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1977 lines
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1977 lines
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/** <title>GormXIBKeyedArchiver</title>
<abstract>Interface of GormXIBKeyedArchiver</abstract>
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Author: Gregory John Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com>
Date: 2023
This file is part of the GNUstep GUI Library.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> or write to the
Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSData.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSXMLDocument.h>
#import <Foundation/NSXMLNode.h>
#import <Foundation/NSXMLElement.h>
#import <Foundation/NSXMLParser.h>
#import <Foundation/NSMapTable.h>
#import <AppKit/NSMenu.h>
#import <AppKit/NSPopUpButton.h>
#import <AppKit/NSView.h>
#import <AppKit/NSButton.h>
#import <AppKit/NSTextField.h>
#import <AppKit/NSBox.h>
#import <AppKit/NSTableView.h>
#import <AppKit/NSOutlineView.h>
#import <AppKit/NSBrowser.h>
#import <GNUstepBase/GSObjCRuntime.h>
#import <GormCore/GormDocument.h>
#import <GormCore/GormDocumentController.h>
#import <GormCore/GormFilePrefsManager.h>
#import <GormCore/GormProtocol.h>
#import <GormCore/GormPrivate.h>
#import "GormXIBModelGenerator.h"
static NSArray *_allowedSizeKeys = nil;
static NSArray *_externallyReferencedClasses = nil;
static NSDictionary *_signatures = nil;
static NSArray *_skipClass = nil;
static NSArray *_skipCollectionForKey = nil;
static NSArray *_singletonObjects = nil;
static NSDictionary *_methodToKeyName = nil;
static NSDictionary *_nonProperties = nil;
static NSArray *_excludedKeys = nil;
static NSDictionary *_mappedClassNames = nil;
static NSDictionary *_valueMapping = nil;
static NSUInteger _count = INT_MAX;
NSString* XIBStringFromClass(Class cls)
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass(cls);
if (className != nil)
NSString *newClassName = [_mappedClassNames objectForKey: className];
if (newClassName != nil)
className = newClassName;
return className;
@interface NSButtonCell (_Private_)
- (NSButtonType) buttonType;
@implementation NSButtonCell (_Private_)
- (NSButtonType) buttonType
NSButtonType type = 0;
NSInteger highlightsBy = [self highlightsBy];
NSInteger showsStateBy = [self showsStateBy];
BOOL imageDimsWhenDisabled = [self imageDimsWhenDisabled];
NSString *imageName = [[self image] name];
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-bitwise-compare"
if ([imageName isEqualToString: @"GSSwitch"])
type = NSSwitchButton;
else if ([imageName isEqualToString: @"GSRadio"])
type = NSRadioButton;
else if ((highlightsBy | NSChangeBackgroundCellMask)
&& (showsStateBy | NSNoCellMask)
&& (imageDimsWhenDisabled == YES))
type = NSMomentaryLightButton;
else if ((highlightsBy | (NSPushInCellMask | NSChangeGrayCellMask))
&& (showsStateBy | NSNoCellMask)
&& (imageDimsWhenDisabled == YES))
type = NSMomentaryPushInButton;
else if ((highlightsBy | NSContentsCellMask)
&& (showsStateBy | NSNoCellMask)
&& (imageDimsWhenDisabled == YES))
type = NSMomentaryChangeButton;
else if ((highlightsBy | (NSPushInCellMask | NSChangeGrayCellMask))
&& (showsStateBy | NSChangeBackgroundCellMask)
&& (imageDimsWhenDisabled == YES))
type = NSPushOnPushOffButton;
else if ((highlightsBy | (NSPushInCellMask | NSContentsCellMask))
&& (showsStateBy | NSContentsCellMask)
&& (imageDimsWhenDisabled == YES))
type = NSOnOffButton;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
return type;
- (NSString *) buttonTypeString
NSButtonType type = [self buttonType];
NSString *result = @"";
switch (type)
case NSMomentaryLightButton:
result = @"push";
case NSMomentaryPushInButton:
result = @"push"; // @"momentaryPushIn";
case NSMomentaryChangeButton:
result = @"momentarychange";
case NSPushOnPushOffButton:
result = @"push"; // @"pushonpushoff";
case NSOnOffButton:
result = @"onoff";
case NSToggleButton:
result = @"toggle";
case NSSwitchButton:
result = @"check";
case NSRadioButton:
result = @"radio";
NSLog(@"Using unsupported button type %d", type);
return result;
@interface NSString (_hex_)
- (NSString *) lowercaseFirstCharacter;
- (NSString *) splitString;
- (NSString *) hexString;
+ (NSString *) randomHex;
@implementation NSString (_hex_)
- (NSString *) lowercaseFirstCharacter
// Lowercase the first letter of the class to make the element name
NSString *first = [[self substringToIndex: 1] lowercaseString];
NSString *rest = [self substringFromIndex: 1];
NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", first, rest];
return result;
- (NSString *) splitString
NSString *result = [self substringFromIndex: [self length] - 8];
result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@-%@-%@",
[result substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(0,3)],
[result substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(3,2)],
[result substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(5,3)]];
return result;
- (NSString *) hexString
NSUInteger l = [self length];
unichar *c = malloc(l * sizeof(unichar));
NSUInteger i = 0;
[self getCharacters: c];
NSString *result = @"";
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
result = [result stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%x", c[i]]];
return result;
+ (NSString *) randomHex
srand((unsigned int)_count--);
uint32_t r = (uint32_t)rand();
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%08X", r]; // uppercase so we know it was generated...
