/** Enterprise Control Configuration and Logging Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by: Richard Frith-Macdonald Date: Febrary 2010 Originally developed from 1996 to 2012 by Brainstorm, and donated to the FSF. This file is part of the GNUstep project. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111 USA. */ #import #import "EcProcess.h" #import "EcAlarm.h" #import "EcAlarmDestination.h" @interface EcAlarmDestination (Private) /* Make connection to destination host. */ - (id) _connect; /* Loss of connection ... clear destination. */ - (void) _connectionBecameInvalid: (id)connection; /* Regular timer to handle alarms. */ - (void) _timeout: (NSTimer*)t; /* Remove alll recdords for managed object */ - (void) _unmanage: (NSString*)m; @end @implementation EcAlarmDestination - (void) activePut: (EcAlarm*)alarm { if (_monitor != self) { [_monitor activePut: alarm]; } [_alarmLock lock]; [_alarmsActive addObject: alarm]; [_alarmLock unlock]; } - (void) activeRemove: (EcAlarm*)alarm { if (_monitor != self) { [_monitor activeRemove: alarm]; } [_alarmLock lock]; [_alarmsActive removeObject: alarm]; [_alarmLock unlock]; } - (oneway void) alarm: (in bycopy EcAlarm*)event { if (NO == [event isKindOfClass: [EcAlarm class]]) { NSLog(@"[%@-%@] invalid argument (%@)", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), event); } else { EcAlarmSeverity severity = [event perceivedSeverity]; [_alarmLock lock]; if (YES == _coalesceOff) { [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; } else if (EcAlarmSeverityCleared == severity) { NSUInteger index; index = [_alarmQueue indexOfObject: event]; if (NSNotFound == index) { [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; } else { EcAlarm *old = [_alarmQueue objectAtIndex: index]; EcAlarmSeverity oldSeverity = [old perceivedSeverity]; if (EcAlarmSeverityCleared == oldSeverity) { /* Repeated clears may be coalesced with later clears * being ignored. */ if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"Coalesce %@ by dropping it (%@ exists)", event, old); } [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; [_alarmQueue removeObjectAtIndex: index]; } else if (nil == [_alarmsActive member: old]) { /* An alarm which is not yet active may be cancelled-out * by a following clear. */ if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"Coalesce %@ by removing %@ (old)", event, old); } [_alarmQueue removeObjectAtIndex: index]; } } } else { NSUInteger index; index = [_alarmQueue indexOfObject: event]; if (NSNotFound == index) { [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; } else { EcAlarm *old = [_alarmQueue objectAtIndex: index]; EcAlarmSeverity oldSeverity = [old perceivedSeverity]; if (EcAlarmSeverityCleared == oldSeverity) { /* A clear can be replaced by a raised alarm. */ [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"Coalesce %@ by removing %@ (old)", event, old); } [_alarmQueue removeObjectAtIndex: index]; } else if (severity < oldSeverity) { /* Lower numeric values are higher severity, * so the new alarm supercedes the old one. */ [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"Coalesce %@ by removing %@ (old)", event, old); } [_alarmQueue removeObjectAtIndex: index]; } else { if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"Coalesce %@ by dropping it (%@ exists)", event, old); } } } } [_alarmLock unlock]; } } - (NSArray*) alarms { NSArray *a; [_alarmLock lock]; a = [_alarmsActive allObjects]; [_alarmLock unlock]; return a; } - (NSArray*) backups { NSArray *a; [_alarmLock lock]; a = [_backups retain]; [_alarmLock unlock]; return [a autorelease]; } - (NSArray*) clears { NSArray *a; [_alarmLock lock]; a = [_alarmsCleared allObjects]; [_alarmLock unlock]; return a; } - (void) clearsPut: (EcAlarm*)alarm { if (_monitor != self) { [_monitor clearsPut: alarm]; } [_alarmLock lock]; [_alarmsCleared addObject: alarm]; [_alarmLock unlock]; } - (void) clearsRemove: (EcAlarm*)alarm { if (_monitor != self) { [_monitor clearsRemove: alarm]; } [_alarmLock lock]; [_alarmsCleared removeObject: alarm]; [_alarmLock unlock]; } - (void) dealloc { [self shutdown]; DESTROY(_backups); DESTROY(_destination); DESTROY(_monitor); DESTROY(_alarmQueue); DESTROY(_alarmsActive); DESTROY(_alarmsCleared); DESTROY(_managedObjects); DESTROY(_alarmLock); [super dealloc]; } - (NSString*) description { NSString *desc; [_alarmLock lock]; if (_isRunning) { desc = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ host:%@ name:%@" @" queue:%u active:%u cleared:%u managed:%u", [super description], _host, _name, (unsigned)[_alarmQueue count], (unsigned)[_alarmsActive count], (unsigned)[_alarmsCleared