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/** Enterprise Control Configuration and Logging
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by: Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
Date: Febrary 2010
Originally developed from 1996 to 2012 by Brainstorm, and donated to
the FSF.
This file is part of the GNUstep project.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h>
#import <Foundation/NSConnection.h>
#import <Foundation/NSData.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDebug.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDistantObject.h>
#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
#import <Foundation/NSFileManager.h>
#import <Foundation/NSNotification.h>
#import <Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h>
#import <Foundation/NSPort.h>
#import <Foundation/NSProcessInfo.h>
#import <Foundation/NSRunLoop.h>
#import <Foundation/NSScanner.h>
#import <Foundation/NSSerialization.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTimer.h>
#import <Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <GNUstepBase/GSObjCRuntime.h>
#import <GNUstepBase/NSObject+GNUstepBase.h>
#import "EcProcess.h"
#import "EcLogger.h"
#import "EcAlarm.h"
#import "EcAlarmDestination.h"
#import "EcHost.h"
#import "EcUserDefaults.h"
#import "EcBroadcastProxy.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if !defined(EC_DEFAULTS_PREFIX)
#if !defined(EC_DEFAULTS_STRICT)
#if !defined(EC_EFFECTIVE_USER)
@interface EcDefaultRegistration : NSObject
NSString *name; // The name/key of the default (without prefix)
NSString *type; // The type text for the default
NSString *help; // The help text for the default
SEL cmd; // method to update when default values change
id obj; // The latest value of the default
+ (void) defaultsChanged: (NSUserDefaults*)defs;
+ (void) registerDefault: (NSString*)name
withTypeText: (NSString*)type
andHelpText: (NSString*)help
action: (SEL)cmd;
+ (void) showHelp;
/* Lock for controlling access to per-process singleton instance.
static NSRecursiveLock *ecLock = nil;
static BOOL cmdFlagDaemon = NO;
static BOOL cmdFlagTesting = NO;
static BOOL cmdIsQuitting = NO;
static BOOL cmdIsRunning = NO;
static BOOL cmdKeepStderr = NO;
static NSInteger cmdQuitStatus = 0;
static NSString *cmdInst = nil;
static NSString *cmdName = nil;
static NSString *cmdUser = nil;
static NSUserDefaults *cmdDefs = nil;
static NSString *cmdDebugName = nil;
static NSMutableDictionary *cmdLogMap = nil;
static NSDate *started = nil; /* Time object was created. */
static NSDate *memStats = nil; /* Time stats were started. */
static NSTimeInterval lastIP = 0.0; /* Time of last input to object. */
static NSTimeInterval lastOP = 0.0; /* Time of last output by object. */
static Class cDateClass = 0;
static Class dateClass = 0;
static Class stringClass = 0;
static int cmdSignalled = 0;
ihandler(int sig)
static BOOL beenHere = NO;
signal(sig, ihandler);
if (NO == beenHere)
beenHere = YES;
#if RETSIGTYPE != void
return 0;
qhandler(int sig)
if (SIGHUP == sig)
static int hupCount = 0;
/* We allow multiple HUP signals since, while shutting down we may
* attempt to write out messages to our terminal, generating more
* signals, and we want to ignore those and shut down cleanly.
if (hupCount++ < 1000)
cmdSignalled = 0; // Allow signal to be set.
/* We store the signal value in a global variable and return to normal
* processing ... that way later code can check on the state of the
* variable and take action outside the handler.
* We can't act immediately here inside the handler as the signal may
* have interrupted some vital library (eg malloc()) and left it in a
* state such that our code can't continue. For instance if we try to
* cleanup after a signal and call free(), the process may hang waiting
* for a lock that the interupted function still holds.
if (0 == cmdSignalled)
cmdSignalled = sig; // Record signal for event loop.
static BOOL beenHere = NO;
/* We have been signalled more than once ... so let's try to
* crash rather than continuing.
if (NO == beenHere)
beenHere = YES;
exit(cmdSignalled); // Exit with *first* signal number
#if RETSIGTYPE != void
return 0;
cmdVersion(NSString *ver)
static NSString *version = @"1997-2013";
if (ver != nil)
ASSIGNCOPY(version, ver);
return version;
static NSString *homeDir = nil;
return homeDir;
cmdSetHome(NSString *home)
ASSIGNCOPY(homeDir, home);
static NSString *logsDir = nil;
return logsDir;
ecSetLogsSubdirectory(NSString *pathComponent)
ASSIGNCOPY(logsDir, pathComponent);
static NSString *userDir = nil;
static NSString*
if (userDir == nil)
return NSHomeDirectoryForUser(cmdUser);
return userDir;
static NSString*
cmdSetUserDirectory(NSString *dir)
if (dir == nil)
dir = NSHomeDirectoryForUser(cmdUser);
else if ([dir isAbsolutePath] == NO)
dir = [NSHomeDirectoryForUser(cmdUser)
stringByAppendingPathComponent: dir];
ASSIGNCOPY(userDir, dir);
return userDir;
static NSString *dataDir = nil;
* Return the current logging directory - if 'today' is not nil, treat it as
* the name of a subdirectory in which todays logs should be archived.
* Create the directory path if necessary.
cmdLogsDir(NSString *date)
NSFileManager *mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *str = cmdUserDir();
NSString *component;
BOOL flag;
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
return nil;
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
return nil;
component = ecLogsSubdirectory();
if (nil == component)
component = @"DebugLogs";
str = [str stringByAppendingPathComponent: component];
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
return nil;
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
return nil;
if (date != nil)
str = [str stringByAppendingPathComponent: date];
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
return nil;
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
return nil;
if (homeDir != nil)
str = [str stringByAppendingPathComponent: homeDir];
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
return nil;
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
return nil;
return str;
cmdLogKey(EcLogType t)
switch (t)
case LT_DEBUG: return @"Debug";
case LT_WARNING: return @"Warn";
case LT_ERROR: return @"Error";
case LT_AUDIT: return @"Audit";
case LT_ALERT: return @"Alert";
default: return @"UnknownLogType";
static NSString *cmdLogName = nil;
if (nil == cmdLogName)
[ecLock lock];
if (nil == cmdLogName)
NSString *n = [EcProc cmdName];
if (nil == n)
n = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];
cmdLogName = [n copy];
[ecLock unlock];
return cmdLogName;
cmdLogFormat(EcLogType t, NSString *fmt)
static NSString *h = nil;
NSCalendarDate *c = [[cDateClass alloc] init];
NSString *f = cmdLogKey(t);
NSString *n = cmdLogName();
NSString *d;
NSString *result;
if (h == nil)
h = [[[NSHost currentHost] wellKnownName] copy];
d = [c descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%F %z" locale: nil];
result = [stringClass stringWithFormat: @"%@(%@): %@ %@ - %@\n",
n, h, d, f, fmt];
return result;
EcProcess *EcProc = nil;
static NSConnection *EcProcConnection = nil;
static EcAlarmDestination *alarmDestination = nil;
static EcLogger *alertLogger = nil;
static EcLogger *auditLogger = nil;
static EcLogger *debugLogger = nil;
static EcLogger *errorLogger = nil;
static EcLogger *warningLogger = nil;
static NSMutableSet *cmdActions = nil;
static id cmdServer = nil;
static id cmdPTimer = nil;
static NSDictionary *cmdConf = nil;
static NSDictionary *cmdOperators = nil;
static NSDate *cmdFirst = nil;
static NSDate *cmdLast = nil;
static BOOL cmdIsTransient = NO;
static NSMutableSet *cmdDebugModes = nil;
static NSMutableDictionary *cmdDebugKnown = nil;
static NSMutableString *replyBuffer = nil;
static SEL cmdTimSelector = 0;
static NSTimeInterval cmdTimInterval = 60.0;
static NSMutableArray *noNetConfig = nil;
static NSMutableDictionary *servers = nil;
static int coreSize = -2; // Not yet set
static NSString *hostName = nil;
static NSString *
NSString *name;
[ecLock lock];
if (nil == hostName)
hostName = [[[NSHost currentHost] wellKnownName] retain];
name = [hostName retain];
[ecLock unlock];
return [name autorelease];
static uint64_t memMaximum = 0;
static uint64_t memAllowed = 0;
static uint64_t memAvge = 0; // current period average
static uint64_t memStrt = 0; // usage at first check
static uint64_t memLast = 0; // usage at last check
static uint64_t memPrev = 0; // usage at previous warning
static uint64_t memPeak = 0; // peak usage
static uint64_t memWarn = 0; // next warning point
static uint64_t memSlot = 0; // minute counter
static uint64_t memRoll[10]; // last N values
#define MEMCOUNT (sizeof(memRoll)/sizeof(*memRoll))
static NSDate *memTime = nil; // Time of last alert
#ifndef __MINGW__
static int reservedPipe[2] = { 0, 0 };
static NSInteger descriptorsMaximum = 0;
static NSString*
findAction(NSString *cmd)
NSString *found = nil;
cmd = [cmd lowercaseString];
[ecLock lock];
if (nil == (found = [cmdActions member: cmd]))
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *name;
enumerator = [cmdActions objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (name = [enumerator nextObject]))
if (YES == [name hasPrefix: cmd])
if (nil == found)
found = name;
found = nil; // Ambiguous
cmd = [found retain];
[ecLock unlock];
return [cmd autorelease];
static NSString*
NSString *host;
host = [cmdDefs stringForKey: @"CommandHost"];
if (nil == host)
host = @""; /* Local host */
return host;
static NSString*
NSString *name;
name = [cmdDefs stringForKey: @"CommandName"];
if (nil == name)
name = @"Command";
return name;
NSString *cmdDefaultDbg = @"defaultMode";
NSString *cmdConnectDbg = @"connectMode";
NSString *cmdDetailDbg = @"detailMode";
static int comp_len = 0;
static int
comp(const char* s0, const char* s1)
comp_len = 0;
if (s0 == 0) {
s0 = "";
if (s1 == 0) {
s1 = "";
while (*s0) {
if (*s0 != *s1) {
char c0 = islower(*s0) ? toupper(*s0) : *s0;
char c1 = islower(*s1) ? toupper(*s1) : *s1;
if (c0 != c1) {
if (c0 != '\0') {
comp_len = -1; /* s0 is not a substring of s1. */
if (*s0 != *s1) {
static NSString*
findMode(NSDictionary* d, NSString* s)
NSArray *a = [d allKeys];
NSString *o;
unsigned int i;
const char *s0 = [s UTF8String];
const char *s1;
int best_pos = -1;
int best_len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [a count]; i++)
o = (NSString*)[a objectAtIndex: i];
s1 = [o UTF8String];
if (comp(s0, s1) == 0)
return o;
if (comp_len > best_len)
best_len = comp_len;
best_pos = i;
if (best_pos >= 0)
return (NSString*)[a objectAtIndex: best_pos];
return nil;
* Auxiliary object representing a remote server a subclass might need
* to connect to. This class is for EcProcess.m internal use.
@interface RemoteServer : NSObject
/* This is the string which identifies this server */
NSString *defaultName;
/* These are the actual name and host for this server, as obtained
by configuration for the `defaultName' server */
NSString *name;
NSString *host;
/* The same for multiple servers */
NSArray *multiple;
/* The real object representing the remote server. */
id proxy;
/* An object responding to cmdMadeConnectionToServer: and/or
cmdLostConnectionToServer: */
id delegate;
/* Initialize the object - string is the default server name */
- (id) initWithDefaultName: (NSString *)string
delegate: (id)object;
- (NSString *) defaultName;
- (void) setName: (NSString *)string;
- (NSString *) name;
- (void) setHost: (NSString *)string;
- (void) setMultiple: (NSArray*)config;
- (NSArray*) multiple;
* Return a proxy to the remote server; create one if needed by making
* a connection, using name and host.
