mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 00:21:22 +00:00
* Framework/PCProject.m: - renaming of a gorm file during another file' editor being active led to exception (the case is because we don't have editors for gorm files so the last viewed file, not the renamed gorm, is present currently to the user)... the cause is not checking NSRange on NSNotFound (the active editor's path can have nothing common with the renamed path)... added required check to the -[renameFile:toFile:]... may be worth to reactivate any editor when a gorm file is selected; * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: - deactivate the active editor on a .gorm file selection;
1853 lines
47 KiB
1853 lines
47 KiB
GNUstep ProjectCenter - http://www.gnustep.org/experience/ProjectCenter.html
Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Free Software Foundation
Authors: Philippe C.D. Robert
Serg Stoyan
This file is part of GNUstep.
This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
// TODO: Split into several files with categories
// TODO: Take care of Libraries(gnustep-gui, gnustep-base)
// and Non Project Files
#import <ProjectCenter/PCFileManager.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectManager.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProject.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectWindow.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectBrowser.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectLoadedFiles.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectInspector.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectEditor.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectLauncher.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCLogController.h>
#import <Protocols/CodeEditor.h>
#import "Modules/Preferences/Saving/PCSavingPrefs.h"
#import "Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.h"
// #import <AppKit/NSFileWrapper.h>
// #import <Foundation/NSData.h>
*PCProjectDictDidChangeNotification = @"PCProjectDictDidChangeNotification";
*PCProjectDictDidSaveNotification = @"PCProjectDictDidSaveNotification";
*PCProjectBreakpointNotification = @"PCProjectBreakpointNotification";
@implementation PCProject
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@: %@ (%@)", [self className], projectName, projectPath];
// ============================================================================
// ==== Init and free
// ============================================================================
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init]))
projectDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
projectPath = [[NSString alloc] init];
projectName = [[NSString alloc] init];
buildOptions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
loadedSubprojects = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
projectBuilder = nil;
projectLauncher = nil;
isSubproject = NO;
activeSubproject = nil;
return self;
- (PCProject *)openWithWrapperAt:(NSString *)aPath
BOOL isDir = NO;
BOOL exists = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath: aPath
isDirectory: &isDir];
if(isDir && exists)
projectFileWrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc] initWithPath: aPath];
if(projectFileWrapper != nil)
NSDictionary *wrappers = [projectFileWrapper fileWrappers];
NSData *data = [[wrappers objectForKey: @"PC.project"] regularFileContents];
NSData *userData = [[wrappers objectForKey: [NSUserName() stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"project"]]
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[[[NSString alloc] initWithData: data
encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]
propertyList] mutableCopy];
NSDictionary *udict = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData: userData
encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]
if (udict != nil)
[dict addEntriesFromDictionary: udict];
[udict release];
[self assignProjectDict:dict atPath: aPath];
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: aPath];
projectFileWrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc]
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 3]];
[projectFileWrapper addRegularFileWithContents:
[NSData dataWithBytes: [[dict description] cString]
length: [[dict description] length]]
preferredFilename: @"PC.project"];
[self assignProjectDict: dict
atPath: aPath];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog (@"PCProject %@: dealloc", projectName);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
// Initialized in -setProjectManager: of project and
// in setSuperProject: of subproject
if (isSubproject == YES)
[super dealloc];
- (void)loadPreferences:(NSNotification *)aNotification
id <PCPreferences> prefs = [projectManager prefController];
rememberWindows = [prefs boolForKey:RememberWindows];
keepBackup = [prefs boolForKey:KeepBackup];
// ============================================================================
// ==== Project handling
// ============================================================================
// --- Dictionary
- (BOOL)assignProjectDict:(NSDictionary *)pDict atPath:(NSString *)pPath
NSString *tempPath = nil;
NSAssert(pDict,@"No valid project dictionary!");
PCLogStatus(self, @"assignProjectDict at %@", pPath);
if (projectDict)
[projectDict release];
projectDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:pDict];
// Project path
if ([[pPath lastPathComponent] isEqualToString:@"PC.project"] ||
[[[pPath lastPathComponent] pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"pcproj"])
tempPath = [pPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
if ([[tempPath pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"pcproj"])
tempPath = [tempPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[self setProjectPath:tempPath];
