
1371 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

GNUstep ProjectCenter -
Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Free Software Foundation
Authors: Philippe C.D. Robert
Serg Stoyan
Riccardo Mottola
This file is part of GNUstep.
This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCDefines.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCButton.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCFileManager.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectManager.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProject.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectWindow.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilderOptions.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCProjectEditor.h>
#import <Protocols/CodeEditor.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCSaveModified.h>
#import <ProjectCenter/PCLogController.h>
#import <Protocols/Preferences.h>
#import "../Modules/Preferences/Build/PCBuildPrefs.h"
#ifndef IMAGE
#define IMAGE(X) [NSImage imageNamed: X]
#define NOTIFICATION_CENTER [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
@implementation PCProjectBuilder
- (id)initWithProject:(PCProject *)aProject
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog (@"PCProjectBuilder: initWithProject");
NSAssert(aProject, @"No project specified!");
if ((self = [super init]))
project = aProject;
buildStatusTarget = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@"all"];
buildTarget = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@"all"];
buildArgs = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
buildOptions = [[PCProjectBuilderOptions alloc] initWithProject:project
postProcess = NULL;
makeTask = nil;
_isBuilding = NO;
_isCleaning = NO;
_isCVLoaded = NO;
if ([NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"Builder" owner:self] == NO)
PCLogError(self, @"error loading Builder NIB file!");
return nil;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
[self loadPreferences:nil];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog (@"PCProjectBuilder: dealloc");
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
if ([componentView superview])
[componentView removeFromSuperview];
// NSLog(@"Project Builder--> componentView RC: %i",
// [componentView retainCount]);
// NSLog(@"Project Builder--> RC: %i", [self retainCount]);
[super dealloc];
- (void)awakeFromNib
NSScrollView *errorScroll;
NSScrollView *logScroll;
if (_isCVLoaded)
// NSLog(@"ProjectBuilder awakeFromNib");
[componentView retain];
[componentView removeFromSuperview];
// NSLog(@"ProjectBuilder awakeFromNib: componentView RC:%i",
// [componentView retainCount]);
* 4 build Buttons
[buildButton setToolTip:@"Build"];
[buildButton setImage:IMAGE(@"Build")];
[cleanButton setToolTip:@"Clean"];
[cleanButton setImage:IMAGE(@"Clean")];
[optionsButton setToolTip:@"Build Options"];
[optionsButton setImage:IMAGE(@"Options")];
[errorsCountField setStringValue:@""];
[self updateTargetField];
* Error output
errorArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
errorString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@""];
errorImageColumn = [[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"ErrorImage"];
[errorImageColumn setEditable:NO];
[errorImageColumn setWidth:20.0];
errorColumn = [[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"Error"];
[errorColumn setEditable:NO];
errorOutput = [[NSTableView alloc]
[errorOutput setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
[errorOutput setAllowsColumnReordering:NO];
[errorOutput setAllowsColumnResizing:NO];
[errorOutput setAllowsEmptySelection:YES];
[errorOutput setAllowsColumnSelection:NO];
[errorOutput setRowHeight:19.0];
[errorOutput setCornerView:nil];
[errorOutput setHeaderView:nil];
[errorOutput addTableColumn:errorImageColumn];
[errorOutput addTableColumn:errorColumn];
[errorOutput setDataSource:self];
[errorOutput setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.88
[errorOutput setDrawsGrid:NO];
[errorOutput setTarget:self];
[errorOutput setAction:@selector(errorItemClick:)];
errorScroll = [[NSScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0,0,464,120)];
[errorScroll setHasHorizontalScroller:NO];
[errorScroll setHasVerticalScroller:YES];
[errorScroll setBorderType:NSBezelBorder];
[errorScroll setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable)];
[errorScroll setDocumentView:errorOutput];
* Log output
logScroll = [[NSScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0,0,480,133)];
[logScroll setHasHorizontalScroller:NO];
[logScroll setHasVerticalScroller:YES];
[logScroll setBorderType:NSBezelBorder];
[logScroll setAutoresizingMask:(NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable)];
logOutput = [[NSTextView alloc]
initWithFrame:[[logScroll contentView] frame]];
[logOutput setRichText:NO];
[logOutput setEditable:NO];
[logOutput setSelectable:YES];
[logOutput setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
[logOutput setBackgroundColor:[NSColor lightGrayColor]];
[logOutput setSelectedTextAttributes:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSColor whiteColor], NSBackgroundColorAttributeName,
[NSColor blackColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
[[logOutput textContainer] setWidthTracksTextView:YES];
[[logOutput textContainer] setHeightTracksTextView:YES];
[logOutput setHorizontallyResizable:NO];
[logOutput setVerticallyResizable:YES];
[logOutput setMinSize:NSMakeSize(0, 0)];
[logOutput setMaxSize:NSMakeSize(1E7, 1E7)];
