
1030 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Author: Ivan Vucica <>
Date: June 2013
This file is part of GNUstep.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, see <> or write to the
Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#import <X11/Xlib.h>
#import <AppKit/NSGraphics.h> // NS*ColorSpace
#import "opal/OpalGState.h"
#import "opal/OpalSurface.h"
#import "opal/OpalFontInfo.h"
#import "x11/XGServerWindow.h"
#define CGCTX [self CGContext]
static inline NSString * _CGRectRepr(CGRect rect)
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(%g,%g,%g,%g)",
rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y,
rect.size.width, rect.size.height];
static inline CGRect _CGRectFromNSRect(NSRect nsrect)
return CGRectMake(nsrect.origin.x, nsrect.origin.y,
nsrect.size.width, nsrect.size.height);
@implementation OpalGState
// MARK: Minimum required methods
// MARK: -
- (void) DPSinitclip
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (void) DPSclip
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (void) DPSfill
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (void) DPSimage: (NSAffineTransform *)matrix
: (NSInteger)pixelsWide
: (NSInteger)pixelsHigh
: (NSInteger)bitsPerSample // is this used correctly ?
: (NSInteger)samplesPerPixel // < unused
: (NSInteger)bitsPerPixel
: (NSInteger)bytesPerRow
: (BOOL)isPlanar // < unused
: (BOOL)hasAlpha // < unused
: (NSString *)colorSpaceName
: (const unsigned char *const[5])data
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @" %s - %@ - cgctx %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _opalSurface, [self CGContext]);
// This depends on CGAffineTransform and NSAffineTransformStruct having
// the same in-memory layout.
// Here's an elementary check if that is true.
// We should probably check this in -back's "configure" script.
assert(sizeof(CGAffineTransform) == sizeof(NSAffineTransformStruct));
NSAffineTransformStruct nsAT = [matrix transformStruct];
CGAffineTransform cgAT = *(CGAffineTransform *)&nsAT;
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"tf: %@ x %@", matrix, [self GSCurrentCTM]);
CGContextConcatCTM(CGCTX, cgAT);
//OPContextSetCairoDeviceOffset(CGCTX, 0, 0);
//CGContextMoveToPoint(CGCTX, 0, 0);
#if 0
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(CGCTX, 1, 0, 0, 1);
CGContextFillRect(CGCTX, CGRectMake(-512, -512, 1024, 1024 /*pixelsWide, pixelsHigh*/ ));
// CGContextRestoreGState(CGCTX);
// return;
// TODO:
// We may want to normalize colorspace names between Opal and -gui,
// to avoid this conversion?
NSLog(@"Colorspace %@", colorSpaceName);
if ([colorSpaceName isEqualToString:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace])
colorSpaceName = kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB; // SRGB?
else if ([colorSpaceName isEqualToString:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace])
colorSpaceName = kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB;
// TODO: bitsPerComponent (in variable bitsPerSample) is not
// liked combined with bitsBerPixel
else if ([colorSpaceName isEqualToString:NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace])
colorSpaceName = kCGColorSpaceGenericGray;
else if ([colorSpaceName isEqualToString:NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace])
colorSpaceName = kCGColorSpaceGenericGray;
NSLog(@"Opal backend: Unhandled colorspace: %@", colorSpaceName);
if (bitsPerPixel != 32)
NSLog(@"Bits per pixel: %d - the only verified combination is 32", bitsPerPixel);
//CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(colorSpaceName);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);
#if 0
NSData * nsData = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: *data
length: pixelsHigh * bytesPerRow];
#warning Using suboptimal '-dataWithBytes:length:' because NoCopy variant breaks down
NSData * nsData = [NSData dataWithBytes: *data
length: pixelsHigh * bytesPerRow];
CGDataProviderRef dataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(nsData);
NSLog(@"Bits per component : bitspersample = %d", bitsPerSample);
NSLog(@"Bits per pixel : bitsperpixel = %d", bitsPerPixel);
NSLog(@" : samplesperpixel = %d", samplesPerPixel);
CGImageRef img = CGImageCreate(pixelsWide, pixelsHigh, bitsPerSample,
bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow, colorSpace,
hasAlpha ? kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast : 0 /* correct? */,
NULL /* const CGFloat decode[] is what? */,
false, /* shouldInterpolate? */
kCGRenderingIntentDefault );
CGContextDrawImage(CGCTX, CGRectMake(0, 0, pixelsWide, pixelsHigh), img);
//[_opalSurface _saveImage: img withPrefix:@"/tmp/opalback-dpsimage-" size: NSZeroSize];
- (void) compositeGState: (OpalGState *)source
fromRect: (NSRect)srcRect
toPoint: (NSPoint)destPoint
op: (NSCompositingOperation)op
fraction: (CGFloat)delta
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGContextRef destContexts[2] = { [_opalSurface backingCGContext], [_opalSurface x11CGContext] };
/* x11 context needs to have correct ctm applied */
CGContextSaveGState([_opalSurface x11CGContext]);
OPContextSetIdentityCTM([_opalSurface x11CGContext]);
CGContextConcatCTM([_opalSurface x11CGContext], CGContextGetCTM([_opalSurface backingCGContext]));
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) // not drawing into x11cgctx after all.