[self setProjectPath:pPath];
[self setProjectName:[projectDict objectForKey:PCProjectName]];
[self writeMakefile];
[self save];
return YES;
- (BOOL)isValidDictionary:(NSDictionary *)aDict
NSString *_file;
NSString *key;
Class projClass = [self builderClass];
NSDictionary *origin;
NSArray *keys;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
_file = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:projClass] pathForResource:@"PC"
origin = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:_file];
keys = [origin allKeys];
enumerator = [keys objectEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]))
if ([aDict objectForKey:key] == nil)
PCLogInfo(self, @"invalid dict entry for key %@", key);
return NO;
return YES;
- (void)validateProjectDict
if ([self isValidDictionary:projectDict] == NO)
[self updateProjectDict];
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Open Project!",
@"The project file was converted from previous version!\n"
@"Please make sure that every project attribute contain"
@" valid values!",
- (void)setProjectDictObject:(id)object forKey:(NSString *)key notify:(BOOL)yn
id currentObject = [projectDict objectForKey:key];
NSMutableDictionary *notifObject = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]
&& [currentObject isEqualToString:object])
[projectDict setObject:object forKey:key];
// Send in notification project itself and project dictionary object key
// that was changed
[notifObject setObject:self forKey:@"Project"];
[notifObject setObject:key forKey:@"Attribute"];
if (yn == YES)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
- (void)updateProjectDict
Class projClass = [self builderClass];
NSString *_file = nil;
NSString *key = nil;
NSDictionary *origin = nil;
NSArray *keys = nil;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = nil;
_file = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:projClass] pathForResource:@"PC"
origin = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:_file];
keys = [origin allKeys];
enumerator = [keys objectEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]))
if ([projectDict objectForKey:key] == nil)
// Doesn't call setProjectDictObject:forKey for opimization
[projectDict setObject:[origin objectForKey:key] forKey:key];
[self save];
- (NSDictionary *)projectDict
return (NSDictionary *)projectDict;
// --- Name and path
- (NSString *)projectName
return projectName;
- (void)setProjectName:(NSString *)aName
if (projectName)
[projectName autorelease];
projectName = [aName copy];
// [projectWindow setFileIconTitle:projectName];
- (NSString *)projectPath
return projectPath;
- (void)setProjectPath:(NSString *)aPath
if (projectPath)
[projectPath autorelease];
projectPath = [aPath copy];
// --- Saving
- (BOOL)isProjectChanged
return [projectWindow isDocumentEdited];
// Saves backup file
- (BOOL)writeMakefile
NSString *mf = [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"GNUmakefile"];
NSString *bu = [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"GNUmakefile~"];
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if ([fm isReadableFileAtPath:mf])
if ([fm isWritableFileAtPath:bu])
[fm removeFileAtPath:bu handler:nil];
if (![fm copyPath:mf toPath:bu handler:nil])
@"Could not keep a backup of the GNUMakefile!",
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)saveProjectWindowsAndPanels
NSMutableDictionary *windows = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSString *projectFile = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *projectFileDict = nil;
projectFile = [NSUserName() stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"project"];
projectFileDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
// Project Window
[windows setObject:[projectWindow stringWithSavedFrame]
if ([projectWindow isToolbarVisible] == YES)
[windows setObject:@"YES"
[windows setObject:@"NO"
// ProjectBrowser
[windows setObject:NSStringFromRect([[projectBrowser view] frame])
// Write to file and exit if preferences wasn't set to save panels
if (!rememberWindows)
[projectFileDict setObject:windows forKey:PCWindows];
[projectFileDict writeToFile:projectFile atomically:YES];
[projectFileDict release];
return YES;
// Project Build
if (projectBuilder && [[projectManager buildPanel] isVisible])
[windows setObject:[[projectManager buildPanel] stringWithSavedFrame]
[windows removeObjectForKey:@"ProjectBuild"];
// Project Launch
if (projectLauncher && [[projectManager launchPanel] isVisible])
[windows setObject:[[projectManager launchPanel] stringWithSavedFrame]
[windows removeObjectForKey:@"ProjectLaunch"];
// Loaded Files
if (projectLoadedFiles && [[projectManager loadedFilesPanel] isVisible])
setObject:[[projectManager loadedFilesPanel] stringWithSavedFrame]
[windows removeObjectForKey:@"LoadedFiles"];
// Set to project dict for case if project changed
// Don't notify about projectDict changes
[projectDict setObject:windows forKey:PCWindows];
// Now save it directly to username.project file
[projectFileDict setObject:windows forKey:PCWindows];
[projectFileDict setObject: [[NSCalendarDate date] description]
forKey: PCLastEditing];
// add the file and write the wrapper.
[projectFileWrapper addRegularFileWithContents:
[NSData dataWithBytes: [[projectFileDict description] cString]
length: [[projectFileDict description] length]]
preferredFilename: projectFile];
[projectFileWrapper writeToFile: wrapperPath
atomically: YES
updateFilenames: YES];
// release
[projectFileDict release];
return YES;
- (BOOL)save
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSUInteger spCount = [loadedSubprojects count];
int i;
NSString *wrapperFile;
NSString *file = @"PC.project";
NSString *backup;
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [projectDict mutableCopy];
NSData *dictData = nil;
// remove key..
[dict removeObjectForKey: PCWindows];
[dict removeObjectForKey: PCLastEditing];
// initialize the wrappers..
wrapperFile = [projectName stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"pcproj"];
projectFileWrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc] initDirectoryWithFileWrappers:
[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 3]];
wrapperPath = [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent: wrapperFile];
backup = [wrapperPath stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"backup"];
// load subprojects...
for (i = 0; i < spCount; i++)
[[loadedSubprojects objectAtIndex:i] save];
// Remove backup file if exists
if ([fm fileExistsAtPath:backup] && ![fm removeFileAtPath:backup handler:nil])
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Save Project",
@"Couldn't remove the old project backup file",
[dict release];
return NO;
// Save backup
if ((keepBackup == YES) && [fm isReadableFileAtPath: wrapperPath])
if ([fm copyPath: wrapperPath
toPath: backup
handler:nil] == NO)
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Save Project",
@"Couldn't save project backup file",
return NO;
// Save project file
dictData = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList: dict
format: NSPropertyListOpenStepFormat
errorDescription: NULL];
[projectFileWrapper addRegularFileWithContents: dictData
preferredFilename: file];
if ([projectFileWrapper
updateFilenames: YES] == NO)
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Save Project",
@"Couldn't save project file",
return NO;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
// Save GNUmakefile
if ([self writeMakefile] == NO)
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Save Project",
@"Couldn't write GNUmakefile",
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)close:(id)sender
PCLogInfo(self, @"Closing %@ project", projectName);
// Save visible windows and panels positions to project dictionary
if (isSubproject == NO)
[self saveProjectWindowsAndPanels];
[projectBrowser setPath:@"/"];
[projectManager setActiveProject:self];
// Project files (GNUmakefile, PC.project etc.)
if (isSubproject == NO && [self isProjectChanged] == YES)
int ret;
ret = NSRunAlertPanel(@"Close Project",
@"Project or subprojects are modified",
@"Save and Close",@"Don't save",@"Stop");
switch (ret)
case NSAlertDefaultReturn:
if ([self save] == NO)
return NO;
case NSAlertAlternateReturn:
case NSAlertOtherReturn:
return NO;
// Close subprojects
while ([loadedSubprojects count])
[(PCProject *)[loadedSubprojects objectAtIndex:0] close:self];
// We should release subproject here, because it retains us
// and we never reach -dealloc in other case.
[loadedSubprojects removeObjectAtIndex:0];
if (isSubproject == YES)
[projectManager closeProject:self];
return YES;
// Editors
// "Cancel" button on "Save Edited Files" panel selected
if ([projectEditor closeAllEditors] == NO)
return NO;
// Project window
if (sender != projectWindow)
[projectWindow close];
// Remove self from loaded projects
[projectManager closeProject:self];
return YES;
// ============================================================================
// ==== Accessory methods
// ============================================================================
- (PCProjectManager *)projectManager
return projectManager;
- (void)setProjectManager:(PCProjectManager *)aManager
projectManager = aManager;
if (isSubproject)
if (!projectBrowser)
projectBrowser = [[PCProjectBrowser alloc] initWithProject:self];
if (!projectLoadedFiles)
projectLoadedFiles = [[PCProjectLoadedFiles alloc] initWithProject:self];
if (!projectEditor)
projectEditor = [[PCProjectEditor alloc] init];
[projectEditor setProject:self];
[projectEditor setProjectManager:aManager];
if (!projectWindow)
projectWindow = [[PCProjectWindow alloc] initWithProject:self];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
[self loadPreferences:nil];
- (PCProjectWindow *)projectWindow
return projectWindow;
- (PCProjectBrowser *)projectBrowser
return projectBrowser;
- (PCProjectLoadedFiles *)projectLoadedFiles
if (!projectLoadedFiles && !isSubproject)
projectLoadedFiles = [[PCProjectLoadedFiles alloc] initWithProject:self];
return projectLoadedFiles;
- (PCProjectBuilder *)projectBuilder
if (!projectBuilder && !isSubproject)
projectBuilder = [[PCProjectBuilder alloc] initWithProject:self];
return projectBuilder;
- (PCProjectLauncher *)projectLauncher
if (!projectLauncher && !isSubproject)
projectLauncher = [[PCProjectLauncher alloc] initWithProject:self];
return projectLauncher;
- (PCProjectEditor *)projectEditor
