/* GNUstep ProjectCenter - http://www.gnustep.org Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation Authors: Philippe C.D. Robert Serg Stoyan This file is part of GNUstep. This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA. */ #include "PCDefines.h" #include "PCPrefController.h" #include "PCLogController.h" #include "PCBundleLoader.h" #include "PCFileManager.h" #include "PCProjectManager.h" #include "PCProject.h" #include "PCProjectWindow.h" #include "PCProjectBrowser.h" #include "PCProjectInspector.h" #include "PCProjectEditor.h" #include "PCEditor.h" #include "PCBuildPanel.h" #include "PCLaunchPanel.h" #include "PCLoadedFilesPanel.h" #include "PCServer.h" #include "ProjectType.h" NSString *PCActiveProjectDidChangeNotification = @"PCActiveProjectDidChange"; @implementation PCProjectManager // ============================================================================ // ==== Intialization & deallocation // ============================================================================ - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { NSUserDefaults *defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; buildPanel = nil; launchPanel = nil; loadedFilesPanel = nil; findPanel = nil; [self loadProjectTypeBunldes]; loadedProjects = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; nonProjectEditors = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; rootBuildPath = [[defs stringForKey:RootBuildDirectory] copy]; if (!rootBuildPath || [rootBuildPath isEqualToString:@""]) { rootBuildPath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() copy]; } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(resetSaveTimer:) name:PCSavePeriodDidChangeNotification object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(editorDidClose:) name:PCEditorDidCloseNotification object:nil]; fileManager = [[PCFileManager alloc] initWithProjectManager:self]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { #ifdef DEVELOPMENT NSLog (@"PCProjectManager: dealloc"); #endif [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; if ([saveTimer isValid]) { [saveTimer invalidate]; } RELEASE(loadedProjects); RELEASE(nonProjectEditors); RELEASE(fileManager); RELEASE(bundleLoader); RELEASE(projectTypes); RELEASE(projectTypeAccessaryView); RELEASE(fileTypeAccessaryView); RELEASE(rootBuildPath); if (projectInspector) RELEASE(projectInspector); if (loadedFilesPanel) RELEASE(loadedFilesPanel); if (buildPanel) RELEASE(buildPanel); if (launchPanel) RELEASE(launchPanel); [super dealloc]; } - (void)setDelegate:(id)aDelegate { delegate = aDelegate; } - (id)delegate { return delegate; } - (void)setPrefController:(id)aController { prefController = aController; } - (id)prefController { return prefController; } - (void)createProjectTypeAccessaryView { NSRect fr = NSMakeRect(20,30,160,20); if (projectTypeAccessaryView != nil) { return; } // For "Open Project" and "New Project" panels projectTypePopup = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame:fr pullsDown:NO]; [projectTypePopup setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [projectTypePopup setAutoenablesItems:NO]; [projectTypePopup addItemsWithTitles: [[projectTypes allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]]; [projectTypePopup sizeToFit]; [projectTypeAccessaryView sizeToFit]; [projectTypePopup selectItemAtIndex:0]; projectTypeAccessaryView = [[NSBox alloc] init]; [projectTypeAccessaryView setTitle:@"Project Types"]; [projectTypeAccessaryView setTitlePosition:NSAtTop]; [projectTypeAccessaryView setBorderType:NSGrooveBorder]; [projectTypeAccessaryView addSubview:projectTypePopup]; [projectTypeAccessaryView sizeToFit]; [projectTypeAccessaryView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewMaxXMargin]; RELEASE(projectTypePopup); } // ============================================================================ // ==== Timer handling // ============================================================================ - (BOOL)startSaveTimer { NSTimeInterval interval; interval = [[[PCPrefController sharedPCPreferences] objectForKey:AutoSavePeriod] intValue]; if (interval > 0 && saveTimer == nil) { saveTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:interval target:self selector:@selector(saveAllProjects) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)resetSaveTimer:(NSNotification *)notif { [self stopSaveTimer]; return [self startSaveTimer]; } - (BOOL)stopSaveTimer { if (saveTimer && [saveTimer isValid]) { [saveTimer invalidate]; saveTimer = nil; return YES; } return NO; } // ============================================================================ // ==== Accessory methods // ============================================================================ - (PCFileManager *)fileManager { return fileManager; } - (PCProjectInspector *)projectInspector { if (!projectInspector) { projectInspector = [[PCProjectInspector alloc] initWithProjectManager:self]; } return projectInspector; } - (NSPanel *)inspectorPanel { return [[self projectInspector] panel]; } - (void)showProjectInspector:(id)sender { [[[self projectInspector] panel] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } - (NSPanel *)loadedFilesPanel { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if (!loadedFilesPanel && [[ud objectForKey:SeparateLoadedFiles] isEqualToString:@"YES"]) { loadedFilesPanel = [[PCLoadedFilesPanel alloc] initWithProjectManager:self]; } return loadedFilesPanel; } - (void)showProjectLoadedFiles:(id)sender { if ([[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryRepresentation] objectForKey: SeparateLoadedFiles] isEqualToString: @"YES"]) { [[self loadedFilesPanel] orderFront: nil]; } } - (NSPanel *)buildPanel { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if (!buildPanel && [[ud objectForKey:SeparateBuilder] isEqualToString:@"YES"]) { buildPanel = [[PCBuildPanel alloc] initWithProjectManager:self]; } return buildPanel; } - (NSPanel *)launchPanel { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if (!launchPanel && [[ud objectForKey:SeparateLauncher] isEqualToString:@"YES"]) { launchPanel = [[PCLaunchPanel alloc] initWithProjectManager:self]; } return launchPanel; } - (NSPanel *)projectFinderPanel { return findPanel; } - (NSString *)rootBuildPath { return rootBuildPath; } - (NSString *)projectPath { return [activeProject projectPath]; } - (NSString *)selectedFileName { return [[activeProject projectBrowser] nameOfSelectedFile]; } // ============================================================================ // ==== Project management // ============================================================================ - (NSMutableDictionary *)loadedProjects { return loadedProjects; } - (PCProject *)activeProject { return activeProject; } - (PCProject *)rootActiveProject { PCProject *rootProject = nil; if (!activeProject) { return nil; } rootProject = activeProject; while ([rootProject isSubproject] == YES) { rootProject = [rootProject superProject]; } return rootProject; } - (void)setActiveProject:(PCProject *)aProject { if (aProject != activeProject) { activeProject = aProject; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:PCActiveProjectDidChangeNotification object:activeProject]; } } - (void)saveAllProjectsIfNeeded { NSUserDefaults *defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; // PCLogInfo(self, @"saveAllProjectsIfNeeded"); // If this method was called not by NSTimer, check if we should save projects if ([[defs objectForKey:SaveOnQuit] isEqualToString:@"YES"]) { [self saveAllProjects]; } } - (BOOL)saveAllProjects { NSEnumerator *enumerator = [loadedProjects keyEnumerator]; NSString *key; PCProject *project; while ((key = [enumerator nextObject])) { project = [loadedProjects objectForKey:key]; if ([project save] == NO) { return NO; } } return YES; } // ============================================================================ // ==== Project actions // ============================================================================ - (NSString *)convertLegacyProject:(NSMutableDictionary *)pDict atPath:(NSString *)aPath { NSString *pPath = nil; NSString *projectClassName = nil; NSString *projectTypeName = nil; NSString *_projectPath = nil; NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSString *_resPath = nil; NSArray *_fromDirArray = nil; NSString *_fromDirPath = nil; NSString *_file = nil; NSString *_2file = nil; NSString *_resFile = nil; int i = 0; id projectCreator; NSMutableArray *otherResArray = nil; NSString *plistFile = nil; projectClassName = [pDict objectForKey:PCProjectBuilderClass]; if (projectClassName == nil) { // Project created by 0.4 release or later return nil; } // Gorm project type doesn't exists anymore if ([projectClassName isEqualToString:@"PCGormProj"]) { projectTypeName = [NSString stringWithString:@"Application"]; projectClassName = [projectTypes objectForKey:projectTypeName]; } // Handling directory layout _projectPath = [aPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]; _resPath = [_projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"]; [fm createDirectoryAtPath:_resPath attributes:nil]; // Documents _fromDirPath = [_projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documentation"]; _fromDirArray = [pDict objectForKey:PCDocuFiles]; for (i = 0; i < [_fromDirArray count]; i++) { _resFile = [_fromDirArray objectAtIndex:i]; _file = [_fromDirPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_resFile]; _2file = [_resPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_resFile]; [fm movePath:_file toPath:_2file handler:nil]; } [fm removeFileAtPath:_fromDirPath handler:nil]; // Images _fromDirPath = [_projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Images"]; _fromDirArray = [pDict objectForKey:PCImages]; for (i = 0; i < [_fromDirArray count]; i++) { _resFile = [_fromDirArray objectAtIndex:i]; _file = [_fromDirPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_resFile]; _2file = [_resPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_resFile]; [fm movePath:_file toPath:_2file handler:nil]; } [fm removeFileAtPath:_fromDirPath handler:nil]; // Interfaces _fromDirArray = [pDict objectForKey:PCInterfaces]; for (i = 0; i < [_fromDirArray count]; i++) { _resFile = [_fromDirArray objectAtIndex:i]; _file = [_projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_resFile]; _2file = [_resPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_resFile]; [fm movePath:_file toPath:_2file handler:nil]; } // Other resources otherResArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[pDict objectForKey:PCOtherResources]]; plistFile = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@Info.plist", [pDict objectForKey:PCProjectName]]; for (i = 0; i < [otherResArray count]; i++) { _resFile = [otherResArray objectAtIndex:i]; _file = [_projectPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_resFile]; if ([_resFile isEqualToString:plistFile]) { _2file = [_resPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Info-gnustep.plist"]; [otherResArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:@"Info-gnustep.plist"]; [pDict setObject:otherResArray forKey:PCOtherResources]; } else { _2file = [_resPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_resFile]; } [fm movePath:_file toPath:_2file handler:nil]; } // GNUmakefiles will be generated in [PCProject initWithProjectDictionary:] // Remove obsolete records from project dictionary and write to PC.project pPath = [[aPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"PC.project"]; projectCreator = [NSClassFromString(projectClassName) sharedCreator]; projectTypeName = [projectCreator projectTypeName]; [pDict setObject:projectTypeName forKey:PCProjectType]; [pDict removeObjectForKey:PCProjectBuilderClass]; [pDict removeObjectForKey:PCPrincipalClass]; if ([pDict writeToFile:pPath atomically:YES] == YES) { // [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeFileAtPath:aPath handler:nil]; } return projectClassName; } - (PCProject *)loadProjectAt:(NSString *)aPath { NSMutableDictionary *projectFile = nil; NSString *projectTypeName = nil; NSString *projectClassName = nil; id projectCreator; PCProject *project = nil; projectFile = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:aPath]; // For compatibility with 0.3.x projects projectClassName = [self convertLegacyProject:projectFile atPath:aPath]; if (projectClassName) { aPath = [[aPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"PC.project"]; } // No conversion were taken if (projectClassName == nil) { projectTypeName = [projectFile objectForKey:PCProjectType]; projectClassName = [projectTypes objectForKey:projectTypeName]; } projectCreator = [NSClassFromString(projectClassName) sharedCreator]; if ((project = [projectCreator openProjectAt:aPath])) { PCLogStatus(self, @"Project %@ loaded as %@", [project projectName], [projectCreator projectTypeName]); // Started only if there's not save timer yet [self startSaveTimer]; [project validateProjectDict]; return project; } NSRunAlertPanel(@"Loading Project Failed!", @"Could not load project '%@'!", @"OK",nil,nil,aPath); return nil; } - (BOOL)openProjectAt:(NSString *)aPath { NSDictionary *pDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:aPath]; NSString *projectName = nil; PCProject *project = nil; NSDictionary *wap = nil; BOOL isDir = NO; projectName = [pDict objectForKey:PCProjectName]; if ((project = [loadedProjects objectForKey:projectName]) != nil) { [[project projectWindow] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; return YES; } if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:aPath isDirectory:&isDir] && !isDir) { project = [self loadProjectAt:aPath]; if (!project) { return NO; } [loadedProjects setObject:project forKey:projectName]; [self setActiveProject:project]; [project setProjectManager:self]; // Windows and panels wap = [pDict objectForKey:@"PC_WINDOWS"]; if ([[wap allKeys] containsObject:@"ProjectBuild"]) { [[project projectWindow] showProjectBuild:self]; } if ([[wap allKeys] containsObject:@"ProjectLaunch"]) { [[project projectWindow] showProjectLaunch:self]; } if ([[wap allKeys] containsObject:@"LoadedFiles"]) { [[project projectWindow] showProjectLoadedFiles:self]; } [[project projectWindow] orderFront:self]; return YES; } return NO; } - (PCProject *)createProjectOfType:(NSString *)projectType path:(NSString *)aPath { NSString *className = [projectTypes objectForKey:projectType]; Class creatorClass = NSClassFromString(className); PCProject *project = nil; NSString *projectName = [aPath lastPathComponent]; if ((project = [loadedProjects objectForKey:projectName]) != nil) { [[project projectWindow] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; return project; } if (![creatorClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(ProjectType)]) { [NSException raise:NOT_A_PROJECT_TYPE_EXCEPTION format:@"%@ does not conform to ProjectType!", projectType]; return nil; } if (!(project = [[creatorClass sharedCreator] createProjectAt:aPath])) { return nil; } [project setProjectManager:self]; [self startSaveTimer]; return project; } - (void)openProject { NSArray *files = nil; NSString *filePath = nil; NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"project",@"pcproj",nil]; files = [fileManager filesForOpenOfType:fileTypes multiple:NO title:@"Open Project" accView:nil]; filePath = [files objectAtIndex:0]; if (filePath != nil && [self openProjectAt:filePath] == NO) { NSRunAlertPanel(@"Attention!", @"Couldn't open project %@!", @"OK",nil,nil, [filePath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]); } } - (void)newProject { NSString *filePath = nil; NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"project",@"pcproj",nil]; NSString *projectType = nil; PCProject *project = nil; [self createProjectTypeAccessaryView]; filePath = [fileManager fileForSaveOfType:fileTypes title:@"New Project" accView:projectTypeAccessaryView]; if (filePath != nil) { projectType = [projectTypePopup titleOfSelectedItem]; if (!