/** EOAttribute.m EOAttribute Class Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Mirko Viviani Date: February 2000 Author: Manuel Guesdon Date: October 2000 $Revision$ $Date$ This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. **/ static char rcsId[] = "$Id$"; #include #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import @implementation EOAttribute static NSString *defaultCalendarFormat = @"%b %d %Y %H:%M"; + (id) attributeWithPropertyList: (NSDictionary *)propertyList owner: (id)owner { return [[[self alloc] initWithPropertyList: propertyList owner: owner] autorelease]; } - (id) initWithPropertyList: (NSDictionary *)propertyList owner: (id)owner { if ((self = [self init])) { //OK NSString *tmpString; id tmpObject = nil; [self setName: [propertyList objectForKey: @"name"]]; NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"Attribute parent=%p %@", owner, [(EOEntity *)owner name]); [self setParent: owner]; // NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"Attribute Entity=%@", [self entity]); tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"prototypeName"]; if (tmpString) [self setPrototypeName: tmpString]; [self setExternalType: [propertyList objectForKey: @"externalType"]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"allowsNull"]; if (tmpString) [self setAllowsNull: [tmpString isEqual: @"Y"]]; [self setValueType: [propertyList objectForKey: @"valueType"]]; [self setValueClassName: [propertyList objectForKey: @"valueClassName"]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"writeFormat"]; if (tmpString) [self setWriteFormat: tmpString]; else { tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"updateFormat"]; if (tmpString) [self setWriteFormat: tmpString]; else { tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"insertFormat"]; if (tmpString) [self setWriteFormat: tmpString]; } } tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"readFormat"]; if (tmpString) [self setReadFormat: tmpString]; else { tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"selectFormat"]; [self setReadFormat: tmpString]; } /* tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"maximumLength"]; if (tmpString) [self setMaximumLength: [tmpString intValue]]; */ tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"width"]; if (tmpString) [self setWidth: [tmpString intValue]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"valueFactoryMethodName"]; if (tmpString) [self setValueFactoryMethodName: tmpString]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"adaptorValueConversionMethodName"]; if (tmpString) [self setAdaptorValueConversionMethodName: tmpString]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"factoryMethodArgumentType"]; if(tmpString) { EOFactoryMethodArgumentType argType = EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes; if ([tmpString isEqual: @"EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData"]) argType = EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData; else if ([tmpString isEqual: @"EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString"]) argType = EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString; [self setFactoryMethodArgumentType: argType]; } tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"precision"]; if (tmpString) [self setPrecision: [tmpString intValue]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"scale"]; if (tmpString) [self setScale: [tmpString intValue]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"serverTimeZone"]; if (tmpString) [self setServerTimeZone: [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: tmpString]]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"parameterDirection"]; if (tmpString) { EOParameterDirection eDirection = EOVoid; if ([tmpString isEqual: @"in"]) eDirection = EOInParameter; else if ([tmpString isEqual: @"out"]) eDirection = EOOutParameter; else if ([tmpString isEqual: @"inout"]) eDirection = EOInOutParameter; [self setParameterDirection: eDirection]; } tmpObject = [propertyList objectForKey: @"userInfo"]; if (tmpObject) [self setUserInfo: tmpObject]; else { tmpObject = [propertyList objectForKey: @"userDictionary"]; if (tmpObject) [self setUserInfo: tmpObject]; } tmpObject = [propertyList objectForKey: @"internalInfo"]; if (tmpObject) [self setInternalInfo: tmpObject]; tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"docComment"]; if (tmpString) [self setDocComment: tmpString]; NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"Attribute name=%@", _name); tmpString = [propertyList objectForKey: @"isReadOnly"]; NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"tmpString=%@", tmpString); [self setReadOnly: [tmpString isEqual: @"Y"]]; NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"tmpString=%@", tmpString); } return self; } - (void)awakeWithPropertyList: (NSDictionary *)propertyList { //Seems OK NSString *definition = nil; NSString *columnName = nil; definition = [propertyList objectForKey: @"definition"]; if (definition) [self setDefinition: definition]; columnName = [propertyList objectForKey: @"columnName"]; if (columnName) [self setColumnName: columnName]; NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb", @"Attribute %@ awakeWithPropertyList:%@", self, propertyList); } - (void)encodeIntoPropertyList: (NSMutableDictionary *)propertyList { if (_name) [propertyList setObject: _name forKey: @"name"]; if (_serverTimeZone) [propertyList setObject: [_serverTimeZone timeZoneName] forKey: @"serverTimeZone"]; if (_columnName) [propertyList setObject: _columnName forKey: @"columnName"]; if (_definitionArray) [propertyList setObject: [_definitionArray definition] forKey: @"definition"]; if (_externalType) [propertyList setObject: _externalType forKey: @"externalType"]; if (_valueClassName) [propertyList setObject: _valueClassName forKey: @"valueClassName"]; if (_valueType) [propertyList setObject: _valueType forKey: @"valueType"]; if (_readFormat) [propertyList setObject: _readFormat forKey: @"readFormat"]; if (_writeFormat) [propertyList setObject: _writeFormat forKey: @"writeFormat"]; if (_userInfo) [propertyList setObject: _userInfo forKey: @"userInfo"]; if (_docComment) [propertyList setObject: _docComment forKey: @"docComment"]; if (_flags.isReadOnly) [propertyList setObject: [NSString stringWithCString: "Y"] forKey: @"isReadOnly"]; } - (void)dealloc { DESTROY(_name); DESTROY(_prototypeName); DESTROY(_columnName); DESTROY(_externalType); DESTROY(_valueType); DESTROY(_valueClassName); DESTROY(_readFormat); DESTROY(_writeFormat); DESTROY(_serverTimeZone); DESTROY(_valueFactoryMethodName); DESTROY(_adaptorValueConversionMethodName); DESTROY(_sourceToDestinationKeyMap); DESTROY(_userInfo); DESTROY(_internalInfo); DESTROY(_docComment); [super dealloc]; } - (void)gcDecrementRefCountOfContainedObjects { EOFLOGObjectFnStart(); [_parent gcDecrementRefCount]; EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb", @"prototype gcDecrementRefCount"); [_prototype gcDecrementRefCount]; EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb", @"definitionArray gcDecrementRefCount"); [(id)_definitionArray gcDecrementRefCount]; EOFLOGObjectLevel(@"gsdb", @"realAttribute gcDecrementRefCount"); [_realAttribute gcDecrementRefCount]; EOFLOGObjectFnStop(); } - (BOOL)gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects { if (![super gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]) return NO; [_parent gcIncrementRefCount]; [_prototype gcIncrementRefCount]; [(id)_definitionArray gcIncrementRefCount]; [_realAttribute gcIncrementRefCount]; [_parent gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]; [_prototype gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]; [(id)_definitionArray gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]; [_realAttribute gcIncrementRefCountOfContainedObjects]; return YES; } - (unsigned)hash { return [_name hash]; } - (NSString *)description { NSString *dscr = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%s %p - name=%@ entity=%@ columnName=%@ definition=%@ ", object_get_class_name(self), (void*)self, [self name], [[self entity] name], [self columnName], [self definition]]; dscr = [dscr stringByAppendingFormat: @"valueClassName=%@ valueType=%@ externalType=%@ isReadOnly=%s isDerived=%s isFlattened=%s>", [self valueClassName], [self valueType], [self externalType], ([self isReadOnly] ? "YES" : "NO"), ([self isDerived] ? "YES" : "NO"), ([self isFlattened] ? "YES" : "NO")]; return dscr; } - (EOEntity *)entity { if (_flags.isParentAnEOEntity) return _parent; else return nil; } - (NSString *)name { return _name; } - (NSTimeZone *)serverTimeZone { return _serverTimeZone; } - (NSString *)columnName { return _columnName; } - (NSString *)definition { NSString *definition = nil; // EOFLOGObjectFnStart(); // NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb",@"_definitionArray:%@",_definitionArray); definition=[_definitionArray valueForSQLExpression: nil]; // NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb",@"definition:%@",definition); // EOFLOGObjectFnStop(); return definition; } - (NSString *)readFormat { return _readFormat; } - (NSString *)writeFormat { return _writeFormat; } - (NSDictionary *)userInfo { return _userInfo; } - (NSString *)docComment { return _docComment; } - (int)scale { return _scale; } - (unsigned)precision { return _precision; } - (unsigned)width { return _width; } - (id)parent { return _parent; } - (EOAttribute *)prototype { return nil; // TODO } - (NSString *)prototypeName { return _prototypeName; } - (EOParameterDirection)parameterDirection { return _parameterDirection; } - (BOOL)allowsNull { return _flags.allowsNull; } - (BOOL)isKeyDefinedByPrototype:(NSString *)key { return NO; // TODO } - (EOStoredProcedure *)storedProcedure { if ([_parent isKindOfClass: [EOStoredProcedure class]]) return _parent; return nil; } - (BOOL)isReadOnly { //call isDerived return _flags.isReadOnly; } /** Return NO when the attribute corresponds to one SQL column in its entity associated table return YES otherwise. An attribute with a definition such as "anotherAttributeName * 2" is derived A Flattened attribute is also a derived attributes. **/ - (BOOL)isDerived { //Seems OK if(_definitionArray) return YES; return NO; } /** Returns YES if the attribute is flattened, NO otherwise. A flattened attribute is an attribute with a definition using a relationship to another entity A Flattened attribute is also a derived attributes. **/ - (BOOL)isFlattened { BOOL isFlattened = NO; // Seems OK if(_definitionArray) isFlattened = [_definitionArray isFlattened]; return isFlattened; } - (NSString *)valueClassName { if (!_valueClassName && [self isFlattened]) return [[_definitionArray realAttribute] valueClassName]; return _valueClassName; } -(NSString *)externalType { if (!_externalType && [self isFlattened]) return [[_definitionArray realAttribute] externalType]; return _externalType; } - (NSString *)valueType { if(!_valueType && [self isFlattened]) return [[_definitionArray realAttribute] valueType]; return _valueType; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeSQLExpression) /** Returns the value to use in an EOSQLExpression. **/ - (NSString *) valueForSQLExpression: (EOSQLExpression *)sqlExpression { NSString *value=nil; // NSDebugMLLog(@"gsdb",@"EOAttribute %p",self); NSEmitTODO(); //TODO if (_definitionArray) value = [_definitionArray valueForSQLExpression: sqlExpression]; else value = [self name]; return value; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeEditing) - (NSException *)validateName:(NSString *)name { NSArray *storedProcedures; const char *p, *s = [name cString]; int exc = 0; if (!name || ![name length]) exc++; if (!exc) { p = s; while (*p) { if (!isalnum(*p) && *p != '@' && *p != '#' && *p != '_' && *p != '$') { exc++; break; } p++; } if (!exc && *s == '$') exc++; if ([[self entity] attributeNamed:name]) exc++; else if ([[self entity] relationshipNamed:name]) exc++; else if ((storedProcedures = [[[self entity] model] storedProcedures])) { NSEnumerator *stEnum = [storedProcedures objectEnumerator]; EOStoredProcedure *st; while ((st = [stEnum nextObject])) { NSEnumerator *attrEnum; EOAttribute *attr; attrEnum = [[st arguments] objectEnumerator]; while ((attr = [attrEnum nextObject])) { if ([name isEqualToString: [attr name]]) { exc++; break; } } if (exc) break; } } } if (exc) return [NSException exceptionWithName: NSInvalidArgumentException reason: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ -- %@ 0x%x: argument \"%@\" contains invalid chars", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, name] userInfo: nil]; return nil; } - (void)setName: (NSString *)name { [[self validateName: name] raise]; ASSIGN(_name, name); } - (void)setPrototypeName: (NSString *)prototypeName { ASSIGN(_prototypeName, prototypeName); } - (void)setColumnName: (NSString *)columnName { //seems OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_columnName, columnName); DESTROY(_definitionArray); [_parent _setIsEdited]; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum:1]; } - (void)_setDefinitionWithoutFlushingCaches: (NSString *)definition { EOExpressionArray *expressionArray=nil; [self willChange]; expressionArray = [_parent _parseDescription: definition isFormat: NO arguments: NULL]; expressionArray = [self _normalizeDefinition: expressionArray path: nil]; /* //TODO finish l un est code entity primaryKeyAttributes (code) ?? [self _removeFromEntityArray:code selector:setPrimaryKeyAttributes: */ ASSIGN(_definitionArray, expressionArray); } -(id)_normalizeDefinition: (EOExpressionArray*)definition path: (id)path { //TODO /* definition _isPropertyPath //NO count object atindex self _normalizeDefinition:ret path:NSArray() adddobject if attribute if isderived //NO ?? ret attr return nexexp */ return definition; } - (void)setDefinition:(NSString *)definition { if(definition) { [self _setDefinitionWithoutFlushingCaches: definition]; [_parent _setIsEdited]; DESTROY(_columnName);//?? } } - (void)setReadOnly: (BOOL)yn { if(!yn && ([self isDerived] && ![self isFlattened])) [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%@ -- %@ 0x%x: cannot set to NO while the attribute is derived but not flattened.", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class]), self]; _flags.isReadOnly = yn; } - (void)setExternalType: (NSString *)type { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_externalType, type); [_parent _setIsEdited]; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 0];//TODO } - (void)setValueType: (NSString *)type { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_valueType, type); [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 4];//TODO } - (void)setValueClassName: (NSString *)name { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_valueClassName, name); _valueClass = NSClassFromString(_valueClassName);//TODO Do it later ! [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 3];//TODO } - (void)setWidth: (unsigned)length { _width = length; } - (void)setPrecision: (unsigned)precision { _precision = precision; } - (void)setScale: (int)scale { _scale = scale; } - (void)setAllowsNull: (BOOL)allowsNull { //OK [self willChange]; _flags.allowsNull = allowsNull; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 15];//TODO } - (void)setWriteFormat: (NSString *)string { ASSIGN(_writeFormat, string); } - (void)setReadFormat: (NSString *)string { ASSIGN(_readFormat, string); } - (void)setParameterDirection: (EOParameterDirection)parameterDirection { _parameterDirection = parameterDirection; } - (void)setUserInfo: (NSDictionary *)dictionary { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_userInfo, dictionary); [_parent _setIsEdited]; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 10];//TODO } - (void)setInternalInfo: (NSDictionary *)dictionary { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_internalInfo, dictionary); [_parent _setIsEdited]; [self _setOverrideForKeyEnum: 10]; //TODO } - (void)setDocComment: (NSString *)docComment { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_docComment, docComment); [_parent _setIsEdited]; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOBeautifier) /*+ Make the name conform to the Next naming style NAME -> name, FIRST_NAME -> firstName +*/ - (void)beautifyName { NSArray *listItems; NSString *newString=[NSMutableString string]; int anz,i; EOFLOGObjectFnStartOrCond2(@"ModelingClasses", @"EOAttribute"); // Makes the receiver's name conform to a standard convention. Names that conform to this style are all lower-case except for the initial letter of each embedded word other than the first, which is upper case. Thus, "NAME" becomes "name", and "FIRST_NAME" becomes "firstName". if ((_name) && ([_name length]>0)) { listItems = [_name componentsSeparatedByString: @"_"]; newString = [newString stringByAppendingString: [[listItems objectAtIndex: 0] lowercaseString]]; anz = [listItems count]; for(i = 1; i < anz; i++) { newString = [newString stringByAppendingString: [[listItems objectAtIndex: i] capitalizedString]]; } //#warning ergŁnzen um alle components (attributes, ...) // Exception abfangen NS_DURING { [self setName: newString]; } NS_HANDLER { NSLog(@"%@ in Class: EOAttribute , Method: beautifyName >> error : %@", [localException name], [localException reason]); } NS_ENDHANDLER; } EOFLOGObjectFnStopOrCond2(@"ModelingClasses", @"EOAttribute"); } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOCalendarDateSupport) - (NSTimeZone *)serverTimeZone { return _serverTimeZone; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOCalendarDateSupportEditing) - (void)setServerTimeZone: (NSTimeZone *)tz { ASSIGN(_serverTimeZone, tz); } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeValueCreation) /** returns a NSString or a custom-class value object from the supplied set of bytes. Adaptor call this method during value creation when fetching