* If the server is multiple, create a EcBroadcastProxy object, and returns
* that object.
- (id) proxy;
* Internal connection management methods
- (id) connectionBecameInvalid: (NSNotification*)notification;
- (BOOL) connection: (NSConnection*)ancestor
shouldMakeNewConnection: (NSConnection*)newConn;
- (void) BCP: (EcBroadcastProxy *)proxy
lostConnectionToServer: (NSString *)name
host: (NSString *)host;
- (void) BCP: (EcBroadcastProxy *)proxy
madeConnectionToServer: (NSString *)name
host: (NSString *)host;
* Returns YES if the connection is ALIVE, NO if the connection is DEAD
- (BOOL) isConnected;
- (NSString *)description;
- (void) update;
@implementation RemoteServer
- (id) initWithDefaultName: (NSString *)string
delegate: (id)object
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
ASSIGNCOPY(defaultName, string);
ASSIGN(name, defaultName);
host = @"*";
multiple = nil;
proxy = nil;
delegate = object;
* Grab configuration information.
[self update];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *) defaultName
return defaultName;
- (void) setName: (NSString *)string
if ([name isEqual: string] == NO)
ASSIGNCOPY(name, string);
- (NSString *) name
return name;
- (void) setHost: (NSString *)string
if ([host isEqual: string] == NO)
ASSIGNCOPY(host, string);
- (NSString *) host
return host;
- (void) setMultiple: (NSArray *)config
if ([multiple isEqual: config] == NO)
ASSIGNCOPY(multiple, config);
- (NSArray*) multiple
return multiple;
- (id) proxy
if (nil == proxy)
if (nil == multiple)
[EcProc cmdDbg: cmdConnectDbg
msg: @"Looking for service %@ on host %@", name, host];
proxy = [NSConnection rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName: name
host: host
usingNameServer: [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance]];
if (proxy != nil)
id connection = [proxy connectionForProxy];
RETAIN (proxy);
[connection setDelegate: self];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(connectionBecameInvalid:)
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: connection];
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:
@selector(cmdMadeConnectionToServer:)] == YES)
[delegate cmdMadeConnectionToServer: defaultName];
[EcProc cmdDbg: cmdConnectDbg
msg: @"Connected to %@ server on host %@",
name, host];
[EcProc cmdDbg: cmdConnectDbg
msg: @"Failed to contact %@ server on host %@",
name, host];
else /* a multiple server */
proxy = [[EcBroadcastProxy alloc] initWithReceivers: multiple];
[proxy BCPsetDelegate: self];
return proxy;
- (id) connectionBecameInvalid: (NSNotification*)notification
id connection = [notification object];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: connection];
if ([connection isKindOfClass: [NSConnection class]])
if (connection == [proxy connectionForProxy])
[EcProc cmdDbg: cmdConnectDbg
msg: @"lost connection - clearing %@.",
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:
@selector(cmdLostConnectionToServer:)] == YES)
[delegate cmdLostConnectionToServer: defaultName];
RELEASE (proxy);
proxy = nil;
[self error: "non-Connection sent invalidation"];
return self;
/* Debugging purposes only */
- (BOOL) connection: (NSConnection*)ancestor
shouldMakeNewConnection: (NSConnection*)newConn
[EcProc cmdDbg: cmdConnectDbg
msg: @"New connection 0x%p created", newConn];
return YES;
- (BOOL) isConnected
if (proxy != nil)
return YES;
return NO;
- (NSString*) description
if (multiple == nil)
NSString *status;
if (proxy != nil)
status = @"LIVE";
status = @"DEAD";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Connection to server `%@' on host `%@' is %@",
name, host, status];
else /* multiple server */
if (proxy == nil)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Multiple connection to servers %@\n"
@" has not yet been initialized",
return [proxy BCPstatus];
- (void) BCP: (EcBroadcastProxy*)proxy
lostConnectionToServer: (NSString*)name
host: (NSString*)host
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:
@selector(cmdLostConnectionToServer:)] == YES)
/* FIXME: How do we inform delegate of this ? Is it of any use ? */
// [delegate cmdLostConnectionToServer: defaultName];
- (void) BCP: (EcBroadcastProxy*)proxy
madeConnectionToServer: (NSString*)name
host: (NSString*)host
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:
@selector(cmdLostConnectionToServer:)] == YES)
/* FIXME: How do we inform delegate of this ? Is it of any use ? */
//[delegate cmdMadConnectionToServer: defaultName];
- (void) update
NSString *configKey;
id configValue;
configKey = [defaultName stringByAppendingString: @"Name"];
configValue = [cmdDefs stringForKey: configKey];
if (nil != configValue)
[self setName: configValue];
configKey = [defaultName stringByAppendingString: @"Host"];
configValue = [cmdDefs stringForKey: configKey];
if (nil != configValue)
[self setHost: configValue];
configKey = [defaultName stringByAppendingString: @"BroadCast"];
configValue = [cmdDefs arrayForKey: configKey];
if (nil != configValue)
[self setMultiple: configValue];
@interface EcProcess (Defaults)
- (void) _defMemory: (id)val;
- (void) _defRelease: (id)val;
- (void) _defTesting: (id)val;
@interface EcProcess (Private)
- (void) cmdMesgrelease: (NSArray*)msg;
- (void) cmdMesgtesting: (NSArray*)msg;
- (void) _memCheck;
- (NSString*) _moveLog: (NSString*)name to: (NSString*)sub;
- (void) _timedOut: (NSTimer*)timer;
- (void) _update: (NSMutableDictionary*)info;
@implementation EcProcess
+ (void) atExit
if ([NSObject shouldCleanUp])
+ (NSMutableDictionary*) ecInitialDefaults
NSProcessInfo *pi;
id objects[2];
id keys[2];
NSString *prefix;
pi = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
objects[0] = [pi processName];
objects[1] = @".";
if (nil == prefix)
prefix = @"";
keys[0] = [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"ProgramName"];
keys[1] = [prefix stringByAppendingString: @"HomeDirectory"];
return [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects: objects
forKeys: keys
count: 2];
+ (void) ecRegisterDefault: (NSString*)name
withTypeText: (NSString*)type
andHelpText: (NSString*)help
action: (SEL)cmd
[EcDefaultRegistration registerDefault: name
withTypeText: type
andHelpText: help
action: cmd];
+ (void) ecSetup
if (nil != EcProc)
[NSException raise: NSGenericException
format: @"+ecSetup called when EcProcess is already set up"];
[[self alloc] init];
- (void) _commandRemove
id connection = [cmdServer connectionForProxy];
if (nil != connection)
[connection setDelegate: nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: connection];
[connection invalidate];
- (void) _connectionRegistered
[alarmDestination domanage: nil];
static NSString *noFiles = @"No log files to archive";
- (id) cmdConfig: (NSString*)key
return [cmdDefs objectForKey: key];
- (NSString*) cmdDataDirectory
if (dataDir == nil)
NSFileManager *mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *str = cmdUserDir();
BOOL flag;
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
return nil;
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
return nil;
str = [str stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"Data"];
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
return nil;
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
return nil;
if (homeDir != nil)
str = [str stringByAppendingPathComponent: homeDir];
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
return nil;
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
return nil;
ASSIGNCOPY(dataDir, str);
return dataDir;
- (NSUserDefaults*) cmdDefaults
return cmdDefs;
- (void) cmdDefaultsChanged: (NSNotification*)n
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSDictionary *dict;
NSString *mode;
NSString *str;
int i;
[EcDefaultRegistration defaultsChanged: cmdDefs];
enumerator = [cmdDebugKnown keyEnumerator];
while (nil != (mode = [enumerator nextObject]))
NSString *key = [@"Debug-" stringByAppendingString: mode];
if (YES == [cmdDefs boolForKey: key])
[cmdDebugModes addObject: mode];
[cmdDebugModes removeObject: mode];
dict = [cmdDefs dictionaryForKey: @"WellKnownHostNames"];
if (nil != dict)
[NSHost setWellKnownNames: dict];
[ecLock lock];
ASSIGN(hostName, [[NSHost currentHost] wellKnownName]);
[ecLock unlock];
if ((str = [cmdDefs stringForKey: @"CmdInterval"]) != nil)
[self setCmdInterval: [str floatValue]];
#ifndef __MINGW__
descriptorsMaximum = [cmdDefs integerForKey: @"DescriptorsMaximum"];
memAllowed = (uint64_t)[cmdDefs integerForKey: @"MemoryAllowed"];
if (memAllowed > 200000)
memAllowed = 0;
memMaximum = (uint64_t)[cmdDefs integerForKey: @"MemoryMaximum"];
if (memMaximum > 200000)
memMaximum = 0; // Disabled
str = [cmdDefs stringForKey: @"CoreSize"];
if (nil == str)
i = 2*1024; // 2 GB default
i = [str intValue];
if (i < 0)
i = -1; // unlimited
if (i != coreSize)
struct rlimit rlim;
rlim_t want;
coreSize = i;
if (coreSize < 0)
want = i * 1024 * 1024;
if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) < 0)
NSLog(@"Unable to get core file size limit: %d", errno);
if (RLIM_INFINITY != rlim.rlim_max && rlim.rlim_max < want)
int maxMB = (int)(rlim.rlim_max/(1024*1024));
if (RLIM_INFINITY == want)
NSLog(@"Hard limit for core file size (%dMB)"
@" less than requested (unlimited); using %dMB.",
maxMB, maxMB);
NSLog(@"Hard limit for core file size (%dMB)"
@" less than requested (%dMB); using %dMB.",
maxMB, coreSize, maxMB);
want = rlim.rlim_max;
rlim.rlim_cur = want;
if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) < 0)
if (coreSize > 0)
NSLog(@"Unable to set core file size limit to %uMB"
@", errno: %d", coreSize, errno);
else if (coreSize < 0)
NSLog(@"Unable to set core file size unlimited"
@", errno: %d", errno);
NSLog(@"Unable to set core dumps disabled"
@", errno: %d", errno);
if (servers != nil)
NSEnumerator *e;
RemoteServer *server;
e = [servers objectEnumerator];
while ((server = [e nextObject]))
[server update];
- (NSString*) cmdInstance
return cmdInst;
- (BOOL) cmdIsDaemon
return cmdFlagDaemon;
- (BOOL) cmdIsTesting
return cmdFlagTesting;
- (NSDate*) cmdLastIP
if (0.0 == lastIP)
return nil;
return [dateClass dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: lastIP];
- (NSDate*) cmdLastOP
if (0.0 == lastOP)
return nil;
return [dateClass dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: lastOP];
- (void) cmdLogEnd: (NSString*)name
NSFileHandle *hdl;
if ([name length] == 0)
NSLog(@"Attempt to end log with empty filename");
name = [name lastPathComponent];
[self ecDoLock];
hdl = [cmdLogMap objectForKey: name];
if (hdl != nil)
NSString *path;
NSDictionary *attr;
NSFileManager *mgr;
* Ensure that all data is written to file.
[hdl closeFile];
* If the file is empty, remove it, otherwise move to archive directory.
path = [cmdLogsDir(nil) stringByAppendingPathComponent: name];
mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
attr = [mgr fileAttributesAtPath: path traverseLink: NO];
if ([[attr objectForKey: NSFileSize] intValue] == 0)
[mgr removeFileAtPath: path handler: nil];
NSDate *when;
NSString *where;
when = [NSDate date];
where = [when descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"
timeZone: nil locale: nil];
if (where != nil)
[self _moveLog: name to: where];
* Unregister filename.