CGContextRef ctx = destContexts[i];
[self compositeGState: source
fromRect: srcRect
toPoint: destPoint
op: op
fraction: delta
destCGContext: ctx];
/* restore x11 context's previous state */
CGContextRestoreGState([_opalSurface x11CGContext]);
- (void) drawGState: (OpalGState *)source
fromRect: (NSRect)srcRect
toPoint: (NSPoint)destPoint
op: (NSCompositingOperation)op
fraction: (CGFloat)delta
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGContextRef destContexts[2] = { [_opalSurface backingCGContext], [_opalSurface x11CGContext] };
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
CGContextRef ctx = destContexts[i];
[self drawGState: source
fromRect: srcRect
toPoint: destPoint
op: op
fraction: delta
destCGContext: ctx];
- (void) compositeGState: (OpalGState *)source
fromRect: (NSRect)srcRect
toPoint: (NSPoint)destPoint
op: (NSCompositingOperation)op
fraction: (CGFloat)delta
destCGContext: (CGContextRef) destCGContext
// NOTE: This method seems to need to paint to X11 context, too.
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - from %@ of gstate %p (cgctx %p) to %@ of %p (cgctx %p)", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, NSStringFromRect(srcRect), source, [source CGContext], NSStringFromPoint(destPoint), self, [self CGContext]);
#if 0
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(destCGContext, 1, 1, 0, 1);
CGContextFillRect(destCGContext, CGRectMake(destPoint.x, destPoint.y, srcRect.size.width, srcRect.size.height));
#if 1
NSSize ssize = [source->_opalSurface size];
srcRect = [[source GSCurrentCTM] rectInMatrixSpace: srcRect];
destPoint = [[self GSCurrentCTM] pointInMatrixSpace: destPoint];
srcRect.origin.y = ssize.height-srcRect.origin.y-srcRect.size.height;
CGRect srcCGRect = _CGRectFromNSRect(srcRect);
CGRect destCGRect = CGRectMake(destPoint.x, destPoint.y,
srcRect.size.width, srcRect.size.height);
NSLog(@"Source cgctx: %p, self: %p - from %@ to %@ with ctm %@", [source CGContext], self, _CGRectRepr(srcCGRect), _CGRectRepr(destCGRect), [self GSCurrentCTM]);
// FIXME: this presumes that the backing CGContext of 'source' is
// an OpalSurface with a backing CGBitmapContext
CGImageRef backingImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage([source CGContext]);
CGImageRef subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(backingImage, srcCGRect);
OPContextSetCairoDeviceOffset(destCGContext, 0, 0);
// TODO: this ignores op
// TODO: this ignores delta
CGContextDrawImage(destCGContext, destCGRect, subImage);
OPContextSetCairoDeviceOffset(CGCTX, -offset.x,
offset.y - [_opalSurface device]->buffer_height);
CGImageRef src;
NSSize ssize = NSZeroSize;
BOOL copyOnSelf;
/* The source rect in the source base coordinate space.
