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/* GormDocument.h
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Author: Richard Frith-Macdonald <richard@brainstrom.co.uk>
* Author: Gregory John Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com>
* Date: 1999, 2003
* This file is part of GNUstep.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111 USA.
#ifndef INCLUDED_GormDocument_h
#define INCLUDED_GormDocument_h
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#include <InterfaceBuilder/InterfaceBuilder.h>
#include <GNUstepGUI/GSNibContainer.h>
@class GormClassManager, GormClassEditor, GormObjectProxy, GormFilesOwner,
GormFilePrefsManager, GormDocumentWindow, GormObjectViewController;
* Trivial classes for connections from objects to their editors, and from
* child editors to their parents. This does nothing special, but we can
* use the fact that it's a different class to search for it in the connections
* array.
@interface GormObjectToEditor : NSNibConnector
@interface GormEditorToParent : NSNibConnector
* Each document has a GormFirstResponder object that is used as a placeholder
* for the first responder at any instant.
@interface GormFirstResponder : NSObject
@interface GormDocument : NSDocument <IBDocuments, GSNibContainer, NSCoding, NSXMLParserDelegate>
GormClassManager *classManager;
GormFilesOwner *filesOwner;
GormFirstResponder *firstResponder;
GormObjectProxy *fontManager;
NSMapTable *objToName;
GormDocumentWindow *window;
NSBox *selectionBox;
NSScrollView *scrollView;
NSScrollView *classesScrollView;
NSScrollView *soundsScrollView;
NSScrollView *imagesScrollView;
id classesView;
id objectsView;
id soundsView;
id imagesView;
BOOL isActive;
BOOL isDocumentOpen;
NSMenu *savedMenu;
NSMenuItem *quitItem; /* Replaced during test-mode */
NSMutableArray *savedEditors;
NSMutableArray *hidden;
NSMutableArray *openEditors;
NSToolbar *toolbar;
id lastEditor;
BOOL isOlderArchive;
id filePrefsView;
GormFilePrefsManager *filePrefsManager;
NSWindow *filePrefsWindow;
NSMutableArray *resourceManagers;
NSData *infoData; /* data.info contents */
NSMutableArray *images; /* temporary storage for images. */
NSMutableArray *sounds; /* temporary storage for sounds. */
NSFileWrapper *scmWrapper;
// container data structures
NSMutableDictionary *nameTable;
NSMutableArray *connections;
NSMutableSet *topLevelObjects;
NSMutableSet *visibleWindows;
NSMutableSet *deferredWindows;
// Controllers...
GormObjectViewController *objectViewController;
/* Handle notifications */
* Handle all notifications. Checks the value of [aNotification name]
* against the set of notifications this class responds to and takes
* appropriate action.
- (void) handleNotification: (NSNotification*)aNotification;
/* Document management */
* Returns YES, if document is active.
- (BOOL) isActive;
* Return YES, if anObject is visible at launch time.
- (BOOL) objectIsVisibleAtLaunch: (id)anObject;
* Return YES, if anObject is deferred.
- (BOOL) objectIsDeferred: (id)anObject;
* Retrieve all objects which have parent as thier parent. If flag is YES,
* then retrieve the entire graph of objects starting with the parent.
- (NSArray *) retrieveObjectsForParent: (id)parent recursively: (BOOL)flag;
* Marks this document as the currently active document. The active document is
* the one being edited by the user.
- (void) setDocumentActive: (BOOL)flag;
* Add object to the visible at launch list.
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject isVisibleAtLaunch: (BOOL)flag;
* Add object to the defferred list.
- (void) setObject: (id)anObject isDeferred: (BOOL)flag;
* The document window.
- (NSWindow*) window;
* Returns YES, if obj is a top level object.
- (BOOL) isTopLevelObject: (id)obj;
* Forces the closing of all editors in the document.
- (void) closeAllEditors;
* Create resource manager instances for all registered classes.
- (void) createResourceManagers;
* The list of all resource managers.
- (NSArray *) resourceManagers;
* Get the resource manager which handles the content on pboard.
- (IBResourceManager *) resourceManagerForPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)pboard;
* Switch to the top level editor responsible for a given type. This allows the
* document in the view to switch to the view which is appropriate for the resource
* being dragged in.
- (void) changeToTopLevelEditorAcceptingTypes: (NSArray *)types
andFileType: (NSString *)fileType;
* Switches to the view using the specified tag.
* They are 0=objects, 1=images, 2=sounds, 3=classes, 4=file prefs.
- (void) changeToViewWithTag: (int)tag;
* returns the view using the specified tag.
* They are 0=objects, 1=images, 2=sounds, 3=classes, 4=file prefs.
- (NSView *)viewWithTag:(int)tag;
* Returns all pasteboard types registered for with the IBResourceManager.
- (NSArray *) allManagedPboardTypes;
* Open the editor for anObject, with parent object.
- (id<IBEditors>) openEditorForObject: (id)anObject
withParentObject: (id)parentObj;
/* Language translation */
* Load a given file into the reciever using `filename'.
- (void) importStringsFromFile: (NSString *)filename;
* Export the strings from receiver to the file indicated by 'filename'.
