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/* -*- mode: ObjC -*-
<abstract>View that is dragged during drag and drop</abstract>
Written By: <author name="Wim Oudshoorn"><email></email></author>
Date: Nov 2001
This file is part of the GNU Objective C User Interface library.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#include <AppKit/NSCell.h>
#include <AppKit/NSEvent.h>
#include <Foundation/NSGeometry.h>
#include "x11/xdnd.h"
#include "x11/XGServerWindow.h"
Drag and drop support functions
void GSEnsureDndIsInitialized (void);
DndClass xdnd (void);
Atom GSActionForDragOperation(unsigned int op);
NSDragOperation GSDragOperationForAction(Atom xaction);
used in the operation mask to indicate that the
user can not change the drag action by
pressing modifiers.
#define NSDragOperationIgnoresModifiers 0xffff
WRO (notes made 18 Nov 2001)
The object that is dragged over the screen.
It hijacks the event loop and manages the complete
drag and drop sequence.
@interface XGDragView : NSView <NSDraggingInfo>
NSCell *dragCell; /*" the graphics that is dragged"*/
NSPasteboard *dragPasteboard;
NSPoint dragPoint; /*" in base coordinates, only valid when dragWindow != nil "*/
gswindow_device_t *dragWindev;
/* information used in the drag and drop event loop */
NSPoint offset; /*" offset of image w.r.t. cursor "*/
NSPoint dragPosition; /*" in screen coordinates "*/
NSPoint newPosition; /*" position, not yet processed "*/
int wx, wy; /*" position of image in X-coordinates "*/
Window targetWindow; /*" XWindow that is the current drag target "*/
int dragSequence;
id dragSource;
unsigned int dragMask; /*" Operations supported by the source "*/
unsigned int operationMask; /*" user specified operation mask (key modifiers).
this is either a mask of type _NSDragOperation,
or NSDragOperationIgnoresModifiers, which
is defined as 0xffff "*/
unsigned int targetMask; /*" Operations supported by the target, only valid if
targetIsDndAware is true "*/
id dragWindow; /*" NSWindow in this application that is the current target "*/
Atom *typelist;
BOOL dragExternal; /*" YES if target and source are in a different application "*/
BOOL isDragging; /*" Yes if we are currently dragging "*/
BOOL slideBack; /*" slide back when drag fails? "*/
NSMutableDictionary *cursors;
+ (XGDragView*) sharedDragView;
- (BOOL) isDragging;
- (void) setupDragInfoFromXEvent: (XEvent *)xEvent;
- (void) updateDragInfoFromEvent: (NSEvent *)event;
- (void) resetDragInfo;
- (void) _sendLocalEvent: (GSAppKitSubtype)subtype
action: (NSDragOperation)action
position: (NSPoint)eventLocation
timestamp: (NSTimeInterval)time
toWindow: (NSWindow*)dWindow;
- (void) dragImage: (NSImage*)anImage
at: (NSPoint)screenLocation
offset: (NSSize)initialOffset
event: (NSEvent*)event
pasteboard: (NSPasteboard*)pboard
source: (id)sourceObject
slideBack: (BOOL)slideFlag;
- (void) postDragEvent: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void) _setCursor;
- (void) _handleDrag: (NSEvent*)theEvent;
- (void) _handleEventDuringDragging: (NSEvent*) theEvent;
- (void) _updateAndMoveImageToCorrectPosition;
- (void) _moveDraggedImageToNewPosition;
- (void) _slideDraggedImageTo: (NSPoint)screenPoint
numberOfSteps: (int) steps
waitAfterSlide: (BOOL) waitFlag;
- (Window) _xWindowAcceptingDnDunderX: (int) x Y: (int) y;