/* GNUstep ProjectCenter - http://www.gnustep.org/experience/ProjectCenter.html Copyright (C) 2000-2023 Free Software Foundation Authors: Philippe C.D. Robert Serg Stoyan Riccardo Mottola German Arias This file is part of GNUstep. This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 31 Milk Street #960789 Boston, MA 02196 USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import @implementation PCProjectInspector // ============================================================================ // ==== Intialization & deallocation // ============================================================================ - (id)initWithProjectManager:(PCProjectManager *)manager { projectManager = manager; [self loadPanel]; // Track project switching [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(activeProjectDidChange:) name:PCActiveProjectDidChangeNotification object:nil]; // Track project dictionary changing [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateValues:) name:PCProjectDictDidChangeNotification object:nil]; // Track Browser selection changes [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector (browserDidSetPath:) name:PCBrowserDidSetPathNotification object:nil]; [self inspectorPopupDidChange:inspectorPopup]; return self; } - (void)close { [inspectorPanel performClose:self]; } - (void)dealloc { #ifdef DEVELOPMENT NSLog (@"PCProjectInspector: dealloc"); #endif [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; RELEASE(buildAttributesView); RELEASE(projectAttributesSubview); RELEASE(projectAttributesView); RELEASE(projectDescriptionView); RELEASE(projectLanguagesView); RELEASE(fileAttributesView); RELEASE(inspectorPanel); RELEASE(fileName); [super dealloc]; } // ============================================================================ // ==== Panel & contents // ============================================================================ - (BOOL)loadPanel { if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"ProjectInspector" owner:self] == NO) { PCLogError(self, @"error loading NIB file!"); return NO; } // Panel [inspectorPanel setFrameAutosaveName:@"ProjectInspector"]; [inspectorPanel setFrameUsingName:@"ProjectInspector"]; project = [projectManager activeProject]; projectDict = [project projectDict]; // PopUp [inspectorPopup selectItemAtIndex:0]; // Build Attributes [self createBuildAttributes]; // Project Attributes [self createProjectAttributes]; // Project Description [self createProjectDescription]; // Project Languages [self createProjectLanguages]; // File Attributes [self createFileAttributes]; [self activeProjectDidChange:nil]; return YES; } - (NSPanel *)panel { if (!inspectorPanel && ([self loadPanel] == NO)) { return nil; } return inspectorPanel; } - (NSView *)contentView { if (!contentView && ([self loadPanel] == NO)) { return nil; } return contentView; } // ============================================================================ // ==== Actions // ============================================================================ - (void)inspectorPopupDidChange:(id)sender { switch([sender indexOfSelectedItem]) { case 0: [inspectorView setContentView:buildAttributesView]; break; case 1: [inspectorView setContentView:projectAttributesView]; break; case 2: [inspectorView setContentView:projectDescriptionView]; break; case 3: [inspectorView setContentView:projectLanguagesView]; break; case 4: [inspectorView setContentView:fileAttributesView]; break; } [inspectorView display]; } - (void)changeCommonProjectEntry:(id)sender { NSString *newEntry = [sender stringValue]; // Build Atributes if (sender == installDomainPopup) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCInstallDomain notify:YES]; } else if (sender == cppOptField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCPreprocessorOptions notify:YES]; } else if (sender == objcOptField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCObjCCompilerOptions notify:YES]; } else if (sender == cOptField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCCompilerOptions notify:YES]; } else if (sender == ldOptField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCLinkerOptions notify:YES]; } // Project Description else if (sender == descriptionField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCDescription notify:YES]; } else if (sender == releaseField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCRelease notify:YES]; } else if (sender == licenseField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCCopyright notify:YES]; } else if (sender == licDescriptionField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCCopyrightDescription notify:YES]; } else if (sender == urlField) { [project setProjectDictObject:newEntry forKey:PCURL notify:YES]; } } - (void)selectSectionWithTitle:(NSString *)sectionTitle { [inspectorPopup selectItemWithTitle:sectionTitle]; [self inspectorPopupDidChange:inspectorPopup]; } // When user ends editing of text field with Tab or changing focus, entered // changes should be accepted. The exception is PCFileName fields. I'm not sure // if this is correct implementation. Action is performed twice if user ends // editing with Enter key. - (void)controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotif { NSControl *anObject = [aNotif object]; id target = [anObject target]; SEL action = [anObject action]; if ([anObject isKindOfClass:[PCFileNameField class]]) { return; } if ([target respondsToSelector:action]) { [target performSelector:action withObject:anObject]; } } // ============================================================================ // ==== Notifications // ============================================================================ - (void)activeProjectDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotif { PCProject *rootProject = [projectManager rootActiveProject]; NSView *newProjAttrSubview = nil; if (rootProject != project) { [inspectorPanel setTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ - Project Inspector", [rootProject projectName]]]; } project = [projectManager activeProject]; projectDict = [project projectDict]; PCLogStatus(self, @"Active projectChanged to %@", [[project projectDict] objectForKey:PCProjectName]); // 1. Get custom project attributes view newProjAttrSubview = [project projectAttributesView]; if (projectAttributesSubview == nil) { [projectAttributesView addSubview:newProjAttrSubview]; } else { [projectAttributesView replaceSubview:projectAttributesSubview with:newProjAttrSubview]; } projectAttributesSubview = newProjAttrSubview; // 2. Update values in UI elements [self updateValues:nil]; // 3. Display current view [self inspectorPopupDidChange:inspectorPopup]; } - (void)updateValues:(NSNotification *)aNotif { // Build Attributes view searchHeaders = [projectDict objectForKey:PCSearchHeaders]; searchLibs = [projectDict objectForKey:PCSearchLibs]; [self searchOrderPopupDidChange:searchOrderPopup]; [projectNameLabel setStringValue:[project projectName]]; [cppOptField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCPreprocessorOptions]]; [objcOptField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCObjCCompilerOptions]]; [cOptField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCCompilerOptions]]; [ldOptField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCLinkerOptions]]; [installDomainPopup selectItemWithTitle: [projectDict objectForKey:PCInstallDomain]]; // Project Attributes [projectTypeField setStringValue:[projectDict objectForKey:PCProjectType]]; [projectNameField setStringValue:[projectDict objectForKey:PCProjectName]]; [projectLanguagePB removeAllItems]; [projectLanguagePB addItemsWithTitles: [projectDict objectForKey:PCUserLanguages]]; [projectLanguagePB selectItemWithTitle: [projectDict objectForKey:PCLanguage]]; // Project Description view [descriptionField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCDescription]]; [releaseField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCRelease]]; [licenseField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCCopyright]]; [licDescriptionField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCCopyrightDescription]]; [urlField setStringValue: [projectDict objectForKey:PCURL]]; authorsItems = [projectDict objectForKey:PCAuthors]; [authorsList reloadData]; //Project Languages languagesItems = [projectDict objectForKey:PCUserLanguages]; [languagesList reloadData]; // File Attributes [fileIconView setDelegate:[project projectBrowser]]; [fileIconView updateIcon]; [self updateFileAttributes]; } - (void)browserDidSetPath:(NSNotification *)aNotif { [fileIconView updateIcon]; [self updateFileAttributes]; } // ============================================================================ // ==== Build Attributes // ============================================================================ - (void)createBuildAttributes { if (buildAttributesView) { return; } if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"BuildAttributes" owner:self] == NO) { PCLogError(self, @"error loading BuildAttributes NIB file!"); return; } // Search Order // Popup [searchOrderPopup selectItemAtIndex:0]; // Table [searchOrderList setCornerView:nil]; [searchOrderList setHeaderView:nil]; [searchOrderList setTarget:self]; [searchOrderList setAction:@selector(searchOrderClick:)]; // [searchOrderColumn setEditable:NO]; // Buttons [self setSearchOrderButtonsState]; // Retain view [buildAttributesView retain]; } // --- Search Order - (void)searchOrderPopupDidChange:(id)sender { NSString *selectedTitle = [sender titleOfSelectedItem]; if ([selectedTitle isEqualToString:@"Header Directories Search Order"]) { ASSIGN(searchItems, [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:searchHeaders]); } else if ([selectedTitle isEqualToString:@"Library Directories Search Order"]) { ASSIGN(searchItems, [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:searchLibs]); } else if ([selectedTitle isEqualToString:@"Build Targets"]) { ASSIGN(searchItems,[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[project buildTargets]]); } else { DESTROY(searchItems); } [searchOrderList reloadData]; [searchOrderList deselectAll:self]; [searchOrderTF setStringValue:@""]; // Enable/disable buttons according to selected/not selected item [self setSearchOrderButtonsState]; } - (void)searchOrderDoubleClick:(id)sender { } - (void)searchOrderClick:(id)sender { int row = [searchOrderList selectedRow]; [searchOrderTF setStringValue:[searchItems objectAtIndex:row]]; [searchOrderTF selectText:self]; [self setSearchOrderButtonsState]; } - (void)setSearchOrderButtonsState { // "Set..." button is always off until functionality will be implemented [searchOrderSet setEnabled:NO]; // After loadable inspectors implementation make it work by // detection of text field becoming first responder. /* if ([inspectorPanel firstResponder] == searchOrderTF) { [searchOrderAdd setEnabled:YES]; } else { [searchOrderAdd setEnabled:NO]; }*/ if ([searchOrderList selectedRow] == -1) { [searchOrderRemove setEnabled:NO]; } else { [searchOrderRemove setEnabled:YES]; } } - (void)setSearchOrder:(id)sender { } - (void)removeSearchOrder:(id)sender { int row = [searchOrderList selectedRow]; if (row != -1) { [searchItems removeObjectAtIndex:row]; [self syncSearchOrder]; [searchOrderList reloadData]; } } - (void)addSearchOrder:(id)sender { NSString *value = [searchOrderTF stringValue]; if ([value isEqualToString:@""]) { return; } [searchItems addObject:value]; [searchOrderTF setStringValue:@""]; [self syncSearchOrder]; [searchOrderList reloadData]; } - (void)syncSearchOrder { int pIndex; pIndex = [searchOrderPopup indexOfSelectedItem]; switch (pIndex) { case 0: // Headers [project setProjectDictObject:searchItems forKey:PCSearchHeaders notify:YES]; break; case 1: // Libraries [project setProjectDictObject:searchItems forKey:PCSearchLibs notify:YES]; break; case 2: // Targets [project setProjectDictObject:searchItems forKey:PCBuilderTargets notify:YES]; return; } } // ============================================================================ // ==== Project Attributes // ============================================================================ - (void)createProjectAttributes { if (projectAttributesView) { return; } if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"ProjectAttributes" owner:self] == NO) { PCLogError(self, @"error loading ProjectAttributes NIB file!"); return; } // Languages [projectLanguagePB removeAllItems]; [projectLanguagePB addItemsWithTitles: [projectDict objectForKey:PCUserLanguages]]; // Retain view [projectAttributesView retain]; } - (void)setCurrentLanguage:(id)sender { NSLog(@"set current language to %@", [sender titleOfSelectedItem]); [project setProjectDictObject:[sender titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:PCLanguage notify:NO]; [[project projectWindow] setTitle]; } // ============================================================================ // ==== Project Description // ============================================================================ - (void)createProjectDescription { if (projectDescriptionView) { return; } if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"ProjectDescription" owner:self] == NO) { PCLogError(self, @"error loading ProjectDescription NIB file!"); return; } // Authors table authorsColumn = [(NSTableColumn *)[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier: @"Authors List"]; [authorsColumn setEditable:YES]; authorsList = [[NSTableView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(6,6,209,111)]; [authorsList setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; [authorsList setAllowsColumnReordering:NO]; [authorsList setAllowsColumnResizing:NO]; [authorsList setAllowsEmptySelection:YES]; [authorsList setAllowsColumnSelection:NO]; [authorsList setRowHeight:17.0]; [authorsList setCornerView:nil]; [authorsList setHeaderView:nil]; [authorsList addTableColumn:authorsColumn]; [authorsList setDataSource:self]; [authorsList setDelegate:self]; // [authorsScroll setDocumentView:authorsList]; [authorsScroll setHasHorizontalScroller:NO]; [authorsScroll setHasVerticalScroller:YES]; [authorsScroll setBorderType:NSBezelBorder]; // Authors' buttons [authorAdd setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [authorRemove setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [authorUp setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [authorUp setImage: [NSImage imageNamed:@"common_ArrowUp"]]; [authorDown setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [authorDown setImage: [NSImage imageNamed:@"common_ArrowDown"]]; // Link textfields [descriptionField setNextText:releaseField]; [releaseField setNextText:licenseField]; [licenseField setNextText:licDescriptionField]; [licDescriptionField setNextText:urlField]; [urlField setNextText:descriptionField]; [projectDescriptionView retain]; } // --- Actions - (void)addAuthor:(id)sender { int row; [authorsItems addObject:[NSMutableString stringWithString:@""]]; [authorsList reloadData]; row = [authorsItems count] - 1; [authorsList selectRow:row byExtendingSelection:NO]; [authorsList editColumn:0 row:row withEvent:nil select:YES]; [project setProjectDictObject:authorsItems forKey:PCAuthors notify:YES]; } - (void)removeAuthor:(id)sender { int selectedRow = [authorsList selectedRow]; if (selectedRow >= 0) { [authorsList selectRow:selectedRow byExtendingSelection:NO]; [authorsItems removeObjectAtIndex:selectedRow]; [authorsList reloadData]; } if ([authorsList selectedRow] < 0 && [authorsItems count] > 0) { [authorsList selectRow:[authorsItems count]-1 byExtendingSelection:NO]; } [project setProjectDictObject:authorsItems forKey:PCAuthors notify:YES]; } - (void)upAuthor:(id)sender { int selectedRow = [authorsList selectedRow]; id previousRow; id currentRow; if (selectedRow > 0) { previousRow = [[authorsItems objectAtIndex: selectedRow-1] copy]; currentRow = [authorsItems objectAtIndex: selectedRow]; [authorsItems replaceObjectAtIndex: selectedRow-1 withObject: currentRow]; [authorsItems replaceObjectAtIndex: selectedRow withObject: previousRow]; [authorsList selectRow: selectedRow-1 byExtendingSelection: NO]; [authorsList reloadData]; [project setProjectDictObject:authorsItems forKey:PCAuthors notify:YES]; } } - (void)downAuthor:(id)sender { unsigned selectedRow = [authorsList selectedRow]; id nextRow; id currentRow; if (selectedRow < [authorsItems count]-1) { nextRow = [[authorsItems objectAtIndex: selectedRow+1] copy]; currentRow = [authorsItems objectAtIndex: selectedRow]; [authorsItems replaceObjectAtIndex: selectedRow+1 withObject: currentRow]; [authorsItems replaceObjectAtIndex: selectedRow withObject: nextRow]; [authorsList selectRow: selectedRow+1 byExtendingSelection: NO]; [authorsList reloadData]; [project setProjectDictObject:authorsItems forKey:PCAuthors notify:YES]; } } // ============================================================================ // ==== Project Languages // ============================================================================ - (void)createProjectLanguages { if (projectLanguagesView) { return; } if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"ProjectLanguages" owner:self] == NO) { PCLogError(self, @"error loading ProjectLanguages NIB file!"); return; } [projectLanguagesView retain]; [languagesList setDataSource:self]; } - (void)addLanguage:(id)sender { NSString *language = [newLanguage stringValue]; [newLanguage setStringValue: @""]; //If there is a language and is new, add this if (([language length] > 0) && (![languagesItems