
4933 lines
124 KiB

/** Enterprise Control Configuration and Logging
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by: Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
Date: Febrary 2010
Originally developed from 1996 to 2012 by Brainstorm, and donated to
the FSF.
This file is part of the GNUstep project.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "EcProcess.h"
#import "EcAlarm.h"
#import "EcClientI.h"
#import "EcHost.h"
#import "NSFileHandle+Printf.h"
#import "config.h"
#define DLY 300.0
#define FIB 0.1
static NSDate *
date(NSTimeInterval t)
return [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: t];
static const NSTimeInterval day = 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0;
static int tStatus = 0;
static NSTimeInterval pingDelay = 240.0;
static int comp_len = 0;
static int comp(NSString *s0, NSString *s1)
if ([s0 length] > [s1 length])
comp_len = -1;
return -1;
if ([s1 compare: s0
options: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch|NSLiteralSearch
range: NSMakeRange(0, [s0 length])] == NSOrderedSame)
comp_len = [s0 length];
if (comp_len == (int)[s1 length])
return 0;
return 1;
comp_len = -1;
return -1;
static NSString*
cmdWord(NSArray* a, unsigned int pos)
if (a != nil && [a count] > pos)
return [a objectAtIndex: pos];
return @"";
/* When this control process needs to shut down *all* clients,
* we set the date for the shutdown to end.
static NSDate *terminateBy = nil;
static NSUInteger launchLimit = 0;
static BOOL launchEnabled = NO;
static NSMutableDictionary *launchInfo = nil;
static NSMutableArray *launchQueue = nil;
typedef enum {
ACLaunchFailed, // Must be first
ACProcessLost // Must be last
} AlarmCode;
static void
ACStrings(AlarmCode ac, NSString **problem, NSString **repair)
*problem = nil;
*repair = nil;
switch (ac)
case ACLaunchFailed:
*problem = @"Launch failed";
*repair = @"Check logs and correct launch/startup failure";
case ACProcessHung:
*problem = @"Process hung";
*repair = @"Check logs and deal with cause of unresponsiveness";
case ACProcessLost:
*problem = @"Process lost";
*repair = @"Check logs and deal with cause of shutdown/crash";
typedef enum {
Dead, // The process should be stopped if it is live
Live, // The process should be started if it is dead
None // The process is free to start/stop
} Desired;
static NSString *
desiredName(Desired state)
switch (state)
case Live: return @"Live";
case Dead: return @"Dead";
default: return @"None";
* starting means that the server has attempted to start the process
* (or is waiting for some precondition of launching) but the
* process has not yet established a connection to the server
* and registered itself.
* stopping means that the server has attempted to shut down the process
* (or the process has told the server it is shutting down), so
* the connection between the process and the server may not
* exist (and should not be used).
* desired defines whether the steady state of this process should
* be running/live or shut down. When the process reaches
* a steady state (ie is not starting or stopping) that does
* not match the desired state, the server shold initiate a
* change of state.
* identifier If the process is shut down, this should be zero.
* Otherwise it is the process ID used by the operating system
* and indicates that the process is starting, stopping, or in
* a steady live state (in which case it should also be
* connected as a client of the server).
* If while starting, the process dies, we should schedule relaunches at
* increasing intervals until a process survives and connects.
* If starting takes too long (because launch attempts fail, the processes
* die, or they stay alive but fail to connect to the server),
* we should raise an alarm.
* If stopping takes too long, we should forcibly terminate the process
* if we can, and raise an alarm if we fail to kill it.
@interface LaunchInfo : NSObject
NSString *name; // The name of this process
NSDictionary *conf; // The configuration from Control.plist
NSTask *task; // The current task (if launched by us)
EcClientI *client; // The connected client (or nil)
BOOL clientLost;
BOOL clientQuit;
int identifier; // The current process ID or zero
NSTimeInterval fib0; // fibonacci sequence for delays
NSTimeInterval fib1; // fibonacci sequence for delays
Desired desired; // If process *should* be live/dead
BOOL starting; // The process is starting up
NSTimer *startingTimer; // Not retained
NSTimeInterval startingDate;
BOOL startingAlarm;
BOOL stopping; // The process is shutting down
NSTimer *stoppingTimer; // Not retained
NSTimeInterval stoppingDate;
BOOL stoppingAlarm;
NSTimeInterval terminationDate; // Time of process termination
unsigned terminationCount; // Terminations during startup
int terminationStatus; // Last exit status
NSTimeInterval registrationDate; // Time of process registration
NSTimeInterval awakenedDate; // When the process was awakened
NSTimeInterval deferredDate; // Deferred re-launch interval
NSTimeInterval queuedDate; // When queued for launch
NSTimeInterval stableDate; // Has been running for a while
NSTimeInterval launchDate; // When we launched process
NSTimeInterval abortDate; // When we abort process
NSString *restartReason; // Reason for restart or nil
NSArray *dependencies;
+ (NSString*) description;
+ (LaunchInfo*) existing: (NSString*)name;
+ (LaunchInfo*) find: (NSString*)abbreviation;
+ (LaunchInfo*) launchInfo: (NSString*)name;
+ (NSUInteger) launching;
+ (NSArray*) names;
+ (void) processQueue;
+ (void) remove: (NSString*)name;
- (BOOL) autolaunch;
- (void) awakened;
- (BOOL) checkActive;
- (BOOL) checkAlive;
- (void) clearClient: (EcClientI*)c cleanly: (BOOL)unregisteredOrTransient;
- (EcClientI*) client;
- (NSDictionary*) configuration;
- (NSTimeInterval) delay;
- (Desired) desired;
- (BOOL) disabled;
- (BOOL) isActive;
- (BOOL) isStarting;
- (BOOL) isStopping;
- (BOOL) launch;
- (BOOL) mayCoreDump;
- (NSString*) name;
- (int) processIdentifier;
- (void) progress;
- (NSString*) reasonToPreventLaunch;
- (void) resetDelay;
- (void) setClient: (EcClientI*)c;
- (void) setConfiguration: (NSDictionary*)c;
- (void) setDesired: (Desired)state;
- (void) setProcessIdentifier: (int)p;
- (void) setStable: (BOOL)s;
- (BOOL) stable;
- (NSString*) status;
- (NSTask*) task;
- (NSArray*) unfulfilled;
/* Special configuration options are:
* CompressLogsAfter
* A positive integer number of days after which logs should be compressed
* defaults to 7.
* DeleteLogsAfter
* A positive integer number of days after which logs should be deleted.
* Constrained to be at least as large as CompressLogsAfter.
* Defaults to 180, but logs may still be deleted as if this were set
* to CompressLogsAfter if NodesFree or SpaceFree is reached.
* Environment
* A dictionary setting the default environment for launched processes.
* Launch
* A dictionary describing the processes which the server is responsible
* for launching.
* NodesFree
* A string giving a percentage of the total nodes on the disk below
* which an alert should be raised. Defaults to 10.
* Minimum 2, Maximum 90.
* SpaceFree
* A string giving a percentage of the total space on the disk below
* which an alert should be raised. Defaults to 10.
* Minimum 2, Maximum 90.
@interface EcCommand : EcProcess <Command>
NSString *host;
id<Control> control;
NSMutableArray *clients;
NSTimer *timer;
NSString *logname;
NSMutableDictionary *config;
NSArray *launchOrder;
NSDictionary *environment;
unsigned pingPosition;
NSTimer *terminating;
NSDate *outstanding;
unsigned fwdSequence;
unsigned revSequence;
float nodesFree;
float spaceFree;
NSTimeInterval debUncompressed;
NSTimeInterval debUndeleted;
NSTimeInterval logUncompressed;
NSTimeInterval logUndeleted;
NSInteger compressAfter;
NSInteger deleteAfter;
BOOL sweeping;
- (void) alarmCode: (AlarmCode)ac
procName: (NSString*)name
addText: (NSString*)additional;
- (void) clear: (NSString*)name addText: (NSString*)additional;
- (oneway void) cmdGnip: (id <CmdPing>)from
sequence: (unsigned)num
extra: (NSData*)data;
- (oneway void) cmdPing: (id <CmdPing>)from
sequence: (unsigned)num
extra: (NSData*)data;
- (oneway void) cmdQuit: (NSInteger)sig;
- (void) command: (NSData*)dat
to: (NSString*)t
from: (NSString*)f;
- (NSData *) configurationFor: (NSString *)name;
- (BOOL) connection: (NSConnection*)ancestor
shouldMakeNewConnection: (NSConnection*)newConn;
- (id) connectionBecameInvalid: (NSNotification*)notification;
- (NSDictionary*) environment;
- (NSArray*) findAll: (NSArray*)a
byAbbreviation: (NSString*)s;
- (EcClientI*) findIn: (NSArray*)a
byAbbreviation: (NSString*)s;
- (EcClientI*) findIn: (NSArray*)a
byName: (NSString*)s;
- (EcClientI*) findIn: (NSArray*)a
byObject: (id)s;
- (NSString*) host;
- (void) housekeeping: (NSTimer*)t;
- (void) _housekeeping: (NSTimer*)t;
- (void) information: (NSString*)inf
from: (NSString*)s
type: (EcLogType)t;
- (void) information: (NSString*)inf
from: (NSString*)s
to: (NSString*)d
type: (EcLogType)t;
- (void) killAll;
- (NSFileHandle*) logFile;
- (void) logChange: (NSString*)change for: (NSString*)name;
- (void) logMessage: (NSString*)msg
type: (EcLogType)t
for: (id<CmdClient>)o;
- (void) logMessage: (NSString*)msg
type: (EcLogType)t
name: (NSString*)c;
- (NSString*) makeSpace;
- (void) newConfig: (NSMutableDictionary*)newConfig;
- (NSFileHandle*) openLog: (NSString*)lname;
- (void) pingControl;
- (void) quitAll;
- (void) quitAll: (NSDate*)by;
- (void) requestConfigFor: (id<CmdConfig>)c;
- (NSData*) registerClient: (id)c
identifier: (int)p
name: (NSString*)n
transient: (BOOL)t;
- (void) reply: (NSString*) msg to: (NSString*)n from: (NSString*)c;
- (void) terminate: (NSDate*)by;
- (void) _terminate: (NSTimer*)t;
- (NSMutableArray*) unconfiguredClients;
- (void) unregisterByObject: (id)obj;
- (void) unregisterClient: (EcClientI*)o;
- (void) update;
- (void) updateConfig: (NSData*)data;
- (void) woken: (id)obj;
@implementation LaunchInfo
+ (NSString*) description
NSEnumerator *e = [launchInfo objectEnumerator];
LaunchInfo *l;
unsigned autolaunch = 0;
unsigned disabled = 0;
unsigned launchable = 0;
unsigned starting = 0;
unsigned stopping = 0;
unsigned suspended = 0;
unsigned alive = 0;
while (nil != (l = [e nextObject]))
if ([l isStarting])
else if ([l isStopping])
else if ([l processIdentifier] > 0)
else if ([l disabled])
if ([l autolaunch])
if (Dead == l->desired)
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"LaunchInfo alive:%u, starting:%u,"
@" stopping:%u disabled:%u, suspended:%u, launchable:%u (auto:%u)\n",
alive, starting, stopping, disabled, suspended, launchable, autolaunch];
+ (LaunchInfo*) existing: (NSString*)name
LaunchInfo *l = RETAIN([launchInfo objectForKey: name]);
return AUTORELEASE(l);
+ (LaunchInfo*) find: (NSString*)abbreviation
LaunchInfo *l = [launchInfo objectForKey: abbreviation];
if (nil == l)
NSEnumerator *e = [launchInfo keyEnumerator];
NSString *s;
NSInteger bestLength = 0;
NSString *bestName = nil;
while (nil != (s = [e nextObject]))
if (comp(abbreviation, s) == 0)
bestName = s;
if (comp_len > bestLength)
bestLength = comp_len;
bestName = s;
if (bestName != nil)
l = [launchInfo objectForKey: bestName];
return l;
+ (LaunchInfo*) findTask: (NSTask*)t
LaunchInfo *l = nil;
NSEnumerator *e = [launchInfo objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (l = [e nextObject]))
if (l->task == t)
return l;
return nil;
+ (void) initialize
if (nil == launchInfo)
launchInfo = [NSMutableDictionary new];
launchQueue = [NSMutableArray new];
+ (LaunchInfo*) launchInfo: (NSString*)name
LaunchInfo *l = [launchInfo objectForKey: name];
if (nil == RETAIN(l))
l = [self new];
l->desired = None;
ASSIGNCOPY(l->name, name);
[launchInfo setObject: l forKey: l->name];
return AUTORELEASE(l);
/* Return the number of processes actually launching (ie with a task running
* but starting not finished.