(project = [self createProjectOfType:projectType path:filePath])) { NSRunAlertPanel(@"Attention!", @"Failed to create %@!", @"OK",nil,nil,filePath); } [loadedProjects setObject:project forKey:[project projectName]]; [self setActiveProject:project]; [[project projectWindow] orderFront:self]; } } - (BOOL)saveProject { PCProject *rootProject = [self rootActiveProject]; if (!rootProject) { return NO; } // PCLogInfo(self, @"save root project: %@", [rootProject projectName]); // Save PC.project and the makefiles! if ([rootProject save] == NO) { NSRunAlertPanel(@"Attention!", @"Couldn't save project %@!", @"OK",nil,nil,[activeProject projectName]); return NO; } return YES; } - (BOOL)addProjectFiles { PCProject *project = [self rootActiveProject]; NSString *category = [[project projectBrowser] nameOfSelectedCategory]; NSString *categoryKey = [activeProject keyForCategory:category]; NSMutableArray *files = nil; NSString *path = nil; NSRange pathRange; files = [fileManager filesForAdd]; /* PCLogInfo(self, @"[addProjectFiles] %@ to category: %@ of project %@", files, categoryKey, [activeProject projectName]);*/ // No files was selected if (!files) { return NO; } path = [[files objectAtIndex:0] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]; pathRange = [path rangeOfString:[activeProject projectPath]]; if (pathRange.length) { [activeProject addFiles:files forKey:categoryKey notify:YES]; } else { // Copy and add files [activeProject addAndCopyFiles:files forKey:categoryKey]; } return YES; } - (BOOL)saveProjectFiles { return [[activeProject projectEditor] saveAllFiles]; } - (BOOL)removeProjectFiles { PCProject *project = [self rootActiveProject]; NSArray *files = [[project projectBrowser] selectedFiles]; NSString *category = [[project projectBrowser] nameOfSelectedCategory]; NSString *categoryKey = [project keyForCategory:category]; NSString *directory = [activeProject dirForCategoryKey:categoryKey]; NSString *removeString = [NSString stringWithString:@"Remove files..."]; NSMutableArray *subprojs = [NSMutableArray array]; int i; // Determining target project if ([categoryKey isEqualToString:PCSubprojects]) { if ([activeProject isSubproject]) { project = [activeProject superProject]; [self setActiveProject:project]; } removeString = [NSString stringWithString:@"Remove subprojects..."]; directory = [project dirForCategoryKey:categoryKey]; } else { project = activeProject; } /* PCLogInfo(self, @"%@: %@ from %@", removeString, files, directory); PCLogInfo(self, @"[removeProjectFiles]:%@ KEY:%@", [activeProject projectName], categoryKey);*/ if (files) { int ret; if ([categoryKey isEqualToString:PCLibraries]) { ret = NSRunAlertPanel(@"Remove", @"Remove libraries from Project?", @"Remove", @"Cancel", nil); } else { ret = NSRunAlertPanel(@"Remove", removeString, @"...from Project and Disk", @"...from Project only", @"Cancel"); } if (ret == NSAlertDefaultReturn || ret == NSAlertAlternateReturn) { BOOL flag = (ret == NSAlertDefaultReturn) ? YES : NO; // Remove from projectDict ret = [project removeFiles:files forKey:categoryKey notify:YES]; // Remove files from disk if (flag && ret && ![categoryKey isEqualToString:PCLibraries]) { if ([categoryKey isEqualToString:PCSubprojects]) { for (i = 0; i < [files count]; i++) { [subprojs addObject: [[files objectAtIndex:i] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"subproj"]]; } files = subprojs; } ret = [fileManager removeFiles:files fromDirectory:directory]; } if (!ret) { NSRunAlertPanel(@"Alert", @"Error removing files from project %@!", @"OK", nil, nil, [activeProject projectName]); return NO; } else if (flag) { // Save project because we've removed file(s) from disk // Should be fixed later (add pending removal of files?) [activeProject save]; } } else { return NO; } } // files return YES; } - (void)closeProject:(PCProject *)aProject { PCProject *currentProject = nil; NSString *projectName = [aProject projectName]; currentProject = RETAIN([loadedProjects objectForKey:projectName]); if (!currentProject) { return; } // Remove it from the loaded projects! [loadedProjects removeObjectForKey:projectName]; if ([loadedProjects count] == 0) { if (projectInspector) { [projectInspector close]; } if (loadedFilesPanel && [loadedFilesPanel isVisible]) { [loadedFilesPanel close]; } if (buildPanel && [buildPanel isVisible]) { [buildPanel close]; } if (launchPanel && [launchPanel isVisible]) { [launchPanel close]; } [self setActiveProject: nil]; [self stopSaveTimer]; } else if (currentProject == [self activeProject]) { [self setActiveProject:[[loadedProjects