[cmdLogMap removeObjectForKey: name];
[self ecUnLock];
- (NSFileHandle*) cmdLogFile: (NSString*)name
NSFileHandle *hdl;
NSString *status = nil;
if ([name length] == 0)
NSLog(@"Attempt to log with empty filename");
return nil;
name = [name lastPathComponent];
[self ecDoLock];
hdl = [cmdLogMap objectForKey: name];
if (hdl == nil)
NSFileManager *mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *path;
path = [cmdLogsDir(nil) stringByAppendingPathComponent: name];
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: path] == YES)
NSDictionary *attr;
NSDate *when;
NSString *where;
attr = [mgr fileAttributesAtPath: path traverseLink: NO];
when = [attr objectForKey: NSFileModificationDate];
where = [when descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"
timeZone: nil locale: nil];
if (where != nil)
status = [self _moveLog: name to: where];
* Create the file if necessary, and open it for updating.
if ([mgr isWritableFileAtPath: path] == NO
&& [mgr createFileAtPath: path contents: nil attributes: nil] == NO)
NSLog(@"File '%@' is not writable and can't be created", path);
hdl = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath: path];
if (hdl == nil)
if (status != nil)
NSLog(@"%@", status);
NSLog(@"Unable to log to %@", path);
[hdl seekToEndOfFile];
if (hdl == nil)
[self ecUnLock];
return nil;
* As a special case, if this is the default debug file
* we must set it up to write to stderr.
if (NO == cmdKeepStderr && [name isEqual: cmdDebugName] == YES)
int desc;
desc = [hdl fileDescriptor];
if (desc != 2)
dup2(desc, 2);
[hdl closeFile];
hdl = [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardError];
* Store the file handle in the dictionary for later use.
[cmdLogMap setObject: hdl forKey: name];
if (status != nil)
NSLog(@"%@", status);
[hdl retain];
[self ecUnLock];
return [hdl autorelease];
- (void) cmdLostConnectionToServer: (NSString*)name
- (void) cmdMadeConnectionToServer: (NSString*)name
- (NSString*) cmdName
return cmdName;
- (int) cmdSignalled
return cmdSignalled;
- (void) ecLoggersChanged: (NSNotification*)n
- (NSDate*) ecStarted
return started;
- (oneway void) alarm: (in bycopy EcAlarm*)event
[alarmDestination alarm: event];
- (EcAlarm*) alarmConfigurationFor: (NSString*)managedObject
specificProblem: (NSString*)specificProblem
additionalText: (NSString*)additionalText
critical: (BOOL)isCritical
EcAlarmSeverity severity;
NSString *action;
EcAlarm *a;
if (YES == isCritical)
severity = EcAlarmSeverityCritical;
severity = EcAlarmSeverityMajor;
action = @"Check/correct configuration"; // FIXME ... localize
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: managedObject
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmConfigurationOrCustomizationError
specificProblem: specificProblem
perceivedSeverity: severity
proposedRepairAction: action
additionalText: additionalText];
[self alarm: a];
return a;
- (NSArray*) alarms
return [alarmDestination alarms];
- (void) clearConfigurationFor: (NSString*)managedObject
specificProblem: (NSString*)specificProblem
additionalText: (NSString*)additionalText
EcAlarm *a;
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: managedObject
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmConfigurationOrCustomizationError
specificProblem: specificProblem
perceivedSeverity: EcAlarmSeverityCleared
proposedRepairAction: nil
additionalText: additionalText];
[self alarm: a];
- (oneway void) domanage: (in bycopy NSString*)managedObject
[alarmDestination domanage: managedObject];
- (oneway void) unmanage: (in bycopy NSString*)managedObject
[alarmDestination unmanage: managedObject];
- (int) processIdentifier
static int pi = 0;
if (0 == pi)
pi = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier];
return pi;
- (void) setCmdInterval: (NSTimeInterval)interval
if (interval > 60.0)
NSLog(@"Ignored attempt to set timer interval to %g ... using 60.0", interval);
interval = 60.0;
if (interval < 0.001)
NSLog(@"Ignored attempt to set timer interval to %g ... using 10.0", interval);
interval = 10.0;
if (interval != cmdTimInterval)
cmdTimInterval = interval;
[self triggerCmdTimeout];
- (NSString*) ecCopyright
return @"";
- (void) ecDoLock
[ecLock lock];
- (void) ecUnLock
[ecLock unlock];
+ (void) initialize
if (nil == ecLock)
ecLock = [NSRecursiveLock new];
dateClass = [NSDate class];
cDateClass = [NSCalendarDate class];
stringClass = [NSString class];
cmdLogMap = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 4];
cmdDebugModes = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity: 4];
cmdDebugKnown = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 4];
[cmdDebugKnown setObject: @"Mode for distributed object connections"
forKey: cmdConnectDbg];
[cmdDebugKnown setObject: @"Standard mode for basic debug information"
forKey: cmdDefaultDbg];
[cmdDebugKnown setObject: @"Detailed but general purpose debugging"
forKey: cmdDetailDbg];
[cmdDebugModes addObject: cmdDefaultDbg];
[self ecRegisterDefault: @"Memory"
withTypeText: @"YES/NO"
andHelpText: @"Enable memory allocation checks"
action: @selector(_defMemory:)];
[self ecRegisterDefault: @"Release"
withTypeText: @"YES/NO"
andHelpText: @"Turn on double release checks (debug)"
action: @selector(_defRelease:)];
[self ecRegisterDefault: @"Testing"
withTypeText: @"YES/NO"
andHelpText: @"Run in test mode (if supported)"
action: @selector(_defTesting:)];
* Set the timeouts for the default connection so that
* they will be inherited by other connections.
* A two minute timeout is long enough for almost all
* circumstances.
[[NSConnection defaultConnection] setRequestTimeout: 120.0];
[[NSConnection defaultConnection] setReplyTimeout: 120.0];
[self registerAtExit];
- (void) addServerToList: (NSString *)serverName
[self addServerToList: serverName for: nil];
- (void) addServerToList: (NSString *)serverName for: (id)anObject
RemoteServer *remote;
if ((serverName == nil)
|| ([serverName isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == NO))
NSLog (@"Warning: invalid string passed to addServerToList:for:");
if (anObject == nil)
anObject = self;
if (servers == nil)
servers = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 2];
remote = [[RemoteServer alloc] initWithDefaultName: serverName
delegate: anObject];
[servers setObject: remote forKey: serverName];
[remote release];
- (void) removeServerFromList: (NSString *)serverName
if ((serverName == nil)
|| ([serverName isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == NO))
NSLog (@"Warning: invalid array passed to removeServerFromList:");
[servers removeObjectForKey: serverName];
- (id) cmdConnectionBecameInvalid: (NSNotification*)notification
id connection;
connection = [notification object];
[connection setDelegate: nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
removeObserver: self
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: connection];
if (cmdServer != nil && connection == [cmdServer connectionForProxy])
[alarmDestination setDestination: nil];
NSLog(@"lost connection 0x%p to command server\n", connection);
* Cause timeout to go off really soon so we will try to
* re-establish the link to the server.
[self triggerCmdTimeout];
NSLog(@"unknown connection sent invalidation\n");
return self;
- (void) cmdAlert: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args
if (nil == alertLogger)
alertLogger = [[EcLogger loggerForType: LT_ALERT] retain];
[alertLogger log: fmt arguments: args];
- (void) cmdAlert: (NSString*)fmt, ...
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
[self cmdAlert: fmt arguments: ap];
va_end (ap);
- (NSString*) cmdArchive: (NSString*)subdir
NSString *status = @"";
if ([cmdLogMap count] == 0)
status = noFiles;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *name;
[self ecDoLock];
enumerator = [[cmdLogMap allKeys] objectEnumerator];
[self ecUnLock];
if (subdir == nil)
NSCalendarDate *when = [NSCalendarDate date];
int y, m, d;
y = [when yearOfCommonEra];
m = [when monthOfYear];
d = [when dayOfMonth];
subdir = [stringClass stringWithFormat: @"%04d-%02d-%02d", y, m, d];
while ((name = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *s;
s = [self _moveLog: name to: subdir];
if ([status length] > 0)
status = [status stringByAppendingString: @"\n"];
status = [status stringByAppendingString: s];
[self cmdLogEnd: name];
if (cmdIsQuitting == NO)
[self cmdLogFile: name];
return status;
- (void) cmdAudit: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args
if (nil == auditLogger)
auditLogger = [[EcLogger loggerForType: LT_AUDIT] retain];
[auditLogger log: fmt arguments: args];
- (void) cmdAudit: (NSString*)fmt, ...
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
[self cmdAudit: fmt arguments: ap];
va_end (ap);
- (void) cmdDbg: (NSString*)type msg: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args
if (nil != [cmdDebugModes member: type])
if (nil == debugLogger)
debugLogger = [[EcLogger loggerForType: LT_DEBUG] retain];
[debugLogger log: fmt arguments: args];
- (void) cmdDbg: (NSString*)type msg: (NSString*)fmt, ...
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
[self cmdDbg: type msg: fmt arguments: ap];
va_end (ap);
- (void) cmdDebug: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args
if (nil != [cmdDebugModes member: cmdDefaultDbg])
if (nil == debugLogger)
debugLogger = [[EcLogger loggerForType: LT_DEBUG] retain];
[debugLogger log: fmt arguments: args];
- (void) cmdDebug: (NSString*)fmt, ...
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
[self cmdDebug: fmt arguments: ap];
va_end (ap);
- (void) cmdError: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args
if (nil == errorLogger)
errorLogger = [[EcLogger loggerForType: LT_ERROR] retain];
[errorLogger log: fmt arguments: args];
- (void) cmdError: (NSString*)fmt, ...
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
[self cmdError: fmt arguments: ap];
va_end (ap);
- (void) cmdFlushLogs
[alertLogger flush];
[auditLogger flush];
[debugLogger flush];
[errorLogger flush];
[warningLogger flush];
- (NSTimeInterval) cmdInterval
return cmdTimInterval;
- (BOOL) cmdIsClient
return YES;
- (void) log: (NSString*)message type: (EcLogType)t
switch (t)
case LT_DEBUG:
[self cmdDebug: @"%@", message];
[self cmdWarn: @"%@", message];
case LT_ERROR:
[self cmdError: @"%@", message];
case LT_ALERT:
[self cmdAlert: @"%@", message];
case LT_AUDIT:
[self cmdAudit: @"%@", message];
[self cmdError: @"%@", message];
- (NSMutableDictionary*) cmdOperator: (NSString*)name password: (NSString*)pass
NSMutableDictionary *d = (NSMutableDictionary*)cmdOperators;
if (d == nil || [d isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
return nil;
d = [d objectForKey: name];
if (d == nil || [d isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]] == NO)
return nil;
d = [d mutableCopy];
if (pass != nil && [[d objectForKey: @"Password"] isEqual: pass] == YES)
[d setObject: @"yes" forKey: @"Password"];
[d setObject: @"no" forKey: @"Password"];
return AUTORELEASE(d);
- (id) cmdNewServer
static BOOL connecting = NO;
if (NO == connecting)
* Use the 'cmdLast' variable to ensure that we don't try to
* check memory usage or connect to the command server more
* than once every 10 sec.
if (cmdLast == nil || [cmdLast timeIntervalSinceNow] < -10.0)
int mayRetry;
connecting = YES;
/* The first time we try to connect to the Command server
* (on startup) we should retry for several seconds in case
* the whole system is coming up and the Command server has
* not yet been started.
