Richard Frith-MacDonald 131d51e336 debug log file location change
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2015-02-23 14:42:27 +00:00

1041 lines
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/** Enterprise Control Configuration and Logging
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by: Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
Date: Febrary 2010
Originally developed from 1996 to 2012 by Brainstorm, and donated to
the FSF.
This file is part of the GNUstep project.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02111 USA.
<heading>The EcProcess class</heading>
The EcProcess class provides basic configuration, control, logging,
and inter-process connection systems for servers processors.
<heading>Configuration options</heading>
This class understands two groups of configuration options ...
those that take effect at process startup, and must therefore
be supplied on the command-line or in the defaults system, and
those which can take effect at any time, in which case the
values supplied by the configuration system will take
precedence over command line and defaults database settings.
<heading>startup settings</heading>
Specifies the maximum size (in MB) for any core-dump of the
process.<br />
If this is not set, the default size of 1GB is used.<br />
If this is negative, the size is unlimited.<br />
If this is zero then no core dumping is performed.
Any key of the form EcDebug-xxx turns on the xxx debug level
on program startup.
To protect against file descriptor leaks, a process will
check for the ability to create a pipe once a minute.<br />
If it can't do so, it will shut down with an error message.<br />
To increase the chances of a successful shutdown, two
descriptors are reserved on the first check, and closed
when a shutdown is attempted.<br />
If EcDescriptorsMaximum is defined to a positive integer value,
it is used to trigger earlier shutdown once the specified
number of open file descriptors has been reached, rather
than waiting for the operating system imposed limit.
This boolean value determines whether statistics on creation
and destruction of objects are maintained.<br />
This may be set on the command line or in Control.plist, but
may be overridden by using the 'release' command in the
Console program.
This may be used to specify the heap memory allocation allowed
(in megabytes) before memory usage alerting may begin.<br />
If this is not specified (or a negative value is specified)
the default of 50 megabytes is used.
This integer value controls the (KBytes) increment in process
memory usage after which an alert is generated.<br />
If this is not set (or is set to a value less than ten or
greater than a million) then a value of five thousand is used
unless EcMemory is set (in which case twenty is used).<br />
Setting a higher value make memory leak detection less
sensitive (but reduces unnecessary alerts).<br />
If used in conjunction with EcMemoryPercentage, the greater
of the two allowed memory values is used.<br />
This may be set on the command line or in Control.plist
This may be used to specify the heap memory allocation allowed
(in megabytes) before the process is forced to quit due to
excessive memory usage.<br />
If the memory usage (heap usage minus -ecNotLeaked) reaches
this threshold, the -cmdQuit: method will be called with an
argument of -1.<br />
If this is not specified (or a negative value is specified)
the process will never shut down due to excessive memory usage.
This integer value controls the increase in the alerting
threshold after which a memory usage alert is generated.<br />
The increase is calcuilated as a percentage of the current
memory usage value when an alert is generated.<br />
If this is not set (or is set to a value less than one or
greater than a thousand) then a value of ten is used unless
EcMemory is set (in which one is used).<br />
Setting a higher value make memory leak detection less
sensitive (but reduces unnecessary alerts).<br />
If used in conjunction with EcMemoryIncrement, the greater
of the two allowed memory values is used.<br />
This may be set on the command line or in Control.plist
This boolean value determines whether checks for memory problems
caused by release an object too many times are done. Turning
this on has a big impact on program performance and is not
recommended except for debugging crashes and other memory
issues.<br />
This may be set on the command line or in Control.plist, but
may be overridden by using the 'release' command in the
Console program.
This boolean value determines whether the server is running in
test mode (which may enable extra logging or prevent the server
from communicating with live systems etc ... the actual
behavior is server dependent).<br />
This may be set on the command line or in Control.plist, but
may be overridden by using the 'testing' command in the
Console program.
This boolean option is used to specify that the program
should not be restarted automatically by the Command
server if/when it disconnects from that server.
<heading>Alarm mechanism</heading>
The EcProcess class conforms to the EcAlarmDestination protocol
to allow sending alarm information to a centralised alarm system
via the Command server (the Control server acts as a sink for
those alarms and provides SNMP integration).
