Philippe C.D. Robert fed5094fe2 The inspector now handles the installation path and other settings. Furthermore
it does not save changes automatically but marks the project as being edited.
Upon 'save' the project file and GNUmakefile are being saved, not before!
In addition the various PC* bundles are now maintained by ProjectCenter itself.
The installation path for is corrected to the SYSTEM ROOT as

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2002-01-02 16:05:02 +00:00

300 lines
9.9 KiB

GNUstep ProjectCenter -
Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation
Author: Philippe C.D. Robert <>
This file is part of GNUstep.
This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import "ProjectBuilder.h"
#ifndef IMAGE
#define IMAGE(X) [[[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForImageResource:(X)]] autorelease]
// ==== DEFINES
#define BUILD_ARGS_KEY @"BuildArgsKey"
#define BUILD_HOST_KEY @"BuildHostKey"
#define TARGET_MAKE @"Make"
#define TARGET_MAKE_DEBUG @"MakeDebug"
#define TARGET_MAKE_PROFILE @"MakeProfile"
#define TARGET_MAKE_INSTALL @"MakeInstall"
#define TARGET_MAKE_CLEAN @"MakeClean"
#define TARGET_MAKE_RPM @"MakeRPM"
// ==== Not used yet
#define TOUCHED_EVERYTHING (1 << 0)
#define TOUCHED_PROJECT_NAME (1 << 1)
#define TOUCHED_LANGUAGE (1 << 2)
#define TOUCHED_PROJECT_TYPE (1 << 3)
#define TOUCHED_INSTALL_DIR (1 << 4)
#define TOUCHED_ICON_NAMES (1 << 5)
#define TOUCHED_FILES (1 << 6)
#define TOUCHED_MAINNIB (1 << 7)
#define TOUCHED_TARGETS (1 << 9)
#define TOUCHED_PB_PROJECT (1 << 10)
#define TOUCHED_SYST_EXT (1 << 11)
#define TOUCHED_EXTENSION (1 << 12)
#define TOUCHED_PATHS (1 << 13)
typedef int PCProjInfoBits;
// ==== Project keys
static NSString * const PCClasses = @"CLASS_FILES";
static NSString * const PCHeaders = @"HEADER_FILES";
static NSString * const PCOtherSources = @"OTHER_SOURCES";
static NSString * const PCOtherResources = @"OTHER_RESOURCES";
static NSString * const PCSupportingFiles = @"SUPPORTING_FILES";
static NSString * const PCDocuFiles = @"DOCU_FILES";
static NSString * const PCSubprojects = @"SUBPROJECTS";
static NSString * const PCGModels = @"INTERFACES";
static NSString * const PCImages = @"IMAGES";
static NSString * const PCLibraries = @"LIBRARIES";
static NSString * const PCCompilerOptions = @"COMPILEROPTIONS";
static NSString * const PCLinkerOptions = @"LINKEROPTIONS";
static NSString * const PCProjectName = @"PROJECT_NAME";
static NSString * const PCProjType = @"PROJECT_TYPE";
static NSString * const PCPrincipalClass = @"PRINCIPAL_CLASS";
static NSString * const PCAppIcon = @"APPLICATIONICON";
static NSString * const PCAppClass = @"APPCLASS";
static NSString * const PCToolIcon = @"TOOLICON";
static NSString * const PCProjectBuilderClass = @"PROJECT_BUILDER";
static NSString * const PCMainGModelFile = @"MAININTERFACE";
static NSString * const PCPackageName = @"PACKAGE_NAME";
static NSString * const PCLibraryVar = @"LIBRARY_VAR";
static NSString * const PCVersion = @"PROJECT_VERSION";
static NSString * const PCSummary = @"PROJECT_SUMMARY";
static NSString * const PCDescription = @"PROJECT_DESCRIPTION";
static NSString * const PCRelease = @"PROJECT_RELEASE";
static NSString * const PCCopyright = @"PROJECT_COPYRIGHT";
static NSString * const PCGroup = @"PROJECT_GROUP";
static NSString * const PCSource = @"PROJECT_SOURCE";
static NSString * const PCInstallDir = @"INSTALLDIR";
static NSString * const PCBuildTool = @"BUILDTOOL";
@class PCProjectBuilder;
@class PCProjectDebugger;
@interface PCProject : NSObject
id projectWindow;
id delegate;
id projectManager;
id browserController;
PCProjectBuilder *projectBuilder;
PCProjectDebugger *projectDebugger;
NSBox *box;
id projectAttributeInspectorView;
NSTextField *installPathField;
NSTextField *toolField;
NSTextField *ccOptField;
NSTextField *ldOptField;
id projectProjectInspectorView;
NSTextField *projectTypeField;
id projectFileInspectorView;
NSTextField *fileNameField;
NSButton *changeFileNameButton;
id buildTargetPanel;
id buildTargetHostField;
id buildTargetArgsField;
NSString *projectName;
NSString *projectPath;
NSMutableDictionary *projectDict;
NSDictionary *rootCategories; // Needs to be initialised by subclasses!
NSMutableDictionary *buildOptions;
// ==== Init and free
- (id)init;
- (id)initWithProjectDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict path:(NSString *)path;
- (void)dealloc;
// ==== Accessor methods
- (id)browserController;
- (NSString *)selectedRootCategory;
- (NSArray *)fileExtensionsForCategory:(NSString *)key;
- (void)setProjectName:(NSString *)aName;
- (NSString *)projectName;
- (NSWindow *)projectWindow;
- (Class)principalClass;
// ==== Delegate and manager
- (id)delegate;
- (void)setDelegate:(id)aDelegate;
- (void)setProjectBuilder:(id<ProjectBuilder>)aBuilder;
- (id<ProjectBuilder>)projectBuilder;
// ==== To be overriden!
- (Class)builderClass;
- (BOOL)writeMakefile;
// Subclasses need to call this before their customised implementation!
- (NSArray *)sourceFileKeys;
- (NSArray *)resourceFileKeys;
- (NSArray *)otherKeys;
- (NSArray *)buildTargets;
- (NSString *)projectDescription;
// Returns a string describing the project type
- (BOOL)isExecutable;
// Returns NO by default.
// ==== File Handling
- (void)browserDidSelectFileNamed:(NSString *)fileName;
- (BOOL)doesAcceptFile:(NSString *)file forKey:(NSString *)key;
// Returns YES if type is a valid key and file is not contained in the project already
- (void)addFile:(NSString *)file forKey:(NSString *)key;
- (void)addFile:(NSString *)file forKey:(NSString *)key copy:(BOOL)yn;
- (void)removeFile:(NSString *)file forKey:(NSString *)key;
- (BOOL)removeSelectedFilePermanently:(BOOL)yn;
- (void)renameFile:(NSString *)aFile;
- (BOOL)assignProjectDict:(NSDictionary *)aDict;
- (NSDictionary *)projectDict;
- (void)setProjectPath:(NSString *)aPath;
- (NSString *)projectPath;
- (NSDictionary *)rootCategories;
- (BOOL)save;
- (BOOL)saveAt:(NSString *)projPath;
- (BOOL)saveFileNamed:(NSString *)file;
- (BOOL)saveAllFiles;
- (BOOL)saveAllFilesIfNeeded;
// Saves all the files that need to be saved.
- (BOOL)writeSpecFile;
// ==== Subprojects
- (NSArray *)subprojects;
- (void)addSubproject:(PCProject *)aSubproject;
- (PCProject *)superProject;
- (PCProject *)rootProject;
- (void)newSubprojectNamed:(NSString *)aName;
- (void)removeSubproject:(PCProject *)aSubproject;
- (BOOL)isSubProject;
// ==== Project Handling
- (void)updateValuesFromProjectDict;
// Updates all values in the inspector based on the current project dict
- (void)changeCommonProjectEntry:(id)sender;
// Gets invoked upon UI interaction in the inspector
- (BOOL)isValidDictionary:(NSDictionary *)aDict;
- (void)updateProjectDict;
- (void)validateProjectDict;
// Validates the project dictionary and inserts missing keys if needed. It
// calls isValidDictionary to validate.
@interface PCProject (ProjectBuilding)
- (void)topButtonsPressed:(id)sender;
- (void)showBuildView:(id)sender;
- (void)showRunView:(id)sender;
- (void)showInspector:(id)sender;
- (id)updatedAttributeView;
- (id)updatedProjectView;
- (id)updatedFilesView;
- (void)showBuildTargetPanel:(id)sender;
- (void)setHost:(id)sender;
- (void)setArguments:(id)sender;
- (NSDictionary *)buildOptions;
@interface PCProject (ProjectKeyPaths)
- (NSArray *)contentAtKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (BOOL)hasChildrenAtKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;
- (NSString *)projectKeyForKeyPath:(NSString *)kp;
@interface PCProject (ProjectWindowDelegate)
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
- (void)windowDidBecomeMain:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification;