dbOperator == EODatabaseUpdateOperator) { NSDictionary* rowDiffs = [dbOpe rowDiffs]; if (rowDiffs==nil || [rowDiffs count] == 0) { //Nothing to update ! return; } } attributesToSave = [entity _attributesToSave]; count = [attributesToSave count]; if (count>0) { NSString* EOFRootPath=@"__EOF_root__"; int i=0; IMP attributesAddObjectIMP=NULL; IMP attributesToSaveObjectAtIndexIMP=[attributesToSave methodForSelector:@selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { EOAttribute *attribute = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(attributesToSave, attributesToSaveObjectAtIndexIMP, i); NSString* path=nil; if ([attribute isFlattened]) { path=[attribute relationshipPath]; } else { if ([attribute isDerived]) { continue; } else path=EOFRootPath; } NSMutableArray* attributesForPath=[attributesByPath objectForKey:path]; if (attributesForPath==nil) { if (attributesByPath==nil) attributesByPath=[NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; attributesForPath=[NSMutableArray array]; [attributesByPath setObject:attributesForPath forKey:path]; } if (!attributesAddObjectIMP) attributesAddObjectIMP=[attributesForPath methodForSelector:@selector(addObject:)]; GDL2_AddObjectWithImp(attributesForPath, attributesAddObjectIMP, attribute); } NSMutableDictionary* dbOpeNewRow=[dbOpe newRow]; NSEnumerator* pathesEnum = [attributesByPath keyEnumerator]; NSString* path=nil; while((path=[pathesEnum nextObject])) { BOOL takeIt = YES; BOOL addAttributes = NO; if (path!=EOFRootPath) { NSString* aPath=nil; for(aPath=path; aPath!=nil; aPath=[aPath relationshipPathByDeletingLastComponent]) { EORelationship* relationship = [entity relationshipForPath:aPath]; if ([relationship isMandatory] || [relationship isParentRelationship]) continue; takeIt = NO; break; } } NSMutableArray* attributes = [attributesByPath objectForKey:path]; int attributesCount=[attributes count]; int i=0; for(i=0;i rightIndex) { return NSOrderedDescending; } else { EOAdaptorOperator leftOperator = [leftOp adaptorOperator]; EOAdaptorOperator rightOperator = [rightOp adaptorOperator]; if (leftOperator < rightOperator) { return NSOrderedAscending; } if (leftOperator > rightOperator) { return NSOrderedDescending; } } return NSOrderedSame; } - (NSArray*) orderAdaptorOperations { NSMutableArray * orderedAdaptorOpe = nil; if (_delegateRespondsTo.willOrderAdaptorOperations == YES) { orderedAdaptorOpe = (NSMutableArray*) [_delegate databaseContext: self willOrderAdaptorOperationsFromDatabaseOperations: NSAllMapTableValues(_dbOperationsByGlobalID)]; } else { NSMutableArray * entities = [NSMutableArray array]; // NSMutableArray * adaptorOperations = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMapEnumerator dbOpeEnum; EOGlobalID * gid = nil; EODatabaseOperation * dbOpe = nil; NSArray * entityNameOrderingArray = nil; // NSHashTable * entitiesHashTable = NSCreateHashTable(NSNonOwnedPointerHashCallBacks,32); orderedAdaptorOpe = (NSMutableArray*)[NSMutableArray array]; dbOpeEnum = NSEnumerateMapTable(_dbOperationsByGlobalID); while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&dbOpeEnum, (void **)&gid, (void **)&dbOpe)) { NSArray *dbOpeAdaptorOperations = [dbOpe adaptorOperations]; NSUInteger operCount = 0; NSUInteger idx = 0; if (dbOpeAdaptorOperations) { [orderedAdaptorOpe addObjectsFromArray:dbOpeAdaptorOperations]; operCount = [dbOpeAdaptorOperations count]; } while (idx < operCount) { EOEntity * entity = [[dbOpeAdaptorOperations objectAtIndex:idx] entity]; if (([entities indexOfObject:entity] == NSNotFound)) { [entities addObject:entity]; } idx++; } } NSEndMapTableEnumeration(&dbOpeEnum); entityNameOrderingArray = [self entityNameOrderingArrayForEntities:entities]; [orderedAdaptorOpe sortUsingFunction:compareUsingEntityNames context:entityNameOrderingArray]; } return orderedAdaptorOpe; } - (NSArray*) entitiesOnWhichThisEntityDepends: (EOEntity*)entity { NSMutableArray *entities = nil; NSArray *relationships = nil; int count; relationships = [entity relationships]; count = [relationships count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[relationships methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; int i=0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { EORelationship *relationship = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(relationships,oaiIMP,i); if (![relationship isToMany]) //If to many: do nothing { if ([relationship isFlattened]) { //TODO VERIFY EOExpressionArray *definitionArray=[relationship _definitionArray]; EORelationship *firstRelationship=[definitionArray objectAtIndex:0]; EOEntity *firstDefEntity=[firstRelationship destinationEntity]; NSArray *defDependEntities=[self entitiesOnWhichThisEntityDepends:firstDefEntity]; if ([defDependEntities count]>0) { if (!entities) entities = [NSMutableArray array]; [entities addObjectsFromArray: defDependEntities]; }; } else { //Here ?? EOEntity *destinationEntity = [relationship destinationEntity]; EORelationship *inverseRelationship = [relationship anyInverseRelationship]; if ([inverseRelationship isToMany]) { //Do nothing ? } else { if ([inverseRelationship propagatesPrimaryKey]) { //OK if (!entities) entities = [NSMutableArray array]; [entities addObject: destinationEntity]; } else { if ([inverseRelationship ownsDestination]) { NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } } } } } } } return entities; } /* this is private. it seems other implementations are doing much more * than this. */ - (NSArray*)entityNameOrderingArrayForEntities: (NSArray*)entities { //TODO NSMutableArray *ordering = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableSet *orderedEntities = [NSMutableSet set]; /*EODatabase *database = [self database]; NSArray *models = [database models];*/ NSMutableDictionary *dependsDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; int count = [entities count]; //TODO NSArray* originalOrdering=... /*TODO for each mdoel: userInfo (ret nil) */ if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[entities methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; int i=0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { //OK EOEntity *entity=GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(entities,oaiIMP,i); NSArray *dependsEntities = [self entitiesOnWhichThisEntityDepends: entity]; if ([dependsEntities count]) [dependsDict setObject: dependsEntities forKey: [entity name]]; } ordering = [NSMutableArray array]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { EOEntity *entity=GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(entities,oaiIMP,i); [self insertEntity: entity intoOrderingArray: ordering withDependencies: dependsDict processingSet: orderedEntities]; } } //TODO /* model userInfo //ret nil setUserInfo: {EOEntityOrdering = ordering; } */ return ordering; } - (BOOL) isValidQualifierTypeForAttribute: (EOAttribute*)attribute { //OK BOOL isValid = NO; EOEntity *entity = nil; EOModel *model = nil; EODatabase *database = nil; EOAdaptor *adaptor = nil; NSString *externalType = nil; entity = [attribute entity]; NSAssert1(entity, @"No entity for attribute %@", attribute); model = [entity model]; database = [self database]; adaptor = [database adaptor]; externalType = [attribute externalType]; isValid = [adaptor isValidQualifierType: externalType model: model]; return isValid; } - (NSArray*) lockingNonQualifiableAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes { NSMutableArray * lockingAttrs = nil; NSArray * attributesUsedForLocking = nil; NSUInteger i = [attributes count]; for (; i > 0; i--) { EOAttribute * attr = [attributes objectAtIndex:i-1]; if (!attributesUsedForLocking) { attributesUsedForLocking = [[attr entity] attributesUsedForLocking]; } if ([self isValidQualifierTypeForAttribute:attr] || (![attributesUsedForLocking containsObject:attr])) { continue; } if (!lockingAttrs) { lockingAttrs = [NSMutableArray array]; } [lockingAttrs addObject:attr]; } if (!lockingAttrs) { lockingAttrs = [NSArray array]; } return lockingAttrs; } - (NSArray*) lockingAttributesForAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes entity: (EOEntity*)entity { //TODO NSArray *retAttributes = nil; int count = 0; NSArray *attributesUsedForLocking = nil; attributesUsedForLocking = [entity attributesUsedForLocking]; count = [attributes count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[attributes methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; int i=0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id attribute = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(attributes,oaiIMP,i); //do this on 1st only BOOL isFlattened = [attribute isFlattened]; if (isFlattened) { NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } else { NSArray *rootAttributesUsedForLocking = [entity rootAttributesUsedForLocking]; retAttributes = rootAttributesUsedForLocking; } } }; return retAttributes; //TODO } - (NSArray*) primaryKeyAttributesForAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes entity: (EOEntity*)entity { //TODO NSArray *retAttributes = nil; int count = 0; //TODO count = [attributes count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[attributes methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; int i=0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id attribute = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(attributes,oaiIMP,i); BOOL isFlattened = [attribute isFlattened]; //call isFlattened on 1st only if (isFlattened) { NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } else { NSArray *primaryKeyAttributes = [entity primaryKeyAttributes]; retAttributes = primaryKeyAttributes; } } }; return retAttributes; } - (EOQualifier*) qualifierForLockingAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes primaryKeyAttributes: (NSArray*)primaryKeyAttributes entity: (EOEntity*)entity snapshot: (NSDictionary*)snapshot { //OK EOQualifier *qualifier = nil; NSMutableArray *qualifiers = nil; int which; //First use primaryKeyAttributes, next use attributes for (which = 0; which < 2; which++) { NSArray *array = (which == 0 ? primaryKeyAttributes : attributes); NSUInteger i,count = [array count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { EOAttribute *attribute = [array objectAtIndex: i]; if (which == 0 || ![primaryKeyAttributes containsObject: attribute])// Test if we haven't already processed it { if (![self isValidQualifierTypeForAttribute: attribute]) { NSLog(@"Invalid externalType for attribute '%@' of entity named '%@' - model '%@'", [attribute name], [[attribute entity] name], [[[attribute entity] model] name]); NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } else { NSString *attributeName = nil; NSString *snapName = nil; id value = nil; EOQualifier *aQualifier = nil; attributeName = [attribute name]; NSAssert1(attributeName, @"no attribute name for attribute %@", attribute); snapName = [entity snapshotKeyForAttributeName: attributeName]; NSAssert2(snapName, @"no snapName for attribute %@ in entity %@", attributeName, [entity name]); value = [snapshot objectForKey:snapName]; NSAssert4(value != nil, @"no value for snapshotKey '%@' in snapshot (address=%p) %@ for entity %@", snapName, snapshot, snapshot, [entity name]); aQualifier = [EOKeyValueQualifier qualifierWithKey: attributeName operatorSelector: @selector(isEqualTo:) value: value]; if (!qualifiers) qualifiers = [NSMutableArray array]; [qualifiers addObject: aQualifier]; } } } } if ([qualifiers count] == 1) { qualifier = [qualifiers objectAtIndex: 0]; } else { qualifier = [EOAndQualifier qualifierWithQualifierArray: qualifiers]; } return qualifier; } - (void) insertEntity: (EOEntity*)entity intoOrderingArray: (NSMutableArray*)orderingArray withDependencies: (NSDictionary*)dependencies processingSet: (NSMutableSet*)processingSet { NSString * entityName = [entity name]; if ((([orderingArray indexOfObject:entityName] == NSNotFound)) && (![processingSet containsObject:entityName])) { NSUInteger depCount = 0; NSUInteger idx = 0; NSArray * dependenciesForEntity = [dependencies objectForKey:entityName]; [processingSet addObject:entityName]; if (dependenciesForEntity) { depCount = [dependenciesForEntity count]; } for (; idx < depCount; idx++) { [self insertEntity:[dependenciesForEntity objectAtIndex:idx] intoOrderingArray:orderingArray withDependencies:dependencies processingSet:processingSet]; } [orderingArray addObject:entityName]; } } - (void) processSnapshotForDatabaseOperation: (EODatabaseOperation*)dbOpe { //Near OK EOAdaptor *adaptor = [_database adaptor];//OK EOEntity *entity = [dbOpe entity];//OK NSMutableDictionary *newRow = nil; NSDictionary *dbSnapshot = nil; NSEnumerator *attrNameEnum = nil; id attrName = nil; IMP enumNO=NULL; // nextObject newRow = [dbOpe newRow]; //OK{a3code = Q77; code = Q7; numcode = 007; } //ALLOK dbSnapshot = [dbOpe dbSnapshot]; // we need to make sure that we do not change an array while enumering it. attrNameEnum = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:[newRow allKeys]] objectEnumerator]; enumNO=NULL; while ((attrName = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(attrNameEnum,&enumNO))) { EOAttribute *attribute = [entity attributeNamed: attrName]; id newRowValue = nil; id dbSnapshotValue = nil; newRowValue = [newRow objectForKey:attrName]; dbSnapshotValue = [dbSnapshot objectForKey: attrName]; if (dbSnapshotValue && (![newRowValue isEqual: dbSnapshotValue])) { id adaptorValue = [adaptor fetchedValueForValue: newRowValue attribute: attribute]; if ((!adaptorValue) || ((adaptorValue != dbSnapshotValue) && (![adaptorValue isEqual:dbSnapshotValue]))) { if (!adaptorValue) { adaptorValue = GDL2_EONull; } [newRow setObject:adaptorValue forKey:attrName]; } } } } - (NSDictionary*) valuesToWriteForAttributes: (NSArray*)attributes entity: (EOEntity*)entity changedValues: (NSDictionary*)changedValues { //NEAR OK NSMutableDictionary *valuesToWrite = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; BOOL isReadOnlyEntity = NO; isReadOnlyEntity = [entity isReadOnly]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"isReadOnlyEntity=%s", (isReadOnlyEntity ? "YES" : "NO")); if (isReadOnlyEntity) { NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } else { int count = [attributes count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[attributes methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; int i=0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { EOAttribute *attribute = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(attributes,oaiIMP,i); BOOL isReadOnly = [attribute isReadOnly]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"isReadOnly=%s", (isReadOnly ? "YES" : "NO")); if (isReadOnly) { NSEmitTODO(); NSDebugMLog(@"attribute=%@", attribute); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } else { NSString *attrName = [attribute name]; NSString *snapName = nil; id value = nil; snapName = [entity snapshotKeyForAttributeName: attrName]; value = [changedValues objectForKey: snapName]; if (value) [valuesToWrite setObject: value forKey: attrName]; } } } } return valuesToWrite; } @end @implementation EODatabaseContext(EOBatchFaulting) - (void)batchFetchRelationship: (EORelationship *)relationship forSourceObjects: (NSArray *)objects editingContext: (EOEditingContext *)editingContext { // TODO NSMutableArray *qualifierArray, *valuesArray, *toManySnapshotArray; NSMutableDictionary *values; NSArray *array; NSEnumerator *objsEnum, *joinsEnum, *keyEnum; NSString *key; EOFetchSpecification *fetch; EOQualifier *qualifier; EOFault *fault; EOJoin *join; BOOL equal; int i, count; id object; NSString* relationshipName = nil; IMP globalIDForObjectIMP=NULL; IMP toManySnapArrayObjectAtIndexIMP=NULL; IMP objsEnumNO=NULL; IMP objectsOAI=NULL; qualifierArray = AUTORELEASE([GDL2_alloc(NSMutableArray) init]); valuesArray = AUTORELEASE([GDL2_alloc(NSMutableArray) init]); toManySnapshotArray = AUTORELEASE([GDL2_alloc(NSMutableArray) init]); toManySnapArrayObjectAtIndexIMP=[toManySnapshotArray methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; relationshipName = [relationship name]; objsEnum = [objects objectEnumerator]; objsEnumNO=NULL; while ((object = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(objsEnum,&objsEnumNO))) { IMP joinsEnumNO=NO; values = AUTORELEASE([GDL2_alloc(NSMutableDictionary) initWithCapacity: 4]); fault = [object valueForKey: relationshipName]; [EOFault clearFault: fault]; joinsEnum = [[relationship joins] objectEnumerator]; while ((join = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(joinsEnum,&joinsEnumNO))) { [values setObject: [object valueForKey: [[join sourceAttribute] name]] forKey: [[join destinationAttribute] name]]; } [valuesArray addObject: values]; [toManySnapshotArray addObject: AUTORELEASE([GDL2_alloc(NSMutableArray) init])]; [qualifierArray addObject: [EOQualifier qualifierToMatchAllValues: values]]; } if ([qualifierArray count] == 1) qualifier = [qualifierArray objectAtIndex: 0]; else qualifier = [EOOrQualifier qualifierWithQualifierArray: qualifierArray]; fetch = [EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationWithEntityName: [[relationship destinationEntity] name] qualifier: qualifier sortOrderings: nil]; array = [self objectsWithFetchSpecification: fetch editingContext: editingContext]; count = [valuesArray count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[valuesArray methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; objsEnum = [array objectEnumerator]; objsEnumNO=NULL; while ((object = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(objsEnum,&objsEnumNO))) { IMP objectVFK=NULL; // valueForKey: for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { IMP keyEnumNO=NULL; // nextObject IMP valuesOFK=NULL; // objectForKey: equal = YES; values = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(valuesArray,oaiIMP,i); keyEnum = [values keyEnumerator]; while ((key = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(keyEnum,&keyEnumNO))) { if ([GDL2_ValueForKeyWithImpPtr(object,&objectVFK,key) isEqual: GDL2_ObjectForKeyWithImpPtr(values,&valuesOFK,key)] == NO) { equal = NO; break; } } if (equal == YES) { EOGlobalID* gid = nil; id snapshot = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(toManySnapshotArray,toManySnapArrayObjectAtIndexIMP,i); [[GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImpPtr(objects,&objectsOAI,i) valueForKey: relationshipName] addObject: object]; gid=EOEditingContext_globalIDForObjectWithImpPtr(editingContext,&globalIDForObjectIMP,object); [snapshot addObject: gid]; break; } } } } //==> see _registerSnapshot:forSourceGlobalID:relationshipName:editingContext: if (count>0) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id snapshot = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(toManySnapshotArray,toManySnapArrayObjectAtIndexIMP,i); EOGlobalID* gid=EOEditingContext_globalIDForObjectWithImpPtr(editingContext, &globalIDForObjectIMP, GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImpPtr(objects,&objectsOAI,i)); [_database recordSnapshot: snapshot forSourceGlobalID: gid relationshipName: relationshipName]; }; } } @end @implementation EODatabaseContext (EODatabaseContextPrivate) - (void) _fireArrayFault: (id)object { //OK ?? BOOL fetchIt = YES; if (_delegateRespondsTo.shouldFetchObjectFault == YES) fetchIt = [_delegate databaseContext: self shouldFetchObjectFault: object]; if (fetchIt) { /*Class targetClass = Nil; void *extraData = NULL;*/ EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *handler = (EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *)[EOFault handlerForFault:object]; EOEditingContext *context = [handler editingContext]; NSString *relationshipName= [handler relationshipName]; EOKeyGlobalID *gid = [handler sourceGlobalID]; NSArray *objects = nil; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"relationshipName=%@", relationshipName); objects = [context objectsForSourceGlobalID: gid relationshipName: relationshipName editingContext: context]; if (_isFault(object)) [EOFault clearFault: object]; //?? /* in clearFault [handler faultWillFire:object]; targetClass=[handler targetClass]; extraData=[handler extraData]; RELEASE(handler); */ NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"NEAR FINISHED 1 object count=%"PRIuPTR" %p %@", [object count], object, object); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"NEAR FINISHED 1 objects count=%"PRIuPTR" %p %@", [objects count], objects, objects); if (objects != object) { //No, not needed [object removeObjectsInArray:objects];//Because some objects may be here. We don't want duplicate. It's a hack because I don't see why there's objects in object ! NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"NEAR FINISHED 1 object count=%"PRIuPTR" %p %@", [object count], object, object); [object addObjectsFromArray: objects]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"NEAR FINISHED 2 object count=%"PRIuPTR" %@", [object count], object); } } //END! /* } - (void)_batchToMany:(id)fault withHandler:(EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *)handler { */ /* EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *usedHandler, *firstHandler, *lastHandler; EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *bufHandler; NSMutableDictionary *batchBuffer; EOEditingContext *context; NSMutableArray *objects; EOKeyGlobalID *gid; EOEntity *entity; EORelationship *relationship; unsigned int maxBatch; BOOL batch = YES, changeBatch = NO; gid = [handler sourceGlobalID];//OK context = [handler editingContext];//OK entity = [_database entityNamed:[gid entityName]];//-done relationship = [entity relationshipNamed:[handler relationshipName]];//-done maxBatch = [relationship numberOfToManyFaultsToBatchFetch];//-done batchBuffer = [_batchToManyFaultBuffer objectForKey:[entity name]]; bufHandler = [batchBuffer objectForKey:[relationship name]]; objects = [NSMutableArray array]; [objects addObject:[context objectForGlobalID:gid]];//-done firstHandler = lastHandler = nil; usedHandler = handler; if (bufHandler && [bufHandler isEqual:usedHandler] == YES) changeBatch = YES; if (maxBatch > 1) { maxBatch--; while (maxBatch--) { if (lastHandler == nil) { usedHandler = (EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *)[usedHandler previous]; if (usedHandler) firstHandler = usedHandler; else lastHandler = usedHandler = (EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *) [handler next]; } else { usedHandler = (EOAccessArrayFaultHandler *)[lastHandler next]; if (usedHandler) lastHandler = usedHandler; } if (usedHandler == nil) break; if (bufHandler && [bufHandler isEqual:usedHandler] == YES) changeBatch = YES; [objects addObject:[context objectForGlobalID:[usedHandler sourceGlobalID]]]; } } if (firstHandler == nil) firstHandler = handler; if (lastHandler == nil) lastHandler = handler; usedHandler = (id)[firstHandler previous]; bufHandler = (id)[lastHandler next]; if (usedHandler) [usedHandler _linkNext:bufHandler]; usedHandler = bufHandler; if (usedHandler) { [usedHandler _linkPrev:[firstHandler previous]]; if (bufHandler == nil) bufHandler = usedHandler; } if (changeBatch == YES) { if (bufHandler) [batchBuffer setObject:bufHandler forKey:[relationship name]]; else [batchBuffer removeObjectForKey:[relationship name]]; } [self batchFetchRelationship:relationship forSourceObjects:objects editingContext:context]; */ } - (void) _fireFault: (id)object { //TODO BOOL fetchIt = YES;//MIRKO EOGlobalID *gid; //MIRKO NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext",@"Fire Fault: object %p of class %@", object,[object class]); if (_delegateRespondsTo.shouldFetchObjectFault == YES) { fetchIt = [_delegate databaseContext: self shouldFetchObjectFault: object]; } if (fetchIt) { EOAccessFaultHandler *handler; EOEditingContext *context; NSDictionary *snapshot; EOEntity *entity = nil; NSString *entityName = nil; handler = (EOAccessFaultHandler *)[EOFault handlerForFault: object]; context = [handler editingContext]; gid = [handler globalID]; snapshot = EODatabaseContext_snapshotForGlobalIDWithImpPtr(self,NULL,gid); //nil if (snapshot) { //TODO _fireFault snapshot NSEmitTODO(); // [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } entity = [self entityForGlobalID: gid]; entityName = [entity name]; if ([entity cachesObjects]) { //TODO _fireFault [entity cachesObjects] NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } //??? generation # EOAccessGenericFaultHandler//ret 2 { EOAccessFaultHandler *previousHandler; EOAccessFaultHandler *nextHandler; EOFetchSpecification *fetchSpecif; NSArray *objects; EOQualifier *qualifier; /*int maxNumberOfInstancesToBatchFetch = [entity maxNumberOfInstancesToBatchFetch]; NSDictionary *snapshot = [self snapshotForGlobalID: gid];*///nil //TODO use it ! NSDictionary *pk = [entity primaryKeyForGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID *)gid]; EOQualifier *pkQualifier = [entity qualifierForPrimaryKey: pk]; NSMutableArray *qualifiers = [NSMutableArray array]; [qualifiers addObject: pkQualifier]; previousHandler = (EOAccessFaultHandler *)[handler previous]; nextHandler = (EOAccessFaultHandler *)[handler next]; //nil fetchSpecif = AUTORELEASE([EOFetchSpecification new]); [fetchSpecif setEntityName: entityName]; qualifier = [EOOrQualifier qualifierWithQualifierArray: qualifiers]; [fetchSpecif setQualifier: qualifier]; objects = [self objectsWithFetchSpecification: fetchSpecif editingContext: context]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"objects %p=%@ class=%@", objects, objects, [objects class]); } } if (_isFault(object)) { [EOFault clearFault: object]; if ((!