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670 lines
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670 lines
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copyright 2002 Alexander Malmberg <alexander@malmberg.org>
This file is part of GNUstep.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <AppKit/NSAffineTransform.h>
#include "ARTGState.h"
#include "ARTWindowBuffer.h"
#include "blit.h"
@implementation ARTGState (composite)
/* Figure out what blit function we should use. If one or both of the
windows are known to be totally opaque, we can optimize in many ways
(see big table at the end of blit.m). Will set dst_need_alpha and blit_func
if necessary. Returns new operation, or -1 it it's a noop. */
-(int) _composite_func: (BOOL)src_opaque : (BOOL)src_transparent
: (BOOL)dst_opaque : (BOOL *)dst_needs_alpha
: (int)op : (void (**)(composite_run_t *c, int num))blit_func_r
void (*blit_func)(composite_run_t *c, int num);
*dst_needs_alpha = NO;
*blit_func_r = blit_func = NULL;
if (src_transparent) /* only happens with compositerect */
switch (op)
case NSCompositeCopy:
case NSCompositeSourceIn:
case NSCompositeSourceOut:
case NSCompositeDestinationIn:
case NSCompositeDestinationAtop:
case NSCompositePlusDarker:
return NSCompositeClear;
case NSCompositeSourceOver:
case NSCompositeSourceAtop:
case NSCompositeDestinationOver:
case NSCompositeDestinationOut:
case NSCompositeXOR:
case NSCompositePlusLighter:
return -1; /* noop */
if (src_opaque && dst_opaque)
{ /* both source and destination are totally opaque */
switch (op)
case NSCompositeSourceOver:
case NSCompositeSourceIn:
case NSCompositeSourceAtop:
return NSCompositeCopy;
case NSCompositeSourceOut:
case NSCompositeDestinationOut:
case NSCompositeXOR:
return NSCompositeClear;
case NSCompositeDestinationOver:
case NSCompositeDestinationIn:
case NSCompositeDestinationAtop:
return -1; /* noop */
case NSCompositePlusLighter:
blit_func = DI.composite_plusl_oo;
case NSCompositePlusDarker:
blit_func = DI.composite_plusd_oo;
else if (src_opaque)
{ /* source is opaque, destination has alpha */
switch (op)
case NSCompositeSourceOver:
return NSCompositeCopy;
case NSCompositeSourceIn:
case NSCompositeSourceAtop:
blit_func = DI.composite_sin_oa;
case NSCompositeSourceOut:
case NSCompositeXOR:
blit_func = DI.composite_sout_oa;
case NSCompositeDestinationOver:
case NSCompositeDestinationAtop:
blit_func = DI.composite_dover_oa;
case NSCompositeDestinationIn:
return -1; /* noop */
case NSCompositeDestinationOut:
return NSCompositeClear;
case NSCompositePlusLighter:
blit_func = DI.composite_plusl_oa;
case NSCompositePlusDarker:
blit_func = DI.composite_plusd_oa;
else if (dst_opaque)
{ /* source has alpha, destination is opaque */
switch (op)
case NSCompositeSourceOver:
case NSCompositeSourceAtop:
blit_func = DI.composite_sover_ao;
case NSCompositeSourceIn:
return NSCompositeCopy;
case NSCompositeSourceOut:
return NSCompositeClear;
case NSCompositeDestinationOver:
return -1; /* noop */
case NSCompositeDestinationIn:
case NSCompositeDestinationOut:
case NSCompositeDestinationAtop:
case NSCompositeXOR:
*dst_needs_alpha = YES;
goto both_have_alpha;
case NSCompositePlusLighter:
blit_func = DI.composite_plusl_ao;
case NSCompositePlusDarker:
blit_func = DI.composite_plusd_ao;
{ /* both source and destination have alpha */
switch (op)
case NSCompositeSourceOver:
blit_func = DI.composite_sover_aa;
case NSCompositeSourceIn:
blit_func = DI.composite_sin_aa;
case NSCompositeSourceOut:
blit_func = DI.composite_sout_aa;
case NSCompositeSourceAtop:
blit_func = DI.composite_satop_aa;
case NSCompositeDestinationOver:
blit_func = DI.composite_dover_aa;
case NSCompositeDestinationIn:
blit_func = DI.composite_din_aa;
case NSCompositeDestinationOut:
blit_func = DI.composite_dout_aa;
case NSCompositeDestinationAtop:
blit_func = DI.composite_datop_aa;
case NSCompositeXOR:
blit_func = DI.composite_xor_aa;
case NSCompositePlusLighter:
blit_func = DI.composite_plusl_aa;
case NSCompositePlusDarker:
blit_func = DI.composite_plusd_aa;
*blit_func_r = blit_func;
return op;
- (void) compositeGState: (GSGState *)source
fromRect: (NSRect)aRect
toPoint: (NSPoint)aPoint
op: (NSCompositingOperation)op
ARTGState *ags = (ARTGState *)source;
NSRect sr, dr;
unsigned char *dst, *dst_alpha, *src, *src_alpha;
void (*blit_func)(composite_run_t *c, int num) = NULL;
int sx, sy;
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
int sbpl, dbpl;
int asbpl, adbpl;
/* 0 = top->down, 1 = bottom->up */
TODO: this does not handle the horizontal case
either 0=top->down, left->right, 2=top->down, right->left
or keep 0 and add 2=top->down, make temporary copy of source
could allocate a temporary array on the stack large enough to hold
one row and do the operations on it
/* currently 2=top->down, be careful with overlapping rows */
/* order=1 is handled generically by flipping sbpl and dbpl and
adjusting the pointers. only order=2 needs to be handled for
each operator */
int order;
if (!wi || !wi->data || !ags->wi || !ags->wi->data) return;
if (all_clipped) return;
BOOL dst_needs_alpha;
op = [self _composite_func: !ags->wi->has_alpha : NO
: !wi->has_alpha : &dst_needs_alpha
: op : &blit_func];
if (op == -1)
if (dst_needs_alpha)
[wi needsAlpha];
if (!wi->has_alpha)
/* these ignore the source window, so we send them off to
compositerect: op: */
if (op == NSCompositeClear || op == NSCompositeHighlight)
[self compositerect: NSMakeRect(aPoint.x, aPoint.y,
aRect.size.width, aRect.size.height)
op: op];
/* Set up all the pointers and clip things */
dbpl = wi->bytes_per_line;
sbpl = ags->wi->bytes_per_line;
sr = aRect;
sr = [ags->ctm rectInMatrixSpace: sr];
sr.origin.y = ags->wi->sy - sr.origin.y - sr.size.height;
sx = sr.origin.x;
sy = sr.origin.y;
dr = aRect;
dr.origin = aPoint;
dr = [ctm rectInMatrixSpace: dr];
dr.origin.y = wi->sy - dr.origin.y - dr.size.height;
x0 = dr.origin.x;
y0 = dr.origin.y;
x1 = dr.origin.x + dr.size.width;
y1 = dr.origin.y + dr.size.height;
if (clip_x0 > x0) /* TODO: ??? */
sx += clip_x0 - x0;
x0 = clip_x0;
if (clip_y0 > y0)
sy += clip_y0 - y0;
y0 = clip_y0;
if (x1 > clip_x1)
x1 = clip_x1;
if (y1 > clip_y1)
y1 = clip_y1;
if (x0 >= x1 || y0 >= y1) return;
/* TODO: clip source? how?
