diff --git a/EcProcess.h b/EcProcess.h
index 281fbbe..f465642 100644
--- a/EcProcess.h
+++ b/EcProcess.h
@@ -415,10 +415,13 @@ extern NSString* cmdVersion(NSString *ver);
* If the same default name is registered more than once, the values
* from the last registration are used, except for the case where the
* cmd argument is NULL, in that case the previous selector is kept
- * in the new rfegistration.
+ * in the new registration.
* This method should be called in your +initialize method, so that all
* supported defaults are already registered by the time your process
- * tries to respond to being started with a --help command line argument.
+ * tries to respond to being started with a --help command line argument.
+ * NB. defaults keys do not have to be registered (and can still be updated
+ * using the 'defaults' command), but registration provides a more user
+ * friendly interface.
+ (void) ecRegisterDefault: (NSString*)name
withTypeText: (NSString*)type
diff --git a/EcProcess.m b/EcProcess.m
index 2a0f9a2..be319d5 100644
--- a/EcProcess.m
+++ b/EcProcess.m
@@ -2272,7 +2272,11 @@ NSLog(@"Ignored attempt to set timer interval to %g ... using 10.0", interval);
- (void) ecNewDay: (NSCalendarDate*)when
- NSString *sub;
+ static NSDictionary *defs = nil;
+ NSString *sub;
+ NSDictionary *d;
+ NSEnumerator *e;
+ NSString *k;
/* New day ... archive debug/log files into a subdirectory based on
* the current date. This is yesterday's debug, so we use yesterday.
@@ -2280,6 +2284,21 @@ NSLog(@"Ignored attempt to set timer interval to %g ... using 10.0", interval);
sub = [[when dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: -1 hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: 0] descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"];
NSLog(@"%@", [self cmdArchive: sub]);
+ /* Check information left in the EcCommand domain.
+ */
+ d = [cmdDefs volatileDomainForName: @"EcCommand"];
+ e = [[d allKeys] objectEnumerator];
+ while (nil != (k = [e nextObject]))
+ {
+ if ([[d objectForKey: k] isEqual: [defs objectForKey: k]])
+ {
+ [self cmdError: @"Console defaults '%@' left for over a day."
+ @" Please reset ('tell %@ defaults delete %@') after updating"
+ @" Control.plist as required.", k, [self cmdName], k];
+ }
+ }
+ ASSIGNCOPY(defs, d);
- (void) ecNewHour: (NSCalendarDate*)when
@@ -2960,6 +2979,72 @@ NSLog(@"Ignored attempt to set timer interval to %g ... using 10.0", interval);
+- (void) cmdMesgdefaults: (NSArray*)msg
+ if ([msg count] == 0)
+ {
+ [self cmdPrintf:
+ @"temporarily overrides defaults/Control.plist settings"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"]
+ == NSOrderedSame)
+ {
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"\nWithout parameters, the defaults command is "];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"used to list the current defaults overrides.\n"];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"With the 'delete' parameter followed by a name,"];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"the command is used to revert a default.\n"];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"With the 'write' parameter followed by a name"];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"and value, the command sets a default.\n"];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"With the 'read' parameter followed by a name,"];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"the command is used to show a default.\n"];
+ }
+ else if ([msg count] > 2)
+ {
+ NSString *mode = (NSString*)[msg objectAtIndex: 1];
+ NSString *key = (NSString*)[msg objectAtIndex: 2];
+ id val;
+ if ([mode caseInsensitiveCompare: @"delete"] == NSOrderedSame)
+ {
+ [cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: key];
+ }
+ else if ([msg count] > 2
+ && [mode caseInsensitiveCompare: @"set"] == NSOrderedSame)
+ {
+ val = [msg objectAtIndex: 3];
+ [cmdDefs setCommand: val forKey: key];
+ }
+ val = [cmdDefs objectForKey: key];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"The default setting for '%@' is now\n%@\n", val];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NSDictionary *d = [cmdDefs volatileDomainForName: @"EcCommand"];
+ NSEnumerator *e = [d keyEnumerator];
+ NSString *k;
+ [self cmdPrintf: @"Console default settings:\n"];
+ k = [e nextObject];
+ if (nil == k)
+ {
+ [self cmdPrintf: @" None.\n"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (nil != k)
+ {
+ id v = [d objectForKey: k];
+ [self cmdPrintf: @" %@ = %@\n", k, v];
+ k = [e nextObject];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- (void) cmdMesghelp: (NSArray*)msg
NSEnumerator *e;