return projectEditor;
// ============================================================================
// ==== Bundle methods
// ============================================================================
//--- Project Inspector's "Project Attributes"
- (NSView *)projectAttributesView
return nil;
//--- Properties from Info.table
- (NSDictionary *)projectBundleInfoTable
NSString *_file;
Class class = [self builderClass];
_file = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:class] pathForResource:@"Info"
return [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:_file];
- (NSString *)projectTypeName
return [[self projectBundleInfoTable] objectForKey:@"Name"];
- (Class)builderClass
return [[self projectBundleInfoTable] objectForKey:@"BuilderClassName"];
- (NSString *)projectDescription
return [[self projectBundleInfoTable] objectForKey:@"Description"];
- (BOOL)isExecutable
if ([[[self projectBundleInfoTable]
objectForKey:@"Executable"] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
return YES;
return NO;
- (NSArray *)buildTargets
NSArray *buildTargets = [projectDict objectForKey:PCBuilderTargets];
if (!buildTargets)
buildTargets =
[[self projectBundleInfoTable] objectForKey:@"BuildTargets"];
[self setProjectDictObject:buildTargets
return buildTargets;
- (NSArray *)sourceFileKeys
return [[self projectBundleInfoTable] objectForKey:@"SourceFileKeys"];
- (NSArray *)resourceFileKeys
return [[self projectBundleInfoTable] objectForKey:@"ResourceFileKeys"];
- (NSArray *)otherKeys
return [[self projectBundleInfoTable] objectForKey:@"OtherFileKeys"];
- (NSArray *)allowableSubprojectTypes
return [[self projectBundleInfoTable]
- (NSArray *)localizableKeys
return [[self projectBundleInfoTable] objectForKey:@"LocalizableCategories"];
//--- Public headers (for Library, Framework)
- (BOOL)canHavePublicHeaders
if ([[[self projectBundleInfoTable]
objectForKey:@"CanHavePublicHeaders"] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
return YES;
return NO;
- (NSArray *)publicHeaders
if ([self canHavePublicHeaders] == YES)
return [projectDict objectForKey:PCPublicHeaders];
return nil;
- (void)setHeaderFile:(NSString *)file public:(BOOL)yn
NSMutableArray *publicHeaders = nil;
if ((yn == YES && [[self publicHeaders] containsObject:file])
|| [self canHavePublicHeaders] == NO)
publicHeaders = [[projectDict objectForKey:PCPublicHeaders] copy];
if (yn)
[publicHeaders addObject:file];
else if ([publicHeaders count] > 0 && [publicHeaders containsObject:file])
[publicHeaders removeObject:file];
[self setProjectDictObject:publicHeaders
[publicHeaders release];
//--- Localization
- (NSArray *)localizedResources
return [projectDict objectForKey:PCLocalizedResources];
- (NSString *)resourceDirForLanguage:(NSString *)language
NSString *dir = nil;
dir = [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:language];
dir = [dir stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"lproj"];
return dir;
- (void)setResourceFile:(NSString *)file localizable:(BOOL)yn
PCFileManager *fileManager = [projectManager fileManager];
NSArray *userLanguages = nil;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = nil;
NSString *currentLanguage = nil;
NSString *resPath = nil;
NSString *resFilePath = nil;
NSString *langPath = nil;
NSMutableArray *localizedResources = nil;
if (yn == YES && [[self localizedResources] containsObject:file])
resPath = [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"];
resFilePath = [resPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:file];
localizedResources = [[self localizedResources] mutableCopy];
userLanguages = [projectDict objectForKey:PCUserLanguages];
enumerator = [userLanguages objectEnumerator];
while ((currentLanguage = [enumerator nextObject]))
langPath = [self resourceDirForLanguage:currentLanguage];
if (yn == YES)
[fileManager copyFile:resFilePath intoDirectory:langPath];
if ([currentLanguage isEqualToString:@"English"])
[fileManager copyFile:file
[fileManager removeFile:file
if (yn == YES)
[fileManager removeFileAtPath:resFilePath removeDirsIfEmpty:YES];
[localizedResources addObject:file];
[self setProjectDictObject:localizedResources
else if ([localizedResources count] > 0
&& [localizedResources containsObject:file])
[localizedResources removeObject:file];
[self setProjectDictObject:localizedResources
[localizedResources release];
// May files will be added to category?
- (BOOL)isEditableCategory:(NSString *)category
NSString *key = [self keyForCategory:category];
if ([key isEqualToString:PCSupportingFiles])
return NO;
return YES;
// May file will be edited in PC editor?