containsObject: language])) { //Add the language to the projectDict [languagesItems addObject: language]; [project setProjectDictObject:languagesItems forKey:PCUserLanguages notify:YES]; /* If there are localizable resources, copy these into the new language directory */ if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCLocalizedResources] count] > 0) { NSString *file, *englishPath, *languagePath; NSEnumerator *resources = [[projectDict objectForKey:PCLocalizedResources] objectEnumerator]; englishPath = [project resourceDirForLanguage:@"English"]; languagePath = [project resourceDirForLanguage:language]; while ((file = [resources nextObject])) { if ([[projectManager fileManager] copyFile:file fromDirectory:englishPath intoDirectory:languagePath]) { NSLog(@"file copied: %@", file); } } } } } - (void)removeLanguage:(id)sender { /* We don't remove the English language sice is needed if the app isn't available at the end user language */ if (![[languagesItems objectAtIndex: [languagesList selectedRow]] isEqualToString:@"English"]) { NSString *language = [languagesItems objectAtIndex:[languagesList selectedRow]]; NSString *languagePath = [project resourceDirForLanguage:language]; NSArray *resources = [projectDict objectForKey:PCLocalizedResources]; /* If there are localizable resources, remove these at the language directory and the directory itsel */ if ([resources count] > 0) { if ([[projectManager fileManager] removeFiles:resources fromDirectory:languagePath removeDirsIfEmpty:YES]) { NSLog(@"removed resources for language %@",language); } } //Update the languages list [languagesItems removeObject:language]; //If the removed language is the actual PCLanguage, set English if ([[projectDict objectForKey: PCLanguage] isEqualToString:language]) { NSLog(@"set current language to English"); [project setProjectDictObject:@"English" forKey:PCLanguage notify:NO]; } //Update the projectDict [project setProjectDictObject:languagesItems forKey:PCUserLanguages notify:YES]; } else { NSRunAlertPanel(@"Remove Language", @"You shouldn't remove language English", @"Ok",nil,nil); } } // ============================================================================ // ==== File Attributes // ============================================================================ - (void)createFileAttributes { if (fileAttributesView) { return; } if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"FileAttributes" owner:self] == NO) { PCLogError(self, @"error loading FileAttributes NIB file!"); return; } [fileAttributesView retain]; [localizableButton setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [publicHeaderButton setRefusesFirstResponder:YES]; [fileIconView setFileNameField:fileNameField]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(panelDidResignKey:) name: NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification object:inspectorPanel]; } - (void)updateFileAttributes { PCProjectBrowser *browser = [project projectBrowser]; NSString *category = [browser nameOfSelectedCategory]; NSString *categoryKey = [project keyForCategory:category]; NSArray *files = [browser selectedFiles]; NSString *file = nil; int array_count = [files count]; int present_count = 0; NSArray *publicHeaders = nil; NSArray *localizedResources = nil; NSEnumerator *enumerator = nil; // Initial default buttons state [localizableButton setEnabled:NO]; [localizableButton setState:NSOffState]; [publicHeaderButton setEnabled:NO]; [publicHeaderButton setState:NSOffState]; if (files == nil) { return; } // --- Enable buttons // If selection is not category AND category is allow localization // enable localizableButton checkbox if ([[project localizableKeys] containsObject:categoryKey]) { [localizableButton setEnabled:YES]; } // If selection is not category // AND project accepts public headers // AND file extension is .h or .H enable publicHeaders checkbox. if ([project canHavePublicHeaders] == YES ) { BOOL enable = YES; enumerator = [files objectEnumerator]; while ((file = [enumerator nextObject])) { if (![[file pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"h"] && ![[file pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"H"]) { enable = NO; } } if (enable) { [publicHeaderButton setEnabled:YES]; } } // --- Set state of buttons // There are 3 sutiuations: // - all files present in group (state: ON) // - part of file present in group (state: OFF) // - no files present in group (state: OFF) // Set state of Public Headers button if ([publicHeaderButton isEnabled]) { publicHeaders = [project publicHeaders]; enumerator = [files objectEnumerator]; present_count = 0; while ((file = [enumerator nextObject])) { if ([publicHeaders containsObject:file]) { present_count++; } } if (array_count == present_count) { [publicHeaderButton setState:NSOnState]; } } // Set state of Localized Resource button if ([localizableButton isEnabled]) { localizedResources = [project localizedResources]; enumerator = [files objectEnumerator]; present_count = 0; while ((file = [enumerator nextObject])) { if ([localizedResources containsObject:file]) { present_count++; } } if (array_count == present_count) { [localizableButton setState:NSOnState]; } } } - (void)beginFileRename { [fileNameField setEditableField:YES]; [inspectorPanel makeFirstResponder:fileNameField]; } // Delegate method of PCFileNameField class - (void)controlStringValueDidChange:(NSString *)aString { if (fileName != nil) { [fileName release]; } fileName = [aString copy]; } // Delegate method of PCFileNameField class - (BOOL)textShouldSetEditable:(NSString *)text { if ([[project rootCategories] containsObject:text]) { return NO; } return YES; } - (void)fileNameDidChange:(id)sender { NSString *newName; newName = [fileNameField stringValue]; if ([fileName isEqualToString:newName]) { [fileNameField setStringValue:fileName]; return; } if ([[newName stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] length] == 0) { [fileNameField setStringValue:fileName]; return; } /* PCLogInfo(self, @"{%@} file name changed from: %@ to: %@", [project projectName], fileName, [fileNameField stringValue]);*/ if ([project renameFile:fileName toFile:[fileNameField stringValue]] == NO) { [fileNameField setStringValue:fileName]; } } - (void)setPublicHeader:(id)sender { PCProjectBrowser *browser = [project projectBrowser]; NSArray *files = [browser selectedFiles]; NSEnumerator *enumerator = [files objectEnumerator]; NSString *file = nil; while ((file = [enumerator nextObject])) { if ([sender state] == NSOffState) { [project setHeaderFile:fileName public:NO]; } else { [project setHeaderFile:fileName public:YES]; } } } - (void)setLocalizableResource:(id)sender { PCProjectBrowser *browser = [project projectBrowser]; NSArray *files = [browser selectedFiles]; NSEnumerator *enumerator = [files objectEnumerator]; NSString *file = nil; while ((file = [enumerator nextObject])) { if ([sender state] == NSOffState) { [project setResourceFile:file localizable:NO]; } else { [project setResourceFile:file localizable:YES]; } } } - (void)panelDidResignKey:(NSNotification *)aNotif { if ([fileNameField isEditable] == YES) { [inspectorPanel makeFirstResponder:fileIconView]; [fileNameField setStringValue:fileName]; } } // ============================================================================ // ==== NSTableViews // ============================================================================ - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView { if (searchOrderList != nil && aTableView == searchOrderList) { return [searchItems count]; } else if (authorsList != nil && aTableView == authorsList) { return [authorsItems count]; } else if (languagesList != nil && aTableView == languagesList) { return [languagesItems count]; } return 0; } - (id) tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex { if (searchOrderList != nil && aTableView == searchOrderList) { return [searchItems objectAtIndex:rowIndex]; } else if (authorsList != nil && aTableView == authorsList) { return [authorsItems objectAtIndex:rowIndex]; } else if (languagesList != nil && aTableView == languagesList) { return [languagesItems objectAtIndex:rowIndex]; } return nil; } - (void) tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView setObjectValue:anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex { if (authorsList != nil && aTableView == authorsList) { if([authorsItems count] == 0) { return; } [authorsItems removeObjectAtIndex:rowIndex]; [authorsItems insertObject:anObject atIndex:rowIndex]; [project setProjectDictObject:authorsItems forKey:PCAuthors notify:YES]; } } - (void) tableView: (NSTableView*)aTableView willDisplayCell: (id)aCell forTableColumn: (NSTableColumn*)aTableColumn row: (NSInteger)rowIndex { [(NSTextFieldCell *)aCell setScrollable:YES]; } @end