we should at least clip the source to the source window to avoid
crashes */
dst = wi->data + x0 * DI.bytes_per_pixel + y0 * dbpl;
src = ags->wi->data + sx * DI.bytes_per_pixel + sy * sbpl;
if (ags->wi->has_alpha && op == NSCompositeCopy)
[wi needsAlpha];
if (!wi->has_alpha)
if (ags->wi->has_alpha)
if (DI.inline_alpha)
src_alpha = src;
src_alpha = ags->wi->alpha + sx + sy * ags->wi->sx;
asbpl = ags->wi->sx;
src_alpha = NULL;
asbpl = 0;
if (wi->has_alpha)
if (DI.inline_alpha)
dst_alpha = dst;
dst_alpha = wi->alpha + x0 + y0 * wi->sx;
adbpl = wi->sx;
dst_alpha = NULL;
adbpl = 0;
y1 -= y0;
x1 -= x0;
/* To handle overlapping areas properly, we sometimes need to do
things bottom-up instead of top-down. If so, we flip the
coordinates here. */
order = 0;
if (ags == self && sy <= y0)
order = 1;
dst += dbpl * (y1 - 1);
src += sbpl * (y1 - 1);
dst_alpha += adbpl * (y1 - 1);
src_alpha += asbpl * (y1 - 1);
dbpl = -dbpl;
sbpl = -sbpl;
adbpl = -adbpl;
asbpl = -asbpl;
if (sy == y0)
{ /* TODO: pure horizontal, not handled properly in all
cases */
if ((sx >= x0 && sx <= x0 + x1) || (x0 >= sx && x0 <= x0 + x1))
order = 2;
if (op == NSCompositeCopy)
{ /* TODO: for inline alpha, make sure even opaque destinations have
alpha properly filled in */
int y;
if (!DI.inline_alpha && wi->has_alpha)
if (ags->wi->has_alpha)
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dst_alpha += adbpl, src_alpha += asbpl)
memmove(dst_alpha, src_alpha, x1);
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dst_alpha += adbpl)
memset(dst_alpha, 0xff, x1);
x1 *= DI.bytes_per_pixel;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dst += dbpl, src += sbpl)
memmove(dst, src, x1);
/* TODO: worth the complexity? */
/* {
int y;
x1 *= DI.bytes_per_pixel;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dst += dbpl, src += sbpl)
memcpy(dst, src, x1);
if (!blit_func)
NSLog(@"unimplemented: compositeGState: %p fromRect: (%g %g)+(%g %g) toPoint: (%g %g) op: %i",
aRect.origin.x, aRect.origin.y,
aRect.size.width, aRect.size.height,
aPoint.x, aPoint.y,
/* this breaks the alpha pointer in some, but that's ok since in
all those cases, the alpha pointer isn't used (inline alpha or
no alpha) */
if (order == 2)
unsigned char tmpbuf[x1 * DI.bytes_per_pixel];
int y;
composite_run_t c;
c.dst = dst;
c.dsta = dst_alpha;
c.src = src;
c.srca = src_alpha;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, c.dst += dbpl, c.src += sbpl)
/* don't need to copy alpha since it is either
separate and won't be written to or part of the
data */
/* TODO: this only holds if there's no destination
alpha, which is no longer true. ignore for now; why
would someone sourceover something on itself? */
/* TODO: this looks broken. where is tmpbuf used? */
memcpy(tmpbuf, src, x1 * DI.bytes_per_pixel);
blit_func(&c, x1);
c.srca += asbpl;
c.dsta += adbpl;
int y;
composite_run_t c;
c.dst = dst;
c.dsta = dst_alpha;
c.src = src;
c.srca = src_alpha;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, c.dst += dbpl, c.src += sbpl)
blit_func(&c, x1);
c.srca += asbpl;
c.dsta += adbpl;
- (void) dissolveGState: (GSGState *)source
fromRect: (NSRect)aRect
toPoint: (NSPoint)aPoint
delta: (float)delta
NSLog(@"ignoring dissolveGState: %08x fromRect: (%g %g)+(%g %g) toPoint: (%g %g) delta: %g",
aRect.origin.x, aRect.origin.y, aRect.size.width, aRect.size.height,
aPoint.x, aPoint.y, delta);
- (void) compositerect: (NSRect)aRect
op: (NSCompositingOperation)op
/* much setup code shared with compositeGState:... */
NSRect dr;
unsigned char *dst;
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