- (BOOL)isEditableFile:(NSString *)filePath
NSString *key = [self keyForCategory:[projectBrowser nameOfSelectedCategory]];
NSString *fileName = [filePath lastPathComponent];
NSString *extension = [filePath pathExtension];
if ([key isEqualToString:PCSupportingFiles])
if ([fileName isEqualToString:@"GNUmakefile"] ||
[extension isEqualToString:@"plist"])
return NO;
return YES;
- (NSArray *)fileTypesForCategoryKey:(NSString *)key
if ([key isEqualToString:PCClasses])
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"m",@"mm",nil];
else if ([key isEqualToString:PCHeaders])
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"h",nil];
else if ([key isEqualToString:PCOtherSources])
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"c",@"C",@"m",nil];
else if ([key isEqualToString:PCInterfaces])
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"gmodel",@"gorm", @"gsmarkup", @"nib", nil];
else if ([key isEqualToString:PCImages])
return [NSImage imageFileTypes];
else if ([key isEqualToString:PCSubprojects])
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"subproj",nil];
else if ([key isEqualToString:PCLibraries])
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"so",@"a",@"lib",@"dylib",nil];
return nil;
- (NSString *)categoryKeyForFileType:(NSString *)type
NSEnumerator *keysEnum = [rootKeys objectEnumerator];
NSString *key = nil;
while ((key = [keysEnum nextObject]))
if ([[self fileTypesForCategoryKey:key] containsObject:type])
return key;
return nil;
- (NSString *)dirForCategoryKey:(NSString *)key
if ([[self resourceFileKeys] containsObject:key])
return [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"];
return projectPath;
- (NSString *)localizedDirForCategoryKey:(NSString *)key
NSString *language = nil;
if ([[self resourceFileKeys] containsObject:key])
language = [projectDict objectForKey:PCLanguage];
language = [language stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"lproj"];
return [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:language];
return projectPath;
- (NSString *)complementaryTypeForType:(NSString *)type
if ([type isEqualToString:@"m"] || [type isEqualToString:@"c"])
return @"h";
else if ([type isEqualToString:@"h"])
return @"m";
return nil;
// ============================================================================
// ==== File Handling
// ============================================================================
- (NSString *)pathForFile:(NSString *)file forKey:(NSString *)key
NSString *resPath = nil;
if ([[self resourceFileKeys] containsObject:key])
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCLocalizedResources] containsObject:file])
resPath = [self localizedDirForCategoryKey:key];
return [resPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:file];
resPath = [self dirForCategoryKey:key];
return [resPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:file];
return [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:file];
- (NSString *)projectFileFromFile:(NSString *)file forKey:(NSString *)type
NSString *projectFile = nil;
NSString *_path = nil;
NSMutableArray *_pathComponents = nil;
NSString *_file = nil;
NSArray *subprojects = [projectDict objectForKey:PCSubprojects];
NSRange pathRange;
NSString *spDir = nil;
_path = [file stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
_pathComponents = [[_path pathComponents] mutableCopy];
_file = [file lastPathComponent];
// Remove "lib" prefix from library name
if ([type isEqualToString:PCLibraries])
_file = [_file stringByDeletingPathExtension];
_file = [_file substringFromIndex:3];
pathRange = [_path rangeOfString:projectPath];
// File is located in project's directory tree
if (pathRange.length && ![type isEqualToString:PCLibraries])
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < [subprojects count]; i++)
spDir = [[subprojects objectAtIndex:i]
if ([_pathComponents containsObject:spDir])
spDir = nil;
if (spDir != nil)
while (![[_pathComponents objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:spDir])
[_pathComponents removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[_pathComponents removeAllObjects];
// Construct project file name
if ([_pathComponents count])
projectFile = [NSString pathWithComponents:_pathComponents];
projectFile = [projectFile stringByAppendingPathComponent:_file];
projectFile = [NSString stringWithString:_file];
return projectFile;
- (BOOL)doesAcceptFile:(NSString *)file forKey:(NSString *)type
NSString *pFile = [self projectFileFromFile:file forKey:type];
NSArray *sourceKeys = [self sourceFileKeys];
NSArray *resourceKeys = [self resourceFileKeys];
NSEnumerator *keyEnum = nil;
NSString *key = nil;
NSArray *projectFiles = nil;
if ([sourceKeys containsObject:type])
keyEnum = [sourceKeys objectEnumerator];
else if ([resourceKeys containsObject:type])
keyEnum = [resourceKeys objectEnumerator];
return YES;
while ((key = [keyEnum nextObject]))
projectFiles = [projectDict objectForKey:key];
if ([projectFiles containsObject:pFile])
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)addAndCopyFiles:(NSArray *)files forKey:(NSString *)key
NSEnumerator *fileEnum = [files objectEnumerator];
NSString *file = nil;