+ (NSUInteger) launching
NSUInteger found = 0;
NSEnumerator *e = [launchInfo objectEnumerator];
LaunchInfo *l;
while (nil != (l = [e nextObject]))
if ([l isStarting] && l->task != nil)
return found;
+ (NSArray*) names
return [launchInfo allKeys];
/* Check each process in the queue to see if it may now be launched.
* Launch each process which may do so (removing it from the queue).
+ (void) processQueue
NSUInteger count;
/* We work with a copy of the queue in case the process of launching
* causes the queue contents to be changed.
if ((count = [launchQueue count]) > 0)
NSArray *q = AUTORELEASE([launchQueue copy]);
NSUInteger index;
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
LaunchInfo *l = [q objectAtIndex: index];
if ([launchQueue containsObject: l])
NSString *r = [l reasonToPreventLaunch];
if (nil == r)
[launchQueue removeObject: l];
l->queuedDate = 0.0;
[l starting: nil];
+ (void) remove: (NSString*)name
[launchInfo removeObjectForKey: name];
- (BOOL) autolaunch
return [[conf objectForKey: @"Auto"] boolValue];
- (void) awakened
awakenedDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
/* Check to see if there is an active process connected (or which connects
* when we contact it and ask it to).
- (BOOL) checkActive
if (nil == client)
/* When the Command server starts up, or on other rare occasions, we may
* have processes which are running but unknown to the Command server.
* To handle that we try, as part of the launch process, to establish a
* Distributed Objects connection to a process before we try to launch
* the executable.
* If a DO connection is established, we ask the process to reconnect to
* the command server, and that incoming connection will cause the client
* ivar to be set (and the instance ivar to be set to the process ID), so
* we know we don't have to start a subtask.
NSConnection *c;
c = [NSConnection
connectionWithRegisteredName: name
host: @""
usingNameServer: [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance]];
id<CmdClient> proxy;
/* Do not hang waiting for the other end to respond.
[c setRequestTimeout: 10.0];
[c setReplyTimeout: 10.0];
proxy = (id<CmdClient>)[c rootProxy];
/* Sending an ecReconnect message to thge client process should
* result in our 'client' ivar beng set.
[proxy ecReconnect];
[c setRequestTimeout: 0.0];
[c setReplyTimeout: 0.0];
[c setRequestTimeout: 0.0];
[c setReplyTimeout: 0.0];
NSLog(@"Problem with connection for %@: %@", name, localException);
return (nil == client) ? NO : YES;
- (BOOL) checkAlive
if (identifier > 0)
if (kill(identifier, 0) == 0)
return YES;
identifier = 0; // Process has terminated
return NO;
- (void) clearClient: (EcClientI*)c cleanly: (BOOL)unregisteredOrTransient
NSAssert(client == c, NSInternalInconsistencyException);
if (unregisteredOrTransient)
clientQuit = YES;
clientLost = NO;
clientQuit = NO;
clientLost = YES;
/* The connection to the client went away, which implies that the process
* was connected/registered and we must either be stopping already or need
* to stop (expect the process to die soon).
* So either way we should trigger the -stopping: timeout handler to
* check for the end of the process and to ensure that we try again if
* it has not yet ended.
[self stopping: nil];
- (EcClientI*) client
return client;
- (NSDictionary*) configuration
- (void) dealloc
[startingTimer invalidate];
[stoppingTimer invalidate];
[super dealloc];
/* The next delay for launching this process. If Time is configured,
* we use it (a value in seconds), otherwise we generate a fibonacci
* sequence of increasingly larger delays each time a launch attempt
* needs to be made.
- (NSTimeInterval) delay
NSTimeInterval delay;
NSString *t;
if (nil != (t = [conf objectForKey: @"Time"]) && [t doubleValue] > 0)
delay = [t doubleValue];
if (fib1 <= 0.0)
fib0 = fib1 = delay = FIB;
delay = fib0 + fib1;
fib0 = fib1;
fib1 = delay;
deferredDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] + delay;
return delay;
- (NSString*) description
NSString *status = [self status];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ for process '%@'\n"
@" %@\n"
@" Configuration %@\n",
[super description], name, status, conf];
- (Desired) desired
return desired;
- (BOOL) disabled
return [[conf objectForKey: @"Disabled"] boolValue];
/* Returns YES if the client is in a state where it can be sent commands.
- (BOOL) isActive
return (client != nil && NO == stopping) ? YES : NO;
- (BOOL) isStarting
return starting;
- (BOOL) isStopping
return stopping;
/* This method should only ever be called from the -starting: method (when
* the instance has permission to launch). To initiate the startup process
* the -start method is called, and to progress startup the -starting: method
* is called.
- (BOOL) launch
EcCommand *command = (EcCommand*)EcProc;
NSMutableDictionary *env;
NSMutableArray *args;
NSString *home = [conf objectForKey: @"Home"];
NSString *prog = [conf objectForKey: @"Prog"];
NSDictionary *addE = [conf objectForKey: @"AddE"];
NSDictionary *setE = [conf objectForKey: @"SetE"];
NSString *failed = nil;
NSString *m;
NSAssert(NO == [self checkAlive], NSInvalidArgumentException);
if (YES == [self checkActive])
return YES; // Client registered; no need to launch
if (nil == (env = AUTORELEASE([[command environment] mutableCopy])))
NSProcessInfo *pi = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
if (nil == (env = AUTORELEASE([[pi environment] mutableCopy])))
env = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (nil == (args = AUTORELEASE([[conf objectForKey: @"Args"] mutableCopy])))
args = [NSMutableArray array];
/* As a convenience, the 'Home' option sets the -HomeDirectory
* for the process.
if ([home length] > 0)
[args addObject: @"-HomeDirectory"];
[args addObject: home];
/* If we do not want the process to core-dump, we need to add
* the argument to tell it.
if ([self mayCoreDump] == NO)
[args addObject: @"-CoreSize"];
[args addObject: @"0"];
if (prog != nil && [prog length] > 0)
NSFileHandle *hdl;
if (setE != nil)
[env removeAllObjects];
[env addEntriesFromDictionary: addE];
if (addE != nil)
[env addEntriesFromDictionary: addE];
task = [NSTask new];
[task setEnvironment: env];
hdl = [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithNullDevice];
[task setLaunchPath: prog];
if ([task validatedLaunchPath] == nil)
failed = @"failed to launch (not executable)";
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_CONSOLE,
@"failed to launch (not executable) %@"), name];
[command information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_CONSOLE];
prog = nil;
if (prog != nil)
NSString *s;
s = [conf objectForKey: @"KeepStandardInput"];
if (NO == [s respondsToSelector: @selector(boolValue)]
|| NO == [s boolValue])
[task setStandardInput: hdl];
s = [conf objectForKey: @"KeepStandardOutput"];
if (NO == [s respondsToSelector: @selector(boolValue)]
|| NO == [s boolValue])
[task setStandardOutput: hdl];
s = [conf objectForKey: @"KeepStandardError"];
if (NO == [s respondsToSelector: @selector(boolValue)]
|| NO == [s boolValue])
[task setStandardError: hdl];
if (home != nil && [home length] > 0)
[task setCurrentDirectoryPath: home];
if (args != nil)
[task setArguments: args];
/* Record time of launch start
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(taskTerminated:)
name: NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
object: task];
launchDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
[task launch];
identifier = [task processIdentifier];
[[command logFile]
printf: @"%@ launched %@ with %@ at %@\n",
[NSDate date], prog, args,
[NSThread callStackSymbols]];
identifier = 0;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
object: task];
launchDate = 0.0;
failed = @"failed to launch";
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_CONSOLE,
@"failed to launch (%@) %@"), localException, name];
[command information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_CONSOLE];
failed = @"bad program name to launch";
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_CONSOLE,
@"bad program name to launch %@"), name];
[command information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_CONSOLE];
if (nil != failed)
[command alarmCode: ACLaunchFailed
procName: name
addText: failed];
return [self checkAlive]; // On failure return NO
- (NSDate*) launchDate
return (launchDate > 0.0) ? date(launchDate) : (NSDate*)nil;
- (BOOL) mayCoreDump
if (fib1 > FIB)
/* If fib1 is greater than the base value, we must have already done
* one restart due to a failure in launch or crash in early life.
* We therefore want to suppress core dumps from subsequent crashes
* in order to avoid filling the disk too quickly.
return NO;
return YES;
/* Checks the receiver to see if it is eligible to be removed from the
* queue and launched. If the receiver should not be in the queue it
* is removed.
- (NSString*) reasonToPreventLaunch
EcCommand *command = (EcCommand*)EcProc;
NSArray *unfulfilled;
NSString *reason = nil;
if (NO == starting)
if ([launchQueue containsObject: self])
NSLog(@"Found object which is not starting in queue: %@", self);
[launchQueue removeObject: self];
queuedDate = 0.0;
else if (stopping)
if ([launchQueue containsObject: self])
NSLog(@"Found object which is stopping in queue: %@", self);
[launchQueue removeObject: self];
queuedDate = 0.0;
else if (deferredDate > 0.0
&& [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] < deferredDate)
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"waiting for retry at %@",
else if ([command ecIsQuitting])
reason = @"system shutting down";
else if (terminateBy != nil)
reason = @"all servers shutting down";
else if (NO == launchEnabled)
reason = @"launching suspended";
else if (launchLimit > 0 && [LaunchInfo launching] >= launchLimit)
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%u launches in progress",
else if ([(unfulfilled = [self unfulfilled]) count] > 0)
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"waiting for %@", unfulfilled];
return reason;
- (NSString*) name
return name;
- (int) processIdentifier
return identifier;
/* Check the current state, and if it's not the same as the desired state
* start moving towards that desired state (unless already moving).
- (void) progress
if (NO == starting && NO == stopping)
if (Live == desired && nil == client)
[self start];
else if (Dead == desired && nil != client)
[self stop];
/* We reached the desired state, so we clear the desire
* and decide if we need to change state normally.
desired = None;
if ([self disabled])
/* If the config says we are disabled, we should stop.
if (nil != client)
[self stop];
else if ([self autolaunch] && NO == clientQuit)
/* If the config says we autolaunch and the last process
* didn't shut down cleanly, we should start.
if (nil == client)
[self start];
- (void) resetDelay
deferredDate = 0.0;
fib0 = fib1 = 0.0;
- (void) restart: (NSString*)reason
if ([self checkActive])
if (NO == stopping)
ASSIGNCOPY(restartReason, reason);
[self stop];
if (desired != Live)
[self setDesired: Live];
- (void) started
NSLog(@"startup completed for %@", self);
clientLost = NO;
clientQuit = NO;
[launchQueue removeObject: self];
queuedDate = 0.0;
if (starting)
/* The client has connected and registered itself ... startup of
* this process has completed. Alarms will be cleared when the
* new process becomes stable.
[startingTimer invalidate];
startingTimer = nil;
startingDate = 0.0;
starting = NO;
if (Dead == desired)
/* It is not desired that this process should be running:
* initiate a shutdown.
[self stop];
[self progress];
[LaunchInfo processQueue]; // Maybe we can launch more now
/* When process startup has completed and the client has registered itself
* with the Command server, the registration process will call this method.
* Here we should do all the work associated with completion of the startup
* process.
- (void) setClient: (EcClientI*)c
int newPid;
NSAssert([c isKindOfClass: [EcClientI class]],
ASSIGN(client, c);
newPid = [c processIdentifier];
if (task != nil && [task processIdentifier] != newPid)
/* This could happen if someone manually launches the process
* before the Command server launches it. In that case we
* need to cancel the handling of the task and depends on
* the excess process to shut itself down.
NSLog(@"LaunchInfo(%@) new pid(%d) from client connection"
@" differs from old pid(%d) from task launch",
name, [task processIdentifier], newPid);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
object: task];
launchDate = 0.0;
registrationDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
identifier = newPid;
[self started];
- (void) setConfiguration: (NSDictionary*)c
ASSIGNCOPY(conf, c);
if ([self disabled])
[self setDesired: Dead];
else if ([self autolaunch])
[self setDesired: Live];
[self setDesired: None];
/* Called when a manual change is made to specify what state a process should
* be in (also called to set configured state).
- (void) setDesired: (Desired)state
Desired old = desired;
desired = state;
if (terminateBy != nil && desired != Dead)
desired = Dead;
NSLog(@"-setDesired:Dead forced by termination in progress for %@", self);
if (Live == desired && [self disabled])
desired = Dead;
NSLog(@"-setDesired:Live overridden by Disabled config of %@", self);
if (old == desired)
NSLog(@"-setDesired:%@ unchanged of %@",
desiredName(desired), self);
if (terminateBy != nil && stopping
&& [[stoppingTimer fireDate] earlierDate: terminateBy] == terminateBy)
/* Force timer reset to match terminateBy
[self stopping: nil];
else if (starting)
NSLog(@"-setDesired:%@ deferred pending startup of %@",
desiredName(desired), self);
else if (stopping)
NSLog(@"-setDesired:%@ deferred pending shutdown of %@",
desiredName(desired), self);
if (Live == desired)
if ([self checkAlive])
NSLog(@"-setDesired:Live when already started of %@", self);
NSLog(@"-setDesired:Live requests startup of %@", self);
else if (Dead == desired)
if ([self checkAlive])
NSLog(@"-setDesired:Dead requests shutdown of %@", self);
NSLog(@"-setDesired:Dead when already stopped of %@", self);
[self progress];
- (void) setProcessIdentifier: (int)p
identifier = p;
- (void) setStable: (BOOL)s
if (NO == s)
stableDate = 0.0;
else if (s && 0.0 == stableDate)
stableDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
[self resetDelay];
- (BOOL) stable
return stableDate > 0.0 ? YES : NO;
/* This method may be called to initiate startup of a server.
* If called when a server is already starting or shutting down
* it has no effect.
- (void) start
if (starting)
EcExceptionMajor(nil, @"-start when already starting of %@", self);
else if (startingTimer)
EcExceptionMajor(nil, @"-start when timer already set of %@", self);
else if (nil != client)
EcExceptionMajor(nil, @"-start when already active of %@", self);
else if (YES == [self checkAlive])
EcExceptionMajor(nil, @"-start when already alive of %@", self);
NSLog(@"-start called for %@", self);
[self resetDelay];
terminationCount = 0;
terminationDate = 0.0;
terminationStatus = -1;
starting = YES;
startingAlarm = NO;
startingDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
startingTimer = [NSTimer
scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.01
target: self
selector: @selector(starting:)
userInfo: name
repeats: NO];
- (BOOL) checkAbandonedStartup
BOOL abandon = NO;
[self checkAlive];
if (NO == starting || client != nil)
return NO; // Not starting
/* We will only abandon startup if we want the process to be dead
if (Dead == desired)
if (0 == identifier)
abandon = YES; // No process, easy to abandon
NSTimeInterval now = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
if (now - launchDate >= 30.0)
abandon = YES; // One process taking too long to start
else if (now - startingDate >= 120.0)
abandon = YES; // Multiple attempts taking too long
if (YES == abandon)
[startingTimer invalidate];
startingTimer = nil;
startingDate = 0.0;
starting = NO;
[launchQueue removeObject: self];
if (identifier > 0)
if (task != nil)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
object: task];
launchDate = 0.0;
kill(identifier, SIGKILL);
identifier = 0;
if (startingAlarm)
EcCommand *command = (EcCommand*)EcProc;
startingAlarm = NO;
[command clear: name addText: @"process manually stopped"];
[self progress];
return abandon;
- (void) starting: (NSTimer*)t
EcCommand *command = (EcCommand*)EcProc;
NSTimeInterval ti = 0.0;
/* On entry t is either a one-shot timer which will automatically
* be invalidated after the method completes, or nil (method called
* explicitly, so the timer must be invalidated here).
* Either way the timer is no longer valid and a new one will need
* to be created unless startup has completed.
[startingTimer invalidate];
startingTimer = nil;
if (NO == starting)
EcExceptionMajor(nil, @"-starting: when not starting for %@", self);
if (client != nil)
EcExceptionMajor(nil, @"-starting: when already registered for %@", self);
if ([self checkAbandonedStartup])
if (0 == identifier)
NSString *r = [self reasonToPreventLaunch];
if (nil == r)
/* We are able to launch now
[launchQueue removeObject: self];
queuedDate = 0.0;
if (NO == [self launch])
ti = [self delay]; // delay between launch attempts
[launchQueue addObject: self];
queuedDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
[command logChange: @"queued (launch failed)" for: name];
if (client != nil)
return; // Connection established.
ti = 0.0; // Calculate the time to wait below
[command logChange: @"launched" for: name];
BOOL alreadyQueued = [launchQueue containsObject: self];
NSTimeInterval now = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
if (deferredDate > 0.0 && now < deferredDate)
/* We are waiting for a retry at a specific time.
* If we are not already queued, add to queue.
ti = deferredDate - now;
if (NO == alreadyQueued)
[launchQueue addObject: self];
queuedDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
/* Launching is prevented for a non-time-based reason,
* so we reset the time from which we count launching as
* started and specify a timer for checking again.
startingDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
ti = 1.0;
if (NO == alreadyQueued)
[launchQueue addObject: self];
queuedDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
if (NO == alreadyQueued)
r = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"queued (%@)", r];
[command logChange: r for: name];
if (0.0 == ti)
ti = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
if (ti - startingDate < 30.0)
/* We need to raise an alarm if it takes longer than 30 seconds
* to start up the process.
ti = 30.0 - (ti - startingDate);
if (NO == startingAlarm)
[command alarmCode: ACLaunchFailed
procName: name
addText: @"Client not active after launch attempt"];
ti = 60.0;
if (nil != startingTimer)
[startingTimer invalidate];
EcExceptionMajor(nil, @"startingTimer reset %@", self);
startingTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: ti
target: self
selector: _cmd
userInfo: name
repeats: NO];
- (NSDate*) startingDate
return (startingDate > 0.0) ? date(startingDate) : (NSDate*)nil;
- (NSString*) status
NSString *status;
if (starting)
status = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Starting since %@",
else if (stopping)
status = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Stopping since %@",
else if (nil == client)
status = @"Not active";
if ([self stable])
status = @"Active (stable)";
status = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Active since %@",
return status;
- (void) stop
if (NO == stopping && YES == [self checkAlive])
[self resetDelay];
stopping = YES;
stoppingAlarm = NO;
stoppingDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
abortDate = stoppingDate + 120.0;
if (nil == client)
/* No connection to client established ... try to shut it down
* using a signal.
kill(identifier, SIGTERM);
if (nil == restartReason)
[[client obj] cmdQuit: 0];
[[client obj] ecRestart: restartReason];
/* Client failed to respond.
if (nil != client)
[self clearClient: client cleanly: NO];
NSLog(@"Exception sending command to %@", localException);
[self stopping: nil];
- (void) stopped
EcCommand *command = (EcCommand*)EcProc;
[stoppingTimer invalidate];
stoppingTimer = nil;
awakenedDate = 0.0;
abortDate = 0.0;
stopping = NO;
DESTROY(terminateBy); // Termination completed
if (YES == clientLost)
NSString *text;
if (terminationStatus != 0)
text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"process lost (termination"
@" status %d)", terminationStatus];
text = @"process lost";
[command alarmCode: ACProcessLost
procName: name
addText: text];
[command update];
else if (YES == clientQuit)
/* Clean shutdown (process unregistered itself).
[self resetDelay];
[command update];
/* Loss of a process which hadn't connected/registered.
[self progress];
[LaunchInfo processQueue];
- (void) stopping: (NSTimer*)t
NSTimeInterval ti;
[stoppingTimer invalidate];
stoppingTimer = nil;
if (nil == client && NO == [self checkAlive])
[self stopped];
if (stoppingDate <= 0.0)
stoppingDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
if (abortDate <= 0.0)
abortDate = stoppingDate + 120.0;
if (nil != terminateBy)
ti = [terminateBy timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
if (ti < abortDate)
abortDate = ti;
ti = abortDate;
if (ti <= 0.0)
/* Maximum time for clean shutdown has passed.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
object: task];
launchDate = 0.0;
if (identifier > 0)
kill(identifier, SIGKILL);
identifier = 0;
if (client != nil)
[self clearClient: client cleanly: NO];
[self stopped];
if (nil == client && nil == task)
/* This can happen if a process was launched externally and
* connected to the Command server (so we know its PID).
* We will not be notified when the process dies so we must
* poll frequently for it.
ti = 0.1;
stoppingTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: ti
target: self
selector: _cmd
userInfo: name
repeats: NO];
- (NSDate*) stoppingDate
return (stoppingDate > 0.0) ? date(stoppingDate) : (NSDate*)nil;
- (NSTask*) task
- (void) taskTerminated: (NSNotification*)n
NSTask *t = (NSTask*)[n object];
if (nil == t)
/* For a fake termination, use existing task, if any.
t = task;
if (nil != t)
/* If we have a task, stop observing notifications for it.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
object: t];
if (t == task)
terminationStatus = [task terminationStatus];
terminationDate = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
launchDate = 0.0;
if (terminationStatus != 0)
NSLog(@"Termination status %d for %@ (pid %d)",
terminationStatus, name, identifier);
identifier = 0;
if (client != nil)
[self stopping: nil];
return; // Connection not yet lost
[self stopped];
- (NSArray*) unfulfilled
NSMutableArray *d = [[conf objectForKey: @"Deps"] mutableCopy];
NSUInteger c = [d count];
while (c-- > 0)
NSString *n = [d objectAtIndex: c];
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo existing: n];
if ([l client] != nil)
[d removeObjectAtIndex: c];
return d;
@implementation EcCommand
- (unsigned) activeCount
return (unsigned)[clients count];
- (oneway void) alarm: (in bycopy EcAlarm*)alarm
[control alarm: alarm];
NSLog(@"Exception sending alarm to Control: %@", localException);
/* Raise or clear an alarm for a named process.
- (void) alarmCode: (AlarmCode)ac
procName: (NSString*)name
addText: (NSString*)additional
NSString *managedObject;
NSString *problem;
NSString *repair;
EcAlarm *a;
managedObject = EcMakeManagedObject(host, name, nil);
ACStrings(ac, &problem, &repair);
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: managedObject
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmSoftwareProgramError
specificProblem: problem
perceivedSeverity: EcAlarmSeverityCritical
proposedRepairAction: repair
additionalText: additional];
[self alarm: a];
- (void) clear: (NSString*)name addText: (NSString*)additional
NSString *managedObject;
NSString *problem;
NSString *repair;
EcAlarm *a;
AlarmCode c;
managedObject = EcMakeManagedObject(host, name, nil);
for (c = ACLaunchFailed; c < ACProcessLost; c++)
ACStrings(c, &problem, &repair);
repair = @"cleared";
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: managedObject
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmSoftwareProgramError
specificProblem: problem
perceivedSeverity: EcAlarmSeverityCleared
proposedRepairAction: repair
additionalText: additional];
[self alarm: a];
- (EcClientI*) alive: (NSString*)name
EcClientI *found = nil;
found = [self findIn: clients byName: name];
if (nil == found)
id<CmdClient> proxy = nil;
NSConnection *c;
c = [NSConnection
connectionWithRegisteredName: name
host: @""
usingNameServer: [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance]];
/* Do not hang waiting for the other end to respond.
[c setRequestTimeout: 120.0];
[c setReplyTimeout: 120.0];
proxy = (id<CmdClient>)[c rootProxy];
[c setRequestTimeout: 0.0];
[c setReplyTimeout: 0.0];
[c setRequestTimeout: 0.0];
[c setReplyTimeout: 0.0];
if (nil != proxy)
[proxy ecReconnect];
[[self logFile]
printf: @"%@ requested reconnect %@\n", [NSDate date], name];
NSLog(@"Problem %@", localException);
proxy = nil;
if (nil != proxy)
NSDate *when = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 1.0];
while (nil == (found = [self findIn: clients byName: name])
&& [when timeIntervalSinceNow] > 0.0)
NSDate *next = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 0.1];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate: next];
return found;
- (void) disableLaunching
launchEnabled = NO;
- (oneway void) domanage: (in bycopy NSString*)managedObject
[control domanage: managedObject];
NSLog(@"Exception sending domanage: to Control: %@", localException);
- (void) ecAwaken
[self contactControl];
[super ecAwaken];
[[self ecAlarmDestination] setCoalesce: NO];
if (NO == [[self cmdDefaults] boolForKey: @"LaunchStartSuspended"])
[self enableLaunching];
/* Start housekeeping timer.
[self _housekeeping: nil];
- (void) enableLaunching
launchEnabled = YES;
[LaunchInfo processQueue];
- (oneway void) unmanage: (in bycopy NSString*)managedObject
[control unmanage: managedObject];
NSLog(@"Exception sending unmanage: to Control: %@", localException);
- (NSFileHandle*) openLog: (NSString*)lname
NSFileManager *mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSFileHandle *lf;
if ([mgr isWritableFileAtPath: lname] == NO)
if ([mgr createFileAtPath: lname
contents: nil
attributes: nil] == NO)
NSLog(@"Log file '%@' is not writable and can't be created", lname);
return nil;
lf = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath: lname];
if (lf == nil)
NSLog(@"Unable to log to %@", lname);
return nil;
[lf seekToEndOfFile];
return lf;
- (void) newConfig: (NSMutableDictionary*)newConfig
NSString *diskCache;
NSData *data;
diskCache = [[self cmdDataDirectory]
stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"CommandConfig.cache"];
if (NO == [newConfig isKindOfClass: [NSMutableDictionary class]]
|| 0 == [newConfig count])
/* If we are called with a nil argument, we must obtain the config
* from local disk cache (if available).
if (nil != (data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: diskCache]))
newConfig = [NSPropertyListSerialization
propertyListWithData: data
options: NSPropertyListMutableContainers
format: 0
error: 0];
if (NO == [newConfig isKindOfClass: [NSMutableDictionary class]]
|| 0 == [newConfig count])
data = nil;
if (nil == config || [config isEqual: newConfig] == NO)
NSDictionary *d;
NSArray *a;
unsigned i;
ASSIGN(config, newConfig);
d = [config objectForKey: [self cmdName]];
launchLimit = 0;
if ([d isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == YES)
NSMutableArray *missing;
NSDictionary *conf;
NSEnumerator *e;
id o;
NSInteger i;
NSMutableArray *newOrder;
NSString *k;
NSString *err = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *m = AUTORELEASE([d mutableCopy]);
[self cmdUpdate: m];
d = m;
NSLog(@"Problem before updating config (in cmdUpdate:) %@",
err = @"the -cmdUpdate: method raised an exception";
if (nil == err)
err = [self cmdUpdated];
NSLog(@"Problem after updating config (in cmdUpdated) %@",
err = @"the -cmdUpdated method raised an exception";
if ([err length] > 0)
EcAlarm *a;
/* Truncate additional text to fit if necessary.
err = [err stringByTrimmingSpaces];
if ([err length] > 255)
err = [err substringToIndex: 255];
while (255 < strlen([err UTF8String]))
err = [err substringToIndex: [err length] - 1];
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: nil
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmConfigurationOrCustomizationError
specificProblem: @"configuration error"
perceivedSeverity: EcAlarmSeverityMajor
_(@"Correct config or software (check log for details).")
additionalText: err];
[self alarm: a];
EcAlarm *a;
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: nil
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmConfigurationOrCustomizationError
specificProblem: @"configuration error"
perceivedSeverity: EcAlarmSeverityCleared
proposedRepairAction: nil
additionalText: nil];
[self alarm: a];
/* We may not have more than this number of tasks launching at
* any one time. Once the launch limit is reached we should
* launch new tasks as and when launching tasks complete their
* startup and register with this process.
i = [[[d objectForKey: @"LaunchLimit"] description] intValue];
if (i <= 0)
launchLimit = 20;
launchLimit = (NSUInteger)i;
missing = AUTORELEASE([[LaunchInfo names] mutableCopy]);
o = [d objectForKey: @"LaunchOrder"];
if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
newOrder = AUTORELEASE([o mutableCopy]);
if (nil != o)
NSLog(@"bad 'LaunchOrder' config (not an array) ignored");
newOrder = nil;
conf = [d objectForKey: @"Launch"];
if ([conf isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"No 'Launch' information in latest config update");
newOrder = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *md = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSUInteger entryCount = 0;
e = [conf keyEnumerator];
while ((k = [e nextObject]) != nil)
NSMutableDictionary *d;
id o = [conf objectForKey: k];
if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' information for %@", k);
d = AUTORELEASE([o mutableCopy]);
o = [d objectForKey: @"Auto"];
if (o != nil && [o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Auto for %@", k);
o = [d objectForKey: @"Time"];
if (o != nil && ([o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == NO
|| [o intValue] < 1 || [o intValue] > 600))
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Time for %@", k);
o = [d objectForKey: @"Disabled"];
if (o != nil && [o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Disabled for %@", k);
o = [d objectForKey: @"Args"];
if (o != nil && [o isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Args for %@", k);
o = [d objectForKey: @"Home"];
if (o != nil && [o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Home for %@", k);
o = [d objectForKey: @"Prog"];
if (o == nil || [o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Prog for %@", k);
o = [d objectForKey: @"AddE"];
if (o != nil && [o isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' AddE for %@", k);
o = [d objectForKey: @"SetE"];
if (o != nil && [o isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' SetE for %@", k);
o = [d objectForKey: @"Deps"];
if (o != nil)
if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Deps for %@ (not an array)", k);
o = AUTORELEASE([o mutableCopy]);
[d setObject: o forKey: @"Deps"];
[md setObject: d forKey: k];
while (entryCount != [md count])
entryCount = [md count];
e = [[md allKeys] objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (k = [e nextObject]))
NSDictionary *d = [md objectForKey: k];
NSArray *a = [d objectForKey: @"Deps"];
NSUInteger c = [a count];
while (c-- > 0)
NSString *name = [a objectAtIndex: c];
if ([name isEqual: k])
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Deps for %@"
@" (depends on self)", k);
[md removeObjectForKey: k];
if (nil == [md objectForKey: name])
NSLog(@"bad 'Launch' Deps for %@"
@" (depends on %@)", k, name);
[md removeObjectForKey: k];
conf = md;
/* Validate the LaunchOrder array.
if (newOrder != nil)
NSUInteger c;
c = [newOrder count];
while (c-- > 0)
o = [newOrder objectAtIndex: c];
if (NO == [o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
NSLog(@"bad 'LaunchOrder' item ('%@' at %u) ignored"
@" (not a server name)", o, (unsigned)c);
[newOrder removeObjectAtIndex: c];
else if ([newOrder indexOfObject: o] != c)
NSLog(@"bad 'LaunchOrder' item ('%@' at %u) ignored"
@" (repeat of earlier item)", o, (unsigned)c);
[newOrder removeObjectAtIndex: c];
else if (nil == [conf objectForKey: o])
NSLog(@"bad 'LaunchOrder' item ('%@' at %u) ignored"
@" (not in 'Launch' dictionary)", o, (unsigned)c);
[newOrder removeObjectAtIndex: c];
/* Now that we have validated the config, we update
* (creating if necessary) the LaunchInfo object.
e = [conf keyEnumerator];
while (nil != (k = [e nextObject]))
LaunchInfo *l;
if ((l = [LaunchInfo launchInfo: k]) != nil)
[l setConfiguration: [conf objectForKey: k]];
[missing removeObject: k];
/* Now any process names which have no configuration must be
* removed from the list of launchable processes.
e = [missing objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (k = [e nextObject]))
[LaunchInfo remove: k];
if ([newOrder count] == 0)
/* The default launch order is alphabetical by server name.
o = [[LaunchInfo names] sortedArrayUsingSelector:
ASSIGN(launchOrder, o);
NSEnumerator *e;
NSString *k;
/* Any missing servers are launched after others
* they are in lexicographic order.
