2005-11-28 22:10:05 +00:00
/ * - * - objc - * -
EOSharedEditingContext . m
Copyright ( C ) 2005 Free Software Foundation , Inc .
2006-09-14 16:06:21 +00:00
Author : David Ayers < ayers @ fsfe . org >
2005-11-28 22:10:05 +00:00
Date : November 2005
This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library .
This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library ; see the file COPYING . LIB .
If not , write to the Free Software Foundation ,
51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 -1301 , USA .
* /
# include "config.h"
RCS_ID ( "$Id$" )
# ifndef GNUSTEP
# include < GNUstepBase / GNUstep . h >
# include < GNUstepBase / GSCategories . h >
# include < Foundation / Foundation . h >
# else
# include < Foundation / NSArray . h >
# include < Foundation / NSDictionary . h >
# include < Foundation / NSException . h >
# include < Foundation / NSNotification . h >
# include < Foundation / NSSet . h >
# include < Foundation / NSString . h >
# endif
# include < GNUstepBase / GSLock . h >
# include "EOSharedEditingContext.h"
# include "EOFault.h"
# include "EOFetchSpecification.h"
# include "EOGlobalID.h"
# include "EOObjectStoreCoordinator.h"
# include "EOUndoManager.h"
NSString * EODefaultSharedEditingContextWasInitializedNotification
= @ "EODefaultSharedEditingContextWasInitializedNotification" ;
NSString * EOSharedEditingContextInitializedObjectsNotification
= @ "EOSharedEditingContextInitializedObjectsNotification" ;
@ interface EOEditingContext ( Private )
- ( BOOL ) _processRecentChanges ;
@ end
/ * *
* < p > Immutable Enterprise Objects can be shared among EOEditingContexts
* via EOSharedEditingContext . Normally EOs belong to a specific
* EOEditingContext and this editing context tracks the changes of this
* object . Yet sometimes immutable objects are often referenced by many
* objects and they would have to fetched and tracked within many
* EOEditingContexts . EOSharedEditingContext is intended to address this
* by supplying an shared context for immutable objects which can be shared
* among instances of EOEditingContext . An EO that is registered with an
* EOSharedEditingContext may not be contained in an other EOEditingContext
* which uses the EOSharedEditingContext . < / p >
* < p > The only valid way to modify an
* object that is contained in a shared context is by changing it in an
* unreladed EOEditingContext ( i . e . one which does not use the
* EOSharedEditingContext ) , commit those changes to the object store which
* would post a EOObjectsChangedInStoreNotification which in turn will
* cause the EOSharedEditingContext to invalidate an subsequently refetch
* the values of the EO from its object store . < / p >
* < p > Objects are fetched with [ - objectsWithFetchSpecification : ] or
* [ - bindObjectsWithFetchSpecification : toName : ] into an EOSharedEditingContext .
* If the later method is used , the objects can be later retrieved via
* [ - objectsByEntityNameAndFetchSpecificationName ] . < / p >
* /
@ implementation EOSharedEditingContext
static NSArray * emptyArray = nil ;
static Class EOFaultClass = NULL ;
static NSRecursiveLock * llock = nil ;
+ ( void ) initialize
if ( emptyArray = = nil )
emptyArray = [ NSArray new ] ;
EOFaultClass = [ EOFault class ] ;
llock = [ GSLazyRecursiveLock new ] ;
static EOSharedEditingContext * dfltSharedEditingContext = nil ;
/ * *
* Returns the current default shared editing context .
* This method will create one if none currently exists .
* The first time this method implicitly creates a shared
* editing context it will post a
* < code > EODefaultSharedEditingContextWasInitializedNotification < / code > .
* /
+ ( EOSharedEditingContext * ) defaultSharedEditingContext
[ llock lock ] ;
/ * The reference implementatin seems to have a private
dfltSharedEditingContext method which would be called here .
Yet if the this method is not public for custom subclasses
it doesn ' t seem to make sense to avoid the static variable directly . * /
if ( ! dfltSharedEditingContext )
static BOOL posted = NO ;
dfltSharedEditingContext = [ [ [ self class ] alloc ] init ] ;
if ( ! posted )
[ [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] postNotificationName :
object : nil ] ;
posted = YES ;
[ llock unlock ] ;
return dfltSharedEditingContext ;
/ *
* This privat method is intended for EOEditingContext to
* retrieve the default shared editing context without
* creating one implicitly .
* This seems to be broken by design as it breaks subclassing
* of both EOEditingContext and EOSharedEditingContext .
* /
+ ( EOSharedEditingContext * ) _defaultSharedEditingContext
return dfltSharedEditingContext ;
/ * *
* Explicity sets the default shared editing context .