- (void) exportStringsToFile: (NSString *)filename;
/* Managing classes */
* Shared class manager
- (GormClassManager*) classManager;
* Create a subclass of the selected class
- (id) createSubclass: (id)sender;
* Instantiate the selected class
- (id) instantiateClass: (id)sender;
* Instantiate the class specified by the parameter className and
* returns the reference name within the document
- (NSString *) instantiateClassNamed: (NSString *)className;
* Generate the class files for the selected class
- (id) createClassFiles: (id)sender;
* Add attribute to class
- (id) addAttributeToClass: (id)sender;
* Remove the selected class
- (id) remove: (id)sender;
* Select class named className
- (void) selectClass: (NSString *)className;
* Select class named className and edit it if flag is YES
- (void) selectClass: (NSString *)className editClass: (BOOL)flag;
* Returns YES if a class is selected in the view
- (BOOL) classIsSelected;
* Removes all instances of class named classNamed
- (void) removeAllInstancesOfClass: (NSString *)classNamed;
/* Sound & Image support */
* Open a sound and load it into the document.
- (id) openSound: (id)sender;
* Open an image and copy it into the document.
- (id) openImage: (id)sender;
/* Connections */
- (NSMutableArray *) connections;
* Build our reverse mapping information and other initialisation
- (void) rebuildObjToNameMapping;
* Removes all connections given action or outlet with the specified label
* (paramter name) class name (parameter className).
- (BOOL) removeConnectionsWithLabel: (NSString *)name
forClassNamed: (NSString *)className
isAction: (BOOL)action;
* Remove all connections to any and all instances of className.
- (BOOL) removeConnectionsForClassNamed: (NSString *)name;
* Rename connections connected to an instance of on class to another.
- (BOOL) renameConnectionsForClassNamed: (NSString *)name
toName: (NSString *)newName;
* Refresh all connections to any and all instances of className. Checks if
* the class has the action/outlet present and deletes it, if it doesn't.
- (void) refreshConnectionsForClassNamed: (NSString *)className;
/* class loading */
* Load a class into the document.
- (id) loadClass: (id)sender;
/*** services/windows menus... ***/
* Set the services menu.
- (void) setServicesMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;
* Returns the services menu for the document.
- (NSMenu *) servicesMenu;
* Set the font menu.
- (void) setFontMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;
* Returns the font menu for the document.
- (NSMenu *) fontMenu;
* Sets the windows menu.
- (void) setWindowsMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;
* Returns the menu which will be the windows menu for the document.
- (NSMenu *) windowsMenu;
* Sets the recent documents menu.
- (void) setRecentDocumentsMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;
* Returns the menu which will be the recent documents menu for the document.
- (NSMenu *) recentDocumentsMenu;
/*** first responder/font manager ***/
* Returns stand-in object for fontManager.
- (id) fontManager;
* Returns stand-in object for firstResponder
- (id) firstResponder;
/* Layout */
* Arrages selected objects based on the either in front of or in
* back of the view stack.
- (void) arrangeSelectedObjects: (id)sender;
* Aligns selected objects on a given axis.
- (void) alignSelectedObjects: (id)sender;
* WindowAndRect:forObject: is called by Gorm to determine where it should
* draw selection markup
- (NSWindow*) windowAndRect: (NSRect*)r forObject: (id)object;
* Save the SCM directory.
- (void) setSCMWrapper: (NSFileWrapper *) wrapper;
* Save the SCM directory.
- (NSFileWrapper *) scmWrapper;
* Images
- (NSArray *) images;
* Sounds
- (NSArray *) sounds;
* Images
- (void) setImages: (NSArray *) imgs;
* Sounds
- (void) setSounds: (NSArray *) snds;
* File's Owner
- (GormFilesOwner *) filesOwner;
* File preferences.
- (GormFilePrefsManager *) filePrefsManager;
* Windows visible at launch...
- (NSSet *) visibleWindows;
* Windows deferred.
- (NSSet *) deferredWindows;
* Set the document open flag.
- (void) setDocumentOpen: (BOOL) flag;
* Return the document open flag.
- (BOOL) isDocumentOpen;
* Set the file info for this document.
- (void) setInfoData: (NSData *)data;
* return the file info.
- (NSData *) infoData;
* Set the "older archive" flag.
- (void) setOlderArchive: (BOOL)flag;
* Return YES if this is an older archive.
- (BOOL) isOlderArchive;
* Deactivate the editors for archiving..
- (void) deactivateEditors;
* Reactivate all of the editors...
- (void) reactivateEditors;
* Returns the name for the object...
- (NSString*) nameForObject: (id)anObject;
* Returns the object for name.
- (id) objectForName: (NSString*)name;
* Returns all names for all objects known to Gorm.
- (NSArray *) objects;
* Add aConnector to the set of connectors in this document.
- (void) addConnector: (id<IBConnectors>)aConnector;
* Returns a set containing the top level objects for this document.
- (NSMutableSet *) topLevelObjects;
* Returns an array of issues. If document is valid the array should be empty.
- (NSArray *) validate;
@interface GormDocument (MenuValidation)
* Returns YES if the document is editing instance/objects.
- (BOOL) isEditingObjects;
* Returns YES if the document is editing images.
- (BOOL) isEditingImages;
* Returns YES if the document is editing sounds.
- (BOOL) isEditingSounds;
* Returns YES if the document is editing classes.
- (BOOL) isEditingClasses;
@interface GormDocument (Metadata) <NSOutlineViewDataSource>