/* SyntaxDefinition.h Implementation of the SyntaxDefinition class for the ProjectManager application. Copyright (C) 2005 Saso Kiselkov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #import "SyntaxDefinition.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import NSDictionary * ParseSyntaxGraphics(NSDictionary * specification) { NSMutableDictionary * dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSString * value; value = [specification objectForKey: @"ForegroundColor"]; if (value != nil) { float r, g, b, a; NSScanner * scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: value]; if ([scanner scanFloat: &r] && [scanner scanFloat: &g] && [scanner scanFloat: &b]) { if ([scanner scanFloat: &a] == NO) { a = 1.0; } [dict setObject: [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: a] forKey: @"ForegroundColor"]; } else { NSLog(_(@"Invalid ForegroundColor specification \"%@\" found: " @"the correct format is \"r g b [a]\" where each component" @"is a real number in the range of 0.0 thru 1.0 inclusive, " @"specifying the red, green, blue and alpha (optional) " @"components of the desired color."), value); } } value = [specification objectForKey: @"BackgroundColor"]; if (value != nil) { float r, g, b, a; NSScanner * scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: value]; if ([scanner scanFloat: &r] && [scanner scanFloat: &g] && [scanner scanFloat: &b]) { if ([scanner scanFloat: &a] == NO) { a = 1.0; } [dict setObject: [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: r green: g blue: b alpha: a] forKey: @"BackgroundColor"]; } else { NSLog(_(@"Invalid BackgroundColor specification \"%@\" found: " @"the correct format is \"r g b [a]\" where each component" @"is a real number in the range of 0.0 thru 1.0 inclusive, " @"specifying the red, green, blue and alpha (optional) " @"components of the desired color."), value); } } value = [specification objectForKey: @"Bold"]; if (value != nil) { [dict setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: [value boolValue]] forKey: @"Bold"]; } value = [specification objectForKey: @"Italic"]; if (value != nil) { [dict setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: [value boolValue]] forKey: @"Italic"]; } return [[dict copy] autorelease]; } void MarkTextPatternBeginningCharacters(TextPattern * pattern, char * buffer, unsigned int bufSize) { unichar * chars = PermissibleCharactersAtPatternBeginning(pattern); if (chars == (unichar *) -1) { memset(buffer, 1, 128); } else if (chars != NULL) { unsigned int i; unichar c; for (i = 0; (c = chars[i]) != 0; i++) { if (c < bufSize) { buffer[c] = 1; } } free(chars); } } static NSDictionary * syntaxes = nil; static NSMutableDictionary * syntaxDefinitions = nil; @interface SyntaxDefinition (Private) + (void)loadSyntaxDefinitions; @end @implementation SyntaxDefinition (Private) /** * Loads all syntax definition files and associates them in the * static global variable `syntaxes' with their respective * file types. The syntax definitions aren't compiled yet - they * are left in their pure format and are compiled on a per-use * basis. */ + (void)loadSyntaxDefinitions { NSMutableDictionary *dict; NSArray *filePaths; NSString *filePath; NSEnumerator *e; NSBundle *bundle; // FIXME: need better algorithm to locate syntax files. This is good // only for a quick'n'dirty implementation bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:NSClassFromString(@"PCEditor")]; filePaths = [bundle pathsForResourcesOfType:@"syntax" inDirectory:nil]; dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; e = [filePaths objectEnumerator]; while ((filePath = [e nextObject]) != nil) { NSDictionary * syntax; syntax = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: filePath]; if (syntax != nil) { NSEnumerator * ee = [[syntax objectForKey: @"FileTypes"] objectEnumerator]; NSString * fileType; while ((fileType = [ee nextObject]) != nil) { [dict setObject: [syntax objectForKey: @"Contexts"] forKey: fileType]; } } } ASSIGNCOPY(syntaxes, dict); } @end @implementation SyntaxDefinition + (void)initialize { if (syntaxes == nil) { [self