objects from the database. For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! **/ - (id)newValueForBytes: (const void *)bytes length: (int)length { NSMethodSignature *aSignature; NSInvocation *anInvocation; NSData *value = nil; if (_valueClass != Nil && _valueClass != [NSData class]) { switch (_argumentType) { case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData: value = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:bytes length: length]; //For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! if(_valueFactoryMethod != NULL) value = [_valueClass performSelector: _valueFactoryMethod withObject: [value autorelease]]; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes: value = [_valueClass alloc];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! aSignature = [_valueClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: _valueFactoryMethod]; anInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature: aSignature]; [anInvocation setSelector: _valueFactoryMethod]; [anInvocation setTarget: value]; [anInvocation setArgument: &bytes atIndex: 2]; [anInvocation setArgument: &length atIndex: 3]; [anInvocation invoke]; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString: break; } } if(!value) value = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes: bytes length: length];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! return value; } /** returns a NSString or a custom-class value object from the supplied set of bytes using encoding. Adaptor call this method during value creation when fetching objects from the database. For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! **/ - (id)newValueForBytes: (const void *)bytes length: (int)length encoding: (NSStringEncoding)encoding { NSMethodSignature *aSignature; NSInvocation *anInvocation; id value = nil; if (_valueClass != Nil && _valueClass != [NSString class]) { switch (_argumentType) { case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSString: value = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: [NSData dataWithBytes: bytes length: length] encoding: encoding];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! value = [_valueClass performSelector: _valueFactoryMethod withObject: [value autorelease]]; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsBytes: value = [_valueClass alloc];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! aSignature = [_valueClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: _valueFactoryMethod]; anInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature: aSignature]; [anInvocation setSelector: _valueFactoryMethod]; [anInvocation setTarget: value]; [anInvocation setArgument: &bytes atIndex: 2]; [anInvocation setArgument: &length atIndex: 3]; [anInvocation setArgument: &encoding atIndex: 4]; [anInvocation invoke]; break; case EOFactoryMethodArgumentIsNSData: break; } } if(!value) value = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: [NSData dataWithBytes: bytes length: length] encoding: encoding];//For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! return value; } /** For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! **/ - (NSCalendarDate *)newDateForYear: (int)year month: (unsigned)month day: (unsigned)day hour: (unsigned)hour minute: (unsigned)minute second: (unsigned)second millisecond: (unsigned)millisecond timezone: (NSTimeZone *)timezone zone: (NSZone *)zone { NSCalendarDate *date; //For efficiency reasons, the returned value is NOT autoreleased ! date = [[NSCalendarDate allocWithZone: zone] initWithYear: year month: month day: day hour: hour minute: minute second: second timeZone: timezone]; // TODO milliseconds ?? return date; } - (NSString *)valueFactoryMethodName { return _valueFactoryMethodName; } - (SEL)valueFactoryMethod { return _valueFactoryMethod; } - (id)adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue: (id)value { id adaptorValue = nil; SEL convMethod = NULL; convMethod = [self adaptorValueConversionMethod]; if (convMethod) { //TODO-VERIFY adaptorValue = [value performSelector: convMethod]; } else { //TODO-VERIFY EOAdaptorValueType adaptorValueType = [self adaptorValueType]; switch (adaptorValueType) { case EOAdaptorBytesType: adaptorValue = [value archiveData]; break; default: if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]] == YES || [value isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == YES || [value isKindOfClass: [NSDate class]] == YES || [value isKindOfClass: [NSData class]] == YES || [value isKindOfClass: [[EONull null] class]] == YES) adaptorValue = value; else adaptorValue = value; break; } } return adaptorValue; } - (NSString *)adaptorValueConversionMethodName { return _adaptorValueConversionMethodName; } - (SEL)adaptorValueConversionMethod { return _adaptorValueConversionMethod; } - (EOAdaptorValueType)adaptorValueType { Class adaptorClasses[] = { [NSNumber class], [NSString class], [NSDate class] }; EOAdaptorValueType values[] = { EOAdaptorNumberType, EOAdaptorCharactersType, EOAdaptorDateType }; Class class; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++) { class = _valueClass; for ( ; class != Nil; class = class_get_super_class(class)) { if (class == adaptorClasses[i]) return values[i]; } } return EOAdaptorBytesType; } - (EOFactoryMethodArgumentType)factoryMethodArgumentType { return _argumentType; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeValueCreationEditing) - (void)setValueFactoryMethodName: (NSString *)factoryMethodName { ASSIGN(_valueFactoryMethodName, factoryMethodName); _valueFactoryMethod = NSSelectorFromString(_valueFactoryMethodName); } - (void)setAdaptorValueConversionMethodName: (NSString *)conversionMethodName { ASSIGN(_adaptorValueConversionMethodName, conversionMethodName); _adaptorValueConversionMethod = NSSelectorFromString(_adaptorValueConversionMethodName); } - (void)setFactoryMethodArgumentType: (EOFactoryMethodArgumentType)argumentType { _argumentType = argumentType; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributeValueMapping) - (NSException *)validateValue: (id*)valueP { NSException *exception=nil; NSAssert(valueP, @"No value pointer"); if (*valueP == nil && [self allowsNull] == NO) exception = [NSException validationExceptionWithFormat: @"attribute '%@' cannot be nil", [self name]]; else if (*valueP) { //call self valueClassName *valueP = [self adaptorValueByConvertingAttributeValue: *valueP]; //call attribute width //end ! //TODO: revoir { EOEntity *entity = [self entity]; //NSArray *pkAttributes = [entity primaryKeyAttributes]; //TODO wowhat if (*valueP) { if ([*valueP isKindOfClass: _valueClass] == NO) { if ([*valueP isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) { if (_valueClass == [NSNumber class]) { if ([_valueType isEqualToString: @"i"] == YES) *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithInt: [*valueP intValue]]; else *valueP = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: [*valueP doubleValue]]; } else if (_valueClass == [NSDecimalNumber class]) *valueP = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString: *valueP]; else if (_valueClass == [NSData class]) *valueP = [*valueP dataUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding allowLossyConversion: YES]; else if (_valueClass == [NSCalendarDate class]) *valueP = [[[NSCalendarDate alloc] initWithString: *valueP] autorelease]; } } else { if ([*valueP isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) { if (_width && [*valueP length] > _width) { const char *buf; buf = [*valueP cString]; *valueP = [NSString stringWithCString: buf length: _width]; } } else if ([*valueP isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) { // TODO ?? } } } } } return exception; } @end @implementation NSObject (EOCustomClassArchiving) + objectWithArchiveData: (NSData *)data { return [NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:data]; } - (NSData *)archiveData { return [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:self]; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributePrivate) - (void)setParent: (id)parent { //OK [self willChange]; ASSIGN(_parent, parent);//TODO assign ?? _flags.isParentAnEOEntity = [_parent isKindOfClass: [EOEntity class]];//?? } - (EOAttribute *)realAttribute { return _realAttribute; } - (GCMutableArray *)_definitionArray { return _definitionArray; } @end @implementation EOAttribute (EOAttributePrivate2) - (BOOL) _hasAnyOverrides { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO return NO; } - (void) _resetPrototype { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } - (void) _updateFromPrototype { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO } - (void) _setOverrideForKeyEnum: (int)keyEnum { //[self notImplemented:_cmd]; //TODO } - (BOOL) _isKeyEnumOverriden: (int)param0 { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO return NO; } - (BOOL) _isKeyEnumDefinedByPrototype: (int)param0 { [self notImplemented: _cmd]; //TODO return NO; } @end