NSMutableArray *fileList = [[files mutableCopy] autorelease];
NSString *complementaryType = nil;
NSString *complementaryKey = nil;
NSString *complementaryDir = nil;
NSMutableArray *complementaryFiles = [NSMutableArray array];
PCFileManager *fileManager = [projectManager fileManager];
NSString *directory = [self dirForCategoryKey:key];
complementaryType = [self
complementaryTypeForType:[[files objectAtIndex:0] pathExtension]];
if (complementaryType)
complementaryKey = [self categoryKeyForFileType:complementaryType];
complementaryDir = [self dirForCategoryKey:complementaryKey];
// PCLogInfo(self, @"{%@} {addAndCopyFiles} %@", projectName, fileList);
// Validate files
while ((file = [fileEnum nextObject]))
if (![self doesAcceptFile:file forKey:key])
[fileList removeObject:file];
else if (complementaryType != nil)
NSString *compFile = nil;
compFile = [[file stringByDeletingPathExtension]
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:compFile]
&& [self doesAcceptFile:compFile forKey:complementaryKey])
[complementaryFiles addObject:compFile];
// PCLogInfo(self, @"{addAndCopyFiles} %@", fileList);
// Copy files
if (![key isEqualToString:PCLibraries]) // Don't copy libraries
if (![fileManager copyFiles:fileList intoDirectory:directory])
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Add File(s)",
@"Error adding files %@ to project %@!",
@"OK", nil, nil, fileList, projectName);
return NO;
// PCLogInfo(self, @"Complementary files: %@", complementaryFiles);
// Complementaries
if (![fileManager copyFiles:complementaryFiles
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Add File(s)",
@"Error adding files %@ to project %@!",
@"OK", nil, nil, complementaryFiles, projectName);
return NO;
if ([complementaryFiles count] > 0)
[self addFiles:complementaryFiles forKey:complementaryKey notify:NO];
// Add files to project
[self addFiles:fileList forKey:key notify:YES];
return YES;
- (void)addFiles:(NSArray *)files forKey:(NSString *)type notify:(BOOL)yn
NSEnumerator *enumerator = nil;
NSString *file = nil;
NSString *pFile = nil;
NSArray *types = [projectDict objectForKey:type];
NSMutableArray *projectFiles = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:types];
if ([type isEqualToString:PCLibraries])
NSMutableArray *searchLibs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
NSString *path = nil;
path = [[files objectAtIndex:0] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[searchLibs setArray:[projectDict objectForKey:PCSearchLibs]];
[searchLibs addObject:path];
[self setProjectDictObject:searchLibs forKey:PCSearchLibs notify:yn];
enumerator = [files objectEnumerator];
while ((file = [enumerator nextObject]))
pFile = [self projectFileFromFile:file forKey:type];
[projectFiles addObject:pFile];
[self setProjectDictObject:projectFiles forKey:type notify:yn];
- (BOOL)removeFiles:(NSArray *)files forKey:(NSString *)key notify:(BOOL)yn
NSEnumerator *enumerator = nil;
NSString *filePath = nil;
NSString *file = nil;
NSMutableArray *projectFiles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
NSArray *localizedFiles = nil;
// Check if file localizable. If yes, make it not localizable so file moved
// to Resources dir.
localizedFiles = [[self localizedResources] copy];
enumerator = [files objectEnumerator];
while ((file = [enumerator nextObject]))
if ([localizedFiles containsObject:file])
[self setResourceFile:file localizable:NO];
[localizedFiles release];
// Remove files from project
// projectFiles = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[projectDict objectForKey:key]];
[projectFiles setArray:[projectDict objectForKey:key]];
NSLog(@"--- projectFiles: %@ forKey: %@", projectFiles, key);
enumerator = [files objectEnumerator];
while ((file = [enumerator nextObject]))
if ([key isEqualToString:PCSubprojects])
NSLog(@"Removing subproject %@", file);
[self removeSubprojectWithName:file];
NSLog(@"Project %@ remove file %@", projectName, file);
[projectFiles removeObject:file];
// Close editor
filePath = [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:file];
[projectEditor closeEditorForFile:filePath];
NSLog(@"projectFiles: %@", projectFiles);
[self setProjectDictObject:projectFiles forKey:key notify:yn];
[projectFiles release];
return YES;
- (BOOL)renameFile:(NSString *)fromFile toFile:(NSString *)toFile
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *selectedCategory = nil;
NSString *selectedCategoryKey = nil;
NSString *fromPath = nil;
NSString *toPath = nil;
NSMutableDictionary *_pDict = nil;
NSString *_file = nil;
NSMutableArray *_array = nil;
BOOL saveToFile = NO;
int index = 0;
id<CodeEditor> _editor;
NSString *_editorPath = nil;
NSMutableString *_editorCategory = nil;
selectedCategory = [projectBrowser nameOfSelectedCategory];
selectedCategoryKey = [self keyForCategory:selectedCategory];
fromPath = [[self dirForCategoryKey:selectedCategoryKey]
toPath = [[self dirForCategoryKey:selectedCategoryKey]
if ([fm fileExistsAtPath:toPath])
switch (NSRunAlertPanel(@"Rename file",
@"File \"%@\" already exist",
@"Overwrite file",@"Stop",nil, toFile))
case NSAlertDefaultReturn: // Overwrite
if ([fm removeFileAtPath:toPath handler:nil] == NO)
return NO;
case NSAlertAlternateReturn: // Stop rename
return NO;