This rect is the minimum bounding rect of srcRect. */
NSRect srcRectInBase = NSZeroRect;
/* The destination point in the target base coordinate space */
NSPoint destPointInBase = NSZeroPoint;
/* The origin of srcRectInBase */
double minx, miny;
/* The composited content size */
double width, height;
/* The adjusted destination point in the target base coordinate space */
double x, y;
/* Alternative source rect origin in the source current CTM */
NSPoint srcRectAltOrigin;
/* Alternative source rect origin in the source base coordinate space */
NSPoint srcRectAltOriginInBase;
/* The source rect origin in the source base coordinate space */
NSPoint srcRectOriginInBase;
BOOL originFlippedBetweenBaseAndSource = NO;
/* The delta between the origins of srcRect and srcRectInBase */
double dx, dy;
if (![source CGContext] || !destCGContext)
src = CGBitmapContextCreateImage([source CGContext]);
copyOnSelf = ([source CGContext] == destCGContext);
srcRectAltOrigin = NSMakePoint(srcRect.origin.x, srcRect.origin.y + srcRect.size.height);
srcRectAltOriginInBase = [[source GSCurrentCTM] transformPoint: srcRectAltOrigin];
srcRectOriginInBase = [[source GSCurrentCTM] transformPoint: srcRect.origin];
/* When the target and source are the same surface, we use the group tricks */
/* // ?
if (copyOnSelf) cairo_push_group(_ct);
_set_op(_ct, op);
/* Scales and/or rotates the local destination point with the current AppKit CTM */
destPointInBase = [ctm transformPoint: destPoint];
/* Scales and/or rotates the source rect and retrieves the minimum bounding
rectangle that encloses it and makes it our source area */
[[source GSCurrentCTM] boundingRectFor: srcRect result: &srcRectInBase];
/* Find whether the source rect origin in the base is the same than in the
source current CTM.
We need to know the origin in the base to compute how much the source
bounding rect origin is shifted relatively to the closest source rect corner.
We use this delta (dx, dy) to correctly composite from a rotated source. */
originFlippedBetweenBaseAndSource =
((srcRect.origin.y < srcRectAltOrigin.y && srcRectOriginInBase.y > srcRectAltOriginInBase.y)
|| (srcRect.origin.y > srcRectAltOrigin.y && srcRectOriginInBase.y < srcRectAltOriginInBase.y));
if (originFlippedBetweenBaseAndSource)
srcRectOriginInBase = srcRectAltOriginInBase;
dx = srcRectOriginInBase.x - srcRectInBase.origin.x;
dy = srcRectOriginInBase.y - srcRectInBase.origin.y;
if (source->_opalSurface != nil)
ssize = [source->_opalSurface size];
// ?
if (cairo_version() >= CAIRO_VERSION_ENCODE(1, 8, 0))
// For cairo > 1.8 we seem to need this adjustment
srcRectInBase.origin.y -= 2 * (source->offset.y - ssize.height);
x = destPointInBase.x;
y = destPointInBase.y;
minx = NSMinX(srcRectInBase);
miny = NSMinY(srcRectInBase);
width = NSWidth(srcRectInBase);
height = NSHeight(srcRectInBase);
/* Comment from cairo backend:
-----8<---- */
/* We respect the AppKit CTM effect on the origin 'aPoint' (see
-[ctm transformPoint:]), but we ignore the scaling and rotation effect on
the composited content and size. Which means we never rotate or scale the
content we composite.
We use a pattern as a trick to simulate a target CTM change, this way we
don't touch the source CTM even when both source and target are identical
(e.g. scrolling case).
