/* * PCEditorController.m created by probert on 2002-02-02 15:28:31 +0000 * * Project ProjectCenter * * Created with ProjectCenter - http://www.gnustep.org * * $Id$ */ #import "PCEditorController.h" #import "PCEditor.h" #import "PCProject.h" #import "ProjectCenter.h" @implementation PCEditorController // =========================================================================== // ==== Class Methods // =========================================================================== + (void)openFileInEditor:(NSString *)path { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if([[ud objectForKey:ExternalEditor] isEqualToString:@"YES"]) { NSTask *editorTask; NSMutableArray *args; NSString *editor = [ud objectForKey:Editor]; NSArray *ea = [editor componentsSeparatedByString: @" "]; args = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:ea]; editorTask = [[NSTask alloc] init]; [editorTask setLaunchPath:[args objectAtIndex: 0]]; [args removeObjectAtIndex: 0]; [args addObject:path]; [editorTask setArguments:args]; AUTORELEASE( editorTask ); [editorTask launch]; } else { PCEditor *editor; editor = [[PCEditor alloc] initWithPath:path]; [editor show]; } } // =========================================================================== // ==== Initialisation // =========================================================================== - (id)init { if((self = [super init])) { editorDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { RELEASE( editorDict ); [super dealloc]; } // =========================================================================== // ==== Project and Editor handling // =========================================================================== - (void)setProject:(PCProject *)aProject { project = aProject; } - (PCEditor *)editorForFile:(NSString *)path { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if([[ud objectForKey:ExternalEditor] isEqualToString:@"YES"]) { [PCEditorController openFileInEditor:path]; } else { PCEditor *editor; if( editor = [editorDict objectForKey:path] ) { return editor; } else { editor = [[PCEditor alloc] initWithPath:path]; [editor setDelegate:self]; [editorDict setObject:editor forKey:path]; //RELEASE(editor); return editor; } } } - (NSArray *)allEditors { return [editorDict allValues]; } - (void)closeAllEditors { NSEnumerator *enumerator = [editorDict keyEnumerator]; PCEditor *editor; NSString *key; while(( key = [enumerator nextObject] )) { editor = [editorDict objectForKey:key]; [editor close]; } [editorDict removeAllObjects]; } - (void)editorDidClose:(id)sender { PCEditor *editor = (PCEditor*)sender; [editorDict removeObjectForKey:[editor path]]; } @end