* If CONTEXT is not an EOSharedEditingContext this method raises an
* NSInternalInconsistency exception .
* /
+ ( void ) setDefaultSharedEditingContext : ( EOSharedEditingContext * ) context
if ( ! [ context isKindOfClass : [ EOEditingContext class ] ] )
[ NSException raise : NSInternalInconsistencyException
format : @ "+[EOSharedEditingContext setDefaultSharedEditingContext:] attempted to set non-shared editing context as default shared editing context:%@" , context ] ;
[ llock lock ] ;
ASSIGN ( dfltSharedEditingContext , context ) ;
[ llock unlock ] ;
- ( id ) initWithParentObjectStore : ( EOObjectStore * ) parentObjectStore
if ( ! [ parentObjectStore isKindOfClass : [ EOObjectStoreCoordinator class ] ] )
[ NSException raise : NSInvalidArgumentException
format : @ "EOSharedEditingContext must be initialized with an EOObjectStoreCoordinator" ] ;
if ( ( self = [ super initWithParentObjectStore : parentObjectStore ] ) )
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] ;
_sharedLock = [ GSLazyRecursiveLock new ] ;
_initializedGlobalIDs = [ NSMutableArray new ] ;
_objsByEntity = [ NSMutableDictionary new ] ;
_objsByEntityFetchSpec = [ NSMutableDictionary new ] ;
/ * Now adjust EOEditingContext initializations . * /
_flags . retainsAllRegisteredObjects = YES ;
[ super setSharedEditingContext : nil ] ;
[ nc removeObserver : self
name : NSUndoManagerCheckpointNotification
object : nil ] ;
[ nc removeObserver : self
name : EOSharedEditingContextInitializedObjectsNotification
object : nil ] ;
[ nc removeObserver : self
name : EOGlobalIDChangedNotification
object : nil ] ;
DESTROY ( _undoManager ) ;
DESTROY ( _lock ) ;
return self ;
- ( void ) dealloc
/ * TODO Maybe we should add some sanity checks . * /
DESTROY ( _sharedLock ) ;
DESTROY ( _initializedGlobalIDs ) ;
DESTROY ( _objsByEntity ) ;
DESTROY ( _objsByEntityFetchSpec ) ;
[ super dealloc ] ;
/ * *
* Returns all object currently maintained the the EOSharedEditingContext
* in an NSDictionary associated with the corresponding entity name .
* /
- ( NSDictionary * ) objectsByEntityName
NSDictionary * oben ;
[ self lockForReading ] ;
oben = AUTORELEASE ( [ _objsByEntity copy ] ) ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
return oben ;
/ * *
* Returns all object currently maintained the the EOSharedEditingContext
* in an NSDictionary associated with the corresponding name supplied by
* previous [ - bindObjectsWithFetchSpecification : toName : ] each containing
* a dictionary in which the objects are assicated with the entity name .
* /
- ( NSDictionary * ) objectsByEntityNameAndFetchSpecificationName
NSDictionary * oben ;
[ self lockForReading ] ;
oben = AUTORELEASE ( [ _objsByEntityFetchSpec copy ] ) ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
return oben ;
/ * *
* Invokes [ - objectsWithFetchSpecification : ] and registers the objects
* to be retrieved with [ - objectsByEntityName ] and
* [ - objectsByEntityNameAndFetchSpecificationName ] ;
* /
- ( void ) bindObjectsWithFetchSpecification : ( EOFetchSpecification * ) fetchSpec
toName : ( NSString * ) name
NSArray * objects ;
NSString * entityName ;
NSMutableDictionary * obefsn ;
if ( ! name )
[ NSException raise : NSInternalInconsistencyException
format : @ "called bindObjectsWithFetchSpecification:toName: without name" ] ;
entityName = [ fetchSpec entityName ] ;
[ self lock ] ;
objects = [ self objectsWithFetchSpecification : fetchSpec
editingContext : self ] ;
obefsn = [ _objsByEntityFetchSpec objectForKey : name ] ;
if ( obefsn = = nil )
obefsn = [ NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject : objects
forKey : entityName ] ;
[ _objsByEntityFetchSpec setObject : obefsn forKey : name ] ;
/ * TODO : Verify preliminary tests inidcate that previous
fetch results get replaced , not merged . * /
[ obefsn setObject : objects forKey : entityName ] ;
[ self unlock ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlock ] ;
/ * *
* Increases the recievers lock count for reading .
* /
- ( void ) lockForReading
/ * FIXME : actually this blocks if another thread is reading .
This should be fixed once we have EOMultiReaderLock . * /
[ _sharedLock lock ] ;
_readerLockCount + + ;
[ _sharedLock unlock ] ;
/ * *
* Decreases the recievers lock count for reading .
* /
- ( void ) unlockForReading
/ * FIXME : actually this blocks if another thread is reading .
This should be fixed once we have EOMultiReaderLock . * /
[ _sharedLock lock ] ;
_readerLockCount - - ;
[ _sharedLock unlock ] ;
/ * *
* Attempts to increases the recievers lock count for reading .
* Returns NO if the lock cannot be retrieved .
* /
- ( BOOL ) tryLockForReading
BOOL flag ;
/ * FIXME : actually this blocks if another thread is reading .
This should be fixed once we have EOMultiReaderLock . * /
flag = [ _sharedLock tryLock ] ;
if ( flag )
_readerLockCount + + ;
[ _sharedLock unlock ] ;
return flag ;
/ * *
* Suspends the reader lock count until retrieveReaderLocks is called .
* /
- ( void ) suspendReaderLocks
[ _sharedLock lock ] ;
_readerLockCountSuspended = _readerLockCount ;
_readerLockCount = 0 ;
[ _sharedLock unlock ] ;
/ * *
* Retrieve suspended reader lock count .
* /
- ( void ) retrieveReaderLocks
[ _sharedLock lock ] ;
_readerLockCount = _readerLockCountSuspended ;
_readerLockCountSuspended = 0 ;
[ _sharedLock unlock ] ;
/ * *
* Fetches the objects with the FETCHSPEC and registers them
* for retrieval with [ - objectsByEntityName ] .
* /
- ( NSArray * ) objectsWithFetchSpecification : ( EOFetchSpecification * ) fetchSpec
editingContext : ( EOEditingContext * ) context
NSArray * objs = [ super objectsWithFetchSpecification : fetchSpec
editingContext : context ] ;
NSString * entityName = [ fetchSpec entityName ] ;
NSArray * obe = [ _objsByEntity objectForKey : entityName ] ;
if ( obe = = nil )
obe = AUTORELEASE ( [ objs mutableCopy ] ) ;
NSMutableSet * set = [ NSMutableSet setWithArray : obe ] ;
[ set addObjectsFromArray : objs ] ;
obe = [ set allObjects ] ;
[ _objsByEntity setObject : obe forKey : entityName ] ;
return objs ;
/ * *
* EOSharedEditingContexts cannot have shared editing contexts .
* This methos allways returns nil .
* /
- ( EOSharedEditingContext * ) sharedEditingContext
return nil ;
/ * *
* Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException
* unless SHAREDCONTEXT is nil .
* /
- ( void ) setSharedEditingContext : ( EOSharedEditingContext * ) sharedContext
if ( sharedContext )
[ NSException raise : NSInternalInconsistencyException
format : @ "+[%@ %@] illegal operation for in shared editing context" , NSStringFromClass ( [ self class ] ) , NSStringFromSelector ( _cmd ) ] ;
/ * *
* Overriden to do nothing .
* /
- ( void ) reset
/ * *
* Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException
* unless SHAREDCONTEXT is nil .
* /
- ( void ) setUndoManager : ( NSUndoManager * ) undoManager
if ( undoManager )
[ NSException raise : NSInternalInconsistencyException
format : @ "+[%@ %@] illegal operation for in shared editing context" , NSStringFromClass ( [ self class ] ) , NSStringFromSelector ( _cmd ) ] ;
/ * *
* Returns the object of the superclass implementation but insures that
* the returned object is valid in autoreleased in the current autorelease
* pool of the calling thread .
* /
- ( id ) objectForGlobalID : ( EOGlobalID * ) globalID
id obj ;
[ self lockForReading ] ;
obj = AUTORELEASE ( RETAIN ( [ super objectForGlobalID : globalID ] ) ) ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
return obj ;
/ * *
* Returns the fault of the superclass implementation but insures that
* the returned object is valid in autoreleased in the current autorelease
* pool of the calling thread .
* /
- ( id ) faultForGlobalID : ( EOGlobalID * ) globalID
editingContext : ( EOEditingContext * ) context
id obj ;
[ self lockForReading ] ;
obj = AUTORELEASE ( RETAIN ( [ super faultForGlobalID : globalID
editingContext : context ] ) ) ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
return obj ;
/ * *
* This method is invoked if the objects have been modified
* in an unrelated EOEditingContext and therefor needs to
* be invalidated and refetched here .
* /
- ( void ) refaultObject : ( id ) object
withGlobalID : ( EOGlobalID * ) globalID
editingContext : ( EOEditingContext * ) context
if ( object && [ EOFaultClass isFault : object ] = = NO )
[ self lock ] ;
[ super refaultObject : object
withGlobalID : globalID
editingContext : context ] ;
[ self unlock ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlock ] ;
/ * *
* Returns an empty array since a shared editing context
* may not insert objects .
* /
- ( NSArray * ) updatedObjects
return emptyArray ;
/ * *
* Returns an empty array since a shared editing context
* may not insert objects .
* /
- ( NSArray * ) insertedObjects
return emptyArray ;
/ * *
* Returns an empty array since a shared editing context
* may not delete objects .
* /
- ( NSArray * ) deletedObjects
return emptyArray ;
/ * *
* Always returns NO since a shared editing context may not have changes .
* /
- ( BOOL ) hasChanges
return NO ;
/ * *
* Overriden to do nothing .
* /
- ( void ) validateChangesForSave
/ * *
* Returns the registered objects of the superclass implementation
* but insures that that the returned objects are valid
* in autoreleased in the current autorelease pool of the calling thread .
* /
- ( NSArray * ) registeredObjects
NSArray * objs ;
[ self lockForReading ] ;
objs = AUTORELEASE ( RETAIN ( [ super registeredObjects ] ) ) ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlockForReading ] ;
return objs ;
/ * *
* Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException
* since objects in a shared editing context may not be modified .
* /
- ( void ) objectWillChange : ( id ) object ;
[ NSException raise : NSInternalInconsistencyException
format : @ "+[%@ deleteObject:] attempted to delete object in shared editing context" , [ self class ] ] ;
/ * *
* Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException
* since a shared editing context may not delete objects .
* /
- ( void ) insertObject : ( id ) object
[ NSException raise : NSInternalInconsistencyException
format : @ "+[%@ %@] illegal operation for in shared editing context" , NSStringFromClass ( [ self class ] ) , NSStringFromSelector ( _cmd ) ] ;
/ * *
* Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException
* since a shared editing context may not delete objects .
* /
- ( void ) deleteObject : ( id ) object
[ NSException raise : NSInternalInconsistencyException
format : @ "+[%@ %@] illegal operation for in shared editing context" , NSStringFromClass ( [ self class ] ) , NSStringFromSelector ( _cmd ) ] ;
/ * *
* Raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException
* since objects in a shared editing context may not be modified .
* /
- ( void ) saveChanges
[ NSException raise : NSInternalInconsistencyException
format : @ "+[%@ %@] illegal operation for in shared editing context" , NSStringFromClass ( [ self class ] ) , NSStringFromSelector ( _cmd ) ] ;
- ( void ) lock
unsigned int timeout = 1024 ;
[ _sharedLock lock ] ;
while ( _readerLockCount && timeout )
[ _sharedLock unlock ] ;
timeout - - ;
[ _sharedLock lock ] ;
if ( timeout = = 0 ) NSLog ( @ "FIXME: ignoring lock to aviod deadlock!" ) ;
[ super lock ] ;
[ _sharedLock unlock ] ;
- ( void ) unlock
[ _sharedLock lock ] ;
[ super unlock ] ;
[ _sharedLock unlock ] ;
/ * *
* Invokes the super class implementation and recordes the object
* for the next EOSharedEditingContextInitializedObjectsNotification
* if the CONTEXT is the receiver which will be processed during
* explicit or implicit processRecentChanges .
* /
- ( void ) initializeObject : ( id ) object
withGlobalID : ( EOGlobalID * ) globalID
editingContext : ( EOEditingContext * ) context
[ self lock ] ;
[ super initializeObject : object
withGlobalID : globalID
editingContext : context ] ;
if ( context = = self )
[ _initializedGlobalIDs addObject : globalID ] ;
[ self unlock ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlock ] ;
/ *
* Overriding a private method indicates the mechanism is broken by design .
* We need to need to notify obeserving EOEditingContexts of
* objects which have been initialized .
* /
- ( BOOL ) _processRecentChanges
BOOL flag = NO ;
if ( [ _initializedGlobalIDs count ] )
NSDictionary * userInfo
= [ NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject : _initializedGlobalIDs
forKey : @ "initialized" ] ;
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] ;
[ nc postNotificationName : EOSharedEditingContextInitializedObjectsNotification
object : self
userInfo : userInfo ] ;
ASSIGN ( _initializedGlobalIDs , [ NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity : 32 ] ) ;
[ self lock ] ;
flag = [ super _processRecentChanges ] ;
[ self unlock ] ;
[ localException raise ] ;
[ self unlock ] ;
return flag ;
@ end