In addition to the standard alarm destination behavior, the
process automates some thngs:<br />
On successful startup and registration with the Command server,
a -domanage: message is automatically sent for the default
managed object, clearing any outrstanding alarms.<br />
On successful shutdown (ie when -cmdQuit: is called with zero
as its argument), an -unmanage: message is automatically sent
to clear any outstanding alarms for the default managed object.<br />
If you want to raise alarms which will persist after a successful
shutdown you should therefore do so by creating a different managed
object for which to raise those alarms.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "EcAlarmDestination.h"
@class NSFileHandle;
typedef enum {
LT_DEBUG, /* Debug message - internal info. */
LT_WARNING, /* Warning - possibly a real problem. */
LT_ERROR, /* Error - needs dealing with. */
LT_AUDIT, /* Not a problem but needs logging. */
LT_ALERT, /* Severe - needs immediate attention. */
} EcLogType;
* A 'ping' can be sent from or to any process to check that it is alive.
* A 'gnip' should be sent in response to each 'ping'
* Each 'ping' carries a sequence number which should be echoed in its 'gnip'.
* Optionally, the 'ping' can also transport a serialized property-list
* to provide additional data or instructions - the value of which is
* dependent on the program being pinged - normally this value is nil.
@protocol CmdPing
- (oneway void) cmdGnip: (id <CmdPing>)from
sequence: (unsigned)num
extra: (in bycopy NSData*)data;
- (oneway void) cmdPing: (id <CmdPing>)from
sequence: (unsigned)num
extra: (in bycopy NSData*)data;
/** The CmdConfig protocol is needed by objects that send and receive
* configuarion information.
@protocol CmdConfig
- (oneway void) requestConfigFor: (id<CmdConfig>)c;
- (oneway void) updateConfig: (in bycopy NSData*)info;
/** Messages that the Command server may send to clients.
@protocol CmdClient <CmdPing,CmdConfig>
- (oneway void) cmdMesgData: (in bycopy NSData*)dat from: (NSString*)name;
- (oneway void) cmdQuit: (NSInteger)status;
- (int) processIdentifier;
/** Messages a Command logging process can be expected to handle.
@protocol CmdLogger <CmdClient>
- (void) flush;
- (oneway void) logMessage: (NSString*)msg
type: (EcLogType)t
name: (NSString*)c;
- (oneway void) logMessage: (NSString*)msg
type: (EcLogType)t
for: (id)o;
- (bycopy NSData*) registerClient: (id)c
name: (NSString*)n;
- (void) unregisterByObject: (id)obj;
- (void) unregisterByName: (NSString*)n;
@protocol Console <NSObject>
- (oneway void) information: (NSString*)txt;
* Messages that clients may send to the server.
* NB. The 'registerClient...' message must be sent first.
@protocol Command <CmdLogger,CmdConfig,EcAlarmDestination>
- (oneway void) alarm: (in bycopy EcAlarm*)alarm;
- (oneway void) command: (in bycopy NSData*)dat
to: (NSString*)t
from: (NSString*)f;
- (bycopy NSData*) registerClient: (id<CmdClient>)c
name: (NSString*)n
transient: (BOOL)t;
- (oneway void) reply: (NSString*)msg
to: (NSString*)n
from: (NSString*)c;
/** Shut down the Command server and all its clients.<br />
* Clients which fail to shut down gracefully within 30 seconds
* make be killed.
- (oneway void) terminate;
/** This is an exceptional method which may be used without registering
* your process with a Command server first (ie, it can be used by anyone,
* not only clients of the Command server).<br />
* It's meant to be used remotely by Java servlets, and all sort of
* software running on the machine and which is *not* a full Command
* client (ie, a subclass of EcProcess) but which still wants to retrieve
* configuration from a central location (the Control/Command servers).<br />
* The returned value is a a serialized property list ... you need to
* deserialize using the standard GNUstep property list APIs.<br />
* NB: The configuration might change later on, so you must not cache
* the configuration after asking for it, but rather ask for it each
* time your software needs it.
- (bycopy NSData *) configurationFor: (NSString *)name;
* Messages that clients may send to the server.
