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/* -*- mode:ObjC -*-
GSContext - Generic drawing context for non-PS backends
Copyright (C) 1998,1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by: Adam Fedor <fedor@boulder.colorado.edu>
Date: Nov 1998
This file is part of the GNU Objective C User Interface Library.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> or write to the
Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <AppKit/AppKitExceptions.h>
#include <AppKit/NSAffineTransform.h>
#include <AppKit/NSBitmapImageRep.h>
#include <AppKit/NSColor.h>
#include <AppKit/NSGraphics.h>
#include <AppKit/NSView.h>
#include <AppKit/NSWindow.h>
#include <GNUstepGUI/GSDisplayServer.h>
#include <Foundation/NSException.h>
#include <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#include <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#include <Foundation/NSData.h>
#include <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#include <Foundation/NSString.h>
#include <Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h>
#include <Foundation/NSDebug.h>
#include "gsc/GSContext.h"
#include "gsc/GSStreamContext.h"
#include "gsc/GSGState.h"
#include "math.h"
#if GS_WITH_GC == 0
#define GSI_ARRAY_RELEASE(A, X) [(X).obj release]
#define GSI_ARRAY_RETAIN(A, X) [(X).obj retain]
#define GSI_ARRAY_RETAIN(A, X) (X).obj
#ifdef GSIArray
#undef GSIArray
#include <GNUstepBase/GSIArray.h>
/* Error macros */
#define CHECK_NULL_OUTPUT(outvar) \
do { if (outvar == NULL) {\
DPS_ERROR(DPSnulloutput, @"NULL output variable specified"); \
return; } } while (0)
#define CHECK_INVALID_FONT(ident) \
do { if (ident >= [fontid count]) { \
DPS_ERROR(DPSinvalidfont, @"Cannot find indicated font"); \
return; } } while (0)
#define CHECK_STACK_UNDERFLOW(stack) \
do { if (GSIArrayCount((GSIArray)stack) == 0) { \
DPS_ERROR(DPSstackunderflow, @"Attempt to pop from empty stack"); \
return; } } while (0)
#if 0
#define CHECK_TYPECHECK(obj, kind) \
do { if ([kind class] != Nil && !GSObjCIsKindOf(GSObjCClass(obj), [kind class])) {\
DPS_ERROR(DPStypecheck, @"Invalid object"); \
return; } } while (0)
#define CHECK_TYPECHECK(obj,kind)
#define ctxt_pop(object, stack, kind) \
do { \
object = (GSIArrayLastItem((GSIArray)stack)).obj; \
CHECK_TYPECHECK(object, kind); \
GSIArrayRemoveLastItem((GSIArray)stack); \
} while (0)
#define ctxt_push(object, stack) \
GSIArrayAddItem((GSIArray)stack, (GSIArrayItem)((id)object))
/* Globally unique gstate number */
static unsigned int unique_index = 0;
static NSMapTable *gtable;
@interface GSContext (PrivateOps)
- (void)DPSdefineuserobject;
- (void)DPSexecuserobject: (NSInteger)index;
- (void)DPSundefineuserobject: (NSInteger)index;
- (void)DPSclear;
- (void)DPScopy: (int)n;
- (void)DPScount: (int *)n;
- (void)DPSdup;
- (void)DPSexch;
- (void)DPSindex: (int)i;
- (void)DPSpop;
@interface NSBitmapImageRep (GSPrivate)
- (NSBitmapImageRep *) _convertToFormatBitsPerSample: (NSInteger)bps
samplesPerPixel: (NSInteger)spp
hasAlpha: (BOOL)alpha
isPlanar: (BOOL)isPlanar
colorSpaceName: (NSString*)colorSpaceName
bitmapFormat: (NSBitmapFormat)bitmapFormat
bytesPerRow: (NSInteger)rowBytes
bitsPerPixel: (NSInteger)pixelBits;
This class is a reasonable attempt at providing PostScript-like
drawing operations. Don't even begin to think that this is a full
PostScript implementation, however. Only operations that do not
require stack handling are implemented. Some other functions that
would require stack handling and are needed for drawing are
implemented in a different way (e.g. colorspace and images). These
functions should also allow for a reasonable simulation of Quartz
</unit> */
@implementation GSContext
+ (void) initialize
if (self == [GSContext class])
gtable = NSCreateMapTable(NSIntMapKeyCallBacks,
NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 20);
+ (void) insertObject: (id)obj forKey: (int)index
NSMapInsert(gtable, (void *)(uintptr_t)index, obj);
+ (id) getObjectForKey: (int)index
return NSMapGet(gtable, (void *)(uintptr_t)index);
+ (void) removeObjectForKey: (int)index
NSMapRemove(gtable, (void *)(uintptr_t)index);
+ (Class) GStateClass
return [GSGState class];
+ (BOOL) handlesPS
return NO;
- (id) initWithContextInfo: (NSDictionary *)info
NSString *contextType;
NSZone *z = [self zone];
contextType = [info objectForKey:
if (([object_getClass(self) handlesPS] == NO) && contextType
&& [contextType isEqual: NSGraphicsContextPSFormat])
/* Don't call self, since we aren't initialized */
[super dealloc];
return [[GSStreamContext allocWithZone: z] initWithContextInfo: info];
self = [super initWithContextInfo: info];
if (self != nil)
id dest;
/* Initialize lists and stacks */
opstack = NSZoneMalloc(z, sizeof(GSIArray_t));
GSIArrayInitWithZoneAndCapacity((GSIArray)opstack, z, 2);
gstack = NSZoneMalloc(z, sizeof(GSIArray_t));
GSIArrayInitWithZoneAndCapacity((GSIArray)gstack, z, 2);
/* Create a default gstate */
gstate = [[[object_getClass(self) GStateClass] allocWithZone: z]
initWithDrawContext: self];
// Set some default values
[self setShouldAntialias: YES];
[self setImageInterpolation: NSImageInterpolationNone];
[self setPatternPhase: NSMakePoint(0.0, 0.0)];
[self setCompositingOperation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
// Special handling for window drawing
dest = [info objectForKey: NSGraphicsContextDestinationAttributeName];
if ((dest != nil) && [dest isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
/* A context is only associated with one server. Do not retain
the server, however */
server = GSCurrentServer();
[server setWindowdevice: [(NSWindow*)dest windowNumber]
forContext: self];
return self;
Closes all backend resources and dealloc other ivars.
- (void) dealloc
NSDebugLog(@"Destroying GS Context");
NSZoneFree([self zone], opstack);
NSZoneFree([self zone], gstack);
[super dealloc];
Returns YES, since this is a display context.
- (BOOL)isDrawingToScreen
return YES;
Returns the current GSGState object
- (GSGState *) currentGState
return gstate;
- (void) setShouldAntialias: (BOOL)antialias
[gstate setShouldAntialias: antialias];
- (BOOL) shouldAntialias
return [gstate shouldAntialias];
- (NSPoint) patternPhase
return [gstate patternPhase];
- (void) setPatternPhase: (NSPoint)phase
[gstate setPatternPhase: phase];
- (NSCompositingOperation) compositingOperation
return [gstate compositingOperation];
- (void) setCompositingOperation: (NSCompositingOperation)operation
[gstate setCompositingOperation: operation];
@implementation GSContext (Ops)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Color operations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void) DPScurrentalpha: (CGFloat *)a
[gstate DPScurrentalpha: a];
- (void) DPScurrentcmykcolor: (CGFloat*)c : (CGFloat*)m : (CGFloat*)y : (CGFloat*)k
[gstate DPScurrentcmykcolor:c :m :y :k];
- (void) DPScurrentgray: (CGFloat*)gray
[gstate DPScurrentgray: gray];
- (void) DPScurrenthsbcolor: (CGFloat*)h : (CGFloat*)s : (CGFloat*)b
[gstate DPScurrenthsbcolor:h :s :b];
- (void) DPScurrentrgbcolor: (CGFloat*)r : (CGFloat*)g : (CGFloat*)b
[gstate DPScurrentrgbcolor:r :g :b];
- (void) DPSsetalpha: (CGFloat)a
[gstate DPSsetalpha: a];
- (void) DPSsetcmykcolor: (CGFloat)c : (CGFloat)m : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)k
[gstate DPSsetcmykcolor:c :m :y :k];
- (void) DPSsetgray: (CGFloat)gray
[gstate DPSsetgray: gray];
- (void) DPSsethsbcolor: (CGFloat)h : (CGFloat)s : (CGFloat)b
[gstate DPSsethsbcolor:h :s :b];
- (void) DPSsetrgbcolor: (CGFloat)r : (CGFloat)g : (CGFloat)b
[gstate DPSsetrgbcolor:r :g :b];
- (void) GSSetPatterColor: (NSImage*)image
[gstate GSSetPatterColor: image];
- (void) GSSetFillColorspace: (void *)spaceref
[gstate GSSetFillColorspace: spaceref];
- (void) GSSetStrokeColorspace: (void *)spaceref
[gstate GSSetStrokeColorspace: spaceref];
- (void) GSSetFillColor: (const CGFloat *)values
[gstate GSSetFillColor: values];
- (void) GSSetStrokeColor: (const CGFloat *)values
[gstate GSSetStrokeColor: values];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Text operations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void) DPSashow: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (const char *)s
[gstate DPSashow: x : y : s];
- (void) DPSawidthshow: (CGFloat)cx : (CGFloat)cy : (int)c : (CGFloat)ax : (CGFloat)ay : (const char *)s
[gstate DPSawidthshow: cx : cy : c : ax : ay : s];
- (void) DPScharpath: (const char *)s : (int)b
[gstate DPScharpath: s : b];
- (void) appendBezierPathWithPackedGlyphs: (const char *)packedGlyphs
path: (NSBezierPath*)aPath
[gstate appendBezierPathWithPackedGlyphs: packedGlyphs path: aPath];
- (void) DPSshow: (const char *)s
[gstate DPSshow: s];
- (void) DPSwidthshow: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (int)c : (const char *)s
[gstate DPSwidthshow: x : y : c : s];
- (void) DPSxshow: (const char *)s : (const CGFloat*)numarray : (int)size
[gstate DPSxshow: s : numarray : size];
- (void) DPSxyshow: (const char *)s : (const CGFloat*)numarray : (int)size
[gstate DPSxyshow: s : numarray : size];
- (void) DPSyshow: (const char *)s : (const CGFloat*)numarray : (int)size
[gstate DPSyshow: s : numarray : size];
- (void) GSSetCharacterSpacing: (CGFloat)extra
[gstate GSSetCharacterSpacing: extra];
- (void) GSSetFont: (void *)fontref
[gstate GSSetFont: fontref];
- (void) GSSetFontSize: (CGFloat)size
[gstate GSSetFontSize: size];
- (NSAffineTransform *) GSGetTextCTM
return [gstate GSGetTextCTM];
- (NSPoint) GSGetTextPosition
return [gstate GSGetTextPosition];
- (void) GSSetTextCTM: (NSAffineTransform *)ctm
[gstate GSSetTextCTM: ctm];
- (void) GSSetTextDrawingMode: (GSTextDrawingMode)mode
[gstate GSSetTextDrawingMode: mode];
- (void) GSSetTextPosition: (NSPoint)loc
[gstate GSSetTextPosition: loc];
- (void) GSShowText: (const char *)string : (size_t) length
[gstate GSShowText: string : length];
- (void) GSShowGlyphs: (const NSGlyph *)glyphs : (size_t) length
[gstate GSShowGlyphs: glyphs : length];
- (void) GSShowGlyphsWithAdvances: (const NSGlyph *)glyphs : (const NSSize *)advances : (size_t) length
[gstate GSShowGlyphsWithAdvances: glyphs : advances : length];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Gstate Handling */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void) DPSgrestore
if (GSIArrayCount((GSIArray)gstack) == 0)
gstate = (GSIArrayLastItem((GSIArray)gstack)).obj;
ctxt_pop(gstate, gstack, GSGState);
- (void) DPSgsave
ctxt_push(gstate, gstack);
gstate = [gstate copy];
- (void) DPSinitgraphics
[gstate DPSinitgraphics];
- (void) DPSsetgstate: (NSInteger)gst
if (gst)
[self DPSexecuserobject: gst];
ctxt_pop(gstate, opstack, GSGState);
gstate = [gstate copy];
- (NSInteger) GSDefineGState
if (gstate == nil)
DPS_ERROR(DPSundefined, @"No gstate");
return 0;
[object_getClass(self) insertObject: AUTORELEASE([gstate copy]) forKey: ++unique_index];
return unique_index;
- (void) GSUndefineGState: (NSInteger)gst
[self DPSundefineuserobject: gst];
- (void) GSReplaceGState: (NSInteger)gst
if (gst <= 0)
[object_getClass(self) insertObject: AUTORELEASE([gstate copy]) forKey: gst];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Gstate operations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void) DPScurrentflat: (CGFloat*)flatness
[gstate DPScurrentflat: flatness];
- (void) DPScurrentlinecap: (int*)linecap
[gstate DPScurrentlinecap: linecap];
- (void) DPScurrentlinejoin: (int*)linejoin
[gstate DPScurrentlinejoin: linejoin];
- (void) DPScurrentlinewidth: (CGFloat*)width
[gstate DPScurrentlinewidth: width];
- (void) DPScurrentmiterlimit: (CGFloat*)limit
[gstate DPScurrentmiterlimit: limit];
- (void) DPScurrentpoint: (CGFloat*)x : (CGFloat*)y
[gstate DPScurrentpoint:x :y];
- (void) DPScurrentstrokeadjust: (int*)b
[gstate DPScurrentstrokeadjust: b];
- (void) DPSsetdash: (const CGFloat*)pat : (NSInteger)size : (CGFloat)offset
[gstate DPSsetdash: pat : size : offset];
- (void) DPSsetflat: (CGFloat)flatness
[gstate DPSsetflat: flatness];
- (void) DPSsethalftonephase: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y
[self notImplemented: _cmd];
- (void) DPSsetlinecap: (int)linecap
[gstate DPSsetlinecap: linecap];
- (void) DPSsetlinejoin: (int)linejoin
[gstate DPSsetlinejoin: linejoin];
- (void) DPSsetlinewidth: (CGFloat)width
[gstate DPSsetlinewidth: width];
- (void) DPSsetmiterlimit: (CGFloat)limit
[gstate DPSsetmiterlimit: limit];
- (void) DPSsetstrokeadjust: (int)b
[gstate DPSsetstrokeadjust: b];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Matrix operations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void) DPSconcat: (const CGFloat*)m
[gstate DPSconcat: m];
- (void) DPSinitmatrix
[gstate DPSinitmatrix];
- (void) DPSrotate: (CGFloat)angle
[gstate DPSrotate: angle];
- (void) DPSscale: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y
[gstate DPSscale:x :y];
- (void) DPStranslate: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y
[gstate DPStranslate:x :y];
- (NSAffineTransform *) GSCurrentCTM
return [gstate GSCurrentCTM];
- (void) GSSetCTM: (NSAffineTransform *)ctm
[gstate GSSetCTM: ctm];
- (void) GSConcatCTM: (NSAffineTransform *)ctm
[gstate GSConcatCTM: ctm];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Paint operations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void) DPSarc: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)r : (CGFloat)angle1
: (CGFloat)angle2
[gstate DPSarc: x : y : r : angle1 : angle2];
- (void) DPSarcn: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)r : (CGFloat)angle1
: (CGFloat)angle2
[gstate DPSarcn: x : y : r : angle1 : angle2];
- (void) DPSarct: (CGFloat)x1 : (CGFloat)y1 : (CGFloat)x2 : (CGFloat)y2 : (CGFloat)r;
[gstate DPSarct: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2 : r];
- (void) DPSclip
[gstate DPSclip];
- (void) DPSclosepath
[gstate DPSclosepath];
- (void) DPScurveto: (CGFloat)x1 : (CGFloat)y1 : (CGFloat)x2 : (CGFloat)y2
: (CGFloat)x3 : (CGFloat)y3
[gstate DPScurveto: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2 : x3 : y3];
- (void) DPSeoclip
[gstate DPSeoclip];
- (void) DPSeofill
[gstate DPSeofill];
- (void) DPSfill
[gstate DPSfill];
- (void) DPSflattenpath
[gstate DPSflattenpath];
- (void) DPSinitclip
[gstate DPSinitclip];
- (void) DPSlineto: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y
[gstate DPSlineto: x : y];
- (void) DPSmoveto: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y
[gstate DPSmoveto: x : y];
- (void) DPSnewpath
[gstate DPSnewpath];
- (void) DPSpathbbox: (CGFloat*)llx : (CGFloat*)lly : (CGFloat*)urx : (CGFloat*)ury
[gstate DPSpathbbox: llx : lly : urx : ury];
- (void) DPSrcurveto: (CGFloat)x1 : (CGFloat)y1 : (CGFloat)x2 : (CGFloat)y2
: (CGFloat)x3 : (CGFloat)y3
[gstate DPSrcurveto: x1 : y1 : x2 : y2 : x3 : y3];
- (void) DPSrectclip: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)w : (CGFloat)h
[gstate DPSrectclip: x : y : w : h];
- (void) DPSrectfill: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)w : (CGFloat)h
[gstate DPSrectfill:x :y :w :h];
- (void) DPSrectstroke: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)w : (CGFloat)h
[gstate DPSrectstroke:x :y :w :h];
- (void) DPSreversepath
[gstate DPSreversepath];
- (void) DPSrlineto: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y
[gstate DPSrlineto: x : y];
- (void) DPSrmoveto: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y
[gstate DPSrmoveto: x : y];
- (void) DPSstroke
[gstate DPSstroke];
- (void) GSSendBezierPath: (NSBezierPath *)path
[gstate GSSendBezierPath: path];
- (void) GSRectClipList: (const NSRect *)rects : (int) count
[gstate GSRectClipList: rects : count];
- (void) GSRectFillList: (const NSRect *)rects : (int) count
[gstate GSRectFillList: rects : count];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Window system ops */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void) DPScurrentoffset: (int *)x : (int *)y
if (x && y)
NSPoint offset = [gstate offset];
*x = offset.x;
*y = offset.y;
- (void) DPSsetoffset: (short int)x : (short int)y
[gstate setOffset: NSMakePoint(x,y)];
/* Graphics Extension Ops */
- (void) DPScomposite: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)w : (CGFloat)h
: (NSInteger)gstateNum : (CGFloat)dx : (CGFloat)dy : (NSCompositingOperation)op
[self GScomposite: gstateNum
toPoint: NSMakePoint(dx, dy)
fromRect: NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h)
operation: op
fraction: 1.0];
- (void) DPScompositerect: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)w : (CGFloat)h : (NSCompositingOperation)op
[gstate compositerect: NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h) op: op];
- (void) DPSdissolve: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)w : (CGFloat)h
: (NSInteger)gstateNum : (CGFloat)dx : (CGFloat)dy : (CGFloat)delta
[self GScomposite: gstateNum
toPoint: NSMakePoint(dx, dy)
fromRect: NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h)
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver
fraction: delta];
- (void) GScomposite: (NSInteger)gstateNum
toPoint: (NSPoint)aPoint
fromRect: (NSRect)srcRect
operation: (NSCompositingOperation)op
fraction: (CGFloat)delta
GSGState *g = gstate;
if (gstateNum)
[self DPSexecuserobject: gstateNum];
ctxt_pop(g, opstack, GSGState);
[gstate compositeGState: g
fromRect: srcRect
toPoint: aPoint
op: op
fraction: delta];
- (void) GSdraw: (NSInteger)gstateNum
toPoint: (NSPoint)aPoint
fromRect: (NSRect)srcRect
operation: (NSCompositingOperation)op
fraction: (CGFloat)delta
GSGState *g = gstate;
if (gstateNum)
[self DPSexecuserobject: gstateNum];
ctxt_pop(g, opstack, GSGState);
[gstate drawGState: g
fromRect: srcRect
toPoint: aPoint
op: op
fraction: delta];
- (BOOL) isCompatibleBitmap: (NSBitmapImageRep*)bitmap
return ([bitmap bitmapFormat] == 0);
- (void) GSDrawImage: (NSRect) rect : (void *) imageref
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap;
unsigned char *data[5];
bitmap = (NSBitmapImageRep*)imageref;
if (![self isCompatibleBitmap: bitmap])
NSInteger bitsPerSample = 8;
BOOL isPlanar = NO;
NSInteger samplesPerPixel = [bitmap hasAlpha] ? 4 : 3;
NSString *colorSpaceName = NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace;
NSBitmapImageRep *new;
new = [bitmap _convertToFormatBitsPerSample: bitsPerSample
samplesPerPixel: samplesPerPixel
hasAlpha: [bitmap hasAlpha]
isPlanar: isPlanar
colorSpaceName: colorSpaceName
bitmapFormat: 0
bytesPerRow: 0
bitsPerPixel: 0];
if (new == nil)
NSLog(@"Could not convert bitmap data");
bitmap = new;
[bitmap getBitmapDataPlanes: data];
[self NSDrawBitmap: rect : [bitmap pixelsWide] : [bitmap pixelsHigh]
: [bitmap bitsPerSample] : [bitmap samplesPerPixel]
: [bitmap bitsPerPixel] : [bitmap bytesPerRow] : [bitmap isPlanar]
: [bitmap hasAlpha] : [bitmap colorSpaceName]
: (const unsigned char**)data];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Client functions */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void) DPSPrintf: (const char *)fmt : (va_list)args