/* PCLogInfo(self, @"{%@} move %@ to %@ category: %@",
projectName, fromPath, toPath, selectedCategory);*/
if ([[self localizedResources] containsObject:fromFile])
{// Rename file in language dirs
NSArray *userLanguages;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *lang;
NSString *langPath;
NSMutableArray *localizedResources;
localizedResources =
[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[self localizedResources]];
userLanguages = [projectDict objectForKey:PCUserLanguages];
enumerator = [userLanguages objectEnumerator];
while ((lang = [enumerator nextObject]))
langPath = [self resourceDirForLanguage:lang];
fromPath = [langPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:fromFile];
toPath = [langPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:toFile];
if ([fm movePath:fromPath toPath:toPath handler:nil] == NO)
return NO;
index = [localizedResources indexOfObject:fromFile];
[localizedResources replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:toFile];
[projectDict setObject:localizedResources
else if ([fm movePath:fromPath toPath:toPath handler:nil] == NO)
return NO;
// TODO: Rewrite this when file operations history will be implemented
if ([self isProjectChanged])
// Project already has changes
saveToFile = YES;
// Make changes to projectDict
_array = [projectDict objectForKey:selectedCategoryKey];
index = [_array indexOfObject:fromFile];
[_array replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:toFile];
// Put only this change to project file, leaving
// other changes in memory(projectDict)
if (saveToFile)
_file = [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"PC.project"];
_pDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:_file];
_array = [_pDict objectForKey:selectedCategoryKey];
[_array removeObject:fromFile];
[_array addObject:toFile];
[_pDict setObject:_array forKey:selectedCategoryKey];
[_pDict writeToFile:_file atomically:YES];
[self save];
// Handle editor(if any) information
_editor = [projectEditor activeEditor];
if (_editor)
NSRange range;
_editorPath = [_editor path];
_editorPath = [_editorPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
_editorPath = [_editorPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:toFile];
[_editor setPath:_editorPath];
_editorCategory = [[_editor categoryPath] mutableCopy];
range = [_editorCategory rangeOfString:fromFile];
if (range.location != NSNotFound)
[_editorCategory replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:toFile];
[_editor setCategoryPath:_editorCategory];
[projectBrowser setPath:_editorCategory];
// Set browser path to new file name
[projectBrowser reloadLastColumnAndSelectFile:toFile];
return YES;
// ============================================================================
// ==== Subprojects
// ============================================================================
- (NSArray *)loadedSubprojects
return loadedSubprojects;
- (PCProject *)activeSubproject
return activeSubproject;
- (BOOL)isSubproject
return isSubproject;
- (void)setIsSubproject:(BOOL)yn
isSubproject = yn;
- (PCProject *)superProject
return superProject;
- (void)setSuperProject:(PCProject *)project
if (superProject != nil)
ASSIGN(superProject, project);
// Assigning releases left part
ASSIGN(projectBrowser,[project projectBrowser]);
ASSIGN(projectLoadedFiles,[project projectLoadedFiles]);
ASSIGN(projectEditor,[project projectEditor]);
ASSIGN(projectWindow,[project projectWindow]);
- (PCProject *)subprojectWithName:(NSString *)name
int count = [loadedSubprojects count];
int i;
PCProject *sp = nil;
NSString *spName = nil;
NSString *spPath = nil;
// Subproject in project but not loaded
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCSubprojects] containsObject:name])
/* PCLogInfo(self, @"{%@}Searching for loaded subproject: %@",
projectName, name);*/
// Search for subproject with name among loaded subprojects
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
sp = [loadedSubprojects objectAtIndex:i];
spName = [sp projectName];
if ([spName isEqualToString:name])
sp = nil;
// Subproject not found in array, load it
if (sp == nil)
spPath = [projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
spPath = [spPath stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"subproj"];
sp = [projectManager openProjectAt:spPath makeActive:NO];
if (sp)
[sp setIsSubproject:YES];
[sp setSuperProject:self];
[sp setProjectManager:projectManager];
[loadedSubprojects addObject:sp];
return sp;
- (void)addSubproject:(PCProject *)aSubproject
NSMutableArray *_subprojects;
if (!aSubproject)
_subprojects = [NSMutableArray
arrayWithArray:[projectDict objectForKey:PCSubprojects]];
[_subprojects addObject:[aSubproject projectName]];
[loadedSubprojects addObject:aSubproject];
[self setProjectDictObject:_subprojects forKey:PCSubprojects notify:YES];
- (void)addSubprojectWithName:(NSString *)name
NSMutableArray *_subprojects = nil;
if (!name)
_subprojects = [NSMutableArray
arrayWithArray:[projectDict objectForKey:PCSubprojects]];
[_subprojects addObject:name];
[self setProjectDictObject:_subprojects forKey:PCSubprojects notify:YES];
- (BOOL)removeSubprojectWithName:(NSString *)subprojectName