[[logOutput textContainer] setContainerSize:
NSMakeSize ([logOutput frame].size.width, 1e7)];
[[logOutput textContainer] setWidthTracksTextView:YES];
[logScroll setDocumentView:logOutput];
* Split view
[split addSubview:errorScroll];
[split addSubview:logScroll];
// [split adjustSubviews];
// [componentView addSubview:split];
// RELEASE (split);
_isCVLoaded = YES;
- (NSView *)componentView
return componentView;
- (void)loadPreferences:(NSNotification *)aNotification
id <PCPreferences> prefs = [[project projectManager] prefController];
ASSIGN(successSound, [prefs stringForKey:SuccessSound]);
ASSIGN(failureSound, [prefs stringForKey:FailureSound]);
ASSIGN(rootBuildDir, [prefs stringForKey:RootBuildDirectory]);
ASSIGN(buildTool, [prefs stringForKey:BuildTool]);
promptOnClean = [prefs boolForKey:PromptOnClean];
- (void)updateTargetField
NSString *s;
NSString *args;
args = [[[project projectDict] objectForKey:PCBuilderArguments]
componentsJoinedByString:@" "];
if (!args) args = @" ";
s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ with args '%@'", buildTarget, args];
[targetField setStringValue:s];
// --- Accessory
- (BOOL)isBuilding
return _isBuilding;
- (BOOL)isCleaning
return _isCleaning;
- (void)performStartBuild
if (!_isBuilding && !_isCleaning)
[buildButton performClick:self];
- (void)performStartClean
if (!_isCleaning && !_isBuilding)
[cleanButton performClick:self];
- (void)performStopBuild
if (_isBuilding)
[buildButton performClick:self];
else if (_isCleaning)
[cleanButton performClick:self];
- (NSArray *)buildArguments
NSDictionary *projectDict = [project projectDict];
NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray new];
[args addObjectsFromArray:[projectDict objectForKey:PCBuilderArguments]];
// --- Get arguments from options
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCBuilderDebug] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
{ // there is no clear default; the default configuration of GNUstep-make
// uses debug=no (since release 2.2.1, it had debug=yes before), but
// that default can easily be changed at configuration time with the
// --enable-debug-by-default configure option.
[args addObject:@"debug=yes"];
{ // default is 'debug=yes'
[args addObject:@"debug=no"];
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCBuilderStrip] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
{ // default is 'strip=no'
[args addObject:@"strip=yes"];
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCBuilderSharedLibs] isEqualToString:@"NO"])
{ // default is 'shared=yes'
[args addObject:@"shared=no"];
// Always add 'messages=yes' argument. Build output parsing assumes this.
[args addObject:@"messages=yes"];
// "Verbose ouput" option (Build Options panel) just toogle if build shows
// as with argument 'messages=yes' or not.
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCBuilderVerbose] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
verboseBuilding = YES;
verboseBuilding = NO;
if ([[projectDict objectForKey:PCBuilderStrict] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
strictBuilding = YES;
strictBuilding = NO;
return args;
// --- GUI Actions
- (void)startBuild:(id)sender
if ([self stopMake:self] == YES)
{// We've just stopped build process
// Set build arguments
[buildArgs addObject:buildTarget];
[buildArgs addObjectsFromArray:[self buildArguments]];
// NSLog(@"ProjectBuilder arguments: %@", buildArgs);
currentEL = ELNone;
lastEL = ELNone;
nextEL = ELNone;
lastIndentString = @"";
buildStatus = @"Building...";
[buildStatusTarget setString:@"Build"];
[cleanButton setEnabled:NO];
_isBuilding = YES;
[self build:self];
- (void)startClean:(id)sender
if ([self stopMake:self] == YES)
{// We've just stopped build process
if (promptOnClean)
if (NSRunAlertPanel(@"Project Clean",
@"Do you really want to clean project '%@'?",
@"Clean", @"Stop", nil, [project projectName])
== NSAlertAlternateReturn)
[cleanButton setState:NSOffState];
// Set build arguments
[buildArgs addObject:@"clean"];
[buildArgs addObjectsFromArray:[self buildArguments]];
buildStatus = @"Cleaning...";
[buildStatusTarget setString:@"Clean"];
[buildButton setEnabled:NO];
_isCleaning = YES;
[self build:self];
- (BOOL)stopMake:(id)sender
if (makeTask && [makeTask isRunning])
PCLogStatus(self, @"task will terminate");
[makeTask terminate];
return NO;
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)showOptionsPanel:(id)sender
[buildOptions show:[[componentView window] frame]];
2010-07-31 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-assignProjectDict:): Fix setting projectPath to project dir (not to *.pcproj dir). * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Set allowed file types to panel of types is not nil. (-panel:isValidFilename): Use set allowed file types to panel. 2010-07-30 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-subprojectWithName:): Pass to openProjectAt: subproject dir. openProjectat: can now handle this situation. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (-openProjectAt:): Implement handling of 'aPath' argument as project file and as project dir. Select *.pcproj if exists then try to load PC.project. (-openProject): Implement intelligent selection of project file when selected *.pcproj, PC.project or project dir. * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Remove code specific for opening projects (moved to PCProjectManager's openProject). (-panel:isValidFilename): Fix handling project file detection. (-filesWithExtension:atPath:includeDirs:): New method. Returns list of files with specified extension. Also returns dirs if 'includeDirs' set to YES. 2010-07-28 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (close:): Fix closing of subprojects. Remove subproject from Projectmanager's list of loaded projects. * Framework/PCLogController.m: (-init): Change font size to systemFontSize. 2010-07-24 Sergii Stoian <> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.m: * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (cleanupAfterMake:): Added new argument (NSString) to method containing current status text. Before status text in project window always stated "...terminated". git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2010-08-07 21:56:04 +00:00