mayRetry = (nil == cmdLast ? 10 : 0);
ASSIGN(cmdLast, [dateClass date]);
if (cmdFirst == nil)
ASSIGN(cmdFirst, cmdLast);
if (cmdServer == nil && YES == [self cmdIsClient])
NSString *name = nil;
NSString *host = nil;
id proxy;
NSSocketPortNameServer *ns;
host = ecCommandHost();
name = ecCommandName();
ns = [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance];
proxy = [NSConnection
rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName: name
host: host
usingNameServer: ns];
while (nil == proxy && mayRetry-- > 0)
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval: 1.0];
proxy = [NSConnection
rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName: name
host: host
usingNameServer: ns];
proxy = nil;
NSLog(@"Exception connecting to Command server %@ on %@): %@",
name, host, localException);
if (proxy != nil)
NSMutableDictionary *r = nil;
[proxy setProtocolForProxy: @protocol(Command)];
NSData *d;
d = [proxy registerClient: self
name: cmdLogName()
transient: cmdIsTransient];
r = [NSPropertyListSerialization
propertyListWithData: d
options: NSPropertyListMutableContainers
format: 0
error: 0];
r = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 1];
[r setObject: [localException reason]
forKey: @"rejected"];
NSLog(@"Caught exception registering with Command: %@",
/* We could be rejected or told to back off,
* otherwise we continue as normal.
if (r != nil && [r objectForKey: @"rejected"] != nil)
NSLog(@"Rejected by Command - %@",
[r objectForKey: @"rejected"]);
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
[self cmdQuit: 0]; /* Rejected by server. */
else if (nil == r || nil == [r objectForKey: @"back-off"])
NSConnection *connection;
cmdServer = [proxy retain];
connection = [cmdServer connectionForProxy];
[connection enableMultipleThreads];
if (nil == alarmDestination)
alarmDestination = [EcAlarmDestination new];
[alarmDestination setDestination: cmdServer];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(cmdConnectionBecameInvalid:)
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: connection];
[self _update: r];
/* If we just connected to the command server,
* and we have a registered connection, then we
* can tell it that any alarm for failure to
* register must be cleared.
if (nil != cmdServer && [EcProcConnection isValid])
[self _connectionRegistered];
connecting = NO;
else if (cmdServer == nil && YES == [self cmdIsClient])
NSLog(@"Unable to connect to Command server ... not retry time yet");
return cmdServer;
- (void) cmdUnregister
if (nil != cmdServer)
[cmdServer unregisterByObject: self];
[self _commandRemove];
NSLog(@"Caught exception unregistering from Command: %@",
[self _commandRemove];
- (void) cmdWarn: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args
if (nil == warningLogger)
warningLogger = [[EcLogger loggerForType: LT_WARNING] retain];
[warningLogger log: fmt arguments: args];
- (void) cmdWarn: (NSString*)fmt, ...
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
[self cmdWarn: fmt arguments: ap];
va_end (ap);
- (void) ecNewDay: (NSCalendarDate*)when
NSString *sub;
/* New day ... archive debug/log files into a subdirectory based on
* the current date. This is yesterday's debug, so we use yesterday.
sub = [[when dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: -1 hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: 0] descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"];
NSLog(@"%@", [self cmdArchive: sub]);
- (void) ecNewHour: (NSCalendarDate*)when
- (void) ecNewMinute: (NSCalendarDate*)when
#ifndef __MINGW__
if (NO == cmdIsQuitting)
NSString *shutdown = nil;
int p[2];
if (pipe(p) == 0)
if (0 == reservedPipe[1])
reservedPipe[0] = p[0];
reservedPipe[1] = p[1];
if (descriptorsMaximum > 0)
if (p[0] > descriptorsMaximum || p[1] > descriptorsMaximum)
shutdown = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Open file descriptor limit (%lu) exceeded",
(unsigned long) descriptorsMaximum];
shutdown = @"Process ran out of file descriptors";
if (nil != shutdown)
/* We hope that closing two reserved file descriptors will allow
* us to shut down gracefully and restart.
if (reservedPipe[1] > 0)
close(reservedPipe[0]); reservedPipe[0] = 0;
close(reservedPipe[1]); reservedPipe[1] = 0;
[self cmdError: @"%@", shutdown];
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
[self cmdQuit: -1];
/* We want to be sure we work with reasonably up to date information.
[NSHost flushHostCache];
[self _memCheck];
- (void) ecHadIP: (NSDate*)when
if (nil == when)
lastIP = [dateClass timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
lastIP = [when timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
- (void) ecHadOP: (NSDate*)when
if (nil == when)
lastOP = [dateClass timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
lastOP = [when timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
- (NSUInteger) ecNotLeaked
return 0;
- (int) ecRun
NSAutoreleasePool *arp;
NSConnection *c;
NSRunLoop *loop;
arp = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
if (YES == cmdIsTransient)
[self cmdWarn: @"Attempted to run transient process."];
[self cmdFlushLogs];
[arp release];
return 1;
NSAssert(nil == EcProcConnection, NSGenericException);
c = [[NSConnection alloc] initWithReceivePort: (NSPort*)[NSSocketPort port]
sendPort: nil];
[c setRootObject: self];
if ([c registerName: [self cmdName]
withNameServer: [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance]] == NO)
EcAlarm *a;
NSLog(@"Unable to register with name server. Perhaps a copy of this process is already running (or is hung or blocked waiting for a database query etc), or perhaps an old version was killed and is still registered. Check the state of any running process and and check the process registration with gdomap.");
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: nil
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmSoftwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated
specificProblem: @"Unable to register"
perceivedSeverity: EcAlarmSeverityMajor
_(@"Check for running copy of process and/or registration in gdomap.")
additionalText: _(@"Process probably already running (possibly hung/delayed) or problem in name registration with distributed objects system (gdomap)")];
[self alarm: a];
[alarmDestination shutdown];
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
[self cmdFlushLogs];
[arp release];
return 2;
EcAlarm *a;
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: nil
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmSoftwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated
specificProblem: @"Unable to register"
perceivedSeverity: EcAlarmSeverityCleared
proposedRepairAction: nil
additionalText: nil];
[self alarm: a];
[c setDelegate: self];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(cmdConnectionBecameInvalid:)
name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
object: c];
EcProcConnection = c;
[self _connectionRegistered];
[self cmdAudit: @"Started `%@'", [self cmdName]];
[self cmdFlushLogs];
cmdIsRunning = YES;
loop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
while (YES == [EcProcConnection isValid])
NSDate *d = [loop limitDateForMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
if (0 == cmdSignalled)
[loop acceptInputForMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate: d];
if (0 != cmdSignalled)
int sig = cmdSignalled;
cmdSignalled = 0;
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
[self cmdQuit: sig];
[self cmdAlert: @"Problem running server: %@", localException];
[arp emptyPool];
[arp release];
/* finish server */
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
[self cmdQuit: 0];
cmdIsRunning = NO;
return 0;
- (void) ecTestLog: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args
if (YES == cmdFlagTesting)
NSLogv(fmt, args);
- (void) ecTestLog: (NSString*)fmt, ...
if (YES == cmdFlagTesting)
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
[self ecTestLog: fmt arguments: ap];
va_end (ap);
- (NSString*) ecUserDirectory
return cmdUserDir();
- (void) setCmdDebug: (NSString*)mode withDescription: (NSString*)desc
[cmdDebugKnown setObject: desc forKey: mode];
- (void) setCmdTimeout: (SEL)sel
cmdTimSelector = sel;
[self triggerCmdTimeout];
- (void) triggerCmdTimeout
if (NO == [NSThread isMainThread])
[self performSelectorOnMainThread: _cmd
withObject: nil
waitUntilDone: NO];
if (cmdPTimer != nil)
* If the timer is due to go off soon - don't reset it -
* continually resetting could lead to it never firing.
if ([[cmdPTimer fireDate] timeIntervalSinceNow] <= 0.01)
[cmdPTimer invalidate];
cmdPTimer = nil;
cmdPTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.001
target: self
selector: @selector(_timedOut:)
userInfo: nil
repeats: NO];
- (BOOL) cmdDebugMode: (NSString*)mode
if ([cmdDebugModes member: mode] == nil)
return NO;
return YES;
- (void) cmdDebugMode: (NSString*)mode active: (BOOL)flag
if ((mode = findMode(cmdDebugKnown, mode)) != nil)
if (flag == YES && [cmdDebugModes member: mode] == nil)
[cmdDebugModes addObject: mode];
if (flag == NO && [cmdDebugModes member: mode] != nil)
[cmdDebugModes removeObject: mode];
- (oneway void) cmdGnip: (id <CmdPing>)from
sequence: (unsigned)num
extra: (in bycopy NSData*)data
[self cmdDbg: cmdConnectDbg msg: @"cmdGnip: %lx sequence: %u extra: %lx",
(unsigned long)from, num, (unsigned long)data];
- (BOOL) cmdIsConnected
return cmdServer != nil;
- (BOOL) cmdMatch: (NSString*)val toKey: (NSString*)key
unsigned int len = [val length];
if (len == 0)
return NO;
if (len > [key length])
return NO;
if ([key compare: val
options: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch|NSLiteralSearch
range: NSMakeRange(0, len)] != NSOrderedSame)
return NO;
return YES;
- (void) cmdMesgCache
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *name;
/* The cmdActions set contains the names of all the commands this
* instance will accept from the Command server. These are methods
* taking an array of strings as an argument and returning a string
* as their result. All have names of the form cmdMesgXXX: where
* XXX is the (lowercase) command.
[ecLock lock];
if (nil == cmdActions)
cmdActions = [NSMutableSet new];
[cmdActions removeAllObjects];
enumerator = [GSObjCMethodNames(self, YES) objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (name = [enumerator nextObject]))
NSRange r = [name rangeOfString: @":"];
if ([name hasPrefix: @"cmdMesg"] && 1 == r.length && r.location > 7)
name = [name substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(7, r.location - 7)];
if (YES == [name isEqual: [name lowercaseString]])
[cmdActions addObject: name];
[ecLock unlock];
- (NSString*) cmdMesg: (NSArray*)msg
NSMutableString *saved;
NSString *result;
NSString *cmd;
SEL sel;
if (msg == nil || [msg count] < 1)
return @"no command specified\n";
cmd = findAction([msg objectAtIndex: 0]);
if (nil == cmd)
return @"unrecognised command\n";
sel = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat: @"cmdMesg%@:", cmd]);
saved = replyBuffer;
replyBuffer = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 50000];
[self performSelector: sel withObject: msg];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n%@ during command\n", localException];
result = replyBuffer;
replyBuffer = saved;
return result;
* Name - cmdMesgData: from:
* Purpose - Invoke other methods to handle commands.