We must use a pattern matrix that matches the AppKit base CTM set up in
-DPSinitgraphics to ensure no transform is applied to the source content,
translation adjustements related to destination point and source rect put
aside. */
/* -----8<----
We don't have patterns with their own matrices at our disposal, so the
relevant code is NOT here. Instead we directly use srcRectInBase
NSLog(@"dy: %d", (int)dy);
CGRect srcCGRect = CGRectMake(srcRect.origin.x, srcRect.origin.y, srcRect.size.width, srcRect.size.height);
srcCGRect = CGRectMake(minx, miny, width, height);
CGImageRef srcSubImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(src, srcCGRect);
//CGContextScaleCTM(destCGContext, 1, -1);
//CGContextTranslateCTM(destCGContext, -(minx - x + dx), miny - y + dy - ssize.height);
//CGContextAddRect(destCGContext, CGRectMake(x, y, width, height));
// TODO: this ignores op
// TODO: this ignores delta
// (delta == opacity, in cairo backend)
CGRect destCGRect = CGRectMake(x, y, width, height);
CGContextDrawImage(destCGContext, destCGRect, srcSubImage);
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(destCGContext, 0.6, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2);
CGContextFillRect(destCGContext, destCGRect);
// NSLog(@" --> compsoiting subimage %@", srcSubImage);
//[source->_opalSurface _saveImage: srcSubImage withPrefix:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"/tmp/opalback-compositing-subimage-%p-", [source CGContext]] size: srcCGRect.size ];
//[source->_opalSurface _saveImage: src withPrefix:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"/tmp/opalback-compositing-image-%p-", [source CGContext]] size: NSZeroSize ];
/** Unlike -compositeGState, -drawGSstate fully respects the AppKit CTM but
doesn't support to use the receiver cairo target as the source. */
/* This method is required if -[OpalContext supportsDrawGState] returns YES */
- (void) drawGState: (OpalGState *)source
fromRect: (NSRect)srcRect
toPoint: (NSPoint)destPoint
op: (NSCompositingOperation)op
fraction: (CGFloat)delta
destCGContext: (CGContextRef)destCGContext
// TODO: CairoGState has a lot more complex implementation.
// For now, we'll just call compositeGState and live
// with the fact that CTM is not respected.
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
#if 0
[self compositeGState: source fromRect: srcRect toPoint: destPoint op: op fraction: delta destCGContext: destCGContext];
CGRect srcCGRect = CGRectMake(srcRect.origin.x, srcRect.origin.y,
srcRect.size.width, srcRect.size.height);
CGRect destCGRect = CGRectMake(destPoint.x, destPoint.y,
srcRect.size.width, srcRect.size.height);
CGImageRef backingImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage([source CGContext]);
CGImageRef subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(backingImage, srcCGRect);
// TODO: this ignores op
// TODO: this ignores delta
CGContextDrawImage(destCGContext, destCGRect, subImage);
- (void) compositerect: (NSRect)aRect
op: (NSCompositingOperation)op
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %@", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, NSStringFromRect(aRect));
[self DPSinitmatrix];
CGContextFillRect(CGCTX, CGRectMake(aRect.origin.x, [_opalSurface device]->buffer_height - aRect.origin.y,
aRect.size.width, aRect.size.height));
- (void) DPSsetdash: (const CGFloat*)pat
: (NSInteger)size
: (CGFloat)offset
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
// TODO: stub
- (void) DPSstroke
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (void) DPSsetlinejoin: (int)linejoin
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGContextSetLineJoin(CGCTX, linejoin);
- (void) DPSsetlinecap: (int)linecap
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
// TODO: ensure match of linecap constants between Opal and DPS
CGContextSetLineCap(CGCTX, linecap);
- (void) DPSsetmiterlimit: (CGFloat)miterlimit
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGContextSetMiterLimit(CGCTX, miterlimit);
// MARK: Initialization methods
// MARK: -
@implementation OpalGState (InitializationMethods)
- (id)copyWithZone: (NSZone *)zone
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
OpalGState * theCopy = (OpalGState *) [super copyWithZone: zone];
[_opalSurface retain];
if (CGCTX)
theCopy->_opGState = OPContextCopyGState(CGCTX);
// FIXME: perhaps Opal could provide an API for getting the default
// gstate?
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);
CGContextRef ctx = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, 1, 1, 8, 32, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
theCopy->_opGState = OPContextCopyGState(ctx);
NSLog(@"Included default gstate %p", theCopy->_opGState);
return theCopy;
- GState approximates a cairo context: a drawing state.