o = [[LaunchInfo names] sortedArrayUsingSelector:
e = [o objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (k = [e nextObject]))
if (NO == [newOrder containsObject: k])
[newOrder addObject: k];
ASSIGNCOPY(launchOrder, newOrder);
o = [d objectForKey: @"Environment"];
if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
NSLog(@"No 'Environment' information in latest config update");
o = nil;
ASSIGN(environment, o);
k = [d objectForKey: @"NodesFree"];
if (YES == [k isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
nodesFree = [k floatValue];
nodesFree /= 100.0;
nodesFree = 0.0;
if (nodesFree < 0.02 || nodesFree > 0.9)
NSLog(@"bad or missing minimum disk 'NodesFree' ... using 10%%");
nodesFree = 0.1;
k = [d objectForKey: @"SpaceFree"];
if (YES == [k isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
spaceFree = [k floatValue];
spaceFree /= 100.0;
spaceFree = 0.0;
if (spaceFree < 0.02 || spaceFree > 0.9)
NSLog(@"bad or missing minimum disk 'SpaceFree' ... using 10%%");
spaceFree = 0.1;
NSLog(@"No '%@' information in latest config update", [self cmdName]);
a = [NSArray arrayWithArray: clients];
i = [a count];
while (i-- > 0)
EcClientI *c = [a objectAtIndex: i];
if ([clients indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: c] != NSNotFound)
NSData *d = [self configurationFor: [c name]];
if (nil != d)
[c setConfig: d];
[[c obj] updateConfig: d];
NSLog(@"Setting config for client: %@", localException);
if (nil == data)
/* Need to update on-disk cache
data = [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: newConfig
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0];
[data writeToFile: diskCache atomically: YES];
- (void) pingControl
if (control == nil)
if (fwdSequence == revSequence)
outstanding = RETAIN([NSDate date]);
[control cmdPing: self sequence: ++fwdSequence extra: nil];
NSLog(@"Ping to control server - %@", localException);
NSLog(@"Ping to control server when one is already in progress.");
- (oneway void) cmdGnip: (id <CmdPing>)from
sequence: (unsigned)num
extra: (NSData*)data
if (from == control)
if (num != revSequence + 1 && revSequence != 0)
NSLog(@"Gnip from control server seq: %u when expecting %u",
num, revSequence);
if (num == 0)
fwdSequence = 0; // Reset
revSequence = num;
if (revSequence == fwdSequence)
EcClientI *r;
/* See if we have a fitting client - and update records.
* A client is considered to be stable one it has been up for
* at least three pings. The -setStable: method sets the client
* as being stable and the -stable method returns a boolean to let
* us know if a client is already stable.
r = [self findIn: clients byObject: (id)from];
[r gnip: num];
if (r != nil && num > 2)
NSString *n = [r name];
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo existing: n];
/* This was a successful launch so we don't need to impose
* a delay between launch attempts.
[l resetDelay];
if (NO == [l stable])
/* After the first few ping responses from a client we assume
* that client has completed startup and is running OK.
* We can therefore clear any loss of client alarm, any
* alarm for being unable to register, and launch failure
* or fatal configuration alarms.
[l setStable: YES];
[self clear: [l name] addText: @"process is now stable"];
- (BOOL) cmdIsClient
return NO; // Not a client of the Command server.
- (oneway void) cmdPing: (id <CmdPing>)from
sequence: (unsigned)num
extra: (NSData*)data
/* Send back a response to let the other party know we are alive.
[from cmdGnip: self sequence: num extra: nil];
- (oneway void) cmdQuit: (NSInteger)sig
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
object: nil];
if (sig == tStatus && control != nil)
[control unregister: self];
NSLog(@"Exception unregistering from Control: %@", localException);
- (void) command: (NSData*)dat
to: (NSString*)t
from: (NSString*)f
NSMutableArray *cmd = [NSPropertyListSerialization
propertyListWithData: dat
options: NSPropertyListMutableContainers
format: 0
error: 0];
if (cmd == nil || [cmd count] == 0)
[self information: cmdLogFormat(LT_ERROR, @"bad command array")
from: nil
to: f
type: LT_ERROR];
else if (t == nil)
NSString *m = @"";
NSString *wd = cmdWord(cmd, 0);
if ([wd length] == 0)
/* Quietly ignore. */
else if (comp(wd, @"archive") >= 0)
NSCalendarDate *when;
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\n%@\n", [self ecArchive: nil]];
when = [NSCalendarDate date];
else if (comp(wd, @"help") >= 0)
wd = cmdWord(cmd, 1);
if ([wd length] == 0)
m = @"Commands are -\n"
@"Type 'help' followed by a command word for details.\n"
@"A command line consists of a sequence of words, "
@"the first of which is the command to be executed. "
@"A word can be a simple sequence of non-space characters, "
@"or it can be a 'quoted string'. "
@"Simple words are converted to lower case before "
@"matching them against commands and their parameters. "
@"Text in a 'quoted string' is NOT converted to lower case "
@"but a '\\' character is treated in a special manner -\n"
@" \\b is replaced by a backspace\n"
@" \\f is replaced by a formfeed\n"
@" \\n is replaced by a linefeed\n"
@" \\r is replaced by a carriage-return\n"
@" \\t is replaced by a tab\n"
@" \\0 followed by up to 3 octal digits is replaced"
@" by the octal value\n"
@" \\x followed by up to 2 hex digits is replaced"
@" by the hex value\n"
@" \\ followed by any other character is replaced by"
@" the second character.\n"
@" This permits use of quotes and backslashes inside"
@" a quoted string.\n";
if (comp(wd, @"Archive") >= 0)
m = @"Archive\nArchives the log file. The archived log "
@"file is stored in a subdirectory whose name is of "
@"the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss being the date and time at "
@"which the archive was created.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Control") >= 0)
m = @"Control ...\nPasses the command to the Control "
@"process. You may disconnect from this host by "
@"typing 'control host'\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Launch") >= 0)
m = @"Launch <name>\nAdds the named program to the list "
@"of programs to be launched as soon as possible.\n"
@"Launch all\nAdds all unlaunched programs which do "
@"not have autolaunch disabled.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"List") >= 0)
m = @"List\nLists all the connected clients.\n"
@"List launches\nLists the programs we can launch.\n"
@"List limit\nReports concurrent launch attempt limit.\n"
@"List order\nReports launch attempt order.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Memory") >= 0)
m = @"Memory\nDisplays recent memory allocation stats.\n"
@"Memory all\nDisplays all memory allocation stats.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Quit") >= 0)
m = @"Quit 'name'\n"
@"Shuts down the named client process(es).\n"
@"Quit all\n"
@"Shuts down all client processes.\n"
@"Quit self\n"
@"Shuts down the Command server for this host.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Restart") >= 0)
m = @"Restart 'name'\n"
@"Shuts down and starts the named client process(es).\n"
@"Restart all\n"
@"Shuts down and starts all client processes.\n"
@"Restart self\n"
@"Shuts down and starts Command server for this host.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Resume") >= 0)
m = @"Resumes the launching/relaunching of tasks.\n"
@"Has no effect if launching has not been suspended.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Status") >= 0)
m = @"Status\nReports the status of the Command server.\n"
@"Status name\nReports launch status of the process.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Suspend") >= 0)
m = @"Suspends the launching/relaunching of tasks.\n"
@"Has no effect if this has already been suspended.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"Tell") >= 0)
m = @"Tell 'name' 'command'\n"
@"Sends the command to the named client(s).\n"
@"You may use 'tell all ...' to send to all clients.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"launch") >= 0)
if (NO == launchEnabled)
m = @"Launching of tasks is suspended.\n"
@"Use the Resume command to resume launching.\n";
else if ([cmd count] > 1)
NSString *nam = [cmd objectAtIndex: 1];
NSMutableString *s = [NSMutableString string];
BOOL all = NO;
if ([nam caseInsensitiveCompare: @"all"] == NSOrderedSame)
all = YES;
if ([launchOrder count] > 0)
NSArray *names;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *key;
/* Build array of process names matching request.
if (YES == all)
names = launchOrder;
NSMutableArray *a = [NSMutableArray array];
enumerator = [launchOrder objectEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if (comp(nam, key) >= 0)
[a addObject: key];
names = a;
enumerator = [names objectEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo existing: key];
if ([l disabled] == YES)
if (NO == all)
[s appendFormat:
@" %-32.32s disabled in config\n",
[key UTF8String]];
else if ([l isActive])
if (NO == all)
[s appendFormat:
@" %-32.32s is already running\n",
[key UTF8String]];
else if ([l isStarting])
NSArray *u = [l unfulfilled];
if (NO == all || [u count] > 0)
if ([u count] > 0)
[s appendFormat:
@" %-32.32s is queued waiting for %@\n",
[key UTF8String], u];
[s appendFormat:
@" %-32.32s is already starting\n",
[key UTF8String]];
else if ([l isStopping])
[s appendFormat:
@" %-32.32s is stopping (will restart)\n",
[key UTF8String]];
[l setDesired: Live];
[s appendFormat:
@" %-32.32s will be started\n",
[key UTF8String]];
[l resetDelay];
[l setDesired: Live];
if ([names count] == 0)
/* May happen if the name given doesn't match
* anything in the launch array.
[s appendString:
@"I don't know how to launch that program.\n"];
else if ([s length] == 0)
/* May happen if we were looking for all the
* launchable processes and there weren't any.