allValues] lastObject]]; } RELEASE(currentProject); } - (void)closeProject { NSUserDefaults *defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if ([[defs objectForKey:SaveOnQuit] isEqualToString:@"YES"]) { [activeProject save]; } [activeProject close:self]; } - (BOOL)closeAllProjects { PCProject *project = nil; NSEnumerator *enumerator = [loadedProjects objectEnumerator]; NSUserDefaults *defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; // PCLogInfo(self, @"loaded %i projects", [loadedProjects count]); while ([loadedProjects count] > 0) { project = [enumerator nextObject]; if ([[defs objectForKey:SaveOnQuit] isEqualToString:@"YES"]) { [project save]; } if ([project close:self] == NO) { return NO; } } return YES; } // ============================================================================ // ==== File actions // ============================================================================ - (void)openFile { NSArray *files = nil; NSString *filePath = nil; files = [fileManager filesForOpenOfType:nil multiple:NO title:@"Open File" accView:nil]; filePath = [files objectAtIndex:0]; if (filePath != nil) { [self openFileWithEditor:filePath]; } } - (void)newFile { [fileManager showNewFilePanel]; } - (BOOL)saveFile { return [[activeProject projectEditor] saveFile]; } - (BOOL)saveFileAs:(NSString *)path { return [[activeProject projectEditor] saveFileAs:path]; } - (BOOL)saveFileTo { NSString *filePath = nil; filePath = [fileManager fileForSaveOfType:nil title:@"Save To..." accView:nil]; if (filePath != nil && ![[activeProject projectEditor] saveFileTo:filePath]) { NSRunAlertPanel(@"Alert", @"Couldn't save file to\n%@!", @"OK", nil, nil, filePath); return NO; } return YES; } - (BOOL)revertFileToSaved { return [[activeProject projectEditor] revertFileToSaved]; } - (BOOL)renameFile { [self showProjectInspector:self]; [projectInspector selectSectionWithTitle:@"File Attributes"]; [projectInspector beginFileRename]; return YES; } - (void)closeFile { return [[activeProject projectEditor] closeActiveEditor:self]; } // Project menu // ============================================================================ // ==== Non project editors // ============================================================================ - (void)openFileWithEditor:(NSString *)path { PCEditor *editor; editor = [PCProjectEditor openFileInEditor:path]; [nonProjectEditors setObject:editor forKey:path]; RELEASE(editor); } - (void)editorDidClose:(NSNotification *)aNotif { PCEditor *editor = [aNotif object]; [nonProjectEditors removeObjectForKey:[editor path]]; } @end @implementation PCProjectManager (FileManagerDelegates) // willCreateFile - (NSString *)fileManager:(id)sender willCreateFile:(NSString *)aFile withKey:(NSString *)key { NSString *path = nil; if ([activeProject doesAcceptFile:aFile forKey:key]) { path = [[activeProject projectPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:aFile]; } return path; } // didCreateFiles - (void)fileManager:(id)sender didCreateFile:(NSString *)aFile withKey:(NSString *)key { [activeProject addFiles:[NSArray arrayWithObject:aFile] forKey:key notify:YES]; } @end @implementation PCProjectManager (ProjectRegistration) - (void)loadProjectTypeBunldes { projectTypes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; bundleLoader = [[PCBundleLoader alloc] init]; [bundleLoader setDelegate:self]; [bundleLoader loadBundles]; } - (PCBundleLoader *)bundleLoader { return bundleLoader; } - (NSDictionary *)projectTypes { return projectTypes; } - (void)bundleLoader:(id)sender didLoadBundle:(NSBundle *)aBundle { Class principalClass; NSString *projectTypeName = nil; NSAssert(aBundle,@"No valid bundle!"); principalClass = [aBundle principalClass]; projectTypeName = [[principalClass sharedCreator] projectTypeName]; if (![projectTypes objectForKey:projectTypeName]) { [projectTypes setObject:NSStringFromClass(principalClass) forKey:projectTypeName]; } } @end @implementation PCProjectManager (Subprojects) - (BOOL)newSubproject { // PCLogInfo(self, @"newSubproject"); if (!nsPanel) { if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"NewSubproject" owner:self] == NO) { PCLogError(self, @"error