/* EOAttribute.h Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Mirko Viviani Date: Feb 2000 This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __EOAttribute_h__ #define __EOAttribute_h__ #ifndef NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include @class NSDictionary; @class NSData; @class NSException; @class NSCalendarDate; @class NSTimeZone; @class EOEntity; @class EOExpressionArray; @class EOStoredProcedure; typedef enum { EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData = 0, EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString, EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes } EOFactoryMethodArgumentType; typedef enum { EOAdaptorNumberType = 0, EOAdaptorCharactersType, EOAdaptorBytesType, EOAdaptorDateType } EOAdaptorValueType; typedef enum { EOVoid = 0, EOInParameter, EOOutParameter, EOInOutParameter } EOParameterDirection; @interface EOAttribute : GCObject { NSString *_name; NSString *_columnName; NSString *_externalType; NSString *_valueType; NSString *_valueClassName; NSString *_readFormat; NSString *_writeFormat; NSTimeZone *_serverTimeZone; unsigned int _width; unsigned short _precision; short _scale; Class _valueClass; EOFactoryMethodArgumentType _argumentType; NSString *_valueFactoryMethodName; NSString *_adaptorValueConversionMethodName; SEL _valueFactoryMethod; SEL _adaptorValueConversionMethod; struct { unsigned int allowsNull:1; unsigned int isReadOnly:1; unsigned int isParentAnEOEntity:1; unsigned int protoOverride:17; unsigned int unused : 12; unsigned int extraRefCount; } _flags; NSDictionary *_sourceToDestinationKeyMap; EOParameterDirection _parameterDirection; NSDictionary *_userInfo; NSDictionary *_internalInfo; NSString *_docComment; /* Garbage collectable objects */ // EOEntity *_entity; // GCMutableArray *_definitionArray; // These variables are meaningful only id _parent; EOAttribute *_prototype; EOExpressionArray *_definitionArray; EOAttribute *_realAttribute; // if the attribute is flattened //Not in EOF ! } /** returns an autoreleased attribute owned by onwer and built from propertyList **/ + (id) attributeWithPropertyList: (NSDictionary *)propertyList owner: (id)owner; /* Accessing the entity */ - (NSString *)name; - (EOEntity *)entity; - (EOStoredProcedure *)storedProcedure; - (id)parent; - (NSString *)prototypeName; - (EOAttribute *)prototype; - (NSString *)externalType; - (NSString *)columnName; - (NSString *)definition; - (BOOL)isFlattened; - (BOOL)isDerived; - (BOOL)isReadOnly; - (NSString *)valueClassName; - (NSString *)valueType; - (unsigned)width; - (unsigned)precision; - (int)scale; - (BOOL)allowsNull; - (NSString *)writeFormat; - (NSString *)readFormat; - (EOParameterDirection)parameterDirection; - (NSDictionary *)userInfo; - (NSString *)docComment; - (BOOL)isKeyDefinedByPrototype: (NSString *)key; @end @interface EOAttribute (EOAttributeEditing) - (NSException *)validateName: (NSString *)name; - (void)setName: (NSString *)name; - (void)setPrototype: (EOAttribute *)prototype; - (void)setReadOnly: (BOOL)yn; - (void)setColumnName: (NSString *)columnName; - (void)setDefinition: (NSString *)definition; - (void)setExternalType: (NSString *)type; - (void)setValueType: (NSString *)type; - (void)setValueClassName: (NSString *)name; - (void)setWidth: (unsigned)length; - (void)setPrecision: (unsigned)precision; - (void)setScale: (int)scale; - (void)setAllowsNull: (BOOL)allowsNull; - (void)setWriteFormat: (NSString *)string; - (void)setReadFormat: (NSString *)string; - (void)setParameterDirection: (EOParameterDirection)parameterDirection; - (void)setUserInfo: (NSDictionary *)dictionary; - (void)setInternalInfo: (NSDictionary *)dictionary; - (void)setDocComment: (NSString *)docComment; - (id)_normalizeDefinition: (EOExpressionArray*)definition path: (id)path; @end @interface EOAttribute(EOModelBeautifier) - (void)beautifyName; @end @interface EOAttribute (NSCalendarDateSupport) - (NSTimeZone *)serverTimeZone; @end @interface EOAttribute(NSCalendarDateSupportEditing) - (void)setServerTimeZone: (NSTimeZone *)tz; @end @interface EOAttribute (EOAttributeValueCreation) - (id)newValueForBytes: (const void *)bytes length: (int)length; - (id)newValueForBytes: (const void *)bytes length: (int)length encoding: (NSStringEncoding)encoding; - (NSCalendarDate *)newDateForYear: (int)year month: (unsigned)month day: (unsigned)day hour: (unsigned)hour minute: (unsigned)minute second: (unsigned)second millisecond: (unsigned)millisecond timezone: (NSTimeZone *)timezone zone: (NSZone *)zone; - (NSString *)valueFactoryMethodName; - (SEL)valueFactoryMethod; - (id)adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue: (id)value; - (NSString *)adaptorValueConversionMethodName; - (SEL)adaptorValueConversionMethod; - (EOAdaptorValueType)adaptorValueType; - (EOFactoryMethodArgumentType)factoryMethodArgumentType; @end @interface EOAttribute(EOAttributeValueCreationEditing) - (void)setValueFactoryMethodName: (NSString *)factoryMethodName; - (void)setAdaptorValueConversionMethodName: (NSString *)conversionMethodName; - (void)setFactoryMethodArgumentType: (EOFactoryMethodArgumentType)argumentType; @end @interface EOAttribute(EOAttributeValueMapping) - (NSException *)validateValue: (id *)valueP; @end @interface NSObject (EOCustomClassArchiving) + objectWithArchiveData: (NSData *)data; - (NSData *)archiveData; @end #endif /* __EOAttribute_h__ */