2016-05-05 15:43-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.m: Minor changes. 2016-05-05 13:13-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.m: Partial parsing of result records to yield correct status in debuggerView. 2016-05-05 11:23-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.m: Handle more escaped sequences to futher clean up output. 2016-05-03 19:40-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.m: Add parsers to handle output from various types of MI data. Code to handle each individual case is being written. 2016-05-03 18:00-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.m: Changes to allow pid to be passed back to PCDebugger by calling setSubProcessId once the pid is parsed from the mi output. 2016-05-03 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m Refactor path to executablePath. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.m Do not permit deletion beyond the new line or the gdb prompt. 2016-03-23 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PipeDelegate.m * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerViewDelegateProtocol.h Merge in from pipes branch: stdio/stdout over pipes handled in a separate delegate class. 2016-03-23 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCBundleManager.m * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m Merge from branch: check bundle loading and warn. 2016-03-15 18:47-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m: Undo previous change. Move Riccardo's change to branch ptyview_with_pipes. 2016-03-14 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m Use stdio/stdout over pipes instead of a tty 2016-03-08 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m Update debug executable path search to run, make it work on windows. 2015-11-09 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m Allocate a Mutable Array before assagning an Array to a MutableArray 2015-11-05 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject+Inspector.h * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject+Inspector.m * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.h * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/Inspector.gorm CFBundleIdentifier support for Apps. 2015-11-02 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m Cleanups and NSInteger conversion. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/LineJumper.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/LineJumper.m declare missing method 2015-06-16 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/GNUmakefile * Framework/PCFileCreator.m * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCFileCreator.h * Framework/Resources/ocppclass.template Enable project addition of obj-c++ classes. 2015-06-13 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m Re-enable wrongly uncommented statement. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m If we have a directory, we check if it is a bundle that an app can open it and open it through NSWorkspace. 2015-06-12 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m Enable parsing of obj-c++ 2015-06-12 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/Resources/Info.table Enable Obj-C++ extension. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m Use the internal editor if it is available, even if no parser is available. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m Handle missing image better. 2015-04-07 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m Use constants and not strings as keys. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m Use console font for the view. 2015-03-22 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/PCEditorFSCPrefs.m Use Preferences color methods. 2015-03-22 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Headers/Protocols/Preferences.h * PCPrefController.m Direct preferences method for setting and getting colors. 2015-03-22 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/PCEditorFSCPrefs.m Convert CMYK to RGB before serializing. 2015-03-22 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m Actually use the background color preference. 2015-03-22 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Headers/Protocols/Preferences.h * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/PCEditorFSCPrefs.m * PCPrefController.m Move colorFromString from PCEditorFSCPrefs to PCPrefsController and make it thus generally available. 2015-03-12 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Projects/Framework/PCFrameworkProject.m Generate the PACKAGE_NAME for Frameworks. 2015-03-11 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/PCEditorFSCPrefs.m Bug Fix: Set the font manager with the picked font, not always the same. 2015-03-11 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/PCEditorFSCPrefs.h * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/PCEditorFSCPrefs.m * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/Resources/EditorFSCPrefs.gorm Provide Editor and Fixed font preferences, instead of plain and rich. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m Use the preferences Editor font instead of the system one. 2014-12-16 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProject.m Initialize backup wrapper after wrapperPath since it depends on it! 2014-12-16 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m Generate sections only if there are classes. 2014-12-15 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m Create mm sections in makefiles for Objective-C++ 2014-12-08 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProject.m Accept also Objective-C++ classes as Class files 2014-11-20 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/PCParser.m Force last action on parser if file lacks a new line at EOF. 2014-11-20 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCCommentHandler.m Fix parser to ignore comments inside strings. 2014-10-07 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m * PCAppController.m Revert windows-specific hacks by German to make project-type choice work. They would crash when using PC without the WinUX theme. 2014-09-08 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/Resources/LineJumper.gorm: Remove modifier key for button. 2014-09-02 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCAddFilesPanel.m * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m Do not use GS internals but standard methods. 2014-08-29 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/GNUmakefile * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/LineJumper.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/LineJumper.m * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/Resources/LineJumper.gorm Implement and add a simple go-to-line panel 2014-08-25 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m (unhighlightCharacter:): * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m (highlightCharacterAt:inEditor:): Fix condition order to prevent out of range array accesses, which may lead to a segfault when unhighlighting two matching parentheses. Fix by Markus <desterium@t-online.de>. 2014-08-18 16:07-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Projects/Aggregate/Resources/Inspector.gorm * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/Inspector.gorm * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/Main.gorm * Modules/Projects/Bundle/Resources/Inspector.gorm * Modules/Projects/Framework/Resources/Inspector.gorm * Modules/Projects/Library/Resources/Inspector.gorm * Modules/Projects/ResourceSet/Resources/Inspector.gorm * Modules/Projects/Tool/Resources/Inspector.gorm: Update all gorm files to latest version. 2014-08-04 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m Fix return value. 2014-08-04 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * English.lproj/ProjectCenter.gorm * Headers/Protocols/CodeEditorView.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m Move GoToLine to the View akin to the NSTextView find panel and declare it in the editor view protocol. 2014-08-03 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Don't use PCAuxiliaryWindow. This avoid the use of FindPanel. 2014-07-30 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m * Headers/Protocols/CodeEditor.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m Convert line numbers to NSUInteger / integerValue 2014-05-06 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m Enhance clang support. 2014-05-03 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m Recognize also egcc and clang as compilers. 2014-05-03 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m Add recognition of fatal errors. 2014-04-08 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m (-insertText:): Add a comment for last commit. 2014-04-06 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectLauncher.h: Add new variable _isErrorRunning. * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m: Remove observer in -logStdOut: and -logErrOut:. And wait until receive all data in -runDidTerminate:. 2014-04-02 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Framework/PCFileCreator.m (-replaceTagsInFileAtPath:withProject:): Ensure UTF-8 when read and write a file in Windows. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m (-insertText:): Ensure UTF-8 when insert a text in Windows. 2014-04-02 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Framework/English.lproj/SaveModified.gorm: Use class PCAuxiliaryWindow to not display menu. 2014-04-02 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Framework/PCFileCreator.m: Removed two last commits. There is something wrong with these. 2014-03-30 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Framework/PCFileCreator.m: Fix last change to ensure all string in the file is UTF-8, since GNU make can't handle UTF-16 (this change is for Windows). 2014-03-27 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Framework/PCFileCreator.m: Be sure to use an UTF8 string for the user name on Windows. 2014-03-08 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Framework/PCFileManager.m (-isTextFile:): Rewrite this method to work on Windows. 2014-03-07 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Remove the extension returned by native panel. 2014-03-02 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * PCAppController.m: For Windows add a menu with all types of projects. So the user can select directly the type of project he want. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectManager.h: * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Add the neccesary changes to use the selected type of project at main menu (on Windows). * PCMenuController.m: Use the new method to make a new project. 2014-01-17 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * English.lproj/ProjectCenter.gorm: Connect option "Line Number..." to first responder (I was sure I did this before, but no). 2014-01-13 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCFileManager.m * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCFileManager.h Convenience method to find executables, by Richard Frith-Macdonald * Modules/Preferences/Build/PCBuildPrefs.m * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.m Use the convenience method to determine better defaults for make and gdb. 2013-12-17 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m Check that the executable exists before running it. 2013-10-20 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * English.lproj/Preferences.gorm: * Modules/Preferences/Build/Resources/BuildPrefs.gorm: * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/Resources/EditorFSCPrefs.gorm: * Modules/Preferences/Saving/Resources/SavingPrefs.gorm: * Modules/Preferences/Misc/Resources/MiscPrefs.gorm: Change the height of the panel. 2013-10-15 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * TextFinder.h: * TextFinder.m: Deleted. * GNUmakefile: Remove TextFinder. * PCMenuController.m: Remove TextFinder. Now we use the standard menu Find. 2013-10-13 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * English.lproj/ProjectCenter.gorm: Use the standard menu Find and connect option "Line Number..." to first responder. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Use Find panel. * Headers/PCMenuController.h: * PCMenuController.m: Remove unnecessary methods. 2013-10-06 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * Headers/PCPrefController.h: * PCPrefController.m: Don't retain the user defaults. And don't call synchronize every time, this are causing conflicts with defaults of the PC windows, which stores its frames here. 2013-09-24 German Arias <germanandre@gmx.es> * PCAppController.m (-applicationDidFinishLaunching: and -applicationShouldTerminate:) Code to handle the style NSWindows95InterfaceStyle. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCAuxiliaryWindow.h: * Framework/PCAuxiliaryWindow.m: Add this class for auxiliary windows. This is windows that don't should add the in-window menu. * Framework/English.lproj/BuilderPanel.gorm: * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Use the new class PCAuxiliaryWindow. * Framework/GNUmakefile: Add new class. 2013-09-22 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/PCParser.m Do not advance start and get startType if we are at the end anyway. * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCClassHandler.h * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCClassHandler.m * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCMethodHandler.h * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCMethodHandler.m NSUInteger / NSInteger transitions for count/length variables. * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m * Modules/Projects/Bundle/PCBundleProject.m * Modules/Projects/Framework/PCFrameworkProject.m * Modules/Projects/Library/PCLibProject.m * Modules/Projects/ResourceSet/PCResourceSetProject.m * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m Transition to NSUInteger. 2013-09-21 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/PCParser.h * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/PCParser.m Transition count/length variables to NSUInteger 2013-09-21 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/PCParser.m Fix parser check for temrination, do not look past last char. * PCAppController.m If filename is not absolute, normalize it (happens when invoking with the filename as argument to the application, e.g. 'ProjectCenter myProject'). 2013-09-20 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCFileCreator.m Do not launch replacing if copying was not successful, avoids hang of app. 2013-09-17 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Projects/ResourceSet/PCResourceSetProject.m Replace deprecated make variable. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m Fix int vs. float. 2013-02-25: Sebastian Reitenbach <sebastia@l00-bugdead-prods.de> * Framework/PCFileNameIcon.m * unsigned int -> NSDragOperation 2013-02-10: Sebastian Reitenbach <sebastia@l00-bugdead-prods.de> * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/SyntaxDefinition.m * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/SyntaxHighlighter.m * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/TextPattern.m * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/PCEditorFSCPrefs.m some more (unsigned) int -> NS(U)Integer transitions and some shutup of clang compiler warnings * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m * Framework/PCSaveModified.m * Framework/PCProjectLoadedFiles.m * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBrowser.h * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCSaveModified.h * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectLoadedFiles.h * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject+Inspector.h * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject+Inspector.m some more (unsigned) int -> NS(U)Integer transitions not catched from clang, but found by libobjc2 in debug mode 2013-02-09 Sebastian Reitenbach <sebastia@l00-bugdead-prods.de> * Framework/PCFileCreator.m * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m * Framework/PCProjectManager.m * Framework/PCProject.m * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m shutup clang compiler warning about redunant literal string usage * Modules/Preferences/Build/PCBuildPrefs.m * Framework/PCButton.m * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCMethodHandler.m shutup some clang warnings * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m NSInteger conversions * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m Include right headers for openpty on OpenBSD 2012-11-22 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Modules/Projects/Library/PCLibProject.m: Don't add the prefix "lib" to LIBRARY_NAME, gnustep-make will add this prefix anyway. On the other hand, the super class isn't able to add this prefix to XXX_RESOURCE_FILES at GNUmakefile. 2012-08-30 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m Do not include stropts.h for most OS's anymore. 2012-08-09 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * English.lproj/ProjectCenter.gorm * Framework/PCProjectManager.m Recent Document menu support. 2012-07-30 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m (-line:startsWithString:, -parseErrorLine:): * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.h: * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m (FindDelimiterInString, -highlightCharacterAt:inEditor:): Fix for compilation on 64-bit hosts. 2012-07-09 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: (-removeAuthor): Improve selection of author list items after item deletion. Inspired by bug #25571. Bug should be closed. 2012-06-12 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m Use centerScanRect to avoid strange problems with AA text in editor. * Headers/PCAppController.h * PCAppController.m Update applicationShouldTerminate signature. 2012-04-20 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m NetBSD doesn't support streams either. 2012-04-17 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m Fix imports and includes for FreeBSD 2011-09-08 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCAddFilesPanel.m [-setFileTypes]: use setAllowedFileTypes method instead of private method which was removed 2011-04-28 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCFileManager.m: Correct cast according to ctypes caveats. 2011-04-07 Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h Change ifdef to detect non-gnustep. * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m Warning fix. * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.m Remove extra parentheses which confuse = and == warning. 2011-04-06 Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer@gmx.de> * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/PCParser.m [-parse]: Move the selector and IMP definitions inside the method. Global IMP caching is always wrong! And this broke compilation with llvm. 2011-03-14 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * Modules/Projects/ResourceSet/PCResourceSetProject.m ([PCResourceSetProject -appendHead:]): Added FIXME. 2011-01-24 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m (-revertFileToSaved): Ask for confirmation before reverting. 2011-01-24 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m (-performIndentation): Fix annoying bug where pressing the tab key would delete whole empty lines. Also register insertions done by the tab key at the undo manager. 2011-01-06 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject+Inspector.m (-setDocBasedApp:): Fix bug where the document based app flag was reset after opening the project inspector for the first time. 2010-12-28 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m (-buildArguments): Add either debug=yes or debug=no to the arguments since the debug variable no longer has a clear default for quite some time. 2010-12-22 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProject.h: Added method -resourceDirForLanguage:. So we can call this method to manage the languages. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectInspector.h: * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: * Framework/English.lproj/ProjectLanguages.gorm: Added UI controls for languages at Inspector, and methods -addLanguage: and -removeLanguage:. 2010-12-18 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectInspector.h: * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: * Framework/English.lproj/ProjectInspector.gorm: Added "Project Languages" option on Inspector. 2010-12-04 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m (-build:, -logStdOut:, -logErrOut:): Fix race condition, which could lock PC after running a build task. 2010-12-04 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m (-newProject): Improve Riccardo's previous patch. Don't ask for a new project directory with an extension project or pcproj and do not arbitrarily strip extensions from the project name. 2010-12-04 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m: Reverted a previous change since the extension "project" is not used anymore. 2010-12-01 Riccardo Mottola * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Create project in a path with the project name. * Resources/Info-gnustep.plist, * English.lproj/Info.gorm Version bump. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Removed useless INSTDOMAIN variable during build phase. 2010-11-28 Riccardo Mottola * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m * Framework/English.lproj/BuildAttributes.gorm * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m * Modules/Projects/ResourceSet/PCResourceSetProject.m * Modules/Projects/Bundle/PCBundleProject.m * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectInspector.h: Set, use and create makefiles using ain installation DOMAIN and not a directory. 2010-11-24 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectInspector.h: * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: * Framework/English.lproj/ProjectInspector.gorm: Removed "Project Languages" option on Inspector. 2010-11-23 Riccardo Mottola * Framework/PCFileManager.m: Initialize isDir value. 2010-11-22 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Framework/GNUmakefile: Added ProjectLanguages.gorm * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectInspector.h: * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: Added projectLanguagesView and the method create the panel. * Framework/English.lproj/ProjectInspector.gorm: Added "ProjectLanguages" option. * Framework/English.lproj/ProjectLanguages.gorm: New "Project Languages" panel. At the moment this is empty, I will add the content later. 2010-11-21 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: Set "project" and "projectDir" when the panel is loaded. And take the languages to the popup from the PCUserLanguages key instead of NSUserDefaults. 2010-11-21 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Framework/PCProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAggregateProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCLibProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCBundleProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCFrameworkProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCToolProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCResourceSetProject.m: Set the key PCUserLanguages when the project is created not when is loaded. 2010-11-18 Riccardo Mottola * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Init could return a different object, take it in account. * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: Remove useless instruction and assignment. * Framework/PCProject.m: Fix memory leak. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Initialize range to ensure it does not contain garbage. 2010-11-16 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Framework/PCFileManager.m: Allow open .project directories to add files placed at project directory in AddFiles panel. 2010-11-05 German Arias <german@xelalug.org> * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m: (-createProjectAt:) Delete the extension on the project name to avoid file names like MyApp.project.plist and an ugly name of the app (MyApp.project) at info panel. 2010-08-10 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: (-nameOfSelectedCategory): Return 'nil' if name of subproject selected. Add comments. (-nameOfSelectedFile): Check if category is selected. (-click:): check if category is selected. 2010-07-31 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-assignProjectDict:): Fix setting projectPath to project dir (not to *.pcproj dir). * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Set allowed file types to panel of types is not nil. (-panel:isValidFilename): Use set allowed file types to panel. 2010-07-30 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-subprojectWithName:): Pass to openProjectAt: subproject dir. openProjectat: can now handle this situation. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (-openProjectAt:): Implement handling of 'aPath' argument as project file and as project dir. Select *.pcproj if exists then try to load PC.project. (-openProject): Implement intelligent selection of project file when selected *.pcproj, PC.project or project dir. * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Remove code specific for opening projects (moved to PCProjectManager's openProject). (-panel:isValidFilename): Fix handling project file detection. (-filesWithExtension:atPath:includeDirs:): New method. Returns list of files with specified extension. Also returns dirs if 'includeDirs' set to YES. 2010-07-28 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Framework/PCProject.m: (close:): Fix closing of subprojects. Remove subproject from Projectmanager's list of loaded projects. * Framework/PCLogController.m: (-init): Change font size to systemFontSize. 2010-07-24 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.m: * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (cleanupAfterMake:): Added new argument (NSString) to method containing current status text. Before status text in project window always stated "...terminated". 2010-07-13 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m Log conversion into PC log and not console. Remove unneded keys. 2010-07-10 Riccardo Mottola * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/PC.project * Modules/Projects/Library/Resources/PC.project * Modules/Projects/Aggregate/Resources/PC.project * Modules/Projects/Bundle/Resources/PC.project * Modules/Projects/Framework/Resources/PC.project * Modules/Projects/Tool/Resources/PC.project Remove LAST_EDITING from project template. It is not needed for validation. 