[s appendString:
@"Nothing found to start.\n"];
[s appendString: @"There are no programs we can launch.\n"];
m = s;
m = @"I need the name of a program to launch.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"list") >= 0)
wd = cmdWord(cmd, 1);
if ([wd length] == 0 || comp(wd, @"clients") >= 0)
if ([clients count] == 0)
m = @"No clients currently connected.\n";
unsigned i;
m = @"Current client processes -\n";
for (i = 0; i < [clients count]; i++)
EcClientI *c = [clients objectAtIndex: i];
m = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@%2d. %-32.32s (pid:%d)\n",
m, i, [[c name] cString], [c processIdentifier]];
else if (comp(wd, @"launches") >= 0)
NSArray *names = [LaunchInfo names];
if ([names count] > 0)
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *key;
m = @"Programs we can launch -\n";
enumerator = [[names sortedArrayUsingSelector:
@selector(compare:)] objectEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo existing: key];
NSString *status = [l status];
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat: @" %-32.32s ",
[key cString]];
if ([l disabled] == YES)
m = [m stringByAppendingString:
@"disabled in config\n"];
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat: @"%@\n", status];
m = @"There are no programs we can launch.\n";
if (NO == launchEnabled)
m = [m stringByAppendingString:
@"\nLaunching is suspended.\n"];
else if (comp(wd, @"limit") >= 0)
m = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Limit of concurrent launch attempts is: %u\n",
else if (comp(wd, @"order") >= 0)
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Launch order is: %@\n",
else if (comp(wd, @"memory") >= 0)
if (GSDebugAllocationActive(YES) == NO)
m = @"Memory statistics were not being gathered.\n"
@"Statistics Will start from NOW.\n";
const char* list;
wd = cmdWord(cmd, 1);
if ([wd length] > 0 && comp(wd, @"all") >= 0)
list = GSDebugAllocationList(NO);
list = GSDebugAllocationList(YES);
m = [NSString stringWithCString: list];
else if (comp(wd, @"quit") >= 0)
wd = cmdWord(cmd, 1);
if ([wd length] > 0)
if (comp(wd, @"self") == 0)
if (terminating == nil)
[control unregister: self];
NSLog(@"Exception unregistering from Control: %@",
m = @"Already terminating!\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"all") == 0)
[self quitAll];
if ([clients count] == 0)
m = @"All clients have been shut down.\n";
else if ([clients count] == 1)
m = @"One client did not shut down.\n";
m = @"Some clients did not shut down.\n";
NSArray *a = [self findAll: clients byAbbreviation: wd];
unsigned i;
BOOL found = NO;
for (i = 0; i < [a count]; i++)
EcClientI *c = [a objectAtIndex: i];
LaunchInfo *l;
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@"Sending 'quit' to '%@'\n", [c name]];
m = [m stringByAppendingString:
@" Please wait for this to be 'removed' before "
l = [LaunchInfo existing: [c name]];
if (nil == l)
[[c obj] cmdQuit: 0];
[l setDesired: Dead];
[l checkAbandonedStartup];
found = YES;
NSLog(@"Caught exception: %@", localException);
if (NO == found && [launchInfo count] > 0)
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *key;
enumerator = [launchOrder objectEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if (comp(wd, key) >= 0)
LaunchInfo *l;
l = [LaunchInfo existing: key];
if ([l desired] == Dead)
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@"Suspended %@ already\n", key];
[l setDesired: Dead];
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@"Suspended %@\n", key];
[l checkAbandonedStartup];
if (NO == found)
m = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Nothing to shut down as '%@'\n", wd];
m = @"Quit what?.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"restart") >= 0)
wd = cmdWord(cmd, 1);
if ([wd length] > 0)
NSString *reason = nil;
NSArray *a = nil;
if (comp(wd, @"self") == 0)
if (terminating == nil)
[self information: @"Re-starting Command server\n"
from: t
to: f
type: LT_CONSOLE];
[control unregister: self];
NSLog(@"Exception unregistering from Control: %@",
exit(-1); // Watcher should restart us
m = @"Already terminating!\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"all") == 0)
a = clients;
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Console 'restart all' from '%@'", f];
a = [self findAll: clients byAbbreviation: wd];
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Console 'restart ...' from '%@'", f];
if (a != nil)
unsigned i;
BOOL found = NO;
NSDate *when;
when = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 30.0];
for (i = 0; i < [a count]; i++)
EcClientI *c = [a objectAtIndex: i];
LaunchInfo *l;
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@" The process '%@' should restart shortly.\n",
[c name]];
l = [LaunchInfo existing: [c name]];
[l restart: reason];
found = YES;
NSLog(@"Caught exception: %@", localException);
if (NO == found)
m = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Nothing to restart as '%@'\n", wd];
m = @"Restart what?.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"resume") >= 0)
if (NO == launchEnabled)
[self enableLaunching];
m = @"Launching is now resumed.\n";
m = @"Launching was/is not suspended.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"status") >= 0)
m = [self description];
if ([(wd = cmdWord(cmd, 1)) length] > 0)
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo find: wd];
if (nil == l)
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@"\nUnable to find '%@' in the launchable processes.\n",
NSString *n = [l name];
if ([self findIn: clients byName: n] != nil)
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@"\nProcess '%@' is running.", n];
else if ([l isStarting])
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@"\nProcess '%@' is starting since %@",
n, [l startingDate]];
if ([l processIdentifier] > 0)
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@" (last launch at %@)", [l launchDate]];
NSArray *u = [l unfulfilled];
if ([u count] > 0)
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@", waiting for %@", u];
m = [m stringByAppendingString: @"."];
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat: @"\n%@\n", l];
else if (comp(wd, @"suspend") >= 0)
if (NO == launchEnabled)
m = @"Launching was/is already suspended.\n";
[self disableLaunching];
m = @"Launching is now suspended.\n";
else if (comp(wd, @"tell") >= 0)
wd = cmdWord(cmd, 1);
if ([wd length] > 0)
NSString *dest = AUTORELEASE(RETAIN(wd));
[cmd removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
[cmd removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
if (comp(dest, @"all") == 0)
unsigned i;
NSArray *a = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: clients];
for (i = 0; i < [a count]; i++)
EcClientI* c = [a objectAtIndex: i];
if ([clients indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: c]!=NSNotFound)
NSData *dat = [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: cmd
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0];
[[c obj] cmdMesgData: dat from: f];
m = @"Sent message.\n";
NSLog(@"Caught exception: %@", localException);
NSArray *a;
a = [self findAll: clients byAbbreviation: dest];
if ([a count] == 0)
m = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"No such client as '%@' on '%@'\n", dest, host];
unsigned i;
m = nil;
for (i = 0; i < [a count]; i++)
EcClientI *c = [a objectAtIndex: i];
NSData *dat = [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: cmd
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0];
[[c obj] cmdMesgData: dat from: f];
if (m == nil)
m = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Sent message to %@", [c name]];
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@", %@", [c name]];
NSLog(@"Caught exception: %@", localException);
if (m == nil)
m = @"Failed to send message!";
m = [m stringByAppendingFormat:
@", failed to send to %@", [c name]];
if (m != nil)
m = [m stringByAppendingString: @"\n"];
m = @"Tell where?.\n";
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Unknown command - '%@'\n", wd];
[self information: m from: t to: f type: LT_CONSOLE];
EcClientI *client = [self findIn: clients byName: t];
if (client)
NSData *dat = [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: cmd
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0];
[[client obj] cmdMesgData: dat from: f];
NSLog(@"Caught exception: %@", localException);
NSString *m;
m = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"command to unregistered client '%@'", t];
[self information: cmdLogFormat(LT_ERROR, m)
from: nil
to: f
type: LT_ERROR];
- (NSData *) configurationFor: (NSString *)name
NSMutableDictionary *dict;
NSString *base;
NSRange r;
id o;
if (nil == config || 0 == [name length])
return nil; // Not available
r = [name rangeOfString: @"-"
options: NSBackwardsSearch | NSLiteralSearch];
if (r.length > 0)
base = [name substringToIndex: r.location];
base = nil;
dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 2];
o = [config objectForKey: @"*"];
if (o != nil)
[dict setObject: o forKey: @"*"];
o = [config objectForKey: name]; // Lookup config
if (base != nil)
if (nil == o)
/* No instance specific config found for process,
* try using the base process name without instance ID.
o = [config objectForKey: base];
id tmp;
/* We found instance specific configuration for the process,
* so we merge by taking values from generic process config
* (if any) and overwriting them with instance specific values.
tmp = [config objectForKey: base];
if ([tmp isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]]
&& [o isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]])
tmp = [[tmp mutableCopy] autorelease];
[tmp addEntriesFromDictionary: o];
o = tmp;
if (o != nil)
[dict setObject: o forKey: name];
o = [config objectForKey: @"Operators"];
if (o != nil)
[dict setObject: o forKey: @"Operators"];
return [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: dict
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0];
- (BOOL) connection: (NSConnection*)ancestor
shouldMakeNewConnection: (NSConnection*)newConn
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(connectionBecameInvalid:)
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: (id)newConn];
[newConn setDelegate: self];
return YES;
- (id) connectionBecameInvalid: (NSNotification*)notification
id conn = [notification object];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: conn];
if ([conn isKindOfClass: [NSConnection class]])
NSMutableArray *c;
NSMutableString *l = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 20];
NSMutableString *e = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 20];
NSMutableString *m = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 20];
BOOL lostClients = NO;
NSUInteger i;
if (control && [(NSDistantObject*)control connectionForProxy] == conn)
[[self logFile]
puts: @"Lost connection to control server.\n"];
/* Remove any clients using this connection from the active list.
* Clients which have not been registered (or which have been
* unregistered) will not be in the list.
c = AUTORELEASE([clients mutableCopy]);
i = [c count];
while (i-- > 0)
EcClientI *o = [c objectAtIndex: i];
if ([(id)[o obj] connectionForProxy] == conn)
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo existing: [o name]];
BOOL failedToUnregister = NO;
/* Unless this is a transient process, it should have
* unregistered.
if (NO == [o unregistered] && NO == [o transient])
failedToUnregister = YES;
[self alarmCode: ACProcessLost
procName: [l name]
addText: @"lost connection to process"];
lostClients = YES;
[self unregisterClient: o];
[l clearClient: o cleanly: failedToUnregister ? NO : YES];
[c removeAllObjects];
if ([l length] > 0)
[[self logFile] puts: l];
if ([m length] > 0)
[self information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_ALERT];
if ([e length] > 0)
[self information: e from: nil to: nil type: LT_ERROR];
if (lostClients)
[self update];
[self error: "non-Connection sent invalidation"];
return self;
- (BOOL) contactControl
if (nil == control)
NSUserDefaults *defs;
NSString *ctlName;
NSString *ctlHost;
id c;
defs = [self cmdDefaults];
ctlName = [defs stringForKey: @"ControlName"];
if (ctlName == nil)
ctlName = @"Control";
if (nil != (ctlHost = [NSHost controlWellKnownName]))
/* Map to operating system host name.
ctlHost = [[NSHost hostWithWellKnownName: ctlHost] name];
if (nil == ctlHost)
ctlHost = @"*";
NSLog(@"Connecting to %@ on %@", ctlName, ctlHost);
control = (id<Control>)[NSConnection
rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName: ctlName
host: ctlHost
usingNameServer: [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance] ];
NSLog(@"Connecting to control server: %@", localException);
control = nil;
c = control;
if (RETAIN(c) != nil)
/* Re-initialise control server ping */
fwdSequence = 0;
revSequence = 0;
[(NSDistantObject*)c setProtocolForProxy: @protocol(Control)];
c = [(NSDistantObject*)c connectionForProxy];
[c setDelegate: self];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(connectionBecameInvalid:)
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: c];
NSData *dat;
dat = [control registerCommand: self
name: host];
if (nil == dat)
// Control server not yet ready.
NSMutableDictionary *conf;
conf = [NSPropertyListSerialization
propertyListWithData: dat
options: NSPropertyListMutableContainers
format: 0
error: 0];
if ([conf objectForKey: @"rejected"] == nil)
[self updateConfig: dat];
NSLog(@"Registering %@ with Control server: %@",
host, [conf objectForKey: @"rejected"]);
NSLog(@"Registering %@ with Control server: %@",
host, localException);
if (control != nil)
[self update];
return (nil == control) ? NO : YES;
- (void) dealloc
[self cmdLogEnd: logname];
if (timer != nil)
[timer invalidate];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString*) description
NSMutableString *m;
m = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @"%@ running since %@\n",
[super description], [self ecStarted]];
if (NO == launchEnabled)
[m appendString: @" Launching is currently suspended.\n"];
[m appendFormat: @" %@\n", [LaunchInfo description]];
[m appendFormat: @" Compress/Delete after %d/%d days.\n",
(int)compressAfter, (int)deleteAfter];
return m;
- (NSDictionary*) environment
return environment;
- (NSArray*) findAll: (NSArray*)a
byAbbreviation: (NSString*)s
NSMutableArray *r = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 4];
int i;
* Special case - a numeric value is used as an index into the array.
if (isdigit(*[s cString]))
i = [s intValue];
if (i >= 0 && i < (int)[a count])
[r addObject: [a objectAtIndex: i]];
EcClientI *o;
for (i = 0; i < (int)[a count]; i++)
o = (EcClientI*)[a objectAtIndex: i];
if (comp(s, [o name]) == 0 || comp_len == (int)[s length])
[r addObject: o];
return r;
- (EcClientI*) findIn: (NSArray*)a
byAbbreviation: (NSString*)s
EcClientI *o;
int i;
int best_pos = -1;
int best_len = 0;
* Special case - a numeric value is used as an index into the array.
if (isdigit(*[s cString]))
i = [s intValue];
if (i >= 0 && i < (int)[a count])
return (EcClientI*)[a objectAtIndex: i];
for (i = 0; i < (int)[a count]; i++)
o = (EcClientI*)[a objectAtIndex: i];
if (comp(s, [o name]) == 0)
return o;
if (comp_len > best_len)
best_len = comp_len;
best_pos = i;
if (best_pos >= 0)
return (EcClientI*)[a objectAtIndex: best_pos];
return nil;
- (EcClientI*) findIn: (NSArray*)a
byName: (NSString*)s
EcClientI *o;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)[a count]; i++)
o = (EcClientI*)[a objectAtIndex: i];
if (comp([o name], s) == 0)
return o;
return nil;
- (EcClientI*) findIn: (NSArray*)a
byObject: (id)s
EcClientI *o;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)[a count]; i++)
o = (EcClientI*)[a objectAtIndex: i];
if ([o obj] == s)
return o;
return nil;
- (void) flush
* Flush logs to disk ... dummy method as we don't cache them at present.