NSString *extension = [subprojectName pathExtension];
NSString *sName = subprojectName;
if (extension && [extension isEqualToString:@"subproj"])
sName = [subprojectName stringByDeletingPathExtension];
return [self removeSubproject:[self subprojectWithName:sName]];
- (BOOL)removeSubproject:(PCProject *)aSubproject
if ([loadedSubprojects containsObject:aSubproject])
[aSubproject close:self];
[loadedSubprojects removeObject:aSubproject];
return YES;
@implementation PCProject (ProjectBrowser)
- (NSArray *)rootKeys
if (activeSubproject)
return [activeSubproject rootKeys];
return rootKeys;
// e.g. Classes
- (NSArray *)rootCategories
if (activeSubproject)
return [activeSubproject rootCategories];
return rootCategories;
- (NSDictionary *)rootEntries
if (activeSubproject)
return [activeSubproject rootEntries];
return rootEntries;
// Category - the name we see in project browser, e.g. "Classes"
// Key - the uppercase names located in PC.roject, e.g. "CLASS_FILES"
- (NSString *)keyForCategory:(NSString *)category
int index = -1;
if (activeSubproject)
return [activeSubproject keyForCategory:category];
if (![rootCategories containsObject:category])
return nil;
index = [rootCategories indexOfObject:category];
return [rootKeys objectAtIndex:index];
- (NSString *)categoryForKey:(NSString *)key
if (activeSubproject)
return [activeSubproject categoryForKey:key];
return [rootEntries objectForKey:key];
- (NSString *)rootCategoryForCategoryPath:(NSString *)categoryPath
NSArray *pathComponents = nil;
if ([categoryPath isEqualToString:@"/"] || [categoryPath isEqualToString:@""])
return nil;
pathComponents = [categoryPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"];
return [pathComponents objectAtIndex:1];
- (NSString *)keyForRootCategoryInCategoryPath:(NSString *)categoryPath
NSString *category = nil;
NSString *key = nil;
int index = -1;
if (categoryPath == nil
|| [categoryPath isEqualToString:@""]
|| [categoryPath isEqualToString:@"/"])
return nil;
category = [self rootCategoryForCategoryPath:categoryPath];
// Since keyForCategory subproject sensitive implement
// key searching here
// TODO: revise all code in PCProject against subproject
// sensitiveness
// key = [self keyForCategory:category];
if (![rootCategories containsObject:category])
return nil;
index = [rootCategories indexOfObject:category];
key = [rootKeys objectAtIndex:index];
/* PCLogInfo(self, @"{%@}(keyForRootCategoryInCategoryPath): %@ key:%@",
projectName, categoryPath, key);*/
return key;
// --- Requested by Project Browser
- (NSArray *)contentAtCategoryPath:(NSString *)categoryPath
NSString *key = [self keyForRootCategoryInCategoryPath:categoryPath];
NSArray *pathArray = nil;
NSString *listEntry = nil;
pathArray = [categoryPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"];
listEntry = [pathArray lastObject];
/* PCLogInfo(self, @"{%@}{contentAtCategoryPath:} %@",
projectName, categoryPath);*/
if ([categoryPath isEqualToString:@""] || [categoryPath isEqualToString:@"/"])
if ([projectManager activeProject] != self)
[projectManager setActiveProject:self];
return rootCategories;
else if ([pathArray count] == 2)
{ // Click on /Category. [pathArray count] == 2 even in subprojects
// because category path stripped from leading path components before
// going into subproject's code
// NSLog(@"Click on Category");
if ([projectManager activeProject] != self)
[projectManager setActiveProject:self];
activeSubproject = nil;
return [projectDict objectForKey:key];
else if ([key isEqualToString:PCSubprojects] && [pathArray count] > 2)
{ // Click on "/Subprojects/Name+"
PCProject *_subproject = nil;
NSString *spCategoryPath = nil;
NSMutableArray *mCategoryPath = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:pathArray];
_subproject = [self subprojectWithName:[pathArray objectAtIndex:2]];
activeSubproject = _subproject;
[mCategoryPath removeObjectAtIndex:1];
[mCategoryPath removeObjectAtIndex:1];
spCategoryPath = [mCategoryPath componentsJoinedByString:@"/"];
return [_subproject contentAtCategoryPath:spCategoryPath];
{ // The file is selected, ask editor for browser items
return [[projectEditor activeEditor] browserItemsForItem:listEntry];
- (BOOL)hasChildrenAtCategoryPath:(NSString *)categoryPath
NSString *listEntry = nil;
PCProject *activeProject = [projectManager activeProject];
NSString *category = [projectBrowser nameOfSelectedCategory];
NSString *categoryKey = [self keyForCategory:category];
if (self != activeProject)
return [activeProject hasChildrenAtCategoryPath:categoryPath];
listEntry = [[categoryPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"] lastObject];
// Categories
if ([rootCategories containsObject:listEntry])
return YES;
// Subprojects
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCSubprojects] containsObject:listEntry]
&& [category isEqualToString:@"Subprojects"])
return YES;
// Files. listEntry is file in category or contents of file
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:categoryKey] containsObject:listEntry] ||
[projectBrowser nameOfSelectedFile])
// TODO: Libraries
if ([category isEqualToString:@"Libraries"])
return NO;
if ([projectEditor editorProvidesBrowserItemsForItem:listEntry] == YES)
return YES;
return NO;