loading NewSubproject NIB!"); return NO; } [nsPanel setFrameAutosaveName:@"NewSubproject"]; if (![nsPanel setFrameUsingName: @"NewSubproject"]) { [nsPanel center]; } [nsImage setImage:[NSApp applicationIconImage]]; [nsTypePB removeAllItems]; [nsTypePB addItemsWithTitles: [[activeProject allowableSubprojectTypes] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]]; [nsTypePB setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [nsTypePB selectItemAtIndex:0]; [nsCancelButton setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [nsCreateButton setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; } [projectNameField setStringValue:[activeProject projectName]]; [nsPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; [nsNameField setStringValue:@""]; [nsPanel makeFirstResponder:nsNameField]; return YES; } - (void)closeNewSubprojectPanel:(id)sender { [nsPanel orderOut:self]; } - (BOOL)createSubproject:(id)sender { [nsPanel orderOut:self]; return [self createSubproject]; } - (BOOL)createSubproject { PCProject *subproject = nil; NSString *spName = [nsNameField stringValue]; NSString *spPath = nil; NSString *spType = [nsTypePB titleOfSelectedItem]; if (![[spName pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"subproj"]) { spName = [[nsNameField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"subproj"]; } spPath = [[activeProject projectPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:spName]; PCLogStatus(self, @"creating subproject with type %@ at path %@", spType, spPath); // Create subproject subproject = [self createSubprojectOfType:spType path:spPath]; return YES; } - (PCProject *)createSubprojectOfType:(NSString *)projectType path:(NSString *)aPath { NSString *className = [projectTypes objectForKey:projectType]; Class creatorClass = NSClassFromString(className); PCProject *subproject = nil; /* NSString *subprojectName = [aPath lastPathComponent]; if ((project = [activeProject objectForKey:projectName]) != nil) { [[project projectWindow] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; return project; }*/ if (![creatorClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(ProjectType)]) { [NSException raise:NOT_A_PROJECT_TYPE_EXCEPTION format:@"%@ does not conform to ProjectType!", projectType]; return nil; } if (!(subproject = [[creatorClass sharedCreator] createProjectAt:aPath])) { return nil; } [subproject setIsSubproject:YES]; [subproject setSuperProject:activeProject]; [subproject setProjectManager:self]; // PCLogInfo(self, @"{createSubproject} add to %@", [activeProject projectName]); [activeProject addSubproject:subproject]; return subproject; } - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotif { if ([aNotif object] != nsNameField) { return; } // TODO: Add check for valid subproject named if ([[nsNameField stringValue] length] > 0) { [nsCreateButton setEnabled:YES]; } else { [nsCreateButton setEnabled:NO]; } } - (BOOL)addSubproject { NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSMutableArray *files = nil; NSString *pcProject = nil; NSString *spDir = nil; NSDictionary *spDict = nil; NSString *spName = nil; int i; files = [fileManager filesForAdd]; // Validate if it real projects for (i = 0; i < [files count]; i++) { spDir = [files objectAtIndex:i]; pcProject = [spDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"PC.project"]; if (![[spDir pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"subproj"] || ![fm fileExistsAtPath:pcProject]) { [files removeObjectAtIndex:i]; } } // PCLogInfo(self, @"{addSubproject} %@", files); if (![fileManager copyFiles:files intoDirectory:[activeProject projectPath]]) { return NO; } for (i = 0; i < [files count]; i++) { spDir = [files objectAtIndex:i]; pcProject = [spDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"PC.project"]; spDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:pcProject]; spName = [spDict objectForKey:PCProjectName]; // PCLogInfo(self, @"{addSubproject} dir: %@ file: %@", spDir, pcProject); [activeProject addSubprojectWithName:spName]; } return YES; } @end