@protocol Control <CmdPing,CmdConfig,EcAlarmDestination>
- (oneway void) alarm: (in bycopy EcAlarm*)alarm;
- (oneway void) command: (in bycopy NSData*)cmd
from: (NSString*)f;
- (oneway void) domanage: (NSString*)name;
- (oneway void) information: (NSString*)msg
type: (EcLogType)t
to: (NSString*)to
from: (NSString*)from;
- (bycopy NSData*) registerCommand: (id<Command>)c
name: (NSString*)n;
- (bycopy NSString*) registerConsole: (id<Console>)c
name: (NSString*)n
pass: (NSString*)p;
- (oneway void) reply: (NSString*)msg
to: (NSString*)n
from: (NSString*)c;
- (oneway void) servers: (in bycopy NSData*)a
on: (id<Command>)s;
- (oneway void) unmanage: (NSString*)name;
- (void) unregister: (id)o;
* Useful functions -
extern void cmdSetHome(NSString *home);
extern NSString* cmdLogsDir(NSString *date);
extern NSString* cmdLogKey(EcLogType t);
extern NSString* cmdLogName();
extern NSString* cmdLogFormat(EcLogType t, NSString *fmt);
extern void ecSetLogsSubdirectory(NSString *pathComponent);
/* Set/get version/compilation date.
extern NSString* cmdVersion(NSString *ver);
* Command line arguments -
* <p>On startup, these are taken from the command line, or from the
* local user defaults database of the person running the program.<br />
* If the EcEffectiveUser specifies an alternative user, or the
* program is able to read the database for the 'ecuser' user, then
* the other values are read from the defaults database of that user.
* </p>
* <p>After startup, the command line arguments still take precedence,
* but values retrieved from the network configuration system will
* then override any read from the local user defaults database.
* </p>
* <p>Settings in the network configuration system will have no effect on
* the following defaults which are used BEFORE the network configuration
* can be read.
* </p>
* <deflist>
* <term>EcDaemon</term>
* <desc>To specify whether the program should run in the background
* (boolean, YES if the program is to run as a daemon, NO otherwise).<br />
* The value in the network configuration has no effect.
* </desc>
* <term>EcEffectiveUser</term>
* <desc>To tell the server to change to being this user on startup.
* defaults to 'ecuser', but the default can be overridden by specifying
* '-DEC_EFFECTIVE_USER+@"username"' in the local.make make file.<br />
* Set a value of '*' to remain whoever runs the program
* rather than changing.
* </desc>
* <term>EcInstance</term>
* <desc>To set the program instance ID (an arbitrary string).<br />
* If this is specified, the program name has a hyphen and the
* id appended to it by the '-initWithDefaults:' method.
* </desc>
* </deflist>
* <p>The following settings will be revised after startup to include the
* values from the network configuration system.
* </p>
* <deflist>
* <term>EcAuditFlush</term>
* <desc>A flush interval in seconds (optionally followed by a colon
* and a buffer size in KiloBytes) to control flushing of audit logs.<br />
* Setting an interval of zero or less disables flushing by timer.<br />
* Setting a size of zero or less, disables buffering (so logs are
* flushed immediately).
* </desc>
* <term>EcDebug-XXX</term>
* <desc>A boolean used to ensure that the debug mode named 'XXX' is either
* turned on or turned off. The value of 'XXX' must match
* the name of a debug mode used by the program!
* </desc>
* <term>EcDebugFlush</term>
* <desc>A flush interval in seconds (optionally followed by a colon
* and a buffer size in KiloBytes) to control flushing of debug logs.<br />
* Setting an interval of zero or less disables flushing by timer.<br />
* Setting a size of zero or less, disables buffering (so logs are
* flushed immediately).
* </desc>
* <term>EcMemory</term>
* <desc>A boolean used to ensure that monitoring of memory allocation is
* turned on or turned off.
* </desc>
* <term>EcRelease</term>
* <desc>A boolean used to specify whether the program should perform
* sanity checks for retain/release combinations. Slows things down a lot!
* </desc>
* <term>EcTesting</term>
* <desc>A boolean used to specify whether the program is running
* in test mode or not.
* </desc>
* <term>EcWellKnownHostNames</term>
* <desc>A dictionary mapping host names/address values to well known
* names (the canonical values used by Command and Control).
* </desc>
* </deflist>
@interface EcProcess : NSObject <CmdClient,EcAlarmDestination>
/** Provides initial configuration.