- (void) cmdMesgData: (NSData*)dat from: (NSString*)name
NSArray *msg;
NSString *val;
msg = [NSPropertyListSerialization
propertyListWithData: dat
options: NSPropertyListMutableContainers
format: 0
error: 0];
val = [self cmdMesg: msg];
if (cmdServer)
[cmdServer reply: val to: name from: cmdLogName()];
[self _commandRemove];
NSLog(@"Caught exception sending client reply to Command: %@ %@",
name, localException);
- (void) cmdMesgalarms: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"reports current alarms"];
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] isEqualToString: @"help"])
[self cmdPrintf: @"\nThe alarms command is used to report the"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" alarms currently active for this process.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"NB. Each individual process identifies current"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" alarms by address within the process.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"This differs from the Control server which"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" uses a unique notification ID intended\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"for working with external SNMP systems.\n"];
NSArray *a = [alarmDestination alarms];
if (0 == [a count])
[self cmdPrintf: @"No alarms currently active.\n"];
int i;
a = [a sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(compare:)];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Current alarms -\n"];
for (i = 0; i < [a count]; i++)
EcAlarm *alarm = [a objectAtIndex: i];
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@\n", [alarm description]];
- (void) cmdMesgarchive: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"archives log files"];
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"]
== NSOrderedSame)
[self cmdPrintf: @"\nThe archive command is used to archive the"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" debug file to a subdirectory.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"You should not need it - as archiving should"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"be done automatically at midnight.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n%@\n", [self cmdArchive: nil]];
- (void) cmdMesgclear: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"clears current alarms"];
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] isEqualToString: @"help"])
[self cmdPrintf: @"\nThe clear command is used to clear the"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" alarms currently active for this process.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"You may use the word 'all' or a space separated"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" list of alarm addresses.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"NB. Each individual process identifies current"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" alarms by address within the process.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"This differs from the Control server which"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" uses a unique notification ID intended\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"for working with external SNMP systems.\n"];
NSArray *a = [alarmDestination alarms];
NSUInteger count = [msg count];
if (count < 2)
[self cmdPrintf: @"The 'clear' command requires an alarm"
@" notificationID or the word all\n"];
NSUInteger alarmCount = [a count];
EcAlarm *alarm;
NSUInteger index;
for (index = 1; index < count; index++)
NSUInteger addr;
NSString *arg = [msg objectAtIndex: index];
if ([arg caseInsensitiveCompare: _(@"all")]
== NSOrderedSame)
NSUInteger i;
for (i = 0; i < alarmCount; i++)
alarm = [a objectAtIndex: i];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Clearing %@\n", alarm];
alarm = [alarm clear];
[alarmDestination alarm: alarm];
else if (1 == sscanf([arg UTF8String], "%" PRIxPTR, &addr))
NSUInteger i;
alarm = nil;
for (i = 0; i < alarmCount; i++)
alarm = [a objectAtIndex: i];
if ((NSUInteger)alarm == addr)
alarm = nil;
if (nil == alarm)
[self cmdPrintf:
@"No alarm found with the address '%@'\n",
[self cmdPrintf: @"Clearing %@\n", alarm];
alarm = [alarm clear];
[alarmDestination alarm: alarm];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Not a hexadecimal address: '%@'\n",
- (void) cmdMesgdebug: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"turns on debug logging"];
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"]
== NSOrderedSame)
[self cmdPrintf: @"\nWithout parameters, the debug command is "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"used to list the currently active "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debug modes.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"With the single parameter 'default', the debug "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"command is used to revert to default "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debug settings.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"With the single parameter 'all', the debug "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"command is used to activate all "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debugging.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"With any other parameter, the debug command "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"is used to activate one of the "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debug modes listed below.\n\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@\n", cmdDebugKnown];
else if ([msg count] > 1)
NSString *mode = (NSString*)[msg objectAtIndex: 1];
NSString *key;
if ([mode caseInsensitiveCompare: @"default"] == NSOrderedSame)
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [cmdDebugKnown keyEnumerator];
while (nil != (mode = [enumerator nextObject]))
key = [@"Debug-" stringByAppendingString: mode];
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: key];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Now using debug settings from config.\n"];
else if ([mode caseInsensitiveCompare: @"all"] == NSOrderedSame)
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [cmdDebugKnown keyEnumerator];
while (nil != (mode = [enumerator nextObject]))
key = [@"Debug-" stringByAppendingString: mode];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"YES" forKey: key];
[self cmdPrintf: @"All debugging is now active.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debug mode '"];
if ((mode = findMode(cmdDebugKnown, mode)) == nil)
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@' is not known.\n", mode];
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@", mode];
if ([cmdDebugModes member: mode] == nil)
[self cmdPrintf: @"' is now active."];
[self cmdPrintf: @"' is already active."];
key = [@"Debug-" stringByAppendingString: mode];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"YES" forKey: key];
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@\n", [EcLogger loggerForType: LT_DEBUG]];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Current active debug modes -\n"];
if ([cmdDebugModes count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"\nNone.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@\n", cmdDebugModes];
- (void) cmdMesghelp: (NSArray*)msg
NSEnumerator *e;
NSString *cmd;
SEL sel;
[ecLock lock];
e = [cmdActions objectEnumerator];
[ecLock unlock];
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"provides helpful information :-)"];
else if ([msg count] > 1)
NSString *found;
cmd = [msg objectAtIndex: 1];
found = findAction(cmd);
if ([cmd caseInsensitiveCompare: @"control"] == NSOrderedSame)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Detailed help on the 'control' command -\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"This command enables you to send an"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"instruction to the 'Control' server rather\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"than to the currently connected server.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Everything typed on the line after the word"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" 'control' is treated as a command to\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"the 'Control' server process.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\nTo disconnect from the server type -\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" control connect\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\nTo disconnect from the host type -\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" control host\n"];
else if (nil == found)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Unable to find the '%@' command -\n", cmd];
else if ([found caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"] != NSOrderedSame)
NSMutableArray *m;
[self cmdPrintf: @"Detailed help on the '%@' command -\n", found];
sel = NSSelectorFromString(
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"cmdMesg%@:", found]);
/* To get the help on a command, we invoke that command
* by passing the command and arguments (ie, the msg array).
* The command implementation should check the argument 0 -
* if it is "help", it should print out help on itself.
* Save expanded (unabbreviated) commands so the methods
* getting the help request don't need to recheck the values.
m = [[msg mutableCopy] autorelease];
[m replaceObjectAtIndex: 0 withObject: @"help"];
[m replaceObjectAtIndex: 1 withObject: found];
[self performSelector: sel withObject: m];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"For help on a particular command, type 'help <cmd>'\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"These are the commands available to you -\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n"];
while ((cmd = [e nextObject]) != nil)
unsigned l;
sel = NSSelectorFromString(
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"cmdMesg%@:", cmd]);
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@ - ", cmd];
l = [cmd length];
while (l++ < 9)
[self cmdPrintf: @" "];
[self performSelector: sel withObject: nil];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n"];
- (void) cmdMesgnodebug: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"turns off debug logging"];
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"]
== NSOrderedSame)
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Without parameters, the nodebug command is "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"used to list the currently inactive\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debug modes.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"With the single parameter 'all', the nodebug "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"command is used to deactivate all\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debugging.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"With the single parameter 'default', the "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"nodebug command is used to revert to default "];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debug settings.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"With any other parameter, the nodebug command is"];
[self cmdPrintf: @" used to deactivate one of the\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debug modes listed below.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@\n", cmdDebugKnown];
else if ([msg count] > 1)
NSString *mode = (NSString*)[msg objectAtIndex: 1];
NSString *key;
if ([mode caseInsensitiveCompare: @"default"] == NSOrderedSame)
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [cmdDebugKnown keyEnumerator];
while (nil != (mode = [enumerator nextObject]))
key = [@"Debug-" stringByAppendingString: mode];
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: key];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Now using debug settings from config.\n"];
else if ([mode caseInsensitiveCompare: @"all"] == NSOrderedSame)
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [cmdDebugKnown keyEnumerator];
while (nil != (mode = [enumerator nextObject]))
key = [@"Debug-" stringByAppendingString: mode];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"NO" forKey: key];
[self cmdPrintf: @"All debugging is now inactive.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"debug mode '"];
if ((mode = findMode(cmdDebugKnown, mode)) == nil)
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@' is not known.\n", mode];
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@' is ", mode];
if ([cmdDebugModes member: mode] == nil)
[self cmdPrintf: @"already inactive.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"now deactivated.\n"];
key = [@"Debug-" stringByAppendingString: mode];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"NO" forKey: key];
NSArray *a = [cmdDebugKnown allKeys];
NSMutableSet *s = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: a];
* Find items known but not active.
[s minusSet: cmdDebugModes];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Current inactive debug modes -\n"];
if (a == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"none.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@\n", s];
- (void) cmdMesgmemory: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"controls recording of memory management statistics"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n%@ on %@ running since %@\n\n",
cmdLogName(), ecHostName(), [self ecStarted]];
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"]
== NSOrderedSame || ([msg count] > 1
&& [[msg objectAtIndex: 1] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"]
== NSOrderedSame))
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n\
Without parameters,\n\
the memory command is used to list the changes in the numbers of objects\n\
allocated since the command was last issued.\n\
With the single parameter 'all',\n\
the memory command is used to list the cumulative totals of objects\n\
allocated since the gathering of memory usage statistics was turned on.\n\
With the single parameter 'current',\n\
the memory command is used to list the current totals of objects\n\
allocated (and not deallocated) since the gathering of memory usage\n\
statistics was turned on.\n\
With the single parameter 'yes',\n\
the memory command is used to turn on gathering of memory usage statistics.\n\
With the single parameter 'no',\n\
the memory command is used to turn off gathering of memory usage statistics.\n\
With the single parameter 'default',\n\
the gathering of memory usage statistics reverts to the default setting.\n\
With two parameters ('class' and a class name),\n\
new instances of the class are recorded.\n\
With two parameters ('list' and a class),\n\
recorded instances of the class are reported.\n\
With two parameters ('allowed' and a number),\n\
the threshold for warnings about process size is set (in MB).\n\
Set to 'default' to revert to the default.\n\
With two parameters ('increment' and a number),\n\
the size increment between warnings about process size is set (in KB\n\
from 10 to 1000000). Set to 'default' to revert to the default.\n\
With two parameters ('percentage' and a number),\n\
the percentage increment between warnings about process memory size is\n\
set (from 1 to 1000). Set to 'default' to revert to the default.\n\
With two parameters ('maximum' and a number),\n\
the maximum process size (in MB) is set. On reaching the limit, the\n\
process restarts unless the limit is zero (meaning no maximum).\n\
Set to 'default' to revert to the default."];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n"];
else if ([msg count] == 2)
NSString *word = [msg objectAtIndex: 1];
if ([word caseInsensitiveCompare: @"current"] == NSOrderedSame)
if (NO == [cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Memory"])
[self cmdPrintf:
@"Memory statistics were not being gathered.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory statistics Will start from NOW.\n"];
const char* list;
list = (const char*)GSDebugAllocationList(NO);
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory current stats at %@:\n%s",
[NSDate date], list];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"YES" forKey: @"Memory"];
else if ([word caseInsensitiveCompare: @"default"] == NSOrderedSame)
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: @"Memory"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory checking: %s\n",
[cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Memory"] ? "YES" : "NO"];
else if ([word caseInsensitiveCompare: @"all"] == NSOrderedSame)
if (NO == [cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Memory"])
[self cmdPrintf:
@"Memory statistics were not being gathered.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory statistics Will start from NOW.\n"];
const char* list;
list = (const char*)GSDebugAllocationList(NO);
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory total allocation stats at %@:\n%s",
[NSDate date], list];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"YES" forKey: @"Memory"];
else if ([word boolValue] == YES)
if (NO == [cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Memory"])
[self cmdPrintf:
@"Memory statistics were not being gathered.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Statistics Will start from NOW.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf:
@"Memory statistics are already being gathered.\n"];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"YES" forKey: @"Memory"];
if (NO == [cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Memory"])
[self cmdPrintf:
@"Memory statistics were not being gathered.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory statistics are turned off NOW.\n"];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"NO" forKey: @"Memory"];
else if ([msg count] == 3)
NSString *op = [msg objectAtIndex: 1];
NSString *arg = [msg objectAtIndex: 2];
NSInteger val = [arg integerValue];
if ([op caseInsensitiveCompare: @"allowed"] == NSOrderedSame)
if (val <= 0)
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: @"MemoryAllowed"];
if (0 == memAllowed)
/* The threshold was set back to zero ... to be
* calculated from a ten minute baseline.