/* Do nothing. We can't parse PostScript */
- (void) DPSWriteData: (const char *)buf : (unsigned int)count
/* Do nothing. We can't parse PostScript */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* NSGraphics Ops */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@implementation GSContext (NSGraphics)
- (NSDictionary *) GSReadRect: (NSRect)rect
return [gstate GSReadRect: rect];
* Render Bitmap Images
- (void) NSDrawBitmap: (NSRect) rect : (NSInteger) pixelsWide : (NSInteger) pixelsHigh
: (NSInteger) bitsPerSample : (NSInteger) samplesPerPixel
: (NSInteger) bitsPerPixel : (NSInteger) bytesPerRow : (BOOL) isPlanar
: (BOOL) hasAlpha : (NSString *) colorSpaceName
: (const unsigned char *const [5]) data
NSAffineTransform *trans;
NSSize scale;
// Compute the transformation matrix
scale = NSMakeSize(NSWidth(rect) / pixelsWide,
NSHeight(rect) / pixelsHigh);
trans = [NSAffineTransform transform];
[trans translateToPoint: rect.origin];
[trans scaleXBy: scale.width yBy: scale.height];
/* This does essentially what the DPS...image operators do, so
as to avoid an extra method call */
[gstate DPSimage: trans
: pixelsWide : pixelsHigh
: bitsPerSample : samplesPerPixel
: bitsPerPixel : bytesPerRow
: isPlanar
: hasAlpha : colorSpaceName
: data];
- (void) DPSshfill: (NSDictionary *)shader
[gstate DPSshfill: shader];
- (void) GSWSetViewIsFlipped: (BOOL) flipped
if (gstate)
gstate->viewIsFlipped = flipped;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Data operations - Obsolete but possibly still useful */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- (void)DPSdefineuserobject
int n;
id obj;
NSNumber *number;
ctxt_pop(obj, opstack, NSObject);
ctxt_pop(number, opstack, NSNumber);
n = [number intValue];
if (n < 0)
DPS_ERROR(DPSinvalidparam, @"Invalid userobject index");
[object_getClass(self) insertObject: obj forKey: n];
- (void)DPSexecuserobject: (NSInteger)index
id obj;
if (index < 0 || (obj = [object_getClass(self) getObjectForKey: index]) == nil)
DPS_ERROR(DPSinvalidparam, @"Invalid userobject index");
ctxt_push(obj, opstack);
- (void)DPSundefineuserobject: (NSInteger)index
if (index < 0 || [object_getClass(self) getObjectForKey: index] == nil)
DPS_ERROR(DPSinvalidparam, @"Invalid gstate index");
[object_getClass(self) removeObjectForKey: index];
- (void)DPSclear
GSIArrayInitWithZoneAndCapacity((GSIArray)opstack, [self zone], 2);
- (void)DPScopy: (int)n
unsigned count = GSIArrayCount((GSIArray)opstack);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
NSObject *obj = (GSIArrayItemAtIndex((GSIArray)opstack, count - n + i)).obj;
ctxt_push(obj, opstack);
- (void)DPScount: (int *)n
*n = GSIArrayCount((GSIArray)opstack);
- (void)DPSdup
NSObject *obj = (GSIArrayLastItem((GSIArray)opstack)).obj;
ctxt_push(obj, opstack);
- (void)DPSexch
unsigned count = GSIArrayCount((GSIArray)opstack);
if (count < 2)
DPS_ERROR(DPSstackunderflow, @"Attempt to exch in empty stack");
GSIArrayLastItem((GSIArray)opstack), count-2);
- (void)DPSindex: (int)i
unsigned count = GSIArrayCount((GSIArray)opstack);
NSObject *obj = (GSIArrayItemAtIndex((GSIArray)opstack, count - i)).obj;
ctxt_push(obj, opstack);
- (void)DPSpop
id obj;
ctxt_pop(obj, opstack, NSObject);
@implementation GSContext (NSGradient)
- (void) drawGradient: (NSGradient*)gradient
fromCenter: (NSPoint)startCenter
radius: (CGFloat)startRadius
toCenter: (NSPoint)endCenter
radius: (CGFloat)endRadius
options: (NSUInteger)options
[gstate drawGradient: gradient
fromCenter: startCenter
radius: startRadius
toCenter: endCenter
radius: endRadius
options: options];
- (void) drawGradient: (NSGradient*)gradient
fromPoint: (NSPoint)startPoint
toPoint: (NSPoint)endPoint
options: (NSUInteger)options
[gstate drawGradient: gradient
fromPoint: startPoint
toPoint: endPoint
options: options];