* This method is used by -init and its return value is passed to
* -initWithDefaults: method.<br />
* The default implementation simply sets the ProgramName and
* HomeDirectory defaults (with the default prefix configured
* when the library was built) to the current program name and
* the current directory ('.').<br />
* Subclasses may override this method to provide additional
* default configuration for processes using them. The returned
* dictionary is mutable so that a subclass may simply modify
* the configuration provided by the superclass implementation.
+ (NSMutableDictionary*) ecInitialDefaults;
/** Registers an NSUserDefaults key that the receiver understands.<br />
* This is primarily intended for user defaults which can reasonably
* be supplied at the command line when a process is started (and for
* which the process should therefore supply help information)<br />
* The type text must be a a short string saying what kind of value
* must be provided (eg 'YES/NO') for the default, or nil if no help
* is to be provided for the default.<br />
* The help text should be a description of what the default does,
* or nil if no help is to be provided for the default.<br />
* The action may either be NULL or a selector for a message to be sent
* to the EcProc instance with a single argument (the new default value)
* when the value of the user default changes.<br />
* If the same default name is registered more than once, the values
* from the last registration are used, except for the case where the
* cmd argument is NULL, in that case the previous selector is kept
* in the new rfegistration.<br />
* This method should be called in your +initialize method, so that all
* supported defaults are already registered by the time your process
* tries to respond to being started with a --help command line argument.
+ (void) ecRegisterDefault: (NSString*)name
withTypeText: (NSString*)type
andHelpText: (NSString*)help
action: (SEL)cmd;
/** Convenience method to create the singleton EcProcess instance
* using the initial configuration provided by the +ecInitialDefaults
* method.<br />
* Raises NSGenericException if the singleton instance has already
* been created.
+ (void) ecSetup;
/** Convenience method to produce a generic configuration alarm and send
* it via the -alarm: method.<br />
* The managed object may be nil (in which case it's the default managed object
* for the current process).<br />
* The implied event type is EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError.<br />
* The implied probable cause is EcAlarmConfigurationOrCustomizationError.<br />
* The implied severity is EcAlarmSeverityMajor unless isCritical is YES.<br />
* The implied trend is EcAlarmTrendNone.<br />
* The implied proposed repair action is to check/correct the config.<br />
* The specific problem and additional text should be used to suggest
* what is wrong with the config and where the config error should be
* found/corrected.
- (EcAlarm*) alarmConfigurationFor: (NSString*)managedObject
specificProblem: (NSString*)specificProblem
additionalText: (NSString*)additionalText
critical: (BOOL)isCritical;
/** Returns the array of current alarms.
- (NSArray*) alarms;
/** Convenience method to clear an alarm as produced by the
* -alarmConfigurationFor:specificProblem:additionalText:critical:
* method.
- (void) clearConfigurationFor: (NSString*)managedObject
specificProblem: (NSString*)specificProblem
additionalText: (NSString*)additionalText;
/** Return a short copyright notice ... subclasses should override.
- (NSString*) ecCopyright;
/** Obtain a lock on the shared EcProcess for thread-safe updates to
* process-wide variables.
- (void) ecDoLock;
/** Return the timestamp at which this process started up (when the
* receiver was initialised).
- (NSDate*) ecStarted;
/** Release a lock on the shared EcProcess after thread-safe updates to
* process-wide variables.
- (void) ecUnLock;
/* Call these methods during initialisation of your instance
* to set up automatic management of connections to servers.
* You then access the servers by calling -(id)server: (NSString*)serverName.
/** This is a convenience method equivalent to calling
* -addServerToList:for: passing nil as the second argument.
- (void) addServerToList: (NSString*)serverName;
/** Adds the specified serverName to the list of named servers to which
* we make automatic distributed object connections.<br />
* By default the supplied serverName is taken as the name of the server to
* which the distributed objects connection is made, and the connection
* is to any host on the local network. However configuration in the
* user defaults system (using keys derived from the serverName) may
* be used to modify this behavior:
* <deflist>
* <term>serverNameName</term>
* <desc>Specifies the actual distributed objects port name to which the
* connection is made, instead of using serverName.</desc>
* <term>serverNameHost</term>
* <desc>Specifies the actual distributed objects host name to which the
* connection is made, instead of using an asterisk (any host).</desc>
* <term>serverNameBroadcast</term>
* <desc>Specifies that the server should actually be configured to be
* a broadcast proxy (see [EcBroadcastProxy]).<br />
* The value of this field must be an array containing the configuration
* information for the [EcBroadcastProxy] instance.<br />
* If this is defined then the serverNameName and serverNameHost values
* (if present) are ignored, and the connections are made to the
* individual servers listed in the elements of this array.</desc>
* </deflist>
* The argument anObject is an object which will be messaged when the
* connection to the server is established (or lost). The messages
* sent are those in the <em>RemoteServerDelegate</em> informal
* protocol.<br />
* If no object is specified, the receiver is used.<br />
* Once a server has been added to the list, it can be accessed using
* the -server: or -server:forNumber: method.
- (void) addServerToList: (NSString*)serverName for: (id)anObject;
/** Removes the serverName from the list of server processes for which
* we automatically maintain distributed object connections.<br />
* See the addServerToList:for: metho for more details.
- (void) removeServerFromList: (NSString*)serverName;
/** Send a SEVERE error message to the server.
- (void) cmdAlert: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args;
/** Send a SEVERE error message to the server by calling the
* -cmdAlert:arguments: method.
- (void) cmdAlert: (NSString*)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
/** Archives debug log files into the specified subdirectory of the debug
* logging directory. If subdir is nil then a subdirectory name corresponding
* to the current date is generated and that subdirectory is created if
* necessary.
- (NSString*) cmdArchive: (NSString*)subdir;
/** Send a log message to the server.
- (void) cmdAudit: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args;
/** Send a log message to the server by calling the -cmdAudit:arguments: method.
- (void) cmdAudit: (NSString*)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
/** Handles loss of connection to the server.
- (id) cmdConnectionBecameInvalid: (NSNotification*)notification;
/** Returns the path to the data storage directory used by this process
* to store files containing persistent information.
- (NSString*) cmdDataDirectory;
/** Send a debug message - as long as the debug mode specified as 'type'
* is currently set.
- (void) cmdDbg: (NSString*)type msg: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args;
/** Send a debug message - as long as the debug mode specified as 'type'
* is currently set. Operates by calling the -cmdDbg:msg:arguments: method.
- (void) cmdDbg: (NSString*)type
msg: (NSString*)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(2,3);
/** Send a debug message with debug mode 'defaultMode'.<br />
* Calls the -cmdDbg:msg:arguments: method.
- (void) cmdDebug: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args;
/** Send a debug message with debug mode 'defaultMode'.<br />
* Operates by calling the -cmdDebug:arguments: method.
- (void) cmdDebug: (NSString*)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
/** Called whenever the user defaults are updated (which may be due to a
* central configuration in additions to local defaults system changes).<br />
* This is automatically called by -cmdUpdate: (even if the user defaults
* database has not actually changed, in this case the notification
* argument is nil).<br />
* This method deals with the updates for any defaults registered using
* the +ecRegisterDefault:withTypeText:andHelpText:action: method, so
* if you override this to handle configuration changes, don't forget
* to call the superclass implementation.<br />
* If you wish to manage updates from the central database in a specific
* order, you may wish to override the -cmdUpdate: and -cmdUpdated methods
* directly.
- (void) cmdDefaultsChanged: (NSNotification*)n;
/** Send an error message to the server.
- (void) cmdError: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args;
/** Send an error message to the server by calling the
* -cmdError:arguments: method.
- (void) cmdError: (NSString*)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
/** Flush logging information.
- (void) cmdFlushLogs;
/** This message returns YES if the receiver is intended to be a client
* of a Command server, and NO if it is a standalone process which does
* not need to contact the Command server.<br />
* The default implementation returns YES, but subclasses may override
* this method to return NO if they do not wish to contact the Command
* server.
- (BOOL) cmdIsClient;
/** Returns a flag indicating whether this process is currently connected
* it its Command server.
- (BOOL) cmdIsConnected;
/** Returns YES is the process is running in test mode, NO otherwise.<br />
* Test mode is defined by the EcTesting user default.
- (BOOL) cmdIsTesting;
/** Closes a file handle previously obtained using the -cmdLogFile: method.
* You should not close a logging handle directly, use this method.
- (void) cmdLogEnd: (NSString*)name;
/** Obtain a file handle for logging purposes. The file will have the
* specified name and will be created (if necessary) in the processes
* logging directory.<br />
* If there is already a handle for the specified file, this method
* returns the existing handle rather than creating a new one.<br />
* Do not close this file handle other than by calling the -cmdLogEnd: method.
- (NSFileHandle*) cmdLogFile: (NSString*)name;
/** Used by the Command server to send messages to your application.
- (void) cmdMesgData: (NSData*)dat from: (NSString*)name;
/** This method is called whenever the Command server sends an instruction
* for your Command client process to act upon. Often the command has been
* entered by an operator and you need to respond with a text string.<br />
* To implement support for an operator command, you must write a method
* whose name is of the form -cmdMesgXXX: where XXX is the command (a
* lowercase string) that the operator will enter. This method must accept
* a single NSArray object as an argument and must return a readable string
* as a result.<br />
* The array argument will contain the words in the command line entered
* by the operator (with the command itsself as the first item in the
* array).<br />
* There are two special cases ... when the operator types 'help XXX' your
* method will be called with 'help'as the first element of the array and
* you should respond with some useful help text, and when the operator
* simply wants a short description of what the command does, the array
* argument will be nil (and your method should respond with a short
* description of the command).
- (NSString*) cmdMesg: (NSArray*)msg;
/** Attempt to establish connection to Command server etc.
* Return a proxy to that server if it is available.
- (id) cmdNewServer;
/** Return dictionary giving info about specified operator. If the
* password string matches the password of the operator (or the operator
* has no password) then the dictionary field @"Password" will be set to
* @"yes", otherwise it will be @"no".
* If the named operator does not exist, the method will return nil.
- (NSMutableDictionary*)cmdOperator: (NSString*)name password: (NSString*)pass;
/** Used to tell your application to quit.<br />
* Subclasses should override this method to perform any pre-shutdown cleanup
* before they call the superclass implementation.
- (void) cmdQuit: (NSInteger)status;
/** Returns non-zero (a signal) if the process has received a unix signal.
- (int) cmdSignalled;
/** Used to tell your application about central configuration changes.<br />
* This is called before the NSUserDefaults system is updated with the
* changes, so you may use it to update internal state in the knowledge
* that code watching for user defaults change notifications will not
* have updated yet.<br />
* The base class implementation is responsible for updating the user
* defaults system ... so be sure that your implementation calls the
* superclass implementation (unless you wish to suppress the configuration
* update) after performing any pre-update operations.<br />
* You may alter the info dictionary prior to passing it to the superclass
* implementation if you wish to adjust the new configuration before it
* takes effect.<br />
* The order of execution of a configuration update is therefore as follows:
* <list>
* <item>Any subclass implementation of -cmdUpdate: is entered.
* </item>
* <item>The base implementation of -cmdUpdate: is entered, the stored
* configuration is changed as necessary, the user defaults database is
* updated.
* </item>
* <item>Any subclass of the -cmdDefaultsChanged: method is entere
* (either as a result of the user defaults update,
* or directly by the base -cmdUpdate: method).
* </item>
* <item>The base implementation of the -cmdDefaultsChanged: method is
* entered, and any messages registered using the
* +ecRegisterDefault:withTypeText:andHelpText:action: method are
* sent if the corresponding default value has changed.
* </item>
* <item>The base implementation of the -cmdDefaultsChanged: method ends.
* </item>
* <item>Any subclass implementation of the -cmdDefaultsChanged: method ends.
* </item>
* <item>The -cmdUpdated method is called.
* </item>
* </list>
* You should usually either register your own methods to handle changes
* to particular defaults values, or override the -cmdDefaultsChanged:
* method to handle general configuration changes.<br />
* Use this method only when you want to check/override changes
* before they take effect.
- (void) cmdUpdate: (NSMutableDictionary*)info;
/** Used to tell your application about configuration changes.<br />
* This is called after the NSUserDefaults system is updated with the
* changes, so you may use it to update internal state in the knowledge
* that code watching for user defaults change notifications will have
* updated already.<br />
* NB. This method will be called even if your implementation of
* -cmdUpdate: suppresses the actual update. In this situation this
* method will find the configuration unchanged since the previous
* time that it was called.<br />
* The return value of this method is used to control automatic generation
* of alarms for fatal configuration errors. If the return value is nil
* (the default), then any configuration error alarm is cleared.<br />
* Otherwise, a configuration error alarm will be raised (using the
* returned string as the 'additional text' of the alarm), and the process
* will be terminated by a call to -cmdQuit: with an argument of 1.<br />
* When you implement this method, you must ensure that your implementation
* calls the superclass implementation, and if that returns a non-nil
* result, you should pass that on as the return value from your own
* implementation.