@interface GormXIBModelGenerator (Private)
- (void) _collectObjectsFromObject: (id)obj
withParent: (NSXMLElement *)node;
- (void) _collectObjectsFromObject: (id)obj
ForKey: (NSString *)keyName
withParent: (NSXMLElement *)node;
@implementation GormXIBModelGenerator
+ (void) initialize
if (self == [GormXIBModelGenerator class])
_allowedSizeKeys =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
_externallyReferencedClasses =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
_valueMapping =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"catalog", @"NSNamedColorSpace",
@"white", @"NSWhiteColorSpace",
@"deviceWhite", @"NSDeviceWhiteColorSpace",
@"calibratedWhite", @"NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace",
@"deviceCMYK", @"NSDeviceCMYKColorSpace",
@"RGB", @"NSRGBColorSpace",
@"deviceRGB", @"NSDeviceRGBColorSpace",
@"calibratedRGB", @"NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace",
@"pattern", @"NSPatternColorSpace",
_signatures =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"char", @"c",
@"NSUInteger", @"i", // this might be wrong.. maybe it should be NSInteger or just int
@"short", @"s",
@"long", @"l",
@"long long", @"q",
@"BOOL", @"C", // unsigned char
@"NSUInteger", @"I",
@"unsigned short",@"S",
@"unsigned long", @"L",
@"long long", @"Q",
@"float", @"f",
@"CGFloat", @"d",
@"bool", @"B",
@"void", @"v",
@"char*", @"*",
@"id", @"@",
@"Class", @"#",
@"SEL", @":",
@"NSRect", @"{_NSRect={_NSPoint=dd}{_NSSize=dd}}",
@"NSSize", @"{_NSSize=dd}",
@"NSPoint", @"{_NSPoint=dd}",
_skipClass =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
_skipCollectionForKey =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
_singletonObjects =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
_methodToKeyName =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"name", @"colorNameComponent",
@"catalog", @"catalogNameComponent",
@"colorSpace", @"colorSpaceName",
@"white", @"whiteComponent",
@"red", @"redComponent",
@"green", @"greenComponent",
@"blue", @"blueComponent",
@"alpha", @"alphaComponent",
@"cyan", @"cyanComponent",
@"magenta", @"magentaComponent",
@"yellow", @"yellowComponent",
@"black", @"blackComponent",
_nonProperties =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSArray arrayWithObject: @"cells"],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"colorSpaceName", nil],
_mappedClassNames =
[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"NSColor", @"GSNamedColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSWhiteColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSDeviceWhiteColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSCalibratedWhiteColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSDeviceCMYKColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSRGBColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSDeviceRGBColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSCalibratedRGBColor",
@"NSColor", @"GSPatternColor",
@"NSView", @"GSTableCornerView",
@"NSWindow", @"NSPanel",
@"NSWindow", @"GormNSPanel",
_excludedKeys =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@"menuView", @"menu",
* Returns an autoreleast GormXIBDocument object;
+ (instancetype) xibWithGormDocument: (GormDocument *)doc
return AUTORELEASE([[self alloc] initWithGormDocument: doc]);
* Initialize with GormDocument object to parse the XML from or into.
- (instancetype) initWithGormDocument: (GormDocument *)doc
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
ASSIGN(_gormDocument, doc);
_mappingDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_allIdentifiers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_objectToIdentifier = RETAIN([NSMapTable weakToWeakObjectsMapTable]);
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *) _convertName: (NSString *)name
NSString *className = name;
// NSLog(@"Name = %@", name);
if ([_mappedClassNames objectForKey: name])
className = [_mappedClassNames objectForKey: name];
// NSLog(@"%@ => %@", name, className);
NSString *result = [className stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"NS"
withString: @""];
// Try removing other prefixes...
result = [result stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"GS"
withString: @""];
result = [result stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"Gorm"
withString: @""];
// Lowercase the first letter of the class to make the element name
result = [result lowercaseFirstCharacter];
// Map certain names to XIB equivalents...
if ([result isEqualToString: @"objectProxy"])
result = @"customObject";
// NSLog(@"Result = %@", result);
return result;
- (BOOL) _isSameClass: (NSString *)className1
and: (NSString *)className2
NSString *cc1 = [self _convertName: className1];
NSString *cc2 = [self _convertName: className2];
return [cc1 isEqualToString: cc2];
- (NSString *) _createIdentifierForObject: (id)obj
NSString *result = nil;
if (obj != nil)
result = [_objectToIdentifier objectForKey: obj];
if (result == nil)
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [GormObjectProxy class]])
NSString *className = [obj className];
if ([className isEqualToString: @"NSApplication"])
result = @"-3";
return result;
else if ([className isEqualToString: @"NSOwner"])
result = @"-2";
return result;
else if ([className isEqualToString: @"NSFirst"])
result = @"-1";
return result;
else if([obj isKindOfClass: [GormFilesOwner class]])
result = @"-2";
return result;
else if([obj isKindOfClass: [GormFirstResponder class]])
result = @"-1";
return result;
result = [_gormDocument nameForObject: obj];
// Encoding
NSString *originalName = [result copy];
NSString *stackedResult = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@%@%@", result,
result, result, result]; // kludge...
result = [stackedResult hexString];
result = [result splitString];
// Collision...
id o = [_mappingDictionary objectForKey: result];
if (o != nil)
result = [[NSString randomHex] splitString];
// If the id already exists, but isn't mapped...
if ([_allIdentifiers containsObject: result])
result = [[NSString randomHex] splitString];
if (originalName != nil)
// Map the name...
[_mappingDictionary setObject: originalName
forKey: result];
// Record the id...
[_allIdentifiers addObject: result];
// Record the mapping of obj -> identifier...
[_objectToIdentifier setObject: result
forKey: obj];
return result;
- (NSString *) _userLabelForObject: (id)obj
NSString *result = nil;
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [GormObjectProxy class]])
NSString *className = [obj className];
if ([className isEqualToString: @"NSApplication"])
result = @"Application";
else if ([className isEqualToString: @"NSOwner"])
result = @"File's Owner";
else if ([className isEqualToString: @"NSFirst"])
result = @"First Responder";
return result;
- (void) _createPlaceholderObjects: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSXMLElement *co = nil;
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
GormFilesOwner *filesOwner = [_gormDocument filesOwner];
NSString *ownerClassName = [filesOwner className];
// Application...
co = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"customObject"];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id" stringValue: @"-3"];
[co addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"userLabel" stringValue: @"Application"];
[co addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"customClass" stringValue: @"NSObject"];
[co addAttribute: attr];
[elem addChild: co];
// File's Owner...
co = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"customObject"];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id" stringValue: @"-2"];
[co addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"userLabel" stringValue: @"File's Owner"];
[co addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"customClass" stringValue: ownerClassName];
[co addAttribute: attr];
[elem addChild: co];
[self _addAllConnections: co fromObject: filesOwner];
// First Responder
co = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"customObject"];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id" stringValue: @"-1"];
[co addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"userLabel" stringValue: @"First Responder"];
[co addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"customClass" stringValue: @"FirstResponder"];
[co addAttribute: attr];
[elem addChild: co];
- (NSArray *) _propertiesFromMethods: (NSArray *)methods
forObject: (id)obj
NSEnumerator *en = [methods objectEnumerator];
NSString *name = nil;
NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array];
while ((name = [en nextObject]) != nil)
if ([name isEqualToString: @"set"] == NO) // this is the [NSFont set] method... skip...
NSString *substring = [name substringToIndex: 3];
if ([substring isEqualToString: @"set"])
NSString *os = [[name substringFromIndex: 3]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @":"
withString: @""];
NSString *s = [os lowercaseFirstCharacter];
NSString *iss = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"is%@", os];
if ([methods containsObject: s])
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(s);
if (sel != NULL)
NSDebugLog(@"selector = %@",s);
// NSMethodSignature *sig = [obj methodSignatureForSelector: sel];
// NSLog(@"methodSignatureForSelector %@ -> %s", s, [sig methodReturnType]);
if ([obj respondsToSelector: sel]) // if it has a normal getting, fine...