2010-07-10 01:20-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: in -save implemented simple mechanism for propagating changes in classes to Gorm when updating a header file. 2010-07-08 Riccardo Mottola * Framework/PCProject.m * Framework/PCProjectManager.m When opening a subproject pass the bundle name, or it gets concerted. 2010-07-07 14:49-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Fixed issue where if there is no pid it would attempt to stop the current process. 2010-06-24 Riccardo Mottola * Headers/Protocols/CodeEditorView.h Fixed warning. 2010-06-22 Riccardo Mottola * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor+Document.m Clean up parenthesis highlighting. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m Fix highlighting for standalone editors. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor+Document.m Deleted * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m Removed floorf() in favour of nothing or truncation. 2010-06-15 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProject.m (-fileTypesForCategoryKey:): Add .dylib to the list of known library extensions. 2010-06-15 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m (-writeMakefile): * Modules/Projects/Bundle/PCBundleProject.m (-writeMakefile): * Modules/Projects/Framework/PCFrameworkProject.m (-writeMakefile): * Modules/Projects/Library/PCLibProject.m (-writeMakefile): * Modules/Projects/ResourceSet/PCResourceSetProject.m (-writeMakefile) * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m (-writeMakefile): Fix bug where PC could include some localized resources in the RESOURCE_FILES Makefile variable. 2010-06-15 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m(-openProjectAt:makeActive:): Prevent a crash when opening a subproject by not creating a new project window for the subproject. This window is immediately released again when the new project's super project is set anyway. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m(-closeAllProjects): Fix bug where PC would not quit after opening a subproject due to a bogus enumerator loop. 2010-06-07 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m (-dealloc): * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m (-dealloc): Attempt to prevent crashes when a project is closed by ensuring that project and editor windows are closed before their owners are deallocated. 2010-06-04 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * TextFinder.m: check before replacing and allow undo (by Wolfgang Lux) 2010-06-03 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Headers/Protocols/CodeEditorView.h: Declare new view protocol * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.h * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m: Conform to CodeEditorView protocol and add accessor to the editor. * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: Return the view's editor undo manager. * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.m: declare strintg constants with @ 2010-06-01 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Modules\Editors\ProjectCenter\PCEditor.m, * Modules\Editors\ProjectCenter\PCEditor.m: keep an undoManager for the Editor and return that to the window 2010-05-30 03:42-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/main.m: Same as below. 2010-05-30 03:17-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/AppController.h * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/AppController.m * Modules/Projects/Tool/Resources/main.m: Remove licensing and copyright information from these since we don't want to assume that the user will be writing a GPLv3 program owned by the FSF (while that would be nice) it's not correct to assume it. 2010-05-30 01:54-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Framework/English.lproj/SaveModified.gorm: Correct issues with Gorm file. * Framework/PCSaveModified.m: Use setTitle: instead of setStringValue: to set the titles of the buttons. 2010-05-30 01:44-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Temporarily comment out previous change util we find the proper fix as it was preventing files from being saved. 2010-03-06 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Modules\Editors\ProjectCenter\PCEditor.m: setup undo on the editor view 2009-11-26 Richard frith-Macdonald <rfm@gnu.org> * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/AppController.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/main.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/AppController.h: * Modules/Projects/Tool/Resources/main.m: Update to conform to coding standards and to use GPL 3 as default copyleft. 2009-09-20 03:45-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m: Check if buildDir is nil before generating the BUILD_DIR directive in the make file. Sometimes this is coming up with (nil) on Windows which is causing the build phase to fail. 2009-09-19 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Images/Options.tiff: Added new icon, drawn by me. 2009-09-18 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m Use path component instead of hard-coded slash 2009-09-17 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m ([-createMakefileForProject:]): If GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN is not set, do not output it. This is what was already happening, but the code seemed to assume otherwise. 2009-09-17 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> Old patch from Markus Hitter <mah@jump-ing.de>, updated to the current code: * Framework/PCProjectManager.m ([-openProjectAt:makeActive:]): Pop up a warning panel if the project path includes a whitespace. ([-newProject]): Same change. 2009-09-15 Richard frith-Macdonald <rfm@gnu.org> * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m: generate makefiles with standard preamble to determine GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES if possible, and warn if not found. 2009-09-15 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProject.h * Framework/PCProject.m Removed execToolName * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m Launch executable directly without openapp/opentool and do not use execToolName to determine the project type 2009-06-23 18:22-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProject.m * Framework/PCProjectManager.m * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectManager.h * PCAppController.m: Correct issues with project bundle loading. 2009-05-19 17:13-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Resources/Info-gnustep.plist: Added PCProjectFileType to the entry for pcproj to allow opening of bundles. 2009-06-10 Riccardo Mottola * Framework/PCProject.m, * Framework/PCProjectManager.m * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h use PCDefine constant for PC_WINDOWS dictionary key 2009-06-10 Riccardo Mottola * Framework/PCProject.m save last editing in user file inside the wrapper and not main project file 2009-05-19 17:13-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Added code in -openEditorForFile: editable:windowed: to open files which are not handled by any editor using [NSWorkspace openFile:] as a fallback. 2009-05-18 17:27-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProject.m: Add new project directory name. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Fix issue reported with loading of subprojects from an aggregate project. Changed loadProjectAt: method to handle both the current and old file locations. 2009-04-27 17:09-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Remove logic requiring projectWindow to be key in order to save file. This was causing files in tear-off editors to not be saved. This change is in the saveFile method. 2009-04-22 16:31-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProject.m: Changes to make plist output in human readable format. * Resources/Info-gnustep.plist: Changes to read C++ files using C editor. 2009-04-15 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (-startBuild:), (-startClean:): Move _isBuilding and _isCleaning vars before build: method call for correct determination in cleanupAfterMake method. (build:): Initialize build time vars before call to preBuildChecj method. * Framework/PCProjectBuilderOptions.m: Do not notify when changing project properties (build options). 2009-03-31 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * PCSplitView: removed and replaced with standard NSSplitView in all instances 2009-03-28 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (updateTargetField): Process args correctly when it has nil value. (startBuild): Move initializing of currentBuildPath and currentBuildFile from here... (build:):...to here. Rename pipes and handles vars to more appropriate names. Initialize pipes with alloc, init. (startClean): Use buildArguments as in startBuild method. (stopMake:): It seems that [makeTask isRunning] works correctly - use it. Remove comment. (cleanupAfterMake): Use _isBuilding and _isCleaning vars to detect running mode. Release currentBuildPath and currentBuildFile here. (buildDidTerminate): Release pipes here. (logData:error:): Initialize newLineRange.location before entering cycle. (logBuildString:newLine:): Cleanup. 2009-03-27 03:00-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCProject.m: Implement openWrapperAtPath: * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Change method call to use openWrapperAtPath: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProject.h: Add wrapperPath ivar. * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m: Change method to call super. * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m: Change method to call super. 2009-03-27 01:18-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/English.lproj/Builder.gorm: Update icons for stop and options. * Framework/PCProject.m: Added code to put files into packages when saving. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProject.h: Added ivar for file wrapper. 2009-03-27 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Framework/PCProject.m: save windows placements to a separate file with the username as name 2009-03-24 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Add some comments (parseCompilerLine:): Implemented gcc output for compiling and linking. Set currentBuildFile var on file compilation. (cleanupAfterMake),(build:),(parseBuildLine:),(buildDidTerminate): Update status field of builder panel and project window 2009-03-23 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Change type of currentBuildPath var to NSMutableString. (buildArguments): Always use messages=yes argument internally. "Verbose ouput" option (Build Options panel) just toogle if build shows as with make argument 'messages=yes' or not. (line:startsWithString:): Implemented line start detection. (parseMakeLine:): Inital implementation of parsing make tool output. (parseCompilerLine:): Add for future implementation. (logBuildString:newLine:): Remove error: argument as it's not used. Method outputs to build view. (parseBuildLine:): Add implementation of entry point of build output parsing. 2009-03-22 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilderOptions.m: (initWithProject:): Listen to PCProjectDictDidChangeNotification notification. (awakeFromNib): Move loading of project properties from here... (loadProjectProperties): ...to here. This is a notification action. * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: (searchOrderPopupDidChange:): Clean selection in list. Clean text field. (searchOrderClick:): Show value of selected item in text field. (addSearchOrder:): Add check for entered value. More checking will be added in the future. * Documentation/TODO: Rearrange some items. Update state. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Some rearrangement of log methods. Category 'Logging' is for general logging methods, 'BuildLogging' for stantard output processing, 'ErrorLogging' for error output processing. (logBuildString:newLine:): New name of logString:error:newLine:. Use new name across the file. 2009-03-20 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProject.m: (buildTargets): Return default build targets only if project file doesn't contain list of them. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (prebuildCheck): Create build directory only if preference was set. (build:): Set initial "=== started ===" string. * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: (createBuildAttributes): Set target and action for table view. (searchOrderPopupDidChange:): Add support for "Build Targets". (setSearchOrderButtonsState): Enable "Remove" button only if item in list was selected. (syncSearchOrder): Add support for "Build Targets". * Documentation/TODO: Add some tasks and update status of others. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h: Add key for build targets support. 2009-03-19 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (dealloc): Replace if() check with TEST_RELEASE. (openFileAtPath:): Use class variable instead of method's local. (saveFile): Call saveFile to project editor if project is active and project window has key state. Call non-project editor manager otherwise. * PCPrefController.m: (stringForKey:defaultValue:): Set value to non-existent key only if defaultValue is not 'nil' ('nil' when called via stringForKey: method). (boolForKey:defaultValue:): Set value to non-existent key only if defaultValue has positive value (has '-1' when called via boolForKey: method). 