count], (unsigned)[_managedObjects count]]; } else { desc = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ host:%@ name:%@ Not Running", [super description], _host, _name]; } [_alarmLock unlock]; return desc; } - (id) initWithHost: (NSString*)host name: (NSString*)name { if (nil != (self = [super init])) { NSDate *begin; _host = [host copy]; _name = [name copy]; _alarmLock = [NSRecursiveLock new]; _alarmQueue = [NSMutableArray new]; _alarmsActive = [NSMutableSet new]; _alarmsCleared = [NSMutableSet new]; _managedObjects = [NSMutableSet new]; [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(run) toTarget: self withObject: nil]; begin = [NSDate date]; while (NO == [self isRunning]) { NSDate *when; if ([begin timeIntervalSinceNow] < -5.0) { NSLog(@"alarm thread failed to start within 5 seconds"); [_alarmLock lock]; _shouldStop = YES; // If the thread starts ... shutdown [_alarmLock unlock]; [self release]; return nil; } when = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 0.1]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate: when]; [when release]; } } return self; } - (oneway void) domanage: (in bycopy NSString*)managedObject { if (nil == managedObject) { managedObject = EcMakeManagedObject(nil, nil, nil); } if (NO == [managedObject isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] || 4 != [[managedObject componentsSeparatedByString: @"_"] count]) { NSLog(@"[%@-%@] invalid argument (%@)", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), managedObject); } else { NSString *event; event = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"domanage %@", managedObject]; [_alarmLock lock]; if (YES == _coalesceOff) { [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; } else { NSUInteger index = [_alarmQueue indexOfObject: event]; [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; if (NSNotFound != index) { if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"Coalesce %@", event); } [_alarmQueue removeObjectAtIndex: index]; } } [_alarmLock unlock]; } } - (id) init { return [self initWithHost: nil name: nil]; } - (BOOL) isRunning { BOOL result; [_alarmLock lock]; result = _isRunning; [_alarmLock unlock]; return result; } - (NSArray*) managed { NSArray *a; [_alarmLock lock]; a = [_managedObjects allObjects]; [_alarmLock unlock]; return a; } - (void) managePut: (NSString*)name { if (_monitor != self) { [_monitor managePut: name]; } [_alarmLock lock]; [_managedObjects addObject: name]; [_alarmLock unlock]; } - (void) manageRemove: (NSString*)name { if (_monitor != self) { [_monitor manageRemove: name]; } [_alarmLock lock]; [_managedObjects removeObject: name]; [_alarmLock unlock]; } - (void) run { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new]; NSRunLoop *loop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]; NSDate *future = [NSDate distantFuture]; _isRunning = YES; _timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 1.0 target: self selector: @selector(_timeout:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES]; while (YES == _isRunning) { [loop runMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate: future]; } [pool release]; } - (void) setBackups: (NSArray*)backups { NSUInteger i; if (nil != backups && NO == [backups isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"[%@-%@] argument is not nil or an array", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } i = [backups count]; if (0 == i) { backups = nil; } else { while (i-- > 0) { if (NO == [[backups objectAtIndex: i] isKindOfClass: [EcAlarmDestination class]]) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"[%@-%@] array contains bad destination", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } } } [_alarmLock lock]; ASSIGNCOPY(_backups, backups); [_alarmLock unlock]; } - (BOOL) setCoalesce: (BOOL)coalesce { BOOL old; [_alarmLock lock]; old = (NO == _coalesceOff) ? YES : NO; _coalesceOff = (NO == coalesce) ? YES : NO; [_alarmLock unlock]; return old; } /* Much software uses integer settings for debug levels, so to selector * type conflicts we use the same convention even though we are using it * as a boolean. */ - (int) setDebug: (int)debug { BOOL old; [_alarmLock lock]; old = _debug; _debug = debug ? YES : NO; [_alarmLock unlock]; return (int)old; } - (id) setDestination: (id)destination { id old; if (nil != (id)destination && NO == [(id)destination conformsToProtocol: @protocol(EcAlarmDestination)]) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"[%@-%@] arg does not conform to EcAlarmDestination protocol", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } [_alarmLock lock]; old = (id)_destination; _destination = RETAIN(destination); [_alarmLock unlock]; return AUTORELEASE(old); } - (id) setMonitor: (id)monitor { id old; if (nil != (id)monitor && NO == [(id)monitor conformsToProtocol: @protocol(EcAlarmMonitor)]) { [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"[%@-%@] arg does not conform to EcAlarmMonitor protocol", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; } [_alarmLock lock]; old = (id)_monitor; _monitor = RETAIN(monitor); [_alarmLock unlock]; return AUTORELEASE(old); } - (void) shutdown { BOOL wasShuttingDown; [_alarmLock lock]; wasShuttingDown = _shouldStop; _shouldStop = YES; [_host release]; _host = nil; [_name release]; _name = nil; [_alarmLock unlock]; if (NO == wasShuttingDown) { NSDate *begin; /* Unless we are called recursively, lets wait for a while for * the alarm thread to terminate. */ begin = [NSDate date]; while (YES == [self isRunning]) { NSDate *when; if ([begin timeIntervalSinceNow] < -5.0) { NSLog(@"alarm thread failed to stop within 5 seconds"); return; } when = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 0.1]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate: when]; [when release]; } } } - (oneway void) unmanage: (in bycopy NSString*)managedObject { if (nil == managedObject) { managedObject = EcMakeManagedObject(nil, nil, nil); } if (NO == [managedObject isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] || 4 != [[managedObject componentsSeparatedByString: @"_"] count]) { NSLog(@"[%@-%@] invalid argument (%@)", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), managedObject); } else { NSString *event; event = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"unmanage %@", managedObject]; [_alarmLock lock]; if (YES == _coalesceOff) { [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; } else { NSUInteger index = [_alarmQueue indexOfObject: event]; [_alarmQueue addObject: event]; if (NSNotFound != index) { if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"Coalesce %@", event); } [_alarmQueue removeObjectAtIndex: index]; } } [_alarmLock unlock]; } } @end @implementation EcAlarmDestination (Private) - (id) _connect { id d = nil; [_alarmLock lock]; NS_DURING if (nil == (id)_destination) { if (nil != _name) { id proxy; if (nil == _host) { proxy = [NSConnection rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName: _name host: _host usingNameServer: [NSMessagePortNameServer sharedInstance]]; } else { proxy = [NSConnection rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName: _name host: _host usingNameServer: [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance]]; } if (proxy != nil) { id connection = [proxy connectionForProxy]; [connection setDelegate: self]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(_connectionBecameInvalid:) name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification object: connection]; [self setDestination: (id)proxy]; } } } d = [(id)_destination retain]; NS_HANDLER NSLog(@"Problem connecting to destination ... %@", localException); NS_ENDHANDLER [_alarmLock unlock]; return [(id)d autorelease]; } - (void) _connectionBecameInvalid: (id)connection { [self setDestination: nil]; } - (void) _timeout: (NSTimer*)t { /* We hold a lock while modifying the internal data structures, * but must release it while forwarding things to their eventual * destination (in case the forwarding is done in another thread * which needs to grab the lock or where a DO message causes an * attempt to grab the lock). */ [_alarmLock lock]; if (NO == _inTimeout && YES == _isRunning) { _inTimeout = YES; NS_DURING { if ([_alarmQueue count] > 0) { NSTimeInterval now = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; NSUInteger index = 0; // Do stuff here while (index < [_alarmQueue count]) { id o = [_alarmQueue objectAtIndex: index]; if (NO == [o isKindOfClass: [EcAlarm class]]) { NSString *s = RETAIN([o description]); [_alarmQueue removeObjectAtIndex: index]; if (YES == [s hasPrefix: @"domanage "]) { NSString *m = [s substringFromIndex: 9]; if (nil == [_managedObjects member: m]) { [self managePut: m]; [_alarmLock unlock]; [self domanageFwd: m]; [_alarmLock lock]; } } else if (YES == [s hasPrefix: @"unmanage "]) { NSString *m = [s substringFromIndex: 9]; if (nil != [_managedObjects member: m]) { [_alarmLock unlock]; [self _unmanage: m]; [self unmanageFwd: m]; [_alarmLock lock]; } /* When we unmanage an object, we also * implicitly unmanage objects which * are components of that object. */ if (YES == [m hasSuffix: @"_"]) { NSEnumerator *e; NSString *c; e = [[_managedObjects allObjects] objectEnumerator]; while (nil != (c = [e nextObject])) { if (YES == [c hasPrefix: m]) { [_alarmLock unlock]; [self unmanageFwd: c]; [_alarmLock lock]; } } } } else { NSLog(@"ERROR ... unexpected command '%@'", s); } RELEASE(s); } else if (NO == [(EcAlarm*)o delayed: now]) { EcAlarm *next = (EcAlarm*)AUTORELEASE(RETAIN(o)); EcAlarm *prev = [_alarmsActive member: next]; NSString *m = [next managedObject]; BOOL shouldForward = NO; [_alarmQueue removeObjectAtIndex: index]; if (nil == prev) { [next setFirstEventDate: [next eventDate]]; } else { [next setFirstEventDate: [prev firstEventDate]]; } if ([next perceivedSeverity] == EcAlarmSeverityCleared) { if (nil != prev) { /* Alarm previously active ... * remove old copy and forward clear. */ [self activeRemove: prev]; shouldForward = YES; } if (nil == [_alarmsCleared member: next]) { /* Alarm not previously cleared ... * add to cleared set and forward clear. */ [self clearsPut: next]; shouldForward = YES; } } else { /* If there was a previous version of the alarm * cleared, remove that so it's re-raised. */ [self clearsRemove: next]; /* If the alarm is new or of changed severity, * update the records and pass it on. */ if (nil == prev || [next perceivedSeverity] != [prev perceivedSeverity]) { [self activePut: next]; shouldForward = YES; } } if (YES == shouldForward) { /* If the managed object is not registered, * register before sending an alarm for it. */ if (nil == [_managedObjects member: m]) { [self managePut: m]; } else { m = nil; } [_alarmLock unlock]; if (nil != m) { [self domanageFwd: m]; } [self alarmFwd: next]; [_alarmLock lock]; } } else { /* This alarm is delayed, skip past to process the * next one. */ index++; } } } _inTimeout = NO; if (YES == _shouldStop) { _isRunning = NO; } [_alarmLock unlock]; } NS_HANDLER { _inTimeout = NO; if (YES == _shouldStop) { _isRunning = NO; } [_alarmLock unlock]; NSLog(@"%@ %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), localException); } NS_ENDHANDLER } else { [_alarmLock unlock]; } } - (void) _unmanage: (NSString*)m { if (nil != [_managedObjects member: m]) { NSEnumerator *e; EcAlarm *a; e = [[_alarmsActive allObjects] objectEnumerator]; while (nil != (a = [e nextObject])) { if ([[a managedObject] isEqual: m]) { [self activeRemove: a]; } } e = [[_alarmsCleared allObjects] objectEnumerator]; while (nil != (a = [e nextObject])) { if ([[a managedObject] isEqual: m]) { [self clearsRemove: a]; } } [self manageRemove: m]; } } @end @implementation EcAlarmDestination (Forwarding) - (void) alarmFwd: (EcAlarm*)event { if (NO == [NSThread isMainThread]) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread: _cmd withObject: event waitUntilDone: NO]; return; } NS_DURING [[self _connect] alarm: event]; if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"%@ %@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), event); } NS_DURING [[self backups] makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(alarm:) withObject: event]; NS_HANDLER [self setBackups: nil]; NSLog(@"Problem sending alarm to backups ... %@", localException); NS_ENDHANDLER NS_HANDLER [self setDestination: nil]; NSLog(@"Problem sending alarm to destination ... %@", localException); NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void) domanageFwd: (NSString*)managedObject { if (NO == [NSThread isMainThread]) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread: _cmd withObject: managedObject waitUntilDone: NO]; return; } NS_DURING [[self _connect] domanage: managedObject]; if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"%@ %@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), managedObject); } NS_DURING [[self backups] makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(domanage:) withObject: managedObject]; NS_HANDLER [self setBackups: nil]; NSLog(@"Problem with domanage to backups ... %@", localException); NS_ENDHANDLER NS_HANDLER [self setDestination: nil]; NSLog(@"Problem with domanage to destination ... %@", localException); NS_ENDHANDLER } - (void) unmanageFwd: (NSString*)managedObject { if (NO == [NSThread isMainThread]) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread: _cmd withObject: managedObject waitUntilDone: NO]; return; } NS_DURING [[self _connect] unmanage: managedObject]; if (YES == _debug) { NSLog(@"%@ %@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), managedObject); } NS_DURING [[self backups] makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(unmanage:) withObject: managedObject]; NS_HANDLER [self setBackups: nil]; NSLog(@"Problem with unmanage to backups ... %@", localException); NS_ENDHANDLER NS_HANDLER [self setDestination: nil]; NSLog(@"Problem with unmanage to destination ... %@", localException); NS_ENDHANDLER } @end