int dbpl;
void (*blit_func)(composite_run_t *c, int num);
if (!wi || !wi->data) return;
if (all_clipped) return;
dbpl = wi->bytes_per_line;
dr = aRect;
dr = [ctm rectInMatrixSpace: dr];
dr.origin.y = wi->sy - dr.origin.y - dr.size.height;
x0 = dr.origin.x;
y0 = dr.origin.y;
x1 = dr.origin.x + dr.size.width;
y1 = dr.origin.y + dr.size.height;
if (clip_x0 > x0)
x0 = clip_x0;
if (clip_y0 > y0)
y0 = clip_y0;
if (x1 > clip_x1)
x1 = clip_x1;
if (y1 > clip_y1)
y1 = clip_y1;
if (x0 >= x1 || y0 >= y1) return;
dst = wi->data + x0 * DI.bytes_per_pixel + y0 * dbpl;
y1 -= y0;
x1 -= x0;
BOOL dest_needs_alpha;
/* TODO: which color? using fill_color for now */
op = [self _composite_func: fill_color[3] == 255 : fill_color[3] == 0
: !wi->has_alpha : &dest_needs_alpha
: op : &blit_func];
if (op == -1)
if (dest_needs_alpha)
[wi needsAlpha];
if (!wi->has_alpha)
if (op == NSCompositeClear)
int y;
[wi needsAlpha];
if (!wi->has_alpha)
if (!DI.inline_alpha)
unsigned char *dsta;
dsta = wi->alpha + x0 + y0 * wi->sx;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dsta += wi->sx)
memset(dsta, 0, x1);
x1 *= DI.bytes_per_pixel;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dst += dbpl)
memset(dst, 0, x1);
else if (op == NSCompositeHighlight)
int y, n;
/* This must be reversible, which limits what we can
do. */
x1 *= DI.bytes_per_pixel;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dst += dbpl)
unsigned char *d = dst;
for (n = x1; n; n--, d++)
(*d) ^= 0xff;
else if (op == NSCompositeCopy)
render_run_t ri;
int y;
ri.dst = dst;
/* We don't want to blend, so we premultiply and fill the
alpha channel manually. */
ri.a = fill_color[3];
ri.r = (fill_color[0] * ri.a + 0xff) >> 8;
ri.g = (fill_color[1] * ri.a + 0xff) >> 8;
ri.b = (fill_color[2] * ri.a + 0xff) >> 8;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, ri.dst += dbpl)
DI.render_run_opaque(&ri, x1);
if (ri.a != 255)
[wi needsAlpha];
if (wi->has_alpha)
if (DI.inline_alpha)
int n;
unsigned char *p;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dst += dbpl)
{ /* TODO: needs to change to support inline
alpha for non-32-bit modes */
for (p = dst, n = x1; n; n--, p += 4)
dst[DI.inline_alpha_ofs] = ri.a;
unsigned char *dsta;
dsta = wi->alpha + x0 + y0 * wi->sx;
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, dsta += wi->sx)
memset(dsta, ri.a, x1);
else if (blit_func)
/* this is slightly ugly, but efficient */
unsigned char buf[DI.bytes_per_pixel * x1];
unsigned char abuf[fill_color[3] == 255? 1 : x1];
int y;
composite_run_t c;
c.src = buf;
if (fill_color[3] != 255)
c.srca = abuf;
c.srca = NULL;
c.dst = dst;
if (wi->has_alpha)
c.dsta = wi->alpha + x0 + y0 * wi->sx;
c.dsta = NULL;
render_run_t ri;
ri.dst = buf;
ri.dsta = NULL;
/* Note that we premultiply _here_ and set the alpha
channel manually (for speed; no reason to do slow
blending when we just want a straight blit of all
channels). */
ri.a = fill_color[3];
ri.r = (fill_color[0] * ri.a + 0xff) >> 8;
ri.g = (fill_color[1] * ri.a + 0xff) >> 8;
ri.b = (fill_color[2] * ri.a + 0xff) >> 8;
DI.render_run_opaque(&ri, x1);
if (fill_color[3] != 255)
if (DI.inline_alpha)
int i;
unsigned char *s;
/* TODO: needs to change to support inline
alpha for non-32-bit modes */
for (i = 0, s = buf + DI.inline_alpha_ofs; i < x1; i++, s += 4)
*s = ri.a;
memset(abuf, ri.a, x1);
for (y = 0; y < y1; y++, c.dst += dbpl, c.dsta += wi->sx)
blit_func(&c, x1);
NSLog(@"unimplemented compositerect: (%g %g)+(%g %g) op: %i",
aRect.origin.x, aRect.origin.y,
aRect.size.width, aRect.size.height,