2009-03-17 02:14 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (openProjectAt:): Setactive project to loaded after all initalization completed. * Framework/PCProject.m: (saveProjectWindowsAndPanels): Save project windows and panels according to preferences setting. (close:): Remove unsused code. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Cleanup. 2009-03-15 02:14 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Headers/Protocols/Preferences.h: Add new methods. * PCPrefController.m: Implemented set/get of preferences value dependent. All values are stored in preferences as NSString values and converted upon request to specified type. * Modules/Preferences/EditorFSC/PCEditorFSCPrefs.m: Use new methods of PCPrefController. Implemented setting of editor fonts. (setDefaults): Removed. * Modules/Preferences/Build/PCBuildPrefs.m, * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.m, * Modules/Preferences/Saving/PCSavingPrefs.m: Use new methods of PCPrefController. (setDefaults): Removed. * Framework/PCProjectLoadedFiles.m, * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m, * Framework/PCProject.m, * Framework/PCProjectLauncherPanel.m, * Framework/PCFileManager.m, * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m, * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m, * Framework/PCEditorManager.m, * Framework/PCProjectLoadedFilesPanel.m, * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m, * Framework/PCProjectBuilderPanel.m, * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m, * PCAppController.m, * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Use new methods of PCPrefController. 2009-03-05 02:43 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * ChangeLog: Update. * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.h, * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.m, * Modules/Preferences/Misc/Resources/MiscPrefs.gorm/data.classes, * Modules/Preferences/Misc/Resources/MiscPrefs.gorm/objects.gorm: Add new setting UseTearOffWindows. * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: Use new setting. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: (dealloc): Add releasing _window. * Documentation/TODO: Update. 2009-03-05 01:01 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (convertLegacyProject:atPath:): Correctly convert legacy application project. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m; (openEditorForFile:editable:windowed:): Don't open lert panel if file is not text file. Situation when editor for non text files called to be opened must be reviewd. 2009-03-05 00:08 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: Stop using 'SeparateEditor' prefernce. Remove use of preferences code. (doubleClick:): Change support of external editor (add support for .app editors). * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: Start implementing two-mode handling of tear-off windows. New handling will support two modes: 1. all windows are opened inside projet window and 2. Build, Launch/Debug, Loaded Files (Project Find in future) are opened as tear-off windows. This simplifiles the code and in my opinion more intuitive then current implementation. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: (_createWindow): Change window attribute ReleasedWhenClosed to NO. * PCPrefController.m: Add new parameter 'notify' to method setObject. This parameter is usefull for situation when open and save panels saves its values. For example: when project are opened 'Open Project' panel save last opened dir to PC prefernces and post notificaion about prefs changes. Newly created objects of projects may lead to PC segfault. * Modules/Preferences/Build/PCBuildPrefs.m, * Modules/Preferences/Interface/PCInterfacePrefs.m, * Modules/Preferences/Saving/PCSavingPrefs.m, * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.m, * Framework/PCFileManager: Use new preferences setObject method. 2009-03-03 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Framework/PCProjectInspector.m: allow authors inside table to scroll during editing 2009-03-02 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Framework/PCProject.m, * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m, * Framework/PCProjectManager.m, * Framework/PCFileCreator.m, * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Fix string constants 2009-03-01 03:10 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Modules/Preferences/Interface/PCInterfacePrefs.h: * Modules/Preferences/Interface/Resources/InterfacePrefs.gorm: * Modules/Preferences/Interface/PCInterfacePrefs.m: Move options "Remember windows and panels opened in project" and "Display Log Panel at startup" from here... * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.h: * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.m: * Modules/Preferences/Misc/Resources/MiscPrefs.gorm: to here. 2009-03-01 00:47 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Modules/Preferences/Build/PCBuildPrefs.h: * Modules/Preferences/Build/PCBuildPrefs.m: * Modules/Preferences/Build/Resources/BuildPrefs.gorm: Move "Remove files in root build directory on quit" option from here... * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.h: * Modules/Preferences/Misc/PCMiscPrefs.m: * Modules/Preferences/Misc/Resources/MiscPrefs.gorm: to here. 2009-03-01 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: * Framework/PCProjectLoadedFiles.m: * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m: * Framework/PCProject.m: * Framework/PCFileManager.m: * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: * Framework/PCButton.m: * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: * Framework/PCLogController.m: * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m: * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: * PCAppController.m: * Modules/Preferences/Build/PCBuildPrefs.m: * Modules/Preferences/Interface/PCInterfacePrefs.m: * Headers/Protocols/Preferences.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProject.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBrowser.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCEditorManager.h: * Headers/PCPrefController.h: * PCPrefController.m: Use new preferences system instead of direct using of NSUserDefaults. 2009-02-27 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Rewriting of preferences was finished. Now prefereces sections are implemented as modules "Modules/Preferences/*". 2009-02-25 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Rewriting of preferences was started. 2009-02-23 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Set all textfields attributes to 'scrollable'. * Framework/PCProjectBuilderOptions.m: Set first reponder after panel is ordereder (call to makeFirstResponder: in awakeFromNib prevents textfield from draw its' border. GNUstep bug?). 2009-02-22 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCSaveModifiedFiles.m: Change to more generic implementation. PCRunSaveModifiedFilesPanel() implemented. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (prebuildCheck): Use PCRunSaveModifiedFiles(). 2009-02-22 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCSaveModifiedFiles.m: * Framework/English.lproj/SaveModifiedFiles.gorm: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCSaveModifiedFiles.h: Add initial implementation of "Save Modified Files" panel. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (prebuildCheck): Use PCSaveModifiedFiles. 2009-02-19 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (prebuildCheck): Swap button names. 2009-02-17 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Cleanup. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: (openEditorForFile:editable:windowed:): Add alert panel that ordeder front when file to open doesn't exist. Remove commented out call to [self orderFrontEditorForFile:filePath] (this method should be called directly to PCEditorManager or PCProjectEditor classes). * Documentation/TODO: Added "Fix reported bugs" to list. 2009-02-16 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (close): Implemented. Closes not only project but also non project files editors. * Framework/PCProject.m: Clean and alert panels in various situations. * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: Move closeAllEditors, saveEditedFiles:, saveAllFiles and saveFileAs: methods to PCEditorManager. (saveFileAs:): Use superclass method. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Adopt moved methods. (modifiedFiles): Implemented. Return array of file paths. (hasModifiedFiles): Implemented for future use (e.g. prebuild check in ProjectBuilder). (reviewUnsaved:): Implemented. Go through modified files' editors and close which results in opening of alert "Save?" panels. * PCAppController.m: (applicationShouldTerminate:): Use PCProjectManager close method instead of closeAllProjects. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: (_createWindow): Set "edited" flag according to current state. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (prebuildCheck): Check if project has edited files. 2009-02-15 14:14-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Detect when the program has stopped or exited so that status can be displayed. 2009-02-15 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: (click:): Do not call editor if subproject name selected. (fileNameIconImage): Set "FileProject" icon if subproject name selected. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Remove unused methods projectPath and selectedFileName. * Framework/PCFileManager.m: Add alert panels if operation ends with error. * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m: Add alert panels on error of creating files. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Review all situations when alert panels should be opened. Panels text corrected according to OpenStep UIG. 2009-02-14 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * PCMenuController.m: (showInfoPanel:): Use appController intead of [NSApp delegate]. * GNUmakefile: Change version to 0.5.1. * Resources/Info-gnustep.plist: ditto. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (open): Move ordering front project window for here... (openProjectAt:): to here. * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: (nameOfSelectedCategory): Edit comment text. * Framework/PCLogController.m: (showPanel): Call makeKeyAndOrderFront instead of orderFront. * Headers/PCInfoController.[hm]: (showInfoWindow:): Get version info from Info-gnustep.plist. * PCPrefController.m: (showPanel:): Call makeKeyAndOrderFront instead of orderFront. 2009-02-14 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * Modules/GNUmakefile (SUBPROJECTS): Removed Debuggers/ProjectCenter on MinGW since it doesn't compile there. 2009-02-12 23:03-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Correct mispelling of search string. 2009-02-12 11:58-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: openProject to correct bug #25565. There was an extra semi-colon after the if statement in this method which was causing it to return before bringing the project window to the front. 2009-02-11 19:45-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Switch to editor and line in the -debuggerDidHitBreakpoint: method. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: Minor cleanup. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Changes to -[PCDebuggerView logString:newLine:] to detect state and change it on debugger window. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/PCDebugger.gorm: Left justify the status field. 2009-02-11 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * PCMenuController.m: (subprojectNew): Use renamed [projectManager openNewSubprojectPanel] method. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Change all alert panel names according to operation performed. Edit messages text of alert panels. Cleanup. (newSubproject): Rename to openNewSubprojectPanel which is more informative. (createSubproject): Change method definition to createSubproject:(id)sender and merge code with old createSubproject:(id)sender. (controlTextDidChange:): Activate 'Create' button only if subproject with entered name doesn't exist in project. * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: (nameOfSelectedCategory): Fix bug which prevent from removing subprojects. Now selected category is checked against superproject category list. When subproject name selected, name of superproject's category is returned. As side effect ProjectBrowser tries to load editor for selected subproject's name. Need to fix. 2009-02-10 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Corrections in alert panel names. Make "Add Files" panel run in modal mode. * Framework/PCProject.m: Corrections in alert panel names. * Framework/PCFileCreator.[mh]: Partial rewrite. Check existance of files wich will be added. Make panel run in modal mode. Add "Add Header File" option button. * Documentation/TODO: Update. 2009-02-08 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * PCMenuController.m: (validateMenuItem:): Enable "File" menu items for files opened witout project. It fixes bug #25311 (now file saved). * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (openFileAtPath:): Call to orderFrontEditorForFile: explicitly because of last change in PCEditorManager. * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: doubleClick:): Do not open file in separate window with PCProjectEditor not PCProjectManager. * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: (openEditorForCategoryPath:windowed:): Cleanup. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: (openEditorForFile:editable:windowed:): Remove call to orderFrontEditorForFile:. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: (_createWindow): Modify default size and position of window. (openFileAtPath:editorManager:editable:): Remove creation of internal view. Create it when first requested (editorView and componentView methods). (windowDidBecomeKey:) No need to set first responder. It seems first responder remembered by window correctly. (windowDidResignKey:): Call resignFirstResponder: to notify others. * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m: (dealloc): TODO added. * Documentation/TODO: Mark "Finish FileNameIcon..." task as done. 2009-02-06 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProject.m: (dealloc): Replace DEVELOPMENT with DEBUG * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: (fileNameIconPath): Implement new method. * Framework/PCFileNameIcon.m: (mouseDown:) Finish drag&drop implementation. (init): Do not set image by default. (dealloc): Replace DEVELOPMENT with DEBUG. (setDelegate:): Use ASSIGN. (updateIcon): Cleanup. * Framework/English.lproj/ProjectInspector.gorm: Remove 'Hide on deactivate' attribute to panel. It allows drag&drop operations for external applications (e.g. Workspace). * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.*: Use PCFileNameIcon in inspector to use drag&drop functionality. Cleanup. 2009-01-27 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/GNUmakefile: Remove Preferences.gorm, Headers/PCPrefController.h, PCPrefController.m * GNUmakefile: Add Preferences.gorm, Headers/PCPrefController.h, PCPrefController.m * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Access PCPrefController via var preController which is set by PCAppController. * Framework/PCProjectLoadedFiles.m: Remove #import of PCPrefController.h which is not used. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Access PCPrefController via PCProjectManager. * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: ditto. * Framework/GNUmakefile.preamble: Remove -W from ADDITIONAL_OBJCFLAGS. It removes useless warnings from GNUstep libraries. 2009-01-17 Yavor Doganov <yavor@gnu.org> * Framework/GNUmakefile: (ProjectCenter_LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON): Define to `$(OBJC_LIBS) $(FND_LIBS) $(GUI_LIBS)' to avoid unresolved symbols. Fixes bug #23792. 2009-01-17 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/GNUmakefile: (ProjectCenter_HEADER_FILES): Include PCFileNameField.h and PCFileNameIcon.h in as referenced by PCProjectInspector.h. Fixes bug #21619. * Framework/PCProject.m: (fileTypesForCategoryKey:): add "nib" as recognizable interface file type. * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/AppController.m: (awakeFromNib:): Remove setting menu title for better GORM integration (Thanks to German Arias). 2009-01-13 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Framework/English.lproj/ProjectDescription.gorm: make the textfields scrollable 2009-01-02 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m: OpenBSD portability 2009-01-01 19:40-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.[mh]: Changes to use new openpty replacement code on systems which don't have openpty, otherwise use the built-in version. 2009-01-01 17:41-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/Info.table: Add blank to file extension so that tools can be debugged as well. 2009-01-01 16:05-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/PCDebugger.gorm: Change the status bar size and set minimum window size. 2009-01-01 13:08-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/GNUmakefile * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m: Change code to use openpty(...). 2008-12-31 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCFileNameIcon.m: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCFileNameIcon.h: Implementation of dragging functionality. * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: Implement file icon delegate methods. Dragging files to category icon adds files to project. 2008-12-30 Richard frith-Macdonald <rfm"gnu.org> * PCMenuController.m: * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: * Framework/PCBundleManager.m: * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m: * Framework/PCProject.m: * Framework/PCProjectLauncherPanel.m: * Framework/PCFileManager.m: * Framework/PCButton.m: * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: * Framework/PCProjectLoadedFilesPanel.m: * Framework/PCFileNameField.m: * Framework/PCSplitView.m: * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m: * Framework/PCAddFilesPanel.m: * Framework/Resources/class.template: * Framework/Resources/header.template: * Framework/Resources/cfile.template: * Framework/PCProjectBuilderPanel.m: * Framework/PCFileCreator.m: * PCAppController.m: * PCFindController.m: * ProjectCenter_main.m: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCMethodHandler.h: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCCommentHandler.h: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/PCParser.h: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCClassHandler.h: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCMethodHandler.m: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCCommentHandler.m: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/CodeHandler.h: * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.m: * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.h: * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.h: * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.h: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.h: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject+Inspector.h: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject+Inspector.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/AppController.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/main.m: * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/AppController.h: * Modules/Projects/ResourceSet/PCResourceSetProject.h: * Modules/Projects/ResourceSet/PCResourceSetProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Library/PCLibProject.h: * Modules/Projects/Library/PCLibProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Aggregate/PCAggregateProject.h: * Modules/Projects/Aggregate/PCAggregateProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Bundle/PCBundleProject.h: * Modules/Projects/Bundle/PCBundleProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Framework/PCFrameworkProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Framework/PCFrameworkProject.h: * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m: * Modules/Projects/Tool/Resources/main.m: * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.h: * Headers/PCMenuController.h: * Headers/Protocols/CodeDebugger.h: * Headers/Protocols/CodeEditor.h: * Headers/Protocols/CodeParser.h: * Headers/Protocols/ProjectType.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProject.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectLauncherPanel.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBrowser.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCFileManager.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCButton.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectEditor.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCEditorManager.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectLoadedFilesPanel.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/ProjectCenter.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCLogController.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCSplitView.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectLauncher.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCAddFilesPanel.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilderPanel.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectInspector.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCFileCreator.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCPrefController.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectManager.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectLoadedFiles.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCBundleManager.h: * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCMakefileFactory.h: * Headers/PCInfoController.h: * Headers/PCAppController.h: * PCInfoController.m: Update to use #import rather than #include now that it is no longer deprecated and is the officially preferred mechanism. 2008-12-29 22:29-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/continue_button.png: Add image. 2008-12-29 22:27-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/GNUmakefile: Add continue icon. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: Add continue method. 2008-12-29 20:23-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Documentation/TODO: Update progress. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/GNUmakefile: Add images to makefile. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: Add up and down methods to implement this behaviour. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/down_button.png * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/up_button.png: Images for the up/down buttons. 2008-12-29 00:30-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m: Remove local variable for debugger from method. Also add it to the launcher dealloc method. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectLauncher.h: Add an ivar for the debugger. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: Add dealloc to shut down the debugger window when it's dealloc. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Don't set status when terminated, since it causes a crash. 2008-12-28 11:25-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: Added code to do the restart and pause actions in the debugger. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.[hm]: Added method subProcessId and an ivar and the logic to parse the process id from debugger output. 2008-12-28 02:23-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Remove log. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/GNUmakefile: Added new images to resource list. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.[hm]: Added setStatus: method to manage status field. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Added code to handle the toolbar. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.[hm]: Added method called "terminate" so that subclasses can override how the process is terminated. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/PCDebugger.gorm: Added status line. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/go_button.png * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/next_button.png * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/pause_button.png * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/restart_button.png * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/stepin_button.png * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/stepout_button.png: Images for debugger toolbar. 2008-12-27 00:47-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Changed code to use the filePath that is passed in, since it is now fully qualified. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: Pass the "-f" (fullname) flag to gdb. This causes gdb to give a fully qualified pathname back. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.[hm]: Code to extract the line and file information. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.[hm]: New method putString:. 2008-12-26 13:01-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Scroll to and select the line that the debugger has stopped at. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: bring the debugger window to the front when a breakpoint is detected. 2008-12-26 02:25-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Changes to bring up the file in which the debugger has stopped in. 2008-12-25 23:46-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCProject.m * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProject.h: Added notification for hitting a breakpoint. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Added code to detect when a breakpoint is hit. 2008-12-25 10:30-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/GNUmakefile: Added PTYView.[hm] * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.[hm]: Simplified to call PCDebuggerView instance with the program to start. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.[hm]: Refactored into a subclass of PTYView. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PTYView.[hm]: pty based terminal view which allows us to read and write from a pseudo-terminal. The code in the master/slave methods was inspired by an example given in "UNIX Network Programming" by W. Richard Stevens and also Nicola Vitacolonna. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/PCDebugger.gorm: Added PTYView and made the PCDebuggerView a subclass of it. Also made the window release when closed so that the gdb process gets terminated. 2008-12-22 21:51-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: Write to the filehandle via the stream in -[PCDebugger putChar:]. 2008-12-22 19:56-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebuggerView.m: Add code to write to the file desicriptor. 