loadSyntaxDefinitions]; syntaxDefinitions = [NSMutableDictionary new]; } } + syntaxDefinitionForFileType:(NSString *)fileType textStorage:(NSTextStorage *)aTextStorage { SyntaxDefinition * def; def = [syntaxDefinitions objectForKey: fileType]; if (def == nil) { NSArray * contexts = [syntaxes objectForKey: fileType]; if (contexts != nil) { def = [[[SyntaxDefinition alloc] initWithContextList: contexts textStorage: aTextStorage] autorelease]; if (def != nil) { [syntaxDefinitions setObject: def forKey: fileType]; } return def; } else { return nil; } } else { return def; } } - initWithContextList:(NSArray *)contexts textStorage:(NSTextStorage *)aTextStorage { if ([self init]) { NSUInteger i, n; NSMutableArray * contextGraphicsTmp = [NSMutableArray array], * keywordGraphicsTmp = [NSMutableArray array]; ASSIGN(textStorage, aTextStorage); // compile the syntax definition for (i = 0, n = [contexts count]; i < n; i++) { NSUInteger j, keywordCount, skipCount; NSDictionary * context = [contexts objectAtIndex: i]; NSArray * ctxtKeywords, * skips; NSMutableArray * contextKeywordsGraphicsTmp; // context beginning/ending missing? if (([context objectForKey: @"Beginning"] == nil || [context objectForKey: @"Ending"] == nil) && i > 0) { NSLog(@"Syntax compilation error: context %" PRIuPTR " missing " @"beginning or ending symbol.", i); [self release]; return nil; } // process context beginnings/endings if (i > 0) { contextBeginnings = realloc(contextBeginnings, i * sizeof(TextPattern *)); contextBeginnings[i - 1] = CompileTextPattern([context objectForKey: @"Beginning"]); MarkTextPatternBeginningCharacters(contextBeginnings[i - 1], contextBeginningChars, sizeof(contextBeginningChars)); contextEndings = realloc(contextEndings, i * sizeof(TextPattern *)); contextEndings[i - 1] = CompileTextPattern([context objectForKey: @"Ending"]); } // process context skips contextSkipChars = realloc(contextSkipChars, (i + 1) * sizeof(char *)); contextSkipChars[i] = calloc(128, sizeof(char)); contextSkips = realloc(contextSkips, sizeof(TextPattern **) * (i + 1)); contextSkips[i] = NULL; skips = [context objectForKey: @"ContextSkips"]; for (j = 0, skipCount = [skips count]; j < skipCount; j++) { NSString * skip = [skips objectAtIndex: j]; contextSkips[i] = realloc(contextSkips[i], (j + 1) * sizeof(TextPattern *)); contextSkips[i][j] = CompileTextPattern(skip); MarkTextPatternBeginningCharacters(contextSkips[i][j], contextSkipChars[i], 128); } contextSkips[i] = realloc(contextSkips[i], (j + 1) * sizeof(TextPattern *)); contextSkips[i][j] = NULL; // process context graphics [contextGraphicsTmp addObject: ParseSyntaxGraphics(context)]; keywords = realloc(keywords, (i + 1) * sizeof(TextPattern **)); keywords[i] = NULL; ctxtKeywords = [context objectForKey: @"Keywords"]; contextKeywordsGraphicsTmp = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [ctxtKeywords count]]; // run through all keywords in the context for (j = 0, keywordCount = [ctxtKeywords count]; j < keywordCount; j++) { NSDictionary * keyword = [ctxtKeywords objectAtIndex: j]; NSString * keywordString = [keyword objectForKey: @"Pattern"]; TextPattern * pattern; if (keywordString == nil) { NSLog(_(@"Missing keyword pattern declaration " @"in context %i keyword %i. Ignoring all the " @"remaining of the keywords in this context."), i, j); break; } pattern = CompileTextPattern(keywordString); if (pattern == NULL) { break; } keywords[i] = realloc(keywords[i], (j + 1) * sizeof(TextPattern *)); keywords[i][j] = pattern; [contextKeywordsGraphicsTmp addObject: ParseSyntaxGraphics(keyword)]; } // append a trailing NULL to terminate the list keywords[i] = realloc(keywords[i], (j + 1) * sizeof(TextPattern *)); keywords[i][j] = NULL; [keywordGraphicsTmp addObject: [[contextKeywordsGraphicsTmp copy] autorelease]]; } // terminate the keywords array by appending a trailing NULL pointer keywords = realloc(keywords, (i + 1) * sizeof(TextPattern **)); keywords[i] = NULL; // begining and ending arrays don't include the default context! // Thus it is indexed by 'i' not 'i + 1' contextBeginnings = realloc(contextBeginnings, i * sizeof(TextPattern **)); contextBeginnings[i - 1] = NULL; contextEndings = realloc(contextEndings, i * sizeof(TextPattern **)); contextEndings[i - 1] = NULL; contextSkipChars = realloc(contextSkipChars, (i + 1) * sizeof(char *)); contextSkipChars[i] = NULL; ASSIGNCOPY(contextGraphics, contextGraphicsTmp); ASSIGNCOPY(keywordGraphics, keywordGraphicsTmp); return self; } else { return nil; } } - (void) dealloc { TextPattern * pattern; unsigned int i; TextPattern ** patternList; char * buf; // free context beginnings for (i = 0; (pattern = contextBeginnings[i]) != NULL; i++) { FreeTextPattern(pattern); } free(contextBeginnings); // free context endings for (i = 0; (pattern = contextEndings[i]) != NULL; i++) { FreeTextPattern(pattern); } free(contextEndings); // free context skip characters for (i = 0; (buf = contextSkipChars[i]) != NULL; i++) { free(buf); } free(contextSkipChars); // free context skips for (i = 0; (patternList = contextSkips[i]) != NULL; i++) { unsigned int j; for (j = 0; (pattern = patternList[j]) != NULL; j++) { FreeTextPattern(pattern); } free(patternList); } free(contextSkips); // free keywords for (i = 0; (patternList = keywords[i]) != NULL; i++) { unsigned int j; for (j = 0; (pattern = patternList[j]) != NULL; j++) { FreeTextPattern(pattern); } free(patternList); } free(keywords); TEST_RELEASE(textStorage); TEST_RELEASE(contextGraphics); TEST_RELEASE(keywordGraphics); [super dealloc]; } /** * Returns a NULL pointer terminated list of context beginning symbols. */ - (TextPattern **)contextBeginnings { return contextBeginnings; } - (const char *)contextBeginningCharacters { return contextBeginningChars; } - (unsigned int)numberOfContextBeginningCharacters { return sizeof(contextBeginningChars); } - (const char *)contextSkipCharactersForContext:(unsigned int)ctxt { return contextSkipChars[ctxt]; } - (unsigned int)numberOfContextSkipCharactersForContext:(unsigned int)ctxt { return 128; } /** * Returns the context ending symbol for the context identified by `ctxt'. */ - (TextPattern *)contextEndingForContext:(unsigned int)ctxt { return contextEndings[ctxt]; } - (TextPattern **)contextSkipsForContext:(unsigned int)ctxt { return contextSkips[ctxt]; } - (NSColor *)foregroundColorForContext:(unsigned int)context { return [[contextGraphics objectAtIndex: context] objectForKey: @"ForegroundColor"]; } - (NSColor *)backgroundColorForContext:(unsigned int)context { return [[contextGraphics objectAtIndex: context] objectForKey: @"BackgroundColor"]; } - (BOOL)isItalicFontForContext:(unsigned int)context { return [[[contextGraphics objectAtIndex: context] objectForKey: @"Italic"] boolValue]; } - (BOOL)isBoldFontForContext:(unsigned int)context { return [[[contextGraphics objectAtIndex: context] objectForKey: @"Bold"] boolValue]; } /** * Returns a NULL pointer terminated list of text patterns representing * keywords to be matched inside context `context'. */ - (TextPattern **)keywordsInContext:(unsigned int)context { return keywords[context]; } /** * Returns the color with which the keyword identified by `keyword' * in `contextName' should be colored. The argument `keyword' is the * index of the keyword in the array returned by -keywordsInContext:. */ - (NSColor *)foregroundColorForKeyword:(unsigned int)keyword inContext:(unsigned int)context { return [[[keywordGraphics objectAtIndex:context] objectAtIndex:keyword] objectForKey:@"ForegroundColor"]; } - (NSColor *)backgroundColorForKeyword:(unsigned int)keyword inContext:(unsigned int)context { return [[[keywordGraphics objectAtIndex:context] objectAtIndex:keyword] objectForKey:@"BackgroundColor"]; } - (BOOL)isItalicFontForKeyword:(unsigned int)keyword inContext:(unsigned int)context { return [[[[keywordGraphics objectAtIndex:context] objectAtIndex:keyword] objectForKey:@"Italic"] boolValue]; } /** * Returns YES if the font with which the keyword identified by `keyword' * should be bold and NO if it should be normal weigth. */ - (BOOL)isBoldFontForKeyword:(unsigned int)keyword inContext:(unsigned int)context { return [[[[keywordGraphics objectAtIndex:context] objectAtIndex:keyword] objectForKey:@"Bold"] boolValue]; } @end