- Surface approximates a cairo surface: a place to draw things.
- CGContext seems to be a mix of these two: surface + state.
Should we unite these two somehow? Can we unite these two somehow?
Possibly not. We still need to support bitmap contexts, pdf contexts
etc which contain both state and contents.
So, we will still need surfaces (containing CGContexts, hence including
state) and GState as a wrapper around whatever context happens to be
the current one.
Makes the specified surface active in the current graphics state,
ready for use. Also, sets the device offset to specified coordinates.
- (void) GSSetSurface: (OpalSurface *)opalSurface
: (int)x
: (int)y
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %@ %d %d", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, opalSurface, x, y);
if(_opalSurface != opalSurface)
id old = _opalSurface;
_opalSurface = [opalSurface retain];
[old release];
[self setOffset: NSMakePoint(x, y)];
[self DPSinitgraphics];
- (id) GSCurrentSurface: (OpalSurface **)surface
: (int *)x
: (int *)y
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return _opalSurface;
Sets up a new CG*Context() for drawing content.
- (void) DPSinitgraphics
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[super DPSinitgraphics];
if (!_opalSurface)
NSLog(@"%s: called before GSSetSurface:::", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
// TODO: instead of recreating contexts, we should only reset
// the gstate portion of the contexts. Add OPContextResetGState() which
// recreates _ct and resets _ctadditions. See DPSinitgraphics in
// CairoGState.
[_opalSurface createCGContexts];
OPContextSetCairoDeviceOffset(CGCTX, -offset.x,
offset.y - [_opalSurface device]->buffer_height);
while (_CGContextSaveGStatesOnContextCreation > 0)
NSLog(@"%d more times", _CGContextSaveGStatesOnContextCreation);
if ([_opalSurface device])
CGContextTranslateCTM(CGCTX, 0, [_opalSurface device]->buffer_height);
CGContextScaleCTM(CGCTX, 1, -1);
// MARK: Accessors
// MARK: -
@implementation OpalGState (Accessors)
- (CGContextRef) CGContext
if (!_opalSurface)
NSDebugMLLog(@"OpalGState", @"No OpalSurface");
else if (![_opalSurface CGContext])
NSDebugMLLog(@"OpalGState", @"No OpalSurface CGContext");
return [_opalSurface CGContext];
- (OPGStateRef) OPGState
return _opGState;
- (void) setOPGState: (OPGStateRef)opGState
if (opGState == _opGState)
[opGState retain];
[_opGState release];
_opGState = opGState;
// MARK: Non-required methods
// MARK: -
static CGFloat theAlpha = 1.; // TODO: removeme
@implementation OpalGState (NonrequiredMethods)
- (void) DPSsetrgbcolor: (CGFloat)r : (CGFloat)g : (CGFloat)b
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
const CGFloat alpha = 1; // TODO: is this correct?
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(CGCTX, r, g, b, alpha);
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(CGCTX, r, g, b, alpha);
- (void) DPSrectfill: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)w : (CGFloat)h
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - rect %g %g %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h);
CGContextFillRect(CGCTX, CGRectMake(x, y, w, h));
- (void) DPSrectclip: (CGFloat)x : (CGFloat)y : (CGFloat)w : (CGFloat)h
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %g %g %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x, y, w, h);
[self DPSinitclip];
CGContextClipToRect(CGCTX, CGRectMake(x, y, w, h));
- (void) DPSsetgray: (CGFloat)gray
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
const CGFloat alpha = 1; // TODO: is this correct?