2008-12-22 18:36-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * English.lproj/ProjectCenter.gorm: Minor changes. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Cleanup. * Framework/PCProjectLauncher.m: Cleanup. * GNUmakefile: New module. * Headers/Protocols/CodeDebugger.h: New methods * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/GNUmakefile: Added debugger to resources. * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.h * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/PCDebugger.m: Changes to talk to debugger task * Modules/Debuggers/ProjectCenter/Resources/PCDebugger.gorm: Debugger gorm file. 2008-12-23 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Documentatio/TODO: move unfinshed tasks from 0.5 to 0.6 release 2008-12-21 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Documentatio/TODO: update tasks for 0.6 release 2008-12-19 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * All GNUmakefiles: removed GNUSTEP_CORE_SOFTWARE=YES and added PACKAGE_NAME=ProjectCenter. * GNUmakefile: Export PACKAGE_NAME to reduce chances of a problem if a GNUmakefile in a subdirectory is missing it. 2008-12-18 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * Framework/GNUmakefile.preamble (GMAKE): Take advantage of the MAKE variable, which must already be set to the correct make else we wouldn't be able to compile PC itself, when searching for a working make. (GMAKE, GDB): Use := to void spawning a subshell every time one of these variables is read. 2008-12-18 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * All GNUmakefiles: added GNUSTEP_CORE_SOFTWARE=YES at the beginning. * GNUmakefile: Export GNUSTEP_CORE_SOFTWARE to reduce chances of a problem if a GNUmakefile in a subdirectory is missing it. 2008-12-17 Richard frith-Macdonald <rfm"gnu.org> Where files are to be entered using NSOpenPanel and a 'set' button, make the corresponding textfields which display the filename selectable but not editable. 2008-12-17 Richard frith-Macdonald <rfm"gnu.org> Clean up document type keys in ...info.plist Implement support for help document. 2008-12-16 Richard frith-Macdonald <rfm"gnu.org> Attempt to get NSRole set correctly in document type info. 2008-12-09 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Framework/PCPrefController.m: corrected wrong outlet 2008-12-07 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCPrefController.h, Framework/PCPrefController.m: handle setting path from Buttons 2008-11-27 22:06-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Modules/Projects/Application/Resources/AppController.m: Correct warning in application:openFile: in AppController.m in Application project module. 2008-11-27 12:01-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/GNUmakefile * GNUmakefile: Correction for bug #24674. 2008-11-27 01:29-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: Check return value of [NSWorkspace getInfoForFile:application:type:]. Corrects crash when no editor is available for a type. 2008-10-25 20:48-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Version: 0.5 2008-10-22 Riccardo Mottola <rmottola@users.sf.net> * English.lproj/Info.gorm: correct bugtracker URL 2008-10-22 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: fix memory related crash * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m, Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m, Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m: enhancements for relative install paths 2008-10-18 18:18-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * ChangeLog: Moved to here top level of project. * Documentation/ChangeLog: Removed from here... * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Corrected an issue in the windowDidResignKey: method which was making the window the first responder. This was preventing Find from working properly. 2008-02-20 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (-parseErorLine:): Fixed type of saved row and column values. Cleanup. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: (-openEditorForFile:editable:windowed:): Fixed another NSLog parameter missing. 2008-02-19 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * PCMenuController.m: Start thinking about "Go to line:" popup. * English.lproj/ProjectCenter.gorm: Added "Edit->Find->Line Number..." menu item. * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: (-nameOfSelectedFile:): Improve category select detection. (-pathToSelectedFile:): Use nameOfSelctedFile:. Cleanup. (-nameOfSelctedCategory:): Return project name if subproject is selected. * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: (-openEditorForCategoryPath:windowed:): Use PCEditor's fileStructureItemSelected if file structure component selected in browser. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Go to line number in editor on error/warning click functionality implemented. * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: Cleanup. * Framework/PCPrefController.m: Fix some compiler warnings. * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCMethodHandler.m: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCClassHandler.m: Fix bug #20855. Improve class names parsing: don't include spaces. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.h: Remove unused editorDocument variable. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.h: * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Make class independent from ProjectCenter framework. Added variable _highlighSyntax. It sould be set via preferences in the future. (-_createEditorViewWithFrame:): Use _highlighSyntax variable. (-_methodsForClass:): New method. Used to return to browser methods only for selected class. (-browserItemsForItem:): Use _methodsForClass method. (-scrollToClassName:): Implemented. Now it's a almost identical copy of scrollToMethodName:. TODO: think about code optimization. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m: (-drawRect:): Call highilghter only if it's enabled. 2008-02-13 22:10-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m: Correction for bug#22311. Added project-type specific makefile generation. 2008-02-10 23:53-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Corrected problem with call to NSLog(..) which was causing a crash. 2008-02-05 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * PCMenuController.m: Start thinking about "Go to line:" popup. * English.lproj/ProjectCenter.gorm: Added "Edit->Find->Line Number..." menu item. * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: (-nameOfSelectedFile:): Improve category select detection. (-pathToSelectedFile:): Use nameOfSelctedFile:. Cleanup. (-nameOfSelctedCategory:): Return project name if subproject is selected. * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: (-openEditorForCategoryPath:windowed:): Use PCEditor's fileStructureItemSelected if file structure component selected in browser. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Go to line number in editor on error/warning click functionality implemented. * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: Cleanup. * Framework/PCPrefController.m: Fix some compiler warnings. * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCMethodHandler.m: * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/ObjCClassHandler.m: Fix bug #20855. Improve class names parsing: don't include spaces. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.h: Remove unused editorDocument variable. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.h: * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Make class independent from ProjectCenter framework. Added variable _highlighSyntax. It sould be set via preferences in the future. (-_createEditorViewWithFrame:): Use _highlighSyntax variable. (-_methodsForClass:): New method. Used to return to browser methods only for selected class. (-browserItemsForItem:): Use _methodsForClass method. (-scrollToClassName:): Implemented. Now it's a almost identical copy of scrollToMethodName:. TODO: think about code optimization. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m: (-drawRect:): Call highilghter only if it's enabled. 2008-02-13 22:10-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m: Correction for bug#22311. Added project-type specific makefile generation. 2008-02-10 23:53-EST Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Corrected problem with call to NSLog(..) which was causing a crash. 2008-02-05 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.[mh]: Cleaning up code that manages non-project editors. Use PCEditorManager instead. Remove PCFileManager's dalegate code(FileManagerDelegates category). (-newFile): Call PCFileCreator's method newFileInProject:. * Framework/PCFileManager.[mh]: Move code related to creation of new file in project from here * Framework/PCFileCreator.[mh]: to here. (-createFile): Add additional check before adding file to project (fixes bug #17493). * Framework/English.lproj/NewFile.gorm: Set owner to PCFileCreator. 2008-01-22 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: Added. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCEditormanager.h: Added. * PCMenuController.m: (-fileSaveAs:): move code to PCProjectManager.m. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCEditorManager.h: New file. * Framework/PCEditorManager.m: New file. Superclass for PCProjectEditor. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Use PCEditorManager. Implement opening files outside of projects (fixes bug #15992). * Framework/PCProjectLoadedFiles.m: Use PCEditorManager. * Framework/PCProject.m: (-setProjectManager:): Use new method of initializing PCProjectEditor. * Framework/GNUmakefile: Add PCEditorManager.[hm]. * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: Made use of PCProjectEditor's editorForFile: method. * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: Remove initializing of extern variables (moved into PCEditorManager). Use '_componentView' var instead of 'componentView'. The same with _scrollView and _project. (-initWithProject:): renamed into init. Removed code duplicated with superclass' code. (-dealloc): Removed code duplicated with superclass' code. (-editorForFile:key:): Removed. Code moved into superclass' editorForFile: method. (-openEditorForCategoryPath:windowed:): Code that determines existance of file and if file is plain text move into [super openEditorForFile:editable:windowed:]. Changed file opening coditions. Made use of [<CodeEditor> fileStructureItemSelected] method. Code that determines classes and methods in category path was removed. (openEditorForFile:categoryPath:editable:windowed:): Removed in favour of superclass' method. (activeEditor): Ditto. (allEditors): Ditto. (closeActiveEditor:): Ditto. (closeEditorForFile:): Ditto. (saveFile): Ditto. (saveFileTo:): Ditto. (revertFileToSaved): Ditto. (editorDidResignActive:): Ditto. (editorDidChangeFileName:): Ditto. (closeAllEditors:): Cleanup. (saveFileAs:): Made use of new -openEditorForFile:editable:windowed: method. * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: Made usage of editorManager method of <CodeEditor> protocol. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditorView.m: (becomeFirstResponder): Use new -becomeFirstResponder: method of PCEditor class. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.h: Change name of var projectEditor to _editorManager. Add parameter (PCEditorView *)view to becomeFistResponder and resignFirstResponder methods. Add some comments. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: Rename method -openFileAtPath:categoryPath:projectEditor:editable: to -openFileAtPath:editorManager:editable. Rename -projectEditor method to -editorManager. Change becomeFistResponder and resignFirstResponder methods' definitions. (fileStructureItemSelected:): Add initial implementation of action code according to the type of selected item. * Headers/Protocols/CodeEditor.h: Change definition of -openFileAtPath:categoryPath:projectEditor:editable: mathod to -openFileAtPath:editorManager:editable. Remove methods scrollToClassName: and scrollToMethodName:. Rename projectEditor method into editorManager. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectEditor.h: Made PCProjectEditor as subclass of PCEditorManager. Add prefix '_' to variables. (-initWithProject:): renamed into init. (setProject:): Added. Removed methods and variables duplicated with superclass. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectManager.h: Add editorManager var. (-saveFileAs:): renamed to saveFileAs. 2008-01-17 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBrowser.m: (doubleClick:): open file with external application only if NSWorkspace doesn't return "ProjectCenter.app" appliction name. 2008-01-16 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * GNUmakefile: Remove FileRTF.tiff from resoures. * Images/FileRTF.tiff: Removed. * Images/FileM.tiff, * Images/FileMH.tiff, * Images/FileH.tiff, * Images/FileHH.tiff, * Images/FileC.tiff, * Images/FileCH.tiff, Moved to Modules/Editors/ProjectEditor/Resources. * Images/FileProject.tiff: Added * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.h: Added new variable _isEditable. * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: (_createEditorViewWithFrame:): Set editable state for NSTextView here. Add observer for changed text notification here. * Resources/Info.plist: NSTypes was extended. 