- (NSString*) host
return host;
- (void) information: (NSString*)inf
from: (NSString*)s
type: (EcLogType)t
[self information: inf from: s to: nil type: t];
- (void) information: (NSString*)inf
from: (NSString*)s
to: (NSString*)d
type: (EcLogType)t
if (t != LT_DEBUG && inf != nil && [inf length] > 0)
if (NO == [self contactControl])
NSLog(@"Information (from:%@ to:%@ type:%d) with no Control -\n%@",
s, d, t, inf);
[control information: inf type: t to: d from: s];
NSLog(@"Sending %@ from %@ to %@ type %x exception: %@",
inf, s, d, t, localException);
- (id) initWithDefaults: (NSDictionary*)defs
if (nil != (self = [super initWithDefaults: defs]))
[LaunchInfo class];
debUncompressed = 0.0;
debUndeleted = 0.0;
logUncompressed = 0.0;
logUndeleted = 0.0;
nodesFree = 0.1;
spaceFree = 0.1;
logname = [[self cmdName] stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"log"];
if ([self logFile] == nil)
host = RETAIN([[NSHost currentHost] wellKnownName]);
clients = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 10];
return self;
- (void) killAll
#ifndef __MINGW__
NSEnumerator *e;
EcClientI *c;
LaunchInfo *l;
/* Kill any known clients which are *not* configured with launch info
* This could be transient or manually launched processes.
e = [[self unconfiguredClients] objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (c = [e nextObject]))
int p = [c processIdentifier];
if (p > 0)
kill(p, SIGKILL);
/* Now mark all configured clients to be shut down (so we won't restart any)
* and kill any running processes we know about.
e = [launchInfo objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (l = [e nextObject]))
int p = [l processIdentifier];
[l setDesired: Dead];
if (p > 0)
kill(p, SIGKILL);
- (BOOL) launch: (NSString*)name
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo existing: name];
if (nil == l)
NSString *m;
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_CONSOLE,
@"unrecognized name to launch %@"), name];
[self information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_CONSOLE];
return NO;
[l setDesired: Live];
return YES;
- (void) logChange: (NSString*)change for: (NSString*)name
NSString *s;
NSLog(@"%@ process with name '%@' on %@", change, name, host);
s = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %@ process with name '%@' on %@\n",
[NSDate date], change, name, host];
[[self logFile] puts: s];
[self information: s from: nil to: nil type: LT_CONSOLE];
[self update];
- (NSFileHandle*) logFile
return [self cmdLogFile: logname];
- (void) logMessage: (NSString*)msg
type: (EcLogType)t
for: (id<CmdClient>)o
EcClientI *r = [self findIn: clients byObject: o];
NSString *c;
if (r == nil)
c = @"unregistered client";
c = [r name];
[self logMessage: msg
type: t
name: c];
- (void) logMessage: (NSString*)msg
type: (EcLogType)t
name: (NSString*)c
NSString *m;
switch (t)
case LT_DEBUG:
m = msg;
m = msg;
case LT_ERROR:
m = msg;
case LT_AUDIT:
m = msg;
case LT_ALERT:
m = msg;
m = msg;
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@: Message of unknown type - %@",
c, msg];
[[self logFile] puts: m];
[self information: m from: c to: nil type: t];
- (void) quitAll
[self quitAll: nil];
- (void) quitAll: (NSDate*)by
NSEnumerator *e;
LaunchInfo *l;
EcClientI *c;
if (nil == by)
by = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 35.0];
ASSIGN(terminateBy, by);
e = [launchInfo objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (l = [e nextObject]))
[l setDesired: Dead];
e = [[self unconfiguredClients] objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (c = [e nextObject]))
[[c obj] cmdQuit: 0];
NSLog(@"Caught exception: %@", localException);
while ([clients count] > 0 && [terminateBy timeIntervalSinceNow] > 0.0)
NSDate *next = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 0.1];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate: next];
* Handle a request for re-config from a client.
- (void) requestConfigFor: (id<CmdConfig>)c
EcClientI *info = [self findIn: clients byObject: (id<CmdClient>)c];
NSData *conf = [info config];
if (nil != conf)
[[info obj] updateConfig: conf];
NSLog(@"Sending config to client: %@", localException);
- (NSData*) registerClient: (id)c
identifier: (int)p
name: (NSString*)n
transient: (BOOL)t
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo existing: n];
NSMutableDictionary *dict;
EcClientI *obj;
EcClientI *old;
[(NSDistantObject*)c setProtocolForProxy: @protocol(CmdClient)];
if (nil == config)
[self logChange: @"back-off" for: n];
dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 1];
[dict setObject: @"configuration data not yet available."
forKey: @"back-off"];
return [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: dict
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0];
/* Do we already have this registered?
if ([l processIdentifier] == p && (obj = [l client]) != nil)
[self logChange: @"re-registered" for: [l name]];
if ([l stable] == YES)
[self clear: [l name] addText: @"process re-registered"];
return [obj config];
* Create a new reference for this client.
obj = [[EcClientI alloc] initFor: c name: n with: self];
if ((old = [self findIn: clients byName: n]) == nil)
NSData *d;
[clients addObject: obj];
[clients sortUsingSelector: @selector(compare:)];
[obj setProcessIdentifier: p];
if (nil == l)
l = [LaunchInfo launchInfo: n];
if (t == YES)
[obj setTransient: YES];
[obj setTransient: NO];
[l setClient: obj];
[self logChange: @"registered" for: [l name]];
d = [self configurationFor: n];
if (nil != d)
[obj setConfig: d];
return [obj config];
/* Rejecting means the client is not registered (and therefore should
* not be told to quit when the objct is deallocated.
[obj setUnregistered: YES];
[self logChange: @"rejected" for: n];
dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 1];
[dict setObject: @"client with that name already registered."
forKey: @"rejected"];
return [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: dict
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0];
[self update];
- (void) reply: (NSString*) msg to: (NSString*)n from: (NSString*)c
if ([self contactControl])
[control reply: msg to: n from: c];
NSLog(@"reply: %@ to: %@ from: %@ - %@", msg, n, c, localException);
- (NSString*) makeSpace
NSInteger purgeAfter;
NSTimeInterval latestDeleteAt;
NSTimeInterval now;
NSTimeInterval ti;
NSFileManager *mgr;
NSCalendarDate *when;
NSString *logs;
NSString *file;
NSString *gone;
NSAutoreleasePool *arp;
gone = nil;
arp = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
when = [NSCalendarDate date];
now = [when timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
logs = [[self ecUserDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"DebugLogs"];
/* When trying to make space, we can delete up to the point when we
* would start compressing but no further ... we don't want to delete
* all logs!
purgeAfter = [[self cmdDefaults] integerForKey: @"CompressLogsAfter"];
if (purgeAfter < 1)
purgeAfter = 7;
mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if (0.0 == debUndeleted)
debUndeleted = now - 365.0 * day;
ti = debUndeleted;
latestDeleteAt = now - day * purgeAfter;
while (nil == gone && ti < latestDeleteAt)
when = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: ti];
file = [[logs stringByAppendingPathComponent:
[when descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"]]
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: file])
[mgr removeFileAtPath: file handler: nil];
gone = [when descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"];
ti += day;
debUndeleted = ti;
return AUTORELEASE(gone);
- (void) _sweep: (BOOL)deb at: (NSCalendarDate*)when
NSTimeInterval uncompressed;
NSTimeInterval undeleted;
NSTimeInterval latestCompressAt;
NSTimeInterval latestDeleteAt;
NSTimeInterval now;
NSTimeInterval ti;
NSFileManager *mgr;
NSString *dir;
NSString *file;
NSAutoreleasePool *arp;
arp = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
now = [when timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
/* get number of days after which to do log compression/deletion.
compressAfter = [[self cmdDefaults] integerForKey: @"CompressLogsAfter"];
if (compressAfter < 1)
compressAfter = 7;
deleteAfter = [[self cmdDefaults] integerForKey: @"DeleteLogsAfter"];
if (deleteAfter < 1)
deleteAfter = 180;
if (deleteAfter < compressAfter)
deleteAfter = compressAfter;
mgr = [[NSFileManager new] autorelease];
dir = [self ecUserDirectory];
if (YES == deb)
dir = [dir stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"DebugLogs"];
uncompressed = debUncompressed;
undeleted = debUndeleted;
dir = [dir stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Logs"];
uncompressed = logUncompressed;
undeleted = logUndeleted;
if (0.0 == undeleted)
undeleted = now - 365.0 * day;
ti = undeleted;
latestDeleteAt = now - day * deleteAfter;
while (ti < latestDeleteAt)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
when = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: ti];
file = [[dir stringByAppendingPathComponent:
[when descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"]]
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: file])
[mgr removeFileAtPath: file handler: nil];
ti += day;
[pool release];
if (YES == deb) debUndeleted = ti;
else logUndeleted = ti;
if (uncompressed < undeleted)
uncompressed = undeleted;
ti = uncompressed;
latestCompressAt = now - day * compressAfter;
while (ti < latestCompressAt)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
NSDirectoryEnumerator *enumerator;
BOOL isDirectory;
NSString *base;
when = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: ti];
base = [[dir stringByAppendingPathComponent:
[when descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"]]
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: base isDirectory: &isDirectory] == NO
|| NO == isDirectory)
ti += day;
[pool release];
continue; // No log directory for this date.
enumerator = [mgr enumeratorAtPath: base];
while ((file = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *src;
NSString *dst;
NSFileHandle *sh;
NSFileHandle *dh;
NSDictionary *a;
NSData *d;
if (YES == [[file pathExtension] isEqualToString: @"gz"])
continue; // Already compressed
a = [enumerator fileAttributes];
if (NSFileTypeRegular != [a fileType])
continue; // Not a regular file ... can't compress
src = [base stringByAppendingPathComponent: file];
if ([a fileSize] == 0)
[mgr removeFileAtPath: src handler: nil];
continue; // Nothing to compress
if ([a fileSize] >= [[[mgr fileSystemAttributesAtPath: src]
objectForKey: NSFileSystemFreeSize] integerValue])
[mgr removeFileAtPath: src handler: nil];
@"Unable to compress %@ (too big; deleted)", src);
continue; // Not enough space free to compress
dst = [src stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"gz"];
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: dst isDirectory: &isDirectory] == YES)
[mgr removeFileAtPath: dst handler: nil];
[mgr createFileAtPath: dst contents: nil attributes: nil];
dh = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath: dst];
if (NO == [dh useCompression])
[dh closeFile];
[mgr removeFileAtPath: dst handler: nil];
@"Unable to compress %@ to %@", src, dst);
sh = nil;
NSAutoreleasePool *inner;
sh = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath: src];
inner = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
while ([(d = [sh readDataOfLength: 1000000]) length] > 0)
[dh writeData: d];
[inner release];
inner = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
[inner release];
[sh closeFile];
[dh closeFile];
[mgr removeFileAtPath: src handler: nil];
[mgr removeFileAtPath: dst handler: nil];
[sh closeFile];
[dh closeFile];
ti += day;
[pool release];
if (YES == deb) debUncompressed = ti;
else logUncompressed = ti;
/* Perform this one in another thread.