CGContextSetGrayFillColor(CGCTX, gray, alpha);
- (void) DPSsetalpha: (CGFloat)a
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - alpha %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, a);
CGContextSetAlpha(CGCTX, a);
theAlpha = a;
- (void)DPSinitmatrix
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
#if 0
// Flipping the coordinate system is NOT required
CGContextTranslateCTM(CGCTX, 0, [_opalSurface device]->buffer_height);
CGContextScaleCTM(CGCTX, 1, -1);
[super DPSinitmatrix];
- (void)DPSconcat: (const CGFloat *)m
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %g %g %g %g %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
CGContextConcatCTM(CGCTX, CGAffineTransformMake(
m[0], m[1], m[2],
m[3], m[4], m[5]));
[super DPSconcat:m];
- (void)DPSscale: (CGFloat)x
: (CGFloat)y
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x, y);
CGContextScaleCTM(CGCTX, x, y);
- (void)DPStranslate: (CGFloat)x
: (CGFloat)y
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - x %g y %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x, y);
CGContextTranslateCTM(CGCTX, x, y);
[super DPStranslate:x:y];
- (void) DPSmoveto: (CGFloat) x
: (CGFloat) y
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x, y);
CGContextMoveToPoint(CGCTX, x, y);
- (void) DPSlineto: (CGFloat) x
: (CGFloat) y
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x, y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(CGCTX, x, y);
- (void) setOffset: (NSPoint)theOffset
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, theOffset.x, theOffset.y);
#if 1
if (CGCTX != nil)
#if 1
OPContextSetCairoDeviceOffset(CGCTX, -theOffset.x,
theOffset.y - [_opalSurface device]->buffer_height);
OPContextSetCairoDeviceOffset(CGCTX, theOffset.x,
// This is a BAD hack using transform matrix.
// It'll break horribly when Opal state is saved and restored.
static NSPoint OFFSET = { 0, 0 };
//CGContextTranslateCTM(CGCTX, -(-OFFSET.x),
// -(OFFSET.y - [_opalSurface device]->buffer_height));
CGContextTranslateCTM(CGCTX, -theOffset.x,
theOffset.y - [_opalSurface device]->buffer_height);
OFFSET = theOffset;
[super setOffset: theOffset];
- (void) setColor: (device_color_t *)color state: (color_state_t)cState
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[super setColor: color
state: cState];
switch (color->space)
case rgb_colorspace:
if (cState & COLOR_STROKE)
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(CGCTX, color->field[0],
color->field[1], color->field[2], color->field[3]);
if (cState & COLOR_FILL)
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(CGCTX, color->field[0],
color->field[1], color->field[2], color->field[3]);
- (NSAffineTransform *) GSCurrentCTM
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
return ctm;
CGAffineTransform cgCTM = CGContextGetCTM(CGCTX);
NSAffineTransform * affineTransform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
// This depends on CGAffineTransform and NSAffineTransformStruct having
// the same in-memory layout.
// Here's an elementary check if that is true.
// We should probably check this in -back's "configure" script.
assert(sizeof(CGAffineTransform) == sizeof(NSAffineTransformStruct));
NSAffineTransformStruct nsCTM = *(NSAffineTransformStruct *)&cgCTM;
[affineTransform setTransformStruct: nsCTM];
return affineTransform;
- (void) GSSetCTM: (NSAffineTransform *)newCTM
// This depends on CGAffineTransform and NSAffineTransformStruct having
// the same in-memory layout.
// Here's an elementary check if that is true.
// We should probably check this in -back's "configure" script.