2008-01-15 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCBundleManager.m: (objectForClassName:bundleType:protocol:) Return nil if className is nil. 2007-12-20 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * PCMakefileFactory.m ([-createPreambleForProject:]): Output the -l flags in the ADDITIONAL_GUI_LIBS variable, not the ADDITIONAL_LDFLAGS one. This should fix linking applications on Windows, but will not work well for linking non-GUI libraries. ProjectCenter needs to be extended to allow specifying ADDITIONAL_TOOL_LIBS and ADDITIONAL_OBJC_LIBS on the gui. 2007-12-13 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * GNUmakefile.preamble (ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS): Improved linking to the ProjectCenter framework when it's not installed yet so that it should work on non-flattened layouts. * Modules/GNUmakefile.bundles (ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS): Same change. (BUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR): Use GNUSTEP_APPS, not GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT. 2007-09-27 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCBundleManager.m, * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCBundleManager.h: Make massive cleaup. some methods changed, some deleted, some added. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m, * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: Make use of changed PCBundleManager. * TextFinder.m: (-enterSelection:): Add sanity check for text variable. (-jumpToSelection:): Ditto. * Modules/Parsers/ProjectCenter/Resources/Info.table: Fix value of "Name" key. * Headers/Protocols/CodeEditor.h: Remove declaration of openExternalEditor:withPath:projectEditor: method. It will be provided by Custom.editor bundle (will be added soon). * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectEditor.h: Cleanup. 2007-09-24 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * English.lproj/FindPanel.gorm: Added Find panel. * PCMenuController.m: Added Find panel support. * TextFinder.[hm]: Added implementation of Find panel. 2007-08-29 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Frameworks/PCFileManager.m: (-filesForOpenOfType:multiple:title:accView:): Removed (-fileForSaveOfType:title:accView:): Removed. (-filesForAddOfTypes:): Removed. (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Implemented. Replaces removed methods. (-_panelForOperation:title:accView:): New method. Returns panel for specified operation type. (-_saveLastDirectoryForPanel:): New method. Saves last opened directory for operation type (panel). (-panel:isValidFilename:): Validate directory as correct filename if project is opening and directory has PC.project file. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCFileManager.h: Added new variable 'operation' and declaraion of new mathods. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Use new methods of PCFileManager. * Framework/PCProjectWindow.m: (-preferencesDidChange:): Show Builder and Launcher panels only they are visible in project window (fixes bug #20858). * Modules/Projects/Library/Resources/Version: Changed GCC version to 2.95.3. 2007-08-23 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/Resources/ObjC.syntax: Change color of 'NO'. * Modules/Projects/Library/Resources/Version: Change gcc version to 2.9.5. 2007-08-22 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilderOptions.m: Add missing file. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilderOptions.h: Add missing file. * Framework/PCProject.m: (-rootCategories): Call subproject's method if subproject is active. (-rootEntries): Ditto. (-keyForCategory:): Ditto. Fix bug #20854. (-categoryForKey:): Ditto. (-keyForRootCategoryInCategoryPath:): Since keyForCategory: was made subproject's sensitive implement key searching here. 2007-08-21 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilderOptions.m: New file. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilderOptions.h: New file. * ProjectBuilder options handling finished. * Fixed compliance to GNUstep make v2. * Framework/PCFileNameIcon.m: Start implementing drag/drop. * Images/ProjectCenter.tiff: Use ProjectManager's app icon. * Modules/Projects/*/Resources/Info.table: change default targets. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h: Clean up. 2007-07-19 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * GNUmakefile.postamble: Cleanup old code. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCMakefileFacory.h: * Framework/PCMakefileFacory.m: (-createMakefileFroProject:): change argument type from NSSrting to PCProject. Set installation path PCInstallDir value. * Modules/Projects/*/PC*Project.m: (-writeMakefile): Adopt createMakefileForProject argument type changes. 2007-06-06 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * GNUmakefile: Set GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN to SYSTEM. 2007-06-05 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Added parsing of gcc error output. 2007-04-27 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * PCProjectLauncher.m ([-debug:]): Fixed determining the path of the executable to debug. Try (in the order) xxx.debug/xxx, xxx.app/xxx and obj/xxx. Fixed path printed in error message when gdb is not found. (Originally from a patch by Friedrich <frido@q-software-solutions.de>) 2007-04-27 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * PCProject.m ([-execToolName]): Fixed typo where 'ExecuToolName' had been typed instead of 'ExecToolName'. * PCProjectLauncher.m ([-run:]): Add './' before the name when we're using openapp, so that we use 'openapp ./Gorm.app' but 'opentool autogsdoc'. This fixes running application/tool projects. 2007-03-06 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * GNUmakefile: Set GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES using gnustep-config if not yet set. Do not set GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN. * PCBundleManager.m ([-loadBundlesWithExtension:]): Rewritten to use the proper NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains API so that it works with all filesystem layouts. Also, load bundles from all ApplicationSupport/ProjectCenter locations, not just the System one. * Framework/PCPrefController.m (-setBundlePath:): Method removed. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCPrefController.h: Same change. * PCFileManager.m ([-createDirectoriesIfNeededAtPath:]): Avoid infinite loop that would be triggered the first time you tried to build your project. 2007-02-14 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * GNUmakefile.bundles (BUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR): Fixed definition basing it on GNUSTEP_APPS. 2007-02-14 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m: Do not set GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR in the GNUmakefile. This would not work with the new filesystem support. The GUI probably needs updating to make users aware of this. * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m: Same change. 2007-01-20 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/Resources/ObjC.syntax: Update. 2007-01-15 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Remove code handling rootBuildPath var. Remove rootBuildPath var. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectManager.h: Ditto. * Framework/PCFileManager.m: Add removeDirsIfEmpty:(BOOL) parameter to remove* methods. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCFileManager.h: Ditto. * Framework/PCProject.m: Pass removeDirsIfEmpty:(BOOL) parameter to PCFileManager remove* methods calls. * PCAppController.m: Ditto. * Modules/Projects/Application/PCAppProject.m: Ditto. * Modules/Projects/Tool/PCToolProject.m: Ditto. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Rename ivar currentProject into project. Use it. (prebuildCheck:): Create root build directory if not exist. * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.h: Rename ivar currentProject into project. * Documentation/TODO: Update. * Documentation/ANNOUNCE: Ditto. 2007-01-15 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: Fix problem with closing project. * Framework/PCProjectr.m: Ditto. * Framework/PCMakefileFactory.m: Support for root build directory added. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Code cleanup. * Framework/PCProjectEditor.m: Enable usage of parser. Start testing process. * Framework/PCProjectWindows.m: Enable tooltips for buttons. * Framework/PCPrefController.m: setRootBuildDir: fix. * PCAppController.m: applicationWillTerminate: Remove file from build dir on application quit. This code still needs review (also removed build dir because of use PCFileManager's method). * Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter/PCEditor.m: browserItemsForItem: Crashes if file is not supported by parser. Fixed. 2007-01-12 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Parsing of error output almost complete, testing. Display number of warnings and errors in statud line after build process finished. * Framework/English.lproj/BuilderPanel.gorm: Change minimal size. * Framework/English.lproj/ProjectWindow.gorm: Fix minimal size. 2007-01-09 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Framework/English.lproj/Builder.gorm: Added. * Framework/English.lproj/BuilderPanel.gorm: Added. * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: Use GORM file for interface. Initial parsing for error logging view was added. * Framework/PCProjectBuilderPanel.m: Use GORM file for interface. 2006-12-26 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Merge changes from UNSTABLE_0_5 into trunk. * Localizable resources for application and framework was defined (English.lproj). * Rename directory with ProjectCenter framework from Library to Framework. * Fix makefiles wrt to framework directory renaming. 2006-11-20 Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> * Rewritte bundle loading mechanizm. Bundle now loaded on demand. * Created Protocols directory. * PCEditor and friends moved to loadable bundle Modules/Editors/ProjectCenter. * PCLogController.[hm] and PCPrefController.[hm] was moved to Library. * Fixes for MingW environment (thanks to Adam Fedor). * Added attempt to find make and debugger utilities. 2006-11-15 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * Modules/GNUmakefile.bundles (BUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR): Install the bundles in GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR, not in GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT. * Modules/ApplicationProject/PCAppProject.m ([PCAppProject -appendHead:]): Do not hardcode GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR in GNUmakefiles. See comments in the file for an explanation of how to improve PC's installation controls. * Modules/RenaissanceProject/PCRenaissanceProject.m ([PCRenaissanceProject -appendHead:]): Same change. * Modules/ToolProject/PCToolProject.m ([PCToolProject -appendHead:]): Same change. * Modules/BundleProject/Resources/PC.project (INSTALLDIR): Install bundles by default in $(GNUSTEP_BUNDLES). 2006-10-21 15:41-EDT Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Resources/ProjectCenter.gorm: Corrected issue with dangling menu/ menu items in the .gorm file. 2006-10-09 Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> * GNUmakefile (GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR): Do not set GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR. It should never be set in GNUmakefiles. * Library/GNUmakefile: Same change. * Modules/GNUmakefile: Same change. * ProjectCenter/Resources/GNUmakefile: Same change. 2005-09-11 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProject.m: (saveProjectWindowsAndPanels): save ProjectBrowser frame. * Library/PCProjectWindow.m: gormified. (_initUI): Adopt to grom model. Make self as delegate for h_split. (splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:) implemented h_split delegate method. Used for restoring saved frame of ProjectBrowser. In general, used to restore subviews size of horisontal and verstical split views from last session. "Remember project windows and panels in PC.project" task from TODO file is considered fully comleted now. Will use this scheme for other split views in PC. * Library/PCFileNameIcon.[hm]: new files. I'm not sure yet if it should be separate class for file icons. 2005-06-20 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCFileNameField.m: new file. * Library/PCProjectInspector.m: moved class PCFileNameField to separate file. * Library/PCProjectWindow.m: (_initUI)fileIconTitle now is PCFileNameField instead of NSTextField. 2005-06-11 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * PCAppController.m: (applicationWillTerminate:): Don't remove temorary directory. Needs more investigation since NSTemporaryDirectory() returns f.e. /tmp/GNUstepSecure1000. * Library/PCProjectEditor.m: (orderFrontEditorForFile:): Always show editor subview (Fixed bug#11779). Incorporated from HEAD branch. 2005-01-28 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Moduleas/ResourceSetProject: Added. 2005-01-27 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Renaissance project type removed. 