memSlot = 0;
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryAllowed using default value.\n"];
arg = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%"PRIu64, (uint64_t)val];
[cmdDefs setCommand: arg forKey: @"MemoryAllowed"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryAllowed set to %@MB.\n", arg];
memWarn = memAllowed * 1024 * 1024;
[self _memCheck];
else if ([op caseInsensitiveCompare: @"increment"] == NSOrderedSame)
if (val <= 10 || val > 1000000)
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: @"MemoryIncrement"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryIncrement using default value.\n"];
arg = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%"PRIu64, (uint64_t)val];
[cmdDefs setCommand: arg forKey: @"MemoryIncrement"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryIncrement set to %@KB.\n", arg];
else if ([op caseInsensitiveCompare: @"percentage"] == NSOrderedSame)
if (val <= 0 || val > 1000)
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: @"MemoryPercentage"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryPercentage using default value.\n"];
arg = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%"PRIu64, (uint64_t)val];
[cmdDefs setCommand: arg forKey: @"MemoryPercentage"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryPercentage set to %@.\n", arg];
else if ([op caseInsensitiveCompare: @"maximum"] == NSOrderedSame)
if (val <= 0)
if ([arg caseInsensitiveCompare: @"default"] == NSOrderedSame)
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: @"MemoryMaximum"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryMaximum using default value.\n"];
[cmdDefs setCommand: @"0" forKey: @"MemoryMaximum"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryMaximum restart turned off.\n"];
arg = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%"PRIu64, (uint64_t)val];
[cmdDefs setCommand: arg forKey: @"MemoryMaximum"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"MemoryMaximum set to %@MB.\n", arg];
Class c = NSClassFromString(arg);
if (Nil == c)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Unable to find class '%@'.\n", arg];
if ([op caseInsensitiveCompare: @"class"] == NSOrderedSame)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Recording instances of '%@'.\n", arg];
else if ([op caseInsensitiveCompare: @"list"] == NSOrderedSame)
NSArray *array;
NSUInteger count;
NSUInteger index;
array = GSDebugAllocationListRecordedObjects(c);
[self cmdPrintf: @"Current instances of '%@':\n", arg];
count = [array count];
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
[self cmdPrintf: @"%6lu %@\n",
(unsigned long)index, [array objectAtIndex: index]];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Unknown memory command '%@'.\n", op];
if (NO == [cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Memory"])
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory stats are not being gathered.\n"];
const char *list;
NSDate *now;
now = [NSDate date];
list = (const char*)GSDebugAllocationList(YES);
if (nil == memStats)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory change stats at %@:\n%s",
now, list];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory change stats at %@ (since %@):\n%s",
now, memStats, list];
ASSIGN(memStats, now);
- (void) cmdMesgstatus: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"provides server status information"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"\n%@ on %@ running since %@\n",
cmdLogName(), ecHostName(), [self ecStarted]];
if (lastIP > 0.0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Last IP at %@\n", [self cmdLastIP]];
if (lastOP > 0.0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Last OP at %@\n", [self cmdLastOP]];
if (servers != nil)
NSEnumerator *e;
RemoteServer *server;
e = [servers objectEnumerator];
while ((server = (RemoteServer *)[e nextObject]) != 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"%@\n", server];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory usage: %"PRIu64"KB (current),"
@" %"PRIu64"KB (peak)\n",
memLast/1024, memPeak/1024];
[self cmdPrintf: @" %"PRIu64"KB (average),"
@" %"PRIu64"KB (start)\n",
memAvge/1024, memStrt/1024];
[self cmdPrintf: @" %"PRIu64"KB (reserved)\n",
[self ecNotLeaked]/1024];
if (memSlot < MEMCOUNT)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Memory error reporting disabled (for %d min"
@" of baseline stats collection).\n", (int)(MEMCOUNT - memSlot)];
[self cmdPrintf:
@"Memory error reporting after average usage: %"PRIu64"KB\n",
if (memMaximum > 0)
[self cmdPrintf:
@"Memory exceeded shutdown after peak usage: %"PRIu64"KB\n",
memMaximum * 1024];
- (oneway void) cmdPing: (id <CmdPing>)from
sequence: (unsigned)num
extra: (in bycopy NSData*)data
[self cmdDbg: cmdConnectDbg msg: @"cmdPing: %lx sequence: %u extra: %lx",
(unsigned long)from, num, (unsigned long)data];
[from cmdGnip: self sequence: num extra: nil];
- (void) cmdPrintf: (NSString*)fmt arguments: (va_list)args
NSString *tmp;
tmp = [[stringClass alloc] initWithFormat: fmt arguments: args];
[replyBuffer appendString: tmp];
[tmp release];
- (void) cmdPrintf: (NSString*)fmt, ...
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
[self cmdPrintf: fmt arguments: ap];
- (void) cmdQuit: (NSInteger)status
if (reservedPipe[1] > 0)
close(reservedPipe[0]); reservedPipe[0] = 0;
close(reservedPipe[1]); reservedPipe[1] = 0;
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
cmdQuitStatus = status;
if (cmdPTimer != nil)
[cmdPTimer invalidate];
cmdPTimer = nil;
if (0 == status)
/* Normal shutdown ... unmanage this process first.
[alarmDestination unmanage: nil];
[alarmDestination shutdown];
[self cmdFlushLogs];
[self cmdUnregister];
[alarmDestination shutdown];
[EcProcConnection invalidate];
NSArray *keys;
unsigned index;
* Close down all log files.
keys = [cmdLogMap allKeys];
for (index = 0; index < [keys count]; index++)
[self cmdLogEnd: [keys objectAtIndex: index]];
- (void) cmdUpdate: (NSMutableDictionary*)info
BOOL defaultsChanged;
if (nil == info)
defaultsChanged = NO;
ASSIGNCOPY(cmdConf, info);
defaultsChanged = [cmdDefs setConfiguration: cmdConf];
/* If the defaults did not actually change,
* trigger an update anyway.
if (NO == defaultsChanged)
[self cmdDefaultsChanged: nil];
- (NSString*) cmdUpdated
return nil;
- (void) dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
[ecLock lock];
if (self == EcProc)
EcProc = nil;
[ecLock unlock];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString*) description
return [stringClass stringWithFormat: @"%@ (%@) on %@",
[super description], cmdLogName(), ecHostName()];
- (id) init
self = [self initWithDefaults: [[self class] ecInitialDefaults]];
return self;
- (id) initWithDefaults: (NSDictionary*) defs
[ecLock lock];
if (nil != EcProc)
[self release];
[ecLock unlock];
[NSException raise: NSGenericException
format: @"EcProcess initialiser called more than once"];
if (nil == (self = [super init]))
[ecLock unlock];
return nil;
NSProcessInfo *pinfo;
NSArray *args;
NSFileManager *mgr;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *str;
NSString *dbg;
NSString *prf;
BOOL flag;
NSInteger i;
EcProc = self;
started = RETAIN([dateClass date]);
pinfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
args = [pinfo arguments];
mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if (nil == prf)
prf = @"";
ASSIGN(cmdDefs, [NSUserDefaults
userDefaultsWithPrefix: prf
if (defs != nil)
[cmdDefs registerDefaults: defs];
if ([args containsObject: @"--help"] || [args containsObject: @"-H"])
GSPrintf(stderr, @"Standard command-line arguments ...\n\n");
if ([self isKindOfClass: NSClassFromString(@"EcControl")])
@"-%@Daemon NO Run process in the foreground.\n",
else if ([self isKindOfClass: NSClassFromString(@"EcConsole")])
@"-%@ControlHost [aHost] Host of the Control server to use.\n"
@"-%@ControlName [aName] Name of the Control server to use.\n"
@"-%@Daemon [YES/NO] Fork process to run in background?\n",
prf, prf, prf);
else if ([self isKindOfClass: NSClassFromString(@"EcCommand")])
@"-%@ControlHost [aHost] Host of the Control server to use.\n"
@"-%@ControlName [aName] Name of the Control server to use.\n"
@"-%@Daemon NO Run process in in the foreground.\n",
prf, prf, prf);
@"-%@CommandHost [aHost] Host of the Command server to use.\n"
@"-%@CommandName [aName] Name of the Command server to use.\n"
@"-%@Daemon [YES/NO] Fork process to run in background?\n",
@"-%@Transient [YES/NO] Expect this process be short-lived?\n",
prf, prf, prf, prf);
GSPrintf(stderr, @"\n");
@"-%@CoreSize [MB] Maximum core dump size\n"
@" 0 = no dumps, -1 = unlimited\n"
@"-%@DescriptorsMaximum [N]\n"
@" Set maximum file descriptors to use\n"
@"-%@Debug-name [YES/NO] Turn on/off the named type of debug\n"
@"-%@EffectiveUser [aName] User to run this process as\n"
@"-%@HomeDirectory [relDir] Relative home within user directory\n"
@"-%@UserDirectory [dir] Override home directory for user\n"
@"-%@Instance [aNumber] Instance number for multiple copies\n"
@"-%@MemoryAllowed [MB] Expected memory usage (before alerts)\n"
@"-%@MemoryIncrement [KB] Absolute increase in alert threshold\n"
@"-%@MemoryMaximum [MB] Maximum memory usage (before restart)\n"
@"-%@MemoryPercentage [N] Percent increase in alert threshold\n"
@"-%@ProgramName [aName] Name to use for this program\n"
@"\n--version to get version information and quit\n\n",
prf, prf, prf, prf, prf, prf, prf, prf, prf, prf, prf, prf);
[EcDefaultRegistration showHelp];
[ecLock unlock];
return nil;
if ([args containsObject: @"--version"])
NSLog(@"%@ %@", [self ecCopyright], cmdVersion(nil));
[ecLock unlock];
return nil;
if (nil == cmdUser)
cmdUser = [[cmdDefs stringForKey: @"EffectiveUser"] retain];
if (YES == [cmdUser isEqual: @"*"]
|| YES == [cmdUser isEqualToString: NSUserName()])
ASSIGN(cmdUser, NSUserName());
else if ([cmdUser length] == 0)
NSLog(@"This software is not configured to run as any user.\n"
@"You may use the EffectiveUser user default setting"
@" to specify the user (setting this to an asterisk ('*')"
@" allows the software to run as any user). Alternatively"
@" an EC_EFFECTIVE_USER can be defined when the ec library"
@" is built.");
const char *user = [cmdUser UTF8String];
struct passwd *pwd = getpwnam(user);
int uid;
if (pwd != 0)
uid = pwd->pw_uid;
NSLog(@"This software is configured to run as the user '%@',"
@" but there does not appear to be any such user.", cmdUser);
if ([cmdUser isEqual: EC_EFFECTIVE_USER])
NSLog(@"You may use the EffectiveUser user default setting"
@" to override the user (setting this to an asterisk ('*')"
@" allows the software to run as any user). Alternatively"
@" a different EC_EFFECTIVE_USER can be defined when the"
@" ec library is built.");
if (uid != (int)geteuid())
if (geteuid() == 0 || (int)getuid() == uid)
if (0 != setuid(uid))
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"You must be '%@' to run this.", cmdUser);
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"You must be '%@' to run this.", cmdUser);
if (NO == [cmdUser isEqualToString: NSUserName()])
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"You must be '%@' to run this.", cmdUser);
ASSIGN(cmdDefs, [NSUserDefaults
userDefaultsWithPrefix: prf
if (defs != nil)
[cmdDefs registerDefaults: defs];
/* See if we should keep stderr separate, or merge it with
* our debug output (the default).
cmdKeepStderr = [cmdDefs boolForKey: @"KeepStandardError"];
if (nil == noNetConfig)
noNetConfig = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 4];
addObject: [prf stringByAppendingString: @"Daemon"]];
addObject: [prf stringByAppendingString: @"EffectiveUser"]];
addObject: [prf stringByAppendingString: @"Instance"]];
addObject: [prf stringByAppendingString: @"Transient"]];
defs = [cmdDefs dictionaryRepresentation];
enumerator = [defs keyEnumerator];
dbg = [prf stringByAppendingString: @"Debug-"];
while ((str = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([str hasPrefix: dbg])
id obj = [defs objectForKey: str];
NSString *key = [str substringFromIndex: [dbg length]];
if ([cmdDebugKnown objectForKey: key] == nil)
[cmdDebugKnown setObject: key forKey: key];
if ([obj isKindOfClass: stringClass])
if ([obj intValue] != 0
|| [obj isEqual: @"YES"] || [obj isEqual: @"yes"])
if ([cmdDebugModes member: key] == nil)
[cmdDebugModes addObject: key];
if ([cmdDebugModes member: key] != nil)
[cmdDebugModes removeObject: key];
/* See if we have a name specified for this process.
