/* GNUstep ProjectCenter - http://www.gnustep.org/experience/ProjectCenter.html Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation Authors: Philippe C.D. Robert Serg Stoyan This file is part of GNUstep. This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA. */ #ifndef _PCProjectBuilder_h_ #define _PCProjectBuilder_h_ #import @class PCProject; @class PCButton; @class PCProjectBuilderOptions; typedef enum _ErrorLevel { ELFile, ELFunction, ELIncluded, ELIncludedError, ELError, ELNone } ErrorLevel; @interface PCProjectBuilder : NSObject { PCProject *project; PCProjectBuilderOptions *buildOptions; // Preferences NSString *successSound; NSString *failureSound; NSString *buildTool; NSString *rootBuildDir; BOOL promptOnClean; // Options panel BOOL verboseBuilding; NSString *buildStatus; NSMutableString *buildStatusTarget; NSMutableString *buildTarget; NSMutableArray *buildArgs; SEL postProcess; NSTask *makeTask; NSFileHandle *readHandle; NSFileHandle *errorReadHandle; BOOL _isBuilding; BOOL _isCleaning; BOOL _isLogging; BOOL _isErrorLogging; // Component view BOOL _isCVLoaded; NSBox *componentView; PCButton *buildButton; PCButton *cleanButton; PCButton *optionsButton; NSTextField *errorsCountField; NSSplitView *split; NSTextField *statusField; NSTextField *targetField; // Error logging NSTableView *errorOutput; NSTableColumn *errorImageColumn; NSTableColumn *errorColumn; NSMutableArray *errorArray; NSMutableString *errorString; ErrorLevel currentEL; ErrorLevel lastEL; ErrorLevel nextEL; NSString *lastIndentString; int errorsCount; int warningsCount; // Output logging NSTextView *logOutput; NSMutableString *currentBuildFile; NSMutableString *currentBuildPath; } - (id)initWithProject:(PCProject *)aProject; - (void)dealloc; - (NSView *)componentView; - (void)loadPreferences:(NSNotification *)aNotification; - (void)updateTargetField; // --- Accessory - (BOOL)isBuilding; - (BOOL)isCleaning; - (void)performStartBuild; - (void)performStartClean; - (void)performStopBuild; - (NSArray *)buildArguments; // --- Actions - (void)startBuild:(id)sender; - (void)startClean:(id)sender; - (BOOL)stopMake:(id)sender; - (void)showOptionsPanel:(id)sender; - (void)cleanupAfterMake; - (BOOL)prebuildCheck; - (void)build:(id)sender; //- (void)buildDidTerminate; @end @interface PCProjectBuilder (Logging) - (void)updateErrorsCountField; - (void)logStdOut:(NSNotification *)aNotif; - (void)logErrOut:(NSNotification *)aNotif; - (void)logData:(NSData *)data error:(BOOL)isError; @end @interface PCProjectBuilder (BuildLogging) // --- Parsing utilities - (BOOL)line:(NSString *)lineString startsWithString:(NSString *)substring; - (NSArray *)componentsOfLine:(NSString *)lineString; - (void)parseMakeLine:(NSString *)lineString; - (void)parseCompilerLine:(NSString *)lineString; - (void)logBuildString:(NSString *)string newLine:(BOOL)newLine; - (NSString *)parseBuildLine:(NSString *)string; @end @interface PCProjectBuilder (ErrorLogging) - (void)logErrorString:(NSString *)string; - (NSString *)lineTail:(NSString*)line afterString:(NSString*)string; - (NSArray *)parseErrorLine:(NSString *)string; @end #endif