2005-01-26 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Renaissance project type code and templates moved into Applicaton project type. 2005-01-25 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Move "Project Name", "Project Type" and "Language" fields into Project Inspector's "Project Attributes section" * Library/PCProject.m: Add "Project Attributes" view. Modules' inspectors now subview of this view. 2005-01-23 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Move appendLibraries: from project modules into PCMakefileFactory.m * Include into GNUmakefile only public headers for Framework and Library project types. * Project type bundles now have .project suffix. * Library/PCBundleLoader.[hm]: (loadBundlesWithExtension:): Added and implemented. (loadBundlesAtPath:withExtension:): ditto. (loadBundleWithFullPath:): ditto. (loadBundles): removed. * Library/PCProjectManager.m: (loadProjectTypeBunldes): Call loadBundlesWithExtension:@"project". * Added Framework project type. * 0.5 branch started. 2005-01-22 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Release 0.4.1 * Modules/ApplicationProject/PCAppProject+Inspector.m: (addDocType:): Set all textfields to default values. (removeDocType:): Call fillFieldsForRow: after row removing. 2005-01-09 Gregory Jonh Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> * Library/PCProjectBuilder.m: (build:): Exception handler added. 2005-01-09 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCButton.m: (release): Added and implemented. Remove tooltips if object is about to be dealloced. * Library/PCProjectBuilder.m: (stopBuild:): Eception handler added. 2005-01-05 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/GNUstep.postamble: Make "ln -s" ProjectCenter to the ../Library. It should make correct compiling on Windows. * Library/PCFileManager.m: (defaultManager:): Don't autorelease returned object. 2005-01-04 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCFilesManager.[hm]: (createDirectoriesIfNeededAtPath:): Added and implemented. (copyFile:toFile:): ditto. (copyFile:intoDirectory:): ditto. * Use above methods where it's appropriate. 2005-01-03 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCAddFilesPanel.[hm]: New implementation. Derived from NSOpenPanel. * Library/PCFileManager.m: Use PCAddFilesPanel instead of NSOpenPanel. * Library/PCProject.m: (projectFileFromFile:forKey:): Rewritten to correctly support subprojects' files and libraries. (addFiles:forKey:notify:): Add path to PCSearchLibs when adding libraries. * Library/PCProjectInspector.m: Observe project dictionary changes and reread it. Accept entered value when textfields are losting focus. * Library/PCProjectBrowser.m: (doubleClick:): Don't try to open libraries. * Modules/ApplicationProject/Resources/Main.gorm: Connect delegate to AppController (bug #11478). * Library/PCProjectEditor.m: (editorForFile:categoryPath:windowed:): Call orderFrontEditorForFile: to show already opened file (bug #11448). * Library/PCEditor.m: (_createEditorViewWithFrame:): Remove return of autoreleased ivar. * Library/PCFileManager.m: (filesForAddOfTypes:): Get list of categories from active project not from root active project. 2004-12-24 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * "Build Tool" setting from Project Inspector was moved to PC Preferences. * Implemented support of document-based applications * Added "Document types" panel into Project Inspector * Library/PCFileManager.m: Fix crashing while calling "Add Files" panel. 2004-10-14 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Fixed interface (*.gorm) files wrt to latest GORM changes. 2004-07-22 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCButton.m: Rewritten tooltips code. Almost ready for incorporation into NSView. * Library/PCProjectBuilder.m: Use new tooltip code and remove old style code. * Library/PCProjectLauncher.m: ditto. * Library/PCProjectWindow.m: ditto. *Images/ButtonTile.tiff: removed. 2004-07-15 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProject.m: (projectFileForFile:forKey:): Fix recognizing of subproject files. * Library/PCProjectManager.m: (addProjectFiles):ditto. * Update all GORM files with latest CVS GORM version. * Resources/Preferences.gorm: Fix Auto-Save slider. 2004-07-14 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCButton.m: PCButtonCell removed. (initWithFrame:): [self setCell:] removed. [_cell setGradientType:] added. 2004-07-04 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProject.m: (projectFileFromFile:forKey:): If adding files from subproject to project add it with relative path to project's one. * Modules/ApplicationProject/PCAppProject.m: (writeMakefile): Do not add "Resources/" prefix if resource file is part of subproject. * Modules/BundleProject/PCBundleProject.m: (writeMakefile): ditto. * Modules/LibraryProject/PCLibProject.m: (writeMakefile): ditto. * Modules/RenaissanceProject/PCRenaissanceProject.m: (writeMakefile): ditto. * Modules/ToolProject/PCToolProject.m: (writeMakefile): ditto. 2004-07-03 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProjectManager.m: (addProjectFiles:): Don't copy files that already in project directory structure. This allows adding of subproject's files to project resources. * Across the ProjectCenter: Comment out calls for PCLog*. This is speedup PC. 2004-06-22 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCFileManager.m: (panel:shouldShowFilename:): Treat .gorm dirs not as dirs. * Library/PCProject.m: (doesAcceptFile:forKey:): Check existance of file in sourceFileKeys and resourceFileKeys. * Modules/*: Made cleanup in sourceFileKeys, resourceFileKeys and otherKeys methods. 2004-06-21 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCFileManager.m: (panel:shouldShowFilename:): Fix filtering out files already included in project. Optimized. * GNUmakefile: Change VERSION var to 0.4.1pre. 2004-06-20 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Release 0.4.0. * Library/PCProjectWindow.m: (activeProjectDidChange:): Take into account subprojects of subprojects. (showProjectLaunch:): Remove attention panel if project is not executable. * Library/PCProjectBrowser.m: (activeProjectDidChange:): ditto. Take into account subprojects of subprojects. * Library/PCProjectLauncher.m: (debug:): Check if project is executable and order attention panel if not. * Modules/ApplicationProject/Resources/Inspector.gorm: Fix connection between "Add" button and addDocIcon: method. * Modules/ApplicationProject/PCAppProject.m: (appendApplication:): Removed. (appndHead:): Move appendApplication's code here. Write into GNUmakefile <projectName>_STANDARD_INSTALL = no if install dir attribute was not set. * Modules/BundleProject/PCBundleProject.m: (appendHead:): Write into GNUmakefile <projectName>_STANDARD_INSTALL = no if install dir attribute was not set. * Modules/RenaissanceProject/PCRenaissanceProject.m: (appendApplication:): ditto. * Modules/ToolProject/PCToolProject.m: (appendHead:): ditto 2004-06-19 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProjectManager.m: (convertLegacyProject:atPath:): Get files list from .pcproj file not from directories. * Library/PCProject.m: (renameFile:toFile): Handle the case when filename already exist. Do not use removeFiles and addFiles methods, change projectDict directly. (setProjectDictObject:forKey:): Post notification with dictionary as notification object. Dictionary consists of "Project" and "Attribute" records. This is narrows actions to be taken on project dictionary changes. (assignProjectDict:): Set LANGUAGES to [NSUserDefaults userLanguages]. (setProjectDictObject:forKey:notify:): Renamed from setProjectDictObject:forKey:. Changed in various places accordinly. (removeFiles:forKey:notify:): Renamed from removeFiles:forKey:. (addFiles:forKey:notify:): Renamed from addFiles:forKey:. * Library/PCProjectBrowser.m: (projectDictDidChange): Changed wrt last PCProject changes. Reload column only if "Attribute" is one of the tracked by Projectbrowser. (reloadLastColumn): Renamed to reloadLastColumnAndNotify: and changed accordinly to its name. (reloadLastColumnAndSelectFile:): Added and implemented. * Library/PCProjectWindow.m: (projectDictDidChange:): Changed wrt last PCProject changes. * Library/PCLoadedFiles.m: (initWithProject:): Change NSLog with PCLogStatus. * Library/PCProjectInspector.m: (activeProjectDidChange:): Set window title only if project change to other project not subproject. * Library/PCFileManager.m: (filesForAdd): Fix setting panel attributes. * Modules/AggregateProject/PCAggregateProject.m: (appendHead:) Added generating of VERSION var. * Modules/ApplicationProject/PCAppProject.m: (appendApplication:): ditto. * Modules/BundleProject/PCBundleProject.m: (appendHead:): ditto. * Modules/LibraryProject/PCLibProject.m: (appendHead:): ditto. Added support for public headers. (renameFile:toFile:): Implemented. Handles the case with public headers. * Modules/RenaissanceProject/PCRenaissanceProject.m: (appendApplication:): ditto. * Modules/ToolProject/PCToolProject.m: (appendHead:): ditto * Modules/: Cleanup PC.project templates. Added PUBLIC_HEADERS and LANGUAGES. 2004-06-15 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProjectManager.m: (convertLegacyProject:atPath:): added and implemented for conversion of old projects. (closeProject:): check if panels visible before performing close. * Libarary/PCProject.m: (fileTypesForCategoryKey:): moved implementation here from PC*Project classes. (dirForCategory:): ditto. * Library/PCProjectEditor.m: (editorDidClose:): remove calling to setActiveEditor:. (editorDidResignActive:): check if editor belongs to current project. (editorDidBecomeActive:): fix checking if editor belongs to current project. * Library/PCProjectBrowser.m: (projectDictDidChange:): Fix detection of project changed. * Modules/ApplicationProject/*.[hm]: * Modules/BundleProject/*.[hm]: * Modules/LibraryProject/*.[hm]: * Modules/RenaissanceProject/*.[hm]: * Modules/ToolProject/*.[hm]: Default location of non-localized resources changed to Resources subdir in project directory layout. No more Documentation and Images subdirectories. Removed PCProject overridings that are identical. Cleaned up. 2004-06-14 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCFileManager.m: (createFile): Removed extra ";" in newFiles declaration. * Modules/AggregateProject: Aggregate project type added. * Images/MultiFiles.tiff: added. 2004-06-13 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProjectBrowser.m: (reloadLastColumn): Reload subprojects list only if subprojects added/removed. 2004-06-12 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProjectManager.m: * Library/PCProject.m: * PCPrefController.m: Fix bugs related to opening legacy projects. * Fixes made to compile with gcc 3.4 * Resources/ProjectCenter.gorm: Remove all unimplemented items. 2004-06-11 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProjectManager.m: (loadProjectAt:): Fix loading "Gorm" poject. 2004-06-09 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProjectBrowser.[hm]: (pathOfSelectedFile): renamed to pathToSelectedFile. (nameOfSelectedCategory): implemented. Use it insetead PCProject's -categoryForCategoryPath. (pathToSelectedCategory): implemented. (setPathForFile:category:): removed. (reloadLastColumn): implemented. * Modules/ApplicationProject/PCAppProject.m: (renameFile:toFile:): remove calling of PCProjectBrowser's setPathForFile:category. * Modules/RenaissanceProject/ PCRenaissanceProject.m: (renameFile:toFile:): ditto. * Library/PCLoadedFilesPanel.m: * Library/PCBuildPanel.m: * Library/PCLaunchPanel.m: (activeProjectDidChange:): return if root project wasn't changed. * Library/PCProject.m: (setProjectmanager:): don't set project components for subproject. 2004-06-02 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Library/PCProjectManager (openProjectAt:): get project name from PC.project file instead of directory name. So project name and directory name may differ. * Library/PCProjectLauncher.m (debug:): Debug application using full path instead of "~/Application". * PCMenuController.m: disable "Tear-Off Editor Size" fields editing if Project Editor is not tear-off or Editor is not "ProjectCenter". Check only first arg of Editor value. 2004-06-01 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Finished on-the-fly applying "Tear-Off Panels" preferences. * Implemented remembering windows and panels visibility on project opening. * Various PCProject fixes. * Remove PC.project.backup if preference "Keep Project Backup File" is not set. 2004-05-27 Serg Stoyan <stoyan255@ukr.net> * Finished support of external editors. 2004-05-10 Serg Stoyan <stoyan@on.com.ua> * Preferences interface created using GORM. * Resources/Prefernces.gorm: added. * PCPrefController+UInterface.[hm]: removed. 2004-05-08 Serg Stoyan <stoyan@on.com.ua> * Start new ChangeLog. Old ChangeLog resides in Documentation/ChangeLog-1 new in Documentation/ChangeLog. * Summary of changes: - massive overall refactoring and cleanup. Directory layout of PC changed; - ProjectWindow: implemented toolbar(hide/show); menu entry implemented; - ProjectInspector: PC*Project's parts moved into PC*Projects; more or less finished; - ProjectBuilder: switch from NSThread to NSTask method of executing tasks; "Build", "Stop Build", "Clean" menu entries implemented; - ProjectLauncher: ditto; finished all related menu entries; - LoadedFiles: Fully implemented; - LogController: implemented; made use it; - initial subprojects support added; - more stability around the whole ProjectCenter; - GORMified parts of PC now is: PC main menu, ProjectInspector, "File->New in Project" panel, "Project-> New Subproject" panel. - "File->Rename" implemented; - ProjectCenter library now framework.