_delegate) || (!_delegateRespondsTo.databaseContextFailedToFetchObject) || (![_delegate databaseContext:self failedToFetchObject:object globalID:gid])) { [_missingObjectGIDs addObject:gid]; } } } /* - (void)_batchToOne:(id)fault withHandler:(EOAccessFaultHandler *)handler { EOAccessFaultHandler *usedHandler, *firstHandler, *lastHandler; EOAccessFaultHandler *bufHandler; EOFetchSpecification *fetch; EOEditingContext *context; EOKeyGlobalID *gid; EOQualifier *qualifier; EOEntity *entity; NSMutableArray *qualifierArray; BOOL batch = YES, changeBatch = NO; unsigned int maxBatch; if (_delegateRespondsTo.shouldFetchObjectFault == YES)//-done batch = [_delegate databaseContext:self shouldFetchObjectFault:fault];//-done if (batch == NO)//-done return;//-done gid = [handler globalID];//-done context = [handler editingContext];//-done entity = [_database entityNamed:[gid entityName]];//-done maxBatch = [entity maxNumberOfInstancesToBatchFetch];//-done bufHandler = [_batchFaultBuffer objectForKey:[entity name]]; firstHandler = lastHandler = nil; usedHandler = handler; if (bufHandler && [bufHandler isEqual:usedHandler] == YES) changeBatch = YES; if (maxBatch <= 1) { qualifier = [entity qualifierForPrimaryKey: [entity primaryKeyForGlobalID:gid]]; } else { qualifierArray = [NSMutableArray array]; [qualifierArray addObject: [entity qualifierForPrimaryKey: [entity primaryKeyForGlobalID:gid]]]; maxBatch--; while (maxBatch--) { if (lastHandler == nil) { usedHandler = (EOAccessFaultHandler *)[usedHandler previous]; if (usedHandler) firstHandler = usedHandler; else lastHandler = usedHandler = (EOAccessFaultHandler *)[handler next]; } else { usedHandler = (EOAccessFaultHandler *)[lastHandler next]; if (usedHandler) lastHandler = usedHandler; } if (usedHandler == nil) break; if (changeBatch == NO && bufHandler && [bufHandler isEqual:usedHandler] == YES) changeBatch = YES; [qualifierArray addObject: [entity qualifierForPrimaryKey: [entity primaryKeyForGlobalID: [usedHandler globalID]]]]; } qualifier = AUTORELEASE([[EOOrQualifier alloc] initWithQualifierArray:qualifierArray]); } if (firstHandler == nil) firstHandler = handler; if (lastHandler == nil) lastHandler = handler; usedHandler = (id)[firstHandler previous]; bufHandler = (id)[lastHandler next]; if (usedHandler) [usedHandler _linkNext:bufHandler]; usedHandler = bufHandler; if (usedHandler) { [usedHandler _linkPrev:[firstHandler previous]]; if (bufHandler == nil) bufHandler = usedHandler; } if (changeBatch == YES) { if (bufHandler) [_batchFaultBuffer setObject:bufHandler forKey:[entity name]]; else [_batchFaultBuffer removeObjectForKey:[entity name]]; } fetch = [EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationWithEntityName:[entity name] qualifier:qualifier sortOrderings:nil];//-done [context objectsWithFetchSpecification:fetch];//-done }*/ // Clear all the faults for the relationship pointed by the source objects and // make sure to perform only a single, efficient, fetch (two fetches if the // relationship is many to many). - (void)_addBatchForGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID fault: (EOFault *)fault { if (fault) { EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *handler = nil; NSString *entityName = [globalID entityName]; handler = [_batchFaultBuffer objectForKey: entityName]; if (handler) { [(EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *) [EOFault handlerForFault: fault] linkAfter: handler usingGeneration: [handler generation]]; } else { handler = (EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *)[EOFault handlerForFault: fault]; NSAssert1(handler, @"No handler for fault:%@", fault); [_batchFaultBuffer setObject: handler forKey: entityName]; } } } - (void)_removeBatchForGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID fault: (EOFault *)fault { EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *handler, *prevHandler, *nextHandler; NSString *entityName = [globalID entityName]; handler = (EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *)[EOFault handlerForFault: fault]; prevHandler = [handler previous]; nextHandler = [handler next]; if (prevHandler) [prevHandler _linkNext: nextHandler]; if (nextHandler) [nextHandler _linkPrev: prevHandler]; if ([_batchFaultBuffer objectForKey: entityName] == handler) { if (prevHandler) [_batchFaultBuffer setObject: prevHandler forKey: entityName]; else if (nextHandler) [_batchFaultBuffer setObject: nextHandler forKey: entityName]; else [_batchFaultBuffer removeObjectForKey: entityName]; } } - (void)_addToManyBatchForSourceGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID relationshipName: (NSString *)relationshipName fault: (EOFault *)fault { if (fault) { NSMutableDictionary *buf; EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *handler; NSString *entityName = [globalID entityName]; buf = [_batchToManyFaultBuffer objectForKey: entityName]; if (buf == nil) { buf = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 8]; [_batchToManyFaultBuffer setObject: buf forKey: entityName]; } handler = [buf objectForKey: relationshipName]; if (handler) { [(EOAccessGenericFaultHandler *) [EOFault handlerForFault: fault] linkAfter: handler usingGeneration: [handler generation]]; } else [buf setObject: [EOFault handlerForFault: fault] forKey: relationshipName]; } } @end @implementation EODatabaseContext (EODatabaseSnapshotting) - (void)recordSnapshot: (NSDictionary *)snapshot forGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid { NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p database=%p", self, _database); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p _uniqueStack %p=%@", self, _uniqueStack, _uniqueStack); if ([_uniqueStack count] > 0) { NSMutableDictionary *snapshots = [_uniqueStack lastObject]; [snapshots setObject: snapshot forKey: gid]; } else { NSEmitTODO(); NSWarnLog(@"_uniqueStack is empty. May be there's no runing transaction !"); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p _uniqueStack %p=%@", self, _uniqueStack, _uniqueStack); } - (NSDictionary *)snapshotForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid { return [self snapshotForGlobalID: gid after: EODistantPastTimeInterval]; } - (NSDictionary *)snapshotForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid after: (NSTimeInterval)ti { //OK NSDictionary *snapshot = nil; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p database=%p", self, _database); snapshot = [self localSnapshotForGlobalID: gid]; if (!snapshot) { NSAssert(_database, @"No database"); snapshot = [_database snapshotForGlobalID: gid after: ti]; } NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"snapshot for gid %@: %p %@", gid, snapshot, snapshot); return snapshot; } - (void)recordSnapshot: (NSArray *)gids forSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid relationshipName: (NSString *)name { NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO /* NSMutableDictionary *toMany = [_toManySnapshots objectForKey:gid]; if (toMany == nil) { toMany = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16]; [_toManySnapshots setObject:toMany forKey:gid]; } [toMany setObject:gids forKey:name]; */ } - (NSArray *)snapshotForSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid relationshipName: (NSString *)name { NSArray *snapshot = nil; NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO /* snapshot = [[_toManySnapshots objectForKey:gid] objectForKey:name]; if (!snapshot) snapshot=[_database snapshotForSourceGlobalID:gid relationshipName:name]; */ return snapshot; } - (NSDictionary *)localSnapshotForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid { //OK NSDictionary *snapshot = nil; int snapshotsDictCount = 0; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p database=%p", self, _database); snapshotsDictCount = [_uniqueStack count]; if (snapshotsDictCount>0) { int i = 0; IMP oaiIMP=[_uniqueStack methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0; !snapshot && i < snapshotsDictCount; i++) { NSDictionary *snapshots = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(_uniqueStack,oaiIMP,i); snapshot = [snapshots objectForKey: gid]; } }; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"snapshot for gid %@: %p %@", gid, snapshot, snapshot); return snapshot; } - (NSArray *)localSnapshotForSourceGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid relationshipName: (NSString *)name { NSArray *snapshot = nil; //TODO NSEmitTODO(); [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO /* return [[_toManySnapshots objectForKey:gid] objectForKey:name]; */ return snapshot; } - (void)forgetSnapshotForGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)gid { //TODO-VERIFY deleteStack NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"self=%p database=%p [_uniqueStack count]=%"PRIuPTR, self, _database,[_uniqueStack count]); if ([_uniqueStack count] > 0) { NSMutableDictionary *uniqueSS = [_uniqueStack lastObject]; NSMutableDictionary *uniqArSS = [_uniqueArrayStack lastObject]; NSMutableSet *deleteSS = [_deleteStack lastObject]; [deleteSS addObject: gid]; [uniqueSS removeObjectForKey: gid]; [uniqArSS removeObjectForKey: gid]; } } - (void)forgetSnapshotsForGlobalIDs: (NSArray *)gids { unsigned i, j, n, m; NSMutableDictionary *snapshots; NSMutableSet *deleteGIDs; EOGlobalID *gid; n = [_uniqueStack count]; if (n>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[_uniqueStack methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i=0; i0) { IMP oaiIMP = [_uniqueArrayStack methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i=0; i0) { IMP oaiIMP=[_deleteStack methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; IMP oaiIMP2=[gids methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; m = [gids count]; for (i=0; i 0) { NSMutableDictionary *toManySnapshots = [_uniqueArrayStack lastObject]; NSArray *keys = [snapshots allKeys]; int count = [keys count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[keys methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id key = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(keys,oaiIMP,i); NSDictionary *snapshotsDict = [snapshots objectForKey: key]; NSMutableDictionary *currentSnapshotsDict = [toManySnapshots objectForKey: key]; if (!currentSnapshotsDict) { currentSnapshotsDict = (NSMutableDictionary *)[NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [toManySnapshots setObject: currentSnapshotsDict forKey: key]; } [currentSnapshotsDict addEntriesFromDictionary: snapshotsDict]; } }; } } - (void)registerLockedObjectWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID { if (!_lockedObjects) { _lockedObjects = NSCreateHashTable(NSNonOwnedPointerHashCallBacks, _LOCK_BUFFER); } NSHashInsert(_lockedObjects, globalID); } - (BOOL)isObjectLockedWithGlobalID: (EOGlobalID *)globalID { BOOL result; result = (_lockedObjects && NSHashGet(_lockedObjects, globalID) != nil); return result; } -(id)_fetchSingleObjectForEntity:(EOEntity*)entity globalID:(EOGlobalID*)gid editingContext:(EOEditingContext*)context { id object=nil; NSDictionary* pk = [entity primaryKeyForGlobalID:gid]; EOFetchSpecification* fetchSpec = [EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecificationWithEntityName:[entity name] qualifier: [entity qualifierForPrimaryKey:pk] sortOrderings: nil]; [fetchSpec setFetchLimit:1]; NSArray* objects = [self objectsWithFetchSpecification:fetchSpec editingContext: context]; if ([objects count]==0) { [NSException raise: @"NSIllegalStateException" format:@"The object with globalID %@ could not be found in the database. This could be result of a referential integrity problem with the database. An empty fault could not be created because the object's class could not be determined (e.g. the GID is temporary or it is for an abstract entity).", gid]; } else object=[objects objectAtIndex:0]; return object; } -(id)_objectFaultWithSnapshot:(NSDictionary*) snapshot relationship:(EORelationship*) relationship editingContext:(EOEditingContext*)context { id objectFault=nil; EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary *foreignKeyForSourceRow = [relationship _foreignKeyForSourceRow: snapshot]; if ([foreignKeyForSourceRow containsObjectsNotIdenticalTo: GDL2_EONull]) { EOEntity *destinationEntity = [relationship destinationEntity]; EOGlobalID *relRowGid = [destinationEntity globalIDForRow: foreignKeyForSourceRow]; if ([[destinationEntity subEntities]count] > 0) { objectFault=[self _fetchSingleObjectForEntity:destinationEntity globalID:relRowGid editingContext:context]; } else { objectFault=[context faultForGlobalID: relRowGid editingContext: context]; } } return objectFault; } - (void)initializeObject: (id)object row: (NSDictionary*)row entity: (EOEntity*)entity editingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context { NSArray *relationships = nil; NSArray *classPropertyAttributeNames = [entity classPropertyAttributeNames]; NSUInteger count = [classPropertyAttributeNames count]; IMP rowObjectForKeyIMP=NULL; //row is usuallly a EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary so will use EOMKKD_objectForKeyWithImpPtr if (count>0) { NSUInteger i=0; IMP oaiIMP=[classPropertyAttributeNames methodForSelector:@selector(objectAtIndex:)]; NSAssert(!_isFault(object), @"Object is a fault. call -methodForSelector: on it is a bad idea"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id key = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(classPropertyAttributeNames,oaiIMP,i); id value = EOMKKD_objectForKeyWithImpPtr(row,&rowObjectForKeyIMP,key); if (value == GDL2_EONull) value = nil; [object takeStoredValue:value forKey:key]; } }; relationships = [entity _relationshipsToFaultForRow: row]; count = [relationships count]; if (count>0) { NSUInteger i=0; IMP oaiIMP=[relationships methodForSelector:@selector(objectAtIndex:)]; NSAssert(!_isFault(object), @"Object is a fault. call -methodForSelector: on it is a bad idea"); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id relObject = nil; EORelationship *relationship = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(relationships,oaiIMP,i); NSString *relName = [relationship name]; if ([relationship isToMany]) { EOGlobalID *gid = [entity globalIDForRow: row]; relObject = [self arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID: gid relationshipName: relName editingContext: context]; } else { relObject=[self _objectFaultWithSnapshot: row relationship: relationship editingContext: context]; } [object takeStoredValue:relObject forKey:relName]; } } } - (void)forgetAllLocks { if (_lockedObjects) { NSResetHashTable(_lockedObjects); } } - (void)forgetLocksForObjectsWithGlobalIDs: (NSArray *)gids { if (_lockedObjects) { unsigned n; EOGlobalID *gid; n = [gids count]; if (n>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[gids methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; unsigned i = 0; for (i=0; i 0) { [self forgetAllLocks]; [_uniqueStack removeLastObject]; [_uniqueArrayStack removeLastObject]; [_deleteStack removeLastObject]; } } - (void)_commitTransaction { if ([_uniqueStack count] > 0) { NSMutableDictionary *snapshotsDict = [_uniqueStack lastObject]; NSMutableDictionary *toManySnapshotsDict = [_uniqueArrayStack lastObject]; NSMutableSet *deleteSnapshotsSet = [_deleteStack lastObject]; NSEnumerator *deletedGIDEnum = [deleteSnapshotsSet objectEnumerator]; EOGlobalID *gid; while ((gid = [deletedGIDEnum nextObject])) { [_database forgetSnapshotForGlobalID: gid]; } [_database recordSnapshots: snapshotsDict]; [_database recordToManySnapshots: toManySnapshotsDict]; [self forgetAllLocks]; [_uniqueStack removeLastObject]; [_uniqueArrayStack removeLastObject]; [_deleteStack removeLastObject]; } } - (void) _beginTransaction { [_uniqueStack addObject: [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]]; [_uniqueArrayStack addObject: [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]]; [_deleteStack addObject: [NSMutableSet set]]; } - (EODatabaseChannel*) _obtainOpenChannel { EODatabaseChannel *channel = [self availableChannel]; if (channel==nil) { [NSException raise: @"NSIllegalStateException" format:@"%s: no database channel is available", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; } else if (![self _openChannelWithLoginPanel: channel]) { [NSException raise: @"NSIllegalStateException" format:@"%s: failed to open database channel", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; } return channel; } - (BOOL) _openChannelWithLoginPanel: (EODatabaseChannel*)databaseChannel { BOOL result=NO; EOAdaptorChannel *adaptorChannel = [databaseChannel adaptorChannel]; if ([adaptorChannel isOpen]) result=YES; else { NSException* exception=nil; NS_DURING { [adaptorChannel openChannel]; } NS_HANDLER { if (![[localException name] isEqualToString:EOGeneralAdaptorException]) [localException raise]; else NSLog(@"%@",localException); } NS_ENDHANDLER; if ([adaptorChannel isOpen]) result=YES; else [exception raise]; } return result; } - (void) _forceDisconnect { EOAdaptorContext* adaptorContext = [self adaptorContext]; NSArray* channels = [adaptorContext channels]; NSArray* registeredChannels = [self registeredChannels]; int i = 0; int c=[channels count]; for(i=0;i RollbackCh } return gid; } - (NSDictionary*)_primaryKeyForObject: (id)object { //Ayers: Review return [self _primaryKeyForObject: object raiseException: YES]; } - (NSDictionary*)_primaryKeyForObject: (id)object raiseException: (BOOL)raiseException { NSDictionary *pk = nil; EOEntity *entity = nil; NSArray *pkNames = nil; NSDictionary *pk2 = nil; NSAssert(!