assert(sizeof(CGAffineTransform) == sizeof(NSAffineTransformStruct));
NSAffineTransformStruct nsAT = [newCTM transformStruct];
CGAffineTransform cgAT = *(CGAffineTransform *)&nsAT;
CGContextConcatCTM(CGCTX, cgAT);
[super GSSetCTM: newCTM];
- (void) flushGraphics
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[_opalSurface handleExpose: [_opalSurface size]];
- (void) DPSgsave
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (!CGCTX)
if (_opalSurface)
[_opalSurface createCGContexts];
NSLog(@"%s: called before CGContext was created; possible -gui bug?", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (void) DPSgrestore
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (!CGCTX)
NSLog(@"%s: called before CGContext was created; possible -gui bug?", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (void *) saveClip
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGRect * r = calloc(sizeof(CGRect), 1);
*r = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(CGCTX);
return r;
- (void) restoreClip: (void *)savedClip
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGContextClipToRect(CGCTX, *(CGRect *)savedClip);
- (void) DPSeoclip
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (void) DPSeofill
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (void) DPSshow: (const char *)s
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(CGCTX, 0, 1, 0, 1);
CGContextFillRect(CGCTX, CGRectMake(0, 0, strlen(s) * 12, 12));
- (void) GSShowText: (const char *)s : (size_t) length
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
const char * s2 = calloc(s, length+1);
strcpy(s2, s);
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(CGCTX, 0, 1, 0, 1);
CGContextFillRect(CGCTX, CGRectMake(0, 0, length * 12, 12));
// free(s2);
- (void) GSSetFont: (GSFontInfo *)fontref
const CGFloat * matrix;
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
[super GSSetFont: fontref];
CGFontRef opalFont = (CGFontRef)[((OpalFontInfo *)fontref)->_faceInfo fontFace];
CGContextSetFont(CGCTX, opalFont);
CGContextSetFontSize(CGCTX, 1);
matrix = [fontref matrix];
CGAffineTransform cgAT = CGAffineTransformMake(matrix[0], matrix[1],
matrix[2], matrix[3],
matrix[4], matrix[5]);
CGContextSetTextMatrix(CGCTX, cgAT);
- (void) GSShowGlyphsWithAdvances: (const NSGlyph *)glyphs : (const NSSize *)advances : (size_t) length
size_t i;
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
// NSGlyph = unsigned int, CGGlyph = unsigned short
CGGlyph cgglyphs[length];
for (i=0; i<length; i++)
cgglyphs[i] = glyphs[i];
CGPoint pt = CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint(CGCTX);
// FIXME: why * 0.66?
pt.y += [self->font defaultLineHeightForFont] * 0.66;
CGContextSetTextPosition(CGCTX, pt.x, pt.y);
CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances(CGCTX, cgglyphs, (const CGSize *)advances, length);
- (void) DPSrlineto: (CGFloat) x
: (CGFloat) y
CGFloat x2, y2;
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x, y);
[self DPScurrentpoint: &x2 : &y2];
x2 += x;
y2 += y;
CGContextAddLineToPoint(CGCTX, x, y);
- (void) DPSrmoveto: (CGFloat) x
: (CGFloat) y
CGFloat x2, y2;
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s - %g %g", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, x, y);
[self DPScurrentpoint: &x2 : &y2];
x2 += x;
y2 += y;
CGContextMoveToPoint(CGCTX, x2, y2);
- (void) DPScurrentpoint: (CGFloat *)x
: (CGFloat *)y
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGPoint currentPoint = CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint(CGCTX);
*x = currentPoint.x;
*y = currentPoint.y;
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @" %p (%@): %s (returning: %f %f)", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, *x, *y);
- (void) DPSsetlinewidth: (CGFloat) width
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CGContextSetLineWidth(CGCTX, width);
// MARK: Non-required unimplemented methods
// MARK: -
@implementation OpalGState (NonrequiredUnimplementedMethods)
Methods that follow have not been implemented.
They are here to prevent GSGState implementations from
Sole criteria for picking them is looking at what methods
are called by a dummy AppKit application with a single
empty NSWindow.
- (void) DPSsetgstate: (NSInteger) gst
NSDebugLLog(@"OpalGState", @"%p (%@): %s", self, [self class], __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
@implementation OpalGState (Unused)
- (void) _setPath
#if 0
NSInteger count = [path elementCount];
NSInteger i;
SEL elmsel = @selector(elementAtIndex:associatedPoints:);
NSBezierPathElement (*elmidx)(id, SEL, NSInteger, NSPoint*) =
(NSBezierPathElement (*)(id, SEL, NSInteger, NSPoint*))[path methodForSelector: elmsel];
// reset current cairo path
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
NSBezierPathElement type;
NSPoint points[3];
type = (NSBezierPathElement)(*elmidx)(path, elmsel, i, points);
case NSMoveToBezierPathElement:
cairo_move_to(_ct, points[0].x, points[0].y);
case NSLineToBezierPathElement:
cairo_line_to(_ct, points[0].x, points[0].y);
case NSCurveToBezierPathElement:
cairo_curve_to(_ct, points[0].x, points[0].y,
points[1].x, points[1].y,
points[2].x, points[2].y);
case NSClosePathBezierPathElement: