Richard Frith-Macdonald 08c5a3d3d0 Coding style fixups
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2005-11-16 11:40:31 +00:00

356 lines
13 KiB

/* WIN32Server - Implements window handling for MSWindows
Copyright (C) 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by: Tom MacSween <>
Date August 2005
This file is part of the GNU Objective C User Interface Library.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#include "w32_Events.h"
static NSString * spacer =@"<BLANK_LINE>\n";
@implementation WIN32Server (w32_debug)
- (void) test_Geomemetry:(HWND)hwnd
NSRect gsrect;
RECT msrect;
NSWindow *window = GSWindowWithNumber((int)hwnd);
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &r);
printf("*******************testing Conversion \n\n\n");
printf("MSScreenRectToGS GSScreenRectToMS\n");
gsrect = MSScreenRectToGS(r, [window styleMask], self);
msrect= GSScreenRectToMS(gsrect, [window styleMask],self);
printf("*************************test complete\n\n\n");
[self print_result:msrect and:gsrect and:r];
- (void) print_result:(RECT) msrect and:(NSRect) gsrect and:(RECT) control
printf("MS - Control\n");
printf("MSrect = left %ld ",control.left);
printf(" top %ld",;
printf(" right %ld",control.right);
printf(" Bottom %ld\n",control.bottom);
printf("GS - Calculated\n");
printf("NSRect = height %f width %f ",gsrect.size.height,gsrect.size.width);
printf(" X %f Y %f\n",gsrect.origin.x,gsrect.origin.y);
printf("MS - Calculated\n");
printf("MSrect = left %ld ",msrect.left);
printf(" top %ld",;
printf(" right %ld",msrect.right);
printf(" Bottom %ld\n",msrect.bottom);
- (BOOL) displayEvent:(unsigned int)uMsg
#ifdef __W32_debug__ //_logging
//NSDebugLLog(@"NSEvent", @"Got Message %u for %d", uMsg, hwnd);
switch (uMsg)
case WM_KEYDOWN: return NO; break; //Keyboard events
case WM_KEYUP: return NO; break;
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: return NO; break;// mouse moved events
case WM_NCHITTEST: return NO; break;
case WM_SETCURSOR: return NO; break;
case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: return NO; break;
case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: return YES; break;
case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: return NO; break;
case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: return NO; break; //related to window -- redraw if needed
case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: return NO; break;
case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: return YES; break;
case WM_RBUTTONUP: return YES; break;
case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: return NO; break;
case WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK: return NO; break;
// window events Stubed or Functioning
case WM_SETTEXT: return __STATE; break;
case WM_NCCREATE: return __CREATE_FLAG; break;
case WM_NCCALCSIZE: return __STATE; break;
case WM_NCACTIVATE: return __ACTIVE_FLAG; break;
case WM_NCPAINT: return __STATE; break;
case WM_SHOWWINDOW: return __SHOWWINDOW_FLAG; break;
case WM_NCDESTROY: return __STATE; break;
case WM_GETTEXT: return __STATE; break;
case WM_STYLECHANGING: return __STATE; break;
case WM_STYLECHANGED: return __STATE; break;
case WM_CREATE: return __CREATE_FLAG; break;
case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: return __STATE; break;
case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: return __STATE; break;
case WM_MOVE: return __MOVE_FLAG; break;
case WM_MOVING: return __MOVING_FLAG; break;
case WM_SIZE: return __SIZE_FLAG; break;
case WM_SIZING: return __SIZING_FLAG; break;
case WM_ACTIVATE: return __ACTIVE_FLAG; break;
case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: return __ACTIVE_FLAG; break;