* The sweep operation may compress really large logfiles and could be
* very slow, so it's performed in a separate thread to avoid blocking
* normal operations.
- (void) sweep: (NSCalendarDate*)when
if (nil == when)
when = [NSCalendarDate date];
[self _sweep: YES at: when];
[self _sweep: NO at: when];
sweeping = NO;
- (void) ecNewHour: (NSCalendarDate*)when
if (sweeping == YES)
NSLog(@"Argh - nested hourly sweep attempt");
sweeping = YES;
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(sweep:)
toTarget: self
withObject: when];
* Tell all our clients to quit, and wait for them to do so.
* If called while already terminating ... force immediate shutdown.
- (void) _terminate: (NSTimer*)t
NSTimeInterval ti = [terminateBy timeIntervalSinceNow];
if ([clients count] == 0 && [LaunchInfo launching] == 0)
[self information: @"Final shutdown."
from: nil
to: nil
type: LT_CONSOLE];
[terminating invalidate];
terminating = nil;
[self cmdQuit: tStatus];
else if (ti <= 0.0)
[[self logFile] puts: @"Final shutdown.\n"];
[terminating invalidate];
terminating = nil;
[self killAll];
[self cmdQuit: tStatus];
[self quitAll: terminateBy];
terminating = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: ti + 1.0
target: self
selector: _cmd
userInfo: nil
repeats: NO];
- (void) terminate: (NSDate*)by
NSTimeInterval ti = 30.0;
if (nil != terminateBy)
NSString *msg;
msg = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Terminate requested,"
@" but already terminating by %@", terminateBy];
[self information: msg
from: nil
to: nil
type: LT_CONSOLE];
if (nil != by)
ti = [by timeIntervalSinceNow];
if (ti < 0.5)
ti = 0.5;
by = nil;
else if (ti > 900.0)
ti = 900.0;
by = nil;
if (nil == by)
by = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: ti];
ASSIGN(terminateBy, by);
[self information: @"Terminate initiated.\n"
from: nil
to: nil
type: LT_CONSOLE];
terminating = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.01
target: self
selector: @selector(_terminate:)
userInfo: nil
repeats: NO];
- (void) terminate
[self terminate: nil];
- (void) housekeeping: (NSTimer*)t
static BOOL inTimeout = NO;
NSDate *now = [t fireDate];
if (t == timer)
timer = nil;
if (now == nil)
now = [NSDate date];
[[self logFile] synchronizeFile];
if (inTimeout == NO)
static unsigned pingControlCount = 0;
NSFileManager *mgr;
NSDictionary *d;
NSMutableArray *a;
NSString *s;
float f;
unsigned count;
BOOL lost = NO;
inTimeout = YES;
[self contactControl];
a = AUTORELEASE([clients mutableCopy]);
count = [a count];
while (count-- > 0)
EcClientI *r = [a objectAtIndex: count];
NSDate *d = [r outstanding];
if ([clients indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: r] != NSNotFound
&& d != nil && [d timeIntervalSinceDate: now] < -pingDelay)
NSString *m;
m = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"failed to respond for over %d seconds", (int)pingDelay];
[self alarmCode: ACProcessHung
procName: [r name]
addText: m];
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_CONSOLE,
@"Client '%@' failed to respond for over %d seconds"),
[r name], (int)pingDelay];
[self information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_CONSOLE];
[a removeAllObjects];
if (control != nil && outstanding != nil
&& [outstanding timeIntervalSinceDate: now] < -pingDelay)
NSString *m;
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_CONSOLE,
@"Control server failed to respond for over %d seconds"),
[[(NSDistantObject*)control connectionForProxy] invalidate];
[self information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_CONSOLE];
lost = YES;
if (lost == YES)
[self update];
* We ping each client in turn. If there are fewer than 4 clients,
* we skip timeouts so that clients get pinged no more frequently
* than one per 4 timeouts.
count = [clients count];
if (pingPosition >= 4 && pingPosition >= count)
pingPosition = 0;
if (pingPosition < count)
[[clients objectAtIndex: pingPosition] ping];
// Ping the control server too - once every four times.
if (pingControlCount >= 4)
pingControlCount = 0;
if (pingControlCount == 0)
[self pingControl];
/* See if the filesystem containing our logging directory has enough
* space.
mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
s = [[self ecUserDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"DebugLogs"];
d = [mgr fileSystemAttributesAtPath: s];
f = [[d objectForKey: NSFileSystemFreeSize] floatValue]
/ [[d objectForKey: NSFileSystemSize] floatValue];
if (f <= spaceFree)
static NSDate *last = nil;
if (nil == last || [last timeIntervalSinceNow] < -DLY)
NSString *m;
m = [self makeSpace];
ASSIGN(last, [NSDate date]);
if ([m length] == 0)
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_ALERT,
@"Debug disk debug space at %02.1f percent"), f * 100.0];
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_ALERT,
@"Debug disk space at %02.1f percent"
@" - deleted debug logs from %@ to make space"),
f * 100.0, m];
[self information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_ALERT];
f = [[d objectForKey: NSFileSystemFreeNodes] floatValue]
/ [[d objectForKey: NSFileSystemNodes] floatValue];
if (f <= nodesFree)
static NSDate *last = nil;
if (nil == last || [last timeIntervalSinceNow] < -DLY)
NSString *m;
m = [self makeSpace];
ASSIGN(last, [NSDate date]);
if ([m length] == 0)
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_ALERT,
@"Debug disk nodes at %02.1f percent"), f * 100.0];
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_ALERT,
@"Debug disk nodes at %02.1f percent"
@" - deleted debug logs from %@ to make space"),
f * 100.0, m];
[self information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_ALERT];
s = [[self ecUserDirectory] stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Logs"];
d = [mgr fileSystemAttributesAtPath: s];
f = [[d objectForKey: NSFileSystemFreeSize] floatValue]
/ [[d objectForKey: NSFileSystemSize] floatValue];
if (f <= spaceFree)
static NSDate *last = nil;
if (nil == last || [last timeIntervalSinceNow] < -DLY)
NSString *m;
ASSIGN(last, [NSDate date]);
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_ALERT,
@"Disk space at %02.1f percent"), f * 100.0];
[self information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_ALERT];
f = [[d objectForKey: NSFileSystemFreeNodes] floatValue]
/ [[d objectForKey: NSFileSystemNodes] floatValue];
if (f <= nodesFree)
static NSDate *last = nil;
if (nil == last || [last timeIntervalSinceNow] < -DLY)
NSString *m;
ASSIGN(last, [NSDate date]);
m = [NSString stringWithFormat: cmdLogFormat(LT_ALERT,
@"Disk nodes at %02.1f percent"), f * 100.0];
[self information: m from: nil to: nil type: LT_ALERT];
inTimeout = NO;
- (void) _housekeeping: (NSTimer*)t
[self housekeeping: t];
NSLog(@"Problem in timeout: %@", localException);
if (NO == [timer isValid] && NO == [self ecIsQuitting])
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 5.0
target: self
selector: @selector(_housekeeping:)
userInfo: nil
repeats: NO];
- (NSMutableArray*) unconfiguredClients
NSUInteger i = [clients count];
NSMutableArray *a = nil;
while (i-- > 0)
EcClientI *c = [clients objectAtIndex: i];
LaunchInfo *l = [LaunchInfo existing: [c name]];
if (nil == l)
if (nil == a)
a = [NSMutableArray new];
[a addObject: c];
return a;
- (void) unregisterClient: (EcClientI*)o
NSString *name = AUTORELEASE(RETAIN([o name]));
NSUInteger i;
[o setUnregistered: YES];
i = [clients indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: o];
if (i != NSNotFound)
[clients removeObjectAtIndex: i];
if (i <= pingPosition && pingPosition > 0)
[self logChange: @"unregistered" for: name];
- (void) unregisterByObject: (id)obj
EcClientI *o = [self findIn: clients byObject: obj];
if (o != nil)
LaunchInfo *l = [launchInfo objectForKey: [o name]];
[l clearClient: o cleanly: YES];
[self unregisterClient: o];
[l progress];
[self update];
- (void) update
if (control)
NSMutableArray *a;
int i;
a = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [clients count]];
for (i = 0; i < (int)[clients count]; i++)
EcClientI *c;
c = [clients objectAtIndex: i];
[a addObject: [c name]];
[control servers: [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: a
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0] on: self];
NSLog(@"Exception sending names to Control: %@", localException);
if (terminating != nil && [clients count] == 0)
[self information: @"Final shutdown."
from: nil
to: nil
type: LT_CONSOLE];
[terminating invalidate];
terminating = nil;
[self cmdQuit: tStatus];
- (void) updateConfig: (NSData*)data
NSMutableDictionary *info;
NSMutableDictionary *dict;
NSMutableDictionary *newConfig;
NSDictionary *operators;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *key;
/* Ignore invalid/empty configuration
if (nil == data)
info = [NSPropertyListSerialization
propertyListWithData: data
options: NSPropertyListMutableContainers
format: 0
error: 0];
if (NO == [info isKindOfClass: [NSMutableDictionary class]]
|| 0 == [info count])
newConfig = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 32];
* Put all values for this host in the config dictionary.
dict = [info objectForKey: host];
if (dict)
[newConfig addEntriesFromDictionary: dict];
* Add any default values to the config dictionary where we don't have
* host specific values.
dict = [info objectForKey: @"*"];
if (dict)
enumerator = [dict keyEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
NSMutableDictionary *partial = [newConfig objectForKey: key];
NSMutableDictionary *general = [dict objectForKey: key];
NSString *app = key;
if (partial == nil)
* No host-specific info for this application -
* Use the general stuff for the application.
[newConfig setObject: general forKey: key];
NSEnumerator *another = [general keyEnumerator];
* Merge in any values for this application which
* exist in the general stuff, but not in the host
* specific area.
while ((key = [another nextObject]) != nil)
if ([partial objectForKey: key] == nil)
id obj = [general objectForKey: key];
[partial setObject: obj forKey: key];
[[self logFile]
printf: @"General config for %@/%@ overridden by"
@" host-specific version\n", app, key];
* Add the list of operators to the config.
operators = [info objectForKey: @"Operators"];
if (operators != nil)
[newConfig setObject: operators forKey: @"Operators"];
/* Finally, replace old config with new if they differ.
[self newConfig: newConfig];
- (void) woken: (id)obj
EcClientI *o = [self findIn: clients byObject: obj];
if (o != nil)
LaunchInfo *l = [launchInfo objectForKey: [o name]];
[l awakened];