ASSIGN(cmdName, [cmdDefs stringForKey: @"ProgramName"]);
/* If there's no ProgramName specified, but this is a Control server,
* try looking for the ControlName instead.
if (nil == cmdName
&& Nil != NSClassFromString(@"EcControl")
&& YES == [self isKindOfClass: NSClassFromString(@"EcControl")])
ASSIGN(cmdName, [cmdDefs stringForKey: @"ControlName"]);
/* If there's no ProgramName specified, but this is a Command server,
* try looking for the CommandName instead.
if (nil == cmdName
&& Nil != NSClassFromString(@"EcCommand")
&& YES == [self isKindOfClass: NSClassFromString(@"EcCommand")])
ASSIGN(cmdName, [cmdDefs stringForKey: @"CommandName"]);
/* Finally, if no name is given at all, use the standard process name.
if (nil == cmdName)
ASSIGN(cmdName, [pinfo processName]);
* Make sure our users home directory exists.
str = [cmdDefs objectForKey: @"UserDirectory"];
str = cmdSetUserDirectory(str);
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
str = [cmdDefs objectForKey: @"HomeDirectory"];
if (str != nil)
if ([str length] == 0)
str = nil;
else if ([str isAbsolutePath] == YES)
NSLog(@"Absolute HomeDirectory ignored.");
str = nil;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
switch (i)
/* SIGWINCH is generated when the terminal size
changes (for example when you resize the xterm).
Ignore it. */
signal(i, SIG_IGN);
case SIGHUP:
if ([cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Daemon"] == YES)
signal(i, SIG_IGN);
signal(i, qhandler);
case SIGINT:
signal(i, qhandler);
signal(i, SIG_DFL);
signal(i, ihandler);
ASSIGN(cmdInst, [cmdDefs stringForKey: @"Instance"]);
if (nil != cmdInst)
str = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @"%@-%@", cmdName, cmdInst];
ASSIGN(cmdName, str);
[str release];
str = userDir;
if (cmdHomeDir() != nil)
str = [str stringByAppendingPathComponent: cmdHomeDir()];
str = [str stringByStandardizingPath];
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
if ([mgr createDirectoryAtPath: str
withIntermediateDirectories: YES
attributes: nil
error: NULL] == NO)
if ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: str isDirectory: &flag] == NO)
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"Unable to create directory - %@", str);
flag = YES;
if (flag == NO)
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"The path '%@' is not a directory", str);
if ([mgr changeCurrentDirectoryPath: str] == NO)
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"Unable to move to directory - %@", str);
* Make sure the data directory exists.
if ([self cmdDataDirectory] == nil)
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"Unable to create/access data directory");
* Make sure the logs directory exists.
if (cmdLogsDir(nil) == nil)
[ecLock unlock];
NSLog(@"Unable to create/access logs directory");
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] setProcessName: cmdName];
/* Archive any existing debug log left over by a crash.
str = [cmdName stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"debug"];
if (cmdDebugName == nil || [cmdDebugName isEqual: str] == NO)
NSFileHandle *hdl;
* Force archiving of old logfile.
[self cmdArchive: nil];
ASSIGNCOPY(cmdDebugName, str);
hdl = [self cmdLogFile: cmdDebugName];
if (hdl == nil)
[ecLock unlock];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(cmdDefaultsChanged:)
name: NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification
object: [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
addObserver: self
selector: @selector(ecLoggersChanged:)
name: EcLoggersDidChangeNotification
object: nil];
[self cmdMesgCache];
[self cmdDefaultsChanged: nil];
cmdIsTransient = [cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Transient"];
if ([cmdDefs objectForKey: @"CmdInterval"] != nil)
[self setCmdInterval: [cmdDefs floatForKey: @"CmdInterval"]];
if (YES == [self cmdIsClient] && nil == [self cmdNewServer])
NSLog(@"Giving up - unable to contact '%@' server on '%@'",
ecCommandName(), ecCommandHost());
[self release];
self = nil;
[ecLock unlock];
/* Put self in background.
if ([cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Daemon"] == YES)
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0)
cmdFlagDaemon = YES;
setpgid(0, getpid());
if (pid < 0)
printf("Failed fork to run as daemon.\r\n");
printf("Process backgrounded (running as daemon)\r\n");
/* And make sure that regular timers run.
[self triggerCmdTimeout];
return self;
* Implement the CmdConfig protocol.
- (void) replaceFile: (NSData*)data
name: (NSString*)name
isConfig: (BOOL)f
[NSException raise: NSGenericException
format: @"Illegal method call"];
- (oneway void) requestConfigFor: (id<CmdConfig>)c
[NSException raise: NSGenericException
format: @"Illegal method call"];
- (void) requestFile: (BOOL)flag
name: (NSString*)name
for: (id<CmdConfig>)c
[NSException raise: NSGenericException
format: @"Illegal method call"];
- (oneway void) updateConfig: (in bycopy NSData*)info
id plist = [NSPropertyListSerialization
propertyListWithData: info
options: NSPropertyListMutableContainers
format: 0
error: 0];
if (nil != plist)
[self _update: plist];
- (id) server: (NSString *)serverName
RemoteServer *server;
server = (RemoteServer *)[servers objectForKey: serverName];
if (server == nil)
NSLog (@"Trying to ask for not-existent server %@", serverName);
return nil;
return [server proxy];
- (id) server: (NSString *)serverName forNumber: (NSString*)num
RemoteServer *server;
NSArray *config;
server = (RemoteServer *)[servers objectForKey: serverName];
if (server == nil)
NSLog (@"Trying to ask for not-existent server %@", serverName);
return nil;
config = [server multiple];
if (config != nil && [config count] > 1)
int val = -1;
unsigned count = [config count];
* Get trailing two digits of number ... in range 00 to 99
if ([num length] >= 2)
val = [[num substringFromIndex: [num length] - 2] intValue];
if (val < 0)
val = 0;
* Try to find a broadcast server with a numeric range matching
* the number we were given.
while (count-- > 0)
NSDictionary *d = [config objectAtIndex: count];
if (val >= [[d objectForKey: @"Low"] intValue]
&& val <= [[d objectForKey: @"High"] intValue])
return [[server proxy] BCPproxy: count];
[self cmdError: @"Attempt to get %@ server for number %@ with bad config",
serverName, num];
return nil;
return [server proxy];
- (BOOL) isServerMultiple: (NSString *)serverName
RemoteServer *server;
server = (RemoteServer *)[servers objectForKey: serverName];
if (server == nil)
NSLog (@"Trying to ask for not-existent server %@", serverName);
return NO;
return ([server multiple] == nil) ? NO : YES;
@implementation EcProcess (Private)
- (void) cmdMesgrelease: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"controls double release memory error detection"];
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"] == NSOrderedSame)
[self cmdPrintf: @"controls double release memory error detection\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"to report if an object is released too many times.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"This has a big impact on program performance.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"'release yes' turns on checking\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"'release no' turns off checking\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"'release default' reverts to default setting\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"'release' reports current status\n"];
if ([msg count] == 1)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Double release checking: %s\n",
[cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Release"] ? "YES" : "NO"];
if ([msg count] > 1)
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 1] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"default"]
== NSOrderedSame)
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: @"Release"];
[cmdDefs setCommand: [msg objectAtIndex: 1] forKey: @"Release"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Double release checking: %s\n",
[cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Release"] ? "YES" : "NO"];
- (void) cmdMesgtesting: (NSArray*)msg
if ([msg count] == 0)
[self cmdPrintf: @"controls whether server is running in testing mode"];
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 0] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"help"] == NSOrderedSame)
[self cmdPrintf: @"controls whether server is running in testing mode\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Behavior in testing mode is server dependent.\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"'testing yes' turns on testing mode\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"'testing no' turns off testing mode\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"'testing default' reverts to default setting\n"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"'testing' reports current status\n"];
if ([msg count] == 1)
[self cmdPrintf: @"Server running in testing mode: %s\n",
cmdFlagTesting ? "YES" : "NO"];
if ([msg count] > 1)
if ([[msg objectAtIndex: 1] caseInsensitiveCompare: @"default"]
== NSOrderedSame)
[cmdDefs setCommand: nil forKey: @"Testing"];
[cmdDefs setCommand: [msg objectAtIndex: 1] forKey: @"Testing"];
[self cmdPrintf: @"Server running in testing mode: %s\n",
cmdFlagTesting ? "YES" : "NO"];
- (void) _memCheck
BOOL memDebug = [cmdDefs boolForKey: @"Memory"];
FILE *fptr;
int i;
/* /proc/pid/statm reports the process memory size in 4KB pages
fptr = fopen([[NSString stringWithFormat: @"/proc/%d/statm",
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier]] UTF8String], "r");
memLast = 1;
if (NULL != fptr)
if (fscanf(fptr, "%"PRIu64, &memLast) != 1)
memLast = 1;
memLast *= (4 * 1024);
if (memLast <= 0) memLast = 1;
/* Do initial population so we can work immediately.
if (0 == memSlot)
for (i = 1; i < MEMCOUNT; i++)
memRoll[i] = memLast;
memPrev = memStrt = memLast;
memRoll[memSlot % MEMCOUNT] = memLast;
/* Find the average usage over the last set of samples.
* Round up to a block size.
memAvge = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MEMCOUNT; i++)
memAvge += memRoll[i];
memAvge /= MEMCOUNT;
/* Convert to 1KB blocks.
if (memAvge % 1024)
memAvge = ((memAvge / 1024) + 1) * 1024;
/* Update peak memory usage if necessary.
if (memLast > memPeak)
memPeak = memLast;
/* If we have a defined maximum memory usage for the process,
* we should shut down with a non-zero status to get a restart.
if (memMaximum > 0 && memPeak > (memMaximum * 1024 * 1024))
if (NO == cmdIsQuitting)
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
[self cmdQuit: -1];
/* If the average memory usage is above the threshold, we alert and reset
* the threshold.