- (void)cleanupAfterMake:(NSString *)statusString
2010-07-31 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-assignProjectDict:): Fix setting projectPath to project dir (not to *.pcproj dir). * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Set allowed file types to panel of types is not nil. (-panel:isValidFilename): Use set allowed file types to panel. 2010-07-30 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-subprojectWithName:): Pass to openProjectAt: subproject dir. openProjectat: can now handle this situation. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (-openProjectAt:): Implement handling of 'aPath' argument as project file and as project dir. Select *.pcproj if exists then try to load PC.project. (-openProject): Implement intelligent selection of project file when selected *.pcproj, PC.project or project dir. * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Remove code specific for opening projects (moved to PCProjectManager's openProject). (-panel:isValidFilename): Fix handling project file detection. (-filesWithExtension:atPath:includeDirs:): New method. Returns list of files with specified extension. Also returns dirs if 'includeDirs' set to YES. 2010-07-28 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (close:): Fix closing of subprojects. Remove subproject from Projectmanager's list of loaded projects. * Framework/PCLogController.m: (-init): Change font size to systemFontSize. 2010-07-24 Sergii Stoian <> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.m: * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (cleanupAfterMake:): Added new argument (NSString) to method containing current status text. Before status text in project window always stated "...terminated". git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2010-08-07 21:56:04 +00:00
// NSString *statusString;
if (_isBuilding || _isCleaning)
2010-07-31 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-assignProjectDict:): Fix setting projectPath to project dir (not to *.pcproj dir). * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Set allowed file types to panel of types is not nil. (-panel:isValidFilename): Use set allowed file types to panel. 2010-07-30 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-subprojectWithName:): Pass to openProjectAt: subproject dir. openProjectat: can now handle this situation. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (-openProjectAt:): Implement handling of 'aPath' argument as project file and as project dir. Select *.pcproj if exists then try to load PC.project. (-openProject): Implement intelligent selection of project file when selected *.pcproj, PC.project or project dir. * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Remove code specific for opening projects (moved to PCProjectManager's openProject). (-panel:isValidFilename): Fix handling project file detection. (-filesWithExtension:atPath:includeDirs:): New method. Returns list of files with specified extension. Also returns dirs if 'includeDirs' set to YES. 2010-07-28 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (close:): Fix closing of subprojects. Remove subproject from Projectmanager's list of loaded projects. * Framework/PCLogController.m: (-init): Change font size to systemFontSize. 2010-07-24 Sergii Stoian <> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.m: * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (cleanupAfterMake:): Added new argument (NSString) to method containing current status text. Before status text in project window always stated "...terminated". git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2010-08-07 21:56:04 +00:00
// statusString =[NSString stringWithFormat:
// @"%@ - %@ terminated", [project projectName], buildStatusTarget];
[statusField setStringValue:statusString];
[[project projectWindow] updateStatusLineWithText:statusString];
// Restore buttons state
if (_isBuilding)
[buildButton setState:NSOffState];
[cleanButton setEnabled:YES];
_isBuilding = NO;
else if (_isCleaning)
[cleanButton setState:NSOffState];
[buildButton setEnabled:YES];
_isCleaning = NO;
[buildArgs removeAllObjects];
[buildStatusTarget setString:@"Default"];
// Initiated in [self build:]
[currentBuildPath release];
[currentBuildFile release];
// --- Actions
- (BOOL)prebuildCheck
PCFileManager *pcfm = [PCFileManager defaultManager];
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *buildDir;
PCProjectEditor *projectEditor;
int ret;
// Checking for project 'edited' state
if ([project isProjectChanged])
ret = NSRunAlertPanel(@"Project Build",
@"Project was changed and not saved.\n"
@"Do you want to save project before building it?",
@"Stop Build", @"Save and Build", nil);
switch (ret)
case NSAlertDefaultReturn: // Stop Build
return NO;
case NSAlertAlternateReturn: // Save Project
[project save];
// Synchronize PC.project and generate files
[project save];
// Checking if edited files exist
projectEditor = [project projectEditor];
if ([projectEditor hasModifiedFiles])
if (!PCRunSaveModifiedFilesPanel(projectEditor,
@"Save and Build",
@"Build Anyway",
return NO;
// Check build tool path
if (!buildTool || !([fm fileExistsAtPath:buildTool] || [fm fileExistsAtPath:[buildTool stringByAppendingPathExtension: @"exe"]]))
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Project Build",
@"Build tool '%@' not found. Check preferences.\n"
@"Build will be terminated.",
@"Close", nil, nil, buildTool);
return NO;
// Create root build directory if not exist
if (rootBuildDir && ![rootBuildDir isEqualToString:@""])
buildDir = [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"", [project projectName]];
buildDir = [rootBuildDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:buildDir];
if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:rootBuildDir] ||
![fm fileExistsAtPath:buildDir])
[pcfm createDirectoriesIfNeededAtPath:buildDir];
return YES;
- (void)build:(id)sender
// Make runtime vars
// Released in [self cleanupAfterMake]
currentBuildPath = [[NSMutableString alloc]
initWithString:[project projectPath]];
currentBuildFile = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@""];
// Checking build conditions
if ([self prebuildCheck] == NO)
2010-07-31 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-assignProjectDict:): Fix setting projectPath to project dir (not to *.pcproj dir). * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Set allowed file types to panel of types is not nil. (-panel:isValidFilename): Use set allowed file types to panel. 2010-07-30 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-subprojectWithName:): Pass to openProjectAt: subproject dir. openProjectat: can now handle this situation. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (-openProjectAt:): Implement handling of 'aPath' argument as project file and as project dir. Select *.pcproj if exists then try to load PC.project. (-openProject): Implement intelligent selection of project file when selected *.pcproj, PC.project or project dir. * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Remove code specific for opening projects (moved to PCProjectManager's openProject). (-panel:isValidFilename): Fix handling project file detection. (-filesWithExtension:atPath:includeDirs:): New method. Returns list of files with specified extension. Also returns dirs if 'includeDirs' set to YES. 2010-07-28 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (close:): Fix closing of subprojects. Remove subproject from Projectmanager's list of loaded projects. * Framework/PCLogController.m: (-init): Change font size to systemFontSize. 2010-07-24 Sergii Stoian <> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.m: * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (cleanupAfterMake:): Added new argument (NSString) to method containing current status text. Before status text in project window always stated "...terminated". git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2010-08-07 21:56:04 +00:00
[self cleanupAfterMake:[NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ - %@ terminated", [project projectName], buildStatusTarget]];
// Prepearing to building
stdOutPipe = [[NSPipe alloc] init];
stdOutHandle = [stdOutPipe fileHandleForReading];
stdErrorPipe = [[NSPipe alloc] init];
stdErrorHandle = [stdErrorPipe fileHandleForReading];
[errorsCountField setStringValue:@""];
errorsCount = 0;
warningsCount = 0;
[statusField setStringValue:buildStatus];
[[project projectWindow] updateStatusLineWithText:buildStatus];
// Run make task
[logOutput setString:@""];
[errorArray removeAllObjects];
[errorOutput reloadData];
NSMutableDictionary *env = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[env addEntriesFromDictionary:[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] environment]];
if (strictBuilding == NO)
[env setObject: @"no" forKey:@"GNUSTEP_MAKE_STRICT_V2_MODE"];
[env setObject: @"yes" forKey:@"GNUSTEP_MAKE_STRICT_V2_MODE"];
makeTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[makeTask setEnvironment:env];
[makeTask setArguments:buildArgs];
[makeTask setCurrentDirectoryPath:[project projectPath]];
[makeTask setLaunchPath:buildTool];
[makeTask setStandardOutput:stdOutPipe];
[makeTask setStandardError:stdErrorPipe];
NSLog(@"buildArgs = %@, buildTool = %@, projectPath = %@", buildArgs, buildTool, [project projectPath]);
[self logBuildString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"=== %@ started ===", buildStatusTarget]
[makeTask launch];
// now that we know that the task is running start logging
[stdOutHandle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
_isLogging = YES;
[stdErrorHandle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
_isErrorLogging = YES;
NSRunAlertPanel(@"Problem Launching Build Tool",
[localException reason],
@"OK", nil, nil, nil);
//Clean up after task is terminated
- (void)buildDidTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotif
int status;
NSString *logString;
NSString *statusString;
if ([aNotif object] != makeTask)
// NSLog(@"task did terminate");
[NOTIFICATION_CENTER removeObserver:self
// If task was not launched catch exception
status = [makeTask terminationStatus];
status = 1;
// Finish task
// TODO: Strange behaviour of pipe and file handlers alloc/release. Also
// they have big retain count here (2 or 3). Why? Notification retains it?
makeTask = nil;
// Wait while logging ends
while (_isLogging || _isErrorLogging)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
[self updateErrorsCountField];
if (status == 0)
logString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"=== %@ succeeded! ===",
statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@ succeeded",
[project projectName], buildStatusTarget];
logString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"=== %@ terminated! ===",
if (errorsCount > 0)
statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%@ - %@ failed (%i errors)",
[project projectName], buildStatusTarget, errorsCount];
statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@ failed",
[project projectName], buildStatusTarget];
[statusField setStringValue:statusString];
[[project projectWindow] updateStatusLineWithText:statusString];
[self logBuildString:logString newLine:YES];
// Run post process if configured
/* if (status && postProcess)
[self performSelector:postProcess];
postProcess = NULL;
2010-07-31 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-assignProjectDict:): Fix setting projectPath to project dir (not to *.pcproj dir). * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Set allowed file types to panel of types is not nil. (-panel:isValidFilename): Use set allowed file types to panel. 2010-07-30 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (-subprojectWithName:): Pass to openProjectAt: subproject dir. openProjectat: can now handle this situation. * Framework/PCProjectManager.m: (-openProjectAt:): Implement handling of 'aPath' argument as project file and as project dir. Select *.pcproj if exists then try to load PC.project. (-openProject): Implement intelligent selection of project file when selected *.pcproj, PC.project or project dir. * Framework/PCFilemanager.m: (-filesOfTypes:operation:multiple:title:accView:): Remove code specific for opening projects (moved to PCProjectManager's openProject). (-panel:isValidFilename): Fix handling project file detection. (-filesWithExtension:atPath:includeDirs:): New method. Returns list of files with specified extension. Also returns dirs if 'includeDirs' set to YES. 2010-07-28 Sergii Stoian <> * Framework/PCProject.m: (close:): Fix closing of subprojects. Remove subproject from Projectmanager's list of loaded projects. * Framework/PCLogController.m: (-init): Change font size to systemFontSize. 2010-07-24 Sergii Stoian <> * Headers/ProjectCenter/PCProjectBuilder.m: * Framework/PCProjectBuilder.m: (cleanupAfterMake:): Added new argument (NSString) to method containing current status text. Before status text in project window always stated "...terminated". git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2010-08-07 21:56:04 +00:00
[self cleanupAfterMake:statusString];
// --- BuilderOptions delegate
- (void)targetDidSet:(NSString *)target
[buildTarget setString:target];
[self updateTargetField];
@implementation PCProjectBuilder (Logging)
- (void)updateErrorsCountField
NSString *string;
NSString *errorsString = @"";
NSString *warningsString = @"";
if (errorsCount > 0)
if (errorsCount > 1)
errorsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i errors",
errorsString = @"1 error";
if (warningsCount > 0)
if (warningsCount > 1)
warningsString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i warnings",
warningsString = @"1 warning";
string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", errorsString, warningsString];
[errorsCountField setStringValue:string];
// --- Data notifications
// Both methods make call to dipatcher logData:error:
- (void)logStdOut:(NSNotification *)aNotif
NSData *data;
if ((data = [stdOutHandle availableData]) && [data length] > 0)
[self logData:data error:NO];
[stdOutHandle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
// stop logging after the task has closed the pipe
[NOTIFICATION_CENTER removeObserver:self
_isLogging = NO;
- (void)logErrOut:(NSNotification *)aNotif
NSData *data;
if ((data = [stdErrorHandle availableData]) && [data length] > 0)
[self logData:data error:YES];
[stdErrorHandle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
// stop logging after the task has closed the pipe
[NOTIFICATION_CENTER removeObserver:self
_isErrorLogging = NO;
// --- Dispatching
- (void)logData:(NSData *)data
NSString *dataString;
NSRange newLineRange;
NSRange lineRange;
NSString *lineString;
dataString = [[NSString alloc]
encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]];
// Process new data
lineRange.location = 0;
newLineRange.location = 0;
// 'errorString' collects data across logData:error: calls until
// new line character is appeared.
[errorString appendString:dataString];
while (newLineRange.location != NSNotFound)
newLineRange = [errorString rangeOfString:@"\n"];
/* NSLog(@"Line(%i) new line range: %i,%i for string\n<--|%@|-->",
[errorString length],
newLineRange.location, newLineRange.length,
if (newLineRange.location < [errorString length])
// NSLog(@"<------%@------>", errorString);
lineRange.length = newLineRange.location+1;
lineString = [errorString substringWithRange:lineRange];
[errorString deleteCharactersInRange:lineRange];
// Send it to error view
// Do not process make errors in other mode but building. Maybe
// some day...
if (_isBuilding && isError)
[self logErrorString:lineString];
// Cleaning or building standard out string
if (!isError || verboseBuilding)
[self logBuildString:lineString newLine:NO];
newLineRange.location = NSNotFound;
@implementation PCProjectBuilder (BuildLogging)
// --- Parsing utilities
- (BOOL)line:(NSString *)lineString startsWithString:(NSString *)substring
NSInteger position = 0;
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(position,1);
while ([[lineString substringWithRange:range] isEqualToString:@" "])
range.location = ++position;
/* NSLog(@"Line '%@' position: %i substring '%@'",
lineString, position, substring);*/
range = [lineString rangeOfString:substring];
if ((range.location == NSNotFound) ||
(range.location != position))
return NO;
return YES;
// Clean leading spaces and return cleaned array of components
- (NSArray *)componentsOfLine:(NSString *)lineString
NSArray *lineComponents;
NSMutableArray *tempComponents;
lineComponents = [lineString componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
tempComponents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:lineComponents];
while ([[tempComponents objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:@""])
[tempComponents removeObjectAtIndex:0];
return tempComponents;
// Line starts with 'gmake' or 'make'.
// Changes 'currentBuildPath' if line starts with
// "Entering directory" or "Leaving directory".
// For example:
// gmake[1]: Entering directory '/Users/me/Project/Subproject.subproj'
- (void)parseMakeLine:(NSString *)lineString
NSMutableArray *makeLineComponents;
NSString *makeLine;
NSString *pathComponent;
NSString *path;
// NSLog(@"parseMakeLine: %@", lineString);
makeLineComponents = [NSMutableArray
arrayWithArray:[lineString componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]];
// Don't check for item at index 0 contents (it's 'gmake[1]:' or 'make[1]:')
// just remove it.
[makeLineComponents removeObjectAtIndex:0];
makeLine = [makeLineComponents componentsJoinedByString:@" "];
if ([self line:makeLine startsWithString:@"Entering directory"])
pathComponent = [makeLineComponents objectAtIndex:2];
path = [pathComponent
substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1,[pathComponent length]-3)];
// NSLog(@"Go down to %@", path);
[currentBuildPath setString:path];
else if ([self line:makeLine startsWithString:@"Leaving directory"])
// NSLog(@"Go up from %@", [makeLineComponents objectAtIndex:2]);
setString:[currentBuildPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]];
// NSLog(@"Current build path: %@", currentBuildPath);
// Should return:
// 'Compiling ...'
// 'Linking ...'
// Also updates currentBuildFile
- (NSString *)parseCompilerLine:(NSString *)lineString
NSArray *lineComponents = [self componentsOfLine:lineString];
NSString *outputString = nil;
if ([lineComponents containsObject:@"-c"])
[currentBuildFile setString:[lineComponents objectAtIndex:1]];
outputString = [NSString
stringWithFormat:@" Compiling %@...\n", currentBuildFile];
else if ([lineComponents containsObject:@"-rdynamic"])
outputString = [NSString
stringWithFormat:@" Linking %@...\n",
[lineComponents objectAtIndex:[lineComponents indexOfObject:@"-o"]+1]];
return outputString;
// --- Parsing utilities end
// Log output
- (void)logBuildString:(NSString *)string
NSString *logString = [self parseBuildLine:string];
if (!logString)
[logOutput replaceCharactersInRange:
NSMakeRange([[logOutput string] length],0) withString:logString];
if (newLine)
[logOutput replaceCharactersInRange:
NSMakeRange([[logOutput string] length], 0) withString:@"\n"];
[logOutput scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([[logOutput string] length], 0)];
[logOutput setNeedsDisplay:YES];
// Standard out is parsed for detection of directory, file, etc.
// Gets complete line (ended with '\n') as argument
- (NSString *)parseBuildLine:(NSString *)string
NSArray *components = [self componentsOfLine:string];
NSString *parsedString = nil;
if (!components)
return nil;
if ([self line:string startsWithString:@"gmake"] ||
[self line:string startsWithString:@"make"])
{// Do current path detection
[self parseMakeLine:string];
else if ([self line:string startsWithString:@"gcc"] ||
[self line:string startsWithString:@"egcc"] ||
[self line:string startsWithString:@"clang"])
{// Parse compiler output
parsedString = [self parseCompilerLine:string];
else if ([self line:string startsWithString:@"Making"] ||
[self line:string startsWithString:@"==="])
{// It's a gnustep-make and self output
parsedString = string;
if (parsedString && ![self line:parsedString startsWithString:@"==="])
[statusField setStringValue:parsedString];
[[project projectWindow] updateStatusLineWithText:parsedString];
if (verboseBuilding)
return string;
return parsedString;
@implementation PCProjectBuilder (ErrorLogging)
// Entry point for error logging
- (void)logErrorString:(NSString *)string
NSArray *items;
items = [self parseErrorLine:string];
if (items)
[errorArray addObjectsFromArray:items];
[errorOutput reloadData];
[errorOutput scrollRowToVisible:[errorArray count]-1];
// Used for warning or error message retrieval
- (NSString *)lineTail:(NSString*)line afterString:(NSString*)string
NSRange substrRange;
substrRange = [line rangeOfString:string];
/* NSLog(@"In function ':%i:%i",
substrRange.location, substrRange.length);*/
substrRange.location += substrRange.length;
substrRange.length = [line length] - (substrRange.location);
/* NSLog(@"In function ':%i:%i",
substrRange.location, substrRange.length);*/
return [line substringWithRange:substrRange];
- (NSArray *)parseErrorLine:(NSString *)string
NSArray *components = [string componentsSeparatedByString:@":"];
NSString *file = @"";
NSString *includedFile = @"";
NSString *position = @"{x=0; y=0}";
NSString *type = @"";
NSString *message = @"";
NSMutableArray *items = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1];
NSMutableDictionary *errorItem;
NSString *indentString = @"\t";
NSString *lastFile = @"";
NSString *lastIncludedFile = @"";
NSAttributedString *attributedString;
NSMutableDictionary *attributes = [NSMutableDictionary new];
NSFont *font = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:12.0];
[attributes setObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
[attributes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSSingleUnderlineStyle]
lastEL = currentEL;
// NSLog(@"error string: %@", string);
/* if (lastEL == ELFile) NSLog(@"+++ELFile");
if (lastEL == ELFunction) NSLog(@"+++ELFunction");
if (lastEL == ELIncluded) NSLog(@"+++ELIncluded");
if (lastEL == ELError) NSLog(@"+++ELError");
if (lastEL == ELNone) NSLog(@"+++ELNone");*/
//NSLog(@"components: %lu, %@", (unsigned long)[components count], components);
if ([errorArray count] > 0)
lastFile = [[errorArray lastObject] objectForKey:@"File"];
lastIncludedFile = [[errorArray lastObject] objectForKey:@"IncludedFile"];
if ([string rangeOfString:@"In file included from "].location != NSNotFound)
currentEL = ELIncluded;
return nil;
else if ([string rangeOfString:@"In function '"].location != NSNotFound)
currentEL = ELFunction;
return nil;
else if ([string rangeOfString:@" At top level:"].location != NSNotFound)
currentEL = ELFile;
return nil;
else if ([components count] > 3)
NSUInteger typeIndex;
NSString *substr;
// file and includedFile
file = [currentBuildPath
if (lastEL == ELIncluded
|| [[components objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:lastIncludedFile])
{// first message after "In file included from"
// NSLog(@"Inlcuded File: %@", file);
includedFile = [components objectAtIndex:0];
file =
[currentBuildPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:includedFile];
currentEL = ELIncludedError;
currentEL = ELError;
// type
typeIndex = NSNotFound;
if ((typeIndex = [components indexOfObject:@" warning"]) != NSNotFound)
type = [components objectAtIndex:typeIndex];
else if ((typeIndex = [components indexOfObject:@" note"]) != NSNotFound) // generated by clang
type = [components objectAtIndex:typeIndex];
else if ((typeIndex = [components indexOfObject:@" error"]) != NSNotFound)
type = [components objectAtIndex:typeIndex];
else if ((typeIndex = [components indexOfObject:@" fatal error"]) != NSNotFound)
type = [components objectAtIndex:typeIndex];
// NSLog(@"typeIndex: %u", (unsigned int)typeIndex);
// position
if (typeIndex == 2) // :line:
int lInt = atoi([[components objectAtIndex:1] cString]);
NSNumber *lNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:lInt];
// NSLog(@"type 2, parsed l: %i", lInt);
position = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{x=%i; y=0}",
[lNumber intValue]];
else if (typeIndex == 3) // :line:column:
int lInt = atoi([[components objectAtIndex:1] cString]);
int cInt = atoi([[components objectAtIndex:2] cString]);
NSNumber *lNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:lInt];
NSNumber *cNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:cInt];
// NSLog(@"type 3, parsed l,c: %i, %i", lInt, cInt);
position = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{x=%i; y=%i}",
[lNumber intValue], [cNumber intValue]];
// message
substr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:", type];
message = [self lineTail:string afterString:substr];
return nil;
// Insert indentation
if (currentEL == ELError)
if (lastEL == ELFunction)
indentString = @"\t\t";
else if (lastEL == ELError)
indentString = [NSString stringWithString:lastIndentString];
else if (currentEL == ELIncluded)
indentString = @"";
/* else if (currentEL == ELIncludedError)
indentString = @"\t\t";
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", indentString, message];
lastIndentString = [indentString copy];
// Create array items
if ((lastEL == ELNone || ![file isEqualToString:lastFile])
&& [includedFile isEqualToString:@""])
// NSLog(@"lastEL == ELNone (%@)", includedFile);
// NSLog(@"File: %@ != %@", file, lastFile);
errorItem = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1];
[errorItem setObject:@"" forKey:@"ErrorImage"];
[errorItem setObject:[file copy] forKey:@"File"];
[errorItem setObject:[includedFile copy] forKey:@"IncludedFile"];
[errorItem setObject:@"" forKey:@"Position"];
[errorItem setObject:@"" forKey:@"Type"];
attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc]
initWithString:[file lastPathComponent]
[errorItem setObject:[attributedString copy] forKey:@"Error"];
[attributedString release];
[items addObject:errorItem];
if ((lastEL == ELIncluded || currentEL == ELIncludedError)
&& ![includedFile isEqualToString:lastIncludedFile])
NSString *incMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", includedFile];
// NSLog(@"Included: %@ != %@", includedFile, lastIncludedFile);
errorItem = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1];
[errorItem setObject:@"" forKey:@"ErrorImage"];
[errorItem setObject:[file copy] forKey:@"File"];
[errorItem setObject:[includedFile copy] forKey:@"IncludedFile"];
[errorItem setObject:@"" forKey:@"Position"];
[errorItem setObject:@"" forKey:@"Type"];
attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:incMessage
[errorItem setObject:[attributedString copy] forKey:@"Error"];
[attributedString release];
[items addObject:errorItem];
errorItem = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1];
[errorItem setObject:@"" forKey:@"ErrorImage"];
[errorItem setObject:[file copy] forKey:@"File"];
[errorItem setObject:[includedFile copy] forKey:@"IncludedFile"];
[errorItem setObject:[position copy] forKey:@"Position"];
[errorItem setObject:[type copy] forKey:@"Type"];
[errorItem setObject:[message copy] forKey:@"Error"];
// NSLog(@"Parsed message:%@ (%@)", message, includedFile);
[items addObject:errorItem];
return items;
// --- Error output table delegate methods
- (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
if (errorArray != nil && aTableView == errorOutput)
return [errorArray count];
return 0;
- (id) tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
NSDictionary *errorItem;
if (errorArray != nil && aTableView == errorOutput)
errorItem = [errorArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex];
return [errorItem objectForKey:[aTableColumn identifier]];
return nil;
- (void)errorItemClick:(id)sender
NSInteger rowIndex = [errorOutput selectedRow];
NSDictionary *error = [errorArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex];
NSPoint position;
PCProjectEditor *projectEditor = [project projectEditor];
id<CodeEditor> editor;
editor = [projectEditor openEditorForFile:[error objectForKey:@"File"]
if (editor)
// TODO / FIXME using a NSPoint here is weak since it is Float vs. integer line numbers
position = NSPointFromString([error objectForKey:@"Position"]);
[projectEditor orderFrontEditorForFile:[error objectForKey:@"File"]];
[editor scrollToLineNumber:(NSUInteger)position.x];
/* NSLog(@"%i: %@(%@): %@",
[error objectForKey:@"File"],
[error objectForKey:@"IncludedFile"],
[error objectForKey:@"Error"]);*/