case WM_SETFOCUS: return __SETFOCUS_FLAG; break;
case WM_KILLFOCUS: return __KILLFOCUS_FLAG; break;
//case WM_SETCURSOR: return __STATE; break;
case WM_QUERYOPEN: return __STATE; break;
//case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: return __STATE; break;
case WM_ERASEBKGND: return __ERASEBKGND_FLAG; break;
case WM_PAINT: return __PAINT_FLAG; break;
case WM_SYNCPAINT: return __STATE; break;
case WM_CLOSE: return __CLOSE_FLAG; break;
case WM_DESTROY: return __DESTROY_FLAG; break;
case WM_QUIT: return __STATE; break;
case WM_USER: return __STATE; break;
case WM_APP: return __STATE; break;
case WM_ENTERMENULOOP: return __STATE; break;
case WM_EXITMENULOOP: return __STATE; break;
case WM_INITMENU: return __STATE; break;
case WM_MENUSELECT: return __STATE; break;
case WM_ENTERIDLE: return __STATE; break;
case WM_COMMAND: return __COMMAND_FLAG; break;
case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: return __STATE; break;
case WM_SYSKEYUP: return __STATE; break;
case WM_SYSCOMMAND: return __SYSCOMMAND_FLAG; break;
case WM_HELP: return __STATE; break;
case WM_GETICON: return __STATE; break;
case WM_CANCELMODE: return __STATE; break;
case WM_ENABLE: return __STATE; break;
case WM_CHILDACTIVATE: return __ACTIVE_FLAG; break;
case WM_NULL: return __STATE; break;
case WM_LBUTTONUP: return YES; break;
case WM_PARENTNOTIFY: return __STATE; break;
return YES;
typedef struct tagCREATESTRUCT {
LPVOID lpCreateParams;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
HMENU hMenu;
HWND hwndParent;
int cy;
int cx;
int y;
int x;
LONG style;
LPCTSTR lpszName;
LPCTSTR lpszClass;
DWORD dwExStyle;
- (NSMutableString *) w32_createDetails:(LPCREATESTRUCT)details
NSMutableString * output= [NSMutableString stringWithString:spacer];
[output appendString:@"\n\nLPCREATESTRUCT details\n"];
[output appendFormat:@"HINSTANCE %p ",details->hInstance];
[output appendFormat:@"HMENU %p\n",details->hMenu];
[output appendFormat:@"Creating window: Parent is %s:\n",
[self getNativeClassName:details->hwndParent]];
[output appendFormat:@"Co-ordanates:height[%d] width[%d] Pos[%d] Pox[%d]\n",
[output appendFormat:@"Style %lu Name: %s Win32Class: %s Extended Style %ld\n\n\n",
[output appendString:spacer];
return output;
- (NSMutableString *) createWindowDetail:(NSArray *)anArray
int i =0;
int c=[anArray count];
NSMutableString * output= [NSMutableString stringWithString:spacer];
[output appendFormat:@"Application window count is: %d\n",c];
for (i=0;i<c;i++)
NSWindow * theWindow=[anArray objectAtIndex:i];
[output appendString:[self WindowDetail:theWindow]];
[output appendString:spacer];
return output;
- (NSMutableString *) WindowDetail:(NSWindow *) theWindow
return [self gswindowstate:theWindow];
- (NSMutableString *) MSRectDetails:(RECT)aRect
NSMutableString * output= [NSMutableString stringWithCString:"MSRect Details\n"];
[output appendFormat:@"left %ld ",aRect.left];
[output appendFormat:@"top %ld ",];
[output appendFormat:@"right %ld ",aRect.right];
[output appendFormat:@"Bottom %ld\n",aRect.bottom];
return output;
- (NSMutableString *) NSRectDetails:(NSRect)aRect
NSMutableString * output= [NSMutableString stringWithString:@" "];
[output appendFormat:@"height %ld width %ld ",(int)aRect.size.height
[output appendFormat:@" XPos %ld YPos %ld\n",(int)aRect.origin.x
return output;
- (NSMutableString *) gswindowstate:(NSWindow *)theWindow
// NSRect cvRect=[[theWindow contentView] frame];
NSMutableString * output= [NSMutableString stringWithString:spacer];
[output appendFormat:@"MenuRef = %d\n",flags.menuRef];
[output appendFormat:@"Main Menu %s\n",flags._is_menu ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW title %s\n",[[theWindow title]cString]];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW className %s\n",[[theWindow className]cString]];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW isVisible: %s\n",[theWindow isVisible] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW isAutodisplay: %s\n",[theWindow isAutodisplay] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW isMiniaturized: %s\n",[theWindow isMiniaturized] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW viewsNeedDisplay: %s\n",[theWindow viewsNeedDisplay] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW isOpaque: %s\n",[theWindow isOpaque] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW isReleasedWhenClosed: %s\n ",[theWindow isReleasedWhenClosed] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW isOneShot: %s\n",[theWindow isOneShot] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW isMainWindow: %s\n",[theWindow isMainWindow] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW isKeyWindow: %s\n",[theWindow isKeyWindow] ? "YES" : "NO"];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW styleMask: %d\n",[theWindow styleMask]];
[output appendFormat:@"WINDOW frame:%s",[[self NSRectDetails:[theWindow frame]] cString]];
//[output appendString:[self subViewDetails:theWindow]];
[output appendFormat:@"Native Class Name %s\n",
[[self getNativeClassName:(HWND)[theWindow windowNumber]] cString]];
[output appendFormat:@"Win32 GWL_EXStyle %ld\n",
GetWindowLong((HWND)[theWindow windowNumber],GWL_EXSTYLE)];
[output appendFormat:@"Win32 GWL_STYLE %X\n",
GetWindowLong((HWND)[theWindow windowNumber],GWL_STYLE)];
[output appendFormat:@"Win32 GWL_WNDPROC %ld\n",
GetWindowLong((HWND)[theWindow windowNumber],GWL_WNDPROC)];
[output appendFormat:@"Win32 GWL_HINSTANCE %ld\n",
GetWindowLong((HWND)[theWindow windowNumber],GWL_HINSTANCE)];
[output appendFormat:@"Win32 GWL_HWNDPARENT %ld\n",
GetWindowLong((HWND)[theWindow windowNumber],GWL_HWNDPARENT)];
[output appendFormat:@"Win32 GWL_ID %ld\n",
GetWindowLong((HWND)[theWindow windowNumber],GWL_ID)];
[output appendString:spacer];
[output appendFormat:@"Win32 windowtext %s\n",
[[self getWindowtext:(HWND)[theWindow windowNumber]] cString]];
return output;
- (NSMutableString *) MINMAXDetails:(MINMAXINFO *) mm
NSMutableString * output =[NSMutableString stringWithString:spacer];
[output appendString:@"MINMAXINFO"];
[output appendFormat:@"ptMaxSize width[%ld] X height[%ld]\n",
[output appendFormat:@"ptMaxPosition width[%ld] X height[%ld]\n",
[output appendFormat:@"ptMinTrackSize width[%ld] X height[%ld]\n",
[output appendFormat:@"ptMaxTrackSize width[%ld] X height[%ld]\n",
return output;
- (NSMutableString *) subViewDetails:(NSWindow *)theWindow
NSView * cView=[theWindow contentView];
NSView * sView=[cView superview];
NSArray * theViews=[cView subviews];
unsigned int i=0;
unsigned int c=[theViews count];
NSView * temp=nil;
NSRect cvRect = [cView frame];
NSRect svRect = [sView frame];
NSRect tRect;
NSMutableString * output =[NSMutableString stringWithString:spacer];
[output appendFormat:@"subView Details for %s\n",[[theWindow title] cString]];
[output appendFormat:@"superRect %s",
[[self NSRectDetails:svRect] cString]];
[output appendFormat:@"contentRect %s",
[[self NSRectDetails:cvRect] cString]];
for (i=0;i<c;i++)
temp=[theViews objectAtIndex:i];
tRect =[temp frame];
[output appendFormat:@"subView %u rect %s",
i,[[self NSRectDetails:tRect] cString]];
return output;
- (void) handleNotification:(NSNotification*)aNotification
printf("+++ NEW EVENT +++\n");
printf("WM_APPNOTIFICATION -1\n %s\nPosted by current application\n",
[[aNotification name] cString]);
NSWindow *theWindow=[aNotification object];
printf("%s",[[self gswindowstate:theWindow] cString]);