* During the first ten minutes though, we always adjust the threshold and
* we suppress any warnings. This gives us a more stable starting point.
if (memAvge > memWarn || memSlot < MEMCOUNT)
NSInteger inc;
NSInteger pct;
NSInteger iMax = 0;
NSInteger pMax = 0;
/* We increase the threshold for the next alert by a percentage
* of the existing usage or by a fixed increment, whichever is
* the larger.
pct = [cmdDefs integerForKey: @"MemoryPercentage"];
if (pct < 1 || pct > 1000) pct = 0;
inc = [cmdDefs integerForKey: @"MemoryIncrement"];
if (inc < 10 || inc > 1000000) inc = 0;
if (0 == inc && 0 == pct)
if (YES == memDebug)
/* We want detailed memory information, so we set the next
* alerting threshold 50 KB above the current peak usage.
inc = 50;
pct = 0;
/* We do not want detailed memory information,
* so we set the next alerting threshold from
* 5000 KB above the current peak usage,
* ensuring that only serious increases
* in usage will generate an alert.
inc = 5000;
pct = 10; // Use ten percent if more than fixed increment
if (inc > 0)
iMax = memPeak + (inc * 1024);
if (pct > 0)
pMax = (memPeak * (100 + pct)) / 100;
memWarn = (iMax > pMax) ? iMax : pMax;
if (memWarn % 1024)
memWarn = (memWarn/1024 + 1) * 1024;
if (memWarn < memAllowed * 1024 * 1024)
/* Never warn at less than the allowed memory.
memWarn = memAllowed * 1024 * 1024;
/* If not in the initial period, we need to generate an alert
* because the average has risen above the allowed size.
if (memSlot >= MEMCOUNT)
uint64_t prev;
NSDate *when;
prev = memPrev;
when = AUTORELEASE(memTime);
memPrev = memAvge;
memTime = [NSDate new];
if (nil == when)
[self cmdError: @"Average memory usage grown from %"
PRIu64"KB to %"PRIu64"KB (reserved: %"PRIu64"KB)",
prev/1024, memAvge/1024, [self ecNotLeaked]/1024];
[self cmdError: @"Average memory usage grown from %"
PRIu64"KB to %"PRIu64"KB (reserved: %"PRIu64"KB) since %@",
prev/1024, memAvge/1024, [self ecNotLeaked]/1024, when];
if (YES == memDebug)
[self cmdDbg: cmdDetailDbg
msg: @"Memory usage %"PRIu64"KB (reserved: %"PRIu64"KB)",
memLast/1024, [self ecNotLeaked]/1024];
- (NSString*) _moveLog: (NSString*)name to: (NSString*)sub
NSString *status;
NSString *where;
where = cmdLogsDir(sub);
if (where != nil)
NSFileManager *mgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *from;
NSString *path;
NSString *base;
NSString *gzpath;
unsigned count = 0;
path = [where stringByAppendingPathComponent: name];
from = [cmdLogsDir(nil) stringByAppendingPathComponent: name];
* Check for pre-existing file - if found, try another.
base = path;
path = [base stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"0"];
gzpath = [path stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"gz"];
while ([mgr fileExistsAtPath: path] == YES
|| [mgr fileExistsAtPath: gzpath] == YES)
NSString *ext;
ext = [stringClass stringWithFormat: @"%u", ++count];
path = [base stringByAppendingPathExtension: ext];
gzpath = [path stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"gz"];
if ([mgr movePath: from
toPath: path
handler: nil] == NO)
status = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Unable to move %@ to %@", from, path];
status = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Moved %@ to %@", from, path];
status = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"Unable to archive log %@ into %@", name, sub];
status = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Problem in %@ with %@ to %@ - %@",
NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), name, sub, localException];
return status;
- (void) _timedOut: (NSTimer*)timer
static BOOL inProgress = NO;
int sig = [self cmdSignalled];
cmdPTimer = nil;
if (sig > 0)
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
[self cmdQuit: sig];
if (YES == cmdIsQuitting)
NSLog(@"_timedOut: ignored because process is quitting");
else if (YES == inProgress)
NSLog(@"_timedOut: ignored because timeout already in progress");
BOOL delay = NO;
inProgress = YES;
/* We only perform timeouts if the process is actually
* running (don't want them during startup before the
* thing is fully initialised.
* So if not running, skip to scheduling next timeout.
if (YES == cmdIsRunning)
NSCalendarDate *now = [NSCalendarDate date];
static int lastDay = 0;
static int lastHour = 0;
static int lastMinute = 0;
static int lastTenSecond = 0;
BOOL newDay = NO;
BOOL newHour = NO;
BOOL newMinute = NO;
BOOL newTenSecond = NO;
int i;
i = [now dayOfWeek];
if (i != lastDay)
lastDay = i;
newDay = YES;
newHour = YES;
newMinute = YES;
newTenSecond = YES;
i = [now hourOfDay];
if (i != lastHour)
lastHour = i;
newHour = YES;
newMinute = YES;
newTenSecond = YES;
i = [now minuteOfHour];
if (i != lastMinute)
lastMinute = i;
newMinute = YES;
newTenSecond = YES;
i = [now secondOfMinute] / 10;
if (i != lastTenSecond)
lastTenSecond = i;
newTenSecond = YES;
if (YES == newTenSecond)
[self cmdNewServer];
if (YES == newMinute)
[self ecNewMinute: now];
if (YES == newHour)
[self ecNewHour: now];
if (YES == newDay)
[self ecNewDay: now];
if (cmdTimSelector != 0)
[self performSelector: cmdTimSelector];
NSLog(@"Exception performing regular timeout: %@",
delay = YES; // Avoid runaway logging.
if (cmdPTimer == nil)
NSTimeInterval when = cmdTimInterval;
if (delay == YES && when < 1.0)
when = 10.0;
cmdPTimer =
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: when
target: self
selector: @selector(_timedOut:)
userInfo: nil
repeats: NO];
inProgress = NO;
- (void) _update: (NSMutableDictionary*)info
NSMutableDictionary *newConfig;
NSDictionary *dict;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *key;
newConfig = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 32];
* Put all values for this application in the cmdConf dictionary.
dict = [info objectForKey: cmdLogName()];
if (dict != nil)
enumerator = [dict keyEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
id obj;
if ([noNetConfig containsObject: key])
[self cmdWarn: @"Bad key '%@' in net config.", key];
obj = [dict objectForKey: key];
[newConfig setObject: obj forKey: key];
* Add any default values to the cmdConf
* dictionary where we don't have application
* specific values.
dict = [info objectForKey: @"*"];
if (dict)
enumerator = [dict keyEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
if ([newConfig objectForKey: key] == nil)
id obj;
if ([noNetConfig containsObject: key])
[self cmdWarn: @"Bad key '%@' in net config.", key];
obj = [dict objectForKey: key];
[newConfig setObject: obj forKey: key];
dict = [info objectForKey: @"Operators"];
if (dict != nil && dict != cmdOperators)
ASSIGNCOPY(cmdOperators, dict);
if (nil == cmdConf || [cmdConf isEqual: newConfig] == NO)
NSString *err = nil;
[self cmdUpdate: newConfig];
NSLog(@"Problem before updating config (in cmdUpdate:) %@",
err = @"the -cmdUpdate: method raised an exception";
if (nil == err)
err = [self cmdUpdated];
NSLog(@"Problem after updating config (in cmdUpdated) %@",
err = @"the -cmdUpdated method raised an exception";
if ([err length] > 0)
EcAlarm *a;
/* Truncate additional text to fit if necessary.
err = [err stringByTrimmingSpaces];
if ([err length] > 255)
err = [err substringToIndex: 255];
while (255 < strlen([err UTF8String]))
err = [err substringToIndex: [err length] - 1];
a = [EcAlarm alarmForManagedObject: nil
at: nil
withEventType: EcAlarmEventTypeProcessingError
probableCause: EcAlarmConfigurationOrCustomizationError
specificProblem: @"Fatal configuration error"
perceivedSeverity: EcAlarmSeverityMajor
_(@"Correct config (check additional text and/or log for details).")
additionalText: err];
[self alarm: a];
[alarmDestination shutdown];
cmdIsQuitting = YES;
[self cmdQuit: 1];
[self clearConfigurationFor: nil
specificProblem: @"Fatal configuration error"
additionalText: @"Configuration updated"];
@implementation EcProcess (Test)
- (bycopy NSString*) ecTestCommand: (in bycopy NSString*)command
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSMutableArray *words;
NSString *word;
command = [command stringByTrimmingSpaces];
words = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 16];
enumerator = [[command componentsSeparatedByString: @" "] objectEnumerator];
while ((word = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
[words addObject: [word stringByTrimmingSpaces]];
if ([words count] == 0)
return nil;
return [self cmdMesg: words];
- (bycopy NSData*) ecTestConfigForKey: (in bycopy NSString*)key
id result = [cmdDefs objectForKey: key];
if (nil != result)
result = [NSPropertyListSerialization
dataFromPropertyList: result
format: NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0
errorDescription: 0];
return result;
- (void) ecTestSetConfig: (in bycopy NSData*)data
forKey: (in bycopy NSString*)key
id val;
if (nil == data)
val = data;
val = [NSPropertyListSerialization
propertyListWithData: data
options: NSPropertyListMutableContainers
format: 0
error: 0];
[cmdDefs setCommand: val forKey: key];
@implementation EcProcess (Defaults)
- (void) _defMemory: (id)val
BOOL stats = [val boolValue];
if (YES == stats && nil == memStats)
ASSIGN(memStats, [NSDate date]);
if (NO == stats && nil != memStats)
- (void) _defRelease: (id)val
[NSObject enableDoubleReleaseCheck: [val boolValue]];
- (void) _defTesting: (id)val
cmdFlagTesting = [val boolValue];
@implementation EcDefaultRegistration
static NSMutableDictionary *regDefs = nil;
+ (void) defaultsChanged: (NSUserDefaults*)defs
NSEnumerator *e;
NSString *n;
[ecLock lock];
e = [[regDefs allKeys] objectEnumerator];
[ecLock unlock];
while (nil != (n = [e nextObject]))
EcDefaultRegistration *d;
id o = nil;
[ecLock lock];
d = [regDefs objectForKey: n];
if (nil != d)
o = [defs objectForKey: n];
if (o != d->obj && NO == [o isEqual: d->obj])
ASSIGNCOPY(d->obj, o);
o = d->obj;
c = d->cmd;
[ecLock unlock];
if (NULL != c && [EcProc respondsToSelector: c])
[EcProc performSelector: c withObject: o];
+ (void) initialize
regDefs = [NSMutableDictionary new];
+ (void) registerDefault: (NSString*)name
withTypeText: (NSString*)type
andHelpText: (NSString*)help
action: (SEL)cmd
static NSCharacterSet *w = nil;
EcDefaultRegistration *d;
if (nil == w)
w = RETAIN([NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]);
if ([type length] > 0)
type = [type stringByTrimmingSpaces];
if ([type length] == 0)
type = nil;
NSUInteger length = [type length];
NSMutableString *m = nil;
while (length-- > 0)
unichar u = [type characterAtIndex: length];
if (u != ' ' && [w characterIsMember: u])
if (nil == m)
m = AUTORELEASE([type mutableCopy]);
type = m;
[m replaceCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange(length, 1)
withString: @" "];
if ([help length] > 0)
help = [help stringByTrimmingSpaces];
if ([help length] == 0)
help = nil;
[ecLock lock];
d = [regDefs objectForKey: name];
if (nil == d)
d = [EcDefaultRegistration new];
ASSIGNCOPY(d->name, name);
[regDefs setObject: d forKey: d->name];
ASSIGNCOPY(d->type, type);
ASSIGNCOPY(d->help, help);
if (0 != cmd)
d->cmd = cmd;
[ecLock unlock];
+ (void) showHelp
NSArray *keys;
NSString *prf;
NSEnumerator *e;
NSString *k;
NSUInteger max = 0;
if (nil == prf)
prf = @"";
keys = [regDefs allKeys];
e = [keys objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (k = [e nextObject]))
EcDefaultRegistration *d = [regDefs objectForKey: k];
if (nil != d->type && nil != d->help)
NSUInteger length = [prf length] + 5;
length += [k length] + [d->type length];
if (length > max)
max = length;
keys = [keys sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(compare:)];
e = [keys objectEnumerator];
while (nil != (k = [e nextObject]))
EcDefaultRegistration *d = [regDefs objectForKey: k];
if (nil != d->type && nil != d->help)
/* If the help text is short enough, put it all on one line.
if ([d->help length] + max < 80)
NSMutableString *m;
m = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @"-%@%@ [%@] ",
prf, k, d->type];
while ([m length] < max)
[m appendString: @" "];
GSPrintf(stderr, @"%@%@\n", m, d->help);
GSPrintf(stderr, @"-%@%@ [%@]\n %@\n", prf, k, d->type, d->help);
- (void) dealloc
[super dealloc];