* Use this method only for handling config changes which must be done
* after any code which is watching NSUserDefaultsDidChangNotification
* has run, or for situations where a config error may be fatal.
- (NSString*) cmdUpdated;
- (void) log: (NSString*)message type: (EcLogType)t;
/** Send a warning message to the server.
- (void) cmdWarn: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args;
/** Send a warning message to the server.
- (void) cmdWarn: (NSString*)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
/* Return interval between timeouts.
- (NSTimeInterval) cmdInterval;
- (void) cmdUnregister;
* All this to unregister from the server.
/** Register a debug mode 'mode'
- (void) setCmdDebug: (NSString*)mode withDescription: (NSString*)desc;
/* Sets the interval between timeouts.
- (void) setCmdInterval: (NSTimeInterval)interval;
/** Specify a handler method to be invoked after each timeout to let you
* perform additional tasks.
- (void) setCmdTimeout: (SEL)sel;
* Trigger a timeout to go off as soon as possible ... subsequent timeouts
* go off at the normal interval after that one.
- (void) triggerCmdTimeout;
/** Deprecated ... use -cmdDefaults instead.
- (id) cmdConfig: (NSString*)key;
/** Check to see if a debug mode is active.
- (BOOL) cmdDebugMode: (NSString*)mode;
/** Set a particular (named) debug mode to be active or inactive.
- (void) cmdDebugMode: (NSString*)mode active: (BOOL)flag;
/** Returns the NSUserDefaults instance containing the configuration
* information for this process.
- (NSUserDefaults*) cmdDefaults;
/** Utility method to perform partial (case insensitive) matching of
* an abbreviated command word (val) to a keyword (key)
- (BOOL) cmdMatch: (NSString*)val toKey: (NSString*)key;
/** Handle with care - this method invokes the cmdMesg... methods.
- (NSString*) cmdMesg: (NSArray*)msg;
/** Retrurns the name by which this process is known to the Command server.
- (NSString*) cmdName;
/** May be used withing cmdMesg... methods to return formatted text to
* the Console.
- (void) cmdPrintf: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args;
/** May be used withing cmdMesg... methods to return formatted text to
* the Console.
- (void) cmdPrintf: (NSString*)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
/** Should be over-ridden to perform extra tidy up on shutdown of the
* process - should call [super cmdQuit:...] at the end of the method.
- (void) cmdQuit: (NSInteger)status;
/** Used to tell your application about configuration changes (the
* default implementation merges the configuration change into the
* NSUserDefaults system and sends the defaults change notification).<br />
* If you want to deal with configuration changes actively - override
* this and call [super cmdUpdate:...] to install the changed
* configuration before anything else.
* NB. This method WILL be called before your application is
* initialised. Make sure it is safe.
- (void) cmdUpdate: (NSMutableDictionary*)info;
/** This calls the designated initialiser (-initWithDefaults:) passing
* the results of a call to +ecInitialDefaults as its argument.
- (id) init;
/** [-initWithDefaults:] is the Designated initialiser<br />
* It adds the defaults specified to the defaults system.<br />
* It sets the process name to be that specified in the
* 'EcProgramName' default with an '-id' affix if EcInstance is used
* to provide an instance id.<br />
* Moves to the directory (relative to the current user's home directory)
* given in 'EcHomeDirectory'.<br />
* If 'EcHomeDirectory' is not present in the defaults system (or is
* an empty string) then no directory change is done.<br />
* Please note, that the base implementation of this method may
* cause other methods (eg -cmdUpdated and -cmdDefaultsChanged:) to be called,
* so you must take care that when you override those methods, your own
* implementations do not depend on initialisation having completed.
* It's therefore recommended that you use 'lazy' initialisation of subclass
* instance variables as/when they are needed, rather than initialising
* them in the -initWithDefaults: method.<br />
* An alternative strategy is to perform subclass initialisaton before
* calling the superclass implementation.
- (id) initWithDefaults: (NSDictionary*)defs;
* How commands sent to the client via cmdMesg: are invoked -
* If a method exists whose name is 'cmdMesgfoo:' where 'foo' is the
* command given, then that method is registered when the receiver
* is initialised (or -cmdMesgCache is called) and invoked.