_isNilOrEONull(object), @"No object"); entity = [_database entityForObject: object]; EOGlobalID *gid = EODatabaseContext_globalIDForObjectWithImpPtr(self,NULL,object); pk = [entity primaryKeyForGlobalID: (EOKeyGlobalID*)gid]; //OK pkNames = [entity primaryKeyAttributeNames]; pk2 = [self valuesForKeys: pkNames object: object]; if ([pk2 count] > 0) { if (pk) { //merge pk2 into pk NSEnumerator *pk2Enum = [pk2 keyEnumerator]; IMP pk2EnumNO=NULL; // nextObject NSMutableDictionary *realPK; realPK = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary: pk]; id key = nil; while ((key = GDL2_NextObjectWithImpPtr(pk2Enum,&pk2EnumNO))) { id value = [pk2 objectForKey: key]; if (((value) && (value != GDL2_EONull)) && (([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] == NO) || ([value intValue] != 0))) { [realPK setObject: value forKey: key]; } } pk = realPK; } else pk=pk2; } if (([entity isPrimaryKeyValidInObject: pk] == NO)) { pk = nil; } // no PK? Ask the delegate to make one for us. if (pk == nil) { if (_delegateRespondsTo.newPrimaryKey == YES) pk = [_delegate databaseContext: self newPrimaryKeyForObject: object entity: entity]; } // still no PK? if (pk == nil) { EOAdaptorChannel *channel = nil; EOStoredProcedure *nextPKProcedure = nil; nextPKProcedure = [entity storedProcedureForOperation: EONextPrimaryKeyProcedureOperation]; if (nextPKProcedure) { NS_DURING { channel = [[self _obtainOpenChannel] adaptorChannel]; [channel executeStoredProcedure:nextPKProcedure withValues:nil]; pk = [channel returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation]; } NS_HANDLER { // if the delegate took care about the exception // or we lost connection, try it again. if (([self _delegateHandledDatabaseException:localException]) || ([[_database adaptor] isDroppedConnectionException:localException])) { channel = [[self _obtainOpenChannel] adaptorChannel]; [channel executeStoredProcedure:nextPKProcedure withValues:nil]; pk = [channel returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation]; } else { [localException raise]; } } } NS_ENDHANDLER; } if (pk) { pk = [entity primaryKeyForRow:pk]; } if (!pk) { EOAttribute * pkAttr = nil; NSArray * pkAttributes = [entity primaryKeyAttributes]; if ((pkAttributes) && ([pkAttributes count] == 1)) { pkAttr = [pkAttributes objectAtIndex: 0]; } if ((pkAttr) && (([pkAttr adaptorValueType] == EOAdaptorBytesType) && ([pkAttr width] == 24))) { unsigned char bytes[24]; id byteValue = nil; memset(&bytes, 0, sizeof(bytes)); [EOTemporaryGlobalID assignGloballyUniqueBytes:&bytes[0]]; byteValue = [pkAttr newValueForBytes: &bytes length:sizeof(bytes)]; pk = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:byteValue forKey:[pkAttr name]]; } } if (!pk) { EOAdaptorChannel *channel = nil; NS_DURING { channel = [[self _obtainOpenChannel] adaptorChannel]; pk = [channel primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity:entity]; } NS_HANDLER { // if the delegate took care about the exception // or we lost connection, try it again. if (([self _delegateHandledDatabaseException:localException]) || ([[_database adaptor] isDroppedConnectionException:localException])) { channel = [[self _obtainOpenChannel] adaptorChannel]; pk = [channel primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity:entity]; } else { [localException raise]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; } // TODO: The reference does not raise here I suppose -- dw. // if (!pk) { // [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException // format: @"%@ -- %@ 0x%x: cannot generate primary key for object '%@'", // NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), // NSStringFromClass([self class]), // self, object]; // } return pk; } - (BOOL) _shouldGeneratePrimaryKeyForEntityName: (NSString*)entityName { //OK BOOL shouldGeneratePK = YES; if (_nonPrimaryKeyGenerators) shouldGeneratePK = !NSHashGet(_nonPrimaryKeyGenerators, entityName); NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"shouldGeneratePK for %@: %s", entityName, (shouldGeneratePK ? "YES" : "NO")); NSAssert(![entityName isEqualToString: @"Country"] || shouldGeneratePK, @"MGVALID: Failed"); return shouldGeneratePK; } // private - (EOEntity*) _entityForObject:(EOCustomObject*) eo { EOEntity * entity = nil; EOObjectStoreCoordinator * coordinator = nil; NSArray * cooperatingObjectStores = nil; NSUInteger i = 0; NSUInteger count = 0; if (!eo) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%s -- Enterprise object cannot be nil", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; } entity = [_database entityForObject:eo]; if (entity) { return entity; } coordinator = [self coordinator]; if (!coordinator) { [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"%s -- Object store coordinator cannot be nil", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; } cooperatingObjectStores = [coordinator cooperatingObjectStores]; count = [cooperatingObjectStores count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id store = [cooperatingObjectStores objectAtIndex:i]; if (!([store isKindOfClass:[EODatabaseContext class]])) { continue; } entity = [[(EODatabaseContext*)store database] entityForObject:eo]; if (entity) { return entity; } } [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"%s -- Unable to find entity for object %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, eo]; // no warnings pls. return nil; } - (void)_buildPrimaryKeyGeneratorListForEditingContext: (EOEditingContext*)context { NSArray *objects[3]; NSMutableSet *entitiesToProcess = nil; NSUInteger which; if (_nonPrimaryKeyGenerators) NSResetHashTable(_nonPrimaryKeyGenerators); objects[0] = [context updatedObjects]; objects[1] = [context insertedObjects]; objects[2] = [context deletedObjects]; for (which = 0; which < 3; which++) { NSUInteger count = [objects[which] count]; if (count>0) { IMP oaiIMP=[objects[which] methodForSelector: @selector(objectAtIndex:)]; NSUInteger i = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id object = GDL2_ObjectAtIndexWithImp(objects[which],oaiIMP,i); EOEntity *entity = [_database entityForObject: object]; NSDebugMLLog(@"EODatabaseContext", @"add entity to process: %@", [entity name]); if (entity) { NSString* entityName=[entity name]; if (![entitiesToProcess containsObject:entityName]) { NSArray* relationships=[entity relationships]; int relationshipsCount=[relationships count]; int j=0; if (entitiesToProcess==nil) entitiesToProcess = [NSMutableSet set]; [entitiesToProcess addObject: entity]; for(j=0;j