[result addObject: s];
else if ([methods containsObject: iss])
NSDebugLog(@"***** retrying with getter name: %@", iss);
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(iss);
if (sel != nil)
if ([obj respondsToSelector: sel])
NSDebugLog(@"Added... %@", iss);
[result addObject: iss];
return result;
- (void) _addRect: (NSRect)r toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem withName: (NSString *)name
NSXMLElement *rectElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"rect"];
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: name];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"x" stringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.1f",r.origin.x]];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"y" stringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.1f",r.origin.y]];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"width" stringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld", (NSUInteger)r.size.width]];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"height" stringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld", (NSUInteger)r.size.height]];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
[elem addChild: rectElem];
- (void) _addSize: (NSSize)size toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem withName: (NSString *)name
NSXMLElement *rectElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"size"];
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: name];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"width" stringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld", (NSUInteger)size.width]];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"height" stringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ld", (NSUInteger)size.height]];
[rectElem addAttribute: attr];
[elem addChild: rectElem];
- (void) _addKeyEquivalent: (NSString *)ke toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
if ([ke isEqualToString: @""] == NO)
NSCharacterSet *cs = [NSCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet];
unichar c = [ke characterAtIndex: 0];
if ([cs characterIsMember: c])
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"keyEquivalent" stringValue: ke];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
NSDebugLog(@"elem = %@", elem);
- (void) _addKeyEquivalentModifierMask: (NSUInteger)mask toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-bitwise-compare"
NSDebugLog(@"keyEquivalentModifierMask = %ld, element = %@", mask, elem);
if ([elem attributeForName: @"keyEquivalent"] != nil)
if (mask | NSCommandKeyMask)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"command" stringValue: @"YES"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
if (mask | NSShiftKeyMask)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"shift" stringValue: @"YES"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
if (mask | NSControlKeyMask)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"control" stringValue: @"YES"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
if (mask | NSAlternateKeyMask)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"option" stringValue: @"YES"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
- (void) _addWindowStyleMask: (NSUInteger)mask toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
NSDebugLog(@"styleMask = %ld, element = %@", mask, elem);
NSXMLElement *styleMaskElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"windowStyleMask"];
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-bitwise-compare"
if (mask | NSWindowStyleMaskTitled)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"titled" stringValue: @"YES"];
[styleMaskElem addAttribute: attr];
if (mask | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"closable" stringValue: @"YES"];
[styleMaskElem addAttribute: attr];
if (mask | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"miniaturizable" stringValue: @"YES"];
[styleMaskElem addAttribute: attr];
if (mask | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"resizable" stringValue: @"YES"];
[styleMaskElem addAttribute: attr];
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: @"styleMask"];
[styleMaskElem addAttribute: attr];
[elem addChild: styleMaskElem];
- (void) _addButtonType: (NSString *)buttonTypeString toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"type" stringValue: buttonTypeString];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
if ([buttonTypeString isEqualToString: @"check"]
|| [buttonTypeString isEqualToString: @"radio"])
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"imagePosition" stringValue: @"left"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addAlignment: (NSUInteger)alignment toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
NSString *string = nil;
switch (alignment)
case NSLeftTextAlignment:
string = @"left";
case NSRightTextAlignment:
string = @"right";
case NSCenterTextAlignment:
string = @"center";
case NSJustifiedTextAlignment:
string = @"justified";
case NSNaturalTextAlignment:
string = @"natural";
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"alignment" stringValue: string];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addBezelStyleForObject: (id)obj
toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSString *result = nil;
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSButtonCell class]])
NSBezelStyle bezel = (NSBezelStyle)[obj bezelStyle] - 1;
NSArray *bezelTypeArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"largeIconButton", nil];
if (bezel >= 0 && bezel <= 18)
result = [bezelTypeArray objectAtIndex: bezel];
else if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSTextFieldCell class]])
NSTextFieldBezelStyle bezel = (NSTextFieldBezelStyle)[obj bezelStyle];
NSArray *bezelTypeArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"rounded", nil];
if (bezel >= 0 && bezel <= 1)
result = [bezelTypeArray objectAtIndex: bezel];
if (result != nil)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"bezelStyle" stringValue: result];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addBorderStyle: (BOOL)bordered toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
if (bordered)
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"borderStyle" stringValue: @"border"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addAutoresizingMask: (NSAutoresizingMaskOptions)m toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
if (m != 0)
NSXMLElement *autoresizingMaskElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"autoresizingMask"];
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-bitwise-compare"
if (m | NSViewWidthSizable)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"widthSizable" stringValue: @"YES"];
if (m | NSViewHeightSizable)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"heightSizable" stringValue: @"YES"];
if (m | NSViewMaxXMargin)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"flexibleMaxX" stringValue: @"YES"];
if (m | NSViewMaxYMargin)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"flexibleMaxY" stringValue: @"YES"];
if (m | NSViewMinXMargin)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"flexibleMinX" stringValue: @"YES"];
if (m | NSViewMinYMargin)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"flexibleMinY" stringValue: @"YES"];
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
[autoresizingMaskElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: @"autoresizeMask"];
[autoresizingMaskElem addAttribute: attr];
[elem addChild: autoresizingMaskElem];
- (void) _addTitlePosition: (NSTitlePosition)p toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSString *result = nil;
switch (p)
case NSNoTitle:
result = @"noTitle";
case NSAboveTop:
result = @"aboveTop";
case NSAtTop:
case NSBelowTop:
result = @"belowTop";
case NSAboveBottom:
result = @"aboveBottom";
case NSAtBottom:
result = @"atBottom";
case NSBelowBottom:
result = @"belowBottom";
if (result != nil)
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"titlePosition" stringValue: result];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addTableColumns: (NSArray *)cols toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
if ([cols count] > 0)
NSXMLElement *tblColElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"tableColumns"];
NSEnumerator *en = [cols objectEnumerator];
id col = nil;
// NSLog(@"cols = %@", cols);
while ((col = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: col
withParent: tblColElem];
[elem addChild: tblColElem];
- (void) _addBoolean: (BOOL)flag withName: (NSString *)name toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
if (flag == YES)
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: name
stringValue: @"YES"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
// Somewhat kludgy fix for button border problem...
if ([name isEqualToString: @"bordered"])
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"borderStyle"
stringValue: @"border"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addFloat: (CGFloat)f withName: (NSString *)name toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSString *val = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.1f",f];
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: name
stringValue: val];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addString: (NSString *)val withName: (NSString *)name toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
if (val != nil && [val isEqualToString: @""] == NO)
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: name
stringValue: val];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addCellsFromMatrix: (NSMatrix *)matrix toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSRect rect = [matrix frame];
NSSize cellSize = [matrix cellSize];
NSSize inter = [matrix intercellSpacing];
NSUInteger itemsPerCol = (rect.size.width + inter.width) / cellSize.width;
NSUInteger itemsPerRow = (rect.size.height + inter.height) / cellSize.height;
NSUInteger c = 0;
NSUInteger r = 0;
NSArray *cells = [matrix cells];
NSUInteger count = [cells count];
NSUInteger i = 0;
NSXMLElement *cellsElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"cells"];
NSString *cellClass = nil;
NSDebugLog(@"cells = %@\nelem = %@", [matrix cells], elem);
NSLog(@"WARNING: NSMatrix is not fully supported by Xcode, this might cause it to crash or may not be reloadable by this application");
if (count > 0)
[elem addChild: cellsElem];
for (c = 0; c < itemsPerCol; c++)
NSXMLElement *columnElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"column"];
for (r = 0; r < itemsPerRow; r++)
id cell = nil;
i = (c * itemsPerCol) + r;
// If we go past the end of the array...
if (i >= count)
cell = [cells objectAtIndex: i];
if (cellClass == nil)
cellClass = NSStringFromClass([cell class]);
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: cell
withParent: columnElem];
[cellsElem addChild: columnElem];
// Add the cell class, so that it doesn't crash on reload...
if (cellClass != nil)
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"cellClass" stringValue: cellClass];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"cellClass" stringValue: @"NSButtonCell"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
- (void) _addHoldingPrioritiesForSplitView: (NSSplitView *)sv toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
NSUInteger count = [[sv subviews] count];
NSXMLElement *holdingPrioritiesElement = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"holdingPriorities"];
NSUInteger i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
NSXMLElement *realElement = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"real"];
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"value" stringValue: @"250"]; // default value
[realElement addAttribute: attr];
[holdingPrioritiesElement addChild: realElement];
[elem addChild: holdingPrioritiesElement];
- (void) _addProperty: (NSString *)name
withType: (NSString *)type
toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem
fromObject: (id)obj
NSString *objClassName = NSStringFromClass([obj class]);
if ([_excludedKeys containsObject: name])
NSDebugLog(@"skipping %@", name);
return; // do not process anything in the excluded key list...
if ([_skipClass containsObject: objClassName] || objClassName == nil)
if ([name isEqualToString: @"cells"]
&& [obj isKindOfClass: [NSMatrix class]])
[self _addCellsFromMatrix: obj toElement: elem];
if ([type isEqualToString: @"id"]) // clz != nil) // type is a class
SEL s = NSSelectorFromString(name);
// NSLog(@"%@ -> %@", name, type);
if (s != NULL)
if ([obj respondsToSelector: s])
id o = [obj performSelector: s];
if (o != nil)
NSString *newName = [_methodToKeyName objectForKey: name];
if (newName != nil)
name = newName;
if ([o isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
NSDebugLog(@"Adding string property %@ = %@", name, o);
if ([_valueMapping objectForKey: o] != nil)
o = [_valueMapping objectForKey: o];
if ([name isEqualToString: @"keyEquivalent"])
[self _addKeyEquivalent: o
toElement: elem];
else if (o != nil && [o isEqualToString: @""] == NO)
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: name
stringValue: o];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([o class]);
if ([_singletonObjects containsObject: className] == NO
|| [_externallyReferencedClasses containsObject: className])
NSString *ident = [self _createIdentifierForObject: o];
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: name
stringValue: ident];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
if ([_skipCollectionForKey containsObject: name] == NO)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: o
forKey: name
withParent: elem];
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"NSRect"])
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(name);
if (sel != NULL)
IMP imp = [obj methodForSelector: sel];
if (imp != NULL)
NSRect f = ((NSRect (*)(id, SEL))imp)(obj, sel);
[self _addRect: f toElement: elem withName: name];
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"NSSize"])
if ([_allowedSizeKeys containsObject: name])
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(name);
if (sel != NULL)
IMP imp = [obj methodForSelector: sel];
if (imp != NULL)
NSSize s = ((NSSize (*)(id, SEL))imp)(obj, sel);
[self _addSize: s toElement: elem withName: name];
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"CGFloat"])
NSString *keyName = name;
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(name);
if (sel != NULL)
IMP imp = [obj methodForSelector: sel];
if (imp != NULL)
CGFloat f = ((CGFloat (*)(id, SEL))imp)(obj, sel);
[self _addFloat: f
withName: keyName
toElement: elem];
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"BOOL"])
NSString *keyName = name;
if ([[name substringToIndex: 2] isEqualToString: @"is"])
keyName = [name substringFromIndex: 2];
keyName = [keyName lowercaseString];
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(name);
if (sel != NULL)
IMP imp = [obj methodForSelector: sel];
if (imp != NULL)
BOOL f = ((BOOL (*)(id, SEL))imp)(obj, sel);
[self _addBoolean: f
withName: keyName
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"keyEquivalentModifierMask"])
NSUInteger k = [obj keyEquivalentModifierMask];
[self _addKeyEquivalentModifierMask: k toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"buttonType"])
NSString *buttonTypeString = [obj buttonTypeString];
[self _addButtonType: buttonTypeString
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"autoresizingMask"])
NSAutoresizingMaskOptions m = [obj autoresizingMask];
[self _addAutoresizingMask: m
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"alignment"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
[self _addAlignment: [obj alignment]
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"bezelStyle"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
[self _addBezelStyleForObject: obj
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"isBordered"] && [obj respondsToSelector: @selector(cell)] == NO)
BOOL bordered = [obj isBordered];
NSDebugLog(@"Handling isBordered...");
[self _addBorderStyle: bordered
toElement: elem];
else if ([name isEqualToString: @"titlePosition"])
NSTitlePosition p = [obj titlePosition];
[self _addTitlePosition: p
toElement: elem];
- (void) _addPropertiesFromArray: (NSArray *)props toElement: (NSXMLElement *)elem fromObject: (id)obj
if ([props count] > 0)
NSEnumerator *en = [props objectEnumerator];
NSString *name = nil;
while ((name = [en nextObject]) != nil)
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(name);
if (sel != NULL)
if ([obj respondsToSelector: sel] == NO)
if ([_excludedKeys containsObject: name])
NSMethodSignature *sig = [obj methodSignatureForSelector: sel];
if (sig != NULL)
const char *ctype = [sig methodReturnType];
if (ctype != NULL)
NSString *ctypeString = [NSString stringWithCString: ctype
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSString *type = [_signatures objectForKey: ctypeString];
if (type != nil)
[self _addProperty: name withType: type toElement: elem fromObject: obj];
- (void) _addAllProperties: (NSXMLElement *)elem fromObject: (id)obj
NSArray *methods = GSObjCMethodNames(obj, YES);
NSArray *props = [self _propertiesFromMethods: methods forObject: obj];
[self _addPropertiesFromArray: props toElement: elem fromObject: obj];
NSDebugLog(@"methods = %@", props);
- (void) _addAllNonProperties: (NSXMLElement *)elem fromObject: (id)obj
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([obj class]);
if (className != nil)
NSArray *props = [_nonProperties objectForKey: className];
[self _addPropertiesFromArray: props toElement: elem fromObject: obj];
- (void) _addAllConnections: (NSXMLElement *)elem fromObject: (id)obj
NSArray *connectors = [_gormDocument connectorsForSource: obj
ofClass: [NSNibControlConnector class]];
if ([connectors count] > 0)
NSXMLElement *conns = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"connections"];
NSEnumerator *en = [connectors objectEnumerator];
NSNibControlConnector *action = nil;
// Get actions...
while ((action = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *targetId = [self _createIdentifierForObject: [action destination]];
if ([targetId isEqualToString: @""] == NO && targetId != nil)
NSDebugLog(@"action = %@", action);
NSXMLElement *actionElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"action"];
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"selector"
stringValue: [action label]];
[actionElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"target"
stringValue: targetId];
[actionElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id"
stringValue: [[NSString randomHex] splitString]];
[actionElem addAttribute: attr];
[conns addChild: actionElem];
[elem addChild: conns];
connectors =[_gormDocument connectorsForSource: obj
ofClass: [NSNibOutletConnector class]];
NSDebugLog(@"outlet connectors = %@, for obj = %@", connectors, obj);
if ([connectors count] > 0)
NSXMLElement *conns = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"connections"];
NSEnumerator *en = [connectors objectEnumerator];
NSNibOutletConnector *outlet = nil;
// Get actions...
while ((outlet = [en nextObject]) != nil)
NSString *destinationId = [self _createIdentifierForObject: [outlet destination]];
if([destinationId isEqualToString: @""] == NO && destinationId != nil)
NSDebugLog(@"outlet = %@", outlet);
NSXMLElement *outletElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"outlet"];
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"property"
stringValue: [outlet label]];
[outletElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"destination"
stringValue: destinationId];
[outletElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id"
stringValue: [[NSString randomHex] splitString]];
[outletElem addAttribute: attr];
[conns addChild: outletElem];
[elem addChild: conns];
// This method recursively navigates the entire object tree and emits XML
- (void) _collectObjectsFromObject: (id)obj
forKey: (NSString *)keyName
withParent: (NSXMLElement *)pNode
NSString *ident = [self _createIdentifierForObject: obj];
if (ident != nil)
NSXMLElement *parentNode = pNode;
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([obj class]);
if ([_skipClass containsObject: className])
NSString *elementName = [self _convertName: className];
// NSLog(@"elementName = %@", elementName);
NSXMLElement *elem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: elementName];
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
// If the object is a singleton, then there is no need for the id to be presented.
if ([_singletonObjects containsObject: className] == NO)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id" stringValue: ident];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
NSString *name = [_gormDocument nameForObject: obj];
NSString *userLabel = [self _userLabelForObject: obj];
if (userLabel != nil)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"userLabel" stringValue: userLabel];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
// Add key to elem...
if (keyName != nil && [keyName isEqualToString: @""] == NO)
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: keyName];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [GormObjectProxy class]] ||
[obj respondsToSelector: @selector(className)])
if ([self _isSameClass: className and: [obj className]] == NO)
className = [obj className];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"customClass" stringValue: className];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
// Add all of the connections for a given object...
[self _addAllConnections: elem fromObject: obj];
// Add all properties, then add the element to the parent...
[self _addAllProperties: elem fromObject: obj];
// Add some items that are not actually properties, but should be reflected in the XML...
[self _addAllNonProperties: elem fromObject: obj];
// Move this to its grandfather node... XIB files seem to expect this in the scroll view...
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSScrollView class]])
NSClipView *cv = [obj contentView];
NSArray *sv = [cv subviews];
if ([sv count] > 0)
id view = [[cv subviews] objectAtIndex: 0];
if ([view respondsToSelector: @selector(headerView)])
id hv = [view headerView];
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: hv
forKey: nil
withParent: elem];
// Don't add the MainMenu directly, since we need to wrap it.. NSMenu...
if ([name isEqualToString: @"NSMenu"] == NO)
[parentNode addChild: elem];
// For each different class, recurse through the structure as needed.
// For NSMenu, there is a special case, since it needs to be contained in another menu.
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]])
NSArray *items = [obj itemArray];
NSEnumerator *en = [items objectEnumerator];
id item = nil;
if ([name isEqualToString: @"NSMenu"])
NSXMLNode *systemMenuAttr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"systemMenu" stringValue: @"apple"];
[elem addAttribute: systemMenuAttr];
NSXMLElement *mainMenuElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"menu"];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id" stringValue: [[NSString randomHex] splitString]];
[mainMenuElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"systemMenu" stringValue: @"main"];
[mainMenuElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"title" stringValue: @"Main Menu"];
[mainMenuElem addAttribute: attr];
NSXMLElement *mainItemsElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"items"];
[mainMenuElem addChild: mainItemsElem];
NSXMLElement *mainMenuItem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"menuItem"];
[mainItemsElem addChild: mainMenuItem];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id" stringValue: [[NSString randomHex] splitString]];
[mainMenuItem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"title" stringValue: [obj title]];
[mainMenuItem addChild: elem]; // Now add the node, since we have inserted the proper system menu
[parentNode addChild: mainMenuElem];
// Add submenu attribute...
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: @"submenu"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
// Add services menu...
if (obj == [_gormDocument servicesMenu])
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"systemMenu" stringValue: @"services"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
NSXMLElement *itemsElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"items"];
while ((item = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: item
withParent: itemsElem];
[elem addChild: itemsElem]; // Add to parent element...
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSMenuItem class]])
NSMenu *sm = [obj submenu];
if (sm != nil)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: sm
withParent: elem];
// Handle special case for popup, we need to add the selected item, and contain them
// in a "menu" instance which doesn't exist on GNUstep...
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSPopUpButtonCell class]])
NSArray *items = [obj itemArray];
NSEnumerator *en = [items objectEnumerator];
id item = nil;
NSXMLElement *menuElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"menu"];
NSXMLElement *itemsElem = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"items"];
NSXMLNode *attr = nil;
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: @"menu"];
[menuElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"id" stringValue: [[NSString randomHex] splitString]];
[menuElem addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: @"cell"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
id selectedItem = [obj selectedItem];
if (selectedItem != nil)
NSString *selectedItemId = [self _createIdentifierForObject: selectedItem];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"selectedItem" stringValue: selectedItemId];
while ((item = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: item
withParent: itemsElem];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
[menuElem addChild: itemsElem];
[elem addChild: menuElem]; // Add to parent element...
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSTableHeaderView class]])
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: @"headerView"];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]])
NSRect s = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
NSRect c = [[obj contentView] frame];
NSUInteger m = [obj styleMask];
[self _addWindowStyleMask: m toElement: elem];
[self _addRect: c toElement: elem withName: @"contentRect"];
[self _addRect: s toElement: elem withName: @"screenRect"];
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: [obj contentView]
withParent: elem];
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSPanel class]])
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([obj class]);
if ([className isEqualToString: @"GormNSPanel"])
className = @"NSPanel";
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"customClass" stringValue: className];
[elem addAttribute: attr];
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSView class]]) // && [obj resondsToSelect: @selector(contentView)] == NO)
id sv = [obj superview];
if (obj == [[obj window] contentView])
NSXMLNode *contentViewAttr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: @"contentView"];
[elem addAttribute: contentViewAttr];
if ([sv respondsToSelector: @selector(contentView)])
if ([sv contentView] == obj)
NSXMLNode *contentViewAttr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"key" stringValue: @"contentView"];
[elem addAttribute: contentViewAttr];
if ([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(contentView)])
NSView *cv = [obj contentView];
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: cv
withParent: elem];
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSTabView class]] == NO)
NSArray *subviews = [obj subviews];
if ([subviews count] > 0)
NSEnumerator *en = [subviews objectEnumerator];
id v = nil;
NSXMLElement *subviewsElement = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"subviews"];
while ((v = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: v
withParent: subviewsElement];
[elem addChild: subviewsElement];
if ([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(tabViewItems)])
NSArray *items = [obj tabViewItems];
if ([items count] > 0)
NSEnumerator *en = [items objectEnumerator];
id v = nil;
NSXMLElement *itemsElement = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"tabViewItems"];
while ((v = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: v
withParent: itemsElement];
[elem addChild: itemsElement];
// Add the holding priorities for NSSplitView. GNUstep doesn't have these so we need to generate it...
if ([obj isKindOfClass: [NSSplitView class]])
[self _addHoldingPrioritiesForSplitView: obj toElement: elem];
/* Cheap way to not encoding fake table columns to prevent crash on the mac when reading the XIB.
Not ideal, but it should work for now. */
if ([obj respondsToSelector: @selector(tableColumns)])
[self _addTableColumns: [obj tableColumns]
toElement: elem];
- (void) _collectObjectsFromObject: (id)obj
withParent: (NSXMLElement *)node
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: obj
forKey: nil
withParent: node];
- (void) _buildXIBDocumentWithParentNode: (NSXMLElement *)parentNode
NSEnumerator *en = [[_gormDocument topLevelObjects] objectEnumerator];
id o = nil;
[_gormDocument deactivateEditors];
while ((o = [en nextObject]) != nil)
[self _collectObjectsFromObject: o
withParent: parentNode];
[_gormDocument reactivateEditors];
- (NSData *) data
NSString *plugInId = @"com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin";
NSString *typeId = @"com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.XIB";
NSString *toolVersion = @"21507";
// Build root element...
NSXMLElement *rootElement = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"document"];
NSXMLNode *attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"type"
stringValue: typeId];
[rootElement addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"version" stringValue: @"3.0"];
[rootElement addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"toolsVersion" stringValue: toolVersion];
[rootElement addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"targetRuntime" stringValue: @"MacOSX.Cocoa"];
[rootElement addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"useAutolayout" stringValue: @"YES"];
[rootElement addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"propertyAccessControl" stringValue: @"none"];
[rootElement addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"customObjectInstantiationMethod" stringValue: @"direct"];
[rootElement addAttribute: attr];
// Build dependencies...
NSXMLElement *dependencies = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"dependencies"];
NSXMLElement *deployment = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"deployment"];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"identifier" stringValue: @"macosx"];
[deployment addAttribute: attr];
[dependencies addChild: deployment];
NSXMLElement *plugIn = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"plugIn"];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"identifier" stringValue: plugInId];
[plugIn addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"version" stringValue: toolVersion];
[plugIn addAttribute: attr];
[dependencies addChild: plugIn];
NSXMLElement *capability = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"capability"];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"name" stringValue: @"documents saved in the Xcode 8 format"];
[capability addAttribute: attr];
attr = [NSXMLNode attributeWithName: @"minToolsVersion" stringValue: @"8"];
[capability addAttribute: attr];
[dependencies addChild: capability];
[rootElement addChild: dependencies];
NSXMLDocument *xibDocument = [NSXMLNode documentWithRootElement: rootElement];
NSXMLElement *objects = [NSXMLNode elementWithName: @"objects"];
// Add placeholder objects to XIB
[self _createPlaceholderObjects: objects];
// add body to document...
[rootElement addChild: objects];
// Recursively build the XIB document from the GormDocument...
[self _buildXIBDocumentWithParentNode: objects];
NSData *data = [xibDocument XMLDataWithOptions: NSXMLNodePrettyPrint | NSXMLDocumentTidyXML | NSXMLNodeCompactEmptyElement ];
return data;
- (BOOL) exportXIBDocumentWithName: (NSString *)name
BOOL result = NO;
if (name != nil)
NSData *data = [self data];
NSString *xmlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: [data bytes] length: [data length] encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
result = [xmlString writeToFile: name atomically: YES];
return result;