* The action methods should use the [-cmdPrintf:] method repeatedly to
* add text to be returned to the caller.
* By default the method 'cmdMesghelp:' is defined to handle the 'help'
* command. To extend the help facility - invoke [super cmdMesghelp:]
* at the start of your own implementation.
* NB. This method may call any other 'cmdMesg...:' method passing it
* an array with the first parameter set to be the string 'help'.
* In this case the method should use 'cmdLine:' to return it's help
* information.
* We also have 'cmdMesgdebug:' to activate debug logging and
* 'cmdMesgnodebug:' to deactivate it. The known debug modes may
* be extended by using the 'setCmdDebug:withDescription:' method.
* 'cmdMesgmemory:' is for reporting process memory allocation stats -
* it should be overridden to give detailed info.
* 'cmdMesgstatus:' is for reporting process status information and
* should be overridden to give detailed info.
* 'cmdMesgarchive:' forces an archive of the debug log.
- (void) cmdMesgCache;
- (void) cmdMesgarchive: (NSArray*)msg;
- (void) cmdMesgdebug: (NSArray*)msg;
- (void) cmdMesghelp: (NSArray*)msg;
- (void) cmdMesgmemory: (NSArray*)msg;
- (void) cmdMesgnodebug: (NSArray*)msg;
- (void) cmdMesgstatus: (NSArray*)msg;
/** Returns the system process identifier for the client process.
- (int) processIdentifier;
* Returns a proxy object to a[n automatically managed] server process.<br />
* The serverName must previously have been registered using the
* -addServerToList:for: -addServerToList: method.
- (id) server: (NSString *)serverName;
* Like -server:, but if the configuration contains a multiple servers,
* this tries to locate the specific server that is set up to deal with
* cases where the last two digits of an identifer as as specified.<br />
* This mechanism permits work to be balanced/shared over up to 100 separate
* server processes.
- (id) server: (NSString *)serverName forNumber: (NSString*)num;
* Standard servers return NO to the following. But if we are using
* a multiple/broadcast server, this returns YES.
- (BOOL) isServerMultiple: (NSString *)serverName;
/** Records the timestamp of the latest significant input for this process.
* If when is nil the current timestmp is used.
- (void) ecHadIP: (NSDate*)when;
/** Records the timestamp of the latest significant output for this process.
* If when is nil the current timestmp is used.
- (void) ecHadOP: (NSDate*)when;
/** Called on the first timeout of a new day.<br />
* The argument 'when' is the timestamp of the timeout.
- (void) ecNewDay: (NSCalendarDate*)when;
/** Called on the first timeout of a new hour.<br />
* The argument 'when' is the timestamp of the timeout.
- (void) ecNewHour: (NSCalendarDate*)when;
/** Called on the first timeout of a new minute.<br />
* The argument 'when' is the timestamp of the timeout.
- (void) ecNewMinute: (NSCalendarDate*)when;
/** Return heap memory known not to be leaked ... for use in internal
* monitoring of memory usage. You should override this ti add in any
* heap store you have used and know is not leaked.
- (NSUInteger) ecNotLeaked;
/** Establishes the receiver as a DO server and runs the runloop.<br />
* Returns zero when the run loop completes.<br />
* Returns one (immediately) if the receiver is transent.<br />
* Returns two if unable to register as a DO server.
- (int) ecRun;
/** Logs a message iff the process is running in test mode
* (that is, when EcTesting is set).
- (void) ecTestLog: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args;
/** Logs a message iff the process is running in test mode.<br />
* Operates by calling the -ecTestLog:arguments: method.
- (void) ecTestLog: (NSString*)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2);
/** Returns the directory set as the root for files owned by the ECCL user
- (NSString*) ecUserDirectory;
@interface NSObject (RemoteServerDelegate)
- (void) cmdMadeConnectionToServer: (NSString *)serverName;
- (void) cmdLostConnectionToServer: (NSString *)serverName;
extern EcProcess *EcProc; /* Single instance or nil */
extern NSString* cmdConnectDbg; /* Debug connection attempts. */
extern NSString* cmdDefaultDbg; /* Debug normal stuff. */
extern NSString* cmdDetailDbg; /* Debug stuff in more detail. */